What is Yea Forums's opinion on gnomes and other races of short stature?
What is Yea Forums's opinion on gnomes and other races of short stature?
You wouldn't
doesn't she do panels and shit for nintendo
I'd pay money to fuck female wow goblins
They're cute. I wish the goblins weren't ugly hags though.
Is this the shortstack thread?
Uhm, they aren't tho.
literally just go to any of the Malaysian countries and buy a prostitute
Someone post goblins before I lose my anticipation boner
Vulpera are for hugs
The WoW ones make me want to play one in my Pathfinder group but Gnomes are pretty shit in PF.
>tfw i work with some chick with tits that huge and is 4'8
Who wouldn't?
Jack her phone for the nudes
They look too much like actual midgets, but still manage to do all the same shit that the other races do, which I find implausible. So it kind of rubs me the wrong way just like it would if there were a race of wheelchair people.
post more short stacks
>people only ERP boring shit like draenei or elves, never gnomes
they were all made for _loving
get that ugly thing out of here
No fucking way the game has models with tits that big. Gonna make me look them up now.
>obese and blobby
>giant breasts bigger than their head
Garrosh's biggest mistake was not systematically rounding them up and exterminating them.
short stacks>
nah, its much better seeing her in everyday clothes. she rocks a skirt and blouse combo
I want to fuck a gnome
I want more of them. Especially these kind.
>any of the Malaysian countries
Sex the shortstacks
>hate LoL and other mobashitters
>but they have the best girls
There isn't enough porn with gnomes with such proportions.
I want a Gnome wife, please.
Humans should research their genetic compatibility with them
literally what was the point in this egregious display of titmeat
Utter garbage
If they have tits like that, all for it. Otherwise they look like disgusting little mutants
Are for bullying.
FUN FACT because of their short stature midgets are known for having short stocky legs and thighs. I not a cunnyposter but I would not turn down fucking someone half my height.
>malaysian countries
user, you ever see a map before?
There ARE however those who have Proportionate Dwarfism.
Basically it means no stocky awkward limbs or weird looking bodies, just really short. I knew a girl in college who was 4'1" and looked like a DnD gnome
I like all the races in mmos that make the short races but after while i hate there animations or i just like others more.
I still have a alt on one in every game i guess.
Too bad they're stuck in a shit game. I'd love to have a spin off or main game where you play in the world of FFXIV, but it's a single player story with a class system and a lalafell lead character. You're this little midget character who everyone bows down to as the strongest in the world. Which is basically what happens in FFXIV, but it feels so hollow since every playable character gets the same story.
And of course, the lalafell gets into a relationship with a Roegadyn.
Literally my fetish. Girls who look proportionally accurate, but are just half the normal size. Gotta have big boobs as well though.
Short women with flat chests and big asses are god's gift to men
they are good
are for rape.
Yeah, they are cool. You going to sauce me up bro?
based and red-pilled
female draph make my dick hard
I like Harvins. Lalafells are also cute.
Short elves?
I still can't believe this exists
That's the average female WOW player.
t. knows girls that still play WoW with this body type
kek, only girl I know with that plays wow is probably 300 more lbs fatter than that
Master Race xDDDD
Left is just a boring lame version of Mag'har girls.
Seriously though I would have liked that but I don't hate the chubby girls
watching them run physically hurts
I worry. Mechagnomes becoming a thing ruins my alt layouts. I don't want my female gnome to become a weird quadriplegic but I doubt mechagnomes can be priest so my male gnome is out.
These allied options are fucking with my autism. Tangent aside shorties are cute wish more games weren't afraid to give them powerful endowments.
Haven't played since a bit before they came out I'll find a vid so I can see
Why do games keep making them when nobody plays them? MORE ELVES DADDY. I DEMAND MORE ELF VARIETIES.
Say what you want at least it's unique. Not many would play bbws but to those who would like the option they now have one. Not like a wimps over at square.
My theory on all of this is that people who love shortstacks or Lalafells are pedophiles.
It's okay and not pedophilic if you like Midna though
They're basically the same body type, but different facial features. Makes me wonder if other games will introduce the same type of improved hobbits into their games/anime. Or improve on them even more somehow.
>liking shortstacks
Shortstacks have big boobs and have gone through puberty.
Beyond that, lalafells and Harvins are also adults. They just have midget bodies. Is it pedo to like a midget who went through puberty?
Hate that most games don't have "ugly characters" my undead is way sexier than she deserves to be, and I really wanted to be a coke addicted elf after that Suramar story line, but I'll I got was a smooth soft purple girl.
Wish I could, but I don't gnome any.
>Is it pedo to like a midget who went through puberty?
It might have many names depending on who you ask, but the only thing it can be called certainly is "having good taste."
