Only a little under 10 hours until it’s announced

Only a little under 10 hours until it’s announced.

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If nothing gets announced I’ll pee on my ps4 screenshot this

Ah shit, here we go again

Erdrick revealed confirming the 5Chan leak and Vergeben

kill yourself

literally was posted last night too lmao


I said I was going to do this every day until it’s announced

Don’t worry though today’s the day :)

If 6 then it’s actually happening

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thanks for the twitter meme


>Trips followed by dub sixes


holy shit

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go back reddit

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you’re funny


under 9 hours left

Last one was announced day before, are you sure?

The Direct itself is happening on the 10th. Every single one this year has been on a Wednesday, so the announcement would be today.

Remember when we said there would be a direct on a certain date in January too?

No it's not.

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see you guys next week for these threads again

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