Remember the good old days?
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I do but the reason I dont go back to private servers is that I might be scared of the nostalgia or end up wasting my life away in mmos.
yes, we can never go back.
Yes and I realized private servers dont give the same feel
Who said anything about private servers? This thread is for remembering days we can never have back.
I still play this game whenever they have the triple exp thing going on. The game is too much of a slog otherwise. Like it's really not that fun until 2nd job anyway.
anyone on OSM?
>I still play this game
>"I still play numaple"
>complaining about the game not being fun until 2nd job in numaple
How stupid are you exactly? Levels 1-30 barely takes any time in numaple.
Nostalgia aside I think Maplestory has consistently had a great to good ost, even the newer stuff is alright.
Why is Lucid so cute nubros
No I was playing the superior MMO Runescape
runescape would have been fucking trash when maplestory was going on
There were no 'good old days'.
The past was miserable and awful.
t. friendless loser
Not really. What set Maplestory apart from other games?
I have friends now. I wasn't allowed friends as a child.
makes me sad
I still play Maplestory 2 which came out in October, it's not the same but the artstyle is cute
1. xXDexl3ssS4suk3Xx
3. are you israeli?
4. Got track?
5. cc plz
6. B>SCROLLS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2
7. Pan Lids and Kumbi were FKING expensive
8. Tiger and Suuushi
9. Falling into that golem pit when going from Henesys to Sleepy woods
10. That damn iron hog at pig beach
11. When everyone wanted a thief in the party for Haste
12. Accidentally taking the black cab to Sleepy Woods as a noob, and have no messosfor the ride back
13. Hidden-street
14. Going to Orbis and El nath, not having money for the ride home
15. Waiting for mushmom
16. Get freaked out when the C. Balrogs arrived
17. Party members going apeshit when their leader didn't get them into the PQ
18. Autoclick hack
19. Only Scania, Bera, Broa, Windia
20. Screwing up your hair with Amoria hair coupon
21. Hype when Ludi came out
22. People losing their shit when they got defamed
23. Henesys hunting ground
24. F3
25. Do quest for 60% ATT gloves scrolls, then sells it for like 1.5 - 2 mil
26. +15 speed with Red Whip
27. Playing cards or that omok game with strangers
28. That noob with the buzz cut, white tanktop, blue shorts, red boots asking for mesos
29. Those ATT work gloves that were freaking expensive
30. Fangblade first to reach lvl 200
Copied from another thread
Yes because you guys refuse to not bring them up for more than a week
Why did so many israelis play?
Black heaven was actually good
Reminder Royals and GTOP100 killed the maplestory pserver scene. Most of the servers beyond first 5 have 10-20 online or less.
about to play some maple rigght now
anyone play royals
i know hurrdurr royals bad but its only server that actually has a player count rest for some reason cant get over 200
Holy shit that took me back. Nice list user
We only liked old maple because we were ignorant
(You) can now leave in peace
t.bitter doomie I still would rather play a 0 online maple pserver for pre-bb than any of the current games or any coming out
>dial up connection
i'm fucking good thanks
I remember all of that except the Israeli thing. What's up with that?
>have to pay to unlock 90% of the game
>litteraly cookie cutter tier
>most of population is bots
>actually playing without having music or youtube on litteraly makes u wana kill urself
everything in the game feels the exact same
and digusting mid evil fantasy probably one of the lamest settings ever
at least maplestory was its own thing
Scadia was infested with isrealis
Korean garbage is still garbage
God, don't remind me.
Fuck waiting for mushmom. Why was everything in that game so drawn out?
Deep down, you know you want to go back to those days.
still fills the niche that no other mmo does
Play gms it's actually good
I do.
You waste your time like all other kmmo. Remember how much exp was lost on death compared to how much was gained farming? Remember waiting to jump in a PQ? The orbis ship wasted time too but it was fucking comfy I admit
I wish I could go back to simpler times with the friends I had at the time, not necessarily playing Maplestory all the time. I enjoyed it for sure. But I could never stay on one character long enough to get to 3rd job. The grinding was just too much. I think it's why I hate grinding in games, and will just stop playing them instead of subjecting myself to it unless the gameplay is really superb.
Which was the update that indisputably ruined everything? Big Bang? Or something else?
