Are you part of a fandom you really wish you weren't? Like have you ever played a "cult classic" or a "so bad it's good" kinda game, got into the community and just saw how they're all massively autistic?
How do you deal with this?
Are you part of a fandom you really wish you weren't...
you know how pucci resets the universe in jojo?
i wish i could do that to the pokémon fanbase
why care lol, just dont talk to the peanut gallery
besides the only time fanbase matters is when they make porn
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Yea Forums
> caring about the fans of a game that you enjoy
does it really matter?
Not part of the fandom but I appreciate Undertale/Deltarune. Just wish that appreciation wasn't shared by so many spergs and furries
Based, I can't stand pokemon fans other than their deprivedly good fan art, they just won't shut up man
>Everyone is an actual retard/friendly/tradefag or trying way hard to make a name for themselves as a big dick competitive player
I just cope with it by playing the game and having fun and making everyone else upset
Dragon Ball fans are retarded so that's mine.
But I still wanna discuss the game, it's just that the general is nothing but crappy fanart and the subreddit is literally fanfic hell from what I've been told
Let's switch it around as well. What fandom are you REALLY glad you got into because everyone turned out pretty chill and contribute to great threads in general?
>unironically Fate Grand Order /alter/
I’m a huge fan of the Hyperdimension Neptunia games, and up until the PC releases, the community was mostly a small group of weebs who made suicide jokes and wanted to fuck the girls (typical for an anime game) but after it came out on PC, the community became like 90% illiterate Steam SEAmonkeys and I hate every single one of them
I would hang out with you
Kirby. It's infested with redditors, tumblrites and discord trannies, unironically.
I really love the Monster Hunter fanbase. The autistic MinMaxers constantly shitting on scrubs is always funny to me. It’s one of the few gaming communities that’s still autistic enough to gatekeep scrubs, at least as much as they can.
>part of a fandom
how in the world do you do that? forums and discords? why not just the dumb game and that be the end of it? why go talk to losers on the internet who calls themselves a "community"
I personally can't stand talking to anyone over the internet outside of anonymity
I don't consider myself part of any fandom. Basing your identity around something you enjoy is sheep-tier.
Don’t feel guilty, you like what you like. For instance, I like Fnaf and I don’t care if it has a shitty fandom. I know some of the games are kind of shitty, though.
Son I grew up on Sonic the Hedgehog. I learned long ago that most communities have some cancer to them and it's on you to find the parts that don't make you want to kill yourself. I miss the Mania hype threads. Constant shitposting about THE HOLE, Sakura Synagogue, Nigger Sonic and Vector etc. was such a fun time.
Well reddit is reddit and generals are generals, what did you expect ?
every Yea Forums and /vg/ server or game I have ever joined has been fucking horrible and full of retards, with the exception of the party van
Dark souls, it was always a single player game to me and never understand anyone who played it for PvP because PvP is absolute shit?
Overwatch I thought I'd be playing against great fps players and got homosexual kids who I'd just slay through half asleep.
CS:GO see above shit skinned homos.
Yea Forums is a fucking tween shithole I'm sure there are more mature viewpoints being exchanged on the Disney channel forum.
Tldr I'm too old for video games but competition is ageless and there's none anymore. You can't even find a csgo match past like 9pm because all the kids are in bed, but you can find a shit skinned de_dust2 game in a hot minute.
It doesn't work at all though. Partially because MH never was hard to begin with.
Are you literally me?
And why the F U C K are there so many faggots and furries in pubs. I thought they all were contained in fireden and their own little cancer pits.
Almost any fandom is shit. But through the waves of shit are some pretty good people just like you, it’s just a question of is driving into the fandom worth it.
Guild Wars 2
This is pretty much what I came here to say, what is it about shit like Undertale and Homestuck that attracts so many retards?
Fire Emblem
Kingdom Hearts
Those are the biggies for me and they all find ways to hurt me.and yet I can't find it in myself to abandon them completely
Found out before Yea Forums was even around. Fuck I hate mother fans so much
Fighting Games as a whole, there's this sense of comradery yet fierce thirst for challenge that makes them so, well, cool, they'll help you get leagues better at games while also wiping the floor with you until you can stand up and fight back, it's truly an experience
>saying Yea Forums is full of underageb&s while spelling it Yea Forums
pot kettle black
I genuinely enjoy Sonic games of almost all kinds and absolutely fucking detest furries. It really hurts.
I never got the complaints about Pokemon's fanbase but the forced as fuck Scottish protagonist meme spawning a fuckton of bad art is making me reconsider,
Besides /fgg/ fighting games generals are the less gay thing on /vg/. I think that shows a lot.
Undertale's cancerous fanbase is mostly a byproduct of Homestuck's cancerous fanbase.
As for why that has such a cancerous fanbase, I dunno dude I'm not a doctor of cancerous fanbases. I'm pretty sure it boils down to the trolls though, giving off that Sonic vibe in how they attract the dumbest, craziest fucks.
I don't care in the first place.
Who the fuck cares, I just enjoy what I enjoy, there is literally no need to be "part of something"
Formerly Homestuck
You just learn to stop caring after a while.
>And why the F U C K are there so many faggots and furries in pubs.
One of the current TF2 devs came out publicly about being a ponyfag some time ago.
It honestly took me years to get over my hatred of Motherfags. I never really liked the games (I mean 3's okay but even then I think it's horribly overrated) but for the longest time I just constantly shit on them out of spite.
I was on the Undertale train pretty early, played the demo and was up to date with the development.
When I heard the fandom was really cringy and autistic, I took the word of advice and never got involved with them.
It's all been fine ever since.
Elsword. I joined a bunch of fucking autists and now I'm trapped watching them pretend to enjoy a shitty dead game.
Furfags have gotten a lot more fucking vocal in the last few years. I have no idea what caused it.
Smash Bros
I fucking despise this fanbase and yet I always feel the urge to check out whatever goddamn stupid "they're in" post that gets made
Next gen furries are out.
Funny, I would reset the jojo fanbase and prevent the anime from ever being made.
I avoid letting the community taint things that I enjoy by simply not thinking about them.
Do you play a different game or something? Traders, friendlies and compfags barely overlap. Most people in pubs also just want to fuck around toward a vague objective.
KH threads are some of the best on Yea Forums though.
Klonoa. Like 90% of the fanbase are degnerate shotacon furfags and don't actually like the games and just spam threads for ERP sessions and squealing. You know, like how people pretend they like Senran Kagura for anythint other tham the balloon tits.
Dragons Dogma, hands down. /ddg/ was the best vidya community I was ever apart of, back when I used to frequent in like 2015.
The fanbase being complete fucking garbage that hates everything except the games they grew up with was fine, but memeing about the protagonist being scottish is enough to make you think they're shit?
I fucking hate the Fire Emblem fanbase. Most of your average fans now only play Heroes and want to fuck their waifus.
>How do you deal with this?
By not taking part of it and enjoying it on your own you fucking sheep.
Ah that makes sense, I think it's time we reminded furfags of their place on this social internet totem pole
I'd say the worst fanbase I'm part of is Zelda, and that's big enough that's you can avoid the weirdos and manchildren fairly easily.
I also just fealized how gay/female the fanbase for DMC is. It's weird.
>I dunno dude I'm not a doctor of cancerous fanbases.
Kek, but that begs the question of why Sonic got such a cancerous fanbase in the first place. I wonder if it has something to do with how Homestuck & Undertale both have kind of low entry lame jokes that can appeal to really anyone, but if we're going with the theory that it all links back to Sonic then I'm kind of at a loss.
My guess is it's bright and colorful and there's meta aspects for autists to over-analyze in both
Goddammit I wish these threads would last more than eight posts.
you don't like the part 5 anime?
I used to hang around other Kingdom Hearts fans, but god damn are they not the brightest. Can't interact with them anymore.
You're the cancer that destroy your community.
>play a couple quick matches after not having played in years
>a couple enemies are taunting
>shoot them because they're enemies and that's what you're supposed to do
>everyone in chat gets unbelievably pissed and two people rage quit
is there some sort of a meme i missed out on? i really have no clue what happened
>tfw Yoshi and Tails were my go too picks for their franchises games
>years later find out that they're both considered the gay kid picks
Won't work. Irony deflects all criticism.
No, they aren't. Especially after KH3 turned out underwhelming and everyone who had an issue with it was "barry"
See, it's fuckers like you that makes me despise my fellow FEfags.
Anime brought in fags but it's cool at least.
I knew some faggot would come and post this.
Something about brightly colored animals with one-note personalities that appeals to autismos I think
Fuck memes and fuck forced "cute" humor.
If I consistently jack off to furry porn do I count as one? Just about every furry I've seen online is a huge sperg though.
yes I played undertale
>removing good content just because a cancerous fanbase followed it
may as well delete all of jojo then
Nothing, everything I enjoy is populated by cool people.
Irony is just a mask, whether or not most of us like to admit it or not.
I dont even care if you wanna dress up like a dog when you suck your boyfriend's cock, I just really wish they werent so fucking vocal about it.
The fact they get pissed when you tell them to shut up aboit it also enrages me.
And now days you cant even switch teams to dominate their ass until they leave.
Nah, fuck you nigger. FEHfags deserve the rope.
that's all I'm gonna say
If you jerk off to furries, it's fine. Just a fetish at that point.
If you call yourself a furry, have a fursona, wear a suit etc. make it your entire personality, it's gay.
Umihara Kawase series, full of faggy weebs who probably do erp on the side, post fan art instead of talking about the games and are total crap at them. Reminds me of Tougou faggots actually.
i've been a huge segafag all my life
I don't get this, you can have fun doing weird shit in game but don't complain when someone's trying to play normally.
