Name a better Yu-Gi-Oh game
Name a better Yu-Gi-Oh game
I only played Reverse of Arcadia, what's better about this one?
No shit puzzles or big chunks of the game that prevent you from using the deck you actually want to use.
Tag Force 3
Tag Force 5
aka, lagfest 2011
If you want AI YGO, play one that doesn't take 10 years to decide if it should synchro or not.
Tag Force 2
both incorrect.
Tag Force Special is superior to all other Tag Force
Anything post synchros is garbage. And yes, I am a yugioh boomer
Then, don't use them?
but the AI uses them, retard
reminder yugioh went to shit once they introduced pendulum. should have just stopped there.
The plot of this game was dogshit.
Also, Lawton was cancer.
>defeat Lawton
>but you can only make a move every other turn
>also, Kalin might sacrifice your monsters for dumb shit
>also, Lawton does, like, 3000+ LP in burn damage every turn
>sweating over whatever useless shit the AI does
You can literally beat the AI with pure Vanilla.
>You: "B-burn is broken!"
>also you: doesn't play burn
Literally all the Tag Force games.
ygopro percy
Only "burn" deck worth using in the Synchro era is Frog FTK or Dark Strike Fighter pre-errata
Eternal Duelist Soul. Summoned Skull + Axe of Despair beatdown was peak YGO, don't @ me niggers
I really liked the whole school gimmick and getting ready for the advancement tests. Also, all the bugged cards made for some interesting decks.
How were cards bugged?
The one where I get to squeeze Akiza's fat tits and make her psychic powers go crazy. Whichever that one is.
I didn't say burn was broken. Lawton throwing out a shit ton of damage cards at me when I can only react every other turn is shit, though.
This was comfy as shit back in middle school when I borrowed it from a friend. The DS games were decent too. Good times before power creep and post synchro era made Yugioh a lot worse.
This game had a shitload of events that made it fun to keep playing, they should have added that to the tag force games so they wouldnt be as boring
Your fangame?
Cards like Burst Stream of Destruction could be played without having Blue-Eye's on the field, which made it an unlimited Raigeki. Another one I used a lot was Sasuke Samurai 4, which destroyed itself if you attacked directly and called the coin toss correctly.
Nah, that's too good of an idea for them not to have capitalized on it.
No it's gacha now.
why would anyone prefer a shitty VN over an actual world to explore?
this is the best.
There’s the one where it turns out you were a double agent for the YGO equivalent of the great old ones and can brainwash the waifus into evil variants who can then be your waifus.
Shame that if you go that route your partners in crime are completely retarded and you have to babysit them and build their decks for them so they don’t get themselves completely fucking destroyed by literal starter decks.
Nice Navel.
can I get a name? That sounds metal as shit.
How based could one retard be
Tag Forces 4 or 5? The Dark Signers arc one?