>Finally beat* this prick
>LOL NOPE you gotta deal with lightning fuckery now
Why is Sekiro such absolute bullshit?
>Finally beat* this prick
>LOL NOPE you gotta deal with lightning fuckery now
Why is Sekiro such absolute bullshit?
Other urls found in this thread:
Second try, just mash parry and jump when you see lightning
Why can you not check the catalog?
>he doesnt use lightning reversal
>tfw you lose on the easiest phase and need to cry on the internet about it
He's nerfed in this stage in favor of the lightning moves, which are easily dealt with as long as you are not posture broken when they come out
Honestly, I wish I didn't have to do the first stage of this fight again. It's tedious, time consuming and you often end up using a lot of your estus (Fuck off, it's estus) chugs in the first stage.
Every proper boss in Sekiro is like SoC in DaS3. They get all their health back at least once during the fight.
Because I wanted to make my own thread on a specific topic.
What's your fucking problem?
Why not just call it the gourd like you're supposed to, it's even one less syllable
Oh come on genichiro is an actual pushover, just keep beating his ass into a corner, he can't do anything about it
You wanted a whole thread dedicated to anons telling you to git gud?
>thinking syllables matter in text
Literally nobody in this thread thus far has told me to git gud.
Just attack for 3 hits if he guards them all then prepare to deflect accordingly, or 4 if the first hit connects and follow up the same.
Second phase is even easier since he takes so more damage, just don't panic when you see any lighting, jump and rb.
there's only the grab and marked sweep to really fuck you up at that point so keep those in mind. the bow is really predictable if you're reading it correctly.
Oh, then git gud pussy
Literally just do lightning reversals you fucking retard
His final phase is very easy
>even needing lighting reversal
genichiro is so piss easy that i just ate the lighting and still beat him first try with heals and revives to spare
>not doing lightning redirect just for the sake of how badass it is
why are you so shit at games OP?
git gud
>Make thread
>Some faggot mentions the fact my thread is purely for git gud comments
>Nobody has yet told me to git gud
>He then himself tells me to git gud
Fulfilling your own expectations something something, something twat something.
he died so fast he only had time to do one lighting attack and i fucked it up.
git gud
I beat the fight on my first try
i was in your shoes few weeks ago op. now I kill him on ng+ in maybe 2 minutes. you just gotta get better.
I need the ashina a fuck image
genichiro is a jobbing bitch. he could have 5 phases and he'd still be a fucking mook.
Pocket Sand works to stun him. I used all my 10 in the first phase to not waste many Nippon Crosses.
Umbrella is pretty good against him. Axe eats a shitload of posture if you manage to land a charged hit+followup.
>Muh Estus
Stop being autistic
Quit bitching and go practice
>before going into fight
>"hey dude if you EVER happen to have to fight some crazy lightning just JUMP and press ATTACK haha"
>OP: "better not do this if I ever fight a guy with lightning"
>gets his ass demolished by one of the easiest to counter moves in the game
They literally tell you how to handle the lightning if you progress through the mini boss below him.
I also call the Sculpture Idols "Bonfires". Does that trigger your autism?
Cheer up. Have a smily face :)
>filtered by the Genichiro, the ultimate jobber
Stop playing video games, they're not for you.
you dropped ther ball op you moron you stupid worthless moron your mother is ashamed she birthed you and tried to give you awayt to- cletus to make baby stew buit cletus didnt want the diseases you where carrying you stupid worthless cunt your life is pointless
One thing that I didn't figure out until like the second to last boss, only hit attack once for lightning reversal, for whatever reason hitting it more than once does nothing at all for me, it's free damage on any enemy that uses it.
>i-i definitely dont have autism!! YOU have the autism!! :'(
>Call someone an autist
>Get mad because somebody called you an autist back
>Nuh huh, you're the autist!
>You're actually the autist
And that is that.
no but it tells me you have a simple mind
We all have autism here
His third phase is considerably easier than the first two.
It's been almost a decade calling it estus. I bet you called dodging "step dodge" like a full blooming faggothic bitch.
>Estus 1 2 3 4 5
>Gourd 1 2 3 4 5
There's literally no point. The letters for G O U R D are even laid out in an easy to type fashion.
His third phase isn't really that hard, I got it on my first try.
No, we don't.
Despite what you want to believe; most of Yea Forums are just normiefags or NEET. I don't have autism, but I do feel like I interact with autistic folk on a daily basis.
This is your redpill, user. You should take it.
If you actually cared about convenience when calling the gourd "estus" you would actually just say "heals" instead of triggering people by arbitrarily calling it something it isn't for no reason.
>Not learning the lightning block move
>Ever getting hit by his lightning moves at all.
People who are like this don't have a real reason for why the they are the way they are, dude. He's just argumentative and contrarian and nobody here is talking about how unfair Sekiro is for him to take it out on anymore.
>Oh wait let me drink my "heals"
>Nice! I found another "heals"!
>That one boss punishes me whenever I use my "heals"
You just proved you are indeed a full blooming faggothic bitch.
I'm used to the DaS term of Estus.
It feels the same, so fuck off.
You don't have to type like you're on reddit here. And I don't mean the spacing, I mean the condescending pseudo-intellectualism. No one actually cares if the poster is autistic. Everything is "autistic" now days. It's like the word fag. Fag doesn't mean anything anymore.
>"I used up my heals"
>"I found more heals"
>"That one boss punishes me when I heal"
Checks out.
>haha I am bad at video games now I will go on Yea Forums and complain about how other people are at fault
I can't read anything other than
>I love dicks
>Give me more dicks
>Oh man how many more dicks can I fit up my ass, probably as many as my amount of "heals" I have
I bet you have no problem with people calling deflection parrying.
>That first sentence
The retort of the stupid man.
Not gonna lie, that shit sounds gay.
I can't read anything other than
>I fully concede to your logic
>thanks for informing me I have no valid argument
>hey everyone, I have learned the error of my ways and won't arbitrarily use the wrong terminology in threads
>That first sentence
Yeah it was on purpose, user.
Ironic shitposting? Yeah, of course it was.
Then you need some glasses, or maybe try dripping a few drops of "heals" on your eyes.
No, you didn't
Believe what you want, I don't care. You should lurk some more.
Any tips for Owl (Father)? Should I upgrade my attack trough skill points? Seems my damage is not enough compared to his more severe attack on my health bar
Okay, you may be the most autistic. Or maybe you have assburgers
if you cant make it pass this just quit now
You can kick his ass fast if you're aggressive. You're going to have to for the final boss.
People told me that at Lady Butterfly.
BE FUCKING AGGRESSIVE when facing him. Don't gave him a room for breathe and using his next attack.
Beat this mofo like 30 minutes ago on NG+. The difference is as heaven to earth. Feels good to git.
Prove that you got gud
Christ, the advice from the people on this board is dogshit.
>Block, block, strike!
>Only ever pull distance if you need to chug
>When you are at distance, B B B B B
>Close up again
That's the first stage done.
