Is anyone here old enough to actually remember this game? THIS was the pinnacle of all MMO's. If you didn't play this, you should realize you missed out on one of the best gaming experiences of all time.
Is anyone here old enough to actually remember this game? THIS was the pinnacle of all MMO's. If you didn't play this...
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unpopular opinion:
NGE was a desperately needed addition and 9/10 purists never played the game on release to realize how buggy and awful combat and raiding was
Unpopular and flat wrong.
>try to make the game like WoW
>fail miserably
>ruin what people liked about the game to begin with
>lose 80% of players
Yeah it was my first ever MMORPG i would go back if they would remaster it.
I played it in its prime. It was boring and empty. It could have been GOAT, but the longer the devs worked on it the worse it got.
>tfw can't understand a wookie until he offers to train you on his language
was awesome while it lasted.
swgEMU is still pretty active.
At the time this game had one of the best MMO community experiences ever
Dumb post, a legit hot take is that Combat Update was the best version of SWG. Just a way more playable and diverse version of classic without going full retard like NGE.
I got into pretty heavy about 6 months into its life. It was a fucking crazy game, and I still can't believe it ever existed. The Force was so mysterious in the game, and the Jedi were so rare they were practically an event whenever one popped up in town. I still remember trying to gank a Jedi with a group of like 10 other Bounty Hunters and just getting our shit pushed in.
While I enjoyed Pre-CU the most, the CU was definitely not bad and I think it was at the peak of its popularity. I enjoyed the CU immensely. Good fucking times
>want to complete my Commando spec
>already mastered rifles, why the fuck are carbines even a seperate tree?
>whatever, might as well grind out some faction rep while I'm at it
>accept generic mission from faction terminal and drive out into the middle of nowhere
>spend 10 minutes shooting at a giant banner while stormtroopers spawn out of nowhere
>wtf all my shots are only hitting his mind pool, fucking RNG!
>die because you didn't queue up at the cantina to get buffed by some perpetually AFK entertainer
>rinse and repeat
Yeah, so much better than having actual quests and themeparks. What on earth were they thinking...
Such a cool dynamic. back in the days of hologrinding when a Jedi would unlock they'd immediately have to go incognito and try not to be seen lest they ended up on a Bounty Hunter terminal. Amazing.
It was pretty high tech back then
>already mastered rifles, why the fuck are carbines even a seperate tree?
What is lore and a commando being well versed in mutiple weapons? Commandos also had to be master marksman, remember?
>spend 10 minutes shooting at a giant banner while stormtroopers spawn out of nowhere
>wtf all my shots are only hitting his mind pool, fucking RNG!
How bad do you have to be not to AOE the flag and drop all spawns nearly instantly and finish a mission in less than 30 seconds?
>die because you didn't queue up at the cantina to get buffed by some perpetually AFK entertainer
Most doctors and ents ran a macro for auto invites
Honestly, it's not my fault you were terrible at the game. I guess old school MMOs were not for you
I am. Downloaded the trial on a dial-up connection and it took like 3 days. Loved that game. It certainly wasn't perfect, but fuck was it ever immersive.
What would have you changed in pre NGE if you could?
Nothing has compared. Fuck rose-tinted goggles or nostalgia goggles, it's just true. And if there's any game that deserves a remake, it's SWG. But with better graphics and maybe no queue gameplay.
It's the only game to actually nail the Jedi. I'll never forget building a house on Tatooine and just fucking around the dunes for hours and hours.
-Make quests more like WoW and other MMO's.I'm not talking exclamation points above the head or anything, but a little better than just run up to a terminal and grab as much shit as possible.
-Keep fleshing out space combat. Keep Jedi hard to get.
Generally, I would try to just make SWG's good things better and not just try to make it like WoW.
SWGEMU is great if you want to experience the original game pre-NGE.
SWG Legends is great if you want a functioning game with new content like Bespin. Also it has Jump to Lightspeed. It's really improved on NGE to the point of me changing my mind on it. It's actually good.
>No other MMO had housing like SWG:
This is alone why i subbed in it.
Does it have more players?