Keep in mind stuff like dual blades, cygnus knights and % were before the big bang update.
Big bang was fine imo. It was the nu knight shit that had me feeling bored
It can be fun to dick around with new class for a few hours. With the Triple exp you barely have to grind and just get try out new shit constantly.
Honestly I dropped the game before 1-30 wasn't a slog anymore so I have no frame of reference.
you guys arent ready
I just play Maplestory 2. Sure the side scrolling was nice (except jump quests...fuck that) but the sequel is the best MMO currently out.
Big bang is probably the thing most people would agree on.
I was one of the first people in the beta when it launched in NA and played through to a few months after Global release, playing on both Scania and Windia. Played on jMS for a while at some point, got a character up to 110 or so and I remember farming some of the deep areas in Ludi. And I think that means I was like, 30 patches pre-Big Bang.
I don't mind the additions of alternate jobs but the map changes as well as item scrolling moving beyond using just 10/60/100% scrolls (or the 30/70 scrolls from jms that had a chance to curse or destroy the item or whatever) were what killed the game for me.
How so?
big bang and chaos were alright to me
and i loved chaos for the ridiculous pvp mode
everything after that was fucking awful though
that said, i also believe cygs and dual blade were fucking horrible but didn't really mind them at the time, pirates marked the beginning of the end
Didn't someone directly compare PSO and Desu-Ne with like a dozen similarities, then saying PSO was superior because it had a food vendor of some description?
I fell asleep to this intro on loop after playing late into the night so many times as a kid...
the fuck is Desu-Ne
I heard of at least a few people here mocking the sequel that way.
Was big bang the introduction of those shitty curse scrolls? I remember trying to get them through the fucking gacha with nx cash. After MS I stood far away from mmos
Until ffxiv because it respects my time and I have fun with it
Has it gotten better since the betas? I found the combat boring.
wtf destiny and pso have nothing in common. those people are retarded.
In retrospect, Maplestory had a lot of interesting stuff going for it during pre-bb. Good soundtrack, decent gameplay/exploration, cute designs, great socialization aspects, and most importantly, a somewhat interesting way to handle the numbers (secondary stat builds, SP builds, gear funding to complement both).
Numaple isn't that bad honestly, but it's still a fucking mess. Mainly because it's bot central (even the most popular player declared that he botted one or two months ago) and a fucked up progression system that makes the game a literal endless grind.
You mean dark scrolls? These were around way before BB happened.
>pirates marked the beginning of the end
I have no idea. They existed in jMS, although I think maybe they were gacha only, well before pirates and other alternate classes existed. They might have come to gMS whenever they added gacha?
Honestly? I thought Cyg Knights were the big downturn. I was leery as shit about pirates because they felt so tacked-on but it was at least something fully fleshed out.
Fuck you bucc is my favorite class.
I still kinda want a single player Maple Story like game to play and relax to.
Risk of Rain is reeeeally damn close, but it's more like taking Maple Story's basic idea and turning it into a good game, not so much just remaining as a chill game to eat up free time.
>somewhat interesting way to handle the numbers
AKA make a DEXless Hermit, LUKless Priest, DEXless DK, or don't bother playing the game
I hated the Big Bang for a lot of reasons but getting to watch the global suicide pacts between ___-less builds was fucking golden.
>tfw played pirate for robo mount so I didnt feel bsd about not having a level 70 piggy mount
>create an actual jew empire on Basilmarket making those DEX-scrolled bath robes
>find out that they later all became worthless thanks to powercreeped gachapon shit and the removal of secondary stats on gear requirements
I really wished that Maple 2 was just remade Maple 1. The game has to much stuff tacked on and it would be better just to start fresh.
actual 2d in a 3d engine with the art style they went for could've looked really cool
Maple 2s custom textures and hamfisted story progress is what made me nope the fuck out an hour in.
i play AriesMS cuz i got burnt out on preBB servers
I played it in the earliest of days as a kid
it fucking always sucked.
Why are npc quests so fucking shit in old maple? It's either grind on one particular crowded map or party quest.
