
He's not super faggy, like super super gay ass faggy - like Sargon is he? I know he has a wife, but these YT attention ecelewhores trigger me. He's not gay, is he? Sargon is!

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>Hey guys! Jeremy here from the QUARTERING! Are you sick of politics in gaming? Well good news! This video is all about politics!

Attached: estrogenic soyzure.webm (400x400, 1.48M)

Hes one of sargoys butt buddies

He's a faggot and so are you OP

>fuck bethesda
>fuck SJW
>fuck Epic

Is that he?

He's a fag

Props to quartering for getting like hundreds of thousands of subcscribers and all, but how did he manage it?
Every video he has made is just dull and lacks personality. He also keeps his voice expressionless and doesn't know how to make jokes or pay attention to what he even says.

This is like some Mossad remote viewing shit because everytime I see this shared in goybook its always some kike scratch name and all the comments are just weird. Not to mention how unsettling it is for a grown man to make this weird shit.

Ride whatever buzzword bullshit is going around in MSM

I don't remember Sargin getting beat up by a tranny

sjw baiting

Jeremy and Sargon have both sucked my dick. I'm black btw.

>the birthday stream where jim destroyed this cuck
It was really uncomfortable to listen to

A lot of us from r/The_Donald happily shill for him for free :)

How fat is he? How rich is he?

Is he a millionaire?

>A based and redpilled Trumpkino fellow like Jeremy got BTFO by a liberal cuck like metokur
Fake News

>trannies still seething this guy got 500k subs

Attached: 1549806660182.png (402x318, 11K)

I'm OP and DESU I like T.Quarter. but J gives me Sargon vibes, and SG is gay AF. So I hope T.Q. figures that out. Didn't know this would provoke such a reacsch

I spend around 1 thousand a month to promote my videos and it gives me like 10k viewers per video and now a few have gotten over 100k. Dunno but it workss.

Watching and enjoying the quartering is a surefire tell that someone is a maga brainlet mirror image of the whiny transcucks on the left.
Arch Warhammer too.

Talentless low energy hacks with huge egos that ride counter-counter-culture opinion.

>A lot of us from r/The_Donald happily shill for him for free :)
Now That's What I Call Trumpkino
Good job fellow MAGApede!

its all that really matters

I wish YouTube's site allowed user-specific filtering so I don't see this mother fucker or metaljesusruinsthesecondarymarket ever again

Stop making these threads, resetera tranny.

Why is it that only discord trannies give a shit about this retard?

He unironically triggers them. That's why I assume they spend hours every day making false-flag threads over this guy here and on reddit too. The guy is boring even if he has some merits in the topics he talks about but the trannies are pretty much left bewildered at the amount of influence the guy has and his insider contacts and people giving him tons of views and subscribers so he can make money off his shitty videos.