Way if tomoe literally makes all of the boss in the game easier. It might be called way of jobber
> Lightning telegraph so much and allow huge lightning reversal that fuck up the boss posture, hp and allow more free hit
> gen also starts doing a shitty flying lunge attack that get mikiri easily for huge posture damage
Maybe the tomoe legend is a meme and Tomoe is a jobber all along. If she is weak to poison and get BTFO by a rusty blade like all okami warrior, it would be hilarious
The best advice for Genichiro phase I and II is to be aggressive, get up in his face, and attack him. When he tries to counter attack, deflect his attack and do it again. Get good at Mikiri Countering him, and knowing the difference between the sweep and the thrust. If he tries to get distance he's going to jump and shoot arrows, so you can throw a shuriken the second he steps back. When he goes into his crazy 20 hit flurry combo, you can just dodge back and he'll swing at the air. Then you can go in for an attack. If you deflect all of them you can get a slash in before he fully recovers. After that it's just practice. In his third phase, still be aggressive, but pay more attention to his attacks. Once he does the lightning attack reflect it back at him and go to town on his ass.
Also the shield helps if you'r bad at dodging the arrows.
What exactly is the purpose of the Hirata Estate?
I've just been progressing in the real world, so do I have to return back to the Estate at some point to progress the story or how does that work
Who the fuck even uses that shitty Umbrella shield? Does it even have a use?
It's the worst prosthetic tool in the game.
Charged shield followup attack deals a ton of damage. Worst one is probably Mist Raven.
It is a vitality fight so play it safe and hit him on opening.
>Does it even have a use
>the shield helps if you're bad at dodging the arrows.
It help alot again Demon of Hatred.
Just beat Owl first try, I actually bought his cry for mercy the first time, didnt want to kill the old man. What happens if you hit him there?
Also corrupted Monk was super easy, dont know why people complain, mist raven fucks the guy 100%
git gud
He says something like "I'm proud!" And does the diaappearing act anyways.
But you can easily just dodge the arrows.
The one thing I've learned about Serkiro is that it plays a lot like Bloodborne. You can beat most things by locking on, running/kiting around them, then hitting them on an opening.
If the space is big enough? Just lock-on and kit while running. That's it. It's a harder version of Bloodborne, that's it.
The game is fair. Also Genichiro is very easy.
You have to be aggressive in the third stage too, or he'll use his Lightning attacks the moment you give him enough space. Go look up playthroughs of this stage; you can easily pressure him into a corner and prevent him from loosing a single shot if you don't chicken out.
You want him to use lightning attacks to Reverse them though, completely trivializes that phase.
His first form is one of the easiest boss fights because you can just block 99% of his moves, and the ones you can't leave him open to huge counters (Mikkiri his thrust, Jump on his head for the sweep). After 2 tries I beat his first form with 0 healing used. If you ever feel in danger just block. He won't hurt you, and most of the time even if he completely guardbreaks you he won't follow up with anything and you can spam dodge away.
You can beat him literally just by tapping R1 at him and occasionally moving out of the way
I remember thinking he was hard and then feeling really stupid afterward, at least I didn't make a thread about it lol
You will always die a lot to a new boss, but you will also realize you get a little bit better each time you try, to the point that within a few tries you will be able to handle him without even needing the Gourds.
"Rise after every fall"
You are not stuck at him, he is stuck at you as you will ALWAYS rise again.
You can also just press R2. Shuriken will drop him out of the air, the shield will let you get in closer faster.
Soon, Tomo Buddy.
I hope she's a pretty lady and gets Maria-tier lore and popularity
You're probably panicking on the last phase. He has mostly the same moveset, new long range stab that's easy to mikiri, and when he jumps for super long it's a lightning attack. I actually never notice he's doing lightning and usually dash under him; no damage taken and free punish . This phase seems to go by faster.
I'd actually like a DLC as an unarmored Knight. His subplot was fascinatingly vague, and he probably survived his fall as you don't get an 'Execution' notice after defeating him.
I hope this never happens. I'd rather have no DLC than a shitty waifufag DLC for loser cucks like you.
That's only because you don't actually do the Shinobi Execution to him (the R2-after-final-deathblow thing). You don't get it on any other minibosses, either.
I dont think Armored Knight is considered a true boss despite being unique and an actual progression block, he's just a miniboss in the way like Ogre and Snake Eyes
>gain some extremely effective Way of Tomoe combat arts
>need to be careful about when you use them or the boss will lightning reversal you
hopefully never. literally any other character would be more interesting.
I just started Sekiro. Every FromSoft game since DaS1 has been lackluster to me but I'm enjoying this one so far. I died a couple of times due to being surprised at how quick enemies can be and failing to understand the posture system, but after the initial awkwardness I'm demolishing armies of common enemies. I'm in the estate flashback sequence right now and don't think I've fought a true boss yet, where's the first big difficulty curve?
What I want for Sekiro DLC Is a Challenge Mode were young wolf is trained by Butterfly and it works exactly like Bamham's challenge mode, so you gotta stealth Challenges and combat Challenges with medals you can get doing specific things.
People seem to get filtered by either Lady Butterfly, Chained Ogre, Gyoubou or Genichiro. If you get past all of those you might be in the clear.
>people have trouble again shinobi hunter
How is it even possible?
Just continue along Hirata State, there will be a small difficult climb and then a big one.
I fought Genichiro but lost. It seemed like a fight you're supposed to lose (resulted in the arm sever scene) but it also seemed like you could win the fight. Kinda bugs me I didn't first-try it if so
>arena mode like God Hand
>final challenge is double shinobi prosthetic Sekiro
> use way of tomoe. Mean more shitty thrust for free mikiri and lightning shit for free reversal
> also okami so get BTFO by some shitty rusty sword
So she will be a jobber right?
It'd be nice to find out how she and Takeru died considering they were immortals
You can win and get a different cutscene. You also get to fight him two more times.
>Am pretty good at parrying and killing mooks
>Mini-bosses fist me like no tomorrow
Can some kind anons give me some tips so I can stop being a shitter?
Genichiro is an easy boss, his posture is one of the easiest to break.
The lightning attack is so easy to avoid, you could do so by mistake.
Who says they did?
>be aggressive and BLOCK when they parry you (they will usually follow up with a quick attack, try getting the timing right to parry this attack and continue striking)
>enemies with spears and ninjas are always prone to Mikiris (spear trust and last kick ninjas usually use)
Each enemy is different, but I think this works for most of them.
This was probably the easiest boss fight in the game. Wow you are bad.
Git gud
stay aggressive, focus on their posture, react to their kanji attacks with the correct counter for massive posture damage. perfect parry every attack that you can, since it damages their posture even further.
Me because I paid attention to the story?
You'll have to wait for Vaati to explain it to you.
How do I get across the broken brigde in old grave? Almost done with the game and still dont know how to get there.
You just have to get familiar with the controls and train your muscle memory to deal with perilous attacks and repel on "feel"
Basically you have to git gud there's no way around it this time
how the fuck do you even do it? you jump and deflect?
