What's the greatest use of creativity you've ever seen in a game?
What's the greatest use of creativity you've ever seen in a game?
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The true creatives of society are the ones who develop new medicines, engineer new technologies and invent products and services to make our lives better.
People who make comics, art, video games and movies who spend all day whining about Trump on twitter are not creatives. They're failures in denial.
If you become a multi millionaire by making stupid comics, by what metric are you a failure?
>big pharma and oil industry are the true creatives
I think it's a bit more nuanced than that, user...
No, those people are problem solvers. Not all problems have creative solutions.
Depends entirely on context because every bodies views creativeness differently
Yoshi’s Crafted World is very fucking creative in it’s art direction, despite the game itself being average with garbage but not as bad as NI music
You could also say Marvel vs Capcom 3 making a fucking move set out of people like MODOK, Phoenix Wright and fucking Amaterasu was creative as all hell
Does anyone have the full set of those?
Sometimes I imagine myself being killed by some random falling object, does that make me creative?
>creativity gives you dragon summoning powers
Wtf bros..
if they arent why is your creative mind basically under their rule?
I'd fuck both.
> Comic assumes that only hipster libtard dykes with daddy issues can be creative.
Fucking. Awful.
one in WoW we 'creatively' made money by camping the menethil boats and making ally-cucks pay money to pass.
what does the creative side HAS to have dyed hair and tumblerina fashion? like wtf man, wasn't it enough to put the dragon there to get the point across?
Yikes, speak for yourself user. You're the one sucking their cocks.
>Creative people set fire to baby lizards in ovens.
>fire = DWAGON
That is not creative. That is the most basic bitch idea of "imagination" that you could ever have.
>implying im not your oil overlord
Is Doug TenNapel creative even if he loves the Jesus?
>thinks of dragon
>real creative
>makes up a fake incantation to summon the fires of hell to do his bidding
How do I stop being an autistic chunni?
My picture represents my thoughts on your picture that you use to support what you’re talking about
>The true creatives of society are the ones who develop new medicines, engineer new technologies and invent products and services to make our lives better.
no those are just the people who couldn't draw
Read more or less light novels
It's impressive that someone who make an enormous system of logic gates inside of minecraft that's cable of rudimentary calculations but I don't know if I'd call it creative
that's not creativity
that's autism
>mw2 multiplayer
>cold blooded pro, enemy name and crosshairs dont turn red
>rapidly press triangle while laying prone on dead body
>makes character top half completely still
>hide in peoples dead bodies and stealth defuse games or kill people silently
creativity just means you create stuff, doesn't mean what you create is shit or not
Jonas Salk couldn't draw anime.
Soulless post
Using other games and CDs to make monsters in Monster Rancher.
Doesn't matter lol, you're stupid because i say so
My consumption of LN is no business of yours
Nah that's productivity
How it is in real life.
Moles are fucking disgusting.
How is using a fuckton of redstones to make a graphing calculator in Minecraft not creative?
whats the last one you read hun
going this low just go get (You)s
c'mon user youre better than that
And they would still be an improvement to your face
Autistic Post of the Day
Based retard
Well it worked didn't it?
No that you know because of how retarded you are,
stick to your lil chinese cartoons mkay?
Minecraft autism is impressive for it's engineering acumen and sheer autistic dedication. I saw someone make pokemon in it.
>Ordinary person sees what's actually there.
>creative person dolls themselves up like a generic dime store hooker and sees the most predictable and least imaginative thing ever.
Really makes me think.
What kind of retard looks into an oven and smiles like that?
Do it with wojaks so I can lol! properly.
Americans think "creativity" means tracing Japanese artists.
Japan is to America as America is to China.
The first person who had that idea was certainly creative.
To do it because you heard someone else did it probably requires you to be smart, but it's not really creative anymore
That's not creativity, that's schizophrenia
Happy people user, happy people
different professional fields with different goals, motivations and problems to solve
more like
>ordinary people
>autistic people
To be fair, the plot of both is lifted from Shakespeare. It's just Hamlet with lions.
i fucking hate happy people
Sneed people
National Socialists
>that pic
imagine being this desperate to feel superior to people. literally everyone has an imagination.
Fuck, me too haha, i wish they'd just die right?
>he said while posting on Yea Forums
Also you're not allowed to listen to music with that faggy attitude.
how the FUCK did they get away this?