>NGE was a desperately needed addition
The NGE was made because the executives at SOE literally though you were too stupid to play the game. They believed it required "too much reading" and having people make up their own stories and just having fun however they saw fit was not Star Wars-y enough: "No one wants to be Uncle Owen" was their words. WoW then came out and it was not only a desperate rush to "fix" the game because everyone was flocking to WoW ,it was a rush to "fix" the game to be more Star Wars-y like just letting people be Jedis from the start and throwing away the great class system that defined the game and let people do whatever they wanted. People did in fact like to be Uncle Owen and just liked hanging out in their own player built towns manufacturing goods, dancing at cantinas, going base busting, doing DWB and Corvette, and just generally exploring all the planets. Despite the math bugs (buffs lol) people still had tons of fun.
SWG defined what sandbox MMO means
Ideally, yeah. It's fucking Star Wars. Properly marketed it could have crested a million players I bet.
One thing NGE did well was quests and theme parks. You still had the social stuff, RP, player housing, and multi cree ships but then you had stuff to do around that. "Making your own fun" pre NGE was boring after a couple of months. Still wish Jedi were hard to get though.
yeah i remember it because i saw that youtube video on it a couple weeks ago
>run out into the desert of tattooine as a noob
>see some people camping near a big ass tent
>run up and start talking, turns out they're a group of friends doing missions and autistically roleplaying
>it sure felt fucking natural to be nice and kind RP in the game, so join them
>tag along as rookie with a shitty laser rifle
>run deeper into the desert, burst running over hills and shit
>come face to face with spooky squills for the first time and nearly die
I literally ran to my brother to show those weird fuckers, what a time. I miss the early 2000's.
SWG is the only case I can think of where Jedi ruined a Star Wars game.
> "Making your own fun" pre NGE was boring after a couple of months.
Not really, it just required you to set your own goals and maybe have friends
Yes, I played it for a couple years pre-CU. It had its problems, but it was still great for what it is. But then WoW came out and blew up, a lot of SWG players left, and the executives decided they needed to make it more like WoW to compete. That gave us the the CU (and later, NGE), which pretty much killed the game for me and a lot of others.
It's still odd to me that Sony has a division whose pretty much only known for making MMOs
A game like Star Wars Galaxies would never be made today. You might like being Uncle Owen, a niche audience large enough to sustain a small MMO might like it. But frankily I agree with SOE that Star Wars fans are actually stupid. They just want easily branded pew pew stupidity. At launch so many people screamed for jedi. They wanted to do cool shit. Not interact with the sandbox. Just instant gratification. SWG was not a game that could attract a major audience. NGE was awful but it was absolutely the sort of thing that Star Wars fans deserve.
To be fair i really never liked Jedis because felt like the whole end game was about that.
game would have been far better without them, no doubt. after they were initially unlocked, class diversity died overnight to just a million BHs and commandos and reduced the playerbase down to hologrinding zombies. soe should have concentrated on trying to push the game with its own original no jedi gcw story and let smugglers actually do some fucking smuggling instead of being pistoleers that can slice items.
>be noon in Anchorhead exploring
>guy standing on ridge above city starts tossing poisons down on people in the city
>sniping them with huge rifle size of his body
>comes down into city
>is in full stormtrooper armor RPing and has an ATST following him
>"This is an imperial crackdown"
>more imperial players show up
>more rebel players
>all out battle takes place
>imperial shuttle lands
>stormtroopers pour out
>Darth Vader comes out and fucking kills every one
>mfw I stand helpless watching
No other MMO will ever come close
TOR perfected Galaxies' formula, yet everyone panned it, can't win with Star Wars fans.
A game like SWG could work but it needs a lot of thought how to make Sanmdboxes to work like look at all those Open World Survival War games.
>Met a nice guy who helped me out
>I only had a 14 day demo disk so I had to keep making accounts
>One day forgot to spell his name
>Lost him forever
I miss Kaglatai (I think?)
TOR was WoW with a Star Wars skin you mong
>TOR perfected Galaxies' formula
What goals? You got to an arbitrary point in class progession and grind and then what. The reason for such a huge drop off of players was that there simply wasn't enough to do other than randomly generated quests that repeated the same 3 things . You'd grind for amour and then get it. What then? Maybe 1 or 2 raid like things to do. That's it.
