JRPG Renaissance

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sold 1.5 million
Octopath Traveler sold 1.4 million
Persona 5 sold 2.4 million
XIV is the most successful MMO ever
XV is the best and fastest selling FF game
KH3 is the fastest and best selling game in the franchise
Pokemon games sells millions despite being shit

What went right?

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>XV is the best and fastest selling FF game

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>XV is the fastest selling


>what went right
japs always make better combat systems than the west, they finally started ditching shitty turn based

octopath, persona and pokemon are all turn-based.

yes, but the overwhelming majority no longer are. OP also forgot YS Viii and NIer A

>all those shit jrpgs
When will we get a good jrpg?

>JRPG Renaissance

Those are great words, but I don't see anything interesting. Waiting on SMT V, but I can't think of any other JRPGs off the top of my head, and the ones on your list aren't that great. Well, FF XIV seemed okay, but I only played the trial for a couple days. At least I've still got old JRPGs I need to work my way through.

all those are entry level jrpgs though.. if xenoblade was on any other console it would have failed horribly.

persona 5 is the only good game on your list
the rest range from bad to incredibly bad

Persona 5 is the GOAT

>What went right?
JRPG devs started making non-shovelware JRPGs on consoles again. That's all. They basically skipped the previous generation.

I really don't get the JRPG aesthetic at all. The overdesigned costumes and weapons, the hodgepodge of sci-fi and fantasy cliches, the whole chuunibyou aspect of it. Why do people think it's cool?

Speak english you fucking weeaboo

Not all of them are like that, and not everyone does.

I like the number-chasing (turn-based) gameplay and world immersion.

I stick to the less trashy ones.

PS4 had 5 times the installbase of the Switch when Xenoblade 2 released, "Xenoblade 2 PS4" was trending on Twitter for a long time after the first trailers came out, I'm sure the game would have sold at least twice as much on that console.

Ys VIII is a fun game

We're talking about Japanese games, "chuunibyou" is appropriate here.


Meant to quote

>Octopath Traveler
I don't care how successful this game is, to me this is the most boring game ever.

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Oh my god, that hurts to read.

I played the demos, and yeah, it didn't seem very exciting. I just chalked it up to people starving for JRPGs.

this might be the worst japanese ive ever read on Yea Forums, and that's saying something.

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>remotely original jrpg bad
>generic "teenagers save the world from evil god" jrpg good

It's basically FF, which had boring gameplay since always.

better combat systems? Certainly not in rpgs, FPS or TPS. They're only better for third person melee combat action and action/rpgs.

if you are saying octopath is in anyway different compared to the rest of the shit inflating the already bloated JRPG market you are a fool
maybe the concept would've worked if it wasn't executed so retardedly

Xenoblade and Octopath are garbage. I can't speak for XV or Kingdom Hearts, but the rest are good.

You aren't wrong. The excessive use of bloom lighting and the minecraft aesthetic are absolutely hideous, too. Don't even get me started on how shitty and unrewarding the endgame is, either. This game got a free pass for being something to play on Switch after everyone finished XC2.

XV is absolute trash.
KH3 was mediocre.

How many notable JRPGs beside live a live has the "multiple smaller stories" gimmick? How many notable JRPGs put you in a semi-open world right from the start? How many notable JRPGs has a battle system remotely similar to Octopath beside debatably Bravely Default?

>This game got a free pass for being something to play on Switch after everyone finished XC2.

No, everyone keep shitting on it because they don't understand the game, and half of the complains are either misinformation or pure scrubbery because hardly any of the haters played past the first half of this lengthy-ish game.

>KH3 is the fastest and best selling game in the franchise

As a fan of Kingdom Hearts I'll tell you that game only sold because it was the much theorized Kingdom Hearts THREE.

From this point on I don't expect the Kingdom Hearts series to sell as much. There will never be as much hype for Kingdom Hearts ever again, especially since new generations of gamers see the series as embarrassing/unappealing.

woooww but the graphics are like, totally retro though. don't you like, know art styles bro?

Yeah I was wondering the same thing. The hype for KH III came out of fucking nowhere and a large number of people seemed to be old fans who just wanted to see the story they started in 2002 finally end. I'd planned to do the same thing, but after playing through the other games again, I remembered why I only liked the first one and my interested for III was gone by the time it came out.

>poorly-done knockoff of romancing saga and live a live
>"remotely original"
choose one.

All of these games are very different from each other beside the initial gimmick I mentioned.

XIV has that with job quests
Persona 3-5 has that with social links
And those games actually have a real story to go along with it. I mean, I got too bored with OT to get past like two or three people's Chapter 2 story, but as far as I played, there didn't seem to be any kind of main story. Just 8 unrelated tales where sometimes another party member will teleport into a box and comment on something before going back to business as usual as if nothing happened

yeah, the difference is that romancing saga and live a live are actually good.

>XV is the best and fastest selling FF game
let's not go crazy

I never stopped liking JRPGs, I think I'm broken.

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KH3 also had the novelty of Pixar iconic films like Toy Story. The only iconic film from Pixar left is Incredibles. And that's another thing without interesting worlds there's no hook to getting a KH game since most of these games are Disney filler. They've already used up the seriously iconic majorly popular films up to the current era. They got nothing else at all. This is why I think KH is about to decrease in it's ability to sell to gamers.

Vanquish is better than any other TPS ever made

By "multiple stories" I meant that there is little to no "main" story.

>its the 'zoomer doesnt like jrpg' episode
this rerun has been on so many times

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