>ShiggySalto Itoi himself said that fangames are ok and he completely supports them
>Make a decent project, take time to deliver something of high quality
>Music, graphics, and spirit of the originals, it's all there
>"JK, we're massive pussies and we're scared that Nintendo will take down a free fan game lol"
>Proceed to change literally EVERYTHING about the project that resembled the original title it was based off of
The fact that we will never be delivered what was actually promised (for almost 10 years at this point) is infuriating to the highest degree. It's literally just tumblr fanfiction now. You guys are pussies. Clyde Mandelin could do it, but you guys can't? Congratulations on taking away the SOLE reason people were interested in your project to begin with. I really hope that at least ONE of you spineless, slack-jawed fucks are reading this just so you can take in the fact that your project is seriously doomed.
Like, seriously, I dare somebody to make a fully fleshed-out F-Zero fangame over the course of like 10 years, garner an immense amount of hype from a niche, yet large fanbase, and then proceed to take everything remotely related to F-Zero out of it and turn it into a Wipeout clone. Fuck you.
Congratulations to everybody on the team, not just for wasting everybody's time and expectations, no, but for wasting 10+ years of people's lives and efforts who actually worked on the game, all for it to come to something that literally nobody wanted. Very cool.
Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares. We have Lisa, Off, and Undertale those are already Mother 4 enough
Wait, what? What happened?
LISA surpasses whatever Mother 4 could possibly be
who cares dude
Nobody even played mother before le game theory memes and smash made it quirky and top 10 most ign or whatever.
Fuck off dweeb.
Didn't they say years ago that it wouldn't be "Mother 4"?
There's your problem. These are the same people who spent weeks giving some girl asspats because she did a study on chat in FPS games and found PEOPLE CAN BE MEAN!
It was honestly a smart move to rebrand. Call them "pussies" all you want, Nintendo is a super litigious company of out of touch geriatric japs. They're not based like SEGA.
>it took 10 years
Jesus christ M4 team. Can't wait for your game to come out so that I can mod the hell out of it and have my Mother 4 experience
How many of you fags even knew who ness was when you unlocked him in SSB?
Most people I knew thought it was the little boy who owns the room where the fights take place.
You're pretty late on this topic mate, that was like two years ago. I don't like the change either, but if the game still winds up good then I don't give a shit. Also
>ShiggySalto Itoi himself said that fangames are ok and he completely supports them
Stop taking what he said out of context.
>being angry over a free game
>done by people who do it for free
>who didn't even take donations
You literally lost nothing. It's not like these guys crowdfunded or took people's money while promising to make a Mother fangame.
SEGA is not "based". They literally can't afford to defend their IPs.
I forget people like you exist, occasionally.
Most people just glance over your faggotry because the Undertale fandom already exists, but not me.
Itoi doesn't fucking own Earthbound so while he can endorse a fan game, he doesn't have final say over if it gets taken down or not. It's all Nintendo at that point.
This is literally the staple for any industry at all, how retarded are you to try and even argue this?
I didn't, I just liked playing as a kid since I was a kid. It ended up getting me into the Mother series though, so I'm glad he was in Smash.
Calling it Mother 4 in the first place was just fucking disrespectful. This is a good move.
Why the fuck would you spend so much time making a game using copyrighted names/material anyway? Just make it moddable to make it look like what it's supposed to be and release it as a different game.
That's what the people making the Mario Maker rip-off are going to do. They're staying anonymous while developing it as "Mario Multiverses", but once it released it's going to just be generic platform creator with "custom" graphic packs.
Can't wait for Mother/Earthbound clones to die
Kikes over at the M4 team decided to "play it safe" and remove an asston of things related to Mother and rework the entire game/story to accommodate that. They pretty much reworked the entire thing and have stated that it probably won't be much like Mother.
Lisa is weird and nothing like Mother. Unique game in its own right but not every RPG with quirky dialogue is explicitly Mother-inspired.
This was a pretty recent thing
It's not just a "Rebrand," literally nobody would care if the name wasn't exactly "Mother 4" but the problem is they're changing the entire game around it, thus getting rid of everything this was about
Shane, we know you're there
Pretty sure Shiggy has part ownership of his franchise. Why would Nintendo care about one of their dead franchises anyway? They let Tomato do an entire fan translation and distribute it en masse, it's obvious they really don't care or have any plans
I'm more mad that life+ died for this shitty game.
Thanks for the (you)!
>Lisa is weird and nothing like Mother
Austin has stated that he drew inspiration from EarthBound, and the parallels are really obvious. It's not just quirky dialogue, it's an absurd situation and setting bounced off of a relatable protagonist. Have you played it?
>It's literally just tumblr fanfiction now.
That's all it ever was.
You're getting mad over nothing more than the filename on an EXE and some logo sprites.
Nintendo's decision to C&D games usually depends on if they have a new game coming out or if they have some plan with them
They took down rom sites so they could shill their online feature
They C&D'd AM2R because they had a Metroid 2 remake in the works
The odds of a new Mother game coming out are incredibly slim, so I don't htink they had anything to worry about
It just looks like an unnecessarily grim fanfic game that somebody tried to make slightly resemble EB. It's also a sidescroller.
>merely pretending
You're way too invested in literal fan fiction.
How many times is this meme going to be said? It's not just the name, literally nobody cares about that. Anything remotely related to Mother is being wiped completely from the game, including but not limited to: Entire sub-plots and part of the main plot, characters, gameplay style, entire areas, dialogue
Not him, and I don't particularly care about the change, but entire arcs of the game are apparently being restructured because of it. They didn't just want to tape on a Mr. Saturn copy because they thought it'd be disrespectful. Regardless of what anybody cares for it, the rebrand has immensely delayed the project further.
>unnecessarily grim
You haven't played it.
Also Citizens of Earth.
It was okay.
>They C&D'd AM2R because they had a Metroid 2 remake in the works
I refuse to believe Nintendo had the idea to remake metroid 2 just as some random ass team was about to do it.
Out of curiosity, what did they change it to?
AM2R was in development for a long time, user
They literally hire the people who make good fangames and shit you mongoloid
They're still deciding, and in classic Mother 4 Team fashion, we probably won't know for another year.
you're autistic m8
all it was ever going to be is some fanfiction story
It's probably a good thing that it's not "Mother 4" anymore. Think about how many Mother inspired games have come out, like Lisa, Undertale, and so on. Straight up calling it Mother 4 was a bold move.