Being rich lets you get away with *literally* anything. See: the widespread practice of millionaires and billionaires fucking children, sometimes even getting caught, and receiving no meaningful consequences.
cooking = fire
fire = dragon
dragon = cool and creative
i'm a creative myself, an ordinary person would've never came up with this though process
Not him but the main reason is it's not novel. It takes technical knowledge and effort to make a computer in a game, but making electronics out of logic circuits is something people have known about and done for a while.
Creativity is ideally something more along the lines of taking different ideas and putting them together in a way that no one has done before.
I don't think you can fit a dragon there
I, too, was in that Yea Forums thread. Also fuck you, OP. Filthy crossboarder.
>that one cat edit
For some reason, I can't find it.
Don't hate the hustle. If people are stupid enough to give you money for something harmless, then why not do it?
Embrace it until people are afraid of your power
What do you think the illuminati is doing?
a dragon like that would be retarded and just burn the surface of the chicken. it would probably die in that oven too.
good fantasy incorporates the fantastic elements in a believable way that fits the universe.
good examples for that would be cooking in monster hunter, WoW and dragons crown. dungeon meshi is obviously the absolute peak when it comes to that.
retarded weeb
That is pretty creative when you put it that way
try to prove him wrong faggot
/r/ white people black people
Toriyama himself is copying Americhads
scribblenauts 18+ mod
I love you ben
that's pretty damn creative
hahaha i get it now!!!
Japanese art is pseud garbage is the first place
nice argument
so toriyama is posting a pic of him tracing a murican artist?
Because they could. Regional licensing wasn't a big thing in that period. Could easily copy anything from japan and get away with it.
Plagiarism thread?
Plagiarism thread.
both are trash, they eat meat.
Toyotaro not Toriyama.
Did Simon do the art for Scythe? It looks a lot like it.
japanese people steal inventions almost more than anyone you braindead weeb, anime itself is just them copying disney shit
More like soul vs soulless than plagiarism.
It's plagiarism
That's not plagiarism lmao
I thought of this artist the second I saw this game. Didn't know his name. Glad somebody else made the connection. I don't know if this counts as plagiarism but it's derivitive as fuck.
Its even more sad when you find out that not only is the Gen Zero dev in the same country and city as Stalenhag, the both of them have even actually worked together before. And the devs still refuse to say the game was influenced by his art.
creativity is not the same as productivity. I think you mean the medicine, engineer guys are more helpful and productive then artists and gamers.
>mouse with left hang
>a game about robots taking over set in 1980's Sweeden isny plagarism of a book about robots taking over set in 1980's Sweden
Creative people
>Autistic XD SO QUIRKY hair
>SJW tier glasses
>Basic bitch clothing
hory sheet arr rook same
Creative girl looks like she'd be into anal
Technology made our lives pathetic, if anything. Meet up with people, and all they do is stare at their phones and care only about replies in social media. And quality art is actually dead.
I'm guessing Game of Thrones is plagiarised from a ton of other books with medieval fantasy settings and dragons, huh? Grow a brain.
You are a big dumb retard.
people like you are so fucking annoying, just because youre a loser with no friends who has no reason to use their phone in public doesnt mean that something looking at shit on their phone is TOTALLY GLUED AND ADDICTED BRO! LIKE THE WORLD IS GOING ONA ROUND YOU PUT LE PHONE DOWN -_-. shut the fuck up
americans everyone
you do not see us do this in the EU, we actually talk to our fellow man
weebs think everything is some copied from glorious nippon because theyre mentally ill
I'm pretty sure Kronprinz makes way more than that now but he rebranded as something else.
Mortal Kombat inside DOOM
youre not even european, youre just saying this dumb shit to get (You)s
But even he is not calling it plagiarism. Hes asking to be acknowledged as the person who came up with the general theme, but plagiarism would be a 1:1 copy of his works, which the videogame just is not you utter idiot. How is this such a hard concept for you to understand. Literally learn to read.
this has never been funny
And how many comic writers have made millions? Very few.
>no Endwar 2
Where's the bulge?
In what way are gamers productive or creative
>lose your borders
>then lose your rights to defend yourselves
>now you lost the ability to post fucking memes
Imagine being a eurocuck
What the fuck, bros.... Kaneko was a hack all along.......
at least im not american
>plagiarism: an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author
If you copied a work off of another author, changed some words around, then passed it off as your own idea without crediting the original author, it's considered plagiarism, especially if you know the author personally
At least I can have decently sharp knives in my drawer
luddites should be executed
Have you heard of Boogiepop?
