Boneworks Saves VR

New video yesterday
Flipping the tables on anti-VR fags

inb4 tech demo

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Other urls found in this thread:

and if you haven't seen the other videos

what are you gonna do about it anti-VR fags

All vr games are just tech demos

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based VR shill

oh a new video

and an old video that shows off the gravity gun

And fun.

notepad is a tech demo for wordpad
paint is a tech demo for photoshop
2ch is a tech demo for 4ch

>50 sekiro threads
no shill

>2 boneworks threads

where are the antiVRs?
probably eating chocolate to become fatter and less mobile

VR will never be a thing. The tech is too limited right now and it therefore limits what devs can present to the players. They won’t ever be anything but floating hand walking simulators with pretty images in flashing in front of you.

Is this like your third thread OP? How much does Valve pay you, honestly?

I am going to buy the Valve Index and Boneworks and nothing is going to stop me.

>you can grab the enemies in mid air and just whack them against each other or literally headbutt them to death
Okay, that is brilliant.

my payment is the tears of the irrational antiVRs that flood into these threads

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flipping off people online will be revolutionary

Astro Bot is genuinely fun on its own merits.

Key word is 'now'. There's already improvements with finger and eye tracking coming up.

To be honest, it's not so much that VR is limited but that devs are still working out how to use it. A lot of the old conventions don't work as well for it.

can't wait to see people speculating that half life 3 took a shit ton of time because they where gonna make vr. fuck it's gonna be bad seeing all that shit

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it must be past bedtime for anti-VRs

we can only conclude that their parents wont buy them VR, so they are sour grapes about the whole thing

They weren't many anti-vrs last thread and that one lasted since afternoon.

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VR could be revolutionary to games, as long as devs stop using it for gimmicky bullshit. Seeing the progress of boneworks gets me really excited for the future of VR

Still shilling this garbage eh?
Come back when there's something worth showing.

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Honestly, I can't Imagine that all the fancy physics in boneworks will be nothing more than a neat novelty. Adding extra tedium to every single thing you do may look cool, but I can imagine it getting irritating during actual gameplay.

I’d Welcome some innovation prove me wrong about VR, but I just don’t see it.

damn son this is revolutionary

What game is this, I see it getting posted in every thread.

Problem with Astrobot is that it doesn’t need to be VR. It could just be played as a platformer.

Literally none of the games you listed besides crysis and half life 2 were tech demos

user who made them said it was homemade he came up with. Vam or something.

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The first thing that actually makes me think VR might end up being more than just a gimmick. This is nearing Half-Life 2 levels of innovation.

Looks great

Ill buy it when VR doesnt give everyone motion sickness or headaches

it doesn't give you motion sickness if you arent subhuman
cope harder

As long as its free I'm interested.

Im sure technology will do great when you pretend common issues dont exist

>headcrabs are the only enemy


the controll mechanisms are still too clunky to justify the extra energy expendature.

Perhaps with bodysuits and some kind of built in force feedback with perfect tracking it will be worth it, but this is just the wii all over again, VR controls are far too limited to justify waving your arms around like a sperg.

Well yeah, people like Sekiro, so they make threads to discuss it.

No one likes boneworks, so shills have to force threads to even get people to discuss it.

Does VR rot your brain or something?

>>headcrabs are the only enemy
literally wrong

no one cares shush it b1tch

epilepsy and motion sickness occur in regular games
guess vidya will never take off

They showed humanoids in the second video, though they are less polished. Also keep in mind that this game will be mostly an "engine" they will sell to other developers.

t. sekiro shill

Apples and oranges, obviously you're too stupid to realize that have a nice day
but here, there's already a 2nd enemy

There is some emergent stuff with the physics, like pogo-ing yourself with weapons in B&S or use the curve of a crowbar to hook thing. Kind of like HL2's early promises about objects behaving the way they should based on the material they're set to (which was kinda bull then but more doable now)

Honestly the best innovation is going to be realistic interaction with things around you in ways you expect. Like the devs of 'I Expect You to Die' noted a lot of people tried to use the knife to turn screws instead of looking for the actual screwdriver. That should actually work and not be a preset animation.

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>Make a game with all these systems
>Going to cost me thousands of dollars just to have a basic set up
>Or I could just wait for AR, which will be infinitely better
Saw a AR headset not long ago being used in a construction site, technology was fucking amazing, looked like real life assets being placed in a totally empty place for design a factory.

