Story taht's all just a memory

>story taht's all just a memory
>father betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>prosthetic takes ammo yet cant increase the ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>sengoku era yet no guns
>bugs out of nowhere

Attached: Sekiro_art.jpg (280x350, 43K)

anyone got a good ct file for this? i wanna have actual fun playing it.

>>story taht's all just a memory

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>no guns
I assume you mean for Wolf, since there are guns everywhere else practically

>>>>>Sengoku era yet no guns

>story being a memory isn't a bad thing
>he only betrays you if you choose not to join him
>boo hoo one less way to cheese the game
>a fuck load of enemies have guns, you don't because you're a ninja you dunce
>the only bugs are in the dungeon or the monks and you can see them clearly

>sengoku Era yet no guns
I, too, like to watch 5 minutes review and quick recap of boss fights on youtube then discuss it on Yea Forums like I played the whole thing myself!

>>sengoku era yet no guns
What the fuck are you talking about? Plenty of enemies have guns
>>bugs out of nowhere
Centipedes make sense with what they mean to Japanese folklore

>he only betrays you if-
Look at this guy, he didn’t get the true Hirata Estate memory!

>ninjas cant use guns

But not wolf.

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Only 1 short segment was a memory, there is literally a gun FORT, the prosthetic has enough ammo for practical purposes it isn't designed to be spammed, and I can't speak for others but I personally never experienced any bugs.
That said, you are entirely correct about the father betraying you bit, it was cliche as hell.


Shura is the canon ending

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>People failing to recognize the pasta

I wish there were no guns, gun enemies are the worst to deal with in crowds

magoichi is a mercenary not a ninja..

>>sengoku era yet no guns
what game have you been playing?

Git gud.

Attached: Snake Eyes Shirahagi 2.webm (1220x686, 2.96M)

Here goes the Niohfag shitposting Sekiro....

basic videogame kill priority: healers>ranged>squishy melees>meatshields

he's a ninja and a mercenary

yeah I did the same thing. was hilarious.

>6.4% completion rate on PS4
You did beat him, right, Yea Forums?

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he's not a ninja, only sarutobi, hayabusa and hanzo are


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.4% completion rate on PS4
you also have to conisder that thats probably the least followed ending because you have to figure out you can eavesdrop on your friends

first time i did this fucker was on ng2 without kuros charm

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This is peak videogames holy shit

I did in ng+ and it was the hardest shit

He's the hardest boss in the game, too.

Attached: Owl Mikiri.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

easier Owl IMO

These mortar guys are scary as fuck
I didn't even get attacked by one til my third playthrough though since they're always easy to backstab


He's not as aggressive and his new moves, while really cool are pretty telegraphed and some are even counterable.

so do I have to do multiple playthroughs to see all bosses?
I dont want to.

minimum of 2

>Firework move is incredibly telegraphed
>Died to it every time

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well fuck

The one that doesnt come out of the typical shoulder bash -> swipe -> firecracker combo does occasionally hit me

just run through on NG+ its super fast. If you don't like it enough to play multiple times it doesnt matter a whole lot anyway

>Shura Isshin harder than final boss Isshin

Attached: Emma Suplex.webm (640x360, 1.11M)


What the fUCK? Emma was the villain all along?

Puppet Ninjutsu just straight up breaks this game. So much fun to fuck around with.

Shura route, you decide.

you was

TFW Purification ending

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is it, dare I say, a meme game?

How about you play the game properly and stop using easy mode shit?

How is using game mechanics the way they're intended to be used not playing the game properly?

i think sword saint is harder but owl 2 is a close second for sure.

someones mad that he was too low iq to figure this out lmao

not like he was shitting on the game, just doing cool shit that it allows you to do

I got Sword Saint on my fourth try, but Owl 2 took me hours. I'm not sure if I got lucky or had just finally gotten gud at the combat.

If the enemies can shoot him, why can't the enemies shoot the enemies?

Snake Eyes is an easy mode boss

i just finished the all bosses trophy by doing the shura ending on NG+ today. it took me literally like 5-6 hours to get to that point. you can just rush through everything.

Play the game.

not even close. his second phase is annoying but his first phase is a piece of cake. emma is pretty easy once you get her attacks down too.


>S Tier
Sword Saint
Owl 2

>A Tier
Owl 1
Guardian Ape
Isshin Ashina

>B Tier
Divine Dragon
Lady Butterfly
Corrupted Monk

>C Tier
Folding Screen Monkeys

>D Tier
Demon of Hatred

>turtle like a bitch
>get thrown
lmao serves you right

I mean not really, you could kill her twice in the amount of time it took for that guy to take out half a health bar and she's far from a difficult miniboss

>get to 2 monkeys
>after hearing all the complaints it turns out to be an easy boss
>figure maybe the rest will be easy till owl
>get to corrupted monk
>almost never takes hp damage
>barely takes posture damage
>starts recovering posture after no time at all
>almost no breaks in his attacks
>can't posture break due to input lag on ps4 pro
Am I finally at my insurmountable wall? Fuck the only thing I wish would be fixed is the god damn input lag. I even have times where I am holding my L1 instead of pressing it and he still breaks through as if I'm not holding it... Actually now that I think about it I might want to check out using another controller because I might have had issues with this one before.

I hate to be that guy, but git gud.