>Kuro says that Takeru died a long time ago
>When he is immortal and didn't manage to do the rituals
They're still alive
Jump, get hit by it, before you touch the ground press attack, done
Sure, okay.
Make sure you finish all the endings and remember Miyazaki doesn't care about your headcanon.
Is there a particular reason I can't upgrade anything even though I have all the materials and money?
The ritual is to sever the immortality from your body without dying. Tomoe commited Sudoku just like Sekiro in the Immortal Severance ending.
Do you have all the prereqs?
>Worst one is probably Mist Raven.
mist basically allows you to dodge pretty much all attacks in the game, it's a crutch if you can't bother to learn how to deflect or don't have the right umbrella
Did Tomoe use the black mortal blade as well? I mean that's one way for Genichiro to know where to pick it up from
Sekiro kills himself in the purification ending, he kills kuro with the severance blade in the immortal severance ending.
Emma says that Tomoe tried to kill herself but failed. Either they're alive or they got killed using the black sword.
It's useless if you know how the basic mechanics work, the fire one is fun to use though.
You need to have certain upgrades beforehand.
>Either they're alive
They've got two graves at the "Old Grave" and both Kuro and Emma believe they're dead. Emma knew them firsthand.
I mean we can pretend it's an empty grave for "reasons" but then people propped up the Solaire Firstborn and other retarded theories based on shabby assumptions too.
Anyway Tomoe definitely isn't immortal anymore, that's why we get +1 rez.
Oh yeah forgot about the sakura droplet, welp. I just wish we had a proper Okami warrior fight because they're all piss easy to bwat. Two of them you can easily anti air deathblow their ass.
I wonder if everything "divine" being fucking easy was deliberate. They keep talking about stagnation and all. Even Isshin looks down on resorting to water and lightning shit while the game almost excessively emphasizes how he forged his techniques in battle and constantly seeking challenge.
It seems like the major meta theme of the game really
Hey anons I came to this thread just to say that the Guardian Ape’s Second Phase Scream can be blocked by the Umbrella. It makes a hard encounter into a piss easy one.
I haven't even played this game and I can tell that you are a shitter.
The scream is the easiest attack to avoid user. Actual tip: use the lance after you block one of his big attacks that leave him on the ground to pull out the Centipede he has inside for massive damage.
Its safe to assume both are dead considering the game seems to indicate how theres always only one Heir at a time.
>hard encounter
Well...thanks for the tip, it'll help make the fight faster at least.
because you suck. The game is easy
>Second Phase Ape
>hard encounter
It does?
Once you can beat the first two health bars with minimal damage, you realize how easy his lightning form is when you aren't stressing on no gourd uses.
Reverse the lightning, deflect his attacks, and attack until he deflects.
His posture goes up pretty quickly.
Git gud.
Guardian Ape was way harder.
Though I thought Headless and brown Ape was easier than both.
>tfw second timed SS Isshin
Is this the boss everyone said was impossible? Are people this bad at videogames?
No one ever seems to indicate the opposite. Not even when former heirs are mentioned.
Get in his face. He melts under deflects, the standard R1-L1-L1-L1-R1 bait-parry-attack wombo combo. You can no-hit him with this strategy, making sure to block the edge cases where he retaliates or uses his bow, and it even works great on his second form. His lightning can't hit you if you're up close and personal with him. Just sword him down, the lightning reversal mechanic is broken and gay anyways.
What the fuck is an Estus you fucking retard you mean potion?
Estus gourds
imagine dying to genichiro in 2019
This is what i hate about this game, most non trivial bosses are like ds2 midir times 100, you just have to memorize what's the correct action at the correct time and you win, it's just a time consuming grind at that point.
And the worst part of it is finishing the game and beating NG+ in 30min because you already know every boss moves and couters, shit's just lame.
potion vials
>get in his face
This should literally be the first line for ANY strategy for any boss. The best defence really is a good offence in this game.
Do I go into NG+ or do I farm for materials so I can have enough to immediately get the lazulite tools once I get enough lapis lazuli?
Which tool should I get right now? I already have the shurikens.
Hated fighting this cunt and his shitty fucking move set with random super armored moves. 4 fucking life bars and two fucking cutscenes to skip through every time I died. Miyazaki needs to pull his fucking head out of his ass for Sekiro 2 and at least autoskip cutscene shit once you've seen it the first time, especially if it's for a boss fight.
Wait till you fight him the third time
Knowing Miyazaki, if Tomoe appears as a boss at any point she'll have a lightning reversal counter that just one shots you if you ever reverse her bullshit.
I'm at Isshin's third try, killed demon of hatered and I can testify that Genichiro is the hardest boss of the game. Based on how early he appears and how strong he is.
Because it's shit and a waste of time
>Phase 1 Memory of Tomoe
>defeat her easily with lightning reversals
>Phase 2 Memory of Tomoe
>casts Tranquil Walk of Peace that also prevents you from jumping
stop sucking so much ass op hes easy as fuck, just hit him untill he attacks then either press l1 x or circle. easy
sounds like you never got good
>we are all currently posting on a tawainese graffiti board with no speaking
More like
>appears with 1 health bar
>lol jk cutscene when you clear her first bar
>Tomoe the Thundercunt, 2 health bars
>lol cutscene if you clear her
>4 health bars this time
>7 health bars
cutscene again after, and one more health bar
Not him but i had to cheat as if i rerolled my character, wasted too many points to learn all the skill trees for moves i never used that by the time i had the mask they required me to grind 120k for a single point, fuck that.
Game Journo, is that you?
She's probably going to use a bow, since there are no bow purple Okami.
>Not going into endless reflection until one of you fuck up
>The Lightning gets more and more dangerous each successful deflect
You didn't have to cheat. You chose to cheat because you're a loser who couldn't git gud.
>lying on the internet
Git gud fag. The only real pain in the ass is Demon of Hatred
eh, it was either that or restarting a whole new game and doing the right build, call me cheater all you want but this game not being an rpg kills all the replayability for me
She'll reuse genichiro's moveset to save money
This game should've ended with a big Genichiro fight rather than some whiny bitch Genichiro siccing his fucking grandad who can dual wield a 8ft fucking spear (and I guess a pistol with his cock). How the fuck did he even summon his dead grandad out of his fucking neck wound anyway? He didn't stuff grandpa up his ass to pop out like a centipede, because that corpse was still at Ashina Castle.
Fucking 2nd healthbar Isshin, and fuck that spear bullshit.
>not an RPG
>can literally grind, easily, to get any skill you want, and even raise your fucking attack power
>cheated anyway
You ought to go write for PC Gamer, they'd hire you on the spot.
You definitely never got good. You also didn't pay attention. Genichiro's role was to be a jobber, and he had the black mortal blade which only exists to open portals to the underworld to bring back the dead via sacrifice. He sacrificed himself to bring back granddad.
It's a side story as far as I can tell. I haven't beaten the game yet though. But it's worth doing because there are two mini-bosses (prayer beads), two prosthetics and a full on boss (memory) at the end. So it's worth doing for the powerup if nothing else.