But replace that with enemies and suddenly you turn your backyard into an arena which you and all your friends can play with. Social and interactive, going to shit all over VR.

>gravity gun


I'm sure games will do great when you pretend common problems dont exist

I snagged Everspace since it was on sale and god it runs like shit in VR.
Just like Overlord (at least the demo)
It's one of the few times I've played a vr game and immediately felt sick.

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>portal like setting
>rogue AI
>part of Valve Master List

hrmmmmmm.... indeed

Motion sickness is the number 1 reason people ditch VR, even streamers who do it all the time stop playing for breaks since its so straining on your eyes

That and there is nothing to do with it

you know 3D games and especially FPS games are not popular in japan because they get motion sickness easily?

guess vidya is over...

>you know 3D games and especially FPS games
>two of the most popular genres in japan
>literally the birthplace of crazy
Not him but nice shitpost does it come in not gay?

motion sickness is great then, it filters out the shitters like the streamers. Have fun playing your BING BING WAHOOOO while I enjoy my superior VR (Virtual Reality) Experience. waaaaaaaah b-but motion sicknes!!!!!11 waaaah

If the robot headcrabs are aggressive headsets, I hope getting caught in one takes you to a mini level and you have to beat the simulation to get it off.

Holy fucking based.

>straining on your eyes
those are due to refresh rates/resolutions/lenses, which will all improve
people get carpal tunnel syndrome from regular gaming too

>motion sickness
follow best practices and it's minimal

Hey you. You keep making the same thread but extending your list, I never watch vidya related content on my work account, and now your fucking faggot "game" is being shoved in my face left and right on Facebook and Youtube. I've never genuinely and unironically called someone a shill before, but you're a fucking shill if not the creator or a member of the dev team shilling in hopes your product will do better. Put more time and money into the assetflipping "you make the game" faggot shit.

>no one plays 3D games in japan
Are you actually fucking retarded. This is why no one likes you VR cunts, you take valid issues with your tech and get so defensive you pretend they are not issues to save face. I get it, you wasted thousands of dollars on tech that does nothing and is riddled with issues but that isnt everyone elses problems so dont take your anger out on others. Dont bother replying I wont read your lame attempt to save face.

>you know 3D games and especially FPS games are not popular in japan because they get motion sickness easily?
How fucking delusion are you

>Motion sickness is the number 1 reason people ditch VR
Citation fucking needed.
Motion sickness clears up after only a week of use in VR.
Hell, I've brought friends over and had them play for fucking hours and they were totally fine.
Faggots like you would say the same thing 20 years ago when 3D games first started becoming a thing and giving people motion sickness.

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Ah yes, look at all those 2D games in the top spots in Japan...

Fucking VR drone you make the rest of us look bad, I hope you're some false flag shitter.

And also fuck you, someone else came into your thread and made a barebones working demo of the same shit with less polish. I'm not surprised when you're selling people fucking nothing you need to hype it up to make a buck off of retards who bite the bait. Again, fuck you.

paranoid schizo. Fuck off wageslave

japanese gamers literally bought NSMB over mario galaxy because it was 2D and doesn't make them nauseous

they get lost easily in 3d zeldas as well

>links a SINGLE study as if that makes it a authoritative source and a link to an artcial about japanese gaming market in the fucking 90s
You're a fucking moron

I'll keep making threads to fuel your paranoia

>the absolute state of VRniggers

Im Japanese and live in Japan and I have literally never heard of this as an issue here

this is well known in the gaming industry, why are you being a retard?

If this isn't shilling, I don't know what is.

The VR haters just can't afford it.

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Is this the new "no u" when another person comes into another of the same fucking thread and points out how this in particular seriously, unironically, all memes aside and antagonizing aside seems like high potential for an actual shill since the dev has put money into pushing advertising on the normal readily available routes to boost outreach on a budget. This same thread with the same OP and repeated "Y'know this seems kind of like an actual shill thread" over and over again is just downright lacking subtlety. I might of bought this otherwise, but as is I'm going to be hypercritical on it being a quickly made VR moneygrab riding on hopes of community content keeping it afloat..

>Motion sickness is the number 1 reason people ditch VR
Then they're being idiots. You can get over motion sickness over time. It's literally no different then getting your 'sea legs' on a boat.

I think that in itself is one of VR's big hurdles. Some people are so used to having their asses wiped for them, that the mere thought of putting some effort in is an instant dismissal for them.

