Beats futilely on the mandibles after being grabbed

>beats futilely on the mandibles after being grabbed
>tries desperately to push her way out of their grip as the mouth opens, limbs literally shaking from the strain
>tumbles into the mouth headfirst as the mandibles release her and you get to watch the trip into the throat before it fades out

Say what you will about Subnautica and the devs, they're going all-out on giving Robin some detailed death animations. The Squidshark, Spike Trap, and Snowstalker all have kill animations too.

Attached: chelicerate.webm (1920x1080, 2.77M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>can't add weapons to fight hostile wildlife because school shooting
How cucked can developers get?

>still going on about muh pew pews
thank god the devs aren't retarded and don't listen to you faggots, conventional weaponry would destroy all tension and make every encounter trivial
you have offensive options but they're not a plasma pistol or futuristic laser AK-47

Muh school shooting was an excuse.
Muh progressive representation is an excuse.
I'm also fucking guaranteeing Epic store exclusive, because of the lack of user comments and feedback.
The dev wants to dismiss and deflect criticism with /pol/shit. It's like gamergate but localised.

I'm aware of the incredibly autistic tweet that that dev put out but it does have an in setting justification.

It's because Alterra are corporate despots and don't want colonists to have easy access to weapons to resist their tyranny.

>a dozen different ways to kill everything in the game
>faggots still cry about none of them being a gun
The state of you.

With NMS coming to PSVR, I have hope VR mode will come to PS4 too.

And yet in the end you are extremely short in actual defenses. The cyclops getting torn to shreds by bone sharks or how your only actual options for leviathans are to freeze them then knife them to death. Or blood worms being only removeable with the knife. Then it all goes out the window with the prawn suit which is essentially a berserker pack.

The bottom line is they didn't want to put in guns. I personally think its because actual combat would be a layer they didn't want to add or balance out. If you look at the game it is actually bare bones in variety: one kind of sub, one kind of sea scooter, etc.

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Too bad you have to play as a nigger. Call me when I can mod the she-boon out.

The Cyclops is immune to Bonesharks, and guns would make the game boring and trivial. This isn't Resident Evil or Call of Duty.

Imagine being this autistic.

>be on shitty planet with hostile wildlife
>no means to defend yourself except with a knife and freeze """""""gun"""""""
Lmao imagine if Borderlands had this cucked mindset where you aren't allowed to defend yourswlf from wildlife actively trying to kill you. And they don't go away even with shitty cucked non lethal shit like gaspod torpedoes.

Attached: Skags-Borderlands-video-game-a.jpg (500x396, 53K)

Borderlands has two games written by the biggest cuck in the omniverse. And the series is garbage too.

Might want to find another example bruh

Yes, child, we heard you the first thousand times you copy-pasted this exact same nonsense.

>playing shitty sjw games with hamfisted niggers in them and anti gun dev

Attached: 1545258108128.jpg (850x1200, 684K)

>with hamfisted niggers in them
So the mere fact they exist at all means they're ham-fisted in to you crybabies?

He only wrote the 2nd

this sounds like some weird vore shit when you describe it that way

The guy who voices Scooter isn't a cuck though, who originally created the idea of Borderlands before the real cuck Anthony Burch fucked everything up.

It's exactly what happens. Similar thing happens with the Squidshark, if you're above 40% health when it grabs you Robin holds onto the teeth and then kicks it in the mouth to make it let go, but if you're at 40% or below she'll hold onto the teeth and try to push with both feet but instead they slide into the throat and she gets gulped down before the fadeout.

>still impotently bitching about this over 2 years later
>calls others cucks

Niggers aren't named robin and they haven't even invented the wheel so how on Earth did they wven get into space?

Would you say the game is more about exploring or getting items/building things? The game looks nice but I just get bored easily if I have to spend most of the time getting materials.

You didn't invent the wheel either, you're just as worthless.

The first. You can do as much or as little of the latter as you like, you only need a starter base and, for suicide prevention, a late game base deep down.