Watch it
Normal people: doing normal boring office work
Creative people: youtu.be
That's Toyotaro, who is already known for tracing Toriyama's art too. Most of his shit is just traced images and copied moments.
>next panel
same semen demon in Castlevania sotn
>he isnt american
a cat is fine too
user samefagged for the you's.
i thought the dude was working on this game
what the fuck they straight up stole his art and made it into a game
>the guy that has the most to gain from calling it plagiarism is calling it plagiarism
Woah, no shit? And what authority does he have? That's right, none. I'm all for calling out where people took obvious inspiration and ideas from others, I think it's a healthy thing to do to an extent as well. But that's not what plagiarism is.
t. Avalanche dev
>t. Simon
Basically any game thats turing complete will have people doing autistic stuff like this in it. People have been doing it since Conway's game of life (at least).
>not denying it
I want to kiss that chubby cat!
sauce on the bottom pic?
>creative people are aboriginal
What did they mean by this?
>If you become a multi millionaire by making stupid comics
Name three.
finding optimal solutions in more complex puzzle and strategy games requires a lot of creativity
This is unironically true but v won't accept it. A basic chemical engineering has to find solution in unique ways and think outside the box more on a daily basis than any sort of writer or musician or artist
um excuse me sweetie but this is CULTURAL APPROPRIATION
To be honest I think everyone is creative to some degree. Not in the sense of originality but more or less that we all got our own ideas, whether or not they come to fruition or not is another thing. A lot of creative works are just derivatives of other stuff, even our own ideas probably have many kinds of different inspirations too. Personally I think the arts should be encouraged a little more in school, it's a nice way for students to help unwind.
Is that slang for watching your sister getting raped by muhammad and praying to mecca?
>not denying it either
Simon... let it go.
But he's a boy. That'd be gay.
>quality art is actually dead
Point at this man and laugh, I bet you think post modernism makes up the entirety of art too
With that logic finding optimal solutions to real world problems requires creativity, therefore engineers and chemists are creative.
>7 ep 5 minute ova
>last episode is pretty much a recap
peak creativity
I liked how in Morrowind, there is lore indicating that a warrior once struck a blow so hard that he caused fission, eradicating a gigantic area in a nuclear blast.
Fun fact, Japan invented Africa and all of the animals in it.
I can only think of a couple scenes in this that I genuinely consider copied. specifically the fight scenes.
Stan Lee, Masashi Kishimoto and Akira Toryiama
i guess useful creativity is not creative
I'm creative.
Instead of staring at a turkey as its cooking like a psychopath I would be at my computer making a porn game.
It's a weird world we live in when the useless gatekeep against the useful on the characteristic of creativity.
The broad on the right looks like she'd be a pain in the ass to be around.
I'll drink to that.
Gamer girl pee is a resource more valuable than gold.
By your logic, that chemical engineer should automatically better at music, art, and writing just because they think outside the box “more”. But that’s wrong. Each of those things you mentioned require a unique set of skills.
you don't have to keep her around
I'd give both of them ass pain if you catch my drift.
>famous artists and musicians throughout history are failures according to my arbitrary standards
This. Also having a delusion about dragons blasting food isn't creating, the stoner cunt probably got high watching game of thrones and thinks she's an epic nerd. Guarantee she made a tweet about the whole thing, going for both geek cred and praise for being able to follow instructions and cook a chicken like an adult.
Oil exploration and extraction actually demands increasing amounts of creativity. Read up on the subject, the technology involved is pretty damn cool.
>dyed hair
>fake glasses
>excessive necklaces
that a big yikes from me dawg
well the ones making games are both those things. Gamers aren't. But my point was how engineers and scientists are more productive then gamers and artists.
>watched one episode of dragonball when I was 6
>25 years later still blasting kamehameha waves around the house when I'm alone
Chemical engineers don't think outside the box too often, as far as I understand it's mostly just designing industrial chemical processes that won't blow up the factory.
Few people actually end up doing "high innovation" work.
The most useful job for "creative" """people""" is to make weird porn for all the actually productive members of society to jack off to. Prove me wrong, pro tip you can't.
Thank god. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Imagine our world without the Renaissance and the artistic creativity that came with it.
Art is the purpose of society.