I have mixed feelings about them. Earthbound and mother 3 are my two favorite games but i really hate the fan base because im old and actually played that game back in 1995
I think I might be the only person who read/watched polar bear cafe who is neither a gay furry nor into bestiality.
But it doesn't bother me that much what people think if they're not loud faggots about it.
i loathe rosterfags with absolutely no remorse or hesitance
Not a fandom per se, but I own a switch. I like the thing, but those fucking American soiboys who like to take pictures with the console and their mouths opens makes me enter pure rage mode.
I'm just a regular guy,I don't want to be related to these monsters in any way.
There is a line between fetish and a lifestyle. Furries cant distinguish that line. Beat your dick to whatever you want but when the most interesting things about you starts to include what you beat off to then you kmow youve gone to far.
Okay, but before that, they were good.
I like Sekiro too, user. I know your pain.
I just jerk off to the (sparse) porn and occasionally play the 3DS one. Might get the Switch one. I dunno I suck ass at these games but it's not like I even knew there was enough of a fanbase for it to be cancerous. I remember I got like a top 10 score on some 3DS stage once and I know for a fact I played like dogass so that just meant nobody bought the game.
XCOM, specifically the time when Beaglerush was streaming long war. so much in depth strategy discussion and picking that game apart. /xcg/ was pretty active then
>look at me being so counter to what the popular kids like, am I cool yet?
>Fuck memes because everybody likes them
>cute things are lame
As a Pokemonfag, please, fucking leave. We have enough legitimate problems and don't need contrarian fucks like you who has no idea the real reasons why our community is awful
Do you count secondaries who are proud of being secondaries and proudly proclaim that they've never played the actual game as part of the fandom, or not?
the only times i have encountered non-pedophile klonoa fans is on Yea Forums and even then it's very rare
>I also just fealized how gay/female the fanbase for DMC is. It's weird.
That's what happens when your game grown anime men who are all related. Anything where the protagonists are not skinny teenagers will attract gays and anything with male relatives is a magnet for fujo autism.
Plus DMC is pretty fun
>go into Fire Emblem thread
>it's either waifushit or smashfags trying to convince anyone they can that Fire Emblem is shit so they'll Write Their Senator to get FE characters cut from Smash
>there's one (1) person willing to discuss map design, but only if you're trying to defend Echoes, and it's less of a discussion and more like shouting at a wall
How does a fanbase even get so bad?
You're not alone. There's just much to say about it. It was a comfy thing I watched for a year but I don't really think about it that much these days.
Fire Emblem
To a certain degree Metroid
Kirby fans used to be chill, but in recent years they've become insufferable
>y-you're just being a c-contrarian
back to /vp/ with you, faggot.
I've never even touched FEH, but I have nothing against it. But you fucks make liking literally any game in the franchise impossible
Eh. I guess they were fine enough. KH in general frustrates me but the threads here weren't always the dumpster fires they are now.
Once upon a time I used to be a little into EarthBound and that's when I made the mistake of joining Fangamer back when they used to brand themselves as just Starmen.Net. Now it's all full of RetardEra trannies and cringe. It's a shame because their walkthroughs were good.
There's no more pedo bait in Klonoa than Zelda, it's just that nobody fucking played the games. Most people only know about the series from the porn. Namco refuses to port 1 and 2 off 20 year old consoles, so it isn't going to get better.
I really dislike the direction the Fire Emblem series has gone and especially dislike how all discussion about it is now mostly about the fucking mobage.
not vidya related, but pro wrestling
grew up with it, now it's the gayest thing ever, with even gayer fans, and I can't get out
Mania threads around launch were maximum comfy.
>bawww I can't like the games because of people on the internet
Kindly do us a favor and drink bleach.
that's a poorly made shoop you dum dum.
>muh stutter meme
Nice combat, and make me fucko.
Again, you no fucking clue why everything is fucked and the goddamn Scot meme is hardly the worst of it and barely even a blip on my radar.
If you're going to talk shit about us, and believe me there's plenty of reasons to, get a better one than you being pissy about memes.
my man. What's your favorite fight? Mine's Rey Mysterio VS Big Show. Shit was intense
I talk about Megaman "lore" when most of it is garbage outside of Legends 2 infamous plot twist.
I just like shooting things is all.
Why is he covered in shit and cum
Fire Emblem
I really like the characters and some of the games, but there are some truly toxic people in that fanbase.
This. Like what the heck you guys are fags
If I could I’d brick the entire internet
I stopped keeping up with wrestling a long while back but most people I know that still talk about it sound more defeated than anything else, I don't think they even like modern WWE they just keep watching because they think it'll suddenly be 2002 again next week. That or they're NJPWfags and are either really chill or ultimate cancer depending on how hard they try to push it onto you.
Pretty much just about any niche gaming community is gonna be filled to the brim with autists.
I think the only ones I frequent that aren't are the couple devoted to non-pokemon related monster raising games like Monster Rancher and Digimon. But even those attract furries.
Probably Megaman. The community has remained fairly consistent
I wish I knew. Nothing would make me happier than to just have a normal FE thread with maybe the occasional lewd picture here there between actually talking about the eras of the games but I guess that's just a distant dream.
>I'm going to trivialize your complaints about the community and booster myself to seem more reasonable
Fuck off
brick as in hit someone in the head with one? Or brick as in bricking your console?
No one's going to say Minecraft?
I got in real early, convinced my entire guild of grown ass men to buy it.
Then the first MineCon happened.
>/ddg/ was the best vidya community I was ever apart of, back when I used to frequent in like 2015
Stole my post, 100% true.
>How does a fanbase even get so bad?
Two modern titles that are drastic departures from the rest of the series followed be a wildly successful and popular gacha game would turn just about any fanbase to shit.
I'd just like one FE thread without a bunch of autistic manchildren shouting down others for liking certain FE games. Am I asking for too much?
You mean Yea Forums?
I must have some problem I'm either blind to or haven't found yet because holy shit are all the fans spergs
This is why you stick with Advance Wars
In a series with 15 mainline games, including one broken into 3? Probably. Me personally, I just want a single thread where the people yelling at each other about which games they like actually talk at all about the games they're yelling about.
>Last game was 10 years ago
How's that working out for you?
I share your sentiment and wish I could do the same
But JoJo is garbage anyway.
Not really. Every fanbase has some level of autism to it, that's just how things are.
>How do you deal with this?
By not associating with them often. It's not a secret, but you can pick and choose the people you want to spend time with in a respective fanbase if it's your decision to even do so in the first place. Just like what you like and if someone else happens to enjoy some of those things on the same level as you then the more the merrier.
I’ve never met a normal smtfag ever, but it’s probably better that way
8gag Yea Forums's uncommon time hate threads ended up being incredibly autistic, even more autistic than the tumblr fanfic writer that made a shitty RPGM game.
But not because of the community, but because I have to suffer 20+ years of watching my childhood icon get dragged through the mud and made a laughing stock of the gaming community. I look at other franchises and see all the happy fans getting excited for the newest games. Seeing games that reshape the industry and push the medium forward. Franchises that brought some of the most critically acclaimed games of all time. Then I look back at Sonic. I look at what he used to be... and I ask.... where did it all go wrong...
>Umihara used to be this thing I only knew existed because I hung out on shit like hardcore gaming looking at japan only games
>Now people are actually talking about it and it has a game coming out in english
>Blaster Master used to be this thing that existed on "best NES game lists" and nothing else. The only reason I knew about it was because the frog gave me nightmares
>Now there's threads on Yea Forums talking about plant tits
What even is this timeline
Just kill yourself, furry nigger. You talk like a fucking newfaggot and clearly come from some place where you seem to think I would give a fuck about the "quality" of a community. I care if the content they make is shit or not. And it is. So kill yourself.
>If you're going to talk shit about US
lmao there's no "us" you stupid pokefag. Where the fuck did you come from with your shitty ass rat image here , know your fucking meme? Sure seems like it. it has the dumbass [intensifies] shake and pronographic art look and everything. take that shit back into discord, you fucking tranny, then shove it up your asssss
you think anyone on this website that has been here for longer than a fucking timespan of 5.72 seconds would defend "their community" and refer to it as "us" or refer to what I said as "attacking us" you complete fucking neanderthal. I'm sorry it looks like your Bad Dragon dildos went a bit too far up into your brain. Or maybe it was the crayons you shoved up your nose when you were 8 who knows.
"Oh boy memes aren't the worse part of a community. It's the toxic people! In fact, I don't think memes are bad at all! I love the old "what did she mean by this" and "will you by her game bros?"
lol the scottish girl is so epic and cute I wanna FUCK her head off I mean, I think she's funny, yeah that's what I mean lol!"
I don't even know what I'm typing anymo
what did he mean by this
*blocks your path*
now that the dust has settled
*twitter screencap* WTF BROS
he's in
what is your opinion on [clearly fetish bait thread]
fuck jannies
my waifu's perfect and i love her
what are some games where [topic unrelated to games]
what went wrong
what went right?
oh no no let me play my switch
fuck you
Yeah but I'm trying to discuss the game BOOM a flock of trannies and spergs flock in, I'm trying to browse some fan art BAM weird cringy borderline creepy shit,
It's unbearable.
I love anime and like talking about it but avoid any anime fan in real life with a 20 foot pole. Yea Forums is mega cancer so I unironically get most of my anime discussion from Yea Forums
Well, first of all, I'm a sonic fan. Very, fucking annoyed by all the autistic furries. Like seriously, stop self inserting, stop obsessing and stop fucking sexualising a kid's fantasy game for christ sakes.
Then, I'm an RE fan. Now, they're not as bad as they used to be in general. No more retarded theories and the fanfic comunity has grown up a lot. But all the retards ranting like loons endlessly about RE4 being the best entry in the series really puts me off now. Like, to some of them, literally no other entry to the series matters at all, and it's annoying, because I can't talk about anything else without getting a conversation derailed with "well RE4...."