My community and race hasn't ruined it's country where dirt cookies are local cuisine and the only form of work is charcoal burning which causes irreversible damage through mudslides so what's your point cuck?

Odds are his IQ is 30 or so points higher than your average nigger though.

Attached: niggle me this.jpg (1080x1055, 129K)

That's great thanks, guess I'll be playing it this weekend.

Why do cucks defend niggers so much? It baffles me how subhumans who should have died off on their own accomplishing nothing in history still cling on to modern times.

Do you autistically search the threads for reasons to fart and hoot about black people like an even more retarded ACfag/Barneyfag? Because that's really pathetic.

Because they’re virtue signaling and have never experienced the crime niggers produce because they live sheltered lives.

>game stars a nigger
>wonder why people complain about the nigger in the game

I know why your kind does it, because you have nothing better going for you in your life so you need to cry and blubber about the skin color of fictional characters in order to feel important.

Remember Sandy hook. Though I'd by this expansion because I'm all for keeping blacks from having guns.

Attached: 1554143369097.gif (220x233, 273K)

Oh great, another shill thread

fuck off subnautica devs

>and don't want colonists to have easy access to weapons to resist their tyranny.
>refuse to put guns in your game because you want real life guns to be banned but put the ingame reason for no guns as an evil authoritarian measure to prevent people from rebelling against the tyrants.


kys nigger lover

Attached: 1523145840661.gif (422x309, 447K)

>user says something I disagree with
>user must be a loser, there’s no other possible explanation
Sure user. If that’s what helps you maintain your undeserved sense of superiority.

Don't you have a tranny discord to threaten suicide in?

>can't go in the water because of the Shadow Leviathan, Chelicerate, and Ice Dragon
>can't walk on the ice because of the Ice Worm and Snowstalker
>and now we're going to have this bastard swooping down on us from the sky
I'm never setting foot outside the base. Fuck the arctic biome.

Attached: KiteWing.jpg (1400x1172, 123K)

>If that’s what helps you maintain your undeserved sense of superiority
The projecting is strong with this one.

I know I’m a worthless nobody. But at least I’m not a stupid nigger.

and yet all you retards still replied. not him

One of them is worth five of you.

At rape, theft and murder, yes.

So, are you only here to shit yourself stupid and be protected by anonymity, or do you have anything more important and productive to do? The rest of us want to discuss the game.

Oh, now I see! They made their first PC a mutt and their second PC a nigger so you wouldn't feel invested in them risking their lives. That's pretty clever!

Attached: lion thumbs up.gif (355x225, 1.5M)

I donno I’m enjoying mocking you and niggers. Your need to virtue signal on an anonymous image board is pretty amusing.

It is cute how hard and easily Subnautica triggers /pol/ simply because the main characters aren't white. Also really really sad.

Yeah those /pol/ incels need to have sex.

As soon as Sakurai stops shilling Smash Bros.

Dios mio....

Kek, based.

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>beats futilely on the mandibles
this is comedic more than anything, like the monster is just gonna say "lol just kidding" and let you go.

Dios Mio...La luz se extingue en el fondo del océano.

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It's instinct to fight back against a threat, even if it doesn't work.

I think it was just a bad joke that got meme'd too hard.

Now that the game isn't new the joke is forced and lamer than before.

no u

The Propulsion and Repulsion Cannon are both much more brutal ways to kill something than just shoting it with a bullet lmao

Maybe she’d survive if she had a gun.

Shut the fuck up, spic

The problem is that the game already has no tension.

All the big scary monsters give up after about 4 seconds of running. Once I realized this I would just throw my Cyclops to flack and speed past everything without any real threat. This was true in the open ocean and in the caves.

Giving us weak weapons to attempt to fight back would be more tense than the game currently is. You would be forced to play smart and seek out weak points to damage and kill these big beasts.

Making the beasts always chase you with no way to fight back would also be bad since its just game over if you get spotted.