That's kind of what I mean regarding the part of 'interesting way of handling numbers'. Nowdays progression is linear, simplified, and grind based. For example, the old formula for accuracy was removed in favor of scaling your ability to hit monsters depending on your level (ie you can't hit a lvl 80 monster if you're like lvl 40). In BB, you had the option to either make your warrior dexless and either suffer or not depending on your game knowledge, or go for a basic 4:1 str:dex build until your dex capped at 50~60.
Sure, these -less builds existed because gear wasn't as powercreeped.
Why is old maplestory music top tier comfy?
They were trying to make an immersive world, not a milking machine
Things were different back then
Earning money from maple also sucks away a lot of the fun from actually playing the game
This and RO were my childhood.
Which PServer had the boss rush thing?
what a depressing childhood, not that they are bad games, you just had a depressing childhood
I was an mmo addict as a kid. When I didn't play either of those games I would hop on another MMo for like a month or so.
Remember when you were that level 8 Mage just starting your adventure at Ellinia? Remember being filled with intrigue and wonder? Not knowing where your journey would take you? Remember training on those stumps and slimes with energy bolt with all your fellow mage noobs? Then getting magic claw and being in awe of how much better it is?
Remember learning about F/P, I/L and Clerics for the first time? Remember not being sure which one you wanted to choose? Remember how many mesos you had to spent on MP potions?
I actually prefered that kind of secondary stat system, because level scaling was fucked from day 1.
Keep in mind, old maple also had that sort of "accuracy is effected by level difference," it just wasn't so absurd. In nu maple, a monster being even a single level above you causes 50% of your hits to miss. I think that's why people don't think fondly of Big Bang, because there used to be a lot of variety in training spots, and even class-specific grinding zones that didn't work for other classes.
>I/L wizards could farm Ratz all the way up to lv70 because their attacks hit on multiple Z-levels
>Clerics did better with Chronos than any other class because they spawned in really packed zones that made it difficult to get by without taking tons of touch damage
>Hermits could farm Death Teddies, which were at least 20 levels above them, because they were hyper-mobile and could dodge all of the projectiles that would OHKO any other class
Old Maple was not a DPS shitfest. Old Maple's pecking order was determined solely by which classes could actually fucking farm to Zakum levels. This is why F/P wizards, Pages, and Bandits were virtually nonexistent, because they had zero viable farming spots outside of Party Quests and their third jobs were lackluster as shit. Even if you did get a Bandit to 70, you'd better have a shitton of cash to farm Gobi houses, otherwise you're shit out of luck fighting Dragon Knights and Hermits over zombies.
the music was also comfy as fuck wtf
You're probably thinking of Ellinia (or any of the servers ran by the same guy)
>using Dark Sight as a thief to explore all throughout El Nath, even deep into those volcano zones
I would argue that the potential system fucked things up. Plenty of other changes had problems, but potential changed things more than anything else.
Before potential, even though the game was relatively pay-to-win, free players could at least participate with other players. Like, if you were running around with godly gear (think 21 attack workgloves), you were doing maybe 2 to 4 times as much damage as other people your level. So most of the content in the game was gated by your level, and the game was about slowly climbing that ladder.
Once potential was introduced, good gear went from a 2 to 4 multiple to a 200 to 400 multiplier. Gear would make you do HUNDREDS TIMES more damage, and content became gated behind gear. If you want to play later content in Maplestory, you are now REQUIRED to either pay money, or spend a significant amount of time trading with people to improve your gear, otherwise you don't even stand a chance. The game is a lot less about leveling up so you can go explore the next area, and more about improving your gear so you can queue up for the next boss. It also made your progression heavily tied to RNG, which fucking sucked.
Feels fucking bad.
This. Why are people nostalgic for it? I played it when it came out and it was always a bunch of dickheads ks'ing you and acting like shitheads. Fuck this game.
F/P mages could poison ludi mobs and mist ludi mobs/aqua road for decent exp rates, but they were shit DPS against endgame bosses
it got even worse after 4th job, it wouldn't be until F/P mages were revamped a couple years ago that their DPS would actually become acceptable
i never played maplestory, i knew a friend that played it but it looked gay. we played grandchase and then eventually elsword. i have good memories of playing grandchase with friends, elsword was ok.
recently the same friend got me playing closers, its ok too. it doesnt really give the same feeling though, people go and do their own thing and no one has time to talk.