They're definitely fetishized too much. Like most of the time, the pictures are super unrealistic, we don't even look like that.
>Somebody will reply seriously
give it a short, I'm sure you can come up with something phegnomenal
>all the tall people kneel down to fight fair
>gnomes get insulted and sulk away
Please delete this, it makes my heart beat faster than it should
Do you work with Jun Amaki?
>yfw you'll never have your gnome gf stand on a chair while you tittyfug her bigger than human handfull massive gnome knockers
Fuck this reality
Gnomes are faggots. Dorfs are bros.
>not letting yourself get sexually dominated by the tall
um sweaty yes they are
To egregiously display titmeat?? What kind of stupid fucking question is that?
I was hoping I would never see another rat again.
Why are lalas so sexual, I can't believe they're not raped left and right.
Good for kicking and cooking jokes, tends to attract tryhard minmaxing players, "Child" RPers and Perverts.
I'm only Seattle when I look at goblin ass
I always liked Chromie from blizzard dota more, everything she says is really cute and warm and her animations give me feelings
>Malaysian countries
a recent study out of University of Washington concluded shorter video game characters are seen as cuter and more gamer friendly compared to tall video game characters.
Classic american education
You didn't need a study to reasonably come to that conclusion. People tend to like cute things. This is especially true for games where a large chunk of the base are female. If that study is including "gamers" such as angry birds and Farmville players I'm sure you'll find those types have a very, very heavy preference for cutesy things in their games.
I've ERP'd with someone who played a giant gnome once before.
What's lalafells' appeal?
>go in expecting thicc gnomes
>entire thread is weebs shitting up the thread with shaved rats
Plump personal onaholes and standing/bench blowjobs
Seriously fuck this
Guys who want a fully matured girl who still looks like a young girl. And other guys who have a daughterfu complex.
stomach deformation
Living cocksleeves for man and animal
>and other races of short stature?
Pear shaped bodies on lolis who normally can't have them. Basically, a thick loli.
this shit and gays going into a fetish that is explicitly focused around only women for heterosexual male enjoyment and going "BUT WHERE THE COCK THO" are the worst parts of the shortstack fetish
runner-up shout-out to the bbw niggers who need to add stomachs because thicc = heart disease
you disgust me
Dude what short stack traps are lit af. Go suck a dick.
OOF, that's gonna leave a mark
She gets railed by mhigger cock all day though
i'm sorry for your mental illness
but i just fapped...
No, see, the exact problem here is that most people aren't giant flaming faggots like you that love the taste of dick.
You guys are awful at pretending things. Don't ever try to play something off.
You guys did pretty alright.
Goblins are superior
You guys are also good at pretending things.
I mean it's a pretty nice pair of goblin titties.
looks mexican minus the green eyes
Wow, fuckin' rude
Yep, this one's going in my ERP folder
You gonna ERP as her?
chocolate lalafells are for ____
ya'll just setting yourselves up for disappointment because you can't make a munchigan cum either.
Feeding spaghetti while they sit on your lap
*see breasts on op*
Milk! Yay!!!
*starts to chant*
Mommy mommy unleash your milkies
Let me suck and dry and those silkies
Don't make me grumpy dumpy
Your chest makes mine go thumpy thumpy
Nippy nippy
Time to drink
Sippy sippy
From your milky sinks
covering in white
>Malaysian country
Kek, basement dweller
god I love my Christian yordles
The same thing as white ones. Gentle headpats and tickling.
You mean dickheadpats by tickling their uteri
That's disgusting you sick fuck!
Nothing disgusting about the natural process of making more potatoes
Horde wins again
Please stop tempting me to roll lala for erp
It's too bad WoW is shit after BfA came out.
let me know what server you roll if you do
Probably somewhere on Crystal, my main is on Balmung.
S-stop tempting me though!
I'm mostly joking, I'm not paying $12/mo to erp even if it's with lalas
But user you can play up to level 35 as long as you want.
Guess I'll have to check out what I can find on whatever the dedicated server is then.
THE dedicated server is Balmung but it's locked up because the population is so big. Mateus is the second choice
Well I made a Roe on that server like 5 years ago that's still level 15 when it was simply known for having big pop, so if Mateus don't work out I can actually get in there
One day buddy.
A dragon is fine too.
>Horde ERP scene is nearly non-existent
>Even then it's pretty much all belf skanks anyway
>tfw can't go to Bilgewater and roleplay spending all my adventuring money on crazy expensive goblin escorts who will do ANYTHING
I love goblins
I prefer the superior dwarf women
Anyone of F-list that could RP as a goblin for me?