Every game I play with a character creation, I use the same name, same looks, same everything as much as I can and pretend its quantum leap jumping between universes
>read a book about greek mythology
>sit in my bath tub with toy boats and use my powers to make the waves rise and sink them
Every game I play with a character creation I make a female character jerk off to it and then recreate a male character and play the game normally
Stop sucking dicks so much.
>creative people perpetuate racist stereotypes
This artist is more based than I thought.
Isn'y generation zero literally a game based on the art with the original artist behind it
>all the losers of Yea Forums getting triggered
>thinks of dragon
>real creative
>imagines the turkey as a jew and he is cooking it in the ovens of Auschwitz
Big Pharma has to be very creative to come up with new ways to patent the same shit over and over, and find ways to (((convince))) doctors that their shit isn’t evil harmful poison.
under the desk
>first post wants to go back to pre-renaissance era society
>calling out ignorance is being triggered
t. literal fucking boomer
yes user I don't think anyone here would go back to a pre smartphone era. The kid you grew up as would have fucking killed to live in this era.
underrated post
>Creative People
pre internet meant corporations were free to steal whatever the fuck they wanted.
>with the original artist behind it
>ordinary people
i am making pasta
>creative people
i am still doing pasta but not cuting it
Top fuckin gay
>at least im not american
what did he mean by this? is he actually bragging about living in a third world country?
can we talk about how much of a hack Del Toro is?
>steals from kaiju movies for Pacific Rim
>steals from 60s monster movies for The Hive
>steals from Jim Henson for Pan's Labyrinth
and you fucks expected this hack and his moonland double Kojima to save Silent Hill?
>prescribe this and you get a kick back
>he is not american
go away from here you european nigger.
>Dress up like 90% of cumrags
So creative!
"I really like kaiju movies and wanna make one" != plagiarism idiot. If it was that simple nothing would ever get made.
Huge difference between homage, inspiration and stealing
Creative would be imagining the turkey is having fun in a sauna, and the neckhole is now its mouth.
how shit works tekokagari?
>"I really like kaiju movies and wanna make one" != plagiarism idiot.
it's fairly obvious he was ripping off Mecha Godzilla versus Godzilla with Pacific Rim. Also I love how you didn't even pretend to defend Pan Labyrinth. The mexican weeb is a hack.
>anime poster
yeah ill go back to pre-renaissance era
faucet dicks
cope harder. Del Toro doesn't have an original bone in his body and just rips off moonland. Who in turn was inspired by american culture during the boom of the 80s.
Why are they looking for crummy pokemon creatures instead of water?
>he has never tekokagari before
FYI this image can get you arrested in several countries.
enjoy your black plague and christian indoctrination faggot
for what purpose
pump my gas, Jeb
I wasn't aware godzilla had the legally recognized and enforced monopoly on big robots vs big monsters.
They should sue most of the anime industry.
And video games.
And toys
And movies
And the minds of children everywhere because BIG THING PUNCHES BIG THING is hardly a fucking original concept.
disney has always been a fucking hack
let that company burn already and bring down its stupid capeshit along with it
Not sweetie. That's localization.
Creativity is overrated.
I think we have only 2-3 years left before Don't Hug Me I'm Scared becomes nostalgia
>I wasn't aware godzilla had the legally recognized and enforced monopoly on big robots vs big monsters
the plot was that humans were sick of kaiju fucking their shit in so they implemented an anti-kaiju robot to combat the threat using space bullshit to power it up and only certain trained soldiers can pilot it. GEE I WONDER WHAT THAT SOUNDS LIKE.
Hair dye =/= personality
amazing edit
top kek
>Ordinary people
>Drooling retards who think they're better than ordinary people "or should I say sheeples"
>sees objective reality
>is schizophrenic and probably doesn’t into how real things and tools they use work
Yes I understand the irony of post an xckd comic nowadays. The image is no less true for it.
>litteraly worked with the dude few times
>couldnt even inform him they were making a game that was REALLY similar to his work
>not plagiarism
he has the authority to call it out because its litteraly his work that was coppied
theres probaby a reason they didnt tell him they were working on that game
u mouth breathing mongoloid
>ordinary people are way more cute than creative people
What did the artist mean by this?