Also if you see orange fish in the water, jump in, get relatively close and attack them. The shit they drop is currency for some great items later on
You are an embarrassment.
>not an RPG
>had to respec because of the experience and leveling up system
>great items
Oh man I hope you're not talking about the dragon mask
>market game as an action game
>has more grinding to do than your previous games
>can't reroll
As i said, i could've just restarted, but having no build variety whatsoever killed any interest i had, i autistically calculated how many points i spent on useless moves i never used and refunded them, and only did so at the final boss, you can stay mad all day for all i care but if they introduced the mask mechanic right at the start of the game i wouldn't have done that and probably people wouldn't even complain on the lack of an easy mode, simple as that.
I hope so. Tomoe needs to be harder than Isshin to do her justice forcing you to adapt on the go.
>mfw have beaten SS Isshin and really dont care much for this games bullshit
The game deliberately keeps you from getting good.
The game is designed to fuck you over randomly and thats what sucks the fun out of it.
This is coming from a guy who beat Ninja Gaiden 2 master ninja on the 360.
Ninja Gaiden 2 had its share of bullshit also,but at the same time NG2 gives you the tools to deal with that shit.
Sekiro gives you the tools,but most of them are useless or have limited use to the point where they dont make much of a difference.
The game forces you to try and be perfect with an imperfect system(bad hitboxes and detection) where as games like DMC5 and NG2 account for human imperfection with invisibility frames and things that give the player the advantage in certain situations.
I give the overall game a solid 6.5,but after beating it i just dont really feel to excited to start a NG+,but im going to do it anyways casue i know i can platinum the game(only boss trophy im missing is old isshin).
After i beat NG2/DMC5 i went right back in and played some more casue it felt good to beat it
and "get good",but beating Sekiro is more like "finally im done with this stupid shit".
Sekiro is like studying for your SAT and then being glad that shit is over with
Lapis, red gourd and yes, the mask. It's necessary to keep increasing your attack after you run out of bosses
You don't need the bonus attack at all, so no, you didn't need to restart or cheat. You're just a shithead who deserves to be ridiculed.
thats cute OP
Since this game will obviously have a sequel,if we get some DLC for this game it will most likely have to take place in the past.
DLC can bump this game up score wise by a lot just like Old Hunters DLC did for Bloodborne.
Imagine getting to see and fight lady butterfly in her prime.
>Owl in his prime
Owl looked like an old man when he meet sekiro as a child,but who knows
>red gourd
>It's necessary to keep increasing your attack after you run out of bosses
hehe well whatever works for you guy
Did anyone even ask Miyazaki if he wanted to do a sequel?
>Even the fire keeper is stronger then jobnichiro
What did they mean by this?
sales number seems good so why not
What a shitty excuse. I went for Shura end at the beginning so I had to beat him in NG+. I had 9 prayer beads because I didn't do Owl2 yet, and I had the demon bell active. I have yet to use the dragon mask a single time.
You just gotta git gud, user.
Where to go after the white flower and blocked castle?
>literally zero indications
Grab fulminated mercury before NG+, so you can get the last upgrades once you get Fountainhead again. Axe is the other good one, since it does damage through guards, the snap seed effect, and looks cool as fuck.
Because Miyazaki hates doing sequels which ironically is why we have Sekiro and not say Dark Souls IV
If he didnt he wouldnt have done the Return Ending.
>It took me 6 tries to get to Way of Tomoe Genichiro.
>No gourds
>See thunderbolts in cutscene and think about that lightning reversal skill
>Phase 3 motherfucker
>Due to some pure RNG he never did his lightning attack
>Mopped the floor with him without ever getting hit
What the fuck was that?
>implying anyone wants a sequel set in China
>worst rival in action games
>reeee Sekiro is bullshit
Based dolboeb
>you don't need
subjective, that's like saying you don't need items to finish a risk of rain run or you don't have to you use melee attacks to finish a devil may cry game, yeah, someone will have tons of fun finishing this game just by pressing LB and execute at the end, but not me, suck it.
this pretty much sums up what i think about the game, i'm going to 100% it and never touch ever again
Purification or Severance are canon. Return is not.
Sekiro is good but I've beaten in 4 times now and seen every ending so it's boring now since there's no new areas and I know how to kill every boss with little trouble.
Your headcanon is irrelevant.
Try a faith build
Someone tell me where to go after killing possessed monk and Guardian Ape and castle being inaccessible
Game gives me literally zero (0) info
genichiro is a little bitch nigga and everyone knows it
isshin in particular doesnt like his grandson
Can't say the aesthetics are the best From's ever done, still nice for variety's sake, and Sekiro himself has a perfect look. For visuals and atmo I'd rank them:
2. Dark Souls 3
3. Dark Souls
4. Sekiro
5. Demon's Souls
6. Dark Souls 2
that's what he's telling you
Lady Emma is based that's what
>Beat Genichiro
>Have to beat rape ape off right after
Did you get the mortal blade? Then go back to the castle and commune with the idols again. Maybe swing by the temple too.
You can assess the castle through the dungeon. Somehow the player is supposed to remember that way and also has to believe that the gate will still let you through even through all other gates are blocked.
Just From Software being shit somtimes.
more like behold the lightning of homo lmao
Is Genichiro posting a meme already? He is LITERALLY the easiest boss in the game. Probably easier than that Nordic slave guy.
>but but second phase
Just do what the game tells you and jump when you see thunder? Wtf
I think at your spot the castle has been raided, you meddle to backtrack to the castle via Abandoned Dungeon
Name a worse enemy in any fromsoft game
I heard something about deaths in this game fucking up your world. How many is too many? I just encountered that one general type(?) with a spear, I was overconfident and he killed me which made me mad as fuck and he killed me a second time.
>kuro's room greyed out
>all ashina castle idols greyed out except for one
>go to the one thats not greyed out
>wooooow how could anyone have figured that one out
Holy fuck do we have game journalists among us?
Its not headcanon. The principle of the Return Ending being the only one being a cliffhanger and the only way to really stop Japan from getting fucked by the Dragon again males it clear ots supposed to be the canon route that a Sequel will build on.
Return route is non-sensical if a sequel is never planned. Its also the only route that falls in line with Kuros true wish.
Actually swap Demon's and Sekiro, I can't in good conscious put Valley and Latria below anything in Sekiro concerning immersion.
let me guess ur sonyggger right?
its fucking shit ranking
i give -2.5/100
Black Phantom Selen Vinland
Don't worry about it
Seriously, don't
Well it certainly isn't beating one of the easiest bosses in the game.
The only thing that sucks about them is that they're extremely dangerous and can fuck your shit up big time if you aren't careful.
Otherwise, I think they're pretty neat.
Genichiro needs a serious fucking buff. I mean, how come your rival is such a fucking weak goobert?
I hated those fuckers to death, mostly because if you're up against them one of their attacks clips through your guard and hits you.
Waited until endgame and ran them all over
Going from the absolute madness that was the celestial dragon fight and the 1v1 duel with Owl to the fire demon aka midir 2.0 is so fucking disappointing
didnt miyazaki said
hes pretty much done with DS?