Somehow I doubt a gun would bother a creature covered with bony armor.

El atrocidad de abominacion...

Go be a mutt somewhere else, faggot

Why all leviathans are snake-like?

What happened with giant crabs, octopuses and the likes?

La creatura....

Also to me it just seems kinda like a fucking huge waste of space to bring weapons on a colonization/mining ship to begin with. In my head I get the mental image of an astronaut bringing a glock on the shuttle for safekeeping like wtf are you thinking.

Fuck off its always with the same shill posts following the same format
>oh boy Googly Eyed Low Poly Monster (TM) is so scary guess i cant go in Area (TM)
>oh shit but Play Doh Cunt (TM) is in Other Area (TM) so i guess i can't go there either
>Also guys don't forget that New Rubbery Nuisance Monster (TM) is coming in future update who will be guarding Area (TM) as well pls buy my game

Soviets gave their cosmonauts guns for reentry, in case they needed to survive on their own in the wilderness for a few days
also you're goddamn straight interstellar astronauts in a future with life on other planets would have guns, for the same reason the soviets gave their guys guns. Survival

Attached: tp 82 cosmonaut survival pistol.jpg (3872x2592, 872K)

>Giving us weak weapons to attempt to fight back would be more tense than the game currently is. You would be forced to play smart and seek out weak points to damage and kill these big beasts.
That sounds a lot like what Sekiro went for and look what western tranny journalists thought of that...

And fuck them.

>The TP-82 (Russian: TП-82) was a triple-barrelled Soviet pistol that was carried by cosmonauts on space missions.

It was intended as a survival aid to be used after landings and before recovery in the Siberian wilderness. The TP-82 was the result of cosmonaut Alexei Leonov's concerns after being stranded in the Siberian wilderness when his Voskhod capsule malfunctioned. He feared that the 9-millimetre pistol that was provided in the survival kit would be ineffective against the Siberian wildlife, namely bears and wolves.[1]

I doubt the cuck subnautica devs share your sentiment.

>written by the biggest cuck
and yet it still has guns.

And its why the games will always be subpar at best.

i wish there were 'weapons' in this game because i want to shoot monsters with a tranq guns or the statis rifle and then tow them in a sedated state back to my base with a vehicle so i can properly scan them with fancy equipment and reverse engineer stuff from samples of their blood, shells/exoskeletons, and so forth. maybe extract some sort of chemicals from their body than i can load onto my vehicle and then spray into the water so the monsters think i'm no threat and i can observe them doing other stuff. the discovery and science stuff in this game is a missed opportunity especially in the first game when you go through the alien labs and see they too were studying all the wildlife.

>the game would be trivialized if they add guns
But they DID add a gun that trivialized the game.

Attached: Stasis_Rifle.png (128x128, 15K)

Lol at neanderthal faggots mad 1 game out of the millions of games with guns doesn't have guns in it forcing you to solve problems without pew pew

Is there an efficient way to kill Ampeels? They're immune to knife. Trying to punch them with the Prawn results in them shocking you a lot of the time. I managed to get some success by using a double grapple Prawn suit to go at 80mph and ramming them, but they still hurt you if you do that.

Adding guns would make the game boring and yet the stasis rifle entirely removing the concept of combat from the game does not?

Attached: 1528587736197.jpg (400x400, 27K)

>then tow them in a sedated state back to my base with a vehicle so i can properly fuck them

Attached: cosby.gif (500x366, 496K)

I think you're vastly underestimating the penetrative force of large caliber firearms.

t. Unknown Worlds Entertainment employee.

Its not that it doesn't have guns, its the dev's reasoning behind it not having guns.

What if I told you I could lodge a marble INSIDE your femur with a goddamn slingshot?

>someone talks positively about something I hate, I must scream "shill" and all my problems will magically go away
Do you become this retarded over every upcoming game Yea Forums mentions?

