Why does Yea Forums like Japanese artstyle?

Why does Yea Forums like Japanese artstyle?

They are so unrealistic, sometimes overly sexualized or pedophilic that they aren't well accepted outside Japan, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>They are so unrealistic
If I wanted realistic characters I would go outside and socialize with other people.

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>why does an imageboard predominantly inhabited by weebs like japanese artsyles?

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lmao this



A: Cringe
B: Based
C: Based
D: Kino

>D is most attractive
I think my shit is fucked.

I only liked C and D. I like realism but it's just that asian people have ugly eyes

delete this post u racist

In order of who I want to vidya the most with

In order of who has the best taste in music

In order of whose feet I want to sniff and lick the most

Attached: 1548638725209.gif (450x251, 354K)

A is best
D is also great.

B just looks too cliché and easily inferred. Her whole personality is in B.

And C has the same problem.

everyone here has the bad kind of autism

If I was lying then nips wouldnt just increase their eyes size to be half of their face, they are self aware


How can someone have taste this shit?

Anyways, which swimsuit here is best?

Attached: 1553943003625.png (914x800, 496K)

All four look cute

D is the most powerful and most attractive

user is spot on though you dinguses. Popplio > Rowlet > Litten

Attached: 1511978726897.jpg (202x325, 14K)

Rowlett is the only option. Litten is slutwear and I hate high-cut leotards.

If realistic was a selling point for me, I'd be into Call of Duty or something. I want something fun, and if it's stylised well, then so be it.

>If realistic was a selling point for me, I'd be into Call of Duty or something
High-quality bait.

Get out, amerimutt.

>all western devs designing ugly girls
>complains about japan not doing it

t. pedophile projecting his pedophilia onto everything he sees

B > D > C > A

A is perfect for horror games


I don't know what you said OP, but *ZIP* thanks for the image!

A looks awful unless it's for a horror game. B or C are the only real choices here. D is just kinda boring.

C=Slice of Life/ADV

c is the best
b is really boring
a and d are both badly drawn

All these are modern anime shit

Attached: 525750-oni-windows-front-cover.jpg (799x1119, 211K)

Anything from the era of early 2000s digital anime goes straight to the trash.

Seems everybody that comes from Latin America likes it

Attached: 6c8a1ad46b7909362bc1b288b0076a8.jpg (850x992, 145K)


Because it looks good, now kill yourself OP

Attached: aku doesn't care.gif (445x250, 2.13M)

D a cutest.

Ah. Based Anubis poster.

Attached: anb.jpg (1129x1600, 262K)

I want to hug and bury my face into the hair of all 4 of them,

Idk, why does anyone likes anything?

I don't have enough of this lovely lady actually

Attached: 36fd090962d861ac75689c3062b6a08.jpg (850x1010, 83K)

I wholeheartedly agree.
Fuck, I lost the "I have a fetish for long, black hair" image.

Attached: Blade rage 2049.jpg (970x545, 50K)

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is that yumiko?

chex quest is not an RPG.

Attached: yumiko.png (128x128, 870)

I got a duplicate file error before your post even appeared in the thread.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Working!!! - 14 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.12_[2015.12.27_02.52.28].jpg (1280x720, 49K)

Absolutely based

Subjectively best taste

Bless you user

Attached: D3ibuYfV4AEUUrt.jpg:orig.jpg (1014x1553, 267K)

A is rotoscoped uncanny valley
B is moe trash
C is alternative hentai

>A is the best one and basically nobody is picking it for first
>everyone picking generic animu B for first
They're all cute but god damn.

D is the only one that would look good in motion, so D

B > D >>>>>>> A >>>>>>>>>> C

Listening to a podcast recently really put Japan's harsh drug laws vs. lenient CP laws into an understandable perspective.
>A guy with a lot of drugs can damage a society
>A guy with a bunch of CP can not
I really want to argue against that, but the jump from jerking it to CP and actually committing an act of pedophilia is tantamount to the same as saying violent video games cause real world violence.

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This is the weirdest political compass I've seen this week

>C is alternative hentai
Name one (1) hentai OVA that looks like that.

>overly sexualized or pedophilic
You answered your own question dummy

>A is rotoscoped uncanny valley
Not all the time

Attached: 73c59e87dd1f1b8a5413bc2e9b9381ff.jpg (852x479, 76K)

>they aren't well accepted outside Japan
Most of the world seems to accept them just fine, outside of North America.

Japanese characters are beautiful. If they have flaws, we learn to see beyond them. Also Japanese devs have not forgotten that games are supposed to be fun.

Western media today is just a canvas which failed artists and intellectuals use to push their social and political agendas.