I waited so fucking long for this game. I used to listen to the ost during classes in highschool. Of all games, why did this one have to crash and burn?
Exact same situation. Really sucks.
Honestly, as long as it becomes something worth playing, does it matter if it's not "Mother 4"? Ever since I heard of this project I've been thinking why put so much effort into a fan game you can't even have the rights to when you could make something of your own. If they pull it off, I'm happy for them. If not, well, sucks.
I remember hearing about it like mid-2014, and being excited for Winter.
Then years of browsing the blog posts while sitting in class during high school.
Now I'm in college. God damn it.
I hadn't listened to the soundtrack till somewhat recently, and it just made me want a game that will never exist.
>we're scared that Nintendo will take down a free fan game lol
I seriously don't blame them at all for this, but everything else surrounding this game's development is a fucking disaster.
>this is what indie shills honestly believe
>Shitpost non-stop that they should just turn this into an original game
>They finally do that
>Now the shit posting about how they betrayed Mother is about to begin
There's never any winning
What does those have to do with Mother, a series about the power of love?
didn't read lmao
>"Thanks for all the free publicity Earthbound fuckers now we can remove all Nintendo/Mother ties to release it as an indie game for $$$"
>Shitpost non-stop that they should just turn this into an original game
literally nobody ever has said that
besides why would someone who spent 10 years making a game directly based on an idea just randomly flip flop and destroy everything theyve made because some faggot said so?
to anyone seriously progressing on a Nintendo IP fangame/redesign like the LTTP-style Ocarina of Time:
Big N will wait until your project is 75% complete and hit you with a C&D, every single time. Shut your vain stupid faggy mouths, log out of twitter and just release the game one day
knew it, the free Mother fan game was just a ploy for popularity. Guaranteed they'll charge for their new game now that theyre popular af
...only because they have a conflicting new game in the works related to that IP
They still say the game will be free whenever it comes up.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but if that was their plan they should have made it clear at the rebrand. Doing it now will just piss people off.
This. Nintendo is extremely anal about their games. Just lay low and then release.
You're better off completely forgetting this exists and being surprised to see it come out ten years from now.
That's true, but some Mother fans are too attached to certain things about the series, like the setting, continuity, or the devs. Some hypothetical fan-made Mother 4 doesn't need to possess these things, and Itoi himself felt that Mother 4 could be literally be anything and everything.
They'll make a bullshit reason that they took time and effort making a mother game so theyre out of funds now that nintendo seized their project.
This. Kingdom of the Dumps is looking great!
t. jealous uncultured fag.
Why are you complaining for a free game? If they release it cool, if they don't whatever.
But I thought people hated the fact they were calling it Mother 4? Or was that only autistic Mother fans?
I literally just saw an ad for Kingdom of the Dumps on Instagram not more than 5 minutes ago. It looks good. What does Yea Forums think about it?
Try to make an F-Zero or Golden Sun fangame and see how quickly the Big N will shoot it down anyway
Art looks great, combat is the same as paper mario, setting looks great. Too bad it's on kickstarter. Full game wont come out until they make a million dollars on kickstarter and then sell it for like 15 dollars on steam/epic
Overhyped expectations the game pretty much. I think the worst part of it is the the gameplay vids released in like 2014 or 15 actually looked really fun. And Music sounded really good too iirc. But nah fuck all the hard work and hours people already put in.
It's never coming out, but it had a good soundtrack.
Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.
> It is hardly incumbent on copyright owners, however, to challenge each and every actionable infringement. And there is nothing untoward about waiting to see whether an infringer’s exploitation undercuts the value of the copyrighted work, has no effect on the original work, or even complements it. Fan sites prompted by a book or film, for example, may benefit the copyright owner. See Wu, Tolerated Use, 31 Colum. J. L. & Arts 617, 619–620 (2008).
Why would you care so much about some fangame?
I wouldn't give a shit about a fan made F-Zero GX2 because it's not a real F-Zero, I want the real deal not some dude fanfiction rom hack.
Have you seen the gameplay footage? The aesthetic is incredibly on point, moreso than any fangame I have ever seen. It's physically painful that this is vaporware.
Are you autistic? Did you not play Sonic Mania and Freedom Planet? AM2R? Fans are the ones most passionate about the games, reminder that nintendo fully outsourced a 2.5D metroid to a shit dev that made the worst metroidvania to ever release on a console.
Hell ask what Paper Mario fans think of "the real deal".
Have sex.
>game theory
Want to try giving that another guess?
>fangame based on existing IP is announced
>thread after thread of "lol, why can't they just make their own original game"
>fangame is retooled to be its own thing
They just can't win.
>Muh aesthetic
no Itoi no mother
Sonic is pure gameplay, this is an rpg, I don't want mother fanfiction.
Didn't they announce that they're dropping the Mother relationship like 2 years ago? And you're still mad about it now? Get over it, loser.
>no Itoi no mother
Granted, it probably wouldn't have the same endearing dialogue, but they perfectly captured the visual style. If you showed screenshots to someone who didn't know about the project, they'd very likely think it was an official project.
>Proceed to change literally EVERYTHING about the project that resembled the original title it was based off of
Maybe they shouldn't have set up ways to receive money then.
>literally nobody ever has said that
I certainly did. And I've read others say it as well. I'm happier with the decision. When it comes out, it will be new a fresh, and their own, and something they can be proud of.
>but they perfectly captured the visual style.
Who cares? That's not what made the Mother series.
This is my plan for a Chrono Trigger remake.
>this is an rpg, I don't want mother fanfiction
Again, ask what Paper Mario fans think of the real deal.
It's literally half of the appeal. You're being intellectually dishonest.
>It's literally half of the appeal
Yeah no, most of the appeal came from the characters and settings.
Not him but all three mother games had different visual styles.
Except I wouldn't have even picked up the game if I didn't see the big dumb box in Blockbuster with all the goofy, colorful screenshots. Shit, Moonside is one of the most memorable parts of the entire game, and it's because of the visual design, not "yes is no."