Fuck you, and fuck RE4. It aged like cottage cheese.
Lastly, I'm a Final Fantasy fan. There's generally 2 types: the souless consumer types who play every FF, like them all, and just lack personal skills, watch nothing but anime and dye their hair funny colors. IE; annoying children. Then there are the opinionated morons who play them all, latch onto one and that's that. Nothing else ever compares and no arguments or slightly differing personal opinions are allowed.
No middle ground, just 2 varieties of freak.
I ised to be an MGS fan, but the games themselves ruined that for me. The fanbase used to be OK, but now they're just meme spouting, MGS2 obsessed, Kojima worshipping, absolute retards with no ability to form their own opinion about anything.
Also, I'm a sony fag.
God, there's just no hope...
the 3d games are terrible and everything has been downhill for years
it doesn't take an autist to say that
>Throwing an autistic shit fit like this
My show sure showed me user
Cope with meme culture stupid autistic boomer
I fucking enjoyed Awakening, but it brought a lot of undesirables in, and I am not talking about waifufags (they usually just do their thing). I am talking about the tumblr people (mostley women and trannies), the ones who bitch and moan everytime a female character is wearing anything but a burka or when there is even the slightest hint of "inaopropiate" relationships, (be it incest or age difference).
And the worse part? not only did it bing shitty new fans, it made the already existing fanbase WORSE. Seriously, I don´t know what is it about nu-FE that that fucked over the psyches of 7fags and Telliusfags, they are unbearable obnoxious faggots now.
The is nothing worse for the a niche fanbase than going mainstream.
Imagine hating a good thing just because someone you don't like enjoys it.
Paladins, still waiting for the time when this game truly dies
Demon's Souls.
.hack// (They even like it when I use my tripcode)
Megaman Battle Network
Precious few, but I'm glad I can discuss those with almost no shitposting whatsoever.
The worst part about it isn't that it made the fanbase worse, it's that it ruined the localization of Fates. Not that the Fates script was any good anyway, but still.
Well your first mistake was trying to make conversation in an era when anybody can use the internet. Seriously if I ever want to actually discuss video games I'll talk to my friends or hit up the barcade on a weekend. Hell random passerby at anime conventions have a better chance of pleasant conversation than the internet, but then I've just been lucky I haven't come across a complete sperg in public.
By proxy it ruined TMS's localization too, in general Nintendo was fucking horrible in this time which they've only now started to crawl out of
lol wtf they replied with MEMEEES guys look
it's smug anime girl.jpg and an epic DMC variation on EXPAND DONG
Utterly mesmerizing
you niggerfucktardpisstains will be glad I don't know your addresses otherwise I'd find your families and just print every single meme you have svaed in your laptop (yes it's a shitty ass laptop), put them in a blender, and just inject the fucking liquid directly into the bloodstream of each of your pets and loved ones until they were dead
then i'd cut off your legs and force you to watch they fully rot or to just stay there until you aren't underage anymore because that'll probably take 8 more years
Atelier sometimes. It's like a strange mix of yuri fans, elitists, and fans that don't know what they want. The director is also a huge pussy that refuses to show any real relationships. Fuck him the most.
>what did he mean by this
*blocks your path*
now that the dust has settled
*twitter screencap* WTF BROS
he's in
what is your opinion on [clearly fetish bait thread]
fuck jannies
my waifu's perfect and i love her
what are some games where [topic unrelated to games]
what went wrong
what went right?
oh no no let me play my switch
Pretty much. Neo-Yea Forums is basically reddit. They just parrot new memes from leddit a million fucking times in one day and run them into the ground. You fuckers have no originality whatsoever.
That should be rule of thumb user
lmao nice selfie
It Ain't Me
Haha get it that's another meme. It's a Yea Forums one so maybe not up your alley lol
i feel sad
>the JoJo anime
i know a guy who's exactly what you're talking about with RE4 and MGS, but throw in autistic levels of DMC fandom as well
i swear every other word out of his mouth is some forced DMC reference or a kojima meme or going on hour long rants about why the franchises he likes are the greatest things ever and everyone else either likes them wrong or is a contrarian/edgy/troll for not liking them
>which they've only now started to crawl out of
Have they? NoA hasn´t localized anything risque recently, I don´t know if they are localizing Three Houses, but that game seems to be toned down massively already.
Yes me too very very sad and also very angry
Fate and Type Moon in general. It was pretty fucking bad pre-FGO and it only gets worse as time goes on and more of the JP release drips into EN.
The Pokemon fanbase is only good for the human porn.
Three Houses also looks like a shitty budget title despite being the first console FE entry since 10 and despite FEH printing loads of dosh. Odds are it's total shit before the localization team even gets their hands on it.
I'll give you one guess.
what don't you like about it?
i liked doki doki literature club, it's a shame the fanbase is utterly polluted by tumblr tards and has one of the most cancerous generals on /vg/
He sounds pretty based to me
Not really. People go on and on about shitty fans of more popular games, but literally everything is going to have its share of shitty fans. Just don't seek them out.
I liked Undertale. I liked Doki Doki Literature Club. I liked A Hat in Time.I don't let what a handful of weirdos are drawing or arguing over stop me from enjoying a game.
Something I've wondered as someone who literally just plays the game without entering any threat about it on Yea Forums, what exactly makes someone a rosterfag?
Some people are blaming it on KT being involved, but that can´t be it, even FEW looks much better than 3H despite the fact that it shouldn´t since FEW has to load more shit at the same time on screen.
Xenoblade 2 got away with almost everything, outside of a few quasi-religious references, and Ocotpath Traveler didn't have any edits either though that's a different team.
Three Houses looks fine user, FE was never a trail blazer for graphics anyway.
>I liked Doki Doki Literature Club.
You know things are fucked when a huge chunk of Fatefags haven’t even watched Zero or UBW, let alone the original VN
Dude PMD paired with VGM is the worst combination that happened to me. I just hope the autism isn't forever associated with me
The lack of emotional impact and seriousness bceause they direct it in a way as to make it quirky and epic (like it's self aware of JoJo's ridiculous style) instead of trying to replicate the feelings a first time reader might've had over the manga
The shitty over the top voice acting
The shitty use of color. You're not Araki and you can't paint like Araki. Stop changing colors every other shot just to imitate him. Pick a color scheme and stick to it like the OVAs did.
The complete fuck up of DIO's World
I don't seek them out, if anything I stay as secluded as possible and cherish when discussion takes place here (since they don't act like spergzoids as much as anywhere else), but you jusy can't help seeing the occasional day post, twitter screenshot, shitty fanart or even a whole thread leaking in to any other medium
I simply don't become part of the community and move on with my life.
Someone completely obsessed with the characters that got in/didn’t get in/might get in/will never get in
It’s the most pointless discussion about anything ever and always devolves into sheer autism
I'm kind of part of the Touhou music community. It's an awful little cesspool, filled less with music and more with angsty, snobby cunts. The few good ones speak little or no english, and those that do are always angry at something. Half is furries, half is trannies, and they're always trying to one-up each other.
That said though, there's a few genuinely good eggs.
>Three Houses looks fine
It really doesn't. I want it to be good. I really want a good FE title, especially on console, but as far as graphical fidelity goes it looks like fucking garbage. Character design, character portraits, environmental textures. Hell, even the box cover looks like the cheapest shit they could've possibly come up with. Credit where credit is due the portraits were at least cleaned up a little in the latest footage but it still looks amateurish as fuck, way worse than the artist's other work.
KH. It was great at first. Then the abundance of side games milking the franchise fucking the story up and the fujos. So many fujos.
This is the best answer, which is unfortunate
They care more about the literally who character from a game they’ve never played that is or is not in Smash then they do about the game itself. I am willing to bet money that most rosterfags have hours in the single or low double digits at best and most of them don’t even fucking play the character they constantly spam or shill for anyways
>FE was never a trail blazer for graphics anyway
Fucking THANK YOU. These past few months I've felt like I'm going crazy with everyone writing off this game as a failure because the graphics are bad or they don't like the art style. It's a fucking strategy game, what matters is the map design, the story, and how each complements the other. For the record, we know almost nothing about either.
This. As an unabashed casual secondary even I don't play GO, and it's weird entering a random Fate thread every once in a while and seeing 10x the amount of Saberfaces and a bunch of other run of the mill waifus I just dont recognize.
>think Zero secondaries are bad
>see the morons FGO brings in
I'm done after Heaven's Feel 3, going to build gunpla instead.
If you have other character driven psychological horror games to recommend I'm all ears. The genre's been starved for ages, and China review-bombed the last one I was interested in into nonexistence.
Are we talking in general? DBfags are usually cool even if they always come off as bitter that they don't get the same recognition Z did, and I say that as a DBfag.
No hes right memes are the worst shit ever created
>le rage comics
>Le nobody: Le someone: (insert line)
>woaaah check out my le anime MEME XD
>everything is a meme now
Now all that said the gameplay elements at least look interesting so it may turn out fun to play but if it looks like shit and the story is as aggressively terrible as Fates the gameplay won't be enough to carry it.
yeah he's the least annoying irl person i know, at least it's not like the others where they're the same but with little girl anime/marvel movies/etc
Xenoblade 2 was localized by NoE, not NoA.
>and I say that as a DBfag
Yes I can tell.
No you aren't cool.
There comes a point where it gets too ugly to ignore, especially when they're doing so much better in other projects.
>Touhou music community
As in circles that make music or a group that discusses music? I tend to see some decent doujin music threads on /jp/.
The colors represent a change in tone, they're a little OH SHIT like you know things are about to go down
I don't think they fucked up DIO's world, it's better than the OVA except for the 3 or 4 weird faces that the community has long embraced as a meme
And the cool thing about JoJo isn't "the story" as it only serves as buildup for the main event, the fights
I don't think that's the final boxart and the I feel the designs look fine, but I digress.
