Just finished my first Soulsborne boss fight!

Just finished my first Soulsborne boss fight!

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Congrats! Keep at it, they're very rewarding games.

How do I improve my stats?

Maiden in Black.

>starting with demon's souls

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The maiden in black levels you up after you beat phalanx
Hope you enjoy the game user, I think you can connect to community servers for some sparse online, but i dont know how to do it

Demon's is such a blast. From never did any area as magical looking as the Nexus again.
Also FUCK the swamp.

I quit after that boss.


>not vanguard

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Awesome, thanks

Demon's Souls has by far the worst bosses in the series. Absolute worst is still the Ancient Dragon in 2, since that's the worst (functional) boss in any game ever, and 4kids is worse in design than anything in Demon's, but overall Demon's has the worst on average with very few high points.

I played Demon's Souls when it came out and never finished it because I didn't know where to go. I almost had the same thing happen to me in Dark Souls but I went back to it eventually. Demon's Souls was fun though, I might go back and finish it someday.


I recently finished this game with a Str build, I didn't step into world 5 until every other boss went down because I heard how awful the swamp was. I wrecked shit.

shit taste, my man

demon's souls did a better job of showing you that you are the helpless little bitch that you are in the beginning of the game.
by contrast dark souls has you, a scrawny zombie freshly scraped out of a dungeon, killing giant demons in the first level.
In demons souls, you have to earn being a badass

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I thought they were all unique and memorable. Some were better than others but each tied in well with the lore and world building of the game. I felt like I was on an actual adventure instead of just running into different video game boss fights where I have to memorize a certain roll pattern.

How do you not know where to go in Demon's? Go in the archstones?

DeS is still the best for atmosphere besides maybe BB.

Agreed. The atmosphere in DaS1 is also top notch but damn it's hard to top Shrine of Storms and Boletarian Palace

The DeS version of blighttown was fucking great

I've no idea. I don't even know how I got lost in Dark Souls, the room where I couldn't figure out where to go was the one in Sen's Fortress where you can redirect the boulder and I somehow never saw there was a door leading out of that room despite scouring every area in the game trying to figure out where to go, and I still don't know how I ever missed that doorway in the first place. I imagine there was a similarly obvious way forward in DeS. I know that the last time I played it I was somewhere in Boletaria anyway, or that's my last memory of it at least.

I still have fond memories of invading with the scraping spear. Crazy how big the series got. I remember getting the special edition launch day (with the little guide packed in) just based on some videos an old friend shared with me.

DeS had the best invasion stuff. They just kept making it more and more convoluted with covenant bullshit.

>Do as you like. Take your precious Demon Soul.

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>the demon was destroyed
Why the fuck am I still standing then?

Flamelurker is the best boss From ever made.
Don't (You) me.

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Remaster when? I really want to go online again


I'll give (You)'s to whoever I want
flamelurker is a bitch ass motherfucker and I could only beat his last phase because he got his dumb ass stuck on a little bone wall and I could poke him with my halberd like the cheesy piece of shit that I am

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This is just entirely too wholesome.

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Did it have phases? I don't remember bosses having phases in Demon's Souls

>fighting tower knight for the first time

fucking shoot me in the head

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I want her feet in my mouth

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Hell yeah.

Enjoy the bosses. Demon's Souls is the best game to start with because it has the most "gimmick" bosses that are amazing as a first experience but that some people don't like because they lose some luster on repeat playthroughs. Just enjoy the diversity / gimmicks and remember them if you decide to play other games in the franchise where shit gets a lot more derivative.

from what I remember he has an explosion attack that he uses sparingly at around 2/3 health and below, but at 1/3 health the explosion radius gets much larger and he starts using it every 2 seconds, doing dumb shit like lunging at you and immediately exploding. correct me if I'm wrong


Great! Now let's stop making souls threads please

you told me DeS ran like butter on RPSC3, Yea Forums


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does demons souls emulate well yet?

I've given up on a remaster

>Not starting with King's Field

I hated everybody I ever met - especially myself - after failing that boss fight for the 5th or so time.

And don't get me started on these assholes.

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PC fags always exaggerate how good their emulation is because they will never get the real thing.

I really like DeS boss fights

Based maiden foot licker

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Its also why you get people like this They will try to downplay DeS and BB as much as they can. DeS's status in itself should be legendary for launching off these types of games but they have to jump in and shit on it every chance available.