NotAgain reporting in.
Anyone could farm death teddies if they stood in the glitched spot. They eventually patched it out
I think it's Saga the server I'm thinking about.
I'm going through a really hard time right now and the third song is destroying me. Where the fuck did my life go wrong? Take me back...
Pretty much the only reason to make an FP mage was to stink cloud the whole map so your party members could clear it out when everything dipped to 1HP. It was a dedicated leeching class.
Oh was that where you stood at the maximum range, where the projectiles would fade out before they actually hit you? Or am I thinking of another enemy?
maple was never good
oh yeah, heres some more i played. ddtankonline, i loved that game to death. i think that game you could have a mentor teach you when you get high level enough and the both of you could be put in a leaderboard. after playing and getting high rank enough i asked someone to be my tutor and they agreed. it felt special at the time because you could only have one tutor as a mentor so it was a big deal if you were selected.
the games were fun, and intense. they werent incredibly strategic but i loved the moments you could create with your playstyles, it was a truly fun game with fun in mind. it was also the best being able to win a round 1v2 or even being close to. i wouldnt mind at all if it came back
Kinda. If you stood on the red platform slightly below the main one, their talisman projectiles wouldn't hit you at all.
At that time runescape was dead as a horse after jagex killed it
Leveling in hunting grounds at higher levels just for the gz's
>rental nx clothes expire tomorrow
Imagine a Bloodborne-type game where you fight whatever deep-fried bullshit that was down in the lower levels of Ludibrium.
>haunted grandfather clocks
>massive-ass ghost vikings on toy ships
>horrifying ghost teddy bears that sound like nightmares
I got 89 to 90 hitting a red snail. Then put on my brand new lvl 90 set and chad devil's sunrise while a bunch of nubs gzing me. Those fucking feelsman
the wildy was removed in RS a couple months before 4th job was released in MS, amazing timing for it
J > kpq 22 wiz
No other vidya OST does it for me.
Dark Souls killed Maplestory
I miss my cute maples
Remember how Thanatos wouldnt Seal you if you were standing only to the right of them?
Whatever patch it was that dropped both potential and Dual Blades on the game; I recall them coming from the same one. Big Bang wouldn't have been needed if not for that and it was an improvement over what the game was in a number of ways. Dual Blades and potential were indisputable cancer on release. You could say Evan was the prelude to the storm, because it was the first class that tried to pull the pay for skills bullshit. Cygnus were a bit annoying because if you were below 120 at the time they were overpowered (thankfully I wasn't). Aran was also a bit annoying because a class being an individual person is a fucking retarded concept and it was a bit overpowered from what I remember. But at least they weren't as blatant of cashgrabs, demanding that you fork up cash to max out crucial skills.
white knights are not lack luster having only to buy mana pots is a huge plus fire lightening and ice damage is handy mobbing is a bitch sure but once you reached lv 90 you did amazing damage and pallies were retarded being able to tank everything with no knock back swing heavens hammer when shit shows up on screen and nuke everything
You alright there, bud?
You can always play OldSchool Maplestory.
Was there any way to get this outfit outside of the tutorial without hacking? I remember some guy had it and i never figured out how to get it
Yes, I never did go past lvl 40. It became too grindy after that, so I always create new characters instead.
>because a class being an individual person is a fucking retarded concept
If only you knew just how bad things got in that department.
This. They made it so even the original explorers now have one of those "chosen one" storylines.
It's like, no matter who you play, you're that one true hero at the centre of all the maple lore who saves the day. It's like Nexon forgot this is a multiplayer game.
It was sold in the cash shop a few times.
>chosen one
that's not how it works at all. You're literally the anti chosen one because you release the big evil upon the world and you're a powerless shit smear that has to try and fix it.
And you even fuck THAT up by destroying maple island. It takes the actual transcendents to fix your stupid shit. Even the old "heroes" like aran/evan/merc/phantom/lumi are totally worthless now.
a lot of items could be brought out of X map with a simple trick like the mittens that throw snow balls
you dropped the item on the ground caused a lag spike clicked on go to X while spamming pick up and boom you smuggled the item out early duping also kinda worked like this
the green mittens were cool because they fired arrows and only did 10 damage but only lasted till the winter even was over
Oh trust me, I know. I played well after BB. Resistance was the only genuinely good job branch addition after Pirates and even that needed tweaks because Mechanics were bullshit strong. The Heroes, the Novans or whatever the scalie fucks are called, literally turning 1 (one) Cygnus instructor into a class - all stupid shit. I'm neutral on the actual Cygnus Knights though. Poorly executed, but an okay concept. I wish they could've added all these areas without tying them to shitty classes. Give me a shitty boss instead; the meme heroes should've stayed lore to surpass.
