Risk of rain




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Other urls found in this thread:


2 more

It ended very quickly, but this was quite a fun run.

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It only works on Monsoon.

It was nice of the game to give me something to ease into instead of a Titan.
Thanks Hopoo

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Fellow EU bros where you at?
Let's do some late night Monsoon 109775240999097721

i'm tired of getting fucking owned on deicide not unlocking

post >yfw you realize transport mode rams through fucking EVERYTHING

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>scales with speed

It's worse when you find that Hopoo is wary of nerfing blazing damage at all, thinking it'll be too easy. It's fucking RIDICULOUS on Monsoon.

Man dont get this thread canned, mods are pissed that we won't go to /vg/ and they're just looking for excuses at this point.

>do shrine
>teddy bear blocks damage
>take damage
>immediately obliterated by a bison out of right field which was blocked by a snow mound on the snow map.
fuck my shit up

post risky rain memes, right fucking now

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When this happen, I sometime wonder if Hopoo is autistic. Then I remember he was from /agdg/.

That's a still from Hellraiser, idiot.

Does the logbook for gilded shores always spawn in some hidden location like in the other hidden realms, or do I have to get lucky and hope for a radio tower to spawn?

Attached: ror.png (2000x2000, 59K)

Also Overloading Worm counts as its own class, for some stupid reason.

I've been ignoring the Celestial portal on latest runs since I don't want to end my run, but I hear you can exit it normally? Is that true?

Apparently, Vagrants don't attack if you're above ground somewhere like the archs in Titanic plains, but will still send you a seeking ball and EMP wave.

Reminder to email Hopoo with genuine criticism and feedback along with a heartfelt request for Reaper.

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it's a horde of losers what are you crying about?

>get shit slapped after an hour of monsoon
>"I think I'll relax and do rainstorm"
>"Okay I'll just relax on RoR1 rainstorm, no artifacts"
>Shit slapped so hard I'm pretty sure my drive got reformatted
It's a Acridy Acrid world out there.

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It's because it is a different class, it even have its own log.

He's right though. Without blazing, just admit it, you would have infinitely lasting runs.

Vanilla Monsoon US East

Well he could work on enemies specifically made to counter builds instead of using that cheap excuse.

yeah, a portal back to the game appears after you hit the obelisk once

Post YFW you reach HAHAHAHA and not only are you the last person alive, but the weakest person on the team.

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If the only thing stopping infinite runs is a stray fire attack, the game needs to be rebalanced. That's what the feedback about blazing enemies, and the 12 month EA period is for. Read: Monsoon, and Artificer, long runs are nigh impossible because of blazing enemies.

Could just nerf blazing and buff something else so the danger is still there but manageable.. also truthfully some items could stand to be nerfed

You can. Press E once at the obelisk and instead of confirming the second time look for the blue portal to the side instead.

>Implying I wasn't glad it wasn't a Titan
I was fucking in awe that I only had to deal with golems

And how would you do that? Everything else can be easily avoided.

Whoops, meant to say
>Mercenary, and Artificer, Monsoon long runs are nigh impossible because of blazing enemies

>Loop 1
>10 Hooves & Syringes, 3 wisp jars, ATG Launcher & Ukelele
>get lightly caressed by a fire champion
>300 burn damage/tick, dead in a second

Hopoo needs to turn that shit down.

>when the sequel isn't quite as good but it's better than nothing

Hopoo is the one being paid to figure out how to balance his game. How can you sit there and blindly defend bullshit?

>loling forest doggo

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An enemy capable to catch up to fast players, an enemy capable of grappling players in midair, enemy becoming stronger and more resilient depending on how much and how quickly it receives damage, etc...

hurry up and die so I can join >:0

blazing damage does suck, but if you see a blazing elite, that should take priority to kill. it's not any more bullshit than getting shotgunned by an elder lemurian. it just means you got fucked in the ass by the enemy.

Please how to get lunar coins, I've got a frozen cutie waiting for me

not that guy, but i would support any kind of buff to less threatening enemies for the sake of normalizing blaze damage.

a sidenote, merc's dash ability should really provide iframes on the windup. you can see it used as soon as i come out of eviscerate, and i'm still one-shot.

Attached: xxxsamuraihentaitentaclerape.webm (580x326, 2.85M)

>3 goat hoofs
>2 soldiers syringes
>4 lensemakers glasses
>3 harvester scythes

Attached: beyond limit.jpg (376x238, 19K)

>blazing damage does suck
So you agree.
>that should take priority to kill
Nobody said otherwise.
>it's not any more bullshit than getting shotgunned by an elder lemurian
It's bullshit when I'm a Mercenary and catch fire for dashing inside an enemy's body, ending the run. RoR1 doesn't have this problem. Quit excusing it.

