Just bought Sekiro

Just bought Sekiro

Got any cool tips you wish you knew while you were starting out?

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Even if your posture meter fills up completly. Don’t worry too much, parries will still let you hold your stance

Not anything that I didnt realize at the beginning, but really focus on getting good at parries. Dodging is still useful, jumping is good, running is good. Use all your tools.

Game sucks until you feel more comfortable with the combat system

You will drop the game at Demon of Hatred

Rebind your keys to something reasonable.
Having to reach over to dpad every time I needed to heal has killed me so many times before I changed it to square.
Unbinding sneak from L thumbstick also is a good idea, youre gonna activate it accidentally during tense boss fights a lot.

Have fun btw, wish I could play this game again

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I recommend not going to Hirata until you have at least 5 gourds

Buy coin purses if you have extra spending money.

I played on default controls through multiple playthroughs now and have had no problem. What kind of mongstrong do you have to hit L3 during a fight by accident.

Why did I read that as "pleasure meter"?

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>think everyone's gonna die except fuu
>mugen, jin and fuu get out alive
>they kept talking about how it will be sad when they have to stop travelling together
>everything points to them staying together
>final episode
>they actually split and don't stay together
>san francisco starts playing
I was sad as fuck when this happened.

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go look up ringing the bell. Not only will you get much more experience/money/items, but practicing the parry on early mobs is paramount to succeeding later.

I restarted halfway through and purposely didn't use stealth deathblows on minibosses or regular mobs / too much dodging and I'm much better at the game now.

Learning boss attack patterns will be your key to victory. Also Mirai counter is essential

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Why the fuck are you giving bad advice, you should go to Hirata as soon as possible to pick up the 3 ninja tools.

The bell only increases item drop rate you knucklehead.

They probably run into each other every now and then.

Bell has nothing to do with parry
Why the fuck would you not want to get axe and flame prosthetic

Why are there so many advicefags in here that just give plain wrong advice


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convert sen into purses when you can, makes splurging on stuff you come across from vendors smooth. learn the latent skills that improve the posture damage you do during stuff, it's extremely good. erase the souls shuffling from your memory as soon as possible since it's not how you play this game.

In a way it does. Enemies do more posture damage, so deflections are more important. Or maybe he's thinking about giving Kuro's Charm back in NG+.

you have infinite stamina, don't be afraid to run away

Higher vitality damage
Higher posture damage, your posture will be broken easier
Higher vitality damage resistance
Higher posture damage resistance

it has everything to do with learning to perfect parry consistently on early parts of the game

Also don't kill the looting NPC in Hirata because he turns into a vendor in the present

don't grind or farm it is so not worth it
active skills that cost spirit emblems are a waste of time but get the passive that restores vit on deathblows
go down the bottomless pit asap and beat the boss at the end
Expect to feel like a complete scrubfaggot at the beginning but when you replay the game you'll think the game is moving at 50% speed
Now fuck off before you get spoiled

If only the combat was like this instead of L1 spam

My biggest revelation was that the game's tutorial actually lies to you. I'm not sure if it is a translation error, or what, but the game tells you to press block just as the attack lands. If you do that, you will be late and get hit. You want to press a split second before the attack gets there to get a perfect deflect.

Just wanted to thank everyone here doing me a solid. Didn't think this thread would blow up but I'm reading over the last replies now.

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Spend your money, especially before bosses. Buy items you need or money bags to save them. If you don't have anything to spend money on, buy spirit emblem.
Don't rush to boss with an almost full experience bar.
Mikiri counter is great.
Don't invest too much into combat arts. Try getting some useful latent skills first.

>tfw just downloaded Nujabe's entire discography yesterday
Modal Soul is such a godly album jesus.

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Holding guard causes your posture to recover much faster than just avoiding hits.

When you feel like you should be retreating and playing it safe, go in harder instead.

Parrying works just as well on the bosses that aren't just guys with swords.

Don't just parry everything, get hits in between the parries.

I used the bell and didn't notice a difference.

Only if you're a scrub tho

just finished this anime. really bullshit mugen and jin didnt die. i was thinking jin AT LEAST would have died but he literally cheats death twice

Just remember you can apply handle anything in the game with your basic sword moveset and mikiri counter. You literally don't need anything else, skills/prosthetics/consumables only make the game easier when you need it to. If you're good with the blade you can handle any of the fights.

