Pitch them your million dollar video game idea
Pitch them your million dollar video game idea
The exact same video game consumers have bought and played for years... but with hats and weapon skins you can purchase with real currency.
Its like Destiny but with a competent developer.
Halo 2
A all-lesbian tennis game with tank controls
It's a game, except you don't play it.
you fingerbang old blonde ladies
Take BOTW, make Link a Trap, add Dungeons, Music, Items, Enemy Variety & a Coherent Story
Alright fags here's what's what
We make a bunch of low-poly models, get that PS1 aesthetic people are nostalgic for, but make it still clean and "indie" enough so that zoomers are still attracted to it
Now whenever we need new models it'll only take a few days to whip up some new ones or change the old ones
>But user you didn't pitch a game
The game I'm pitching is all of them, all the popular games, we just remake them in our own unique and recognizable style. We let the big boys come in and establish a formula, then we make that formula better and fix what they got wrong so our game's better.
We do this every time a new big game comes out that people love. We milk our games for as long as possible, pumping out cosmetics left and right. We'll be able to port our game to any console or phone or computer, make it so your grandma's toaster can fucking play our games. The more people playing our games, the more people buy our shit.
Everyone likes to appeal to the lowest common denominator person, but nobody makes their games for the lowest common denominator computer. That's what we do. Make a snazzy looking knockoff of popular games, make them better, make them run on a fucking potato, and bleed them dry with cosmetics.
>"I am here for an investment of $x for y% of my videogame company."
By this point they have all decided they are out. Mark Cuban will go out immediately without explanation, Kevin O'Leary will give you shit, everyone else will give you a bullshit reason why they don't want to invest, give you some emotional support because of the big bully Mister Wonderful, then you'll be on your way.
Angry Goy 3 VR.
Generic fps but you call anyone who doesn't buy it a nazi
But is it proprietary?
>it's known that game companies shill here
>it's known that vidya industry workers post/lurk here
>giving them your ideas for free
Lufia 2's Ancient Cave as a standalone game with more content
who gives a fuck user
99% of your ideas are shit and most people would just make a cookie cutter generic game anyways
>he actually thinks this thread will actually have good ideas
A platformer where you are climbing a tower and as you get higher and closer to the top, gravity gets weaker. Eventually the air is unbreathable, then even further gravity is basically non existent.
is this an edited pic to make all their legs look small
Violin Hero
Three words, man: Open-world. Zombies. Crafting.
I'll be selling a 2% cut for 17 million.
A fighting game where the two combatants share meter
Baba is You
u mad?
As fucking horrendous as that idea sounds, I'm very intrigued at what sort of meta might develop around a game like that.
A Trading "Coin" Game. You collect coins that have different faces on either side and play a dueling game of some kind with them. Coins can be flipped during combat to activate their opposite sides.
Game where if you die once the game uninstalls on your computer or console and you can’t play it ever again
Yeah like we are in a position to make those games anyway. Might as well see them actually be shown in light instead of dying in our imaginations
Grow Home
Dragonball Royale
I'll take payment in V-Bucks please.
Oy vey I like this idea.
The good game 2000
Hmmmm I wonder who’s behind this post . . .
>I'll be selling a 2% cut for 17 million.
Tell me why your company is worth 850 million dollars
You didn't invent anything yourself you bald leaf fuckstick
Doesn't matter who invented it. As long as you own the patent, collect royalties, and sue anyone else who uses your idea.
>Whats the sales opening weekend on your first game
>Dev: W-well we sold 30 million copies in the US alone and-
>I'm out, if you cant give me Call of Duty numbers, I cant risk it.
>B-but we're an indie team
>I'll give you 2 million for 50% stake of your company
>My father was a lowly russian immigrant who programmed stalker mods on his ti-80 calculator, and your story touched me.
>mfw this is why I'm checking out Yea Forums every now and then
anonymous peer pressure
this what makes the solid stuff
Did you miss the crafting part?
Hi, sharks.