Banners dropping shoud be based on enemies killed rather than experience. Leveling up becomes impossible at a certain point.

Its just random chance on any difficulty, but supposedly Engies turrets will never drop them (although they do drop monster logs, which is weird.)

Fucking exactly what I'm talking about.

It's pretty unfair when stuff like Blazing Titan delete you in a second from across the map with the rubble shots or some blazing wisp manage perfect tracking and remove 90% of your health.
Point isn't that they shouldn't be strong, but they clearly shouldn't be ending your run in a millisecond without anyway to recover, specially in the case of enemies dealing unavoidable attacks or attacking from out of sight.

focus on killing shit, as they drop from enemy kills, or cheat to add them to your inventory.

>tfw all those ror1 charaters that will never make it in

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Kill many enemies.
spend some time on drizzle going for other achievements or long road

I want casuals to leave

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Luckily RoR1 still exists.

Attached: 2019-04-08 10-40-32_4.webm (1440x900, 3M)

Remember that merc is the strongest character in the game.

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Merc seems pretty popular, also the only class I haven't played yet. Give me the skinny


im trying not to shill my friends art too much but its so good and id figure yall would like it

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here's more.

Attached: typical monsoon death.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

>Loop 1
>10 Hooves & Syringes, 3 wisp jars, ATG Launcher & Ukelele
>get lightly caressed by a fire champion
>300 burn damage/tick, dead in a second

Hopoo needs to turn that shit down.

Enjoy Yea Forums


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Am I just really lucky, or are enemy logs a lot easier to get this time around? I never got Providence's in RoR1, but here everything seems desperate to throw one at me.

why would you give her a face tho wtf



and more

Attached: blazing wipe.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

>no helmet

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Of all the things you could do porn about, why this?

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I dunno how you have the patience, man. I did two Monsoon runs as Merc, and as soon as I got deleted by a blazing enemy both times, I knew Monsoon Merc was a waste of time until the game gets further balancing. I use Merc only for Rainstorm.


Attached: lategame merc.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

my dick thanks you

why the fuck are you fucking around with a blazing elder lemurian. avoid him, it's a big fucking map.

your in a risk of rain thread wondering why people are posting porn

are you lost

I actually like playing on drizzle because its so easy to become a god

So your solution for solo Merc Monsoon runs is to not attack the enemy?

I, too, enjoy the engineer class.

Reduce burning dot damage but ratchet up other sources of damage until there's a good balance. Right now, most enemies are pretty non-threatening even in large numbers but one stray burning elite can fuck up your day instantaneously. It's really oddly balanced at the moment.

>art's decent
>ruin it by giving her a face
Just have em cum on the helmet


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The trick with greater wisps is to jump just before they are about to launch their attack.
Of course that only works if there isn't 14 greater wisps in your vicinity. RIP

my solution to "solo" is to not be solo, faggot.

>Shitty laptop runs this game fine on medium settings
>Except for the lava map, where it shits itself if there's more than three enemies present.
I hear even people with decent machines get this problem sometimes, what gives?

looks like Donald duck


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Not attack the blazing boss-type when engagement is not mandatory.
He did not have the teleporter active in that webm. He was not forced to be near that enemy by a teleporter circle, he was not forced to defeat it due to it being a teleporter boss.

Good thing you're not a dev at Hopoo.

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>implying Artificer isn't an ayy

you didn't even play the first game you fucking zoomer, fuck off

merc is possible at ultralate by eviscerating enemies and immediately running, 90% of enemy attacks will simply never connect.
The biggest factor to taking any chracter beyond 40-50min is simply finding a sticky bomb printer.

but yeah, because one-shots are the run enders, Commando is really the only ultralategame-viable character on monsoon because of his ability to outrange everything. he's also got the ability to easily boostglide off almost any inclination with his roll past 4-5 goat hooves, which enables him to just fucking fly everywhere without ever being touched.

Attached: boostgliding.webm (720x404, 2.99M)

>Going back to RoR1 to take a break from RoR2
What a wonderful feel. Also I like the RoR2 ost but I still like RoR1 ost the most. It was my driving home from a nightshift music.