Any checklist of things to do before going ng+?
I can't. They combine every shit, annoying mechanic from the past few games into one disgusting pile of trash. It's not even hard, it's just so annoying.
He was "done" after DS1
They're not working with Bamco this time
Bloodborne's presentation is peak enthrallment, I care about games, not platforms.
Here's the real list:
1. Bloodborne
2. Demon's Souls
3. Dark Souls
4. Sekiro
5. Dark Souls 3
6. Dark Souls 2
He's always wanted to let go of Dark souls but Bamco wouldn't let him. And he put his foot down for good with it when DS3 was out.
Against monkey and the cunt before genichiro is godly
I enjoyed the fight for the relevance it had
Probably won't be doing it again for a while though
RIP Orangutang
I fucked up getting the Purification ending on NG+3 by killing Owl before eavesdropping on Isshin and Emma, so I had to get to NG+5 to get all the endings
NG+ in this game just makes it easier
post yfw lightning reversalling a boss to deathblow
I beat him first try no health upgrade lol
Why do people like Bloodborne aesthetic? That game is so fucking boring to me even in how it looks. Every building is a pointy cathedral, every NPC is a trenchcoat fedoralord and every enemy is either a lycan or greylian
Gee, could perhaps the blocked off castle mean that maybe you should return to the caste and see why it's all blocked off?
Do you need to get EVERY single skill on the trees to get that one achievment?
Because thats fucking tedious
What can I say, I really like the ashen tree/world collapsing/insectoid infestation visual elements Dark Souls 3 presented.
I can't turn off my automatic evasion reflexes so I can't get deliberately hit by lightning without completely fucking my rhythm up
Pretty sure you only need to eavesdrop on Kuro to start Purification ending, because I got it and definitely didn't find an Emma and Isshin eavesdrop.
>hey bro remember Tranquil Walk from Dark Souls?
>didn't you like that?
>too fucking bad
>also you need an item to properly damage the miniboss
>and it also comes with instant death mechanics you need more items to deal with
>also the item to damage it is super limited until you've almost beaten the fucking game
Sekiro is on top for me, because it's just Muramasa all over again and I'm loving it.
At NG+5 enemies were dropping so much experience that I really didn't have to worry about it too much. Less than an hour of extra grinding, which is a lot better than doing it early.
fuck dude
>oh you beat it?
>here's a reusable monk candy that you already have 100 of except it only lasts half as long
Next time From makes a 'fast paced action game', I will only buy it if they lock 60 fps. Perfect parrying is less fun when the frames vary between 30 and 50 fps.
>he doesnt know
use purple loaded umbrella or lazulite fire.
purple loaded umbrella particularly wrecks their shit when you charge it from blocks then release.
>AND it costs spirit emblems
>you know, those things you only use on one shinobi tool because it works on anything in the game
They really should just remove the cost from everything that isn't a tool at this point. All of those skills are shit and worthless because Double Ichi is so good and spirit emblems are only worth using on crackly boi's.
it literally tells you as soon as he does it. are you playing the game with your eyes closed?
I can't think of a game that does Dark Japanese Fantasy better at least. Maybe Nioh I haven't played it much.
Malcontent and burn
It's fucking incredible how hard this post triggered the Sekirobabs trying to distance their game from the Soulsborne games
It's a fucking Souls game with less replayability and some changes in mechanics, nothing's gonna change that so why act so autistic over it
I think if they halved the cost it'd be reasonable. Or made them hit harder. As it is the difference between using a Fancy combat art to exploit a weakness and just hitting an enemy with a normal R1 doesn't seem worth the cost.
Don't play it on console then, user.
I don't know about better but Tenchu and Otogi are worth mentioning
Mother fucker it's been 3 years.
Anyone else finds the combat really reminiscent of God Hand?
>similar camera
>be on aggressive side all the time
>hit fuckers and bait counters 24/7
>sidestep and counterhit
>get a special move as a reward for hitting enemy a lot and not getting hit yourself
The games are different, but I find some beats in combat to be very similar, and I've been waiting for a game like God Hand for god knows how many years. Thanks From.
>Anyone else finds the combat really reminiscent of God Hand?
Sekiro is basically MGR: Feudal Japan Edition. It's all about parrying and being offensive as possible.
>babby's gothic themed game
god i feel old
its typical sonyggger rating system
they gotta put their "EZCLUSIVE" on top
ignore shit lists
I love that both you and bosses can cancel attacks into deflects.
That is all.
I also just realized that the charged attack count as a thrust, that why it hits vitality so often and Owl just stomps you if you try it.
Wow people are still bitter about Bloodborne?
Huh, that's unfortunate. For you.
Emma-san is 10/10 wife material and I want to marry her and have her carry my babies.
If she turns out to be the bad guy in the end I am going to fucking firebomb FROM.
Sour grapes.
Thrusting is really great for punishing whiffs, even against Owl. Albeit really fucking risky.
the vileblood hunter in the cathedral
>le they mad cuz they dont have it cope
typical sonyggger coping
Obey the iron code user
A shinobi who betrays his code is nothing
and another great thread ruined with console fanfags..yeah im out..
>needing open eyes to beat a sekirosoulsborne game
>playing on easy mode
This thread is now an Epic Store exclusive.
How is it coping, what am I coping about? Calm down man.
Whoa, so this is what happens when people mention Bloodborne in a From Software thread...
Or just, you know, run away?
This is the first souls game where I actually use most of my consumables, what gives?
Normally you'd just summon help or use a broken build but now you actually have to use all the tools available to make up for your lack of skill
I never summoned but I guess I was over relaying on my stats
I'd be more inclined to actually talk about these games on Yea Forums if all discussion wasn't locked behind dick measuring, as if these games aren't completely normalfag and middling in difficulty.
He'd look so much better without the damn orange coat.
lol dicklet detected
I want Iosefka to do experiments on my pp
Winter Bells and bell cunts that summon red spiders don't kid yourself.
Was really hoping for some alternate costumes
Gonna have to try that mod that lets you play as a giant chicken
>tfw beated him by following the "just dodge" meme
Just hitting him with the sword multiple times does almost as much damage too.
why they have hair attached to the base of their neck?
It says right in the title that shadows die twice my g.
Zou think genichiro is bad? wait for sword saint. You ahve to beat genichiro p2 and then 3 phases or old man Ishin on Steroids.
Maybe you should play NG+ on hardmode
Man, I guess this is the closest I can have to a Samurai Jack game. Even time travel shenanigans are in there, it just needs cyborgs
neck beards
I got stupidly good by the time NG+++ rolled around that the game became too easy. Even SS Isshin
In other news I finally decided to play Bloodborne finally and realized that the game is easier than Sekiro. I am about 3/4 in the game and I have pretty much first tried most bosses without any guides. Its really just about stepping in and out. Feels more like Nioh in that sense.
