How come there was never an Objection or a Pursuit that surpassed 2001? Is Sugimori just that based?
How come there was never an Objection or a Pursuit that surpassed 2001? Is Sugimori just that based?
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I mean, Trials and Tribulations had a bomb ass Objection and Pursuit theme as well.
Is this shit going to be unlocked in 32 minutes on my switch? I'm EST. I'm fiending
JFA music was underrated
>how come no game had a better Objection theme?
Because most games had a remix of that theme.
Lying Coldly is the best Pursuit theme.
Wanting to find the truth is my personal favorite but good taste
People shit on JFA's pursuit too much, it sounds so fast-paced and hype
actually there was, lying coldly is objectively better. And investigations 2 is the best game in the series
Apollo's Objection is a fucking beast, I daresay.
Just buy the Japanese version retard
It has full english translation
Apollo Justice had the best one though. In fact it has the best soundtrack in the entire series.
Based JFA Chad
>investigations 2 was the bzest game in the series
>but WTFTT isn’t the best pursuit
Have you niggers gone full retard?
Which Ace Attorney had the best trial theme?
Dual Destinies, by far.
Was the only thing that was truly the best of the series in that game.
Just kidding, Juniper Woods is literally best girl and there is nothing you can do about it
This song gives me anxiety remembering JFA's asinine courtroom logic. I had to resort to trying every option on multiple occasions.
investigations 2 as a whole is the best in the series, but id be lying if I said wanting to find the truth was better then lying coldly. Although objection and all the testimony themes are superior in investigations 2
you posted it. such a haunting atmosphere
move over plebs
I just posted it because I like JFA a fair bit and think it's overhated but Trials and Tribulations has the best one. It's got a ton of emotional weight to it and it's played in the most impactful of places
Also is it just me or does anyone else have really bad comprehension of game plots in general? I can only really remember the characters and maybe some big pieces of evidence in some cases but a lot of it feels like a blur to me. I haven't played the classic AA games in a few years though so maybe that's why
>before DD
>every game got a unique objection and pursuit theme
>after DD
>it's just a variation of 2001
Where did the fucking soul go? aren't they all made by the same team?
>tfw imported the nip physical version and I've been playing it for the past week
DGS2 has a pretty balling Objection theme.
Best since Apollo Justice I think
Wright's Objection theme in DD and SoJ is a variation of the AA3 objection theme, not the first!
My memory is absolutely terrible, so I give the series a good playthrough every 5 years or so and by that time it's like playing them for the first time again
Time to start this time with DGS so I can be sad afterwards I guess
I thought dgs was pretty good. About as good as 6 because the prosecutor was a really good "asshole prosecutor". I'd like to see where 2 goes when that gets translated
Might still be in honeymoon phase but the dgs soundtrack was REALLY good.
JFA's is my favourite pursuit, especially the orchestrated version with that sexy violin.
>And investigations 2 is the best game in the series
Water is wet, too, captain obvious.
Apollo. 2nd is AA3 which sounds like it belongs in Castlevania.
Doesn't really change anything, Apollo and Athena still have the same themes from their first games as well
It's lazy that SoJ reused DD's objection themes I agree.
But Apollo's is so good
We can all agree that Dai has the best Cross Examination themes, right?
JFA had best pursuit
Von Zieks was a great prosecutor.
He didn't need any gimmicks.
Though I haven't played DGS2 yet which will probably flesh him out.
Klavier remains the absolute worst.
>Layton the worst
Shit taste
Layton was objectively great
AJ had some of the best tracks even if the cases themselves were a little lackluster
I can't name a sexier-sounding DS game. Of course, you could compare it to the other Ace Attorneys, and even Ghost Trick, but the soundfont's got this kick to it. Maybe it's that slap bass.
What were the best cases that -weren't- the final cases of their games?
For me its 3 > dgs 2 > i2 > dgs > 1 > i1 > 2 > 4 > 6 > 5 > layton
I don't like nu attorneys anime bullshit power of friendship crap
Dgs as a whole is kino from start to finish
>I can't name a sexier-sounding DS game.