You're missing the point, kid.
In old Maplestory, explorers were just the population of the world. Absolutely nothing special about them whatsoever.
In nuMaple, they're now a "character".
>you're missing the point about my blatantly incorrect statements!
I don't care what your point is, don't lie you cum huffer. You weren't "nothing special" in the original either, you were "the only one who could fight zakum" and equally other retarded shit in those questlines too.
>the original
t. braindead zoomer.
They can't even keep their themes consistent. During the BM event, the player was the chosen "adversary" of the Black Mage, but there were ongoing events encouraging players to join in and slowly pick away big bosses' health bars together
Newer bosses are designed to be impossible to solo but they still shove cutscenes celebrating the player as if they're the only non-NPC present
And then your character canonically dies, gets revived with the magic item that unseals the Black Mage in the process because Cygnus loves you so much, and you're treated as the only one who can defy fate and stop the villain
There were no such cutscenes, every part of the Zakum quest was a group endeavor and the NPC dialogue reflected that. Story started declining when they released three dozen so speshul classes, and went off the deep end during Black Heaven.
Original person who complained, I don't recall any of those quests specifically implying you were the only one able to fight Zakum, but either way it's still less immersion breaking than one of your heroes of old somehow being awakened and cloned ten thousand times over.
>no cutscenes
are you ignoring the quest dialogue? Alcaster and all the job instructors telling you "You're the only one that can defeat zakum, we're all counting on you" and other bullshit like that? Come on now.
>cygnus loves you so much
couldn't have anything to do with how you just saved their asses and proved your worth as the only fighter, right? Couldn't be. Why revive the guy who just beat the big bad, should have just let him die. That would have made for a great game.
there was a boss pq at like 70-100 or 90 in Saga
but that server is litteraly worse pay to win then actual maple
>Mechanics were bullshit strong
literally what the fuck were they thinking such a broken and bullshit OP class compared to battle mages and wild hunters
honestly just play royals
thats actually like to far back most people remember like v62-83
aran was the beginning of the downfall
>but that server is litteraly worse pay to win then actual maple
I don't remember that. IIRC it was votespam into gacha. Anyways, that server seems less populated since I last played (~2 years ago).
no litteraly pay to win at lvl 90
want to use the vip dungeon in fm besides the free 10 min ticket
double xp and drop also
without double xp and buying vip dungeon ur bascially fucked
also there was like this vip gacha or whatever that was really costly in nx
techinally u could farm nx sense u got it from lvls early so u could keep doing 1-28 or whatever but that would take so much longer
so basically u had to do vip dungeon with 2x
im sure there were other things to but yikes was that bad pay to win for a private server
prebb shitters are so dumb
It seems that most pservers are running out of steam in general. They either go hard on the vip/p2w aspect or become boring v.62 repetitive servers. Is Royals still the same as it was years ago? Has it added something new?
On the subject of MMOs, Flyff is one that really brings back those memories of watching my brother play it a few years before I played myself. I miss those days so much
t. cuck who runs around doing dailies for his monthly sheet and calls it "gameplay"
I don't think I've ever seen anyone on Yea Forums bring up flyff poormans WoW god nostalgia
logged into my old account like last month for the hell of it just to see if anything was deleted it wasn't
Was anyone here constantly banned in mapelstory for no fucking reason? I'd be doing a random PQ and the GM notice pops up saying I'm ban and im forced to log out, then I'd get.depressed all weekend
I haven't actually played it since they """updated""" to the new source, but supposedly they rebalanced some classes and added CWKPQ.
That's the shitty autoban system. False autobans usually happen because your game lagged or something.