Probably a real sequel to the GC Paper Mario, not a fanfiction sequel by some american goblin.
Everything about this is retarded and gay.
>dev team had the audacity to call it Mother 4 instead of just Relative as an homage
>fans of Mother can't just let it go and be happy they got a nice little trilogy
The Mother fanbase is easily the worst fanbase. Prove me wrong you can't
>Except I
Stopped reading there. Your reasons are absolutely worthless in this conversation because we're talking generally here and most people didn't give a shit about the style. In fact that was the second reason after the price of the game itself that caused the game to sell as poorly as it did.
>because we're talking generally here and most people didn't give a shit about the style
By all means, provide evidence to support this claim.
Sonic is the worst fanbase in existence, bar none. This isn't even up for debate.
How about you actually join in on Mother discussion instead of acting like playing EB makes you an expert.
I havent played lisa or off but undertale isn't like or even hold the same quality and and unique feeling from mother series
Mother 4 made by fans is not a real Mother sequel. Fuck off with this shit game.
Literally what?
I don't know, the Sony fanbase is definitely a contender but if you want to go outside of that there's MLP.
imagine being this retarded and entitled
>fangame is retooled to be its own thing
Wait seriously? Source please. For years I told these Dev Shills to make their own thing. If this is true I am absolutely proud of you. I hope it becomes a success.
>th-th-th-th-That doesn’t count!!!!!!!!
At the spergs in the Sonic fandom are funny. Motherfags just whine
Oh great, he can't into English.
When I was a kid I thought he was from Paperboy
Whine about what? I've found the Mother fandom to be pretty comfy, myself.
Sonic has pure trash 99% of the time, how the fuck does it still have a fanbase.
Dude, you picked up Earthbound because it looked pretty. Did you ever actually talk to anyone about it though?
Watch reviews?
The visuals are usually footnote in discussions next to lore and whatnot. Then there's mother 1 which didn't have those visuals and 3 did tone it down somewhat because of the GBA.
At least Sonicfags can make good fangames.
>How about you actually join in on Mother discussion instead of acting like playing EB makes you an expert.
>Dude, you picked up Earthbound because it looked pretty. Did you ever actually talk to anyone about it though?
Not even the same user but why are you projecting so hard?
I'm saying I wouldn't even have touched the game initially if the endearing visuals didn't rope me in. I'm not denying that the game is incredibly well written, but to deny that a large part of the appeal is the visuals is being intellectually dishonest.
Sonic Mania doesn't count.
>but to deny that a large part of the appeal is the visuals is being intellectually dishonest.
Visuals? You mean art style? The appeal was the goofy weird modern-day take on RPG's at the time. Earthbound wasn't your typical medieval-fantasy. That's one of the reasons why I enjoyed Earthbound's game world so much. If you thought Earthbound was some amazing deep storytelling you're kidding yourself. Yes, finding out about Giygas and shit was cool but the game world and art style was much more interesting. Don't let hipsters make you think Earthbound was some 2deep4ubullshit
It's was clear this project was doomed years ago
>but to deny that a large part of the appeal is the visuals is being intellectually dishonest
Again large is a very, very huge overstatement given it was only really a part of one game. Even then its not much of a talking point outside of Giygas.
Nigger, I'm saying there are exactly two things that draw people to EB—the quirky dialogue and the quirky art style. Guess which one if those attracts people going in completely blind. This is extremely fucking simple, and I don't even understand why you're arguing with me about this.
I was talking about Sonic Robo Blast 2 and its Kart spin-off tho.
Oh, well I've never heard of those, and neither has anyone else.
Because the dude is a hipster. I don't know why but so many hipster contrarians who praise Earthbound all the time are those snobby nerds you see in Oregon and Washington. And these so-called "super fans" of the series like trying to make it like some complete masterpiece. Pretentious fags seriously.
Ah, so redditors and ResetErafags. Should've known.
Hasn't Nintendo gone against fan art before?
Think about what you're talking about.
Depends how pornographic it is
those games aassssssssssssssssssssss
Not even a free game, a MOD meaning you still had to buy nintendo's original game to play it.
Nintendo is the worst gayming company in japan.
Yeah, Nintendo had taken down shitloads of porn art of their characters on japanese webspace. They're more lenient about it now.
>and I don't even understand why you're arguing with me about this.
Of course you don't understand, you think your reasons are the reasons everyone shares. Not to mention if it were the visuals it would have sold better.
>I don't know why but so many hipster contrarians who praise Earthbound all the time are those snobby nerds you see in Oregon and Washington
Good lord talk about projection.
>make their own thing
Yet it will still probably be some "Earthbound-inspired" garbage with "quirky" humor but infused with Tumblr-friendly garbage.
Nintendo only intervenes when a fangame interferes with their profit
>c&d's online mario level creator
>releases Mario Maker a year later
>c&d's AMR2
>Metroid 2 remake releases just months after
>BoTW 8bit remake
>BoTW was only out for a month or two, with the DLC coming out after the fact
The reality is more like this
>"Wow, look at all these ideas the fan game has, Nintendo should implement them in their own games."
>Nintendo goes their own direction.
>"WTF! Nintendo doesn't care about fans! They should know people want the fan game's features. They're so much better. In fact, they should just hire the fans to make their games. A team of 5 guys made a better game than Nintendo ever did, and they put it out for free! Why should I pay $60 to play their inferior version?"
Are you retarded? Not a single person is saying its a masterpiece. Hell the only person who said anything close was the "ooh pretty colors!" faggot when he said this
You forgot
>oh man we should open up a patreon for this and make some money on the side!
You should play them. They're really good.
>Not to mention if it were the visuals it would have sold better.
You have no way of proving this, so stop relying on your headcanon, user.
suck my nuts you entitled fucking child
I'll look into them.
Have they announced the new title yet? Was the leak a few weeks ago true?
Project M was shutdown due to internal drama. Nintendo told the tournament organizers to not allow PM or they would forbid them from hosting Smash 4 tourneys, but they never tried to sue the mod or the dev team.
>or they would forbid them from hosting Smash 4 tourneys
>you can't get together with a bunch of players and see who is the best
How is this even a thing? What would they do?
>this one fucking guy has post like 80 times in this thread
Neck yourself pedo
The leak was technically true, but really outdated. The info was from about the time of the Shane debacle if I remember correctly, not to mention it was before the rebrand.