Based Egg poster.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice being the tagline cleary is setup for an expansion with another tagline, maybe even 2 or more expansions
I'd wager we'll likely play as another character in one, would be cool to have totally new weapon and play style
Attain acumen
Become better
Create competence
Develop dexterity
Enhance expertise
Find finesse
Handle hardness
Increase insight
Join judgement
Kindle knowledge
Lose lethargy
Make mastery
Network neurons
Obtain organisation
Procure proficiency
Quash quirks
Raise rating
Stockpile skill
Take training
Usurp utility
Value victory
Wrest worth
Xerox xenia
Yield yourself
Zap zeroes
The key is to master his first two stages so you use as little resources as possible then go balls to the walls in the third spamming tools and chugging gourds like a motherfucker. The first two stage seem tough at first, but when you've got his moveset downpat, you'll be able to beat him with your eyes closed.
Really his third stage is his easiest since he creates huge openings you can punish despite the huge damage output. The problem is the first two stages wear you down and you don't get much opportunity to practice.
Really Genchiro is the inverse of The Nameless King is DaS3. Drawn out, but straightforward first phase, gimmicky second phase with instakills.
They actually only kept the "Shadows Die Twice" because Activision thought it was good name for the game. There wasn't any other reason for the name. So no its not a setup for expansions but we will of course get something as dlc in the future anyways.
If I beat Owl 2, is the rest of the bosses easier?
>The key is to master his first two stages so you use as little resources as possible then go balls to the walls in the third spamming tools and chugging gourds like a motherfucker.
Or you know just parry, parry, attack, mikiri counter, etc. He isn't hard, maybe need to chug 1 gourd at most? Heck his 3rd phase is easier then his other two phases so if you can save your resources during them then phase 3 shouldn't even be a problem in the first place.
Marathoned the shit out of the game today and played pretty damn well for how shit I usually am, Corrupted Monk wasn't bad at all (one fucking health bar this late in the game had me convinced a second phase was coming) and I'm surprised nobody mentions True Monk because that was a proper fight without stealth cheese. First-tried the ape duo somehow, so that was satisfying. Owl's fakeout after you take off his first health bar is pretty entertaining, couldn't get him to do it again though so I assume he only does it the very first time. God, it's been a long time since a game actually drew me in to the point I want to skip sleeping to keep playing, been waiting since Automata for another ride like this.
I was sure a second phase was coming, but I got pretty butthurt after immediately dying to him too since I didn't really understand lightning reversal yet and it took like a dozen tries to beat the first phase. They make up for it by having him take a stupid huge amount of posture damage though. This was also the first instance of blatant input reading I'd seen in the game, he goes for a lunge every single time you try to heal unless you're across the entire arena from him and he does it the second you press the button so you're committed and move too slow to dodge it.
Please tell me you also call sen souls
So is Sekiro 2 going to have a 5 or 6 phase boss?
My nigga
>not playing with the Japanese dub
I found Owl 2 harder than the final boss, but for some people it's the other way around.
I hope so, Isshin is too easy with his 4 phase fight(counting Genichiro)
What I'm saying is phase three is the easiest, but also the most punishing. Tools and gourds are far more useful in his third phase.
You can listen for the harsh *CLANG* to know when to stop attacking and start deflecting. This works for everything.
The scream can also be just straight up tanked if you get pacified beforehand, giving you a bunch of free attacks and a decent chance of stunning him out of the scream before it even finishes
get filtered inbred
Thank you for telling us the obvious.
Stupid, stuuuupid anime poster!
user is stuuuupid!!
>die probably around 20 times to Sword Saint Ishin stage 1/2
>finally get to stage 3
>beat him first time I get there because I'm actually good at the lightning redirect
The pot merchant is blue and collects scales so he will "never age".
Depends on the miniboss, there's usually different tactics
>big fatasses like the drunks basically have posture equal to their health and can more or less be fought like souls bosses
>samurai enemies like the generals and elites are all about deflecting everything they do and they usually posture break themselves attacking you
>ninjas like the longshadows punish aggression and recharge posture fast as fuck. Need to be attacked on whiffs where they leave themselves vulnerable and they stop regenerating posture at around 70% health or so
Are you retarded? They're all greyed out.
Have you even played the game?
Hesitation is defeat user
>1. Bloodborne
Been playing entirely blind this whole time, I think (?) I'm maybe kinda nearing the end because I've done so much shit that I'm running out of places to go and items to grab. I'm making my way through Mibu Village right now and I beat the stupid crying yukelele psycho waifu, and now I'm trying to take down the giant spear ghost dude. I'm guessing the trick to him is confetti and patience, because he's built like a fucking tank and hits for miles.
You still got ways, especially if you haven't done the ape or mortal blade yet. There is still a whole section to the game after collecting all the items required for the incense.
typical "this is not even my final form" japanese boss
>I'm guessing the trick to him is confetti and patience, because he's built like a fucking tank and hits for miles.
No, just parry her. Its easy. Also when she leaps just dodge into her to get behind for 2 free hits.
Done the ape and mortal blade, killed the snake, got both hearts, probably missing some random path because I still have the stone and something else to get for the incense. It's good to hear I'm not done yet though, having a good time.
>get that item from Butterfly that allows you to resurrect another time
>can never resurrect another time, only once
Can someone explain this to me?
You need to charge your extra resurrections after a death by getting deathblows. You can never resurrect twice in a row.
>Comparing sekiro to previous from games
why do faggots keep doing this?
You need to fill the meter again. Multiple resurrections are really for doing a long run through an area.
>iron code is made by others and "taught" to him
>his code
LLOL cuck
Its mostly for bosses but get a death blow on them to clear the resurrect for use. Against regular enemies you have to death blow a few gooks before it shows up.
For example, You die on a 2 health boss before getting their health down to 1 and resurrect it will be crossed out but if you get the first death blow/health bar down it comes back up. This goes the same for 3 health bosses.
because its the same basic premise but with different mechanics. I am comparing difficulty faggot not the games them selves. Jesus how stupid are you? Did your mom drop you as a kid?
I disagree with you mostly. Most bosses aren’t that hard to git gud at. n00bs are just seething because they suck ass. However, the final boss (normal and shura) feel like a boring fucking grind learning the moves and getting the perfect run for the wind. I’m on ng+ and doing the shura ending and I’ve given up because I’m sick of it.
Going through genichiro each time is what made it tedious for me. Fucking wasting my time each god damn run.
Sekiro is a Souls game with couple of changes in combat. In the basis its a same fuckin shit with sounds, animations, AI, items, statuses, etc.
>wasting my time
He's part of the fight though, it's a purposely placed misdirect in order to prevent you from learning Isshin too fast and easy. You learn the mechanics, not the specifics, and kill them both.
just dodge
his first stage is easy on purpose.
He's like 30 seconds of trash, it's not a problem. On other bosses you spend more time *getting* to the boss than the time you spend fighting Genichiro.
>mash parry
Youre gonna fucking LOATHE the final boss. Ive made it all trough the game and even beat the Demon of Hatred, but I just cant seem to beat the final one. 3rd stafe severely rapes my tight virgin asshole
does the mod to slow down the game work well?
i can't into parrying and maybe slowing it down makes it manageable.