Attached: unknown.png (1200x1729, 1.64M)

well, it stays true, because A and C are garbage


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More like Japan is still traumatized about the Opium Wars and doesn't want that to happen to them.

left. I like yukatas but left is cuter here

That's not rotoscoping.

Attached: [gg]_Aku_no_Hana_-_06_[1C530D2C].mkv_snapshot_01.12_[2013.05.12_16.33.49].jpg (1280x720, 72K)

The one in the OP doesn't really look like rotoscoping either.

Why are yukata so cute? I don't get it, they're all baggy and shit.

>More like Japan is still traumatized about the Opium Wars and doesn't want that to happen to them.

Probably more to do with US policy in reality

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You can't expect ple/v/ians to know about art

Who's braap would you sniff the most?

I've got lots of these still. Post more?


It's exotic for us. I am South American and I can't see the appeal of bikinis because it's something I've seen all day my whole life, but traditional clothes get me steamed.

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Yukata girl = Stylish cold girl
Plain clothes girl = Lazy warm girl
If you don't pick the same sort twice you are contradictory.
Also bikinis are just boring.

right. left is a whore and who doesn't want a comfy gf?


>why do you like attractive women in video games
As always, OP is a fag.

You say this like Mario, Street Fighter and Final Fantasy are somehow all the same style.

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A true man of culture.

right, 100%

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why the fuck would you dye your hair when every second person you meet also has brown hair

>overly sexualized or pedophilic
Just looks like a schoolgirl to me, do you have something you want to share with us, OP?

>no romantic experience
>Has good reputation among teachers

What did she mean by this?

We're reaching levels of based that shouldn't be possible.

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tfw balding

She's trying hard.

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You answered your own question.

Japs have black hair.

B > Dogshit > Testicular Cancer > A, C, & D

it's split mostly evenly between black and dark brown

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Is this a trick question?

This is a retarded image and you should never post it again.

>Wears a wig
Ruined it there.

Personally I'd take right but I can see the appeal of left.

Attached: meidos.png (2048x2772, 2.29M)

>sex change
>can get pregnant

Attached: 1551004039014.png (870x1174, 53K)

Black hair is better than brown. Also, every other JP girl dyes their hair brown.

D > B > A > C

TSF means magic sex change

>They are so unrealistic
why is this a bad thing for a fictional video game which is literally an escape from reality


Left is a magical gender bender, 100% biological female now.

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The trick is that your answer reveals you to be one of those two types yourself.

Say no more senpai. Everyone knows that guys that get turned into girls via magic (unwillingly is a bonus) make absolute top tier waifus.

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>They are so unrealistic, sometimes overly sexualized or pedophilic
you pretty much just answered your own question there, OP. good redditfag!

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Thot on the left can get bent. No way is a hug equivalent to a meal. At least wash the dishes or some shit, mooch.

tfw no adopted japanese daughter

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obviously the one on the right you fucking retard!

Attached: cereal-guy-cereal-guy.png (200x173, 9K)

Trannies aren't really a thing in Japan, what you're looking at is the 'pranked by a wizard,' variety.

Nigga, TS means magic sex change. My theory for it is swapping bodies with alternate reality female you sometimes

Honestly its harsh drug laws are pretty based
Shame about the CP problem though

I think it depends on the story being told, but I like them all, especially C and D. I'd like to see more games with an artstyle like that.

Cyber is the patrician's answer

Time to start dropping the killer ones.


Relationships usually involve one person being more responsible than the other. This is a very prominent part of otaku wish fulfilment too, you often see characters that want to be spoiled being paired with characters that spoil their partners.

When they talk about someone else's good points, the word "reliable" comes up often, does it not?

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this, trannies are literally bullied in Japan! traps are actually supposed to be a joke to mock them, not appeal to them!

Why is that almost always the case

Do men just know how to be women better

butthurt whitey upset that white people are ugly

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>another faggot that doesn't know what moe means

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Do they all have to be cows?

Trap > Tranny. Especially if the trap explicitly refers to himself as male.

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>nen master

>Caucasian features impared her cuteness
>Takes them out
>Ends up with a character that's not very cute at all
Really makes you think.

>Do men just know how to be women better
You've taken the first step towards appreciating traps, my friend. All the benefits and none of the downsides from somebody that understand your needs perfectly.

They're Milfs after all.

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>Hime cut

How did they do it bros? How did they create literally THE PERFECT hair style?

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Why do so few dye their hair non-brown anyway? In the west it's pretty much always girls dying their hair the opposite colour (darker if light, lighter if dark) but everyone just goes for brown over there except for a few oddballs who go green or something

red earth is too crispy for me

you didn't change anything

Because they're aware that it looks retarded and their society doesn't think it's empowering.