Bowser's Inside Story and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon tho.
I really liked the intro case to T&T for some reason.
How long till DGS2 patch
Dual Destinies DLC case was fucking godlike
It's AJ2 for me
Literally every case in AAI2
>1-4 on DS but that really doesn't count
>2-2 was great
>Every single one of T&T's cases were great
>4-1 is the best intro case in the series
They're great sounding, sure, but they're not sexy as Apollo Justice or Hector
6-3 was a great case 3
>I'd like to cross-examine the Orca
is it bad if I unironically like Apollo Justice more than the 3DS mainline games? I hate what they did to Phoenix after GS4.
Who had the best witness breakdown and why was it Aristotle Means?
Phoenix is fine in SoJ
Yeah, the 3DS games have better cases, although I don't blame you for hating what they did to Phoenix.
Playing the trilogy for the first time tomorrow
Any tips?
Still Matt Engarde. Those scratches remain the most satisfying animation in the series.
>not director cosmos
Press fucking everything and get out of the thread now.
Always present your badge whenever you can to everyone
Layton had some good trials, but I can't take it seriously. The story was nonsensical and the one where layton became a "statue" was the best one because he wasn't cucking you constantly. The whole town is a massive ethical issue that should have never passed under ANY board (even under "muh gobermint studies") especially considering Mr. Cantabella's obvious personal motivations to anyone who does any research. Also human abduction and brainwashing
He had a couple of gimmicks. And yeah, Klavier is shit.
I used to be lukewarm on JFA ost but after replaying it again, it really does go well with a lot of key moments. Like the pursuit theme you posted goes perfectly with the part in 2-4 where you try to pin the crime on Adrian, and the won the case theme fits well with all 4 cases' bittersweet endings
>Never played a Layton game before
Layton vs Wright was just a Layton game with Wright sitting there in the caboose saying “I gotta save maaaaayaaaaaa (again)” and then later “I gotta avenge maya’s deeeeeeaaaaaaath (even though it was obvious she didn’t die)”
Even turning to gold didn’t stop Layton from being the center of attention
Phoenix regressed to a permanent state of early trilogy, relying on Layton as Mia so he wouldn't have to actually THINK, and the whole game is spent shitting on him
And yet, despite all that, it’s not even a good Layton game, and The Trademark Bullshit Layton Twist was the worst in the series
Labyrinthia is stupider than any Layton town other than Future London.
I've played curious village all the way through once. I was expecting bullshit, but not on that level.
And Clay was best boy
Why doesn't he get any art, bros, it's not fair ;_;
>Layton vs Wright was just a Layton game with Wright sitting there in the caboose
What are you talking about it had four full trials
Justice for All's pursuit theme would have made for a great theme song for the Phoenix Wright anime, if mixed correctly, ending with the orchestral hits of the variation version
>I can't name a sexier-sounding DS game
TWEWY? Which has one of the greatest soundtracks in video game history?
>not Reus
I like the more comedic breakdowns as much as the next guy but SoJ’s over-the-top breakdowns combined with Gramarye[-wannabe] magic was by far the best thing I’ve ever seen
Phantom’s was good too and the only thing that ruined it was the fucking sniper and hidden face
Either 6-3 or I2-4. I2-3 is an honorable mention.
Means's breakdown was kino, but absolutely nothing beats Paul Atishon's.
How is it that the game that had the absolute best Case 1, Case 2, Case 3 AND Case 4 in the entire series managed to have a Case 5 that only was only satisfying after everything else and not truly perfect as a whole? It even had Best MILF become Best Mommy and it still couldn’t save itself
u wot? I2-5 is tied with 2-4 as best case in the entire series.
>redditor posting a nazi frog
>Being wrong on everything
checks out
Best Allegro coming through.
6-3 (6-DLC was a close second), 5-DLC, 4-1
I2 was good all around.
The Phantom was bullshit and so was everything about him. It feels like he was tacked onto fulbright at the end because they needed a bad guy
>All these plebians who think AAI2 was a good game in this thread with me.
