Never watched even 00:05 seconds of speedruns in my life. AMA
Never watched even 00:05 seconds of speedruns in my life. AMA
Me neither.
Great taste in manga tho.
Based. Speedrunning is fucking faggot shit and this has been proven by all the disgusting trannies now involved with it.
Disgusting trannies are most definitely involved in whatever your favorite activity is.
what the fuck went wrong with the sequel
Do you have a reason for it? I like watching mario romhack speedruns while multitasking or trying to fall asleep. It's pretty comfy desu, and I mean that in the most sincere way possible
I was gonna say my favorite activity is hating trannies but considering the suicide rate...
there are no trannies on tennis
I fantasize about being magically turned into an anime wolf girl and using this to be a speedrunning camgirl on twitch. I would have inhuman reaction times and beat everyone in every vidya. I would use the scout in csgo championships and never miss, often being accused of hacks.
This is what I fap to.
Given their small numbers compared to the general population it doesn't matter, however in speedrunning they somehow make up 95% of the population minus the 40% carry the 1 and you get 400% faggotry.
rushing video games with a timer and trying to break records sounds plain stupid and not entertaining at all. the only occasion where watching others play games is fun is if they know how to do incredible things, not something that just requires muscle memory and some glitch exploits. I have the same gut feeling when I see normies who watch those nigger reaction videos to some game of thrones or whatever it is being talked about. Those people sitting in there in the background look like fucking NPCs
the concept alone bores me out of my mind
want a trophy?
A man of culture I see. Speed runs are for literal turbo autists, pic related, what speed runners probably rely on
I watched 100% speedruns of GTA SA and Pokemon Stadium 2. That's 36 hours.
I don't even play video games anymore.
>in speedrunning they somehow make up 95% of the population
do people actually believe this?
You would also think trannies made up 95% of sports if somehow you lived your life in a way that your only exposure to sports was through trannies.
stepmania speedrunner I watched occasionally just came out as trans. when do you think this meme will end?
>not giving a shit about speedruns
Seems right
When the fuck will Kaiji get out of his mom's house? It has been 4 fucking months already
That's fair. I used to have that exact same sentiment until I started watching romhack speedruns. I have tried watching other games, but they are all incredibly boring and seem pointless. At least romhacks tend to have visually interesting levels and unique mechanics.
>stepmania speedrunner
I've never watched a second of a speedrun but yet love hour long Youtube videos explaining the history of a game's speedrun. Am I a retarded?
draw a third person, this one being a brainlet wojak, entertained by watching the guy run in a straight line from A to B
if you're going to expand on this then you might as well start drawing obstacles like invisible walls and precise platforming sections in the out of bounds section of the racetrack
What sort of videos do you enjoy watching?
Are there any trannies in swimming?