I will concede it can and should look a lot better considering how much more money they have and the console they're running it on, but I'm not going to shit on it just for that.
Grand Order is terrible in that it's infecting other shit too. Most of the new Extra game is just callbacks to GO now.
I think we're just different people. My favourite game in the series is 4, and I'll be the first to admit that nearly every portrait in that game looks almost identical.
Video Game Music. Community that covers game music on YouTube basically. I used to make videos to practice musician/producing stuff. Stopped once I realized how cancerous it became and started working on original music
>no fags joining in
Really great actually
want me to sum up 90% of what Yea Forums threads are like minus the OP?
>based and redpilled
>cringe and bluepilled
>fuck off back to (bogeyman site)
> gamers rise up!!!1
>incel nazi
>sjw söyboy cuck
>tranny discord
>i just wanna talk videogames
>thread was pruned or deleted
you forgot about: "Sneed"
Except for this
You are wrong about every point you made congratulations.
People who make Touhou style original music.
>no anybody joining in
>Nintendo doesn't even remember joining
Yup, sounds great user
The LISA community is like the same two dozen edgy, underage Discordfags starting drama over cancelled fangames. I've never seen such a small community be such a literal garbage fire.
smrpg fandom, mostly because i don't give a fuck about who gets into smash and i just want to enjoy the game without people being cocks
it's suddenly cool to hate it now that smash season is around and genofags are getting shit like
who cares, just let me enjoy the goddamn game and its characters without a bunch of 'SEETHE' and 'PAPER MARIO IS BETTER SO SMRPG AUTOMATICALLY SUCKS' (paper mario is better tho i will agree)
why are you even here man, you gotta move on or some shit for your own sake
But Fate has only gotten much better. The lore has been expanded on much deeper, and the new characters are all interesting.
dude lots of above-average players litter community servers roleplaying as top-tier competitive players
I don't give a shit about retarded faggots and let them ruin stuff I like.
funnily enough a good 90% of the db/z fans i've met are thuggish black dudes
It could be worse, like being part of the F-Zero community and knowing Nintendo knows what you want and mocks you instead
I really like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, and absolutely can't stand the communities for either of them. I'd rather make fun of them on Yea Forums than circlejerk about them on /vg/
And you are what's wrong with discussions of any sort.
I wish I were that resilient
Shit, is there even a community to speak of still? Sometimes there's threads here and there but I dont see much of anything else
That sounds pretty niche in terms of Touhou fan content. I don't understand how a shitty community could form from that.
>Are you part of a fandom you really wish you weren't?
What? Just leave the fandom if it becomes shit. You can do that. You are only a part of the fandoms you choose to be a part of.
Autism is a good thing, it means they at least try to be good at the game and will weed out the normalfags that only play until they need a smoke break.
Unless you instead meant self-diagnosed autism aka faggotry, in which point just leave the fandom and watch from afar as the faggots burn their own stuff.
All I know about the Fate fandom is that people completely lose their shit when I say that I vastly preferred Zero to Stay Night.
What is it about A Hat in Time fans that you dislike?
I've never really been bothered by them
You actually have met people like that? I just wonder how much autismo your average fan that played 1 and 2 would have
The World of Warcraft fanbase feels like the worst parts of the Pokémon and SSB fanbases rolled into one.
>old farts who insist the game was perfect during vanilla or Wrath like Genwunners and Meleefags do for their games
>constant shitflinging between Alliance and Horde players, worse than ever in BfA
>never satisfied with what they have for long, always want a gorillion new races or classes, also worse than ever with allied races becoming a thing
>high elf supporters are somehow even worse than the worst SSB rosterfags, the only difference being they don't shit up Yea Forums as often
I join the /vg/ circlejerk but start talking trash on them as soon as I see a Yea Forums thread about it
If you think anyone that thinks the newer version of DIO's World was fine (or hell better than the OVA) deserves a proper response you're an autistic fucktard. You know absolutely nothing about animation and you will never have any semblance of taste.
Oh, you'd be surprised.
I crave discussion though
I take breaks from Yea Forums every once in a while
Elona threads have good gameplay discussion and a healthy dose of degeneracy.
Not with self-diagnosed autists, you don't.
The roadroller was absolutely amazing and that's all I needed, I will admit the final confrontation in the OVA is way more kino than the peppy power rangers death DIO got in the anime
No, not really, in fact I enjoy interacting with them (at least what you can find of vee)
I suppose its since I dont play weebshit aside of a few games
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, I don't know.
Whatever it takes to alleviate yourself from being that assblasted. Shit can't be a good mindset to have for an extended period of time
People who actually talk about the game are fine, but nearly every thread I've ever seen on it devolves into people shitposting about Shadman.
>If you're not autistically anal about animation (Which just means if you don't agree with me, by the way), you're autistic
Literally every fandom, because they inevitably get infested with furries and tumblr
same here, once left for a few months to finish my backlog. I wish more people did the same.
I'm a fan of Metroid, Zelda and Smash, but their "fans" are horrible.
sometimes its harder than that
>be part of something for years
>basically a hobby at this point
>get mad and leave because whatever reason
>suddenly a lot of idle time on your hands while you reminisce of better times
Man, Other M really was the worst thing that could've happened to the fanbase...because it resulted in said fanbase turning into a bunch of limp dick pussies who cant bear to see attractive Samus in literally anything. It's unironically tumblr now, aside from a few pockets within the fandom here and there
There are some people I wish would stay gone
>that's bad
i bet you're the hatless povertynigger that caps on hightower
No, because I'm smart enough to know that if I like a game it doesn't mean I have to participate in the fan base.
>Someone saved my shitty edit
Hey, that's nice
You and me both, you and me both...
at least rage comics had some small degree of creativity to them, every popular meme from the past 4+ years has been either
>reaction pic with le epic twitter caption
>picture/comic but theres epic labels on the things xD
and the same formats that weren't even funny initially get the text swapped over and over again for months before they move onto a "new" one and repeat
i deeply regret showing my friends Yea Forums memes back in highschool, now every ten seconds they're around me they stick their phone in my face to show me some deeply unfunny image macro on instagram or whatever that i already saw and didn't laugh at weeks ago
I fucking hate that too, but those aren't fans, those are shitposters.
Cunts have ran an actual decent, light-hearted game off of the site, not because it was too popular or had too many autists following it but because of one attentionwhoring god damn meme artist
Pretty much any game who's better known for their porn than their actual game.
the joVA is a brainlet filter
>An actually good alternative to TF2 and OW
>They're run by retards
It hurts everyday. Can't wait for the servers to shut down.
Before Other M came out, every Metroid thread on Yea Forums was just bitching about how bad Fusion was. With almost every argument they now use against Other M. "Wah Samus talks!" "Wah no sequence breaking!" "Wah the music sucks!" And so on and so forth. Then Other M came out and suddenly everyone acted like Fusion was great and they always liked it and Other M should have been more like Fusion. Total bullshit.
Then of course you still have the Prime fags who hate anything that isn't Prime. And the 2D fags who hate any Prime game.
Here I am, liking all of them and never wanting to interact with these extremists.
xcom is the best community. Second best is G&L guitar owners.
I despise everything the fire emblem community stands for
Fire emblem 4 is my favorite video game of all time
And on top of it smashfaggots yell at me for some completely unrelated shit I dont care about
Being a mild fan of Battleborn is like drifting through an infinite void for an eternity as you see everything else fuck up royally while rolling in your own grave since your supervisor was too busy shitposting on twitter to make sure everything was going well.
Highly wasted potential just sitting in a hole while watching Overwatch melt from the inside out is painful since everyone hopped on its polished blizzard dick before dropping it for COD and BR Games
Gigantic and Paladins players know this feel too.
>having any sort of standards is being autistically anal
Anyone with the capacity to draw a straight line can see the newer DIO's World sucks ass
>Harvest Moon/Rune Factory
Despite being a theoretical Petri dish for waifu wars, there's only a small bit of friction between the girls of 3 and 4. Makes me happy to know the latter series is 110% not dead.
>The World Ends with You
Slapping lyrics from the OST never gets old.
No I mean where the fuck do I go
I unironically like undertale. I even got a delta rune tshirt for christmas. Its a really nice shirt too, very soft cotton. However I hardly wear it, because I wouldn't be caught dead wearing it in public out of fear an undertale "fan" would approach me.
Fuck off Randy
Most people really like Zero from what I’ve seen, it’s just that some of its fans disregard everything else and complain about the rest of the series when they haven’t even touched it and only know tangible plot elements from memes. I like Zero a lot more than SN besides the Heaven’s Feel route and I recognize that Zerofags are annoying as fuck
Langrisser even if it took a mobile game to revive any sort of discussion on this site outside of preciously few /vr/ threads.
That's it unfortunately, there's a lot of fanbases I still like a lot to be in like Ace Attorney, but I'm not particularly glad to be in them, mostly because I just kinda gelled with them instead of it being a flip out of expectations.
Biggest regrets are Fire Emblem, hands down;; Voltron, and Homestuck.
>Buying an EA game in 2019
>Being some neckbeard that plays virtual card games in 2019
>Buying an ubishit game in 2019
>Buying indie garbage in 2019
>Buying a game made by the chinese in 2019
>Playing a looter shooter in 2019
>Playing a mod of a mod of a mod in 2019
>Playing some nip trash in 2019
>Here I am, liking all of them and never wanting to interact with these extremists.
This, I take what decent discussion I can get and then ignore the fanbase for the most part.
I liked Fusion before it was cool to do so, SM still the overall best 2D game in the series though
That is the question, isn't it?
I don't fuckin know, outside? Wish I could help ya there, but I can't.