>patreon digital "artist" is a tracing/plagiarizing phony
breaking news lol
>tumblr hair
>framless glasses
>neutral color clothes to emphasize the garish colors
"Damnit user if you burn one more turkey I'm getting you banned from Yea Forums."
probably that normal people all dress and look the same to fit in and are to scared to express themself and no i dont mean a dude xdressing or whatever
this is funny because it's true but even seeing this i can't fathom that most humans are conscious beings
>ordinary normalfags
>creative genius
So what you're saying... Is "creative people" need to be collectively necked?
triggered a bunch of useless "creatives"
Might as well just post some stonetoss and fuck this thread into the ground even more
Who gives a fuck what you consider copying. Anyone with a brain knows Disney ripped off Tezuka and Richard Williams and owes their entire resurgence from their dismal 1972-84 period to two stolen IPs.
disney spends their time stealing stories, but also whole cartoons or animes. They stole Nadia to create atlantis
>numale weeb
>an illiterate double digit IQ incel
Every fucking TIME
shut the fuck up nerd
isn't stonetoss the anti xkcd? I know he went full libtard meltdown after Trump got elected but he burned his bridges years before. just like Sinfest
vapid cunt
based as fuck
You have to be pretty creative to believe in something fantastical that fiercely.
I don't think user mentions stonetoss and xkcd to imply the authors have similar opinions. The point is probably that the thread will finish its downward spiral of degeneracy once people start posting political comics and then have serious unironic debates about them.
Yeah, depictions of heterosexual sex is highly illegal in places like Sweden.
Highly underrated
Jesus Christ how did I miss this
I actually think this was Japan's greatest strength after opening their borders. There are reports that the price of metal was so inflated by the Japanese government's need for building material, that peasants were seen collecting metal from a burned building to resell to the government mere hours after it burned.
1853 - borders open
1863 - first domestically built steam ship
of course they copied and stole design ideas. They still do, so do the Chinese, and they genuinely will overtake America as soon as they realize they can sell their products domestically and prop up the value of Chinese workmanship (of which they currently have next to none.)
All good video games are victories of coding and video engineering
All bad video games are made when people with "vision" and "love" try their hand at what is, essentially, a better piece of technology
architect vs engineer.
I'm actually shocked at this.
Ordinary people
New Zealanders
I mean, it worked both ways as well
I don't know if I agree completely. I think it's a combination of both. If the ideas don't work (art direction, lighting direction, level design) then the game mechanics can't shine through. I'll agree that game mechanics > art assets though. Games are meant to be played and Sony should shift their American studios over to their films division.
It gets worse the longer you watch.
>There are reports that the price of metal was so inflated by the Japanese government's need for building material, that peasants were seen collecting metal from a burned building to resell to the government mere hours after it burned.
I doubt it started after opening borders. Metal has always been worth scavenging. During the majority of history anyone would do well to collect still-warm metal from a burned building. It's doubly true for Japan which had little of it.
There is no fair here. It's a direct 1:1 rip off.
Fuck I knew I recognized Lion King because I used to watch Kimba the lion when I was a kid.
Completely lifted it from kimba the white lion. They literally only added faggotry.
More like you're all too busy getting raped by muslims
You're probably right. It's likely that the West first observed this after the border opening. That's probably that context I read it in.
>implying the two are mutually exclusive
Enjoying good entertainment, hobbies and rest while respecting other’s space and freedom is what separates us from being fucking robots or slaves
retards like you who don’t see the irony in that being posted on a board about video games trigger me.
I disagree but you're entitled to that opinion
They hated him because he told them the truth.
>this isn't silva gunner
>its real
Oil industry is constantly outpacing themselves to keep ahead of the curve. I honestly have nothing but respect for the field, even if I do hate the middlemen who ship and sell the completed products.
Big pharma is an industry built entirely on patent abuse and otherwise preventing the creation of effective medicine. They work against creativity, not for it.
When people kill themselves in new and interesting ways.
Fuck Creativity.
How long have we been doing this for
Look at all the salty """"""""creatives""""""""""" (aka faggots) replying.
Why are you rewarding the renaissance for the enlightment's achievements?
No biggie. Journalism used to rely primarily on anecdotes. People noticed that the japanese government was buying metal in bulk but they couldn't easily illustrate their point with graphics. They couldn't pull archives and compile how many tons the japanese government normally used per year and how much the tendency increased, they couldn't write that the numbers went from 5 tons to 50 tons to 500 tons. For most of history journalists (and even historians) had almost no numbers to work with, even if they could observe tendencies that were definitely true like japan needing metal. So people did the best they could. They illustrated their point with an anecdote. "The japaneses wanted metal so much, they'd pull it from a smoking wreck!". It worked, it conveyed the information they wanted to say, even if it had no actual worth as evidence for anything.