Also, no title announcement yet. According to the lead dev, it will happen this year.
This but unironically
I think Oddity: Under the Moonlight sounds like a cool name, I hope it turns out fun
I hope they charge for the game once it's done. You guys really don't deserve it for free. And if you're going to pirate it then your opinion matters even less.
Sorry chap, that name was confirmed false.
Hello Devs.
>I hope they charge for the game once it's done.
How would that benefit you?
>You guys really don't deserve it for free.
Are you implying that there are people out there that deserve it for free?
Oh well, either way I hope it's good
This is why I'm so glad Nintendo doesn't own Intelligent Systems or Fire Emblem. It has such a huge rom hacking and fan game scene which Nintendo has never been able to mess with.
>Or was that only autistic Mother fans?
take a look at
and take a wild guess
undertale is shit though
>You have no way of proving this
user, it's common sense. Not to mention back then the Internet didn't really exist in a way that was easy to access so the only thing to go on was Nintendo Power and the back of the box.
Also are you really going to cry headcanon when your entire problem is that no one believes you?
Nigger, I've already laid out my entire argument. There are two things that attract people to EB:
>quirky dialogue
>quirky art style
I, personally, came for the latter, and stayed for the former. I'd wager that most other players did the same. If you think I'm mistaken in that assertion, explain why in concrete terms, instead of shooting out a bunch of ad-homs like a fucking teenage girl.
Which makes them even more fucking retarded because we could have used any future takedowns as assurance that a new Mother game was in development by Nintendo...fucking brainlet pieces of garbage.
Holy shit, you idiots are still at this?
>This is why I'm so glad Nintendo doesn't own Intelligent Systems or Fire Emblem.
Except they do. Well, they own FE at least.
Welcome to 4channel.org.
theres something about this pic that makes me never want to touch the game seriously it looks so fucking stupid
also doesnt help the dev is a full sjw on twitter
More like there is a torrent of so much porn on the internet and Pokemon arguably having more adult content then any other videogame/animated franchise ever, I think they more just gave in that their is basically nothing they can do to fight people's dicks.
austin is a cuckold and hopefully killed himself already, i will agree with you on that
Not him but this is pathetic. You're just whining because you were told that others didn't follow your reasonings.
That's no reason to throw a hissy fit like this.
The dev literally lost his mind after his dad died. He's a faggot, but I get that he was just in a really rough place at the time. The game is extremely solid though, and despite being a Motherlike, it fully does its own thing with the choices about your body parts/party members.
It's completely reasonable to think Nintendo would go after them given how they've treated fangames in the past. It doesn't matter what Itoi said because he doesn't work for Nintendo and probably wouldn't even know about this game due to it not being japanese. Are all Mother fans this autistic?
Thanks for proving that you're a teenage girl, like I said in that post.
You have like five fucking people and that user telling you that they and others didn't give a shit about the visuals while you're the only one crying about it still. If anything the thread itself tells you that you're wrong.
who cares? mother is a homosex franchise. the project is probably better off leaving that shit behind.
>Kikes over at the M4 team decided to "play it safe" and remove an asston of things related to Mother and rework the entire game/story to accommodate that. They pretty much reworked the entire thing and have stated that it probably won't be much like Mother.
oh thank god
for some reason the mother community completely misinterpreted itoi when he stated he wanted the next "mother" game to be from the fans.
it didn't mean he LITERALLY wanted a mother fan game posed as an official game. he only wanted something similar that could obviously stand on it's own ground without copying.
Great, you think I'm him now. Totally not wrapped up in your own delusions are you.
Nigger, they're making a free game for you in their spare time between whavever other responsibilities they have.
They have every right to be worried that Nintendo will take it down too, because they have a history of doing exactly that. Itoi's feelings don't mean shit.
I get why you're disapointed, but it's not something you really have the right to be mad about. It's a free game, that you have not supported the creation of in any way whatsoever.
You are one person, user, not five. Get that checked out.
Do you even know what an ad-hom is?
People who enjoy turn based rpg's are fucking retarded anyways. The mother series is basically a visual novel series, where you have to smash the A button 50,000 times to make the story progress.
Bitch, we don't give a fuck what you call it. Just release it.
They will probably rebrand to try to sell it like those shitty indie games
5 people on Yea Forums isn't in any way significant
Why even bother posting if you're going to do retarded shit like this?
it's gonna be funny when itoi says that undertale is the real mother 4 in his eyes
>no one believes you
>you are completely alone in your assertion and everyone thinks you're wrong
Yes, I do know what an ad-hom is.
>developer references existing games
>developers remove references from existing games
>spend 10 years of your life making a free game that infringes upon a very legally aggressive company's copyright and initially made people buttmad that it was self-declared to be the next entry in an official series
>spend 10 years of your life making a free (or paid, now that you have the option) game that has 0 chance of ever disappearing because you own it and makes no one buttmad except for the most seething of autists like OP
Anyone with a brain would choose the latter. Also it's a fucking PC game so you can mod back in the Mother references if you really want to.
Why haven't you even pretended to take my argument at face value instead of just telling me I'm wrong and hoping that your appeals to the majority will win out?
I’m pretty sure they went the “rebranding” route to justifiably go radio silent when they realized they wouldn’t be able to deliver something remotely close to the deadlines they kept pushing back. At this point it’s safe to assume they’re containing the shitstorm to save face for a few years until some of their devs have made a name for themselves and dissociate from the backlash that this is going to have within the interested communities.
The guy who just couldn’t take it is Shane Mesa back in 2017, who threw a fit when he realized the project was doomed and decided to cut his losses by detaching himself from the project to take his work somewhere else until they offered him the rights to sell the soundtrack.
I hope somebody from the team is reading this too: you’re a bunch of pussies and you’re done for in the industry because of that.
Banned from official tournaments like APEX.
Nigga your argument has been taken apart over and over again. At this point you're just replying for attention.
Yeah I don't think you do. Stating that you're getting mad because no one believes you isn't an ad hom as much as it is fact.
You on the other hand attacked his character multiple times already instead of actually acknowledging what was in his posts opting to call him a "fucking teenage girl".
Next time don't use words you don't know.