Hate em. Unanimously.
love gnome and goblin women
senpai is so cute
womanlets give birth to manlets
could've had hot muscle waifus, instead we get fat sweaty fart monsters
putting in the trash
Oh no. I tried that LAST time, and I got stopped at Sydney airport on my way back on suspect of child sex tourism.
People that like Short stack are all manlets
Well, were you there for child sex tourism?
if by trash you mean cum dumpster then yes
People who like Harvins or Lalafells in a sexual way are all pedophiles.
Draphs are the greatest race of shortstacks, anyway.
I legitimately do not know. I believe I may have been unwittingly rused into participating in such without full knowledge or awareness.
Why'd they even do that, they have a photo of you or something? Did you get out of it no problem or did it fuck you up somehow nonetheless? Can't imagine being accused of and having to deal with that shit.
I'm gonna roll a female gnome when WoW classic launches, any doms who want to bully me while we level?
Trial of Style as femgob has been interesting though, to say the least. My chances of winning 1st place directly correlates to how many blood elves I'm grouped up with. The less of them there are, the higher the chance, since they usually only vote for each other.
A lot of places will randomly pull single white dudes for questioning when coming back from trips to Thailand and such. If there was any actual evidence it would be dealt with in country.
Oh just looking for the betas that will randomly confess to something they haven't done, kek that's kind of fucked up, as expected of Australia.
I've got a joke for you guys!
Q. What happens if you feed a Lalafell some Marijuana?
A. You get a Baked Potato! xD
>randomly confess to something they haven't done
Nah, just the ones who think they've been caught red handed and give up.
>ERP Lala
Shit, I'm degen enough for this. Where we droppin lads?
Other than for dwarfs, and goblins, there is only one answer.
Well shit, I'm going back there then. It was fucking amazing.
I wouldn't say "No problem" since it took a couple of hours but other than that, all was well.
Really I have no idea if I fucked anyone underage or not because I did not ask and I was not told.
Fuck, what was it?
This user knows something we don’t
look it up on the archive you fucking vagina
>Nearly 200 replies
>No Incase
I am disappointed in all of you.
i like them desu. Only problem is i cant find myself a gnome gf irl, I keep coming up short
This looks like that one money laundering camwhore who keeps doing the stupid face. Her eyes are too far up in her head.
Fuck off, Carlos.
Love all short races but I'm particularly fond of my shark rats the most. I'm a sucker for mad scientists and these little rats are cute as all hell.
Sure yeah the game's not great right now, but at least the modding and picture mode give you something to do.
So female draphs are basically dwarfs with horns right?
I like squids.
A lot
You disgusting little weasel.
they're for pedos who won't admit they're pedo
>they're the size of a child but they're actually 45, so it's ok
same thing as a 9000 year old loli, but different flavour
post more goblin smut, they're literally made for breeding
So when did you find out you were a pedo?
That Dwarf Scout in DA:I though
But shortstacks have giant titties and asses
you're thinking of Lolis
Shortstacks have huge tits and ass
I don't see them in any sexual way that's for sure.
I like my women tall and majestic, not midgets and womanlets.
fuck off whities, it's enough that all the fucking banglas are invading our country stealing all the amois, stay the fuck out if you don't want to get aids.
What about Yordles? lo
I want to marry and impregnate a Gnome
who cares
I like anime little girls
There are tiny women in the world, who deserve love too.
These threads always disappoint though. Because I come into each one expecting art on the caliber of OP's image, and there's nothing. I just want some fat gnome titties. Is that so much to ask?
How do I get a tiny wife?
It's the dating equivalent of encountering a shiny pokemon. My advice is to hit a lot of different bars in a lot of different cities. Specifically big cities since I imagine being a dwarf would be easier with public transport and the amenities you get in a decently sized city.
>Reminder that gnomefags are in the minority, the majority of people prefer tall races and even their fellow goblinfuckers surpass them
The absolute state
Gnomes are cute!
>elf a billion times more because people are fucking boring
>orc second highest and trailing because they're the stand in for black rapists and big fat porno creeps
>not a single fucking dwarf picture in the thread
Made for jog fucking
>implying I wouldn't fuck a dwarf qt as well
Go to bed Urist
there are exactly two dwarf images in this thread, excluding the one you posted.
My RP guild is largely composed of Gnomes. Dwarves are the second highest population in the guild.
>perfection is boring
That's new.
I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf
Tall women are made for work
Short women are made for love
I will never get bored of those.
>tfw your gnome girlfriend climbs up your body to give you a kiss on the cheek
Is she single
I don't need to link the cringe-tastic tumblrina void elf to know that you're wrong
this is my wife. say something nice about her.
would you an IRL shortstack, though?