A lot of the time they are. What you'd put under art vs engineering is governed by different halves of our brains, and people generally use one half more than the other from a very young age. As you'd expect, one man projects that are both artistic and technologically sound are very hard to come by, usually one side falls short.
>people who make art are failiures
For that mentality of productiviness over art is that we're losting humanity in this decade.
Literally, kill yourself.
a true artise over here, fellas.
>tfw I’ve been trying to come up with my own OC for fetish shit
>Every time I start trying to cone up with a design I end up feeling like I’m ripping off an already existing character I like and end up scrapping it
>tfw not creative
>People who make art, comics, movies, and games aren't creative
congrats, this might be the single most retarded post I've seen all year
comics are literally worthless
Creativity is a buzzword. It quite literally means nothing. There is no logical definition for it.
Absolutely based as fuck
Creativity is associated with lower brain function. Creative people are quite literally mentally retarded.
Ew, that's like roasting a chicken with fart gas flames.
This reeks of someone who is mad that they have no talent when it comes to things like drawing or playing music. Same goes to those who unironically agree with this.
Not really, this is assuming humans have the psychological depth of a gold fish. Fantasy is literally good for your mental health in moderation. You might want to get yourself at the very least vaguely acquainted with this new confounded concept we call "psychology".
Also what does usefulness have to do with creativity?
This. The reason why China and the third world is growing at an exponential rate is because they put emphasis on STEM and productivity instead of artsy "just follow your dreams :)" bullshit.
Aren't Ace combat planes just models of real planes?
I went to art shool and specialized in stone sculpting, unfortunately, it's just a job.
The crowd art attracts are generally talentless retards .
USA themselves also used to be notorious copyright thieves during the 1800s. Emerging US factory managers would hire 'inventor' groups to tour British and French factories and then 'invent' 'similar' technologies to such things as the steam engine, assembly line, revolving press, et cetera for the US factories. Our autism about it got so great that we still hold the steamship as some amazing idea despite the fact it was literally just a steam engine attached to a waterwheel on a giant, hard to maneuver boat.
It can be just a job it doesn't make it strictly a job. That also doesn't contradict what I said in any way, shape, or form. You have a very binary view on things and their state of being, don't you? You also didn't answer my question.
I really wonder what the fuck people learn at art school. It looks like nothing more than a gigantic waste of money and time.
>Fantasy is literally good for your mental health in moderation.
If you need to consume someone else's fantasy media to have an imagination you are a stunted being that deserves a quick end to your poor facade of an existence.
art isn't useful, it's tacky horseshit rich pseuds like to pretend they know stuff about.
Galleries are money laundering fronts with open doors, grandmasters of old who created for the sake of creation don't exist anymore
The obvious samefagging of this my God
kiss your sister?
you learn how to draw stuff and chisel rocks. Without baseline talent or practice you're fucked either way.
It was a waste of time.
Everyone steals from everyone.
Absolute based. and the fact that people are debating this is the proof
I really want to fuck the creative art hoe
China grew fast because it copied technology from more successful countries and implemented said technology without any care for human life or the environment. You're right that we need less nonsense degrees in education, it's just that the growth rate of China or other third world countries is hardly the proper argument about it, although it is a great argument about the short term benefits of plagiarism and eco-terrorism.
Did you at least try to form connections and rub shoulders with higher ups who could land you a gig?
Threadly reminder that left gets an art degree, right drops out in the first year.
t. Academy of fine arts
Yes a world with only bugmen sounds nice
user other schooling is pretty much a waste of time too
>the perfect minutes apart of "people" agreeing with him
Peak shitposting
You make a good point user, but you can see the difference in mindset between the Western college students and Eastern/3rd World college students.
>China growing exponentially
>can’t even build escalators and elevators without turning them into death traps
If by “growth”, you mean cutting corners, then yeah, they’re the best.
Yeah, well those bugmen are going to own our asses if the West doesn't get its fucking shit together.
You are still not answering my question. What does creativity have to do with usefulness? Clearly an art degree wasn't enough to get you to get a solid grasp of pragmatics and the ability to differentiate one dinctinct concept from another.
Also who gets an art degree who don't wish to pursue for their own personal betterment as opposed to being in an industry for it? That's just retarded and asking for regret.
Do you not see them pumping enormous amounts of money into Africa, the Middle East and South America. Those insectoid fucks want to own the world and we're handing it to them on a platter.
