>Main character is the party's healer

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Other urls found in this thread:


That was basically my first Seventh Stand User run, i answered honestly and got Cardigans, which is the healslut/support Stand.


I just named a few, but they still have some of the most damaging abilities in their party

Don’t forget Ninten.

Not a bad Stand to start out with. I got Napalm Death on my first run.

I need to get back to that game, it's insane how much content there is.

I got the joykiller lol.

I gave Napalm Death a try later on and it was pretty great too. Most of the Stands i tried out after beating the game were pretty fun to play with.

How far did you get?

That’s a pretty good one too.

>Napalm Death

Where are my /jew/ bros at?

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Caravan is pretty damn good too. He’s one of the few Stands tat actually has a personality and Acts.

I want to fuck Trish and her stand too

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what are some video games where the joke character is proven right?

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VTMB If you're playing as a Malkavian

Would be nice if some other Stands had an ACT move, something like Miracles really seems like it would fit that.

Yeah, that would be cool. I wish that the Stands other than Red Garland could get a Requiem too.

I came to the realization today that both King Crimson and Spice Girl do this dumb sitting pose. Like father like daughter.

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They also seem to look quite similar with the anime redesign.

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The bad ending of Danganronpa.

Spice Girls has the same goofy sneer as KC and Epitaph

Where can I download 7th Stand?

>Giorno has no personality and literally is a blank slate just like most RPG heroes

now it all makes sense.

Red Garland was the best stand, all his attacks would cause status effects on your enemies.

Here ya go.

It's more like he has no personality because Araki just gave up on trying to pretend that the Jobros aren't the real main characters.

But he tends to miss sometimes. Though the sheer raw power of his punches does make up for that. It’s even able to tear Yellow Temperance apart.

>main character fucking dies

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The only one that doesn’t die is Joseph, Josuke, and Giorno. Joseph is still raising Shizuka in Stone Ocean.

Who the fuck are those people at the artwork on the bottom? I dont recognize any of them, were they sub-bosses?

>main character gets saved by their "dead" father

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He even gets a new move during that fight, too bad that's the only time Red Garland can do anything but I think all stands only get to have one unique moment in the game.

>all of DIO's children get drawn to Pucci
>except Giorno
what the fuck was his problem?

Yeah. Optional ones.

Araki made Giorno too strong so he retconned part 5.

He didn’t really care, and Araki knew Giorno was too strong at that point.


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He got pulled to Florida but he decided to go to Disney World isntead

>when DIO fades away and for one panel it turns into Jonathan

boingo get out

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Giorno best Jojo, fuck all haters, don't @ me faggots

Giorno is only strong defensively. He can't touch Pucci with his superspeed. He can't even stop the universal reset because it doesn't affect live beings anyway.

Name literally one thing he did wrong

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my favorite parts with Kira were when he was a good husband to Shinobu.

Was Colette a healer?

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He was at Disneyworld

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>the antisocial stand is the worst one
couldn't we have gotten like Miracles Requiem or Miracles Act 2 or some shit?

He killed Shigechi

How does Yea Forums feel about Giorno? I feel like he gets shit on too hard for being a static character when the Jojos that preceeded weren't much better or were worse.
I think Gold Experience gets shit on too much as well. The only thing I think is truly and undebatably unforgivable is the stand turtle duplicate.

and he made the world a better place by doing that

Every Jojo had a personality except Giorno.
>Johnathan was a gentleman with a temper
>Joseph was a goofball who didn't take anything seriously
>Jotaro was a no nonsense dude with a shorter, hotter temper
>Josuke was a good kid with a propencity to pull tricks on people
>Enter Personality Here

I stopped reading at the beginning of Part 5 because translation was shit years ago, so I don't know much about Jolyne, Johnny, or Josuke 8. But I've heard good things.

Don't bother trying to spoil things for me. I know all the twists and who all dies. Araki can come up with neat concepts, but as a writer he's a hack.

he's a shit Jojo compared to Joseph or Josuke, but he makes up for it by having the best Jobro, Mista

I'm in dire NEED of such game.

Real question here
What can we expect for the next Jojo game?
Will it be another battleroyale?
Will we ever get another game?

I won't speak on Gold Experience, but I can't tell you a single thing about Giorno's personality past his "I have a dream" bullshit. He's so fucking boring, all the other gang members carry him. Especially Mista. God I'm glad Mista lives.

Fuck you Shigechi was a good boy who did nothing wrong, its one thing to kill a bunch of petty thots but killing Shigechi was going too far.