You didn't even play it, m8. By your logic you could say DS1 is just castles and every enemy is a knight
>not playing every dub just to experience it
Ever wonder what Wolf would sound like if he was played by a bad Spanish Christian Bale Batman impersonator?
>kill big ape
>10 seconds pass
>ape picks up his head and sword
From is so cheeky this installment.
>Severance ending basically has her spensing her remaining days with Sekiro
It's not the happy family I wanted but fuck it , I'll take it. Beating Isshin was such a rush.
Gonna start my 2nd playthrough now. What stuff shluld I do if I want the best ending?
Now if someone can edit his face into Chris's it would be perfect.
I wanna kiss her so bad
What he fuck was his plan? Keep fighting Sekiro off and at the same time searching for the Mortal Blade so he can finish him?
Get good and stop crying over filter boss
The forgotten dungeon isnt grayed out. Thats his entire point. If you cant remember which idols you can get to the ashina castle area from thats just your fault for being retarded.
>Playing through Sekiro for the first time
>Bit rough but I'm enjoying being a ninja
>Run into the monks, they butterfly kick and wushu my head off my shoulders
>Can't be frustrated because they gave me the overwhelming want for a martial arts From game
Jobber Boobies
It’s fun giving her sake and having her open up a bit.
Are you nuts? It absolutely is not. You can, and should, go full aggressive on Owl 2. He has some nasty tricks if you allow him to control the battle, but he's really predictable if you keep pressure on him constantly. You can eat through his posture before his health easy.
Cute loser girls that try too hard are cute. What is she saying here?
>Centipedes? In MY vagina?
Genichiro drank the rejuvenating water, like the mibu people. He didn’t get the centipedes
You kinda want to get hit by the lightning intentionally because of the Lightning Reversal. When you see lightning, jump and hold L1, then when the lightning hits you, press the attack button and aim at the direction of the boss before you hit the ground. Now the boss just Shocked himself and you get free hits.
Its a bit silly how this renowned Tomoes forbidden Lightning Technique gets completely trivialized by a piece of paper on the wall telling you to jump. Maybe thats why its forbidden, because it teaches people how to lose in a flashy way.
Tenchu fight on Owl 1, staying close to him is preferable because he has the range advantage. Most obvious opening is his potion throw. Second is his somersault jump attack. Owl 2 he actually defends himself way less so you can afford to be more aggressive. Don't let him deflect you and NEVER thrust attack because he has the same Mikiri you do.
>Try to go to castle shrines
>"You can't access this until you commune with it"
>Gee I better go to one of the shrines right before the castle and head up through it so I can re-access them
>Advance game
How have you managed to make it this far with needing everything spelt out for you? Have you forgotten how you got to the castle in the first place?
Anyone know what Isshin parting words item is? Do you really have to learn all the arts of his book to get it?
>not doing the cool thing because "muh tanking though"
Umad OP? Literally the easiest boss in the game, not joking
Don't call me jobber
>struggling with one of the easiest bosses in the game
better git gud now. Use him as a training dummy.
If that happened I would've alt+F4'd. Nameless King is one of the most difficult bosses I ever fought in Soulsborne.
Yeah and 8 phases in the DLC. Original DBZ Goku vs Frieza tier length incoming. You'll literally be exhausted in real life by the time you beat a boss
Why do you need to get from NG+3 to NG+5 to get that ending? I haven't read a single guide yet, so what's so special about that ending? Can I get it in NG+2 if I just started NG+?
Just 1 of any of the final skills in any skilltree. You get another skilltree. You can also get it early if you speak to him when he's Tengu and you've already learned any of the final skills.
Nothing, you can do it in NG+. You just need to eavesdrop on a couple of people then you'll be given a certain item then you'll now what to do. What ending did you get in NG by the way? Immortal Severance I'm assuming
Yeah immortal severance. I'm going to save Shura last (I assume that's where you keep the Iron Code). I know there's two more endings. One must involve the hearts I collected, but since I didn't use guides I had no clue what to do with them.
I'll use a guide for my next playthroughs though. Going for completionist now.
I died the first time I got to this phase just because I was out of gourds and it was my first time trying a lightning reversal. It's his easiest phase by far though so now that you can go back knowing that this is coming you will nail it. I believe in you.
Yeah you got the shittiest possible ending my dude. Purification and Return are equally great. Shura is only good because you get to fight two bosses that are exclusive to this ending
a few weeks ago ive seen an user call her prime mating press material and literally every time I see her I can't help but imagine her getting mating press'd
It's the worst
is any of those skills worth it? I can unlock the mortal blade extension now, but not sure if it's worth it. I like the monk arts a lot more to be honest. Spices up my game by slapping and kicking people around.
So I need 3 more playthroughs to get all endings? Whew.
I just beat guardian ape. Really not that hard, but also easily the most enjoyable boss in the game so far imo. There's parts where you can get like 10 hits in easily, and the second phase has that really big parry move.
I find fighting humans kinda boring, typically devolves into L1 spam because sword-on-sword.
Yeah, basically that's all there is to Sekiro's replayability
Game allows you to pretend to be dead for a while to get the drop on your enemies. Why not one boss?
High Monk is a better sweep counter if used like that. Shadowrush, at least the initial rush is unblockable, no enemy, bosses included, blocks it, free damage but not much. Mortal Blade extension sucks, too slow and the range isn't that much bigger. Living weapon gives your weapon fire/fan buff, very useful in most situations but doesn't last long, bout 5-6 secs.
mfw Isshin pulls out a fucking gun in the middle of the fight
What are they pulling out of your ass? You can see him shoving it up his own ass afterwards too
Attacking me with its own severed head and the sword I used to decapitate it is such a fucking power move, I was in tears with laughter by the end of that fight
I hope grape ape goes down as one of the big-name bosses in FromSoft history with shit like O&S, Flamelurker, or Nameless King
Fuck that broken piece of shit bastard. And fuck him for what he did to Eileen.
Nobody remembers Flamelurker, I rarely see him mentioned. When people are talking about Demon's Souls they always bring up the Tower Knight. But yeah the ape is definitely the most memorable boss in Sekiro and he will join the list of memorable FROMsoft bosses
Mist Raven
>Generally useful
>Situanionally amazing
>Situationally not absolute garbage
Flame Vent
How many times does the game make us go through this? You must have brain damage.
lmao git gud faggot
I haven't used firecrackers once while playing this game. Get on my level
Mist Raven, user.
Think that's kinda the point, isn't it? Just like Gwyn was a pushover. That's why he offs himself to let grampa take over.
how the FUCK do I use mist raven? I press R2, then move the left stick, but nothing happens
Me neither. You're not hardcore. Now play any NG+ with hard and harder modes enabled you pussy.
You need to get hit by something.
Are you kidding me? Umbrella is the best prosthetic for punishing range attacks.
Seeing eggman here is surreal for some reason
I think he's a pretty good rival actually.