For me the series ended with Mother 3, I dont need some kind of fangame to fill a void...
Also at least try to be different in some way(s). Otherwise your game would just be a soulless copy.
>Nigga your argument has been taken apart over and over again
Show me where.
>ban them from hosting tourneys
>ban them from using official tourneys
One of these things is not like the other.
Here just do this
Ctrl + F (you)
I don't think you know how to use that saying.
That's what happened? I thought the dude just lost interest. There were posts after years of no updates where he used those proofs of concept in his portfolio.
This makes more sense when you consider the rebranded project’s name and identity has been kept on “COMING SOON” for the past two years, with almost no other content shown
>literally nobody ever has said that
As someone who's been browsing this shithole for far too long, when it was first announced you autists were seething that some fans thought they were important enough to call it "Mother 4" and said it should be called something else.
If there's only two options then both aren't like the other.
Provide a screenshot or a link to an archived thread.
Sorry for not being clear enough.
Nintendo forced APEX to drop Project M because they wanted to promote Smash U instead.
The person I was replying to said that Nintendo banned them from hosting their own tournaments. When I pressed him, he said that they actually banned them from official tournaments. In effect, the guy is a moron, and he said words that he didn't even mean to.
Yeah I get that but that's still not how the saying is used.
I'd much rather have all these games that take inspiration from the series rather than try and outdo Itoi by calling themselves Mother 4 anyway. We wouldn't have Yume Nikki and its fangames, Undertale, OFF, or any other Mother-inspired game you care to name without the series, for better or worse. I don't know about the rest of the board, but I much prefer that being Mother's ongoing legacy than having the series continue when Itoi doesn't want it, or have a fangame literally try and be a 4th entry. This series has an ongoing group of fans that take inspiration from it and tap into that same kind of creative spark for their own projects. I don't know of many other dead/finished series that can say the same thing.
I was being facetious. Do you know what sarcasm is?
Are you hurt by my post or something?
Here you go faggot, 2 minutes on the archive.
>using sarcasm
>on the Internet
is there anything else you'd like to reach for
>literally one of those quotes cares about the title of the game
Shitty bait.
AM2R was being worked on for like ten years and went through a bunch of different engine rewrites and shit.
That said Nintendo probably had no idea it existed until right before it was released.
Dude we're not just shitposting. We're being for real. Me included when I heard about Mother 4 fan game I was rolling my eyes so hard. I think it's fucking stupid. If the Mother 4 game is actually being rebranded than I am happy for them. They're talented devs and shouldn't waste their talent by trying to go what Shigesato Itoi said about the fans making a sequel which he never meant anyways, mistranslation. Now they can create something truly unique and more true to their own soul and craft. Very happen for them if true.
I didn't think you would be so inept as to not actually click the link or even read the screenshot. Do you honestly want me to screenshot every post in that thread for you, you giant baby?
You're an absolute newfag. Every time the Devs or some obnoxious shill post about Mother 4 we'd tell them the same thing. It's not a real Mother 4 game.
Honestly, I don't give a single shit about what low IQ retards think about the title. It was very obviously inspired by Mother, so Mother 4 is a fine title. Afraid of big daddy Nintendo? Call it Father or some shit. I don't care, just release the fucking game.
I wouldn't bother replying. He knows he's wrong and just wants to shitpost now.
Literally no one cares if it's 'real' or not, you headcanon fucking pile of neuroses. The game looks good, and I want to play it.
I said that to explain the other user's in the threads that agreed on the same thing that Mother 4 game was fucking lame.
Based nostradamus user
>Literally no one cares if it's 'real' or not
LMAO we do fucking care. This faggot is ok for some cheap devs to steal an idea as a "fan game" without any real thought or merit behind the game. Literally stealing the quirky dialogue and art style. Fucking brain dead developers. No one is going to play it as long as they rebrand it into something their own. You absolute brain autist.
>an obvious vaporware project is not getting off the ground
>"haha, it'll never come out"
Genius. Give this guy a fucking Nobel Peace Prize. He's so fucking intelligent that he can probably predict the next time that the jews will pull a false flag attack.
Who the fuck are you? How can you possibly think that you speak for this entire imageboard? Go fuck yourself.
The majority who thinks this game looks unoriginal and uninspired? Just wait and watch more people like us we'll stand up to you fucking faggots. You reek of shit game taste user maybe wash your mouth out with some gamer girl piss.
wanna try learning how to read?
You don't speak for anybody, you self-important pile of shit. Burn in hell.
>gamer girl piss
Oh, I'm talking to a communist. Makes sense.
>You don't speak for anybody, you self-important pile of shit. Burn in hell.
I speak to the people who thinks Mother 4 looks like a shit game. More people like us will stand up to this horse shit. I can see tears running down your face. No one is going to play this garbage uninspired game user. The Devs been jerking each other off with no progression and it looks like a coldly calculated carbon copy of Earthbound. It's trash.
>I speak to the people who thinks Mother 4 looks like a shit game.
Provide a screenshot of this.
It has already been posted. Google around. Do your own research. But you won't. You want to keep the head canon that every blind Earthbound fan is wanting some shit Mother 4 game that was probably spewed out of some hipsters asshole anyways. Believe that somehow you'll hold hands with like-minded individuals but will face the grim reality that everyone thinks it's some shit game.
Posts like OP are things I can't imagine myself ever posting because they're so retarded. I also can't imagine how anyone can even bother responding to such dumb shit. But if he didn't post and you didn't respond then we wouldn't have any threads at all, so I guess I'm fucking thankful.
this game looks like garbage lmao is this tumblr tier rpg???
The only thing I'm saying is that I'm a Mother fan and this fangame looks good to me. I really don't understand which point what you're so fervently against me on.
>The only thing I'm saying is that I'm a Mother fan and this fangame looks good to me
Have you been reading your posts? Like, at all?
Which part are you taking issue with?
>Yet it will still probably be some "Earthbound-inspired" garbage with "quirky" humor but infused with Tumblr-friendly garbage.
the tumblr part worries me because every single EB inspired indie game is made by the wrong people who make everyone gay for no reason
Take it that's a no then.
>developer making a new IP instead of leeching off a dead franchise
>this is a bad thing according to faggot OP
Were you one of those autists shilling for the fangame for all these years? Is that why you're mad?