There are plenty more stupid shit that Araki does that breaks the conventions of what he already established.

>Jotaro was a no nonsense dude with a shorter, hotter temper
Jotaro doesn't have a short temper. He barely has emotions at all. He's just pragmatic about beating people up.
Giorno is a roguish gentleman. He allows for lesser deceit but goes 180 into virtue when the safety of innocent people is jeopardized. I really don't understand why people believe "noble gangster" is a less interesting character than Jotaro, someone incapable of emotive that takes the backseat of his own part due to a better Jojo being present. On that note he's at least on par with Jonathan as well, and theres no good reason to say you think he's far worse than Joseph or Josuke except that "he's not funny and wacky"



how would you feel if Kira had a bigger impact on the story like DIO?

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>I won't speak on Yellow Overdrive, but I can't tell you a single thing about Jonathan's personality past his "I want to be a gentleman" bullshit. He's so fucking boring, all the other gang members carry him.
>I won't speak on Hamon Clackers, but I can't tell you a single thing about Joseph's personality past his "toyu" bullshit. He's so fucking boring, the Axis Powers carry him.
>I won't speak on Star Platinum, but I can't tell you a single thing about Jotaro's personality past his "I think everyone's dumb" bullshit. He's so fucking boring, all the other group members carry him.

The problem with Giorno is that he has to stand next to Bruno.

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That would miss the point.

At least Giorno isn't a zombie

Honestly this game is the absolute best way to experience part 3 of jojo

is he the best protagonist?
>Ability doesn't turn him into a one man army
>Smart but not in a bullshit way
>Isn't a straight upgrade from the previous antagonist while also having more engaging fights, holding power creep back
>Lovable personality
>Never kills indiscriminately
>Reasonable motivation
>Doesn't asspull new abilities to win fights
>Learns new techniques and strategies throughout the series that he uses in the final battle
>Doesn't hog the spotlight, almost every side character feels important
>Cool hair

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He killed a bunch of people cuz it got him off

Too bad he was weighed down by one of the worst brojo's, Koichi

no dignity

he's the best by far, only part 3 Joseph can even compete
>Doesn't hog the spotlight, almost every side character feels important
I wish Yukako got a real fight as a protagonist, but otherwise yeah

>implying they didn't deserve it
name one "victim" that didn't deserve to be killed

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That family's dad



>>Doesn't hog the spotlight, almost every side character feels important
Koichi pretty much vanishes after the first fight with Kira, and Okayasu forgets how his stand works

wasn't a good father

annoying little shit that invaded his privacy



The whole cast

>T-they were just in the way of his well-being

Almost as bad as Valentine sympathisers. At least his goal was to make his country as a whole a rad place for its people. Kira just wanted to go about his selfish ways without anyone bothering him about it.

Isn't Okuyasu the jobro?
Being narrator is different entirely. Koichi is Part 4's Emporio, not Hermes.

>1fags: Actually enjoys the generic 80's shonen coupled with all the power level bullshit that follows
>2fags: The most autistic meme group of autists
>3fags: Fags that self insert as Jotaro and doesn't recognize polnareff as the true protagonist
>4fags: Hates every other part for being small scale like their part
>5fags: Only like it for the mafia dynamic and not the stands
>6fags: Don't exist
>7fags: Although recognizes how good SBR is, most of the time are obnoxious manga pushers who go out of their way to completely spoil shit for animeonlies Not always a bad thing mind you, it gets obnoxious when they think they are better because they can spout out plot points of SBR
>8fags: Legitimate fags who wants to fuck Gappy.

fags: Only like it for the mafia dynamic and not the stands
5 is pretty widely recognized as having one of if not the absolute best fights next to 7

Reimi and Arnold

Part 5 is praised for its Stand Battles tho

I'm a 4fag and I like all the parts that have been animated :^) I just think Josuke and Kira are the best Jojo and villain in the series, and Morioh has a great aesthetic

I know, I am trying to nail down the most obnoxious people of each part's fandom.

Same. Miracles was so weak, I had to rely on Holy Sandstorm to get through the game.

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>Party members can disobey your commands

I fucking hate P3.

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>not using tactics menu
>using Mitsuru in the first place

I'm about a third of the way through part 6, what do people hate about it? I'm finding it far more enjoyable than 5 and 1.

Get out before you get spoiled.

It's still 2. Not to say I hate Part 2 but even before the DP series began, there were vocal fans who loved Joseph and talked about how stands ruined the series, which is objectively false. Stable-minded fans enjoy Hamon, Stands, and Spin and recognize their merit and what they all have to put on the table for the series.