I know a lot of engineers who get a bit salty if upper corporate waves their dicks around and starts making blatantly bad decisions that interfere with construction.
Normally you just go on strike or quit your job. But if you're a military engineer or on a 6month contract on a spaceship, you presumably can't do that.
And if you can't vote with your wallet, you must vote with your bullet.

Of course this was assuming the cosmonauts would survive reentry in the first place. Soviet engineering.and safety standards are quite, what's the word, lacking.

Then don't set the game in a situation where it is logical for the character to have a gun.

yep, and he replies to me the same exact way every time
>everything i don't like is shills
god you are so bad at shilling. at least try to not be obvious.

Wasn't there only like, one death in space on the soviet's part?

It's 44 meters long and its armor evolved to withstand crushing water pressure and the jaws of its own kind and other monsters, unless you have an underwater railgun in your back pocket you're not even scratching it.

>Also to me it just seems kinda like a fucking huge waste of space to bring weapons
Isn't this in a setting with 3D printing machines that shit out what ever you need for just the cost of base materials. You're already hauling the materials needed for your guns/ammunition, just repurposed some equipment for it.

Attached: use this to make guns.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)


Attached: 1533862105705.png (245x305, 24K)

The word means nothing because you throw it at everything you hate, just like how cuck and casual and autist are now catch-all insults with no meaning and no impact. You were likely crying "Nomura please go away I hate you and your games!" when Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV were being discussed before their releases.

yeah nah. A larger caliber pistol could easily penetrate its shell if its a carbon based lifeform.
Now killing it? Maybe with the right shot placement

Got a gif?

Three deaths, the Soyuz 11. But a lot of deaths during launch and reentry.

>unless you have an underwater railgun
ok why not? The setting has technology capable of interstellar travel, they can probably manage man portable weapons capable of putting holes through that.


>damage controlling this hard
at this point you've accused of so much shit i didn't do that is completely unrelated to the topic at hand that i legitimately fear for your mental health. why are you constructing an entire imaginary persona of me to act as your enemy? just because i called you out for shilling? thats not healthy dude.

I watched NL play this game and it was super boring.

Is it shilled by woke boys because they got the composer fired for tweets?

>if you don't admit my accusations are right then you're doing damage control and I win!

no, its shilled by the devs themselves. the threads always go the exact same way at first and contain posts of the exact same format.

>don't want colonists to have easy access to weapons to resist their tyranny
>They are capable of interstellar flight and could literally obliterate the planet from space.
>scared of a few peasants with guns.

post more vore webms

I have to wonder.
You've got a Construction beam that can fabricate rooms in seconds, and can deconstruct them too if they're empty.
If you could root / jailbreak it to work on things other than empty rooms, then you've just given your colonists a DISINTEGRATION RAY.
It has a range issue, true. But that's still a decent weapon.
It does have a range issue. But:
If you've made a device that can lathe magnetite and lithium you've made a device that can mass produce THERMITE. Putting it in a tube with some fins on it.
Guns my ass, you've given your colonists the tools they need to make disintegration rockets.

>pretending 95% of my post doesn't exist because the truth isn't compatible with your mental illness
get help. you missed the point of my post. i didn't say you were damage controlling because you won't admit that I'm right. you are obviously damage controlling really hard because of the completely imaginary character you have constructed to misrepresent me

>Reddit spacing

Sounds like every thread for every game, guess that means Nintendo, Sega, Wayforward, Scott Cawthon, and PETA are all here shilling their games.

Shhh. Don't think about it. Some kids got shot and every one's feelings were so hurt literally everyone decided guns were bad and pinkie promised never to use them again.

Attached: squidshark.webm (1707x960, 2.9M)

Looks like shit

dude just give up your damage controlling isn't working. your post doesn't even make any sense.

She didnt die though?

Says the one shitting himself into a rage because people are talking about a game he hates.

Best video I could find of it, which was back before it had the fade out.

I know the devs are fucking autistic but the lack of weapons feels like a choice from gameplay first that they chose to virtue signal about later.