>orange man good
I went to one in The Netherlands.
Learned graphic design, UX, web design, filming, editing, interactive installation design, any kind of medium really.
I have a media company and a videogame for corporations and local governments now. Enough work to keep busy with and it pays well enough.
Seems like you lucked out. Most people I know with art degrees are unemployed now.
> mein kampf
The industrial revolution has been a disaster for the human race.
Art academies here teach marketing and so on too, they stress the fact that you need to make a living with what you do.
Besides that my course was communication and multimedia design, which has more openings for the job market.
>wanting to live under capitalist blocs propped up by company credit systems
>amazon alloted me a new story today
>"what's it about"
>I don't know I can't read, instead I learned how to make gears in cad
>"care for a ration?"
New medicines mean more people surviving on this planet, thus making it more crowded. New technologies and services mean more of those people have easier lives, making them lazier. More lazy people means more consumers of all that content created by "failures."
So who's the biggest failure in this scenario? The failures creating frivolous content, or the failures creating frivolous people to consume that content?
You need both of these groups to have a functional society.
I'm gonna be(You) #50!!!
No one reply to that post anymore.
no, you dont need whiny liberals who do absolutely nothing of value to have a functional society
society would be much better off without them
Surprised no one has replied with the following argument, but here we go.
It's easy as fuck to make entertainment practical. Professionals do it every day. Marketing depends heavily on it, and the only way any of those advancements in medicine, engineering, technology, and societal development have any impact on the world is if the marketing is there to show it's potential and attract investment.
Communication is vital. A true creative in entertainment can use their craft to benefit society easily, but even an ameture just drawing whatever their want without putting any thought into is still keeping those channels of society stimulated for when something important happens.
We need liberals for society, we don't need neo-liberals and commies for society though.
it's a sideshow at best
I wasn’t really talking about the people whining about Trump, but okay
creative people are mentally ill?
>reddit spacing
>shit sense of humor
checks out. Fight on, gomrade.
The industrial revolution is the greatest thing to happen to the human race. The name is misleading. It's not even about industry. The explosive growth in industry is a secondary effect. In truth it should be called an efficiency revolution or an optimizing revolution. You are fed, clothed and housed due to the simple concept that 10 people working together are more productive than 10 people working separately. If you plan things in advance you are rewarded with a hundred times more food, clothes and houses. Oh nooooo that sucks.
And the adult i am would slap his bitch ass for selling his soul to the mouse utopia.
I'm not arguing if they're valuable fucktard, learn to read before you expect me to take you seriously
I agree, I think it's been done in a few other games but the way I saw it happen in Nier really makes you feel for him.
>People sympathize with left more than right
So NPC wasn't just a meme huh
yes, orange man very good
I think this whenever I see twitter blue-checkmarks talk.
It's an exercise regimen for communication.
Human brains were meant to work with small communities of a few dozen people, but we started having cities full of hundreds of people. Then millions. Now we have billions of people with access all over the world through the internet.
Art and entertainment evolved alongside these jumps in population to give people context of a society they otherwise would never be able to comprehend. We would go insane as a people without it.
Ordinary people dont waste their time watching food cook and i highly doubt creative people do this either. The only people that would enjoy this are drooling retards
Is there anything more hilariously ironic that someone pretending to be intellectually or morally superior and outing themselves as a genuine moron?
This is the most NPC post I've seen in a while.
Wow this post is strong
Good job on all the (You)s
The Pinocchio/Bambi stuff was commissioned by Disney themselves you retard. They explicitly paid Tezuka to localize their works for a manga audience.
Yes but I think that's supposed to be one of their original planes.
Art inspires engineering and research which in turn inspires Art. It's a cycle and neither side should be downplayed or handwaved off. I implore you to read the author of pic related's other book, Creativity. He interviews the greatest minds in the world in the 90's, top leaders in finance to Astronomy to sculpture, to music to Physics. All to figure out a correlation of what drives people to contribute heavily to their field.
This one is fictitious, the CFA-44
Based as fuck.
To make it more Yea Forums related, I must emphasize that pure ruleset gameplay >>> 'vision'. There is a reason why chess or go are still giat games.
People who make derivative genre fiction are uncreative soulless zombies, yeah.
>I believe soul exists only so I can assume people I dislike don't have one
Does that artist draw porn? I hope so.
what a failure lmao
cringe desu
>soul vs soulless