I wish fulbright had been a recurring character instead they might as well have since they euthanized gumshoe or whateverthefuck happened
it's a great game
Coitus with the Maya.
It's extremely overrated.
The thing about Cornered is that it also plays in AA1 not only when you're winning, but when something shocking is revealed from the prosecutor or the witness/culprit. It feels more like a "shit's going down" rather than a victory fanfare like in newer games
perhaps but it's still great
What game is this image from?
Absolutely based and redpilled
Marry, fuck, kill, befriend.
marry larry
fuck ema
befriend maya
kill athena
they sure did make anime Maya cute
Don't know, I saved it from here. It could be promotional art but don't quote me on it. I'm sorry.
It's not great. People have mental problems if they call AAI2 case 5 one of the best.
Simon was one of the worst final bosses of the series.
Marry da freakin Butz, baybee
Fuck Athena
Befriend Maya
Kill Ema
Convince me not to buy the trilogy a third time please
I think AAI2 Case 5 is actually happening today.
>Ema uses her sister's neck scarf
I bet you didn't notice that.
You’re an idiot for ever buying it on any platform newer than the Wii.
Oh shit, who is streaming it?
Befriending Larry or Maya is pretty much a death sentence.
Is the translation the same, or did they remove the burgers and other shit?
And you can only post bait pictures because you can't prove me wrong.
Nobody. LawfulDickish was supposed to be streaming AAI2 for us, since our usual streamer has ADAMANTLY REFUSED to stream AAI2, but I haven’t seen hide nor hair of him since the AAI1 streams.
I’ve been begging/fiending for somebody, anybody to pick up the slack in his absence, but nobody’s done it.
Marry maya
Befriend larry
Fuck ema
Kill athena
I can't prove an opinion, but that doesn't mean you're not baiting.
That means Phoenix gets disbarred in like one month
DGS2 when?
That's true. It's a case for sometimes less situational songs being good. It was almost a leitmotif for suspense.
Fucking Pablo.
It's already time for that, huh.
I wonder if the site will even exist anymore by 4-1, and how many of us will still be here if so.
Fuck/marry Ema/Maya (I can't choose)
Befriend Larry
Kill Athena
No you idiot. It’s happening ten days from now.
Realistically, how long until the DGS2 patch is out?
I think I'm gonna wait for that before starting the first game.
Seven years.
Reminder that you're here forever
I'll see you in seven years if you aren't dead by then
It's not an opinion, it's a fact.
>Let's make the guy who was the 'defendant' of the 2nd case the big bad!
>But he has no actually power or influence, it's just some guy
>But he's really tragic because of a shitty childhood
>And he was childhood friends with the murderer of the first case.
>And he lived in an orphanage run by the murderer of the 2nd case.
>And he drove the mruderer of the 2nd case to murder the murderer of the first case
>Oh and his father was the murderer of the 3rd case who then abandoned him! So tragic!
>And his entire plan relied on dumb luck and for everyone to turn on each other
>And his cross examination was just like debating a conservative where he just uses technicality and bad faith tactics to escape culpability.
>And it took some Larry Butz tier ASS pull to finally nail him. (Rare flowers, really?)
You can claim this was all for a 'build up' but the fact he was a nobody who was wronged made is a shit tier boss.
It's time to stop now.
How about I stop giving (You)s instead.
All you did was describe him.
Is anyone here capable of streaming on Twitch?
I feel like you’re making all these posts yourself.
Then there's still time to stop it
So you can't refute all the evidence I presented.
As expected.
Let's go further.
The soundtrack was mediocre with absolute worst Search Core in the franchise. Most of the new characters were dull or a pain in the ass. Hakari is a prime example of this and it's a joke that you're supposed to like her after she turns heel to help you and it goes into overdrive on looking back in past cases. Most games at least only had 1 Alphabet case. AAI2 decided to have 2 of them. Because fuck you, that's why.
Oh god, what are you doing/thinking
That's because they made Apollo's objection theme in AJ the basis for his normal theme from DD onwards and Athena's objection themes are also remixes of her normal theme.