Abandon this thread with haste.

What exactly was Davidpro's goal when they made Giorno's good side just him copying his mafia-idol and by making him rob those people in the first episode.

How exactly do the people that think Giorno isn't involved enough think he could? He's practically Buccellati's boss in secret because the other gang-members were already following Buccellati and this team structure is a lot more formal than the ones in previous parts. It's not like Giorno ever played a subordinate, or wasn't a key figure in the fights he was involved in. He had a goal, and he accomplished it-just because he wasn't mean spouting 24/7 doesn't mean he's a side character.

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2fags win in the end for being obnoxious yeah, but for each individual part there are the bottom of the barrel "fans" as well.

Jotaro and Jolyne die lmao

>they think i don't know
Not knowing every major death would be like not knowing who Luke's dad is, now answer the fuggin question.

he felt it was more important to stay home and guard his turf

Villain bullshits a victory, then boy bullshits it right back at him.
Mostly Araki trashing the old timeline.

Is the Jobro required to be a jobber?

God I wish I were Anasui

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wasn't he a girl at one point?

Why the fuck wasn’t he the protagonist of Jojolion?

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yep, he's a girl the first time he's there and then suddenly is a dude

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Why didn't Kira just use a gun? Exploding bullets would be way more effective than slow-moving air bubbles. Why didn't Star Platinum, for that matter? With its high precision it should be pretty effective and it would make up for its shitty range.

giorno can kill even your desire to move, the moment giorno sees pucci he is dead.

Jotaro literally has Asperger's, he hardly emotes because he's used to his mom knowing exactly what his problem is and assumes everyone else can read him just as easily; only to get flustered when they don't.

>The whole part 6 cast except for weather report

he got rocked by rock humans

Bucciarati is hardly a jobber

his instaheal power is too broken, basically killed any tension the manga would have, I guess that is why the healers has been decreasing so much.

He jobbed when it mattered

I don't know, user.
Aya and Shigechi still dies and Okuyasu almost died too despite Josuke is right beside him.
Okuyasu got blown and then touched by Killer Queen is a good example that even absolute healing power doesn't always goes in your way.

Giorno's jobro is Mista anyway, who is an actuall jobber.

>failed to kill Pesci and almost died to Prosciutto
>didn't get to kill Ghiacchio and practically lose. Giorno stepped in for the kill before Mista got killed himself.
>killed Carne who came to die anyway, and end up triggering Notorious B.I.G.
>jobbed throughout Green Day fight
>his only win was against Sale which is his introduction and guaranteed win

Mista is a fucking joke, "second strongest" my ass. Even Narancia fared better overall.

What is with the trend with newfags putting their post statement in the subject field?

Part 7 anime can’t come soon enough

Not everyone can carry a gun in Japan. It isn't America.

You'll get another ASB/EoH asset flip with two new characters and some costumes

Throwing knives then


I got Wildhearts. How fucked am I?

Only stands can hurt stands.

What's wrong with that?

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To be fair Croaker is pretty well-rounded.


He's generally seen as too valuable to be on the front lines.

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Not him but I got up to the zombie strip club and got stuck there.

He was explicitly a blank slate until part 4 decided to turn him into an actual character. He's the closest to a Gary Stu this series can get.

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It is sorta funny too because Miracles would be absolutely overpowered in actual Jojo. Subconscious manipulation can basically do anything.

How often are there healer/tank/damage dealer hybrids?

Not at all, Wildhearts has a lot of AoE moves and "Endless, Nameless" is very useful due to how good of a status effect Eagle is.
The only truly bad Stand in the game is Miracles afaik.

Valentine did nothing wrong and is a true American hero

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He saved Hayaoto right as he blew up into pieces, Crazy Diamond's healing is OP as fuck.

We'll probably get a new game after Part 8 ends and Araki retires.

I really should get around to playing it, but I got a guy with an axe as my stand and it turned out I missed content before getting to fucking Kakyoin. Do I really need to play this with a guide to get the most out of it?

people always shit on king crimson, but the real asspul stand is Golden Experience, even without requiem

Reminder that Kira died because a midget couldn't dress himself properly.

Just explore the map, if something seems important it probably is, and around 60% of the events revolve around talking to specific shopkeepers with a specific character in your party.

Miracles would be OP in every other RPG as well. Access to 4 elements + infinite statuses? That's too versatile to be bad. Unfortunately 7SU is all about BIG DAMAGE BIG BIG NOW BIG NUMBER GOOD

He’s not a midget! He’s 5’7 but depicted shorter!