>visibly sweating
So do when it comes to video games, you've probably heard about popular multiplayer games like Fortnite and Minecraft
>sweat increasing
well, my game is kind of similar
>sweat raining down
It takes the fun of asymmetric multiplayer, and combines it with real world survival skills
>Mark Cuban raises one eyebrow
so basically
>Kevin: "I'm Out."
one player is armed to the teeth
>Sweat pooling on the floor
and the rest are lolis
>Mark Cuban unzips pants
And we call it
>sweat coalescing into another being
Sandy Hook Survival
Battlefield Vietnam, no current year bullshit, simultaneous battle kinda like warthuder(land,sea and air), release it on the 4th of july and pitch it as a remembrance of americas history
it's like skyrim but with minecraft and gta
Hello, Sharks.
a game that pays homage to old kung fu movies with arkham type combat
A game with [pauses for dramatic effect] ACTUAL QUALITY GAMEPLAY, something unseen since the early 90s.
>nobody cares because kids don't play games for the gameplay any more
Fuck modern gaming.
Dragons Den > Shark Tank
A female protagonist.
Tetris... but with guns.
>tfw he tried to be Canadian Trump and failed miserably because everyone knew what he was trying to pull
I like to imagine Halo 3 Foundry but the map changes its building layout, cover, and weapon spawns every round from a pool of 100+ different maps so it's always fresh
What show is this? I don't watch TV
I'm out.
Star Fox Ace Combat
its not about good ideas the game will be made with a shitty idea in mind and still make some money exploiting kids
It's MWO but polished and consistent in design with actual balancing.
Mech designs can take inspiration from anything and might even be community voted designs instead of being to Battletech. Better map designs, better and more customization options all on a better FPS and graphical fidelity....
But how is that similar to this "fortnight" game I hear so much about. Would this also have Thanos?
A game that's free to play but really boring to play. Boring, unless you have PREMIUM mode active. You can't buy premiuim, but you can gamble an infinite amount of times (real money) for a 4% chance to win 1 month's worth.
Premuim mode constantly reminds you of all the fun you are having with lots of instant gratification popups, non-premium mode constantly reminds you how much better the game would be with premium with notifications about how your progress is artificially crippled.
A hero shooter with realistic designs, fast gameplay and an anti gravity feature.
Billion dollar IP right there
Phantom of the opera 2004 film.
Gerard Butler as the Phantom and MC.
Big eyed beauty Christine Daae as main girl.
Other girls for more routes (like Carlotta for sub/dom) and Madam Giry as manager/mistress.
Mechanics for talent grow, for MC allow greater charm and progress events, for other characters benefit the opera payout.
Manage the opera from the shadows to prosper and force the antagonist owners and Vizcount to pay.
Make the main girl a slut for everyone or only you.
Hypno kidnapping corruption and rape, lots of wardrobe and clothes, resource management, its all there for a good game.
A fighting game that jerks off 3rd strike as hard as possible. Every character is as good as 3s Chun/Yun
An online first person shooter battle royale with uninteresting characters and microtransactions.
this, but the pilots are cute anime girls in tight bodysuits
preferably brown tomboys
>preferably brown tomboys
hmm interdasting...
It's a post apocalyptic, zombie filled, open world, loot based, MMO, first person shooter with crafting mechanics and it's in early access. Oh and it's also on kickstarter with stretch goals for building mechanics, weather simulation, VN spinoff, a movie, and a free t shirt with every $1000 pledge. Please remember to comment, like, subscribe, ring the bell, watch me on twitch, and join my discord. I know I'm the only one working on it right now but I have full confidence I'll be able to reach all my deadlines and manage my money well. That's all sharks.
it really makes you think, huh?
Remember impossible creatures?
It was insanely fun to make creatures, but the rts part was meh.
I want to take the creature system of impossible creatures and make a MOBA out of it. Instead of champions, players unlock new creatures so they can make more combinations.