If anything their willingness to actually go out on their own, rather than piggybacking off a beloved Nintendo property, makes me a lot more interested in what they have to offer.
>every single EB inspired indie game is made by the wrong people who make everyone gay for no reason
You will accept the globohomo Multikulti world that we've laid out for you, and you will enjoy it, goy.
They doing this to get Patreon money. Too bad they were way too late to hop on that boat.
Which part were you taking issue with?
absolutely based
I've followed mother 4 all these years and thought it was fine to call it mother 4. When people shit talked the game for its title I was frustrated because that was such an unimportant part of the actual game. When they decided they were going to change the title the other year, I thought that was also fine. It's their game to do with as they will in development. People need to get their priorities straight, man.
>that was such an unimportant part of the actual game
Clearly not since they were still figuring out the game years after they had settled on a title. And who knows how many decisions were settled by saying "it's supposed to be a Mother sequel so it should be like this".
This was way before everybody knew how good this game would at least look
What's your fucking problem with this game? Honestly. Spell it out. Let us know why you're autistically screaming about this fucking fangame. Let it be known.
Because it's not a real true Mother 4. Only some autistic fans thinking it's somehow Mother 4. Stealing concepts and the ideas that make a good Earthbound game into a butchered version of itself. It's not original.
The implication from all development blogs was that overt references to the mother series other than, like, a mr Saturn, were kept at few to none. It was the aesthetic, tone, and gameplay that made it mother 4. They said early on after ditching Chase that the point of the game wasn't to slavishly adhere to the content of the 3 established games but to instead be wholly original while still using the name Mother. So, I don't think many decisions were settled in such a way if any of the messages that they broadcast had truth behind them.
Are you aware of the quote by Itoi that essentially says that he's done with Mother, but he's willing to see what people make of it?
No, it wasn't. The game has had the same screenshots and trailers for the past 4-5 years and this was back then that they were saying this.
I've been reading posts since the first announcements and I can say this is the first time I've seen anyone complain that it's not called mother 4. Used to be nothing but bitching at the assumed hubris to use the name. Reddit is probably related to this shift.
This. No one gives a single solitary shit what this game is called. Either release it, or don't, you stupid faggots. Teasing people with vaporware is a good way to get them to hate you, dipshits.
Actual OP here. My problem isn't the title. It would be better if they changed the title. I agree, naming it Mother 4 straight up is retarded. My main problem is with changing everything we've come to expect of the game, in terms of dialogue, artstyle and areas in the game, and the characters. This is all at risk of being deleted because of the "rebrand," not just the name. Can at least some of you agree that the game looks fantastic so far? I agree it's been through development hell because of shitty time management and the fact that it's a fan game, but really, it does look great.
I'm gonna guess alot of you liked the trailer, because I did too. I don't want shitposty replies,I want genuine opinions, and you can't deny that the game looks very well put together for what it is. I enjoy the characters, the dialogue, the music, and everything else they showed in the trailer, because it really captures the spirit of Mother.
But what if they removed everything good about that trailer? That's what I'm trying to get across, because that's what they're doing. Nobody cares about their shitty choice for a name, the problem is every aspect of the game is getting booted in favor of pleasing Nintendo. Guess what that leaves us with? A boring, bland, generic pixelshit RPG that could have been so much more. I'm just slightly upset by this decision because of the amount of hype they've deliberately garnered over a product meant to take the spirit of another beloved IP (which they did really well) but then proceed to delete everything we followed it for in the first place.
This wasn't supposed to be a "Mother inspired" thing, this was supposed to at least attempt to be a spiritual successor more like, and I think it's completely OK to attempt that, given that the time and care has been put into it, which it has.
All I'm saying is that we've had our fair share of "Mother inspired" RPGs, I wanna see a fangame built from the ground up to be a Mother fangame. I think that's OK.
>Are you aware of the quote by Itoi that essentially says that he's done with Mother, but he's willing to see what people make of it?
Every fucking thread you same devs and obnoxious shills say the same thing. It was a mistranslated quote and he didn't mean it literally. He didn't say, "Please you gaijin hipsters make Mother 4."
Go try the Omori demo, it's fun.
Why are you so upset that someone wants to make a fangame? I literally can't comprehend where you're coming from.
>psychological horror
not my thing. 2spooky rpg games are getting kinda boring
Hmm, IDK because maybe it's not Mother 4? Checkmate retard.
You'll be surprised if you actually play it. That's not what it's really like.
I get the feeling OP is their old musician who had the meltdown and keeps spamming these threads
time to move on
>>Make a decent project, take time to deliver something of high quality
The real question is why are you upset that people won't accept your fangame?
>I agree, naming it Mother 4 straight up is retarded. My main problem is with changing everything we've come to expect of the game, in terms of dialogue, artstyle and areas in the game, and the characters.
It's not mine. I simply want to play more Mother. You have no way of saying that they failed, because the game doesn't exist.
>itoi is the only one who can make Mother
Probably. Let's see what this game is all about.
Yeah its better :^)
It's so weird every time Mother 4 is brought up there's always that one retard who's defending the game and responding to every single person in this thread. I haven't seen a Mother 4 thread in quite a while.
I know the Devs in here. Fuck off or make it original.
the naysayers haven't played the trilogy or likely haven't played at all. Lisa is THE only game to make the claim "inspired by earthbound" and actually deliver on it, nailing Itoi's comedic timing PERFECTLY.
legitimate question, are nu-mother fans
like this, make Mother fans the de-facto worst fanbase? Their game series is so fucking dead they just have to rely on shitty indie games to fill the void.
That was the whole point. Why do you want ANOTHER EB "inspired" game? It gets boring don't you think? Nintendo isn't going to do anything with the IP anymore so there's no harm in at least letting the fans have a go at it. The M4 project looks to be made by competent people. Look at what the Sonic community has done
Why is there such a noticeable push to assert that Mother fans are the worst? What do they have to gain?
>the naysayers haven't played the trilogy or likely haven't played at all. Lisa is THE only game to make the claim "inspired by earthbound" and actually deliver on it, nailing Itoi's comedic timing PERFECTLY.