I only ever got banned for injecting packets testing stuff or after a ban wave
the best was seeing when a friends or your own bots banned while praying on your main account praying your main account also does not get banned god maplestorys anticheat system was fucking shit
that's usually just a DC and you can log right back in
post your favorite hair
I wonder how many viruses i gave my family's hp 2005 by downloading fake nx cash hacks
I never got a maple gf because they didnt understand me
>shit leveling
ummmmmm meso explosion wants a word with
litteraly the only class i can actually get to 4th job on 1x besides bm
rest i get to bored with or is to annoying
>not being the maple gf
uhh yikes
fug littteraly spent more time downloading nx cash hacks and item generators then playing the game
despite being like lvl 20 and not even able to use them even in the chance it actually worked
Don't forget some of the comfy feels that only certain classes got
>cbs baiting noobs by dropping mesos for them, then exploding them
>be level 30
>"selling fame 15k"
>some NXfag comes up to me
>"I'll buy" F3
>"Mesos first"
>trades me
>gives me money
>double-click on him
>cc x6, quit for 10 minutes and then play as normal again
Who else /devilish/ here?
>bombing a 100k cash stack just to see some newbs T..T
i remember when i quit and bombed like 4m which was all i had and they were trying so hard to pick it up
haha litteraly worth geting to cb just for that
Most people say big bang, but the real turning point was the potentials and cubing. Dual blade being blatant P2W garbage that released around the same time didn't help. Evan had similar P2W mastery book bs, but he was complete garbage compared to how disgustingly broken launch DBs were compared to every other class at the time.
>mm's can instantly KO any mob and damage higher level enemies than normal
Then they took that away. Maple isn't even an rpg anymore
This game will always hold a very special place in my middle school heart. Unfortunately I can't enjoy it now since they simplified it and destroyed the maps.
I scammed so many noobs in this game. I also lured them into pig beach just to get them killed. Good times.
Who /maplelegends/ here
The trannies are faggots, but the rest of the playerbase is chill besides the one fag mod
No maplestory has always been a den of faggotry.
i dunno i come back everyonce in awhile
i remember doing ludi tower than maze
but now maze is dead and its just orbis pq now theres also mc2 but its always empty at least theres mc which wasnt a thing when i first played
but yah its bascially all pq to lvl 100 if u want
21-30 kpq
35-50 or 51 ludi tower
51-70 orbis or mc2 if u can find people
70-100 pirates
so u can bascially pq up to 100 if u want
so i guess if u wana try it or whatever getting started isnt to hard
Yes they can
If you were lucky enough to play on royals during its formative years, before it became all about grindy nerfs, henehoes and guild circlejerks
>If you were lucky enough to play on royals during its formative years
>he didn't play on the best/most comfy pserver known to man
>mother fucking odinMS
you know nothing pleb
I played on it for a while, it was nice, but at that time I started ditching maple so I didn't get into it
Fuck you I had fun
Nah I play on AriesMS
My biggest regret in life is deleting all my old maplestory youtube videos. I was 11 years old and my classmates found out about my channel. I deleted them all and I wish I could watch them again. FUUUUUUCK
>dragon+val opt
>damage sponge
how shit was the guy who made this
honestly i luv maplestory because it has the perfect balance of just enough cuteness
like i dunno its just soo perfect the amount it has but it isnt like to much that it puts u off
>Meet random dude in Henesey who tells me he is going to marry in Amoria
>Asks me to help him gather mats for the wedding
>He is some level 90+ God to me, I'm a level 24 shitter
>Pre-wedding meetup later, meeting random people
>Meet girl avatar, called Cheyenne1180, three times my level but very friendly to me
>Dutchfag like me
>Young eboy me is instantly in love
>Wedding happens, we talk some afterwards then it's time to log on for bed
>Years later, in the meantime I got hacked, quit the game, came back on a new character
>On the boat to Orbis, balroggs come so we all hunker inside.
>See some people talking on their big dick cash shop chairs
>Check name
>We talk, she remembers me, feelssofuckinggoodman.jpeg
>She has to log
>Check maplestory website for her name
>She married some dude in Amoria in the meantime
It was probably a dude IRL anyway bros
Luring people was the funniest shit back then. I'd get my friend and we'd just make a meso trail starting in Henesys to the map directly outside with the stone golem pit and just watch them all fall into it and die.