Compared to Asian women who all have nigger nose, frypan flat faces in profile and need hundreds of thousands worth of plastic surgery and skin bleaching making their features more white to be cute enough to be an idol or JAV star.

>Tranny logic
Go back.

Look harder.

Very subtle user but there are two arrows on that panel, it happens both ways.

You've got a very good taste, user.

Attached: femdom.png (1772x1393, 3.82M)

Anime is the only place where brown girls are attractive.

loli to mom

>t. Ilikehorseteethandjewnoses

California Gold is the only attractive one. Should have used better examples.

the only bad ones here are are 4, 6 and 12

For me, it’s The Okinawan.

>Anything with flat bangs
I bet you think dutch boys and bowl cuts are sexy too, eh?

The combination of bangs with long hair is what makes it attractive.

I'm almost all out of them.

My personal picks are 3, 5 and 8, although 5 is my overall favorite.

Attached: yandere.png (1200x4200, 3.91M)

flat bangs make any girl look cute, fight me faggot

>I bet you think dutch boys and bowl cuts are sexy too, eh?

Attached: dd.jpg (304x593, 27K)

incalculable degeneracy

dem ara ara's tickle my ear tho

>like traps which are literally the gay shit of a women plus one less hole and more faggotry
>likes dark skin
Wow it's like you're the epitome of shit taste

How can a single person be so fucking wrong? Ar you okay user?

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He’s right.
No wonder Chinks love anime so much and almost ALWAYS date outside their race. They know they’re too fucking ugly.

Prove me wrong with pictures. You can’t.

I want the finnish girl

Attached: Finland.png (996x801, 155K)


tfw no binland gf


you rang?

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Why should it be realistic?

I don't even know what is a mammi but it sounds delicious.

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>When they talk about someone else's good points, the word "reliable" comes up often, does it not?
I've heard that far more from the mouths of American women than NEETs. I'm pretty sure you've got an agenda, here.

5, 7-12

It's all over now. Here's a bonus round for people that enjoy 3DPD.

Really? I can't relate.

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Americans hate anime because they've been sheltered from all other cultures and believe that their watered down, sweetened, homogenized theme park "diversity" is the real deal.

C has the most soul. Fite me.

Smug + Cool is king.

Number 5, but with 8's hair

1975-1992 and 2002-2019 were garbage. 1993-2001 was perfection.
All years follow a pattern of 9 perfect years sandwiched between 36 garbage.
1939-1947 (best American cartoons) and 1966-1974 (best music) were also perfection.


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>Really? I can't relate.
Where are you from?

>Implying they're not.
LaPhos is peak femalenperformance you philistine.

roll for Linda

Half this god damn site is americans.

Left is a slob and right sells herself too cheap and would probably star in a mindbreak doujin

idk, but i choose the two victorians after all if i need a maid that work hard and cute those are the perfect option

real challenge time

Attached: nightmare1.jpg (1200x7050, 2.61M)

>You will never have your house invaded by a cute burglar girl and then enact the castle doctrine by sitting on her until she develops stockholm syndrome.

My preference is for long hair mostly. I do like some short haired girls but it's a very punctual thing. For the most part, I'm with this guy >Where are you from?

I had one more 3DPD one so here's the last one.

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There is no winning roll


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Attached: nightmare2.jpg (1200x6300, 2.61M)

well only for fun

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>Statutory rape / Aggravated

What did she mean by this?

rolling for my boy russell

Even 1 is too fat.

this is painful to watch

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remember, its objectively NOT gay to fuck Ranko

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A is just creepy
B is for waifufaggots
C cheeky and patrician tier
D is plain, low effort

someone appeared in a thread some time ago and said he knew her; she molested children she was babysitting including a nephew or something

Really? I'm okay up to 5.

1-7>the rest
tfw gf fluctuates between 7 and 8

Apartments and Night Stalker, let's go.

my dick wants the ara ara, but my heart belongs to the tomboy

I might go to 5 with clothes on but immediately regret it once she takes them off and the smell sets in.

I like it because I was abducted and this style reminds me of the lmaos

Rosario's cute af

>bro just swim to the bottom of the ocean and kill the leviathan

Not even spooked by the ocean but that one just seems ridiculous

Attached: kong.jpg (233x216, 10K)

How the fuck could you not go left here?
>you can fuck her
>you can also go fishing with her
Compare that to the right, you're having sex with a guy and he has a stupid bimbo personallity. I mean the oldest conflict of mankind since probably its first reference in Homer's Odyssey was that guys like pussy but not women so why the fuck would you want someone who has a chicks personality if they dont even have tits?

Waiting for the End and Obscure Landlord.

