Tfw no GF

>tfw no GF

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>tfw have to transfer GFs too often

just ask your instructor for one, or grab one from your class' terminal by running the tutorial

post yfw you aren't OP

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Stupid sexy Squall

My disc 2 is fucked up so I've never played past the first disc of FF8. It's been about 15 years since I last played it. Someday I'll try to play it again.

iktf. My disc 3 was fucked up so I never got past Rinoa and Squall's reunion. She's forever stalled barely outside of her capsule with her arms fanned and mouth open like a drunk bird for all eternity.

Squall... had a hard life

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>DENSE motherfucker

Had it with my first disc, and I gave zero shits about it since I had an early disc 2 save. Until my memory card shat itself

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fucc ff8

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You take his pep talk afterwards out of context and he's suddenly every bit the rough, charming leader. But that exchange just before makes it, he's fuming, he can't believe this squad of retards are still trying to trip him up, moments from the assassination

Japanese people can't tell a goddamn love story

I've been hoping they'd remake it somehow but I guess that's never going to happen as they seem content in burying their less popular titles like 6 and 8. It's so ugly to play the vanilla PSX version these days

>tfw you forgot GFs make you forget

Bros, is the Steam port worth it? I have a feeling it's a mess

Apparently Square lost the original code. That's why it wasn't ported to Switch.

Remember to use the the requiem mod so it's less retarded gameplay-wise (doesn't touch anything from dialog)

Both has a version for PS1 and the Steam port, although I only played the PS1 one.

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haha ...I miss my ex

I mean, isn't the Switch port of FF7 just an emulator..?

>no fun allowed: the mod