He's not wrong
I don't get it I thought they liked video games with black protagonists now?
desu I only ever played DKC once and hardly remember it, but have beaten DKC2 many times. Are they really that different? DKC2 was amazing
some levels felt redundant or derivative of others but all of that was fixed in 2
also post a link this angers me
>fucked up the italics tag
The absolute state of games "journalism"
People only remember it for the soundtrack
tldr the author hated how "difficult" it was and this is kind of old
>Get hated on for saying DKC:R was a better DKC game than any of the previous ones in the series
>People now hate DKC
People are finally waking up
the soundtrack for this series was pathetic tho
More like blogging
It's true
>ragging on games made before you were even born
Pathetic, no?
what's it like being a retard? DKC was barebones as all fuck but DKC2 and even DKC3 are unbelievably good games
Based journalist is correct for once with his clickbait. DKC was honestly pretty boring desu and I remember feeling that way even at the time.
DKC2 on the other hand was a fucking masterpiece and I will will tolerate no dissent on this matter.
Fun fact: DKC3 was the best game in original trilogy
What the fuck, my filter was supposed to hide your shit post you drooling retard.
Since I'm here why didn't you post a screencap or pastebin of the whole article so people actually have something to discuss?
Fucking learn how to use this site or go back to twitter or reddit you faggot.
I’m 90% sure OP just used the inspect tool on google chrome or some shit
I really like 3, but it's easier than the other two and I don't like a lot of the gimmick levels. Still had an awesome overworld with actual secrets though.
He's sort of right. It was a solid platformer with (for the time) great graphics. Without the graphical crutch it's just a solid platformer. Meanwhile other games from the time like Yoshi's Island are still 10/10 today.
>being old means it's beyond criticism
Pathetic, no?
who is this and why should i care
>tfw when little kid staying over with relatives who had both DKC2 and Yoshi's Island
I must have seemed so antisocial but it was amazing.
>Announcing a report is against the rules
gg retard
>no ur reported for reporting me
You just announced a report.
DKC is good, but its very flawed.
DKC2 is better, but still hasnt aged the best. Im not even talking about the gaphics, i think they have a nice charm to them.
DKC2 is buttery smooth, and the concept of things aging poorly is a zoomer mentality.
consider yourself reported
>implying that i actually reported him because i said "gg retard"
you dumb niggers
>get rare to make a new IP/reboot with your donkey kong character
>it does well and has a unique look to it cleverly using 3D models imposed in as sprites
>get assblasted that the game is done well and pissed that your company cant do what a bunch of limeys are doing
>make a shitty yoshi game with graphics that look like they were drawn by a toddler also give the game a gimmick where you're basically on an escort mission the entire game
>the game sells like shit and donkey kong country becomes one of the best selling games on the SNES
>“Donkey Kong Country proves that players will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as the art is good"
Miyamoto was 100% right when he said the biggest draw of DKC was the graphics
I have to agree I've never enjoyed DKC (2 was the first I played, and it the original seemed really small in comparison) but ragging on DKC or making a big statement on how its overrated seems really trite to me.
Its like going "boy, Chaplin movies sure aged like milk! I can't even hear what the fuck they're saying!"
This. The DKC series has always coasted by on its visual and audio presentation because the games themselves are hot garbage.
slow news day, huh
dkc has too many generic caves for my taste
t. Al Sharpton
Is that a threat? Don't start a war you can't finish, reportlet. I have reported over 100 posts the past hour ALONE.
Donkey Kong Country 1 is good but Donkey Kong Country 2 is the best 2D platformer of all time. Tropical Freeze does not come close. TF is still fun though
I really like 3, but there are a lot of levels that are so bad that it kills it for me. Like the reversed control and lightning ones.
Its sad when they have a typo on the fucking header like that
"Twenty Years On, Donkey Kong Country is Still as hard as it ever was. And I still suck at playing it."
DKC2 is where it's at but DKC1 is not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, even on a system with a ton of mascot platformers since everyone wanted in on that in the 90's. Every DKC is easily in the top 10% of the SNES library if not top 5%.
Can someone explain what's so bad about DKC? Yeah the visuals aren't for everyone but it plays fine and the last few worlds make for some solid platforming challenges. It's a little dated, sure with how the map works, along with the savepoints and funky's flights but it never felt like a bad game.
If you take away the fancy visuals there's still a competent platformer underneath, do people just not like playing video games and want to be contrarian?
Also was there ever a source on that Miyamoto quote because I've seen about 50 iterations of it and it's never been proven
Great music, good platforming, cool graphics for the time. It's still as great as it ever was.
Then criticize it
Let's hear it
I skimmed through this long-ass article and I can't even seem to find anything remotely resembling an actual argument for why the game is bad. This reads as the sort of article you'd write if you were challenged to write an article critiquing a game you weren't allowed to play or watch gameplay of.
its just seething zoomers that can't get past ice world
fuck off this game was my childhood
>sidescrolling platformer from 1994 or whatever the fuck is shit
so was super mario world but cucks will never admit
dogshit game that gave out 25 lives by the time you reached the first castle, no difficulty whatsoever, ugly art style
ice world was easy, now the factory world.. oh boy
I don't get the appeal of cartoon-animal platformers. There's no guns or swords or anything cool in them.
That's the sort of garbage opinion I'd expect from a blogger. Sure it's not as good as 2 or 3 but it's still damn good platforming fun.
>tfw no tonfword