TOR is unironically decent as a free single player game
What the fuck are you telling me that there's a Pre-CU server, an NGE server but still no CU server?
Whats on SWGEmu publish 10?
Those games have no slow paced RPG elements or real social aspects. It's that autistic Minecraft satisfaction of putting shapes together. But there's no resemblance to the intricacies of city building and RP in SWG.
CU server is here.
The first playthrough, maybe, but like any other MMO the questing experience becomes a chore after you've done it one time.
there was one called cuemeu but i dont remember if it made any real progress.
>be a retarded euronigger kid
>never even knew other MMOs existed except Runescape and WoW
No, you get good at it and can bank roll any new characters or profession changes. Once you have money for armor weapons and buffs you can easily master an elite or hybrid profession in 1-2 days. All you have to do is make 6-7 trips to the squill caves and back and boom your grinding is over. Easy
The game came out before WoW
I wanted to play this so bad but I was too poor for it.
I was playing also Runescape when i bought SWG
I literally saw it electronics shop and bought it.
Best day of my life.
user was talking about NGE you nigger.
Ignore This. I thought you were talking about SWG
Why is it all the decent to good MMOs, all blew up in the most retarded ways imaginable?
I miss MMOs where Players dictated the stories.
My dad was a full Jew merchant/Combat Medic who went to Cantinas and threw AoE energy grenades to restore all the Entertainers in the room. He was loved.
SWG blew my mind. I was 8 years old and the idea of the entire Star Wars galaxy being open to explore made me cum. Then I found out it was Massively Multiplayer. MFW,
Jesus fuck I've never seen such a wrong opinion.
I could understand if you enjoyed CU, it wasn't terrible, but NGE was legit irredeemable garbage.
It was so garbage that the lead designer involved in the NGE fucking KILLED HIMSELF because of it.
>Marvel Heroes was cannibalized and eventually shut down because of Marvel, specifically Perlmutter's grudge against Fox
>Disney owns Fox now anyway so Marvel Heroes died for nothing
I will never not be mad.
The Omega update was the beginning of the end anyways
It blew mine and my friends mind beyond. Having housing and combat and rpg elements and shit was so cash.
>better quests
>more content
>more star wars feel
>let people be Jedi which is what the normalfags wanted.
>easier pew pews
Not saying it was good. But it was a clear attempt to make the game appeal to the idiots who actually like Star Wars. Autistic MMO players like me and you were irrelevant.
MH didn't die for nothing. It's death gracefully smokescreened the CEO's escape from yet another sex predator scandal.
Bland, boring Diablo clone. The real Marvel MMO made by CoH devs died in development for Champions
In an ideal world it stayed PC only and Omega never happened.
I fucking miss it and the goofy events like Midtown Madness where there was a ton of players fighting a ton of bosses at once.
NGE just fucked the corpse of the game, the CU and wookiee expansion killed the game. JTL era was peak Starkino. SWG was the ultimate evolution of the UO model of MMORPG. EVE is far too impersonal of a game and being stuck in a spaceship all of the time just wasn't the same, the world didn't feel alive.
Not entirely true. SWG had this weird curve. The game was unbelievably broken at launch. As time wore on they slowly started fixing all of the classes and shit was starting to work. Then once people figured out Jedi was obtained by mass grinding every class a lot of the fun of the game vanished as people hopped on the Jedi grind train. This was made worse with the Dathomir village. As the Jedi grind was slowly rotting out the heart of the game, the systems were ironically getting better and the broken classes were getting fixed. By the time CU came around and fucked everything up again only a few classes like Squad Leader were still totally busted.
JTL was also great but like much of the game, a flawed gem. Party ships weren't well balanced at all and PvP was super interceptor centric. I still had a ton of fun until the dumb fucking wookiee expansion introduced p2w quest ships that beat the shit out of anything a shipwright could make.
There are zoomers reading this thread who don't remember when MMO's and online gaming was an exciting new world full of possibilities.
I'm just glad Blizzard are finally choking to death. WoW killed MMOs.
>quests and themeparks
these were the FUCKING ANTITHESIS of what the game originally set out to be. SWG was designed from an anti-EQ perspective. Why in god's name would you play SWG for a themepark MMO experience?