I never got higher than level 35 in this game yet I played it constantly back in the day. I think the latest thing they added before I quit was the toy city. my favorite memory was being trapped in sleepywood for a week until some kind high level player escorted me out.
ahh yah i remember using all my mesos to take the cool black cab in lith harbor then dying almost immateriality after being taken to the map
and kept dying when trying to escape the spooky forest
i dunno if i ever did but i quit from having no mesos left :(
if only i knew town scrolls and return to town was a thing back then haha
This isn't my story, but:
>Meet some friends in Maplestory during LPQ
>Become close
>Send each other Myspace links
>One of them is a cute girl
>Start talking outside of maple
>She lives roughly two hours away
>Might as well be across the world though because 14 years old
>Ask her out through Myspace
>Says yes
>Get married in Maplestory
>Literally together in Maple 24/7
>On the phone with each other while on Maplestory because we were retarded and had no clue how to aim or voice chat
>Create a Maplestory music video together with screenshots of our avatars running around and "singing" the lyrics in various places
>She did all the editing
>The song was Guardian Angel - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
>Five months later she tells me she wants to break up
>No explanation
>Takes down the music video we made
>Logs off of Maple and never comes back on
>Never reads nor responds to Myspace
>Ignores phone
>What the fuck
>Three weeks after she stopped coming on
>Get a call from her mother
>Asked me if I was the user who she talked about
>Say yes
>Thanks me and asks me if I can come over
>She had leukemia and died
>When she logged off, she was barely capable of doing even that
>She didn't want me to know she was sick because she loved the way I treated her normally and lovingly
>I tell her I can't
>Mother asks me why
>Tell her I don't have a car and I can't even drive yet
>She asks me how old I was
>Tell her I was 14
>She says I might be the wrong user then because the one she always spoke of was a college student who was 22
>Tell her that wasn't possible
>She goes quiet and thanks me again for making her daughter happy
>Hangs up
>mfw I think I made my late-ex's mother's last thoughts about her daughter be that she was a pedophile hunting kids online
I was fucked up for a little bit after hearing that
She was apparently 23 years old and not 16 like she said she was to me
how's maplestory 2? is it worth it for the nostalgia?
Slipping on ice when first coming to El Nath
it died
then why do we care about ur fanfic faggot
no its nothing like it
but the house building is cool except the angles are a bit annoying to work with
but feels like a generic animoo mmo with some things from maple like some monsters and town names besides that meh
i played for a day and kinda had fun but spent most time working on my house
but guess didnt care enought to ever go back on
guess it's back to the nostalgia servers then...
We just loved that game back in the day.
We still have a dedicated sub-forum for it even now, which still has some traffic.
is there any server besides royals
with a decent amount of people on
I like MapleMS, it has variable exp rates based on your current level and x5 for meso and drops, which is just enough for me. Amount of players online at any given time is usually between 200 and 1000, depending on which day it is.
>44 players
eww noo i wont even touch the ones with 300 players online
it needs at least 500+ on
also these cancer of rates
actually gross just give me like a flat rate of 2-6x or whatever
i forgot to add
>lvl 250
that alone gives it a nu maple feel
but yah i dont want a server where i can easily grind to like 4th job like might as well play regular maple at that point
>maple shitters
Old School Maplestory
Just recently got the Ludi update, and the devs have been updating with additional stuff periodically.
okay thats actually a eyesore
i actually have a character like lvl 16 but i dunno the fm was dead when i went there also usally only has like 250 at most on while royals usually has like 700+
besides i didnt play that far back and i dunno there being no 4th job is kinda meh
like leveling does actually i guess have closest feel to when i was kid but community feels non existent like im playing alone for most part
>997 online
how does this never show up in any private server lists sites
ohh wait it actually does
>lvl 275
>5th job
>paragon levels?
yah no i should probably added only before big bang servers but thanks anyway i got excited for a second :(
>earning money
cancerfag detected
>Posts nu maple in old maple thread
uh what
you actually like the grind? it's what turned me off the game eventually. well whatever, suit yourself.
does it look different now?
also did anyone else listen to naruto opening songs while playing?
Understandable, there's an official OSM discord server people use for their advertising. Might not be some people's preference, but I find that it's convenient when I want to sell/buy shit because it functions well and people read the #market chat regularly.
