Here's your GHB unit, FEHbros

Here's your GHB unit, FEHbros

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Wait, did they actually finally bring my nigga haar into the game?
how about my niggess Jill?

What are good unites in this game even.

Aka whatal are some good bara heros i fucking can not handle wifu bate

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>He's shit

Mordecai and Caineghis were just added

Imagine being gay.

Post your keeps.

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wow I thought this was a joke but now thats actually his build. He is literally a carbon copy of Gerome and is hilariously BTFO by Cherche who is in the 3*- 4* pool. Legit stunned.

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Here's the refines if you haven't seen them

Also why do they insist on giving ghb units guard?

>2.1 update!

Here too for good measure

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He is going to be free in a few days.

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>worse than Cherche
>doesn't even have valuable good fodder
This game gets worse by the week

>best girls.jpg
you accidentally dropped a Camilla in there and forgot actual best girl.

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Peri's refine is some good shit. Wish I had fury 4 tho.

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Absolutely "eh"

I like femgrima but Camilla is better! Man I wish I could vote for FGrima in cyl.

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I'm turning mine into a hot springs resort!

i have 11 kageros and 11 saizos and im still waiting to see which one gets a refine which will decide which one i +10

But would you want to use it over firesweep or brave lance though?

Technically you could.

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They would force male grima for sure.

>best girl

Never thought i'd see the day when someone considers Grima best girl.

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>Now Haar

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You're probably right and that is sad.
I worship any form of FRobin.

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FGrima is very popular since her release in feh.

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Yeah fuck you if you want good free male unit if his name isn't Garon.


Finn and Rutger can at least be considered "average". Shame about the other 2, though.

Meanwhile Karla, who was faraway one of the worst units in FE7 and many didn't even know she existed thanks to her insane requirements, gets top billing.

Yea, I like +4 to all stats during combat more, even higher if I swap BA with a brazen. I've tried her with a brave lance and she's pretty shit like that and I don't feel like getting a Rody to 5 star for a firesweep.

Grima a cute

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I genuinely can't believe that they made Tigers normal infantry units and not Armors. That basically just makes Lions the sole Armor Beast type, which is really fucking weird, though I guess they did need something else to be regular infantry because as of now it's just wolves.

If you want a good male unit you'll take your Hectors and you'll be fine with it.

>Burger king

Arden, BK and Naesala are better than Garon.

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At this rate probably Saizo, at least Kagero has a niche as infantry killer with her dagger.

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This Grima posting is giving my hope in humanity.

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>Fury 3
Yep yep, gonna give that to Peri ASAP.
Though I'm gonna stick with my +SPD instead of +ATK because I gave my summoner support to someone else.

>Aether Resort can show multiples of a hero if you have them
Eh, that bothers me

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When can we get a Corrupted Exalt Chrom to go with L!Grima?

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go with Ogma +10 like the high T Chad that you are. he is rel ez to get.

>run a firesweep Peri so her refine is useless to me

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April Fools

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Aether Resort is cute.

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New prf has 16 mt so unless you really want that l&d thing I dunno why you'd use firesweep.

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Give uncensored

>only building a Peri because my boyfriend likes her
>dumped 80k feathers into making a +4
what the fuck am i even doing

Read the Patrion link in the picture.

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You're building your boyfriends waifu. He's making you NTR yourself.

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I want that Christmas alt in the game right now. Thigh highs and short skirts are the greatest combination.

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The best NTR

Would you clean her pussy after your bf dump a huge load inside?

So what's up with the gap to the left of your character's level now? Does anything go there yet?

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If I'm building it I'm changing some parts out. She's getting a dick instead.

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pair up

>completely shit on an op fan favorite carry unit by giving them a bad stat line
>no ranged axe either


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Gay or grill?

Also tell him he's got superb taste.

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What if it's he's into futa?

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Gay as hell. Already done.

He's not. I am.

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Well do it again.
Why isn't he doing it anyway?

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Done. Also define 'isn't doing it' because if it's 'not playing FEH' it's because he values his pile of money he's saving up and doesn't care for IS not giving a single fuck about F2P players anymore.

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> IS not giving a single fuck about F2P players anymore.
I'm f2p and easily stay in tier 20.

Is there a lotta peribros here or am I overreacting because I'm pretty much the only one who posts her regularly and seeing anyone else do it is weird?

Also hope I'm not derailing the thread too much, I'll stop if so.

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I'm not going up t20 in AR so I stopped trying with my defense team. Don't really give a fuck
I get enough wins to not demote by losing lift anyway

It’s perfect for galefarts, I hope oscar gets something similar but he’s going to be shafted as hard as titania and Seth.