If you could just shoot all the monsters the game would not be scary whatsoever. The only way you could make guns work is to make leviathans essentially invulnerable behemoths with 10 billion HP who wouldnt run away when shot, and that would kill my suspension of disbelief and make guns worthless anyways.


>oops he's not rolling over for me, better break out the memes, those will defeat any foe!
Keep going, you're very amusing.

>hey guys we need a few more scary monster designs
>oh i got an idea
>get this
>of teeth
>in a ring shape!!
>yeah teeth are scary good thinking
>yeah i agree with xer
>ok how about another monster
>OO OO I got a great idea!
>how about it has lots of teeth
>in a ring shape
>and and get this
>and a red eye
>YAAAAAASSSSS THIS *clap* IS *clap* THE *clap* KIND *clap* OF *clap* CREATIVITY *clap* I *clap* NEED *clap* THE *clap* REST *clap* OF *clap* YOU *clap* TO *clap* HAVE *clap*
>in fact i like your idea so much i'll open your bottle of onions for you so that you don't hurt your wrist
>don't worry i already had my onions so its ok if i hurt my wrist for now because i don't need to open another one
>ok meeting adjourned for dilation hour.

Imagine being fucking 1% that manage to survive a reentry mishap and die to a fucking bear because you didn't just pack a gun and can't tell your tale

Attached: heh.jpg (200x200, 13K)

Not him. Just pointing out that you seem incredibly invested in this shill thread, almost as if you were S E E T H I N G

hows the sound design? is it even half as good as it was before they fired their sound designer for wrongthink?

I'm gonna make Obraxis Prime look like a fuckin JOKE to highlight the dangers of widespread fabricator technology. Some of you guys are all right. Don't go to Hub 23T tomorrow.

How, exactly, am I "so invested"? Because I'm not throwing a shitfit about transgenders and non-whites and the second amendment?

Why can't there be some type of weaponry where you can wound an enemy instead of outright killing them? An explosive harpoon in a Leviathans face taking a good chunk out and a few eyes is good enough making it fuck off for good and go starve to death in the wild now blinded and hemorrhaging profusely would be a great idea because you can make thermite in the magic 3d printer.

It looks like it's even more bullshit than the crabsnakes.
Crabsnakes pissed me right off because they interrupt your gameplay to show you a cutscene. You can't swing your knife at them, stasis them, dump a chunk of titanium down their throat, or try to break their hold early by flailing on the keys.
I get what they're going for, making them scary and threatening, by adding a fucking 2 second cutscene to them that can harm the player's patience in addition to harming the character's HP. But while that is scary and threatening, it's also bullshit.
And it also plays if you're swimming up behind them to stab them in the back of the neck, because for whatever reason you can't just stab their fucking belly/back, you have to get right up next to their head to slash them, and that has predictable results if they try to turn.

There are TONS of ways you can make something threatening in gameplay without giving it the ability to stop gameplay entirely and bombard you with cutscenes.
Maybe instead of showing you a cutscene, it'd thrash your view around erratically as it shakes you, making it so stabbing it is a challenge, and leaving you disoriented as to where you are and what direction you're facing as a second crabsnake shouts that it has seen you.
Game is fucking full of them. Entering your base through a hatch, though if you place an object down at the right location you can skip this animation entirely. Getting in and out of the various vehicles. The first time you pick up a tablet, which as a very good chance of being in a spot where you'd like to scan some fauna to add to your pokedex but can't because OOGA BOOGA ME LOOK AT RECTANGLE.
It isn't immersive at all. In real life, if I wanted to interrupt an animation I can do that. If I wanted to make an animation go faster at possible risk to my safety I can. Not in games though.

Attached: crabsnake.jpg (500x500, 63K)

>How, exactly, am I "so invested"?
Because you keep replying obsessively to any one mocking you or the shit game you're shilling.

Or, you're just a crying faggot who has a tantrum whenever someone talks about what you hate, doesn't agree with you, and continues to trigger you. You're the one who came in here despite your seething dislike of the game, stop being upset that we're not a hivemind centered around you.