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definitely seems like a tech demo for an engine .

Would be the best way to make a ton of money

What's the best gf sim for vr?

Love this meme because it's a hard cope. VR shit just isn't appealing enough to make the average person want to buy what is essentially a beta test for an immature and gimmicky technology.

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>hopes of community content keeping it afloat
when has this ever been better than the content the devs come up with?

I bet you prefer expired garbage food over restaurant food

>western news sites
Yeah we dont care what they say, most of it is sensationalist and baseless. As Satoru Iwata points out people in Japan dont like 3D for games which were traditionally platformers because it changes the core gameplay. The 3d motion sickness is foolish western fake news as you would say.

I've never seen gaslighting used to sell a game, time to go use it as gasoline to start a fire and watch what happens.

It's shockingly easy to into, so autistics like OP can make something like this in it and turn a quick buck on less than an indie greenlight visual novels' worth of effort.

I prefer a game that stands on its own so it can draw a modding community that turns it into an immortal rather than a piece of dogshit hoping a bunch of nobodies make their piece of shit nothing game into something for them.

imagine being so mentally weak you could never finish the first level of goldeneye lmao

I guess this is it for gaming, shut it down...

>footfaggot turns out to be massively retarded


>vrfag has no argument so he'll just call him retarded

99% of game mods are pure garbage
you're only one step above other cancerous communities like speedrunners and esports

>more western news sources
Like I said, sensationalist and baseless. I think you're just shitposting.

And your dumb ass somehow managed to outdo him by buying into the infant state of VR rather than giving it time to grow and get better hardware at a better price, but hey at least you can play VRchat right?

I hope you know I'm saging while you swap to baiting (you)s to keep your shit game's shit thread bumped.

>I think you're just shitposting.

>I'm saging
they all say that

>Not saging every post until the thread proves itself worth unsaging
Know how I know you're a fucking faggot that contributes to fucking faggot threads getting bumped? Why would I ever go into a thread I have cause to believe is actually a shill thread without it? Why would anyone should of forgetting to not be a nigger?

>People saying that Boneworks looks like a tech demo.

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you'll be back lol

go change your nappy

I'll be back every time I see your thread and will be waiting for any hint of posts that might lead people to believe this game is being actively shilled whether it actually is or isn't. That shouldn't effect you all that much if the game is good enough to stand on its own. If you have any involvement with the game I hope you show attitude at the wrong time and completely fuck up your sales if enough suckers exist to make this have good numbers to begin with.

>Motion sickness clears up after only a week of use in VR
Look, I love VR but this isn't true at all. The US Army has done many studies on motion sickness and they found the rate of adaptation varies a lot from person to person and that some people never adapt.

>Are ya winning son?

No dude, it's like sea legs, just keep bumping the thread.

imagine being this paranoid over a game

>some people never adapt
they'll simply go extinct
why would anyone breed with someone who can't handle 3D games or VR?

Some people never get their sea legs either.

Exactly. These threads are always full of lucky loudmouths who're convinced motion sickness isn't real just because they're fortunate enough to be immune.

>Yea Forums isn't a site about seeing who can take the piss the hardest for fun
>People who are actually invested in a game aren't easy targets
Get the fuck off my site tourist.

no dude just trust me and keep giving me bumps. I'm totally engaged in arguing about sea legs and motion sickness, not just (you)'s and bumps, and you should totally keep responding to me.

>go extinct
thats pretty apt, these VR threads consistently bring out the antiVR tards as if they're trying to fight for their survival

lol based. I bet those people that have motion sickness are also manlets. Literally subhuman genes

This may be true, or it may not. But can you not take a step back and see why a video game technology that causes nausea and requires a week of training your mind and body isn't something that's anywhere close to going mainsteam?

Imagine if Microsoft introduced a new Xbox or Samsung a new LCD TV that made you puke unless you underwent anti-nausea exercises for a week or more.

VR needs to be adaptable to actual human physiology before it will be anything beyond a gimmick for the most hardcore of gamers, and no Boneworks physics demo is going to change that.

Looks like a Unity game senpai. See also; shit

they're most likely wheelchair bound or leviathan class incels and get easily triggered by youtube videos of fit, able bodied people performing physical movements with their bodies
or any games that would require fitness or showers

>you should totally keep responding to me.


Now there's the callous shilling I expected. Did not disappoint me, chink.