Why is Trucy so hot
>our usual streamer has ADAMANTLY REFUSED to stream AAI2
What was his problem?
>People shitting on Pablo
He's got other shit to do and doesn't have time you ungrateful faggots.
Also it's a shitty game anyway so nothing of value was lost.
We still have THAT case, and he's going to stream Phoenix Wright vs Professor Layton so it's not all over yet.
I'm just joking around, don't get your Mexican panties in a twist.
dunno but it's probably something like a pitiable viewerbase size of less than 10 or something when people do these
I’m not shitting on him. It’s just that he had said time and again that he wouldn’t be doing it, and since we were all so confused as to whether he was going to do 3-3 or AAI1 (both of which he did in the end), I felt I needed to reinforce that he wasn’t going to be doing AAI2, so that people stop asking about it. Especially when we SHOULD’VE had LawfulDickish doing AAI2 for us in Pablo’s stead.
>He thinks this is done for the viewer count
I want redditors to die.
Actually, the AAI streams were some of the lowest viewrates, but they still managed to average out at around 13 to 16 people. Except for the last case, where we managed to get around 25 to 30.
>after DD
you imply there's more than one game after DD
Don't people tend to put Wanting to Find the Truth on the same level?
I can certainly understand. It really gets the blood pumping.
Interesting how the Layton game didn't allow any actual murder but still acknowledged the premise was fucked up enough that it drove someone to suicide.
In all seriousness, Pablo’s said that he had scheduling conflicts that kept him from doing AAI2. And I’m never gonna fault him for prioritizing his actual life over our silly roleplay threads.
Single most overrated song in the game, the first game is superior in every way.
>All these kill Athenas
Why does everyone hate Athena so much. I found her gimmick interesting and I kinda hope she gets more fleshed out later on. Perhaps even her own game at some point.
actually true.
My favorite breakdown is Rimes.
No good porn.
Having critical acclaim and popularity doesn't make something bad. It just means many people like it. What's the issue?
True, but that's an unfortunate thing with a lot of the girls in the series. I can't even believe they still publish these games in the west given how it never really took off as a majorly popular series over here at any point.
>implying the west makes good porn for Japanese games
Oh, I guess I did imply that didn't I? Not that it was my intention to do so. I mean even Japan doesn't seem to churn out much porn for this series.
The UI is ugly and the character portraits look worse than the pixel art.
>Having critical acclaim and popularity doesn't make something bad
It greatly lowers the quality though. Part of what makes the streams great is it's a close nit group trading banter.
You suddenly shove 100-200 people into the chat to start spamming and rehashing reddit memes, the charm is dead.
But this is just a song though. Are we getting mad at people for liking music now? When did I click on Yea Forums?
This is a strawman argument, cut it out
Much better statement.
Yeah, this franchise and KH are all nothing but yaoi porn and doujins. Fucking lame.
>when did I click on Yea Forums?
And here I thought we were on /pol/.
Never heard of him.
JFA's pursuit is perfect for the final case. The way it keeps modulating makes it feel like you're just barely hanging on for dear life, which is basically what the entirety of 2-4 is. Any other pursuit theme would've sounded terrible there.
don't click this if you don't want a spoiler for something you likely haven't played:
People hate everything about Dual Destinies for some retarded reason. I thought it was the best one.
They’re mostly just AJ fans lashing out at the world for the series continuing after a solid ending and trilogy nostalgiafags who refuse to except that new not bad unga bunga
It has flaws but it’s not terrible
Because inferior ripoff scenarios of older cases, and a prosecutor who never fucking stops blaring his theme.
gonna need to shoot myself for that one
>and trilogy nostalgiafags who refuse to except that new not bad unga bunga
i'm a massive trilogyfag and my main problem with DD is that it relies too much on trying to be like the original trilogy and call back to it
I thought most of them were T&T kiss ups that can't get over Godots le sad love story and then starting hating AJ and beyond for being different.
Gavin wasn’t prosecutor in DD, dear.
No (You) for (You)
>Because inferior ripoff scenarios of older cases
Care to explain what was so "ripoff" about them? I thought they were all pretty unique cases.