I watched both seasons and immediately forgot about them. Now there's like 20 seasons, 30 games, and a whole bunch of greasy fucks who wont stop posting cunny from it.
>first post spoils animeonlys
I feel you so much. I hate how my most wanted is only ever brought up as shitposting fuel nowadays.
I feel you. Radiant Dawn is in my top 10, but I can rarely find threads talking about gameplay or Tellius lore. Most of it is FEH garbage or incessant whining about FE in smash.
F-Zero posters usually appear during wipeout threads but that's it. I dont really blame them
Yume Nikki
>get monster hunter world
>go to the general
>"guys this game is pretty braindead boring and grindy"
>"reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gtfo reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it's a great game"
>three weeks later and they're back to playing their handhelds
I can honestly say fighting games. I honestly looking forward too MvCI before the whole shit storm happened, the moment they showed more gameplay was when the fandom melted down into something I can't describe while the PR and DBFZ only fanned the flames even further. I pretty much quit fighting games afterwards when some were sending death threats over others honest opinions on the game. It has taken a lot of off of my shoulders now. Sort of excited for Samurai Shodown coming back. But the FGC's hypocrisy and damage has been done.
Paper Mario, because being a Paper Mario fan is hell.
Smashfaggots made thing five times worse for me just casually enjoying FE. I can totally feel your pain man.
Warframe "fans" are those dumb faggots who prefer cosmetics and trans friendly operators over real content. So glad I dropped that trash game.
Tekken 7 community is all memes and chads
It really is sad that gaming has to shelter not only regular degenerates, but uber degenerates like discord trannies and furries.
OP, please go back to tumblr and stay there.
Im part of the Transformers fandom, we dont know what to think 90% of the time, the action figures and collectibles are cool, theres something about the retro boxy designs we love....
Played SS13 constantly for a good 5 years straight and am VERY disappointed with myself even being in the same server as so many open degenerates and furries.
As a Souls fan I wish we could go back to the simpler times when Demon's Souls and Dark Souls were the only games, GWFL Souls was the beginning of the end.
Also the fact there are FGCucks begging for a new fighter from Capcom when they are having a redemption arc at the moment is pretty fucking sickening when those assclowns burned a entire bridge then expect something in return is pretty fucking pathetic. They now rep what they sow.
Beast Wars was alright.
His poor parents
I didn't think the Persona fanbase could get any worse.
Then Persona 5 happened.
>The colors represent a change in tone, they're a little OH SHIT like you know things are about to go down
this. I didn't feel any tension with parts 1 and 2 though but they really nailed the moments in 3 4 and 5.
thats why were here user
Truly they're neck deep in shit.
Just stick with the games and you'll be fine.
Checked his twitter and checked who else twitter recommended based on him and Jesus fuck there's a fat hairy 30 something dude posting images of himself in diapers full of piss and overusing emojis with it
All of them. Everyone gets so autistic about shit that they forget why they enjoyed shit to begin with. But maybe its a double edged blade because when people realize that the following or fandom if you will, just buys up fucking anything related to it. So demand becomes higher, quality goes down to meet demand, cancerous shit bubbles Upgrade, and then people break away for the cycle to start all over again while the thing you formerly enjoyed and spent time enjoying becomes such a warped mess you hardly recognize it. For me personally the main one was mass effect trilogy. The fanbase wasnt so bad at the end of 1. After 2 came out I started having serious doubts about 3. After I played and beaten 3 I almost vomited in disgust knowing how much potential that last installment had and to see it squandered because fucking Hamburger Hepler opened the flood gates for SJW horseshit in games and would rather eat a deep fried twinkie lathered in ranch than actually play a fucking video game.
Dragon's Dogma
Unironically 2hu and gsg for the wacky antics
>Have a shit ton of flaws with Pokémon since Ru/Sa/Em.
>Games keep exasperating all of the flaws even worse than the generation before it
>Suddenly Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee
>They literally remove ALL of the flaws from the previous games that were driving it to shit
>Obviously a tech demo, but looks incredibly promising for the evolution of future games
>Go to /vp/
>Quite inconsolable, refuse to acknowledge what has been fixed, act as though the simplification of the battle systems involved for the tech demo/yellow remake are going to be permanent
>Sword & Shield look like they're going to go back to all of the flaws and make the games cookie cutter again
>They are rolling over themselves with joy
Fuck Pokémon past Gen 2.
You forgot the piccolo's dick threads and "thanks doc"
Risk of Rain 1 was a blast and RoR threads were always great.
These RoR2 threads and games are the most fun I've had in a while, too. Good times.
Funny how the yotsuba word cloud shows game and games as the most massively popular words
I meant in the past months and now and I forgot to add other shit so fuck me I guess
Then it's time for your dose
>Ctrl + F
>Fire Emblem
>10 results
That seems about right. Apparently the fanbase for a 15+ game series is filled with fags that only like 1 or 2 of them and deem the rest trash. Smashfaggots screeching at FEfags on the sidelines about "muh slots" doesn't help either.
On the other side of the coin though, almost every Capcom fanbase is lovely. It's a shame about what happened to Monster Hunter's, but the rest are still fine.
Thanks doc.
I'm not saying that loss is easy. But if something is already lost, then you must accept it and bury it rather than trying to love its corpse.
>tfw part of the tony hawk fandom and it's filled with cool guys who are passionate about the series and want to keep it alive, helpful to new players, and have great taste in music
Im certain its furry appeal
I wasn't really part of any fandoms, I did use "put Homestucks in concentration camps" as a campaign for running a middle school election years back. I almost got suspended for it.
>almost every Capcom fanbase is lovely
Try going through the 8 year shitshow of the damage Conman did. It was the fucking worst.
fuck right off you dumb nigger there's nothing wrong with being wholesome. jesus christ, get a hold of yourself
I fucking love the fnaf lore. Its so fucking complicated and dumb, but i love it to death. Also i genuinely enjoy the aesthetic that most of the games have. However for a while, the fanbase behind it was either fucking furries, kids, or faggots. Its mellowed out a bit now, but o still definately would not call it good. Im just excited for fnaf vr, just so i can see more of Scott's insane 3d models, this time up close
I always assumed that Capcomfags became so chill because they knew nothing but misery for a good decade before the company got its shit together. You aren't as likely to argue with a fellow fan when they've been as miserable as you in a fanbase that gets smaller everyday. Gives everyone something to bond over too.
Reminds me of F-Zero fans.
I think Other M is a terrible game for gameplay reasons mainly, but the amount of sperging over any mere mention of the game is retarded. I think the game needs to be retconned, but I honestly wouldn't mind bringing back some elements from it like Anthony, baby ridley, and just Samus's history with the federation in general. You gets fags who sperg out over the fact Samus uses her Other M design in Smash, even though Smash seems to compound autism. I just want Metroid threads to be decent.
Run Escape
Everyone is either autistic, a shitposter, or an angry autistic shitposter.
never happened
The Devil May Cry community is basically this ever since they petitioned Obama to pull copies of the reboot off of store shelves.
>started playing an episodic vn 8 years ago now
>was shit from the start, don't know why I keep playing it
>nobody in the fandom cares that it's shit or even wants to criticize it, they just blindly love it
>seemed like it was coming to an end last year
>my hell will finally be over, can't wait for the sweet release
>ending is just as shit as the rest of the game
>surprise sequel is announced
>dev team has a proper budget now, art looks a lot better, if incredibly and wildly inconsistent, writing has improved a bunch, character sprites are even animated and it actually looks good most of the time
>quality is overall mediocre now, with some legitimately great, if cliche, things in the story
>also coming out once a month instead of every 3, should finish faster rather than taking 7 years
>removed 3 shittily written characters, their fans go apeshit and are on suicide watch
>everyone is constantly shitting on the game now, nothing is ever praised and the devs are harassed on social media
>discussion is even worse than before, everyone acts like an entitled autistic faggot
>it's been 10 months and things are still the same
I fucking hate myself for ever getting involved, if it wasn't for the fact that i've become obssessed over one of the characters I wouldv'e left this dumpster fire a long time ago.
What did it even do besides get rid of random encounters? I never caught up with it.
osrs is the Yea Forums of mmos
/vg/ is unironically the reddit of osrs
Shit man, I actually like the way the Other M design looks in Smash. I also liked a lot of the animations they gave Samus in Other M; no one seems to bring up how they translated Zero Mission's sprite animations into 3D fairly well. I liked the way missiles and various beam types looked, I liked how aggressive Samus came off during combat. They even kept the smear effect the Space Jump/Screw Attack had in the 2D titles, something Samus Returns couldn't be bothered with doing.
Just a shame that the story is complete garbage and the gameplay mediocre with no replay value.
It was a fucking nightmare actually. Only sane ones during it all was the MH and Ace Attorney.
This isn't Yea Forums related, but fuck it. I'm just going to air my greviences here.
FUCK table top gamers. All of them. The wargamers, D&D nerds, board gamers, all of them. I don't know what the fuck it is with them, but because they realize that the only one enforcing the rules are humans like themselves, who are prone to mistakes and blind spots, that they have cart blanche to try and cheat, lie, and lawyer their asses off at every fucking turn possible. "Oh, what's this, you didn't SAY it was against the rules for me to use loaded dice, so I just used some in my clever scheme to roll 80 6s in a row. Tee hee."
It's gotten to a point that I don't even fucking engage with them unless they sign a contract, and the contract is literally just 1 rule. "No cheating. And I'm not going to spend 6 hours of my life and yours writing up a legalese contract. Use your fucking morals and best judgement, and if we come to a legitimate disagreement, we'll talk it over like adults". Just telling them to use morals makes them sober the fuck up and act responsible, so I know for a FACT they're trying to cheat on purpose to prove how clever they are. FUCK THEM.