Based thread. Watch this vid for the real red pill on SWG.
God damn it I wanna go back
I miss is too bro
MHemu when?
SWG was a terrible game in almost every respect in regards to exploring, adventure and combat BUT it had the most stellar player-driven economy and crafting system in which every component and material had their own very nuanced stats influencing the final product.
The game's prospecting, mining, refining, crafting and mercantile systems inspired my friend (one of the best weaponsmiths/merchants on Bloodfin) to focus hard on his business degree and networking after the game went on the hard decline following CU and NGE. He now has a $200K/year job as the CEO of a security company.
There are loads of private servers with thriving communities. Go back. It's waiting for you.
>load up an ARC-170 with the boys
>zoom around the galaxy blasting anything that moves
>it ain't me intensifies
god damn I miss multi-crew starships
>full Jew merchant
>free grenades
I do no think that word means what you think it means
Met some really cool people in this game back in the day, as well as some really shitty ones. Sometimes I wonder what's happened to everyone I knew back then.
I mean everyone who played the game and wasn't a fucking idiot recognized that Jedi and holocrons had a hugely negative impact on how people played the game. SWG lacked high level PvE content particularly in the earlier days. Before we got the Geonosian cave on Yavin it was nothing but the Nightsisters on Dathomir, nothing on Endor was worth doing until they added the Deathwatch Bunker. Dantooine had one dungeon too but it kinda sucked. Somewhere in there we got the only instance in the game, the Corvette. The crafter centric economy also reduced reasons to go out and PvE beyond grinding credit missions until people figured out how sick nightsister pikes could be and credit missions were kind of a stupid hole in the entire player economy system since inflation raped that game due to caveman missions you could easily solo giving 30k.
The stat system was also ruined by doctor buffs, they made individual players too powerful which reduced the incentive for grouping outside of those dungeons. The entire point of armor having a downside was that it reduced your secondary stats so specials would be more expensive and you wouldn't regen for shit. But with doctor buffs you had higher secondaries wearing armor than you did naked without buffs.
UO had semi similar housing. SWG was largely based on UO and a lot of the designers. Raph Koster, the director of UO was lead creative designer of SWG. The man is the ultimate soulful MMO maker, sad that he's mostly been sidelined in a themeparkified industry.
>prospecting for ores and gasses
>manually mining for days
>saving up and start buying automated mining pumps from engineer friend
>set up my automated mining pumps
>come back next day and see industrial wasteland
>mining pumps as far as the eye can see
>smoke belching from each one
>out of curiosity decide to prospect and see that mineral deposits are about to run out
>decide it's time to start mining on other planets
>corner the market on a certain ferrous metal
>make enough money to buy myself a house which I set up in a player-ran village
>have enough money to purchase all the crafting materials I need
>become master-level Tailor before almost anyone else
>also become master-level cosmetics/hairdresser
>spend the rest of the time in cantinas selling clothes and altering peoples appearance
>make way more money than I did as a miner
>also become super popular and make friends with all the hot medics and entertainers
Yea, I spent the entire summer of 2003 in Chilastra. When I came back to sophomore year of high school everyone was asking what I did that summer.... wew lads... they will never know. What an amazing moment of my life that was. Will never forget.
It won't stop hurting
>Perlmutter's grudge against Fox
Isn't that the guy who pushed Inhumans over Mutants because he was butthurt over Fox owning the right to make X-Men movies?
Have the box next to me. Couldn't get back into it. Really wanted to on one of the servers that are up now.
Yes, Ike Perlmutter is a megajew with a massive bug up his ass.
I ended up with a minor in econ and I can authentically say I learned more about how markets work by playing SWG than I did in school. Deed slots were such an interesting mechanic that developed into a market. When I was a poorfag living in a mud hut on Tattooine I hooked up with a weaponsmith who needed massive amounts of energy for his factories so he gave me a bunch of power plants, would give me info he had from his surveyors on the best spots to put them when resources rotated and would pay me 80% of the market rate for the power I generated with them.