Sure, but the shooting and gore looks fun.

It doesn't make you incapacitated dummy, it goes away after like 10 minutes you just need to take a breather.
Besides, the same thing happened back when 3D first became popular in games, people adapted to it.
Just cherry picking any small gripe you might have for something you obviously don't own because of the way you talk about it just to call it a "dumb gimmick" on Yea Forums non fucking stop is pathetic.
Just don't fucking buy it if you don't like it, you don't need to track down every fucking thread and derail it nonstop like it killed your family or something.

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>isn't something that's anywhere close to going mainsteam?
that would be the cost

motion sickness will go away with resolution, refresh rates, fov, framerate improvements and best practices by devs

Really high bar you set for your games huh? Does it having colors and guns in a shooting game also surprise you and come off as a bonus or just a standard with an unnecessarily positive spin? Also >Node

maybe its that seething one guy with the one eye from the last thread who can never look at those magic eye books the same way ever again

it's a cheap indie game made by a small studio. You expect some kind of photorealistic graphics? Wait for Boneworks to come out, they actually plan to sell their engine to the devs, so the quality of indie games should increase then.


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I hate that I probably can't afford this in 2019 but maybe 2020. Valve is set to BTFO everyone because this is comparable to the shift from 2D to 3D back in the day, and birthing pains or no once you've played game with these mechanics going "back" to regular 3D will simply be less engaging. Luckily there's at least some time left to finish backlogs before HL3 and whatnot release.

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who the fuck cares about graphics?
I grew up with atari, everything looks great now

Is that open knowledge and do you have anything tangible to prove where you got that from or any devs cooperating with them? Are developers a broad term used to include customers who create games with Boneworks as a whole or actual big name creators that people have genuine interest in without needing to hire a couple days' minimum wage in generating spin and hype? You look at this thread by the way, and tell me as a man who qualifies for being a wizard and a NEET before the term NEET ever landed in front of my eyes and tell me in all my years on this board remaining everyday active that this thread doesn't look like it has actual shills, not just contrarian trolls in it.

Read the name of this game again. Boneworks. It's just an engine they are building with a simple story. They will share it with other devs later, kind of like Half-Life 2 did.

looooooool calm down bro and have sex

so its not a game? ok, great. killer app!

This. I'm currently getting a job so I get get Index and buy this game when it comes out. I'm already loving how VR games are a normie filter and how you can't make cinematic garbage on it.

lose weight and have sex fatty incel

it'll be funny if antiVR fags have kids one day, and they end up liking VR

What controller is that?

An user came into his thread earlier and rigged up a working demo without a backdrop/scene in 10 minutes where he did all of the same shit in a webm with ported models, including killing enemies with both melee and ranged weapons, and grabbing/waving around another ported model.

You know if you post here enough and are connected to the team, some sort of autism lurking here is going to stretch activity here against you and cast it in a light that brings trouble to the game, period, for shits and giggles and to watch you squirm since there's quite a lot of misanthropes on here. I hope you intend to launch soon instead of drum up hype for too long or the chance to take off to begin with might be ripped away. Seems like you have insider info nobody short of a person involved with creation would have if there's nothing out there right not that supports your claims.

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>Seems like you have insider info nobody short of a person involved with creation would have if there's nothing out there right not that supports your claims.
take your meds

how do you expect to get sales when you have to bump your own thread with antagonistic shit that amounts to lazy bait instead of selling why your game is good?

Wow this looks pretty good, what Kinect game us that?

has it ever occured to you that I just like pissing off you antiVR tards because of how irrational and paranoid you are and I do it for free

trolling is my favorite hobby, better than gaming

play blade and sorcery instead you fags

t. blade and sorcery shill
maybe all the flak is from other VR devs who are jealous that boneworks makes their games look like shit

I'm gonna make something like this in a few days and throw it on Greenlight lad, I've made autismo sandboxes in VR and commissioned porn on it before. Good luck coming second and having the shitstain of my unpolished hobby project sandbox.

t. bonerworks shill
maybe all the flak is from men who have played a REAL vr game

maybe, keep chasing your tail, its amusing

>An user came into his thread earlier and rigged up a working demo without a backdrop/scene in 10 minutes where he did all of the same shit in a webm with ported models, including killing enemies with both melee and ranged weapons, and grabbing/waving around another ported model.

Or he animated it to look like it.