Hi ACfag.


What's an ACfag? ... Whatever it is, I guess it hates crabsnakes. Fuck crabsnakes and fuck cutscenes.

ACfag often goes into rants about cutscenes, as well as anything Metroid or Zelda-related.

Of all the things to bitch about in Zelda or Metroid he picks the cutscenes? Not the difficulty "Curve" which is as curvy as Flandere Scarlet's tits. Not how the gameplay only tests one thing at a time rather than seeing if the player understands how to combine 2 or 3 different gameplay mechanics together. Not the gimmicks. Not the blatant advertisement and fanboyism. But the cutscenes?
Well I suppose those games do have cutscenes. But why not criticise the other stuff too?

Subnautica's gameplay systems work together. You need to gather crafting materials, dodge predators, manage your oxygen / food / battery levels, and ensure you have enough supplies for long journeys (and stay within 5 kilometers of the nearest lifepod or habitat).
True, none of these mechanics by themselves are really all that good, but they do work well together.
And Subnautica actually has a pretty decent curve. It doesn't test reaction time, but it does test your ability to plan for long journeys and make sure you've got enough resources.
Subnautica isn't shilled to all fuck and back.

My only real problem with Subnautica is how much bloody time you spend NOT playing the game. You're waiting for your drill to slowly get through a rock. You're either waiting for the Cyclops' slow ass to lumber into place or you're running back to base with yet another full inventory in the Prawn suit. You're watching a circle fill up while pointing a laser pointer at a door.
In this, I'd say Metroid/Zelda have the advantage because those games usually don't force you to sit on your ass and wait for something.
Usually. I can think of plenty of times in Metroid Prime, for example, when you're sitting on your ass waiting for the effects of a switch to kick in or waiting for the fucking level to load though.

> armor evolved to withstand crushing water pressure
That's not how water pressure works. If there is no gas to compress, the effect on creatures is negligible. Sperm whales can go over 1000 meters down, and they have a massive set of lungs full of air making the effects of the pressure worse. Incidentally, they also have nothing resembling armor.

If only there existed some kind of tool or weapon that was effective in a survival scenario that wasn't suited to being used for terrorism or assault, that could save your life from aggressive predators and serve as a hunting tool in an oceanic/aquatic survival situation.

Perhaps one day they'll develop such a thing and lone colonists and castaways won't have to rely on developing massive weaponized power-armor scuba suits to protect themselves.

One day.

Attached: mythical feat of engineering.jpg (1066x1500, 72K)

Attached: Subnautica-BelowZero.png (1200x845, 1.73M)




Bro quick take this

Attached: q3box.jpg (220x271, 21K)

Autism and incelism

take notes shill
ok nevermind apparently the shill can't recognize good ideas when he sees them

Is it possible to make autism into a bossfight?
How would you do it? Do you make an arena where power poles (or whatever) need to be arranged in straight lines and right angles, or else lightning gets loose and zaps you, and there's a gremlin (or whatever) who keeps running around moving poles out of place?
Or did you mean more self-diagnosed """autism"""" wherein it's more like Amnesia: The Dark Descent except monsters are just normal human beings that want to say hi to you but who don't really understand what a "waifu" is and haven't heard of a "fate grand order"?
Incelism is easy enough to make a bossfight. It's a woman who keeps running away to the other side of a long corridor and every time she runs to the other side of the corridor, she summons more hazards (spikes, lasers or whatever) to block your way.

based, had sex

Autism as a bossfight would be a mass of featureless human heads, limbs and other body parts that constantly talk positively about things you dislike, which causes you damage.

And they're like asteroids monsters where hitting one causes four more to spawn, which are just as damaging but more manoeverable, so you have to focus-fire your targets to avoid getting overwhelmed?
Might work. I suppose that's how it feels sometimes when your taste is Not Total Shit and you've mistakenly (or deliberately?) walked into a place where everyone else's tastes are Objectively Total Shit