It was comfy

It was comfy.

Attached: 76875658.jpg (1500x844, 426K)

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Ghost recon wildlands?

Best running animation of the generation.

it was boring

That doesn't explain much...

not nearly as bad as contrarian Yea Forums claims it is, in fact, for the gameplay, replayability, and modability alone, I'd consider it second only to MGS2 as best in the series

Gameplay: literally perfect. 10/10 perfect.
The rest: unfinished garbage that just ruins the whole thing. It's literally really bad because of this.
Biggest disappointment I've ever experienced by far with a game.

If Venom was Big Boss I would have liked it

Its just as bad as people say in the story and characters.

it was a fantastic game that was too short.


This is another huge problem that I have with it is that he didn't even make a Big Boss game.

I have never played a MGS game except for MGR:R and I love being able to do really stupid things to achieve something simple, would I like this game?


If there's any indication of how fucking tight the gameplay is, MGO3 is it
fucking awesome map layouts really push the games movement and techniques to the limit and its still playable and comfy as fuck (especially MGO's hub)
shame it turned out the way it did with classes but that doesn't stop people from still playing it

You mean everything else not being an extraction simulator? Oh imm laffin

the story is incomplete, but I wouldn't consider it bad, and only a few of the characters are even mediocre, to say they're bad would be hyperbolic

this for sure, go i wish koji was able to completely finish it, i still love this game for what it is.

if you're genuinely unhappy with the extraction you probably overdid it
you don't need every resource, tank, car, or soldier - they're asleep for enough time to get down to business and get out

It is an amazing experience—v lied to me again.

If you don't retard stealth your way through openworld segments it is quite fun.
Stealth play missions, RPG everything else.

>You mean everything else not being an extraction simulator?
I don't even think you know what you were trying to ask here. Like I said, you people just hate things because it's unpopular to do so.

The unfinished meme is such a fucking lie.

They are all dull and a shell of their former selves. They arent fun anymore and snake is just an avatar. Its probably on purpose but still shit. The plot is also lame

I put 82 hours into it and didn’t do any repeats.

You don’t play as Snake in Solid 2, either. Get over it.

two. chapters.

People are still playing? Is it just on PS4?
I remember MGO on PC dying like a month or two after the DLC pack.

Except that wasn't even a problem in that game.

>barren desert
>muddy, grassy plain
>an oil derrick
None of these are particularly comfy locations. Being able to go to the Seychelles would have redeemed the waste of time that was Mother Base. Africa should have had comfy jungles and rivers with waterfalls. Afghanistan doesn't even look like that. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with that map.

>Except that wasn't even a problem in that game.
it's my absolute favorite, but don't fucking kid yourself that nobody bitches about that

Bull.shit. Nothing but more Eli which we didn’t need. God forbid something is left on the cutting room floor.

How old are you? People 30+ are still butthurt about that. Lol. I love Raiden, tho.

Is this worth pirating for a bored dude waiting for Classic?

I played about 200 hours in console and just built a PC that can max it. Are there any mods that any fresh air to the game? I feel I've played it to death and nothing can surprise me anymore.

Attached: venomjesus.jpg (1024x681, 176K)

it's worth a pirate at the very least, I'd start out with modding it too, the modding greatly expands what's already in the game.
or maybe try it vanilla for a few hours, then start modding to see how it becomes different.

Infinite Heaven

same advice

I don't think stealth games are comfy, stress me out too much

Is there any way to get the game to the current version? I tried installing mods but the version I downloaded is 1.10 and pretty much all the mods are for 1.15

it's really not. summed up the game perfectly. gameplay-wise, it is one of the best experiences you can have. but it is completely ruined by the fact that the story is so bad that it actually makes the other MGS games worse.

Solid game but lacking in a lot of areas. Lots of wasted potential.

Attached: 12 day development.jpg (1920x1080, 381K)

>suppose to be an exploration of big boss' downfall
>You actually just play as some random faggot brainwashed into thinking he's big boss
>"I'm already a demonnnnn"
>Rescues children, preserves endangered species, and picks flowers the whole game


Attached: 1531503230187.png (380x444, 240K)

Literally the reason I dropped this fucking game halfway through and was never even tempted to go back. Fucking absurd amounts of the most unabashedly artificial grinding I’ve ever seen, and in a single player game no less. Noped the fuck out when it told me I had start waiting 1 real life day for a fucking mission bar to fill up. What an abortion.

It runs like shit on my machine with Infinite Heaven installed. :(

Definitely my favorite MGS game. The fluidity and options you get in each mission are superb. Ground Zeroes is great too but the controls aren't as polished making it a bit more of a chore to play. I also loved PO and PW (even the boss battles to an extent). I think a big draw is how you can replay missions and take them on in a variety of ways as opposed to earlier games where you basically need to play the whole game over again even if you only want to do a small section.

I don't like the paywall shit that's in the game, and I think the story was a bit lacking in some ways. But overall every other MGS game has a story that goes off the rails to some extent so I don't think that's a huge negative. Now I wish we could have remakes of earlier games in the same engine and with the same polish.

>12 day development time

not only this, the best 3rd person shooter controls ever made.

until you got into post-game and realized you could cheese everything by rolling/crawling all over the place

Surprisingly for a game set either in a rocky desert or a big ol' grassplain, yes.

Worse than MGS4

It's a shame it died so fast, it was refreshingly fun. I wish they'd make some sort of f2p version just to get that playerbase up.

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