She's technically a dragon, not a Gnome
She sucks Black Dragon Cock only
>tfw your goblin girlfriend pulls you down to the ground by your leash to give you a kiss
Delete this potato
Shortstacks are amazing and make me wanna write erotic fiction. Writing a story about Rouge the Titty Bat right now
What other characters have you written or plan to write about?
Give me a link, i want to read it when youre done
>tfw your gnome girlfriend sits on your upper lip
Dawi are based.
Gnomes and Gobbos are cringe.
Simple as.
Imps are pretty nice
I fucking love diana blake and there needs to be more vids of her getting plowed.
Can't see you past the wheat
I don't care about them whatsoever
>tfw your gnome gf hits you with a gnomish shrink ray to give you a kiss at eye level then forces herself onto you
I've written a few scattered things.
This is a human x gnome story I made. Kinda gets harem-y later. DESU I haven't written it in a bit, kinda burned myself on it back in the day but I have been penning chapter 6
Here's a random one-shot about a human x goblin
I've also been writing a story about Kanna (the chick from BMZ2) lately.
As for future projects, I dunno. I'm writing that Rouge story and the Kanna thing atm like I said, then after that I dunno. I've been tempted to write something with female SMT demons, Yordles, or maybe a Mario character like Palutena.
Cute Shortstack
Here's a preview, I'll try and post the rest here on Yea Forums and in the Sonic Porn /trash/ thread
I need a legit place to post this stuff I'm realizing
I can roll on any soon to be Crystal server...
My only girlfriend ever was a 5'1" asian shortstack
>tfw will never have a gnome gf
Based. Although, I'd also accept Elezen as substitute for the Roe
>Loli Popura
Imagine Takanashi spilling his spaghetti from the mere sight of her
Yordles are the best shortstacks race. They are cute and interesting.
For what?
She needs to do some new videos
>he never played corruption of champions
>he never beat up a gobbo slut trying to rape him
>he never fucked ever after anyway by having her hanging off you while you ran, causing her to bounce on your dick
>lift her body up and put your dick inside her
>strap her body to yours
>jogging movements will naturally bounce her up and down your shaft
Time to get fucked, slut
What makes them interesting?
Fel Queen is out of this world, ask incase.
I don't believe you fren, post pics.
>2nd highest
Whats the highest?
Cant see you past my boot.
You're just angry because hardly anyone draws sexy dwarf chicks
I want to fill that midget dragon's womb with my seed so bad
>Let's make goblins but paint them blue
Yordles are fine too but they're not really breaking new ground.
Gnomes, goblins, dwarves and irl midgets are the legal loophole in which paedos can get to satisfy their fantasies. Mind you, this isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I bet it's hard to see past most boots for a dwarf.
I'm glad I'll never be this retarded
She married? You need to impregnate that bitch.
God I am so tempted to get a switch, do people even play this game anymore?
People play this shit all the time
Splatoon pretty much always has plenty of people playing, surprisingly.
just give the artista name you mongoloid.
damn I'm tempted, I might have to stall my new tat for one. are there usually good deals for certain holidays?
Gnomes > Dwarves
I think Draenei may be third, but I'm not positive.
Switch hasn't really had very good deals yet to be honest, best was probably Black Friday. I'd say to wait, honestly. If the rumors are true there'll be two extra Switch models incoming by E3
I want to marry a Draenei and start a family with her.
I didn't realise the appeal of literal children was big tits.
>giving a retard (You)s
It's insulting to real life short people to associate them with children.
league is bullshit but got dam I wanna bone the yordle girls
very nice, thanks for the advice
This. I've always wondered how actual midgets feel about people talking like that guy did.
I love CSR's Poppy drawings, but I wish he would do a Tristana one for once just to see how well he does her.
gnomes are for kissing goblins
Gnomes are for being perfect wives to Human husbands.
I want a 3 foot tall wife I can pick up and carry around and cuddle and tell her I love her every day.
>Among all of its other sins, BfA also got rid of bodyguards, such as Addie
>You will never hear "I'm a REAL Hunter now" again while doing current content
so AC villagers/animals count? how about Maples?
>that one animation of her getting fucked
bless whoever made that
>Addie just isn't used again after Legion
I'm still wondering why they bothered making this new named, voiced Gnome NPC just to never use her again. Though that happens a lot in WoW.
Source please
Especially since the Alliance features Gnomes very heavily in the war campaign. I guess part of it is that she is with Hemmet's crew, and they're not really Alliance military.
I figured her not being part of the Alliance would means she's used more. Since they could do some classic Nestingwary quests
Discount Tarutarus.
That makes zero sense
How is AUS going to enforce laws that didnt happen in AUS soil?
Poo nose.
3D is PD
It's like a stuffed animal, which is infinitely better than whatever uncanny valley Dr. Seuss movie shit is going on in XIV.
I love this potato
I love this artist so much.