I'm sorry. But please, do not impose your shitty third-world understanding of the world on Americans.

I think the waifus are numerically related to the nightmares (eg. Landlord=Apartment, Night Stalker=Children).

second image says free to choose

Deep Waters & Leviathan

They're obviously meant to match, but yeah you're free to choose.
Honestly some of them would kinda suck for their respective world, like Viscera being a dog brain and Urchin being a coward


The late 90s had the best artstyle.
Shame that everyone misunderstands that stuff like big hair or triangle jaws dominated that era.

Attached: 1553438262540.jpg (1554x1554, 807K)

>Blade of the Immortal

Subterranean Dweller and Leviathan Spawn, easy.

Although Dark Stalker would also be a good pick. Basically a straight upgrade to Urchin.

Ooyari Ashito still draws the same as always, good lad he is.


Yeah Urchin is pretty much lolicon bait

Breddy gud

Das it mane

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If you draw in style B you are uncreative cancer with no free will. BASICALLY a useless brick of society's wall who nobody would miss.



Yukata girl put in more effort and shows she wants me to like her by listing and abiding by requests, that's a keeper and someone I'd also put effort into for.

night stalker is the patrician's choice

Attached: cute.png (453x587, 205K)

>Is now a girl

Attached: 6f8.png (680x512, 349K)

those look the mid 00s though.

Why is A the only one with good color contrast?

Couldn't I just cheese this by picking Infested Memory and Obscure Landlord and having her speed my perception through the insects with minimal pain

yeah the artist means they magically had their chromosomes and entire biology changed, they don't mean a transgendered person because that of course is not actually changing genders

Man I know it's obvious, but a good rule to stick by is to disregard the opinions of people who use terms like moeshit or in this case moe trash or use waifu(s) to refer to female characters in general. Hasn't failed me yet, as all those opinions end up belong in the trash so far.

>Black hair is better than brown.

Uhhh user? Contrast is outdated? It's like, from the 90s? Haven't you noticed that nothing made this decade has any contrast?

probably, honestly

Say that to my shark teeth not online and see what happens

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>In the west it's pretty much always girls dying their hair the opposite colour
I mean I feel like you should say that's only out of the girls that do dye their hair as almost next to none do in most places in the west.

Night Children and Disjointed Viscera, It doesn't really explain the threat levels of the children but I'll assume they are less than my personal abomination and have her tear them to shreds as I ride her to safety.

Black hair > Brown hair

And this the only evidence we need here.

Attached: Amagami-SS-Main-Heroines.jpg (900x900, 195K)

>Ride her to safety


Also I think Disjointed Viscera is geting pretty underrated. There's a lot to be said about the psychological boost you'd get from having a companion as terrifying or more so than the subject of the nightmare. Morale's pretty important.

I was under the impression that most Japanese schools don't allow students to die their hair brown

But based solely off of appearances, I like bottom middle the most.

Yah, I don't think I'd really be scared of little ghost kids when I have a companion straight out of The Thing, also she's best waifu material IMO since she's got Mystique beat with her shape shifting powers, and she's a raise your own waifu that will also protect me in the real world.

My second choice was Trioptict Scorpion mainly because I love Nakamura Regura's work.

Japs are weird

Attached: Japan_brown_hair.png (1208x1290, 991K)

She's best girl because of the sex hair, not because it's black


Based Charisma-man.

>dutch boys
You mean boys from the Netherlands? Or is there some haircut called "dutch boys"?

How can an art style be pedophilic, you fucking retard.

(soul) A>C>D>>>>>B {soulless}

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F>C>>>>stopped caring there but this list is objective.


Autists like big eyes and a lack of complex emotion

>D>>>>>>Everything Else
Whoops accidentally posted the wrong list.

>Idiots not figuring out it's a trick question
You don't pick one, you introduce one to the other.
Problem solved.

B > D >> C >>>> A

Faggots are not allowed here

So does infested memory override the original rules and ends without death in a year?
It doesn't mention how to really overcome it and the housewife sort of implies this.


right everytime

>eeeh i don't feel like fucking today -left

i'll take both

Is it true Japanese don't actually have body odor?
I heard it's very hard to find deodorant in Japan, and any foreigner will stand out just by how bad they smell compared to the Japanese.

Yeah. East Asians have less body odor because of a genetic predisposition. It's also why they have dry earwax.

I think it means you just have to sit still while the bugs fuck you and if you panic you have to start over the next night. I'm not sure how bug wife helps though. Maybe lets you escape to a happy childhood memory or something.

>All you need to do is accept the nightmare.
its literally "what the fuck how are the bugs even real nigga just close your eyes hahaha"
you just get a year to figure that out, but ms. moth cant really help, i guess