Gentlemen, how do we make a Big Mouth game?
Gentlemen, how do we make a Big Mouth game?
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Visual novel that reports your current location to the cops while you play it.
It's quite simple OP.
Step 1: Get life insurance
Step 2: kys
At least your parents got something out of raising you.
first two posts best posts
Jesus fucking hell that's ugly. what is this shit?
I cannot believe that anyone genuinely likes that.
You're in for a ride
>the art style is so ugly that not even Yea Forums wants to sexualize the girls
How the fuck did they did it?
Not even once
Netflix original, it's insanely bad
On par with F is for Family
If I ever catch my kid watching that shit Ill smother him with a pillow and start over.
Just don't get Netflix
Did you guys miss the joke or am i just retarded?
please don't
Blue haired womyn and communist pedopgile soibois do.
I know because I was briefly room mates with those types and they all gushed about this show.
This is just really good parenting advice in general.
I dropped it almost two years ago. Now I realize i only used it to watch star trek.
please no
sorry to make a shit meme, but...
hoping the fbi bust my door down and shoot me asap
From what I know, it wouldn't work as a game.
>People say never to believe /pol/ and /pol/ just makes shit up and blah blah and blah, it's all conspiracy theroies
>Generally agree
>See a cartoon made by jews that is literally about trying to teach graphic sexual things to children, by showing them directly
>Literally a cartoon about pedophilia made by jews
This shit honestly makes me sick. There is such a thing as too fucking much.
Worst part of S2. Season 2 was just fucking weird. At least season 1 started off brutally honest and relatable.
>All cartoons are for kids
You are the problem
Leftists obsessed with LGBT, Body/Sex Positivism people, and Pedophile-apologists love the show because of its political inclinations, not the content. The show sucks ass. It isn't funny, well written, heart-warming, charming, or anything good. It is a terrible show.
However, if you're a 350 pound landwhale from Tumblr you like the show because it says that you're beautiful at 800 pounds or 80 pounds.
How the fuck is this allowed on Youtube
If the show is made for adults that is even worse user. It contains nude children in many episodes, including adults teaching nude children sexual acts (like masturbation), and children engaging in sexual acts with one another.
If it is made for adults there is no alternative but pedophilia. You could make some argument about it trying to be educational if it were the same sort of content remixed to be more kid friendly/education focused, but it isn't. The show clearly is for an older audience, but the characters being children makes it disgusting. I am the furthest thing from some /pol/lack nazi who goes around trying to kill jewish people. My point is that this show only helps to prove those people right.
Years ago it would have been considered a conspiracy theory to claim that people on the left supported pedophilia. Unfortunately I see cartoons like this, drag queen children being celebrated, an obsession with children's genitals/gender (see: Jazz), and articles on places like Salon, Vox, and other left-leaning sites that are being apologists for pedophilia. I do not and will never support that. That is going too far.
>All nudity is inherently sexual
Again, you are the problem
it's funny
get a life
is this CP on YouTube?
Have sex.
You should relish in this movement. Maybe you'll finally get laid now that toned, well kept bodies are unattractive
I don't blame you for not watching the show and I'm sure this is just bait but this show isn't trying to teach anything sexual to kids. By sexual I mean like the fabled grape fruit move or something. It goes over the same puberty stuff like periods and late blooming stuff like that. Also modern day stuff like porn addition or "am I gay?" Show sucks but still
>it is pedophilia when japan does it
>it is a-ok when the west does it
why is this
>Adults teaching children how to masturbate and to have foreplay with one another is not sexual
Can you explain to me how it is NOT sexual? I am not merely referring to THIS clip about body positvity (which I still argue is sexual in nature). I am referring to the show as a whole.
I have. With adults. I don't support pedophilia.
Creator is Jewish (his dad is connected to 9/11 by the way which is why all of his shows have a line mocking 9/11 “conspiracists”)
Jules Kroll
Lolis are cute, and girls in western cartoons are ugly.
Why is ok to laugh at naked boys but not at naked girls? Is society pro-shota?
>Jew creates show about little kids getting naked