It's Tax time Yea Forums. What games did you spend your refunds on?
It's Tax time Yea Forums. What games did you spend your refunds on?
I don't see that black hand user.
I pay taxes, im not poor.
I put my money into my 401k. I buy games when i want instead of waiting for a “refund” of my own money to come once a year.
Fix your w2 at work so they dont take out so much
Oh, I don't buy video games.
>I let the government steal resources from me in a parasitic relationship that I get nothing of value from and is actively destroying my country, Im not poor
lol 401k, you're stupid. it's called a tax refund for a reason, they take out a certain amount and give what they don't need back so you don't have to do anything.
>and give what they don't need back
>give what they don't need back
>what they don't need
>not desiring every penny you make being extracted from you so you can be their slave I mean serf
I still haven't filed my taxes...
I'm genuinely curious. Where should the government get the money for public utilities like infrastructure, hospitals and schooling? Should they all be pay-as-you-go? So parents need to fund all the schools' costs through tuition, and patients need to pay for the upkeep of the hospital?
Bought a Xbox One X and a Benq monitor
Most of it went into car repairs, sadly. But next year's gonna be great, I khave a hugeass deduction from a surgery I had in february.
>Getting a tax refund
You fucked up
>Should they all be pay-as-you-go?
>So parents need to fund all the schools' costs through tuition
>patients need to pay for the upkeep of the hospital?
That's how free market works
more like his employer fucked up
>lol 401k, you're stupid.
>it's called a tax refund for a reason
>they take out a certain amount and give what they don't need back
Damn, didn't realize literal 12 year olds were posting on Yea Forums about taxes of all things.
Salaried people usually pick what percentage of their paycheck to withold for taxes. I try to get as close as possible to my income tax without going over. If you really want to minmax, withold nothing, invest the extra cash, and payoff everything you owe at the last minute.
Well, he probably didn't even put in a single allowance on his w-4. My goal for next year now that I have a "real" job is to get a tax return under $100.
>get robbed and raped
should have paid your police insurance