I did that for awhile until I struck it rich on Chilastra, there was a 999 OQ Herbivore meat (for the non players, herbivore meat was important for stimpak production) spawn on Dathomir and I was a ranger, back in those days nobody fucking hunted anything but nightsisters on Dathomir so it took days before word spread, by that time I had already harvested tons of it, sold a shitload and made bank then hoarded some extra for when the scarcity set back in later on since prices crashed as the hunters rushed to Dathomir.
I used the money I made from that with some of my power business money to buy a large naboo house on Dantooine placed right over a 5 star fishing spot. I became one of the most prominent anglers on the server and sold tons of fish meat to Bioengineers when that profession was finally fixed. I sold my excess trophy fish to an interior decorator. I used all of my money to pimp out my house with rares including a fruit stand, a dozen prenerf melons, and one of the bugged novice ranger camp chairs that could teleport you to 0,0 on Tatooine.
hey fellow chilastrafag, do you reember the great gallorian gemstone rush? funny story about our server, it took fucking forever for gallorian gemstones to spawn compared to other servers and they were required for T-21 rifles, the strongest weapon in a world without composite armor blocking 80% of energy damage.
I remember how people would run out every resource reset to look and see if they spawned. IIRC the first spawn of them wasn't even good. Shit was unheard of in any MMO that followed it, the idea that random resource spawns would basically shift how game balance looked server to server because some servers had better access to certain 999OQ resources than others did.
Christ, and I thought Joe Quesada was petty.
>when you're so butthurt about spidey being married you make a story where fucking Satan annuls the marriage so hard it never can, or will exist in the most heavy handed and convoluted set up possible
It was amazing. I'll never forget the actual environmental destruction we wrought on Naboo. Someone would survey and find a mineral hotspot and then before you knew it the whole area was covered with mining rigs and it completely changed the dynamic of that area. Add on top of that the Imperial/Rebel fight going on in the background... What I loved most was the dependence on players. Most MMOs these days feel like single player games. Back in Pre-CU SWG you NEEDED other players. Medics, entertainers, tailors, image alterers, etc... Even the black market drug trade was interesting.
There was so much potential too with things like droid engineers, the bounty hunters, commandos with their heavy weapons. I really miss that game.
I still have a bunch of old Pre Cu screenshots from back in the day
>back before solo mission payouts got nerfed
>do Janta/Mokk missions on Dantooine
>34k per pop, missions done in less than a minute
>clear 1.5M credits/hour easily
>get Janta blood and Janta dagger srops to sell to weaponsmiths and smugglers
God i miss it bros. Pic related
SWG will always be the game I return to in my mind when I think of what the perfect game could be. It never stops there, but so many of the systems just find their way into it. The crafting and economic systems in particular.
IMO the game needed more competition, more incentive to pick a side in the GCW and more risk/rewards that went with that. I would have loved to see PvP over resource control instead of it just being a first come first serve thing, say your harvesters have a vulnerability window or something where rebel terrorists can blow them up and steal part of their output if you're an Imperial.
I also really liked the 12 stat 3 bar system, I just wish they didn't ruin the entire point of it with buffs. Armor was balanced before doctor buffs, people would usually mix certain pieces in. Shit, how many MMOs have a paper doll half as complex as SWG's anymore with right/left bracer, pauldron, ect slots? The customization, player housing, player cities, all of it was stuff that we haven't really seen since.
It's sad that the game never panned out the way it was originally planned with all of the classes being functional. Honestly Jedi should have been a Dev/GM only class.
NGE was so far off from the mark the fact that you made this post at all is ridiculous
Only thing I have left is this guitar riff emote.
If the Jedi were an ironman mode like originally planned the game wouldn't have changed
Remember back before full comp armor and doctor buffs 24/7 were a thing? Remember how everyone constantly bitched about how OP fucking creature handlers were?
I played CH/Ranger/Carbineer. I don't know if you could have made a worse build if you tried but I had fun with it regardless. When Bioengineered pets came out I had some poison spitting Cu-Pas made and I would have them in the back sniping poison at people while I spammed charge shot for crowd control. I actually soloed some faggot rifle/sword kid just spamming KD and poisoning him and he sent me super angry tells for days. I lost all of my SWG screenshots sadly.
It was still a problem due to people mass grinding classes to unlock Jedi. It ate up so much of most peoples' game time. It really should have been more subtle stuff that unlocked it.