Fire Emblem Awakening didnt make the existing fanbase worse it just shone a light on how crap it always was. Storyfags acting like they play for strategy. It's fucking ridiculous how many jumped to push Fire Emblem Echoes simply for being "classic Fire Emblem". There's a unreconcileable amount of insincerity ruining the fanbase and it doesnt come from Awakening and Fates fans.
I honestly think the gameplay Team Ninja wanted to do was excellent. And if they had remade Metroid Other M on the Wii U, with 2D on the TV and first person view on the controller, it would have been amazing. The major problem is the story. Not just how dumb it is, but you shouldn't have a Metroid game with cutscenes and QTEs. Take those out and fix the music and I dare say Other M would be a good game.
Xeno series. Each game is so wildly different from the other that the fanbase is essentially split between five games. A thread can't get to the cap without it devolving into shitposting over which Xeno game is the absolute worst game ever created and which Xeno game is God's gift to JRPGs.
Completely changed the way that EVs and IVs worked so that it was way similar to the way that the original Gen 1 and 2 games were structured, rewarding hard effort rather than gaming the system. I had a way, way bigger rant about this, but this is probably the key point to me. Everything else is relatively minor to me, or was introduced in Sun & Moon without me knowing cause I skipped it. Like letting you ride any Pokémon, or giving you the ability to max out your favorite Pokémon's IVs if you get it to 100.
I used to be a huge iDOLM@STERfag for like 6-7 years of my life.
I regret getting into the franchise not because the fanbase is bad or anything, in fact the western fanbase is near non-existent, with the worst being dumb assholes on the Yea Forums threads + /@/ when we got booted over to /vg/, but just because it felt like it was soaking up just so much of my life, both in terms of time and money.
I just had to get out of it man. Idolshit is like a disease. Once you're in, it's a bitch to get out.
In the more traditional sense though, a lot of the big Nintendo franchises have god awful fanbases though. Smash Bros is a game I adore but I would easily argue for it having the worst fanbase of all time, and honestly, part of the reason I just don't care about Pokemon and especially Fire Emblem anymore is just because how ravenous the fanbase is. The fact that a lot of the recent FE and Pokemon games have been absolute shit though have helped me get out of them a lot easier though
how I feel about jojo itself dessu.
Also dmc threads on Yea Forums I guess.
A little bit. I'm a fan in that I've played the series and enjoyed it but I don't really give a fuck about lore and fluff and all that, but I posted in the thread in /vg/ a bit when I was more actively playing and then stopped posting and they tracked me down and nudged me into posting again.
On one hand it's flattering that they liked me enough to go to the trouble to do that. On the other hand I really don't have anything to fucking say in the threads any more since I'm not even playing the games now. Throwing the occasional post in there isn't too bad but I've had some health issues lately which has really dampened my spirits to the point where I barely wan't to do anything with my free time, let alone cheer people up online.
This. Fuck animeonlyfags for ruining the comfy jojo threads we used to have on Yea Forums.
wrestling has always been homoerotic
I kind of wished that I had held off on reading Berserk for a few more years so I wouldn't be a part of all the hiatuses and roundabout discussions on hiatuses that have occurred over the past decade. That count?
Does the pony fandom count?
Xeno threads were actually fine before 2 came out. Sure there was the Chronicles and X shitflinging, but there were still threads that went beyond image dumps, minge posting, and complaining about anime.
Ace Combat
Total buddies with whom I've had great times
>got into Jojo during part 7
What a great time
I miss it
Wait, what's a "friendly" and why is it bad
I am amazed at how consistent the hollow knight fandom is across the board.
The Jak community is actually pretty cool, not really that autistic outside of documenting old builds of the games. You'd be surprised at the lack of degeneracy for a game where the main character has a furry sidekick.
Natural Selection and CS 1.6 - I stopped playing.
Paper Mario. You can't just enjoy the series, there's always a gang of people who want everyone to think SS/CS are garbage. That TTYD is near flawlss(and will astroturf) followed by PM64 and that SPM is good just because of the characters.
You simply can't have an opinion.
How do you become part of a fandom? I just usually play a game and move on to the next one.
Because you can't discuss anything when whole fanbase is full of newfags who can only spout memes.
my fellow hollowbro
The majority of the fighting game community are a bunch of unfunny twitter nobodies who constantly post memes that are shoddy ms-paint hackjobs that physically hurt to look at.
Plus they have their discord community which are almost always awful.
But a huge part of enjoying things is enjoying it with other people, you fucking friendless loner.
JoJo hasn't been good since part 2. If you read part 8 without Araki fanboy classes on you can clearly see he has no idea what is he doing anymore and just makes stands look "cool".
Which one, one of the AA ripoffs or one of the Fate/Key ripoffs.
I remember being a Sonicfag with even an OC back when I was like 12, maybe 13. Went to some forums, drew it at school, played every released game up until Secret Rings in which I slowly stopped playing them after being disappointed on how bad it was. Thank god I did cause after that phase, I saw how bad the fanbase really is. That was an embarrassing memory. I still like Sonic, but not as much as I did then
Fighting games 100%. It's insane how helpful a community full of people ready to shove a boot up your ass in-game are out of the game. If you genuinely want to step up your game, people will fight each other over the right to tutor you. Majors are also some of the friendliest places I've ever been, salty suites notwithstanding. Beyond that, the DMC fandom is pretty cool if a little infested by gayfags/fujoshis.
>JoJo isn't "the story" as it only serves as buildup for the main event, the fights
Okay, now try to read part 8 that doesn't have any story and is just villain of the week style for whole manga. And when you think the villain is gonna be next main villain he gets killed and it goes back to normal. Araki made mistake by not making any kinda rules to Stands and just gave up on that being a thing since part 3.
>part 2
2 and 7 are the only parts that really matter
A friendly is a person in TF2 that doesn't want to play the game, they just want to run around the map doing emotes, spouting voice lines, and doing weird roleplay. At best they take up space that could be spent actually playing the game. At worst they infest servers and interrupt games that other people actually want to play just by sheer numbers. Can't play Capture the Flag meaningfully if half the server is in a conga line behind a crouching Heavy. If a friendly is friends with the server admin, expect a ban for killing them. They're also a symptom of the vanity that people who play TF2 are afflicted with. After all, the emotes and hats the friendlies are usually showing off aren't cheap.
I'm sure everyone liked those changes in Sun and Moon. I didn't skip them unfortunately.
DMC fandom has no chill, for better or worse. Totally self-serious to the point of delusion and oddly prone to hero worship and cliquishness. I blame the fujo subgroup, it must have infected everyone with squeewhale tumblrmindedness. That seriousness is what probably saved the series, nonetheless. Outside vidya, the mindfulness movement.
My only regret is the wait for Silksong.
Probably helps that you have bad opininions. There was no excuse to reboot the series, even with "keeping" in line with current Marreo lore they could have drip fed Jr and Kamek into the series without flushing everything else down the proverbial toilet.
And fuck the Koopalings. They're like the opposite of what PM bosses should be.
you want the pokemon fanbase to have perfect knowledge of everything that's going to happen to them?
Part 7 is good but only because the main cast is entertaining. Every other JoJo part after 2 has only two or three good characters and worst by all is part 8 for only main character that is entertaining is Josuke.
>There was no excuse to reboot the series
It had gone sour and the devs were on a Dragonball Z-esque trip of:
>"Oh you thought Bowser was bad. Shadow Queen wants to destroy the world and...evil Peach. Oh well now Bleck wants to destroy all dimensions and Mario is there...because prophecy".
It was getting increasingly contrived and in dire need of reigning in back to something that actually made sense to include Mario.
EYE divine cybermancy
came for the memes
stayed for the gameplay
then the lore
then the memes and the lore
then for everything adobe
it's a vicious cylce of fun posting
I just want to like final fantasy
Jedi Knight
>Gen 1 and 2 didn't have flaws
Nigga, those games were barely functional
>its just a tech demo bro
Ah, a 60 dollar tech demo along with a $50 accessory needed to actually catch all 151 pokemon, while also being marketed as a main series game
>/vp/ overjoyed about Sword and Shield
More like overjoyed that the board isn't permanently dead from Let's Go to the Polls; Pokemon games have not been and will never be good as long as Game Freak, especially Masuda and Ohmori, develop/direct them
Hello, average /vp/ 12 year-old.
pokemon games won't be good without an entire series reboot. the designs are mostly fine all around with a few exceptions but the gameplay ie the only thing that matters is fucking abysmal and unbalanced to hell for both competitive and single player. not to mention the story has been mario tier levels of the same since 1996
Steamcucks are the worst I've seen. Gabe really brainwashed these kids.
I'm a proud metroidvania fag
the only bad part it's how temporal the gatherings of players get
a new game is out, we finish it on 3 or 5 days, we talk about it for two weeks non stop, game is added to that chart
then it fades away, rinse and repeat
threads are fairly civilized and shitposting is always reduced
So do I. But every game has some fatal flaw that kills it. Only games I've liked all the way through are FFIII and Theaterythm.
kingdom hearts regrettably
i played the first 2 and BBS forever ago but hardly ever interacted with the fandom because they're a bunch of ironic weebs and unironic schizophrenics
I feel the most sincere pity for any franchise that gets a gacha spinoff, because it's doomed to attract living garbage and eventually snuff out any and all discussion between major news and releases. The most you can hope for is that the series wasn't that popular to begin with or that the gacha never really takes off, like that god eater one.
I think if you just nuked all the fujos off Yea Forums it would fix a lot more than just Jojo threads.
Five Nights at Freddy’s (to be fair I was there pretty close in the beginning watching the community go to shit slowly, and when 2 came out it cemented the series fan base to shit)
Dark Souls.
Animal crossing
I’d say Kirby but I don’t like Kirby games. Just hate the fan base.
