Is it actually dying?

Is it actually dying?
I'm honestly worried since I have 500 games on steam...

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pushed to irrelevancy like discord but your games will be fine.

Dying? Of course not.

Losing out on a few games for a while? Yeah.


new UI update is coming. the store will be overhauled with better filtering. so no, it will get better soon

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i have 300 games on steam , and as a steam fag and pirate fag dont see the problem game on steam will buy , game thats not on steam will pirate in fact this whole situation is better for my wallet , each year hundreds of games release and because i dont have time or money i buy a handfull each year now with the whole epic fiasco , will be better for my economy spending less on games but still playing them some for free some others by paying, everybody wins ... well maybe not the devs but wgaf

But its not getting any games..

I hope you're at least getting paid for this.

if you leave Yea Forums for a week you will see somehow it suddenly stops dying

Yes it will die completely and all your games will be deleted
fucking dumbass

I can't wait for this update. My grandchildren's grandchildren are going to love it.

this. better move your ass to EPIC GAMES STORE before it's too late, OP.

>But its not getting any games..
you mean western game that idogaf call to rage when a japanese dev moves to the chink store , oh by the way that is never going to happen because the japs hate chinks so let /v keep raging abut some western trash will keep gaming on steam with my "weeb" vidya

There's something wrong with you.

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Upvoted friend!

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Yeah bro trust me, I have a verified Twitter account :)

>Tencent can't take user data because they'd need 51% stock for that

what the fuck

buying out exclusive's is not competition is straight up monopolistic tactics. but i hope posting this image added to your credit store.

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It's depressing how bad the left memes these days. 2.jpg/

user is retarded, news at 11

>But its not getting any games

Just the two contenders for GOTY. Possibly, RDR2 will come to Steam this year, too.

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Why do people always say this? Of course it's competition. Epic is competing with Steam as a storefront by having more appealing inventory.

there's a difference between competing with a better service and a better product and buying out publishers to host on your platforms. one literally leads to a monopoly.

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The fuck is even inventory? Catalog? You don't even look like a PCgamer.

Competition are the two offering the same product with undercuts in price to entice a customer to purchase on their market, or provide benefits for doing so. What isn't competition is one store stating you can only buy a product from them only.
This is also completely overlooking the fact that the epic Games launcher is a piece of spying bullshit. Don't even call me a tinfoil hat wearer, why the fuck does it need to look through my files? Inb4 anyone mentions steam doing it, steam doesn't make it okay. And epic Games being a Chinese company means they're under the Chinese government's obligations to hand them any and all info they have. Steams botnet is for their own marketing statistic. Epics is for spying on you.

you can't compete with Steam unless you have exclusives and port people's existing libraries. even if EGS was better than Steam in every way possible there would be no reason to switch since your entire library is already on steam.

this is the 4th time I've seen this (you) post this today.

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no, but gog will.

Dont ever actually believe Yea Forums you fool, this board is mostly for shitposting

Gaben abandoned ship a long time ago.

press S to spit
epic gives better deals to the devs, gayben is just greedy

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I suggest you download them then find a way to write an installer for each game. or maybe the community could band together and write installers for each steam game.
What's happening to steam is fucking scary and I won't be surprised if something really bad happens to steam sometime this year (sold off, shut down)

I love steam. But you are pulling shit out of your ass. Nothing has been confirmed about RDR2 on the PC at ALL, much less this year.

t. epic shill

Reddit tier b8

>poop in soup
>genital jousting
>hentai puzzle
>hentai puzzle
>hentai puzzle
>boobsem up
>trump simulator
>shitty russian vn
>hentai puzzle
>hentai puzzle
>hentai puzzle
>zombie shooter
>furry vn
>gay dads
>hentai puzzle
>hentai puzzle
>hentai puzzle

>because its popular

T-thanks user.

>Publisher cut is more important than consumer first

You can. You make a better product rather than something worse than steam 10 years ago with less features.

>EGS shills will defend this

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