Brother I dont think any game has a hub as cozy as Nexus.

the bosses are unique and have cool gimmicks. I like them a lot better than the "hit enemy in ass, dodge, hit enemy in ass" fights of the later games.

False King, Penatrator and Flame lurker are very proto bloodborne-ishy. Play em that way.

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agreed. I wish they would put it on ps4 or something.

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DeS was a god game and I pray for any mother fucker who I ever invaded as the old monk in 3-3

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what is going on in this webum?

Fighting the tower knight years ago was such a surreal experience. I remember seeing the trailer for it and I thought "damn, am I really going to fight that with just a shield and sword?". Which to my surprise, watching the trailer and fighting it first hand was equally thrilling. I love it.

I wish I could get back to that youthful joy when fighting bosses that are massive than you. It isn't the same with other games where you're a demonic , spell-casting, powerful being. In DeS you're just a lowly knight which makes the experience of triumphing against such adversaries rewarding.

I tried to play bloodbourne but I can’t beat vicar Amelia

she isnt that hard so dont give up if you really get stuck just summon someone, 2 people makes that fight a joke

Demon's Soul is still the best Souls game EVER!!!!!

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good shit

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>servers are down for good
I still remember when the fanbase had to get really vocal to keep them running for over a year. To this day it's still the most enjoyable time I had in a Souls games on top of being the only one I've seen to the very end, twice at that. Those were fun times.

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penatrator always goes by so quickly for me because of biorr
kind of hate what the souls series became
i was thinking about it when i last fought allant and realized his elevator was powered by slave work and it was the coolest shit to me
i realized that one little detail in this game impressed me more than any souls game since

You can play on the private server if you really want.

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No, that's still DS2, at least some of the DeS bosses are memorable and set a standard that lived on through the series up to DS3, things like Astraea and Garl Vinland, Flamefucker, Old Monk, Phalanx or False King Allant became staple models and references throughout the series, and there's also things like Old Hero that aren't even that bad nowadays compared to say, Pinwheel or Prowling Magus.

DS2 however did absolutely nothing of value, outside of maybe Pursuer, and that's mostly a shitty Nineball reference either way.

Tempting, but ultimately fruitless. When Dark Souls and the like came out Demon's Souls was abandoned for the most part. It's not like the various shooters or fighting game fanbases where people actively put forth effort to keep their game alive even after everyone else moved on, instead it may as well have dropped off the earth. So I'll stick to the memories and good times I have from all those years ago instead of trying to relive a moment that is well and gone forever. Thing is even with a private server and a few people still playing, it'll still feel empty. Umbasa.

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I just beat DeS for the first time today and the swamp wasn't as bad as the swamps in the other games. I'm sure it depends on your gear and stats, though

Trickiest part was fighting the giant unga bungas in the shitty mud area of 5-2

2-2 is a bitch without a magic weapon

The bosses are all cool.
The zones on other hand..

>that first red eye knight
Took I don't how many attempts to beat him and his bullshit wombo combo spear, it was a pride thing

Feels good to come back later and shit on his face too

The tutorial area is flawless, but it's all downhill from there.

Of course they're the shittiest. They were the first ones and most of them were lore bosses with gimmicks. The only "non-shitty" bosses were flamelurker and False Allant because they started the standard for the 'UNGA BUNGA DODGE ROLL SO GOOD SO HARD' boss ai that everyone dicksucks.

it's interesting that they limit your rolling in it
adds a whole new level of things to consider
demon souls is still my favorite, and all games sense have felt derivative and lacking the attention to detail demons had in the first place
it really sucks only catching onto it later in its life span since "better" souls games had already came out
it's disappointing
also i thought it was legal reasons that they switched to dark souls instead

When I said abandoned, I meant the player base. Yeah there were people around, but for the most part it was all about Dark Souls. It also helps future games were more approachable in comparison to Demon's Souls because World Tendency and Character Tendency aren't a thing.

why tho

>play demon's souls since release
>remember loading up dark souls for the first time when it came out and feeling extremely disappointed

it's grown on me since but anyone else know this feel?

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Storm King boss + boss arena is the best of both in the franchise.

Kind of. When I first started playing DeS I was way more invested in it than I ever was for the other Souls games.
Granted I haven't played 1 yet so let's see how that goes.

You can cheese them by killing 1 through the foggate with a bow

I don't care if it makes me a contrarian hipster, DeS is a kino game and my favorite in the souls franchise.

It took me a while before I realised who those bosses were and then the memories came flooding back.
I was invaded by two people when I was going back after a death too.