Back when lightsabers used to do kinetic damage so Ubese+PSG was a very economical solution for jedi hunting
I had so many screens that I lost with my old PC... It hurts.
I wonder if such a thing could ever be done again. Remember these were the last days of the internet "golden age" and so many of the mechanics, were they to come out today, would be instantly abused with real-money transactions and/or shitty people complaining that the game isn't "fun" or too hard.
I would honestly pay a $50 a month subscription fee if it meant I had access to a small but high-quality community with vigilant moderation. The moderation would be focused on cheaters/spammers and not on language, "hurt feelings", or any of that stupid bullshit. Maybe in the future... I dunno...
I remember back before fucking mounts man. Before creature mounts..
Seeing someone in a Star Wars game doing a silly emote makes me sad that DICE made emotes for Battlefront 2 based on Star Wars Kinect dance moves and Disney didn't let them put them in the game
Ubese and Chitin armors were the most aesthetic. RIS was kino too. Sad that composite ended up being so much more dominant in every situation as doctor buffs got stupid good. I don't think Jedi were even especially good as a class at any point in the game. I remember duo hunting them pretty easily.
I remember one time I was going out with my BH friend and we found a guildhall full of those faggots doing the jedi rep exploit in the early days of the new jedi experience so I counter exploited them and stuck myself in a corner that I could shoot through their guild hall walls in and killed a few of them, some of the others found a room i couldn't shoot into and holed up in there while crying for a CSR. Apparently when the CSR looked at the logs he ended up suspending most of them instead.
I did get teleported into space once before JTL for an hour as a punishment for having a launcher pistol duel in Coronet starport.
Unpopular opinion: Any MMO that basically demanded you donate your whole life to the game and took months to years to advance was garbage. Double for games that had huge penalties for dying like perma death. SWG sucked before the NGE. most if not all MMO's sucked prior to 04.
>b-b-but I liked literally being ganked and having no ability to turn off PVP and having my years of progress undone in a moment by some random asshole!
There is a reason no MMO exists like this now. People HATED it.
How much money do we have to raise to buy star wars back so we can give it to George? Disney is so fucking SOULLESS. Lucasarts was peak soul gaming.
6 Billion
>years to advance
you could max a character in a couple of days honestly, a month or two if you weren't powergaming, that aside there was very little content in the game that you needed an optimized character to do. The party size was huge and encounters weren't locked so you could bring as many people as you wanted to adventure, the total noob wasn't a burden for the most part even if he couldn't do much.
>huge penalties for dying
SWG had corpse runs early on but those were mitigated by cloning insurance. Only Jedi had permadeath and that was replaced with XP loss due to whiner faggots like you.
the game was garbage. it was completely outclassed by wow's controls and gameplay design.
Wait, what?
What does PVP have to do with SWG and cu/nge?
SWG pvp was opt-in flagging.
Am I missing something or forgetting something obvious?
>get 50 people
>deploy broken speeders
>game explodes
Unless he's whining about Jedi he's a zoomer who didnt play. Jedi flagged for pulling out their glowsticks until faggot whiny crybabies bitched that they couldnt lightsaber duel in coronet starport without getting PK'd. All of that aside, Jedi was an opt-in hard mode. Jedi were at their peak maybe 1.2x stronger than a normal player and that assumes the jedi was well ground up, and it took much longer to max a Jedi than a normal character.
>implying Lucas' masterplan all along wasn't to sell Star Wars to Disney for billions, watch them crash it's value, restoring his reputation as a creative genius in comparison to them, and have them sell it back to him for pennies to recoup their investment
>tfw Lucas more or less manipulated the world's largest media megacorp into giving away a few billion dollars in charity
I told people back in 2012, once Disney is done with the franchise, they'd be begging for Lucas.
You could pretty much max musician and dancer by just sitting in the cantina
>Prequels come out
>People hate them all despite the fact that Episode 3 was perfectly fine
>Sequels come out
>People appreciate the prequels now, including Episodes 1 and 2
Episode 3 was not "fine".
You're right, it was good.