Josuke steals.

My heart no homo

Nah, there are some god-tier status effects. Timestop, Digest, and Eagle are all great, but just confined to stands other than Miracles.
Truly the jobber stand, which is weird because it's very popular in Japan.

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>and could've killed Josuke and his Oyakasu with alcohol poisoning if he wasn't careful with Harvest
Fuck Fatty

Does the game at least tell you to do so? I fucking hate missable content with points of no return.

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fucking waste of a protagonist in that image right there

Why does this make me sad?

Story progress means you'll be leaving the map, so just avoid that until you're reasonably sure. Give it a blind playthrough or two and then check out the wiki, shit changes during NG+ onwards. If you've read Part 3 you'll be able to figure it out.

this is so fucking gay and so damn out of character

>Fuck, he's right there, behind that Japanese kid... if only I could reach... I could... totally... rip his... face off...

Had a shitty fetish

he got caught

Dio DID seem to have some respect for Jonathan by the end of PB, but he probably ate Jonathan's head in the coffin and had no problem stealing his body.

Kinda? I mean, Dio always at least "respected" Johnathan even if he doesn't want to admit it. The final moments of Johnathan's life holding Dio's head was kinda heartbreaking for everyone that was involved in Johnathan's life.

Why does Fugo look closer to Dio than Giorno does to Dio? What did Araki mean by this?

I'll give it a retry then. Is the axe good? I had that or then pen and went with the axe because I didn't feel like playing a cheap version of Echoes.

Giorno is Jonathan's son

face the facts, if dio started off with sexually bullying and eventually breaking jonathan he could have ruled the world. there is nothing more powerless than a virgin male in the presence of a cock

I only like part 3 because of DIO who is incontestably the best villain, as well as it being the series' first use of OP lol nerf pls time manipulation powers, and I think that's how it is for most people.

Got wildhearts the first time around years back but every time I answer it nowadays I always end up with Napalm death or quicksilver. Not that I minded too much, Wildhearts was a beast even if he was kinda basic.

Attached: Wildhearts.png (400x280, 36K)

They both have great short-range damage, but the pen gets more moves at medium range while the axe gets a ton of debuffs, status effects, and speed. Pick your poison.

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fuck you Pucci is best boi

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Does that mean the three “sons of Dio” in Part 6 are also Jonathan’s sons?

A lot of the stand fights are fucking stupid and it goes from one retarded setpiece to another after they break out.

If Dio hadn't gone for the Stone Mask or poisoning George, he probably could've screwed Jonathan out of the Joestar inheritance given how effective he was at manipulating people, even at that age.

It also spoils the Sixth Sense.

So Boipucci?

Is 7th stand user actually good or is it just a meme

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part 6 sucks because of DIO's son and Whitesnake's gun

It's good, but it's still a RPGmaker game.

He prolly put divers down inside him to change his structure, no? I don’t know why he would do it but he is capable of doing so.


im not sure if this is a type or if you're complaining that giorno doesn't get enough screentime in part 5


Why doesn't anyone call Giorno JoJo/GioGio in Part 5 when all the other JoJos except Jo2uke were called that at least once in their respective parts?

I'm going to say it, Diver Down is more inconsistent than fucking King Crimson.




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Generate your stand and post it.
Looks like I have the strongest stand.

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why didn't okuyasu use the hand to kill this

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Speaking of which, DD is the coolest stand in the series. With a stand like that, Anasui totally deserves to be by Jolyne’s side!
>put energy and diver down in object
>diver down/energy moves shit around their body to change the structure
I don’t think it deviates much from that idea, I think he mostly uses it as a shield like Jotaro during the DIO fight

>Didn't impregnate Shinobu so the child could be an antagonist/major character when grown up.

If only

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We don't know that he didn't, user. He was extremely confident the morning after he got Bites the Dust, he and Shinobu could've been fucking all night in his secure bliss.

reminder that Jolyn's brojo is Weather Report.
not Ermes, not FF.

reminder that "brojos" don't exist in the ensemble casts from 3 onwards
anyone trying to find patterns is an autist

Stand Name: 53 Miles West of Venus

Stand Ability: [Demonic Plant Manipulation](powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Demonic_Plant_Manipulation)

Power - D

Speed - D

Range - B

Durability - D

Precision - C

Potential - C

Description: The power to manipulate demonic plants of Hell. Combination of Demonic Force Manipulation and Plant Manipulation. Variation of Demonic Organic Manipulation. Opposite to Divine Plant Manipulation. The user can create, shape and manipulate plants derived from the deepest pits of Hell, sporting the capability to overtake nearly anything it strikes with absolute malevolent intent. In addition, demonic plants are capable of inflicting excruciating pain; both physically and spiritually tormenting...