Even though he's totally beatable when you first start the game, since the mechanics are fresh he completely blows you up.
The second time you fight you're much better and it feels like it's an even match even though he really hasn't changed.
The third time you've gotten to the point where you blow him up in like a second and have completely left him behind.
its basically substitution jutsu. A "counter" if you will.
how is using Mist Raven different from simply dodging and counterattacking?
Mist Raven is invaluable for getting out of sticky situations. Parry won’t help that much if you get dogpiled.
Greater mobility, more damage
Very useful for escaping combos
Mist Raven by itself isn't useful, but with the follow-up prosthetic skill you can teleport behind an enemy and get a full combo before they turn around. Then the first upgrade allows you to activate it after being hit, essentially like Bayonetta's butterflies. THEN the final upgrade leaves an explosion when you teleport that damages/staggers the enemy and inflicts burn on top of letting you whack them from behind.
you keep your unlocked skills in NG+
I want to fuck that face
Do I have to do Owl 2 to get a better ending? I keep whittling down Ishiin 3, I dont want to have to stop and go fight someone else.
do lightning reversal
My brothers playing Sekiro and thinks it needs an Easy Mode because its too hard
Now I've never played it but I know he's wrong, can you tell me why?
Ask him if having the ability to immediately come back to life after dying doesn’t already feel like easy mode.
Because thats kinda the whole point about Genichiro, he isn't good enough to protect his clan from destruction or surpass his grandfather so he has to use heresy, I kinda feel for him to be honest
They shove their zombie fist up your ass, rip out your prostate and shove it up their own ass while moaning in pleasure.
10/10 bros
>kite him to the entrance of the catherdral which he can't get out of
>equip beast cutter
>trick mode beast cutter
>spam R2
wow, that was hard
The game doesn't end the moment you best Isshin. You can just leave Kuro's corpse in the field until you're ready to make the final choice. You can do Owl 2 after, if you already unlocked it.
that's weird, I always see Flamelurker mentioned
Google shirikodama
Don't let them niggas get an ounce of breathing room. Be on their ass like white on rice and never let them rest.
Hesitation is defeat.
Post all of your Sekiro webms
How do I beat this with only parries and attacks and no cheese shit (like the game should be played)?
If I parry I get damaged vitality anyway.
But you can block bullets
>When you see lightning, jump and hold L1, then when the lightning hits you, press the attack button and aim at the direction of the boss before you hit the ground.
Pressing L1 doesn't matter, just jumping is enough.
Fucking this, didnt even need to use that. Also, demon bell has always been on
>walk up
>let him swap chikage modes
>walk away and wait for him to die
>repeat if necessary
or beast roar him into the gate so he's out of aggro range and doesn't attack
He stabs Kuro so I guess he ran out of patience and tried to threaten him
What if every boss that wasn’t female was female
its the best fight in the game, probably the best in soulsbornekiro.
versus human type enemy in this game is amazingly fun that no games has achieved.
The best fight is Isshin
Now that you mention it I haven't been seeing much "git gud" when it comes to this game when compared to the other souls games.
Only because the meme has been dead for 6 years or so
Genichiro, Owl, and Isshin are all the best fights for that reason.
I did it bros i beat Owl 1, not so hard after you learn how to cheese his old cheating ass
Shame. It's a good response to shut up the shitters instead of humoring their bitching
I never thought getting my ass kicked over and over again could feel so rewarding
I need a dominant gf so I can feel this in the bedroom
because devs use dificulty as an excuse for bad game design
>Owl 1
that's cute but good job anyway
>That chanting in the temple battle music
I always thought it came from some nearby enemy
>I'm going to cheat myself to 100% and never touch ever again
ftfy you fucking casual.
All you need to beat this game is Mikiri counter none of the other skills matter
I just waited til I got the terror blocking fan and the fan attack skill before bothering with these cunts. Similar for the shitmen warriors, just turtle in the fan until you can anti-air deathblow.
If you deflect the hits you don't take damage. You're getting hit because you're blocking
You need to give the item to Kuro
>Beat Owl1 first try because of hype
>Lost 5 times in NG+
can I leave the headless and shichimen warrior fights for endgame or are they missable?
you can leave them
The point of no return is the last bossfight in Fountainhead, at the top of the mountain. You’ll miss the headless in Ashina Castle
Tomoe and Takeru tried Purification ending, but she couldn't use the Mortal Blade due to not being inmortal nor having taken rejuvenating waters.
It's unknown what actually happened to them, but it's strongly implied that both of them died in the process since the Old Grave is the tomb for both of them and you visit it with Ema.
Who is this
Well, yeah. No matter how flashy divine powers are, they can't fix something like the fall of Ashina.
A single overpowered fighter, no matter how divine can't stop social breakdown, foreign invasions and lack of resources.
The game state that they are totally lacking of basic resource shit like salt and it's heavily implied that sickness is spreading all over because of this.
This is what Kuro is trying to say to Genichiro, you can't fix this shit with a thing like "inmortality", Ashina is lost and you are just sacrificing your soul to profane shit for nothing.
No you won't. All headless and Shichimen can be fought up until you beat the game if you don't do Shura ending
The shrine maiden
Well then where is the headless in Ashina castle because it’s certainly not where it used to be
The one who brought the Dragon to the east
You can’t /thread your own post and that’s not how you use /thread
It is just dumb becsuse it is stilla different game so you call it a different name, same with Bloodborne or any game that has some form of potion to use.
Fighting this hard for a young boy's fluids. Some subtle pedo stuff in this game.
Underwater. Go to old grave idol and turn around and jump in the water
You can if you have the vip pass
tfw you end up beating the game while extremely drunk and can’t remember how you did it. I woke up with the game still on with the selection to start ng+. I kind of wish I could remember it more
You sucked me off so I'd finish the game for you, fag
OP is seething because he's too stupid to use the blatantly foreshadowed insta-win technique against one of three enemies in the entire game that can be exploited by it.
Seethe little baby and git gud
Cry more little baby.
The Monk's laughter is also a part of background music and weirded me the fuck out every time I heard it. It doesn't even stop when you kill both forms.
I just beat this guy myself, died a bunch of times but he never felt particularly difficult. Fun fight.
How far into the game am I? I already beat Lady Butterfly at the Hirata Estate. Also, I found some not-Blighttown place and a forested area with some monks. These areas optional, or?
wow, that’s very hurtful language.
This. Corrupted Monk spirit and Orin were insurmountable for me the first handful of times I fought them. But after a dozen deaths or so I learned their attack patterns and beat them (though Orin I just barely beat holy crap that bitch is intense).
Based and redpilled true gamer
>11 hour thread
Are mods finally deleting garbage threads?
how to skip ape man and his ape wife
Should have went through before you killed Ape, idiot
You are actually retarded aren’t you? I wouldn’t bother playing to the end, you’re clearly incapable of finishing Sekiro.
Just kill them)
This boss reveals the true shitters of this game.
guardian ape is starting to become my favorite boss because of how trollish he is.
Does fighting Owl again change the ending?
Grandpa is better