>pong was a tech demo
>asteroids was a tech demo
no it wasn't
>doom was a tech demo
no it wasn't
>mario 64 was a tech demo
>the foundation for 3D platformers was a tech demo
nice try
>quake was a tech demo
you wish faggot
>unreal was a tech demo
again, you wish faggot
>Hl2 was a tech demo
yeah and it sucked
>doom 3 was a tech demo
yeah and it sucked
>far cry was a tech demo
no it wasn't, but it still sucked
>crysis was a tech demo
yes it was, and it sucked
>portal was a tech demo
are you literally retarded

Look dude, I get you like the game and all, but the reason people are calling the game a tech demo isn't just because it's some big leap in tech; it's undeniable that the game is making leaps and bounds above anything VR has ever done besides like, fucking Pavlov until now. It's being called a tech demo because it's lacking anything to properly play. All you get are some physics simulations areas and some demos. When more content is shown off, the tech demo sentiment will disappear, but until then

it's a tech demo

>Thread ends up being people calling eachothers shills
Reminder that VR is a fad that'll die if it doesn't get its killer game in less than two years, and Boneworks certainly isn't that kind of thing.

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definitely a shill

You're awfully good at tricking people who either weren't here or never fucked around with a VR sandbox of any sort in their life and very bad at making me want to buy this thing that offers me nothing over playing actual games/multiplayer FPS on VR.

>Reminder that VR is a fas
definitely a shill and your mistakes are permanent

wii sports was a tech demo

yeah, a tech demo that was sold with the wii, of course it sold well. Next.

The quest is unironically the most exciting VR tech piece and it releases in less than a month

>no wires
>6 DoF controller tracking
>inside-out but much more precise and wider FOV controller tracking than WMR due to carmack magic and 4 cameras
>IPD adjustable OLED displays
>400$ pricepoint so lower entry than PSVR
>still much more precise and offers 360 degree tracking unlike PS camera shit
>up to 4 hours of battery life
>large game library on launch
>snapdragon is overclocked and fan cooled so it‘s as powerful as a PS3
>curated store so everything hits max framerate

its even getting rec room, vr chat, beat saber and onward

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Shut it down. I've been banned 11 times today so if this is a faggot mod good luck.

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not a cent from me goes to facebook

got him lol

Call me when the hardware doesn't cost as much as a second computer.

How quickly it falls silent. Good job catching the chink.

just get a second job

>it goes away after like 10 minutes you just need to take a breather
Inducing nausea means VR is total non-starter for the large majority of potential VR consumers. No one wants to be sick to their stomach while playing a video game. People want to sit in a comfy chair, eat some pizza or Doritos, drink a soda or beer, and play fun video games with their friends. Not wear a helmet that makes them sick.

This is super simple shit that should be blindingly obvious to everyone, but sadly the VR enthusiasts are so obsessed with this gimmick, they completely and willfully ignore all the giant hurdles that are standing in the way of VR going mainstream.

Again, people do not want to be nauseous. It doesn't matter if you can train yourself to ignore the vertigo, or whether it goes away after taking a break. If your tech makes people want to psychically vomit, it's going nowhere until you can figure out how to prevent that.

Imagine being such a massive unlikable cunt that you brag about being banned 11 times.

>VR thread
>The same EXACT webms posted every single times
>VRetards calling everyone who say the games are glorified tech demos "shills"
>"It's going to REVOLUTIONIZE gaming just you wait!!!!11!!!"
Go back to doing erp on VR Chat, losers

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Fuck off Brandon. Stop shilling your shitty game here.

Imagine making such a shit game you have to samefag to bump your thread and out yourself over a typo because your stupid normie ass thinks you can delete your mistakes here without it looking suspicious and in itself seem to not quite understand how threads/posting works in making that mistake. Get the fuck off my site, tourist shill.

>2 year old mobile phone chipset
can't wait for the backlash on this, all those people expecting an experience similar to PC VR only to get mobileshit

shhhhhhhhh calm that autistic rage child.

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This thread confirms shills can delete posts but not edit them. Good job fuckwad.

>that one retard that argues with himself and thinks he can identify who is posting

You know I'm drinking gin and listening to japanese psych rock while pissing and shitting in 9 different threads at the same time right? Getting to see a shill fuck up is the best one of all week especially considering how often I see your thread though, so kudos kike you sure got me.


Incorrect, Narbacular Drop was a tech demo, and a more trippy implementation of portals at that.

sent me here. What's happening in this thread?