Most Banjo/Rare fans are fine but there’s a select few I’d rather not associate with but do.
Some YouTube/streamers I enjoy have god awful fans too. Pewdiepie, Markiplier, both seem nice but god their fans are fucking obnoxious.
Rick and Morty, just, fucking hell what's wrong with these faggots?
markiplier went to shit after his friend committed suicide (granted that's not really his fault)
"Haha, its random and stupid! But it's also the deepest, well written show in history. So very very deep..."
Play Dies Irae Pantheon
Trails threads were comfy as fuck before cold steel
I generally hate when people complain about annoying fans, because I don't see why that should affect the product itself in anyway, but dear lord, the vocal assholes who loved Rick and Morty were really vocal.
Probably doesn't help that the worst of the fans' love for Rick being an irredeemable piece of shit coalesced with most of the third season basically treating him like an unstoppable god.
Yes, I was.
Pic related is the dead skeleton of the ancient Ultima Online community. Populated entirely by brazilians and the same neckbeard tamers and bros no one liked back when UO was popular and relevant. Just in their 30s and 40s now.
They're so demented they even managed to derail development of what was already a cash grab to begin with. Like a burning dumpster fire inside a larger dumpster that's also on fire.
All I wanted was a new MMO that lets me kill people I don't like with my friends, but I have abandoned it and moved on.
>God tier Nintendo fanbases
Animal Crossing
Zelda (teeters between 'Good' and 'Eh')
Metroid (too much crying)
Xenoblade (see above)
Kirby (Too the point where they're so scarily nice it feels like back in 2011 when MLPfags posted that 'love and respect each other!' shit. It just comes off fake and forced)
Fire Emblem
Star Fox (all that's left is a bunch of gay furries)
I know it's fucking ridiculous but I really got into David Cage's new game, Detroit: Become Human.
The fanbase is basically 80% fujos, but that I don't really mind. What I do mind are the westerns ones cause they're fucking cancer. All they do is thinking up some weird ass head canons and "alternative universes" that have absolutely NOTHING to do with the fucking game at all. And they even act extremely smug about it because "uhmm D*vid C*ge is problematic uwu"
God I fucking hate it so much, I just wanted fanart but I unfollowed almost all western "artists" on Twitter because all they did was spout retarded trans head canons and other dumb shit in their circlejerk
Thank god the game is popular in Nipland and still gets some actual fanart from there at least.
I play Byond games because Im an autist but holy sweet mother of fuck, Spires of Agartha was one of the most baffling games I ever saw, a collaborstive writing rp game with a combat system sounds fine on paper but it was so bizarre in execution and so fucked playerbase wise that it felt fucking wierd to be around.
Its based around permadeath and a single character, with you leveling up by roleplaying, inovative and cool enough, but then you have a Headmin that wanted nothing but war, so ass licking players just made psychopaths to go around and try to kill people. Instead of roleplaying, these players got massively rewarded for this shit, emoted farts to level up, then got special abilities for being mass murderers, then paid 100+ bucks to get special powers and power boosts to kill other people, then recieved even more shit because they were admin favorites.
Every time someone beat the headmin, they nerfed builds. Every time someone ass licked them, they increased their damage. Every time you pissed him off, he would permsnently gimp you. If he hated you enough, he could and did take away special abilities you purchased. This was considered fine by almost everyone.
This man was doing over 3k a month while paying so little to his 1 coder that he was living at povertys edge. This man was so infatuated with his 0 lore faction of tribals he used ooc influence to have them win, and failed. This man did ooc ambushes on waifu players because they didnt fucking erp him and he felt digitaly cucked. The discords were autism purification sites and there was more spying than the fucking cold war.
To this day, I still do not understand it. But atleast I was semi beloved by people, had some fun and made some good pals. A shame the rest turned to shit.
I'm a gamer.
That's actually interesting as fuck. All you hear about David Cage games on Yea Forums is that he's a movie hack, so it's interesting to heart about what the actual fanbase is like.
Zelda hasn't been good since MM. Not even joking. It's gotten so bad thattheir original stuff is trash and they've resorted to OoT circlejerking with dindunothing ninja Shiekah and Gerudo being mommy milkers. (Not that I'm complaining about the latter)
Metal Gear
Resident Evil for the most part
Cringing at the DMC community for hating a game because of a haircut
The majority is into shipping Hank and Connor but so am I. I was extremely surprised when I found out how popular it is and that many people find Hank attractive. Guess I didn't imagine the kind of gay undertones I felt when playing. Not that I think that Cage himself intended it like that.
Huh, I've always had a soft spot for David Cage games, but in a kind of popcorny kind of way where I acknowledge their multiple flaws but can still have fun with them.
Guess I've never even heard of people taking them to weird and serious extremes.
the whole fanbase is autistic as whole fucking shit, I genuinely filter them.
I agree MM was the first lackluster Zelda game. And most of the main games that came after were bad. But Minish Cap, Link Between Worlds and Breath of the Wild are starting to get us back on track. Though still not everything a Zelda game should be, they're WAY closer than shit like TP and the DS games.
BotW is missing a lot of key things like dungeons and good music. But it at least got back to actual exploration and free roaming the first Zelda game established, but every Zelda game since has had less and less of. If the next Zelda game can keep the huge overworld, but also add in an underworld, more puzzles and better combat, then it could be the best Zelda game.
It is really easy to make a sonic OC. The design just need spikes and weird shoes. Homestuck had a similar problem with fantrolls. Fans had a whole template to choose from so even the least creative people could make one. Just need blood, horns, classpect, and some cringy backstory.
I think that Undertale's fanbase was a result of every Youtuber under the sun playing the game. It then snowballed out of contol and that's why so many kids love it. That's why the Undertale fandom is more like the Five Nights at Freddy's fandom than Homestuck IMO.
The next one i'm talking has vidya but more Yea Forums related
Gundam is has to wayyy to much whining from UCfags about the spins offs or the UC spin offs and to add the fire to the problem the shows from the past ten years ranged from being okay to being absolute shit.
I've played and enjoyed DMC4 and 5 but the fanbase overall always came off forced as fuck to me. Like "LOOK HOW CUHRAAAAZY WE ARE HA HA" type of shit.
Also I forgot to mention, none of his other games ever had just half as big of a fanbase as Detroit does. There sure as hell haven't been any Heavy Rain or Beyond Two Souls generals while the Detroit one somehow lasted for like 7 months and about 120 threads.
Christ alfucking mighty on a pogo stick man I know this feel so much. I grew up a smark, and I recently had the chance of rewatching the entire attitude era/wcw era in chronological order. I'd link the stream but the man who was streaming it unfortunately passed away some time ago and whatever became of his massive collection spanning even the B&W days is now a mystery to the ages. It fills me with so much agony to see what it was to see what it became today. Even the slow transition towards the 2010s was just an agonizing slide of shit. Thank fuck for botchamania. Maffew is really the only good thing left in wrestling besides Konan's podcast where he basically spends the majority of it shitting on Disco Inferno.
is this pic making fun of shitposters or the dmc fanbase?
Insanely based and 100% correct
Shoutout to my Ace Combat boys, you buddies are based and I wouldn't trade you for anything
I used to be pretty autistic about minecraft, until the actual autists got ahold of it and it went mainstream. I quickly disowned my involvement with that shit and just play alone now, if ever. Just when you think they cant sink any lower, you see another "minecraft high school" video with millions of views on youtube
Cold Steel ain't good but the exact moment the community went to shit was when it was forced to move to /vg/, like everything that wasn't gacha it was bound to go to shit
I'm incredibly glad people like you aren't Pokemon fan anymore. There are enough problems with the fanbase as is.
I simply don't associate with them, ever. I tried in the past with tabletop, vidya and some card games and came to the realization that I absolutely detest the majority of "nerds". Now I mostly just talk about fan things with friends
Sonic, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem. Also Star Wars but that's not vidya.
Honestly, Sonic is probably the least autistic of them, too.
>Nothing would make me happier than to just have a normal FE thread with maybe the occasional lewd picture here there between actually talking about the eras of the games but I guess that's just a distant dream.
Be the change you want to be, user, there are like-minded people in those threads.
Okay let's not getting carried away now. As an aside, I'm thinking of playing every FE game I have available but should I go by order of release or the reverse? I have my biases but I wanted to see if I could form a more objective take.
Im pretty sure its falseflag attempt at something. Notice how its only DmC posters attacking dmc and leaving out replies? But If the pic wanted to make dmcfags look bad it would have more dmcfags sperging or saying something stupid which really shouldn't be that hard to make collage out of too. whoever made that is a retard.
The DMC4 elitists who hated DmC because of a haircut. Then they try to speak for all the old fans even though they jumped on the bandwagon in DMC4. DMC OGs saw nothing really wrong with the reboot.
Did you miss the point of this thread you furry in disguise?
There are a lot of retards trying to bait in these kinds of threads, but I think you're special in your determination to piss people off over a game made when you were in elementary school.
It's like a personified form of autism
Silent Hill
Someone's clearly "Devil Triggered"
LISA and LittleBigPlanet(before it died)
This guy has it right
>Im pretty sure its falseflag attempt at something
I was thinking it was making fun of shitposters because of how bad the bait was but I guess looking at it from an outside view someone could get confused at its overall message since its only just shitposting.
Im saying since its ONLY the DmC shitposts and the guy is talking about the community getting mad cause of a haircut, its a failed attempt at falseflagging the dmcfanbase into looking like they faggots and spergs. Which they are but he didn't take advantage of that. All the posts say "this guy likes DmC" and "DmC2", It doesn't even mean anything, there's no message behind those statements. And there's no reaction to any of it, its just retards baiting.