5-5 is pretty much just 1-4 crossed with 1-5.
Having an Incident that affected various people involved in law is not trying too hard to be like the trilogy. Every game after the trilogy had an Incident. AJ’s just wasn’t given a code because it didn’t need one, it was just “Phoenix gets disbarred and Zak disappears: the case”
Having a gimmick is also not trying too hard to be like the trilogy. None of the three gimmicks work similar in any way other than rooting out the truth in a witness.
The only thing I’ll give you is that Pearl was useless bait and the magatama was tacked on.
I literally didn't get this impression at all.
the fact that phoenix was playable AT ALL is trying too hard to be the original trilogy. both games would be improved massively if he was in a supporting role. this is especially true of SoJ
He was a stand in one for 5-3 during the investigation.
What because the prosecutor is portrayed as the good guy? Because that is the only thing similar about them.
>the main character being playable means it’s a rehash even if everything is different
I don’t think there are protesters THAT edgy, dude. Sure, it’s be a neat idea to have the new characters take over more from Wright, but I’m not gonna be offended by his presence.
he's not even the main character you fucking brainlet, in either game
DD is about athena and SoJ is about apollo
it's fucking retarded, i unironically would've preferred a solo athena game
What kind of autistic 4d chess is this? You might as well say Mia and Edgeworth shouldn't have been playable in the original trilogy.
>people are crying about DD “rehashing the trilogy” when it’s the second and final game without Maya being accused of a crime and the first half of the final case in SoJ is just a desperate “REMEMBER FAREWELL MY TURNABOUT!?!?!? REMEMBER?????? DO YOU REMEMBER NOW???????” but nobody said a peep about it
2001 is still the best, it's just too classic. dat cheetahmen
this is it man. so much damn emotion bruh.
AA6 being worse does not mean AA5 gets off the hook, dude.
Dgs1 is shit. Fuck off "start to finish"
Is he going full vigilante?
Just finished case 3
>SoJ worse than DD
Terrible opinion
mia and edgeworth didn't actively impede the story and character development of other characters the way phoenix does in DD and SoJ. in DD the way he takes over for athena in the first case completely deflates her character and takes what could've been a creepy, shocking moment in the right context (her PTSD) and uses it as a way to get him as the attorney. in SoJ him being the sole focus in khu'rain makes it fall horribly flat when apollo is suddenly the big dick in town in the final case. you can't convince me that apollo has surpassed phoenix wright when i've been playing as him and doing insane shit and apollo just had one case back home. they could've at least given him case 4 but no we had to give the DD fans some fanservice too with athena and blackquill but that's another matter. phoenix is a malignant presence and he's only there for fanservice, get him the fuck out of there
i've been bitching about the first half of that case since i played it fuck you faggot
>SOJ is worse than DD
SoJ is top 3 game
AA1 Pursuit (AA3 Remix) > AA3 Pursuit > AA1 Pursuit > AA6 Pursuit > AA5 Pursuit > AA4 Pursuit > AA2 Pursuit
>worse than AA5
too fucking easy
Kill Larry
Fuck Athena
Marry Maya
Befirend Ema
Jesus, your opinion is garbage.
Why are there so many AA threads recently?
>Kill Larry
>Kill Larry
>Kill Larry
I will substitute killing him with reverting him to his AA1 self. Y'know, back when he was tolerable.
DGS1 fan translation is done
Anyone going for the Platinum/All Achievements? Figure it won't be too bad, since I've beat the original trilogy multiple times in the past. On 1-3 at the moment. I hope they bring every other game to more systems, while we're waiting on AA7.
Yeah, I'm probably a chump buying these games again. But I like some of the QOL improvements in this version so far (Investigation Marker that shows if you already checked something or not, being able to speed up text without having to have seen it once, ten save slots, etc), even if some of the art is off admittedly a mixed bag.
>in a visual novel
The only music that really matters, is Confess the Truth, that is the kino moment music.
AA1 Confess the Truth: 10/10
AA2 Confess the Truth: 11/10
AA3 Confess the Truth: 3/10