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You see, you think I can't identify who is posting and you're right, but I'm 90% sure without having the same UI as you most of us see your intense samefagging on a daily basis and some of us know fighting fire with fire is effective at generating lulz.

if you removed the gladdos story, it would still be a tech demo

Asking for a friend, haha.

....are you just stupid? or genuinely retarded?

joke's on you, I'm an AI

Node is a dev known to shill on Yea Forums, shill makes a typo and deletes his post not understanding we still get to see the post, claims repeatedly every thread there's no shills and starts ruthlessly samefagging inbetween making outrage bait for (you)'s.

>you have to be fit to play this
no thanks

>First post contains obvious spelling mistakes and has been deleted so the user could on VR more clearly
what's there to hmm about?
>I've been sent here by this post from a thread that was created mere seconds ago with no replies
You're not really at samefaging, are you?

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>t. gook worshipper

it's not Node, it's Notch, he has nothing ebtter to do with his minecraft money than to piss off random people

This is more confusing than what I thought. We have (at least) two people accusing each other of samefagging. I'll have to watch this thread more closely.

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>Grabs one and bashes a corpse against it to kill it
>Headbutts one to death
>Punches them out of the air
This appeases my simplistic needs, holy shit.

He thinks you're me.

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stop replying to your own posts

you're not allowed to like it, because that would make you a shill according to the inbreds in this thread

obviously fake in photoshop since I made that post

>Thread ends up being people calling eachothers shills
Reminder that VR is a fad that'll die if it doesn't get its killer game in less than two years, and Boneworks certainly isn't that kind of thing.

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>Thread ends up being people calling eachothers shills
Reminder that VR is a fas that'll die if it doesn't get its killer game in less than two years, and Boneworks certainly isn't that kind of thing

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Kinda jumped the gun on that one huh?

>tfw you realise most of Yea Forums is legit retarded

I thought you knew how to identify who is posting. I change my IP and now you stop responding to me like I'm the same person from (you) to (you).

>Comes to Yea Forums
>Doesn't expect trolls trolling trolls
Get the fuck off my site, tourist shill. Reddit could give you your own sub to astroturf however much artificial green you'd like and they're more your audience.

Samefagging there is higher effort, easier for him to shill here. Probably part of why actual discussion can be pretty fucking AIDS..

arf arf

>my site
hello newfriend!

The upcoming Valve Index controllers

Previously known as Knuckles

as someone who has played a lot of VR now, I can say for sure that it's actually pretty far along now, really excited for the new knuckles and index shit to come out

But, this tech isn't going to be utilized like, ever. We're just gonna get a handful of nice games like boneworks, but aside from that, don't except a big library of games any time soon

VR currently has 2 huge issues, and only ONE of them can be fixed later.

1. VR is expensive as fuck. If you want the full experience with finger controllers, position tracking, and decent framerates/resolution, expect to pay over one grand. What's that? You don't have a GPU that isn't as powerful or more powerful than a GTX 1070? Then you need to upgrade or else you're gonna be shit out of luck. For the average PC gamer, you'll be looking to pay upwards of 1,500 just to be ready for VR, and then you need to buy the games

But, more importantly

2. VR requires space. Yeah, if you want the full experience you better fucking have PLENTY of open space in an area you can hook up your PC. Don't have the space? tough shit, you better move to a new place or convince your well off aunt to let you live in her basement. This is a bigger issue IMO, because it's not an issue that can be solved with price drops or optimization.

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So dead you're not even samefagging like you normally do. Mission success.

The camera controls would be quite annoying in 2D

My fellow gamers... this is it. Gaming will no longer considered a hobby for manchilds and their "bing, bing, wahooo!" games. With the launch of revolutionary VR game - Boneworks, and the new VR headset from valve - Index, the tables will turn. Current video games will soon become a relict of the past, to be replaced by VR (Virtual Reality) games. Playing video games will require an actual physical effort, thus naturally filtering out all the fat fedora tipping landwhales. You can already see the effects of this in the VR threads - massive butthurt coming from fatties sitting on their piss and cum stained chairs. They fully know that their days are marked. I'm not even talking about them having a cardiac arrest caused by all that McDonald's junk food, but what I mean is that video games will no longer be associated with them. This will open a new possibility to normal well-adjusted humans, of discussing video games in public without worry of being looked down as a basement dweller - we might finally be able to get a girlfriend by being ourselves and discussing our hobby!
And that's not everything. Say goodbye to cinematic garbage "games". VR naturally requires you to use skills. You can't just put a player in a cool epic cutscene, or show him a cinematic finisher on an enemy in VR games. Shooting guns and moving in VR requires you to use an actual real life skills. What this means is that all those journalists that complained about Sekiro being too hard will be filtered out too.
With all of that it's no wonder that Boneworks causes so much butthurt. Redditors will have to go back to watching their shitty superhero Hollywood movies and video games will be saved. Pre-order Index and Boneworks today!

