

Attached: 1545569798442.png (1230x741, 669K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Built for human cock.

Why do so many furry designs look like they're wearing a wig

Attached: Carmelita_Fox.png (350x439, 147K)

because they pretty much are
i wish they'd stop with the hair, it looks awful 99% of the time

>take a normal animal
>give it a bigass heap of human hair


What about her, user?

Disgusting abomination. Hi rez cannot develop actual good anyrhijg. They rely on furry b8 for sales here. They rely on being second rate of any genre they develop because they only care to be good enough as a free to play game can be. Scummy buisness prwctices and horror stories of employee experiences. Hi rez can eat shit.

Fuck pepper.

Well designed furry characters don't have hair rooted in front of the ears. Also, having hair that matches the fur color helps..

>Fuck pepper.
god imagine

Attached: 1544411340223.jpg (1920x1050, 252K)

Furfaggotry detected
Circlejerks over wanting to fuck anthro characters isn't vidya

Attached: What are some games with beast races v.gif (417x234, 2.37M)

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You'll never be the next lee

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Do you honestly think you're going to stop anything or what? If anything, you're encouraging it.

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

You pieces of shit deserve to fucking die

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

But Yea Forumssetera doesn't talk about vidya, it's the eceleb twitter drama board...

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there is nothing wrong with being a furry

Pretty fucking disgusting, dude...


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Hey guys I just wanted to give everyone a heads up about a certain retard that always invades threads about hero shooters, mostly OW or Paladins. He can usually be seen posting self-made furshit of a bunny character, avatarfagging with this deviantart tier purple bitch or posting graphs about OW "dying" because of said bitch.
He's a mentally ill furry fucktard with a similar number of ban evasions as Barneyfag under his belt. He unsurprisingly has a severe obsession with animals, but also with the concept of aliens being "beautiful and kind" (specially regarding some alien cats he deluded himself into believing in) and how the ugly aliens in media are "cringy and nonsensical", with images to go with it that he constantly posts on several boards at a time seeking validation and fellation for his "brilliance".
He's also a ponyfag by the way, but will completely deny it down to his grave despite there being uncountable proof. And also a /pol/tard. You're probably not surprised. Here's a quick rundown:
>Steam: Kernel Kumshot (use a website like to see past nicknames and find just one proof of his mlp precedents)
>Plebbit: sloppyfreddy/Neptuneos (the latter he uses to samefag his main account, believe it or not)
>Twitter: Loro Poro @Gladiosly
>Some other popular websites I will not name for retard furries like him: blastermaster/blasterwavemaster/masterwave/masterwavexl0
>commonly posts from an Apple device as evident from filenames, but not always
>commonly samefags by posting from desktop and phone at once and uses the lack of (You)s in screenshots as an argument to the contrary
Every time you see someone furbaiting with threads like this and being an obnoxious fucking retard in general, it's most likely him. He will deny being related to any of those accounts, but anyone with the observation skills of an elementary schooler can see right past it.
Ignore him. He does not represent any of the games he shitposts about. Leave him talking to himself.

Attached: sloppyfreddy & family.png (704x960, 783K)

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

You pieces of shit deserve to fucking die

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)