This. This is it. Literally it. This is the pure and soul definition of a true Earthbound game that's inspired by it. Mother 4 devs look at Lisa and look me straight in the eye and don't you dare tell me that's true Itoi soul right there.
Explain what you think 'Itoi soul' is.
>Who cares. We have Lisa, Off, and Undertale those are already Mother 4 enough
You forgot one game.
You brainlets are so cute.
Say it in your own words, you stupid faggot.
Didn't say anything in defense of the project. The delays are ridiculous and embarrassing, and so are you.
Take your meds, Shane.
I'm not like your Mom. Not everything is going to be handed to you on a silver platter. You need to be more proactive in looking this sort of information up. You lack any sort of discipline and seeking knowledge. I can clearly see you're a lazy individual. It's quite sad.
Who murdered JFK? Who bombed the USS Liberty? Who bombed the Twin Towers?
Who is Shane?
>Shane making Mother 4 posts
It's not him. Someone would always post about it and it's always the same fag
Literally who the fuck is Shane.
>I simply want to play more Mother
Which you wouldn't be getting with your fangame. At best you'd just be getting one with a slight resemblance.
I'm not reading reddit, you stupid faggot. Explain it in your own words.
Who do you think it is then? Not being confrontational, I just assumed the leaker and turbofag who keeps making these was the Shanester
And that's fine. What's your fucking problem? What is causing you to constantly use your own energy to fight people who want a game after Mother 3? What the fuck is your problem?
I've seen Mother 4 posts every now and then on and off since 2015. It's always one guy defending the fuck out of the Mother 4 name and saying, "why can't you love what I like!!11" panic attack mode. It's probably some obnoxious shill.
Christ don't blow a gasket.
I'm just telling you that your product wouldn't have anything people liked about the mother series and would only have a passing resemblance.
And you're a stupid faggot. Tell me, in concrete terms, what you think defines a Mother game.
>And that's fine. What's your fucking problem? What is causing you to constantly use your own energy to fight people who want a game after Mother 3? What the fuck is your problem?
You know, as much as I disliked most of YIIK's aesthetics I have so much more respect for those devs than the actual Mother 4 devs. They actually went their own way and did their own shit. Mother 4 is going to be another disappointment.
We should be asking you that because it seems like you have no idea what you're even defending.
Fuck off, you fucking kike. You're about to be ejected, ala Weimar, and this time, you have nowhere to go.
The real question is what you're attacking me over. Go ahead. Explain it.
>ITT: Some fag is having an absolute meltdown
shane on suicide watch
Who's attacking you? We're just stating the fact that it wouldn't be mother 4.
>but duh name, duh disrespect
Now OP's being a fag, but you nintentoddler whiners that plagued these threads for years are just as bad.
You girls are arguing over semantics.
No one gives a single shit, you stupid faggot. I want to play it though.
>but duh name, duh disrespect
It is disrespectful to the legendary developer Shiegsato Itoi. What have you done with your life?
>you can't criticize something if you haven't made it
Go complain to Roger Ebert, you unimaginably stupid pile of shit.
Sure, no one said you couldn't be excited.
But it wouldn't be Mother 4.
So Mario, Zelda, & Pokemon romhacks and fangames are also disrespectful?
>deflecting to an ad hom
I've gotten a job and got laid, sissy boy.
Who cares? Who gives a single solitary shit?
Show some respect to Itoi please.
Kill yourself.
You do given you're getting so up in arms about it and are taking it as a personal attack.
>So Mario, Zelda, & Pokemon romhacks and fangames are also disrespectful?
FUCKING LOL. At least they were self-aware and not trying to make them out of a fucking sequel?! Get the fuck out of here you autistic moron defending Mother 4.
Go suck a tranny dick, you ResetEra pile of shit.
See what I mean?
No. Enlighten me.
After actually working for them you mouth breather. They didn't allow them to make mania because of fangames, but because of the Sonic 1 and 2 ports they worked on.
Its never going to come out anyway. None of the trailers or blog updates really demonstrated an actually working gameplay system which leads me to believe it was animated.
>Mother 4 fans on suicide watch
>See that Nintendo fucks over fan games
>Make your game look less likely to infringe copyrights so they don't potentially squeeze you dry with court costs
You're not the one opening yourself to liability, pussy. It sucks that Nintendo is an asshole but they defend their franchises vigorously. It's unrealistic expectations to think they would just let it go.
The devs probably could have hired attorneys and tried to stay closer to the original without infringing, but Nintendo can still bully them in court if the line is too blurry. I don't know if you realize this user, but infringement suits are extremely fucking expensive and I don't think very many political interests give a shit about a fangame (compared to the massive Vidya and other copyright holders who are literally made of money)
It fucking sucks that our copyright system protects big rich companies and copyright holders. It's meant to protect the "progress of arts and sciences" according to the Constitution, but it's been completely bastardized into allowing rich interests to bully anyone trying to do something new or put a spin on old properties. It fucking sucks, but don't blame the devs.
t. Law student in copyright
Link to this page?
>they were self aware
>this reaching
>projecting your own autism to boot
LOL, seething incel.
Sadly only the painful can be called a good game, but it is a really big fucking peak and I had never laughed so hard at a game in a long fucking time
Whatever fuck off.
Lawanon here,
I guarantee they would have sued if Project M's team didn't cuck under. We don't see a ton of actual infringement suits by Nintendo because the threat of suit (whether or not it's explicit) is more than enough to scare fangame devs. Suing means economic ruination.
Most cases never make it to trial, user, and are settled
Now explain the legal gray area that is romhacks and fangames. If you can't do this, you were simply larping.
This, it was fucking arrogant to call fanfiction "Mother 4" and make themselves the main characters.
Project M would have been sued to high hell if people were profiting enough off of it, should there have been more popular streams it would have been ripped down 100%
Just play Reverie
>undertale becomes a huge success
>developers realize they actually like money
>but we can't actually sell a mother 4 fan game
>f-fuck, alright let's remove anything that we can't get away with ripping off from mother and chase after those indie megabucks with our mother clone
You are here.
>Now explain the legal gray area that is romhacks and fangames
It's a gray area except the people making/playing romhacks and fangames practically act like it's not and that it's just ok for them to do it.
Now, see, you thought you were being clever because you banked on people not being able to read Japanese. The page you linked doesn't even mention America.