Giving it back to Lucas would probably not be as close to your idea as you think. Though he'd probably throw out literally everything from the current EU along with the movies he didn't make, which would be what I want, but I don't know if he'd just continue to pick up where he left off or if he'd just hold back to the property and that'd be it. Not sure which I'd like most but anything is better than where we're at.
The prequels were kino you pleb. 3 is the most kino of all.
Fuck you, CU fucked up the game even before NGE
This game predates WoW you fucking zoomer.
Disney literally doesn't even need to pump out new movies continually. All they need to do after the current trilogy wraps up is put something out every three-four years, keep a cartoon or two running, and continue bathing in streaming and rebroadcast fees, toy and merch sales, etc.
For them the property is a win-win even if they suck at making new shit for it. Lucas lost it forever, and he'll go to his grave thinking WHY THE FUCK DID I DO THAT!?
MMOs are not for faggots like you
>master plan
daily reminder that george lucas made Bane the founder of the sith order before TDKR even released.
Lucas was inside Nolan's head from the start. Lucas was probably behind the entire plane scene.
The prequels were weird films, Lucas was definitely going for making movies that he loved with them, not movies that critics would love. He loved all of that fever dream weirdness. Apparently there were takes of Hayden and Natalie doing the love scene in a far less wooden manner but George rejected them because he wanted it to be more like a 1930s kino.
He was obviously talking about the NGE, but really it was the CU that made the game wow-lite. NGE just drove it home.
I still think about it once a week or so.
not him, but people like to think they created NGE to try make SWG into a WoW clone
That's probably what he meant
I'm disappointed that there's no modern pod racing game.
We need more anti-gravity racing games.
Reminder there is in existence a 3 hour long cut of TPM
They just dont sell that well anymore, there's only a market for goofy kartshit and brogamer hyper realistic car games.
If anyone who used to play SWG gives a shit, reading the blogs by Raph Koster about SWG development are really fucking good. It explains why/how they did everything, both the good and bad, and has the benefit of hindsight.
Also dispels some myths, like that JAB (from WoW "you think you do" fame) was the architect of the NGE when in reality he was against it.
Either way, easily searchable and fantastic reading.
I was talking about MH just the other day to my friend. Played it in fits and spurts. So much fun to just login and play for a few hours.
Was Koster even involved with the game that long? I thought he fucked off long before the NGE. Regardless, Koster is indeed the reason SWG was what it was. He was also behind most of the good decisions made with UO. Now he makes facebook games.
Yeah I was wrong it's 6 hours long
Where my kauri imperial niggas at?
Lots of great systems that just got out of hand or were abused.
Doctor buffs were awesome, and the fact that docs could have people stand in line and actually pay for buffs is crazy for an MMO. That being said standing in line for doctor buffs was boring as fuck and the doctor buffs themselves kinda ruined the game because you could spam your most powerful abilities, kinda ruined combat.
>Was Koster even involved with the game that long?
I'd actually have to relook, im not sure! But you're 100% right.
I know he's consulting or involved somehow with Crowfall but i'm not up to date on that either.
It was way better than it had any right to be.
>All the little character interactions in the hub
>All the costumes
>All the character-unique pieces of gear being references to their comics/movies/tv shows
>it had bugs!
>luckily they turned it into an entirely different game instead of fixing them!
My friends got me into it during JTL. Apparently it was crazy easy to make money in that expansion, but nobody played it, so nobody knew. I remember my friends complaining about the prices of stuff, and me thinking to myself "That's like one kill in JTL..."
I was always rolling in the money, and didn't even realize. At one point, I just bought the biggest house I could, rolled off into the middle of nowhere on a random planet, and set up. Nobody else as far as I could see. Then, when I logged in the next day, an entire play city had popped up around me over night. Assholes, I just wanted to be a lone hermit, and they took that from me.
I played it for a while when i was on break from another mmo with some buds. I'll never forget when a friend took me out to the middle of nowhere to meet someone, turned out he was a Jedi, was great.
SWG was over a decade ahead of it's time, some of the shit it did back then would seem revolutionary today.
I had the beta goggles i loved that game until the combat upgrade ruined it. Now i play swg emu from time to time.
Mike Stoklasa fuck off.
Unironically the pinnacle of my Gaming life. I miss it every day bros.