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>expecting VRChat and Rec Room to work well on Quest when Rec Room runs like shit on base PS3 and everyone has unoptimised models on VRChat

Watch it Chrissy

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That would get super annoying after the first couple of times

The price problem has been fixed with cheaper alternatives like PSVR and Quest

finally gonna buy a headset after Valve releases their new one

not falling for this again

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I'll never buy VR and none of your autistic tech demos will convince me otherwise. Stay irrelevant.

It's also always full of people who blow it completely out of proportion. It's something you can get used to easily by practice. Almost any game features numerous comfort settings to make it easier to handle, too.


>But replace that with enemies and suddenly you turn your backyard into an arena which you and all your friends can play with. Social and interactive, going to shit all over VR.
nigga the fucking 3DS had games that did that, it never took off because surprise surprise there's only so much appeal that can be had in just overlaying shit over the real world

yep really funny seeing all those retards get mad whenever something VR related gets posted

>Valve known to be doing VR projects
>Boneworks is built around Valve's proprietary Knuckles
>crowbar fuckery is one of their main physics showcases
>game's big shtick is how thorough its physics simulations are, much like with the original Source
>gravity gun
>Headcrabs that they go out of their way to not call headcrabs
>headcrabs generate a brownish blood splatter identical to the actual headcrabs when shot sometimes
>no mention of releasing on anything but Steam

Attached: df8.gif (500x375, 664K)

>People get mad over Beat Saber differently than any rhythm game
>People get mad at VRchat different than a secondlife poster
>People get mad over shitty cashgrab shovelware regardless of if it's VR or not

You don't have to "train" it, you just have to use it. It's literally the same as sea legs.

wii was a shit console with shit games ran by a shit gimmic.
VR is ltierally you using your hands and body in game.
If VR didn't have waggle it'd be shit.
If you disagree you're objectively a retard.

Cope more seething poorfag.
Maybe finish basic education so you can get a job and afford VR

Beat Saber is god tier though

do you have 5 iq?
>waah I bought a dead online game
>waah that means their fully SP game is going to be shit too

>shill VR constantly every thread I get a chance to for months
>now VR is popular enough among Yea Forums the general opinion of it is more favorable than not

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>motion sickness
As someone who can ride all rides at a theme-park and never been sick. Will I get affected or is it just weak people who can't handle it?

One of these things is not like the others and no amount of shilling can change that for most customers who aren't downright suckered into a buy, right? You know what you're getting into with VRchat, Secondlife, Beat Saber, or a Rhythm game, but Boneworks seems to promise you nothing while promising everything. I may be writing it off as shovelware or maybe vaporware tier shit built around new hardware, but boy am I almost certain it has no potential to be anything else especially with who is heading the project.

Thanks for your service my fellow VRchad.

>Shill something
>That something becomes accepted
...since when did anything work this way ever?

Boneworks isn't just a game. They stated that they will sell their engine to other developers, so it will set a new standard.

D44M and Human Revolution

Where and when? I'm aware this was asked earlier and met with radio silence/dismissal and trolling. Link to what they said and where they intend to go with it?

>no argument
go striptease for your vrchat tranny friends you insufferable cuck

so noble. soldier on brave internet knight

Post Human Revolution in a Deus Ex thread that has actual conversation going on and see how quickly you're unwelcome short of keeping your posting strictly memes. Do you believe Doom 4 is widely accepted on v as good or that it's viewed as a strange bastard child of Brutal Doom and Doom-but-with-less-enemies-and-worse/unclear-level-design among people who aren't parroting the standard press-tier opinion?

>vr thread
>same bootyblasted foxy grape characters posting every time
post yfw
eat shit pancakefags

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I'm the same and the only times i've been made dizzy or sick by VR is when a demo or mod breaks the rules on avoidance. Like tilting or bobbing the 'screen' around.

