What happened to the days of arguing over voice chat? This kind of stuff used to be an essential part of the online gaming experience.
What happened to the days of arguing over voice chat...
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Party chat came along and the players grew up, younger gamers with an argumentative streak moved on to LoL because it's le epic to be toxic xDD
beta cucks took over the industry now its a bannable offense.
It happens on CS:GO a lot still so yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
People grew up.
Younger players are too scared of getting memed to hell and back.
kys nigger
>not posting gayboy
I remember a few years ago I logged back into TF2, and nobody talked at all, nobody wrote in the chat, nobody made any jokes, whenever they did talk on voice they sounded really underage
younger gamers are lobotomised and socially stunted by too much spongebob and teletubbies and dont know how to shittalk
this bodes poorly for the future
What's the point of prestigeing outside of looking like to have no life, and having a cool little symbol by your name?
Back on Black Ops 2 my friends kept telling me to prestige, but I told them that I worked for all of my weapons and gear and don't want to work to earn them all again, just for a little badge. They were always pissed at me for it.
journalists and feminists complained about it too much so now you can get banned pretty easily and quickly.
I think in uncharted 3 you got some neat aesthetic stuff for ‘prestiging’. Pretty sure that’s how most games handle it nowadays.
party chat killed trash talk halo 3 cod4 and gears of war lobbies were lions dens if you got roasted and diddnt come back with some heat the whole lobby turned against you
You get a lot of shit-talk on Oz servers for TF2
Based, prestige is for gigantic fucking losers who want to grind 300 hours to have a little icon that they then stop using when the next game comes out
Does someone have that one fucking tumblr post of some fag telling the story how he made 2 kids stop doing fun shit like that by asking them nicely or some shit and that made them act nice to each other and then saying to be nice to each other in online games.
People in the room are talking in voice chat, just never in the game or to you, but in discord among themselves.
It's near pointless to talk to people on consoles, they all sound with garbage mics and are usually underage.
Aus server on rs2 are great as well? particularly when yanks get upset by banter
>changed my gamer tag in tf2 to Retard or homosexual 10 years ago and everyone made fun of me
>now everyone finds the name ironic and don't say anything
Game companies ban you for being mean now instead of the mostly hands off approach that was common in the mid 2000's
extraneous chat systems. Things like Xbox's party chat, Discord, and Teamspeak create bubbles for everyone to hide in where they don't have to speak to people they don't want to.
> 12-year-old praises you for being better than him
bros what the fuck I want to go back
the good ol dude bro era
>Playing Apex Legends inbetween sessions of Sekiro.
>Type in the text to voice chat: Good luck, nerds.
>Teammate: Wow, goodbye.
>Leaves the game.
Nerd isn't even an insult and I wished them good luck.
Forced lobby chat isn't a thing anymore in COD. Now everyone is just talking in their [FAGGOT] party chat.
Who the hell still takes "nerd" seriously?
arent those the furfag servers?
Prestiging was cancer in MW2. You get a fuckload of headshots for the final weapon skin of a gun only to prestige and lose all the progress towards skins on all your guns.
In Black Ops 4 and even 2 it's not a big deal though, gives you a reason to keep playing.
CoD voice chat was great. People had some pretty creative insults you wouldnt hear today. Anyone has the video of the black guy with the smooth voice on mw2 being gay?
Also I always hated prestige 10s emblem design. 9 looked better in both mw and mw2.
>creative insults
>Mexican accent
>Black guy
>Southern US
100 different variations of referring to someone as a homosexual
>low score
You suck!!
>high score
No life!!!
Wow so creative.
Better than today's
>Mexican accent
>Black Guy
>Southern US
>Low score
>High Score
People now don’t feel the need to talk to other players in their games when they can just share epic memes in their tranny discord servers.
>100 different variations of referring to someone as a homosexual
Put this on a resume, prove it, and you're hired 100%
It's NOT ok to be a bigot in 2019.
People grew up.
>Tranny discord meme
Dude. Just make a small server with your friends. Everybody's using the service all wrong and it's making a perfectly viable and fun service look worse than it is.
Falseflagging aside, as a Gaychad, old lobby arguments were way better than what we have now. People got their aggression out through a couple "faggots" at the top of their lungs and went on to play the game like normal. Nowadays, there's people who are actually super butthurt on both sides and censorship just makes everything worse.
MW chat was fucking stupid kid tier shit. Chill servers in cs or squads in other games like bf were the pinnacle. As retarded as that sorta shittalking was though its better than what we have now which is no one fucking talking at all.
do any of you faggots play csgo? plenty of shit talking all the time there
too many high pitched children for my taste though
>playing unreal tournament 2k14
>start playing one of the maps, i forget the name but its the one with the mini hall-way with the heavy armour at the end
>start getting kill streaks and this guy starts flaming me on mic bad, calling me a brazilian cheating nigger
>lol what
>forget i put my flag as brazilian
>go along with it and say in bad english its not my fault youre old and reflexes getting worse grandpa
>can hear him fucking fuming so hard on the other end he almost sounds like thomas the tank engine
afterwards i felt bad for calling him grandpa and not apologizing but goddamn i couldnt resist riling him up
Too many Russians and third worlders. Otherwise a fun game to shittalk someone to rage quitting
The idea that there is 100 variants of a single word is creative.
If you're not shit at the game you can prestige in about 14 hours of playtime and that's being generous. Since the life cycle of CoD games are a full year you may as well prestige also you get extra class slots
doxxing and swatting became a trend
Glad im not the only one who got a pussy teammate
>be me playing apex lesbians and queue with friend
>pick up one of those wannabe big Xxcox_n_asxX.ttv kids waiting lobby
>say "alright lets shit on some timmys and get this dub"
>"wow didn't realize my team was toxic"
Because it gives something to grind for, duh. Sooner or later you activated prestige anyway because there was nothing else to unlock