I regret buying this thing... I fell for the “MUH EXCLUSIVES” meme. Not a fan of souls games so I couldn’t care less about Bloodborne. I’ve pretty much played through all the games that were even worth playing, and the yakuza games are on PC now. I’m thinking of switching to PC next because of how terribly dissatisfying this gen was. Id rather sit around and mod some older games than waste cash on mediocre garbage.
I regret buying this thing... I fell for the “MUH EXCLUSIVES” meme...
Here’s your (you)
You faggot now shut the fuck to up and play some smash you manchild
>Not a fan of souls games so I couldn’t care less about Bloodborne
found your problem then
why get a ps4 if not for bloodborne lol
I love snoyboys because they're so easy to trigger.
>hates the genre of the one good game on it
>buys anyway
Most of its exclusives are on pc now, why did you even bother OP? Are you a short-bus tourist, because this is pretty goddamn pathetic.
Fuck (you) I’m not buying a shitty switch fag
I bought it way before all their games started to get WHIRRRRED
name fag on an anonymous board seriously can you fuck off
>"Not a fan of souls games"
>buys a bloodborne machine
What the fuck were you expecting?
PS4 is a Gravity Rush/Bloodborne machine and yes, this gen is overall an embarrassment.
have you tried out the Gravity Rush series?
PS4 is utter ass.
Bought one in 2017
Beat Bloodborne
Sold it
Bought a Pro in 2018
Tried God of War, Horizon ZD, Tetris Effect
All of them were mediocre
Sold it
And yet I made the same fucking mistake again, bought it again because I feel like I need Bloodborne again.
What the fuck is wrong with me.
4k/144 PC is the way to go. Old games look amazing as fuck and 4k monitors don't look like total shit in 1080, too
Short of absolute poverty I genuinely don't understand the appeal of selling a console. If you bought the damn thing in the first place then at least see it through to the end of the gen in the event it gets something else you care about. Buying a console for a game or two and then selling it just makes no sense IMO.
I bought it for Uncharted and holy shit, I regret it.
Because I felt done with the console, barely used it, and felt I could use the money on something else I liked.
I just use mine as a DVD player
I already have an Xbox One X for that.
Seconded. Gravity Rush 2 is genuinely enjoyable and aiming with the sixaxis feels fucking great.
Nah OP I feel ya. I hate souls shit. Only games I've liked on this shit console was GR, Spiderman, and GoW. But now it's just collecting dust. Might buy dreams, wait for the community to die off, and shelf my PS4 to the basement.
You may aswell keep it since you keep rebuying it and use it as a reminder to not buy another console just for exclusive hype
how to spot a retard
>i regret buying this thing
>keeping the Xbone
Further questioning your decision making skills but fine.
The Xbox has awesome performance and I prefer playing certain games on it over PC like DMC5 and of course KH3/RDR2
>Not a fan of souls games so I couldn’t care less about Bloodborne.
Idiot, why did you buy a PS4 in the first place then.
Fucking. Idiot.
>its another episode of console retard bending over backward to be fucked
just play on PC brainlet
DMC5 has bad frame rates on PC. I also have NieR on Xbox along with other games.
Get a better PC
better PC doesn’t stop frame hitching and Denuvo
I got so unlucky this gen. I switched to PC in like 2012 and bought a PS4 in late 2015 for all the japanese games that don't get PC ports. A year after literally everything starts coming to PC, Yakuza, FF, Dragon Quest, Nier Automata, almost everything except Atlus titles now aren't PS exclusive and have PC versions. Only games on my shelf left that are PS4 only are Gravity Rush 2, P5, and Bloodborne.
>how can he insult snoy, please make him stop it
sony is shit, i have a ps4 aswell and there are literally no worth exclusives.
the console cant even run a stable fps for multiplats.
each exclusive is just a 3rd person assetflip, there is 0 creativity.
wish star ocean 5, cold steel 3 and persona were available on switch. so i could stop bother buying that shit normie bait console.
>Seething Xcuck
ps4 pro is so shit xbonex is better
dont by a pro its a waste. It's takes up a lot of space and behind in hardware.
obsessed, and I don't even own an XBONE
you dumb faggot, you're missing the point of owning a PS4, you are not supposed to play with it, you just need to spam goldenfaces and brag about exclusives 24/7
pc master race, got the ps now trial and I'm actually considering paying for it because the catalog is so good.
Is the user that was seething over the bloodborne flowchart in this thread? I walked away and it archived.
Ok then sell it no one cares about your blog bro.
Nah that ain’t me. Bloodborne is a pretty good game but Soulsborne games aren’t my thing.