Worst one was HL2's vr mode. Because the head bob was subtle, I played pretty far into it because nausea hit. Another was the VR mod for Alien Isolation because the 'ship quake' effect shook the screen at random.

Do you believe Yea Forums is one person?

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A literal who on a steamforum's he-said she-said. Nice, I guess I and other people on the fence sure are sold, especially after checking post history and seeing it's a fucking noone another fucking noone designated as the answer to their thread.

why does vr tend to piss off a lot of children here? they seem to be really dedicated to shitposting about it.

I am he as you are he and you are me and we are all together

I am thou... Thou art I... From the sea of thy soul, I come...

No, but it seems like you and the people who unironically believe Doom 4 and Human Revolution are good games think so at times when Doom threads are typically either memes, shitposting, and no actual conversation about the game itself, or on vr and never about Doom 4 unless it's common criticism circlejerks.

The question
The response
The criticism instead of taking things at a glance and writing off NUG NUG as a voice of authority despite being an active forum poster on many games
The end. What we learn from this is OP is full of shit, and the game doesn't even have devs working on promising content as he implies and can give nothing solid or tangible to back that claim that might actually generate sales were he not full of shit.


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VR's current state reminds reminds me of the 90s, when PCs were becoming a thing and game devs were figuring out what works. Common practices like WASD keys for movement came later.

I guess the problem is we're so used to having game companies throw up complete solutions at us, that experimental stuff is considered lesser.

What shitty FPS

Why cant we have a bunch of Webms in threads like these?
You like VR?
Post VR Webms

Attached: Gomenesai vr vaifu.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

yes i agree with xer, horrible game!!

still looks like garbo

All video games are just tech demos. You can't refute this.

OP is a fag.
VR is great.
Dab on the haters.

Simple people can't grasp that a new, or newly implemented technology doesn't jump straight to hyper realistic AAA titles that fully immerse the player once they've put on the headset, you know like movies like to portray futuristic video games.
Once they realize that it's mostly tech demos and simple simulations at this point they assume VR has failed and the usual Tortanic routine starts. Doesn't help that a lot of posters have hyped this shit up like it's the second coming of Christ abd that it's still so expensive that most peoples experience with VR is second hand, hearsay, and marketing.

What tech though?

>Implying interactivity with recreation involving technology are all tech demos
>Implying interactivity involving technology are all tech demos
Did you pull something making that stretch, user?

>it's not news if they are not from X
Literaly paid russian tier of arguments

No, I'm not implying this, I'm stating this and I'm waiting for you to refute it.

Fuck off drumpf fan

Blade and Sorcery, it's on Steam, the dismemberment was added a few days ago.

You think you're making a point, but HL2 being a tech demo is what brought the whole quality of the game down

I believe VR is too young to be a worthwhile investment as a consumer at this time myself, and that we're going to see affordability and optimization grow rapidly to offer far superior games and VR sets at a cheaper price that are simply better than what you can get now. I only know one person with VR and could describe them as Stewart from SNL in a way. "Look what I can do/did/have", all the fucking time, with diehard buyers' remorse/fan dedication to the point he's a 32 year old man still arguing about console wars back to the Xbox vs Ps2. He has made out VR to be god's gift to us all and sings praises of how it has glorious games and tons of fun, before he gets shitfaced drunk and goes on VRchat the whole fucking time. Any time he shows a shooter, all I find myself thinking is "Man, this shit is going to be awesome in like 10 years". Short of progress being made faster than I expect I won't be buying one until I have my own house and a midlife crisis.
All beaches are sandy. Gravel is just large grains of sand to suit my lazy shitpost. You can't refute this.

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I constantly see shit like "Quake 1 is techdemo and mod framework" from retarded anons on Yea Forums.
>implying i think any of ameritard candidates is not hot turd.

MAGA 2020

Seems like it will usable only in vr chat.
Can it do ok_hand sign?
Or peace sign?
I actually dont see anything special here.

Standing up and waving your hands around is never gonna become mainstream. VR is good for racing and flying games and that's it.

Don't even bother. I'm excited for it but valvecucks are shitposting it to oblivion here.

So, it's agreed with shit like Astrobot, and Senuas sacrifice and Moss that 3rd person works quite well in VR right?

Generally yeah. You still have the sense of being there, even if you're a floating head behind or above the character. It can limit some things though, like using motion controllers for a character in front of you would feel weird.