>no Meta because too many possible combinations
>skills depend on what body parts you take from each creature, like in the original game
>stylized but pretty graphics, stylized so it's easier to blend creatures
>free to play with mtx to get more creatures faster (similar to LoL)
>releasing 1 new creature changes the entire game because it creatures hundreds of new possible combinations, whereas in other mobas, one new champion is just one new champion
>tiers for creatures mean you can be very strategic with your combinations
>a gorillawhale will have a lot of HP but be very slow
>a rat hornet will be fast and do high dmg but low hp
>players can see each others creatures during loading screen or during picks in ranked games
>instead of an ulti skill, players can insert a third creature into the mix that other players can't see before
>this means even less of a meta can arise
>no need to do intricate balance because hundreds of combinations and no meta
Alternatively or additionally, the game could feature a battle royale mode either in rts or third person view. Players would start as a mouse or a creature of their choice and instead of weapons they would have to find other creatures or body parts to merge with.
Both game types could also feature items tho. Maybe a huge gun would require big arms to use, so you'd need a gorilla, and so on.
I think there's a lot of potential.
I have a studio, hardware and software. Engine could be unity or unreal. I could invest maybe 500k of my own money, but I think I need at least 2-3 million and 2-3 years to start off, because the game will fail unless its really well done and polished.
It is like if star wars galaxies, eve, and wakfu had a sandbox mmo baby.
Also because of the setting, if we do a battle royale mode we can go away from the typical maps full of buildings and a gameplay revolving around camping, because the creatures would generally be more melee oriented.
In either mode, leveling up would make the creatures more powerful, which would also happen visually. They would grow in size and look more mean/rugged.
That way players also have visual indicators on how strong their enemy is, and it would provide a good way to introduce skins into the game to make even more money of mtx.
It would also be fun for the players to see their lvl 1 chimpoodle grow from a cute animal to a menacing beast.
Most popular creature combinations of a season or esport event could be sold as plushy toys or figurines btw.
A back-to-basics multiplayer shooter game with an extensive selection of weapon types and variations. Armor system. Small "open" worlds with hubs. Boats, land vehicles, air vehicles. Emphasis on mobility and would have things like jump pads, speed boosts, dashes, air strafes, dodges, teleports, grappling hooks. Also power ups for temp invisibility, invulnerability, extra damage, extra health, infinite ammo, etc. No RPG shit, no leveling up stats or skills. No xp. Your abilities come through powerups and your skills are how good you are at managing ammo, and mastering the mechanics. There will be a lot going on as it is without spreadsheet bullshit. Also different gametypes. Duels, ctf, racing, competitive target shooting, free for all, koth, CP, cart push, battle royal (no crafting), melee only, TDM. You can go at it alone, with a group, in a clan.
It would also be a perpetual game. It would be designed to be modular so that devs can hot-swap environments, gameplay mechanics, game modes, etc. So there wouldn't be a "My Game 2" it would always just be "My Game". But the game would be improved and updated as time passed. The game would look completely different in 10 years than it would on release, but that's because it would evolve with the market.
Unfortunately a perpetual game needs perpetual funding so it would have to have a shitty pricing model. Probably cosmetic-only loot boxes or something. Maybe pay per update but as long as one of your friends has it, you can both /all play the update.
Top down action RPG ala ALBW. You and your friends are stuck in a movie theater that has something horribly wrong with it. Each screen is playing a horror movie, and by entering that movie's screen you are taken to a unique world. Sci fi horror, slasher, old cheesy B monster movies - you name it. Your job is to make it through and rescue your friend, so you can all leave the theater alive. Each friend, once rescued, has an innate ability and you can change between them in the lobby before heading out.
A class based shooter but instead of predefined classes or rolls you're given two or so points and a bunch of categories such as Builder, Healer, Damage, Area denial, Area of Effect, Buff, Debuff ... that sort of thing. So like putting one point in Debuff and another in Area Denial would give you a character with average health and below average killing power, but they could create wards with effects like "slow" or "increased damage" for those standing in them.
Pretty ill thought out and accomplished in some respects like TF2 with different loadouts and Overwatch with heroes who have different takes on the same thing, but I always thought a more straight forward pick what you want design would be interesting.
a suck your own dick simulator