>no 4th job
Yet. It's only a matter of time until the 4th job patch comes out. Much like how 4th job didn't exist when MS came out, it'll just take some time until it comes out on OSM.
>community nonexistent/playing alone
Discord is always populated and is a pretty good way to socialize/meet-up with people.
In-game, people often go to the popular hunting locations for their levels, unless it's a PQ, in which case finding a party is hella easy if you just advert by tapping the "Help" button and telling a bot to send a message to the discord saying you're joining/recruiting for whatever PQ you want.
not that i like the grind
but i would rather take like
10,000 hours to get to 4th job (120)
then get like 10 lvl 250 characters
its about sense of progression
and nu maple has no one that when u can literally get to 150 in a day with burning event
>having to use discord to play maplestory
yah no u lost me there sorry i dont wana join some chat service to play maple
i like having all that stuff inside maple and dont care to talk to the people i meet on it outside of it
>ks them until they report you and leave
pshh, nuthin personal kid
I but i played it that much, that i had a visual "Tetris effect", just with the Crosshair which i started seeing on all items i focused on. No shit.
Good thing that you can easily still play it, either locally or with a local private server, since the parties are small enough to not care about enough players.
It wasn't meant for idiots like yourself.
why didnt u liek my fanfic
Hahahah cries self to sleep
fuck off u lonely faggot
nice story bro, if it is real, otherwise still nice.
The Maplestory private server scene isn't nearly as strong as you might think. Royals and Aries are the only servers with 500+ people on daily, one is preBB, the other is postBB.
Your best bet is to hope another one catches on. OldSchool Maplestory has the best chance right now.
nice samefag
i never really understood the appeal of ragnarok. it was just a huge chat with avatars and few real gameplay. more just like a mud at all. one of the crappiest mmos ever.
>Yet. It's only a matter of time until the 4th job patch comes out. Much like how 4th job didn't exist when MS came out, it'll just take some time until it comes out on OSM.
You are a retard. The devs have made it clear multiple times that's never happening. They believe 4th job ruined the game, and they're right.
Further proving how tiny your brain is.
It's actually a pasta someone posted years ago, not something I came up with. At the end of the day, you're still an idiot.
meh it needs jumping down and a quest helper at least like those are just basic things seriously
How fast is the grinding now?
hahahahahah pathetic
having to check every few minutes to see how many mushrooms u killed
no thanks
and the no jumping down just adds a bit of tedium doesnt do anything
Further proving your stupidity. Good job.
> I'm going to be 80 years old on my death bed one day and have a faint memory of back when I started Maplestory when I was like 11
>missing the most basic of things makes it good
okay... retard
How fucking braindead are you?
>e-everything needs to be perfect! otherwise i can't enjoy myself!
missing literally basic functions is a good thing and heres why
keep posting ur shitty meme pics
I already know how much of an idiot you are, no need to continue further.
okay faggot
Why doesn't Yea Forums make a private server collaboratively?
>tfw used to be able to memorize all my friendlist's quirky/retarded IDs, down to the capitalization
Good times.
I don't think we'd be able to agree on what to include, staffing, hosting costs, and inevitable C&D from Nexon. I like the idea though. ElliniaMS was one of my favorite private servers, similar to aries but the progression was solid and donators didn't get too much p2w.
can do these threads when the burning events are running?
>paid cosmetics have a sub fee
nah, fuck this kusoge.
Nobody cares about burning you stupid idiot.
burning is the best time for new people retard
all these threads do is get people creating a new character again, with burning at least we can progress faster
I beat episode 2 for the first time yesterday, soloed it.
It's crazy how different of an experience you get playing through the game solo at your own pace, when I played with friends they blitzed through everything because they had already done it all.
Olga Flow is undoubtedly the best boss fight in the game, and it was fucking difficult to do solo.
I only had one scape doll, so when I got caught with his insta-kill move I thought I was fucked for the rest of the fight until I realized how to avoid it.
It's the only boss I felt I couldn't cheese through and had to play very carefully. It all came down to the wire with me having 1 health item left when I beat him.
What's with the smurf house ?
How new and idiotic are you, idiot? Do you seriously believe Yea Forums is filled with people who still play current MS?