>make an on topic thread about video games or current events
>page 6 within a minute with 0 replies
>make thread with anime whore/furry image
>200 replies
>Everyone is an actual retard/friendly/tradefag or trying way hard to make a name for themselves as a big dick competitive player
Yeah don't forget the autistic retards that think screeching and making silly sounds on the mic is absolutely hilarious. I've muted more subhuman in this game than any other.
I like league of legends lore. You can't possibly beat that.
>Venture Bros
>Daft Punk
Can't think of any Yea Forums related. Tekken seems to be cool sometimes
I like lots of autistic stuff (Sonic, Pokemon, K on, Smash) and I try to walk the fine line of not being an insufferable autist or obnoxious ironic weeb teir
>Anti heavy jobbers
Anons who want to talk about games instead of ebin maymaying or just shitpost in general are much less numerous and spread across multiple timezones. The older and less popular a game the more so. Enjoy Yea Forums, Yea Forums and the Internet in general in 2019. Lava lakes are to the left, scheduled for 5 pm.
I feel like he only bad parts of the Zelda fandom is the non ironic Zedla cycle fuckwits and the entry level Redditors that spout ancient memes "My name is not Zelda xD, Beware of chickens xD" shite
It would be better without all the shota fuckers forcing their degen shit everywhere
If I could push a button and kill everyone who posts here with a reddit account or people who post on /soc/ I wouldn't hesitate.
I'm part of a fanbase that's very, very, very, very dumb. I like the source material (what the fanbase is centered on), but the people are mostly idiots. I have to stay away from them and enjoy it in relative solitude.
When I used to play a lot it was all bronies with a hint of furshit
I don't think a lot of nip devs understand the subtly behind games like Metroid with their stories. The teams behind all of the 2D games do, but companies like Team Ninja aren't subtle in the slightest. I wouldn't mind a 3D Metroid action game that properly portrays Samus' abilities. It's a shame they were confined to such a retarded control scheme.
I like VA-11 HALL-A but I don't like the other people who like it
I’d be mad about the spoilers but jojofags are so loud I was spoiled years ago
>playing games
Are you dense? This is Yea Forums, around two years ago the mtf general thread in /lgbt/ became too big and took over the complete board. Playing games is not to be discussed here.
Make a "He's in(side of me)", or "comfy Switch/Transition" thread or something like that.
Literally what the fuck matters about smash besides the roster, god you "muh rosterfags" retards need to shut the fuck up. You're the real cancer.
holy shit absolutely seething ahahaha
you rosterfags never cease to amaze
Fucking Metroid, jesus christ. Besides the same five or so people who actually like the games and show up in every thread all we have is idiots bitching about EVERYTHING and that faggot ACfag showing up without fail to derail every conversation into his schizoid retardation.
>muh s-seething buzzword
Listen here nigger, if you hate roster discussion so much then exactly what alternative are you trying to present? There's nothing else to talk about with smash, there never was and there never will be. Quit going into threads about the roster and bitching about people talking about the roster.
I stay away from all communities.
Yea Forums is the only place I go on the internet and even here I feel like an outsider.
Met my Beat Buddy through MGSG. Love ya, Don. :*
Actually, the fandom for a game i like is dead
But it gets pretty depression looking for someone to play Co-op with
I feel that way about SNK (the manga not the fighting games). Wish someone would do it to the Undertale fandom and reset tumblr to pre-2012 era tumblr.
I usually cringe when people bring up Bloodborne into every discussion. I love the game, it's in my top 10 of best games I ever played, but for the love of god realise that favourites are subjective. Not everyone likes the game and that's fine. No need to constantly bring it up.
I'm part of the nintendo and ps4 fandom and fuck both of em
idort for life faggots
Thanks for the brilliant response.
So what if I am?
but I only use my reddit account ironically
>Monster Hunter
>Dragon's Dogma
DMCtards most definitely the most obnoxious.
You die first
Ace Combat bros. By far the most friendly and chill fanbase I'm happy to be a part of. Good memes, bants, and they're always welcoming to new players.
Just recently, I got in with the DMCfags because I related to their excitement over a long awaited sequel with AC. It was my first game in the series and I plan on playing the rest because their joy and enthusiasm is genuine and contagious.
You're exactly the reason why people hate the Smash "fandom". You and tourneyfags.
unironically the yoi threads on Yea Forums were the funniest shit i've ever seen in my life. the show kinda sucked but nobody argued much and there was always someone saying some weird shit like pic related
yeah they got off topic a lot but it was still funny as fuck
>tfw huge ape escape fan
>cant discuss games on Yea Forums without self righteous lolifags invading
t. Barry
Thanks for proving my point cuck
oh no he's still going ahahahaha
rosterfags everyone
XV-kun do you ever sleep?
I like the chart threads on /soc/, but that's it. Am I safe? I don't have a reddit account.
Unironically the ARMS community
Don't play the game anymore but I reminisce about how chill the community was.
>inb4 ded game lol
Yeah yeah whatever. If any ARMS threads on Yea Forums have taught me anything, the less people there are in a fandom, the more calm and less shitty discussion becomes when Yea Forums isn't shitposting about how dead the game is. Don't get me wrong, after Ultimate I doubt there are many that are still playing, but I don't think that can be construed as a bad thing either.
Pokemon fans range from 8 year old newfag to 40 year old wannabe millennial s o i boy and none of the inbetweens are anything less than destructive cancer
*sip* Yep....those were good times
I love Dark Souls, but man that is one annoying fanbase.
It's filled with pretentious douchebags who drone on about the 2deep4u "lore" and how perfect the game is, or it's the "this game is extremely skilful and difficult and perfect for an elite gamer such as myself" elitists.
>30 minute video about Havel's lore, a random NPC with no dialogue, who just has like three lines of text about him on an armour set dumped in a random area
It's a fun game but fuck off, it's not some flawless masterpiece, and the story isn't as intricate and deep as you believe it is.
I really like non fifa/ non COD video games and to talk about non fifa/ non COD video games. The problem is most other people that like these video games loooove anime and I just don’t like touching dicks with my lips so much. So yeah, video games are my community that makes me ashamed.
>Stop having fun and enjoying something to a level I do not
big cringe
zip it retard.
Do you not know where you are? This thread is about fanbases you belong to but dislike.
They can do what they want but I can still think that they're annoying cunts about it.
detroit become human threads were gay but fun
never seen so much lust for one single character
Then that's your problem not theres
The DMC cuckmmunity, they even rival smash levels of annoying
I still don't think you understand where you are user.
>Are you part of a fandom you really wish you weren't?
Dark Souls 2.
They are too afraid to enjoy a fucking game. Fuck those retards.
>Like Undertale/Delta Rune
>mentally disjointed kids have to cum Sans juice everywhere they fucking go
I was listening to the Kikuo (vocaloid alternative) radio not long ago and he has a fanart section that cycles through and “SansOWO”’s Sans drawing is in there
It made me enraged, absolutely no other external fanart was there except for Sans dressed as Kikuo
The Undertale fandom is the absolute worst fandom in existence
i like dmc but i can agree that theres only so many times you can hear people miming "DUDE MOTIVATION DUDE CUHRAZY DUDE PULL MY DEVIL TRIGGER OUR SERIES IS THE BEST SHIT" before you just want to kill yourself
unironically this, had to filter "DMC" and the md5 images as well. not helping either that their threads are filled with redditors as well
post your skinnyfat hideous body again huecuck
Here is the fucking pic in question
Ace Chad from before. I don't get the hate. I'm happy to see people genuinely get excited over their games. DMCfags are just a bash and they're pretty friendly to newcomers who actually want to get into their games.
you cannot go any other thread without them spamming vergil or nero soiboys picture, holy shit man
I love Smash Bros but it's just a very tiring fanbase. A very disingenous one too. It really seems like people can't keep their focus on that one thing they want or that one thing they've liked in the games. The fact that the community is expanding so much and everyone wants a piece of the cake is also bothering me: There really is no unity to this fanbase at all anymore. People want the more Nintendo focused fans to be okay with fighters they have no experience & feelings for while simultaneously & hypocritically calling the 1st party roster done.
Anyway, rosterfaggotry aside, there's also the fact that it's fucking impossible to talk about Melee. It's still my favorite game of the series but damn if it's not a bitch to get discussion going. Admitedly, the Melee community is far from good either: Bunch of E-Celeb dicksuckers plaguing the game and generally just have always been too loud, but now that they're in a weaker position, they get unbelievable amounts of shit flung at them.
>The DMC cuckmmunity, they even rival smash levels of annoying
elaborate pls
Gotta agree with these two.
any nintendo game
why not play css or 1.6? there is still a lot of people playing.
Man, Zelda has some PRIMO autists, chances skyrocket if they say their favorite game in the series is Majoras Mask, or Spirit Tracks. The rest of them are cool for the most part.
Also, Legacy of Kain, I just want off this ride of a dead series getting assblasted by Squeenix at every turn. The fans are chill though.
but jojo is genuinely trash.
Protip, chances are that most posters in Detroit threads are fujos
The general was mostly female at least
this is all you need to know about who's whining about the DMC threads
>anyone who hates this fanbase is a HATER and doesnt get our MEMES
not the same user but thats a big part of why i dislike you lot so much
It's just a meme, user. I think reactions like yours is why I DON'T hate the DMC fanbase, ironically enough.
Absolutely fucking braindead post, aren't you the one getting btfo in that dmc thread?
The Drakengard/Nier fanbase was pretty good until Automata, but I still love Automata so whatever.
>Monster Hunter
>Monster Girl Quest
I don't get the hate tb h
DMCfags is pretty much self-contained in their general
>Merely pretending
>Why people hates us :(((((((
kill yourself.
Look at how mad you're getting at someone who just disagrees with you. Like I said, I'm not even deep in with the DMCfags, I just started getting into the games themselves. People who hate them are straight up volatile, man.