>How they casually say they'll see each other some other time

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Literally stand under his ass mash R1 and avoid the occasional sumo stomps, he has nothing else that hits at close range. And jump over the charge attack occasionally I guess, the window on that one seems very forgiving.

demon of hatred is optional and not even that hard. just play him like a bloodborne boss and not a souls boss.

dodge under his attacks, deflect his leg stomps. jump over his charge attack. attack his legs and his hanging dick thing and jump and grapple to his head when he does the AOE. then when you get to the third phase use the malcontent whistle three times to stun him for like 8 seconds apiece which lets you take like 3/4 of his health bar and he's done.

i was actually kind of shocked how easy he was considering everyone is claiming he's the hardest boss in the game. sword saint and owl 2 are much harder.

>tfw that's exactly how real life feels, bittersweet

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The big brain play is not to drop a game at an optional boss, but just finish the game, not start NG+ and leave the game at just before the final boss with Demon of Hatred still on the map. Come back to it in the future

you can put off lady butterfly and juzou til later if you want, but you should absolutely get the axe, mist raven, and the flame vent prosthetics right away as others have said. pretty bad advice.

100% never focus on evading attacks except the un-evadeable shit you can deflect every single attack in this game and if you do it perfect theres almost always a window to get a hit in after an enemies combo finishes

if theyre gonna end the anime on such a short note why not just have them both die bruh

hold block to recover posture faster
dragon rot does next to nothing dont worry about dying

I was warned early on to take crouch off l3. I moved it to down on the d pad which feels appropriate and having eavesdrop on the stick is inconsequential.

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sorry meant to say not a sekiro boss, not "souls" boss.

are you retarded or just incredibly obese? both maybe?

because it was the best bait and switch ever, they set it up as if Mugen and Jin will have to kill each other but the truth was they grew too attached to each other to do that and Fuu wouldn't allow that, when Jin is recovering from his injuries he tells Mugen and Fuu, that they're his first real friends and Mugen says something along the lines of how that it's mutual

when they all decide to split off, it was basically moving on from what they had experienced together and move on with their lives but to not be sad that it was over but to be happy that they got experience something like that
ending song was a bop too

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I like my jap cartoons short and sweet but this one made me sad I was never gona see these characters again.

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Isshin, the final boss, is weak to fire

vs bloodborne r1 spam. From was a mistake.

Was demon of hatred supposed to be that hard of a wall? Liberal useage of suzaku umbrella/burn gourd makes him a breeze and I took a hot 20 minutes on him, he gets like 1 new move every phase and if you got the first phase down the rest are simple

One of my favorite little details about Samurai Champloo, that not many people notice, is Kin and Mugen start to copy each other's fighting styles as they travel together.

For example, during their first encounter Mugen spins around Jin by rolling his back along Jin's back. It catches Jin off-guard because he's never fought someone with such weird techniques.

But then later on in the series you see Jin use the exact same move on his enemies.

Cool detail.


>not holding the controller with your thumbs on the analog sticks and index fingers on the d-pad/face buttons

get ichimonji double - the downward slam move. get the fire cracker weapon.

you can now block terribly and it wont matter

>tfw steam controller

Nujabes left us way too soon.

i'm with you man i didn't think he was bad at all. beat him on my 4th or 5th try.

Finally beat Owl 2 after hours of getting fucked with no lube. Now just Demon of Hatred and SSI left. I hope I don't lose my sanity.

From Soft practically invented the claw grip. You'll soon do this instinctively without thinking about it.

Learn to parry/block and just react to the throw/thrust etc symbol. Don't try to avoid attacks parry them and then block them if you aren't confident you will parry them.

Don't let the fact the game has jumps/big dashes make you think you can just jump/dash out of the way of everything. You can dash to avoid alot but have to do it late because of the insanely lazy tracking. But jumping in general against non absolute jump counters will usually result in the tracking.

In short play the game the one way it wants to be played outside of some sections its easier to stealth in.

I need to rewatch this now
Just started Yu Yu Hakusho again, but it can wait
Fuck that was a great piece of anime

your parry window lasts like 3 times as long as dark souls
block is viable
attacks that look like they would have 300 tons of force behind them are still blockable if there's no red symbol
get mirimiriki counter first

The Departure album with fat jon is pretty good too
It's a lot of songs from the Champloo series