It's what originally got me interested in Earthbound. Same for some of the other characters, like Captain Falcon and Marth. Before everything had its own personal wiki, cross over games were a great way to find new things.
Was there ever a fangame that announced itself to the world in early stages of development and then actually got finished?
Seems like the only successful fangames are just quietly made in someone's basement and then appear on the internet when done.
You don't have to profit off something to be liable for infringement. We haven't made it to damages yet in my class but I think it does make damages worse, not that it matters when you're suing someone tiny
But it's generally not worth it for big companies to sue little fish, suit is extremely expensive and ameuteur devs can't pay out. But Nintendo is aggressive and we saw what they did to the Metroid 2 Remake. My guess is the Mother 4 devs are playing it as safe as possible to avoid all their hard work going to waste.
>Itoi himself said that fangames are ok and he completely supports them
Not really
Nice try, zoomer.
You don't have to, but it would definitely push nintendo hard enough to do it.
it was never anything like mother anyway, good on them for changing it. Originally I was entirely against it as having the balls to imply your shitty 3 man team with no relation to the original creator is going to be a proper sequel is like making a mario game and pretending it's official.
Nice shitpost nigger
Like I said, it's generally not profitable to sue because suit is wildly expensive and ameuteurs don't have money.
If they did sue a romhack or fangame, that would probably be an infringing derivative work. The first question would be whether it takes enough expressive elements from the original work to be substantially similar. Who knows what they'd say? But judges have ruled on things as silly as Duke Nukem fan levels being sold in separate CDs by other companies (en.m.wikipedia.org
ROM hacks are certainly copies, they copy the code which is protected by copyright.
Authors of fan games/ROM hacks could claim fair use, which would make the games legal, which has 4 factors I'm not going to go into. But if a fangame is serving as a replacement in the marketplace and eating market share (even if it's just a potential market share), that means it's probably not fair use. People play Project M instead of other Smash games, which would make fair use unlikely.
The 9th Circuit (Calicucks) has an awful character copyright common law too, which is completely made up by judges and wrongly interprets the copyright act. But using characters, under these rules, can be enough to infringe character copyrights
Copyright is evil
>Like I said, it's generally not profitable to sue because suit is wildly expensive and ameuteurs don't have money.
You're missing the point entirely. You're versed in law. So explain why Nintendo snipes fangames if they even peep their heads above the woodpile.
Who the fuck even wants to play this shit? It's just some narcissist team fresh out of game dev college thinking they can par up with the mother Series. The director even named the mc after himself. Legit FUCK this project and I hope it never comes out. Pic related because FUCK "earthbound inspired" games too
I'd sooner play this than YIIKES, to be sure.
Try ctrl-finding this text: アメリカ
That's specifically what I did, you piece of shit. Look at you pretending you're the only person that has the Japanese language installed.
>Stop thinking playing a game from the series makes you know anything about a game from said series
Holy autistic. Let me guess, you were introduced to earthbound via Undertale?
i don't think i've ever read a dumber post on this website
the games are done 100%, itoi already said 3 was the last one. no fucking shit the series is dead you actual mongoloid it was concluded over a decade ago. i don't see what the point you're trying to make here is, nobody is trying to fill a void. that implies something is missing, but the series is already complete.
God I've been trying to make a Mother 4 dicussion thread for months now didn't know I had to freak out and start screaming in the subject line to get a thread rolling. fucking op
anyway did anyone ever uncover why shane mesa left? his music was the only thing i cared about and it was based of him to release it all for free
Oh I was confused because you seem to have missed the part of the article that mentions America
From what I understand, dude's got some mental problems. It had been an issue for a while, but the rebrand pushed him over the edge.
It absolutely does not, and the fact that you lie in the face of reality like this leads me to believe that you are a jew.
i think you misread his post, he's saying mother fanbase sucks because theyre begging to have more mother-esque games to play, not that they think the series is unfinished
Read up nigga there's a link to it
Also OP is the biggest autistic chump I've seen in a long time
By link if you mean the stupid fucking Reddit where mods keep deleting any mention of it then forget that, the only thing they said is he said racist Nazi stuff on a stream then got kicked off
>wanting more games to play is a bad thing
Fucking kill yourself, moron.
>racist Nazi stuff
Hitler literally did nothing wrong, and the jews are responsible for all of the world's wars.
i wasnt the one who said that shit, theres no need to be rude
>oh, I just happened to chime into explain a completely different person's post
This is you. This is how you think. You think anyone could possibly buy this excuse. Go back to the upvote cow farm where you belong.
>make fangame
>don't attach your real names to it
>don't respond to Nintendo emails if they notice you
>don't move in with your auntie and uncle in bel-air
>release on a free host or something, it'll circulate if it's good
How fucking difficult is this?
They want their names on it because they're narcissists.
you want me to explain my viewpoint? i think mother fanbase is justified on wanting more games that are similar to the series because they're fun games but itoi said he is done, so there will never be an official mother 4. there can still be spinoffs or games inspired by them and i've played a majority of games that claim to be inspired by mother. you don't have to have a kneejerk reaction to everything and bring up reddit. i can chime in wherever i want because we're all user here
Or just make a fucking game without needing to slap an existing IPs name on it. Seriously, just call this fucking game Its A Fucking RPG and there you go, literally nothing to worry about, advertise it all you want with "its an Earthbound inspired" without receiving any type of legal pressure or pressure at all
You literally said nothing of substance. Not a single fucking thing. Am I talking to a bot?
All of you might as well be. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you people? We've had this exact same discussion with the exact same points over and over. I look at the catalog and see threads literally copied and pasted from days ago and they have the same discussions they did days ago. Was it always like this but I was just too dumb to notice? The fuck man.
I knew Earthbound was a game that existed from having seen it on rom sites but yeah as an 11-year-old European at the time Smash 64 was released I hadn't actually played it yet
I did pretty soon afterwards though
I remember getting him, thinking how cool it was hitting yourself with PK Thunder to shoot yourself into enemies, and then finding Earthbound because I liked the character.
After seeing how fucking terrible the original plot was from the leaks I'm glad
>ShiggySalto Itoi himself said that fangames are ok and he completely supports them
This is literally a lie.