Pitch your game in one sentence.
Pitch your game in one sentence
it has chicks with dicks
The biggest, milkiest anime tiddies you can imagine.
Too gay
Large scale Cowboy Bebop game that is a mix of Freelancer & Yakuza/Shenmue.
Pikmin but edgy necromancy
Fuck you. You know what's gay? Fucking up Tic-Tac-Toe. It's pathetically easy to absolutely guarantee that you can't lose, so it's just sitting there playing to tie every single time until someone cheats. Just like sucking dick that's been in an asshole. Fucking gay.
Your biological limbs only devalue your worth to me
Everything is locked behind DLC, lootboxes and microtransactions.
Twin-stick shooter inspired by Apocalypse and Shadow the Hedgehog, with music by Fear Factory and Static-X, starring Kuromi.
Please don't tell me I killed the thread with my autistic game pitch.
Nobody here has any decent ideas.
Star Wars Battlefront but it's the Cybertronian Civil War
first person perspective xcom
The fuck is O doing?
watercolor JRPG with zelda dungeons
What anime is this?
Onegai My Melody
sounds good, you're hired.
Whenever you're reminded of its existence, you lose. Once you know about it you can never stop playing.
Fuck! You dastardly bastard.
Bigfoot simulator in hand crafted Yellowstone National Park.
That's not even one sentence you cunt. Fuck you.
4d battle royale tic tac toe
Legend of Zelda but it's more dark and the MC has his own thoughts
A remake/recreation of Mega Man 8, re-imagined in the style of a late-90s collectathon platformer, similar to Banjo-Kazooie or Spyro the Dragon.
adventure game in a town filled with darkness, currently in pre-production, if anybody wants to help just let me know
It's like having sex, except you're the girl.
2D Sonic physics and level design in 3D... with a penguin.
Neither is reminding you that you're manually breathing. And that your tongue can't find a good spot in your mouth to rest. And that you can't stop yourself from thinking about that thing you did in highschool and got laughed at, hard. You know the one.
Star Wars Battlefront MMOFPS, not made by EA or Daybreak/SOE.
The first sentence was the pitch, 2nd is just a reminder.
Mirror's Edge: Tag
Ace Combat 8: Belka's Revenge
How about Ace Combat 80s
A VR/tabletop crossover where if the DM describes a scene, monster, character, etc it autogenerates
An alternate-history WWII visual novel with cute girls and mechs.
Rune Factory 4 but with locations like from Xenoblade Chronicles, monsters and combat like Monster Hunter (complete with getting together with others to hunt bigger game), and intense, raw, fully animated hand-holding scenes with your waifu.
literally Valkyrie Chronicles
I'm afraid to ask who's who
It'll make a billion dollars.
VC has mechs?
>O in bottom right
>X in top right
>O in middle
>X in left or top left
>O in the one that X didnt pick.
Xcom but it's Stargate
F zero game with a huge barrier of entry tutorial but with gps based maps that allows you to listen to local radio stations.
Jagged alliance 2 but with superheroes
Avatar the last Airbender MMO
Massively-multiplayer online bar simulator with VR support.
It was a shit game but it counts
Oh and Xcom but it's Halo
rpg with necromancy and it isn't paywalled
totalwar warhammer but *insert your favorite, viable, fantasy/scifi/gay series here*
planetside but without airshits
overlord but you build an actual army
Aw, you had me excited there for a moment.
I still need to play the main series at some point.
I'd play the shit out of this.
So a more challenging F zero themed Forza Horizon? I'd play it.
>Baba is Tic Tac Toe
A survival horror 3rd person roguelike at the bottom of the ocean
best post ITT
You play as a sentient piece of gum with limbs trying to rescue his sentient lollipop girlfriend from a mad scientist, it looks and plays like Earthworm Jim and Rayman
A game with the scale of No Man's Sky, but set in a medieval fantasy setting, where you must team up with the other players you run across in order to defeat the evil wizard in the tower, or else make the difficult choice to abandon them knowing that weeks could go by before you run into another human soul.
God Hand Spiritual Successor with No More Heroes and Madworld worked in.
Gachi fighting game
Quake/Doom merged with old Fallout
Lots of groping try not to get caught
okay so bascially u can do umm the things with corpses and they... enjoy it??????
Dark souls but like... Hentai.
Exclusive autistic simulator for antisocial elitists that are willing to pay top dollar for your game to have so much unintuitive complexity, punishing difficulty, and such a high barrier to entry that the mass populace cannot play it.
You get to make babies with your sister.
From Software already made that one.
Older or younger?
Choose wisely
I would never post an idea to be poached unless everyone was forced to acknowledge it was my idea. Its more important its made exactly as I envision it or they'll fuck it up by getting it wrong.
You get to be OP without sucking cock(you're still gay though).
go away fenoxo
It's an MMO but it doesn't have a manlet race
Post with real substance and quality.
I'd fund it.
This, I don't care much about someone else getting the credit. But If they ruin my idea I'd never let that go.
So Star Citizen with forklifts?
Excuse me, but Sekiro IS popular with normalfags. It's simple enough to understand by the average person, has difficulty that's possible for the average person to overcome, and a barrier to entry relatively low.
Sekiro is entry level.
If Skyrim is Level 1
and Sekiro is Level 2
then my game would be Level 5.
So no men at all then?
I think that quip made more sense in your head
A Mega Man X/Zero style game with some light metroidvania elements, but with stylish combat a la fighting games and DMC.
It did.
But I'm sticking by it, manlet.
Mobile game where you flick up anime girl's skirts as they walk by.
Rise of Incarnates, but by a company with actual money and the characters aren't all cringelords
An action-RPG but it’s built on an engine that isn’t terrible and it’s not empty or full of cliche RPG tropes and forced diversity
*monkey paw cause I'm bored*
Granted, but it's always-online with forced multiplayer elements and has a visual style that's more cartooney than Diablo 3.
I feel like me and maybe 3 other people are going to enjoy this idea a lot.
at least I do
Stealth game with vampire powers.
Animal Crossing but with literally any other theme.
A new paper MARIO, but with dedede and bandana dee as the stars instead and it takes place in the Kirby universe
ooh I was thinking something like this too. And you have to avoid the sunlight too right? Like pushing a bookcase infront of a window so light wont get in.
Yeah stuff like that. I thought it would be neat to have different solutions depending on if it's night or day. Plus having vampire powers, and being able to recruit people with stealth attack neck bites, turning them into vampires too. I want to try fiddling around in unity to see if I can make a demo or something.
Like Fallout but with swords and magic.
Wouldn't that be Lichdom with swords?