>Finally beat* this prick
>LOL NOPE you gotta deal with lightning fuckery now
Why is Sekiro such absolute bullshit?
>Finally beat* this prick
>LOL NOPE you gotta deal with lightning fuckery now
Why is Sekiro such absolute bullshit?
Other urls found in this thread:
Second try, just mash parry and jump when you see lightning
Why can you not check the catalog?
>he doesnt use lightning reversal
>tfw you lose on the easiest phase and need to cry on the internet about it
He's nerfed in this stage in favor of the lightning moves, which are easily dealt with as long as you are not posture broken when they come out
Honestly, I wish I didn't have to do the first stage of this fight again. It's tedious, time consuming and you often end up using a lot of your estus (Fuck off, it's estus) chugs in the first stage.
Every proper boss in Sekiro is like SoC in DaS3. They get all their health back at least once during the fight.
Because I wanted to make my own thread on a specific topic.
What's your fucking problem?
Why not just call it the gourd like you're supposed to, it's even one less syllable
Oh come on genichiro is an actual pushover, just keep beating his ass into a corner, he can't do anything about it