Attached: Corrupted Monk.webm (480x270, 2.45M)

>all these retards responding to copypasta

I think Saint Sword gave me more leverage to be aggressive in the second and third phases as well as lighting to easily build up his posture. Ashina feels more restrictive compared to the rest of the game.

put Owl 1 in S tier as well and its good

>Divine Dragon
>that high
It was cool but mediocre

Sounds like he's on the first fight if she's taking no damage, he's probably not using confetti.

That ain't the mibu village fight...

I just could not time lightning reversal consistently. spamming seems to work but I have to jump perfectly pretty much

owl 1 is boring, he runs too much and his posture regens too fast. it turns it into a lame hp fight instead of an intense posture fight like the good bosses.

use divine confetti to do more damage and use a snap seed to temporarily stun her. other than that just pick your moments to deal damage and deflect the rest. only one health bar so it's really not that terrible.

Fuck me... Does confetti become buyable or easily farmable at some point?


The visuals are fantastic and Lightning Reversal is fun as fuck, even if it's easy. It was a nice change of pace.

Attached: Lightning Reversal Madness.webm (768x432, 2.98M)

Thats not betrayal, just business.

His lightning reversal felt most inconsistent out of all of them so that's understandable.

maybe he just seemed easier to me since sword saint took me so long but i really didn't think he was that bad on NG+

She's not hard? I rush to that place on new games so I can get the swimming skill.
She definitely takes hp damage and you can punish her after every attack. Just dodge behind, parrying just puts her in a block state.

It drops off the samurai inside of Ashina castle, but there's plenty around just sitting there as items unless you're like hardstuck at the monk, shouldn't take more than 2 or 3 normally

thats wrong though, You can 100% clang it out with him and trade deflections. way more than Owl 2, though Owl 2 makes up for it with cooler moves and satisfying counters

How does killing Owl in the Hirate Estate not cause a time paradox?

>>can't posture break due to input lag on ps4 pro
??? Does the pro really have some input lag problem compared to the regular PS4?

even without confetti she will take more posture damage after getting real damage, so just keep fighting. at some point you start snowballing her posture.

Use divine confetti and snap seeds and kill him in 20 seconds

I beat him on my second try in NG+. He wasn't that bad.


for the same reason you have the arm, it is a vision given by the buddha

hey same, whats up man

Where does Isshin fall in your guys' top 10 From bosses?

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Isshin and Owl are in there somewhere, probably up there with Gael/Nameless

Just beat him today. Now all I have left is Demon of Hatred and the Sword Saint. I'm prepared to cry.

that happened me with old isshin today in the shura ending. had him literally one hit or deflect away from death and he killed me. then it took me another 30 minutes to beat him. worst part was i had like 4 gourds left i could have gone back and healed but i thought i had him him finished and then mistimed a deflect and died.


Literally Isshin Phase 3 is run around and wait till he does that move to wreck his face

Demon of Hatred is legit one of the worst bosses. He has no business being in the game because the way you fight him is so antithetical to the way combat works in Sekiro.

>can punish her after every attack
Do you mean after every set of attacks?

>Just dodge behind
Seems like she turns around just as fast as I can circle her and she uses side sweeping attacks that reach all the fuck way around her...

A shinobi should know the difference between honor and victory

I think that was the point why he was an optional boss to begin with.

Miyashitki's intent was probably to throw a Bloodborne beast/Dark souls boss in the mix somewhere so to play against.

Do you have Mortal Blow? The way you want to fight her is to focus on her vitality at first, with Mortal Blade, and then focus on her posture.

Yes but she also frequently uses a one-swing attack that you can easily dodge behind and get 2-3 hits in. I've had her do it 5 times in a row. Another good window is her spin2win. Parry the first four hits and dodge under the last one.
She was one of the easier bosses for me back when I didn't know what the fuck I was doing so I'm sure you can manage.

Is Monk Kick the patrician combat art?

Attached: Genichiro Prologue.webm (852x480, 2.9M)

I switch between it and Itchy Monkey constantly

>Yes but she also frequently uses a one-swing attack that you can easily dodge behind
I've probably encountered that move 5 times out of 100 attacks. She definitely loves her spin to win for my fights.

No mortal blow but mortal draw is seeming to take a good chunk.

Sorry, that's what I meant. If you really want to, you can just vitality kill her with that. It'll take a while, but it's pretty easy to do. Either way, you really want to focus on vitality first with her, unless you are a deflect god.

She fights based on how you're engaging her. She's quite reactive.
When she does her sweep you can sidestep the followup vertical slice and punish. I found her vulnerable spots to be the longest out of any boss in the game, most of which give me at most 2 hits if I'm fully behind them.
It behooves you to get decent at this fight not the least of which because it's a good place to do early on.

>longest out of any boss
I've gotten up to 10 hits in a row on the ape... Just what the fuck am I missing with this guys vulnerability periods? I'm lucky to get 3 hits.

Bait out the attack where he jumps and throws shit at you. You can punish with two hits, firecrackers, and then get two more hits in.

Beast type bosses don't even guard, I mean you can wail on DoH as much as you want.
Corrupted monk doesn't have a deep moveset and she's very slow. Just whittle her a little and you'll notice the posture you give her from landing mikuris isn't going down.

>you can do things to get more hits in
I thought you were talking about consecutive hits. Shit, I got Genichiro to the point where I was attacking his first 2 bars non-stop without taking any damage.