How are you supposed to decide which one to build first?

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I've been waiting for the prf to +10 Peri, myself. I like her but I don't post her much. I wouldn't sweat it.

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I've been sitting on a +10 for a solid year or so now, and I'm stupidly happy about it not being bad. I really don't know why either, it's such a minor fucking thing. I wish I could be hugging her right now.

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I went with the shop so my units can play dress up.

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Thanks for the grima dump
Cain and Abel's refines aren't busted but at least aren't underpowered

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Post resorts. I'm trying to build a comfy snow town with hot springs here.

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Thank god I dropped this shit game

It doesn't have to be over.

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What's a good emulator for this game?

Do you really can't afford a $60 shitphone?

If you check the /feg/ general their pastebins should have a guide for you

I have it on my phone already, was just wondering for an emulator so I can stream this game for someone for a laff.

I'll check it out then.

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I'm building mine to be like a plaza

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>Gerome has +1 atk/res in exchange for -2 res on Haar
>running an enemy phase Fierce Stance+QR3 set on Gerome
>Haar comes with a brave axe for player phase set

Wonder how I should build him

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-2 def*, fuck

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Shove him up your ass.

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>can't flip the streetlamps

>tfw no lazlow

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They are actively shitting on F2P people at this point.
How can you keep playing?

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I like her design but hate her as a character. Senseless violence against servitors irks me, no matter the reason. She's a bad person.

His game!

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She's the best girl in all of Fates.
I wish I had the feathers to +10 her.

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Wait, who got prfs? (Please be Sheena).

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The professional motherfuckers

Did two random rolls on the new spring banner because I have no willpower.
Instead of a loli princess with bunny ears, this dickface shows up.

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Vunny isn't that great desu. Her prf sucks and I'm considering just making her a boring fury/desperation unit.

Wouldn't be surprised if they add that functionality.

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Anyone else gonna pair him with Seth so they can bond over this shit?

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Fucking amazing

Hana got a 16 might armor smasher and the special refine is Swift Sparrow 2

Peri got a 16 might slaying lance and the special refine is all stats +4 during combat if less than full HP

Cain/Abel got 16 might sword/lances with the Muspell Fireposy/Nifl Frostflowers effect but for Atk/Def. Special refines are if they have a melee cav within 2 space and they initiate combat it becomes a brave weapon.

I'd personally say Cain/Abel got the best deal with Hana getting the "worst" just cause it's not exactly that new

Understandable. I'm just a massive fan of crazy girls, cute ones, and fixing broken ones so she hits fucking everything for me.

Her Kana support is fucking adorable and it's not even that different from the standard mom-Kana support. She just makes everything cuter.

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Grail is godlike but the game has plenty of big buff guys who lose their armor when their health drops low enough

I can't disagree, plus I've already got a +1 B.Sanaki that fills that niche. But like I said, I have no willpower.

Never had a chance to post this

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I want Grima to step on me.

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Picked back up.

So will pair up be for all Legendary Heroes or is it just gonna be for new ones?


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Just the ones with the pair up effect, Roy for example is a fire legendary but he is not part of the +atk/spd/res/def group.

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How do I access the resort?

It's in the Aether Raids menu.
If your game hasn't updated update it in the app shop.

Suck my dick.

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One of the best parts of Grima is the design of the actual dragon itself. It's such a unique look but as a villain dragon I can't think of a better one.
It's even better when you realize Robin's twintails are it's horns

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Why? Thread is starting to die so it's not like any good discussion is being interrupted. It's also not just me.

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>IS actually did something right this time by adding in Mordecai
I guess I'll drop back in just to dump whatever free orbs I have left to earn on him.

all the filenames have "large" use "orig"

That's actually something I've fixed only semi recently. Eventually I'll go and resave my favorites.

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post more

Grima's actual design is the main reason I like it and rolled for both of them in the first place.

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Based FGrimaposter

Do it all now user, before it's too late.

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What, like in case twitter goes down or something?

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not a hard thing to do for Yea Forums

That's a good enough reason if any

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If some chucklefuck decides to delete their twitter with all their art, it's gone for good. At least if until they decide to reopen their account

I want to make F.Grima my cocksleeve

>They gave Cain a refine that would have been perfect for Seth

My anger at his trash refine only grows stronger.

Trash refine for a trash character.

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>bullying Seth
Fight me in Magvel and see what happens, bitch.

Asset dump with the voice files is up, Haar sounds pretty cool in Japanese

And Sharenas intro pages are up too

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