Attached: 1472249421144.jpg (768x960, 48K)

I want to have anal sex with Narancia

Attached: 1545219896653.png (508x602, 194K)

Stand Name: Dead Man's Party

Stand Ability: [Darkness Transmutation](powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Darkness_Transmutation)

Power - E

Speed - C

Range - D

Durability - E

Precision - E

Potential - B

Description: The power to transform matter into darkness/shadows. Technique of Darkness Manipulation. Variation of Elemental Transmutation. Opposite to Light Transmutation. The user can transform matter and objects, including living beings, into darkness/shadows.

Aside from the name it sounds like a real Stand that could feasibly have been in a Part.

>main character
thats not bruno

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fellow trishfag reporting in

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its brunos bizzare adventure

this is strangely perfect

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Breath of Fire 3 if you just let it happen without skill shit or relying on dragon forms
Ryu learns the basic healing spells + single target buffs


murder is illegal

hardly his fault

Stand Name: Millennium Quest

Stand Ability: [Aerokinetic Claws](powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Aerokinetic_Claws)

Power - E

Speed - D

Range - A

Durability - A

Precision - A

Potential - E

Description: The power to create claws out of air/wind. Sub-power of Aerokinetic Constructs. Variation of Elemental Claws. The user can project and retract razor-sharp claws of air/wind from their fingertips for offensive purposes.


>final boss 1 shots your entire party even with an OP character

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That's fitting.

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get ready to have your assholes shut tight faggots, nobody's fucking on my watch

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As a faggot aniem only watcher from best to worst

>Part 2 > Part 3 => Part 5 >Part 1 = Part 4

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you're wrong
part 3 was clearly the best

the whole gimmick is that okuyasu has a broken stand but is too stupid to actually use it

>part 3 anime
worst pacing I've ever seen

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>stand user of the week: the part

Till he got beaten by a child.

Honestly, instead of weather reports disc it should have been Stone Free's disc and I don't even care about questions like WELL HOW DID HE GET THE DISC, it should have been her to get the final beatdown not weather report.

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2 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 3

They also want to be sure that he's dead, and they don't know if The Hand actually gets rid of shit or just teleports it somewhere.


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nah weather report killing him was kino

Gas all jojobronies.

Whitesnake was a mistake
>inconsistent powers
>ruins stand of the week shit as stands being randomly gifted ruin part of the fun that is having a matching stand for a user
But I still love gay priest regardless.

i think his brothers stand killing him was a good twist.


Stand Name: Burn the Witch

Stand Ability: [Composite Deity Physiology](powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Composite_Deity_Physiology)

Power - C

Speed - A

Range - B

Durability - B

Precision - D

Potential - D

Description: The ability to form a physical body formed out of the energies and bodies of deities. Advanced combination of Collective Entity Physiology and Transcendent Physiology. User can form a physical body formed out of the energies and bodies of divine entities and access the abilities of each individual being that make up the user's physical form. The user can also access the knowledge of these individualistic gods to gain vast amounts of knowledge as well as raw divine energy.

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I think it's both. there probably is an alternate dimension or some shit and The Hand teleport stuff over there.

i agree with your points but i still find whitesnake to be a very interesting and good stand
I just wish he would have found a way to make the stand of the week thing work
Inconsistent powers at the beginning is literally every part, so it doesnt bother me that much
I expect it at this point

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Then he shoulda made Weather Report the protag

>implying pucci isnt the protagonist

Yea Forums - Anime & Manga


Stand Name: We Will Fall Together

Stand Ability: [Cosmic Event Empowerment](powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Cosmic_Event_Empowerment)

Power - A

Speed - A

Range - A

Durability - E

Precision - D

Potential - A

Description: The power to gain strength from cosmic events. Technique of Cosmic Manipulation. Variation of Affinity. User becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come into contact with cosmic events (including eclipses, comets, meteor showers, equinoxes, solstices, planetary alignments, etc.), possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from solar events or even slow or stop aging.

>power is vague enough with distance and events
>might be able to get power for literally everything that happens in this and maybe close universes nearby
are you all ready to fucking die?

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Giorno's character development is dampened because his stand is too OP

it all makes sense now.

did they fuck?

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