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Looks like he found some ingredients after all

Why can I be 100% sure that every complain about blazing come from merclet main?
Every webm are always merc being stupid fuck

So you're saying blazing enemies are fine, and that as Mercs on Monsoon runs, one should not engage them unless they are mandatory bosses. Now tell me why you think this is good game design when Huntress, Commando, and MUL-T do not have this issue for late game Monsoon.

Looking again for 4 more

Lmao, look at the HP plates on the side, i'm playing with a group and we ALL get fucked by that one lemurian.


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You misunderstand. user has a point when he says you should not be engaging blazing enemies when you have a party. Now what about solo runs?

This seems pretty accurate from what I've played. Even after a loop, most Boss attacks don't hurt that much if you only get hit once. I feel like the Imp really never did that much damage.

Also, it's entirely possible we don't suck at the game, and the most dangerous (flaming elites) are the only thing we actually get hit by.

They definitely have this issue.
I play commando monsoon, I would not let that elder lemurian even have a clear line of sight to me. One bit of splash damage from his projectile and I'm toast. I stay away from him and farm other enemies if I'm farming, or I start the teleporter and do what I can.
If I'm unlucky and this enemy won't go away from the teleporter then I'll do what I can as far away from it as I can be.
Your shitty webms are clearly stupidly reckless and asking for death.


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>cum inflation

I thought Fire damage was horrendously bugged? We sure it needs to be balanced?

16 player 109775240999136234

...Your solution is to avoid the enemy entirely, as all classes, when this issue was not present in RoR1. Now tell me why you think this is good game design.
Get back to work.

Attached: Max.jpg (1600x900, 225K)

Using digital blackface.

They need to cap their frame rates

Get hit by a Blazing Stone Titan for literally 0.001 seconds and come back to me.

Only the Titan's laser is bugged, all of the other ~600 damage per hit afterburn stuff is intended behavior.


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Anyone else think the map design is total ass? All but one maps are small open world with random garbage objects and rocks around it.

Would like larger levels with more interesting environments+objects and some verticality as well

Give me Miner
Make Bandit's gun make that sweet *clink* sound
Let me grapple Attack on Stone Titan style as Loader
If Reaper doesn't "fit" give him some space astronaut dude suit with that Reaper flare

Attached: minerstrut.gif (320x215, 1.1M)

fuck off please

I proposed that originally, but the buyer wasn't havin it.

The one map that isn't like that is the worst in the game, so no.

>hopoo is red
>hopoo feather is blue

Attached: 3b1.png (479x479, 216K)

yeah the maps are a bit clusterfucky as they are right now, but then some maps like the ice one or desert one are cool so it's not like they don't know their maps

In first-loop RoR1 there were plenty of situations that were an absolute no-go.
Especially as solo enforcer. Too many missile elites in one area, gtfo. Too many claymen, gtfo.
Disengagement and avoiding bad situations is just natural. Are you just supposed to be able to fight anything at anytime? The fact that I have to sit and explain something as simple as choosing your battles is indicitave of the fact that I'm probably in an argument with a sociopath. This is my last response.

The modded is to get the 4+ players working, faggot.

It is the worst, for sure, but only because it wasn't designed well either (you fall off really easily and can get cornered hard after a few hrs). But hey, at least it has some kind of verticality

based retard zoomer that didn't even play first game

>Especially as solo enforcer. Too many missile elites in one area, gtfo. Too many claymen, gtfo.
The difference is you HAVE to deal with them to use the teleporter. Your solution is to lead them away from the teleporter, if possible, and simply not engage.
>Now tell me why you think this is good game design.

no one wants 4+ players faggot

Made a Risk of Rain booru:


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>He doesn't know of the unladen African Hopoo breed
It's the European Hopoo that's blue

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REPLACE THE OLD ASSEMBLY DLL, (make a fucking backup first)

Attached: engineerfsjal.png (299x276, 6K)

>No helmet

US West Monsoon
Get in here

Whoops, for some reason it posted.

The fact that you're backing out of this when you posted false information shows me you're a spineless faggot. Go on and get gone, loser.

then go join a quickplay lobby and let other people have fun actually playing the game faggot

The only shit map is the swamp, and that was before they made it easier to find the TP.

Is transcendence actually good? I feel like it screws over other HP related items

Then don't join it.
It's good if you have absolutely no regen items by the time you see it.

Attached: Hmmm.jpg (640x640, 84K)

Did the guy that took off Artificer's jetpack talk about the crash that happens when you try to get to the second level?

I like it if I get literally no hp boosting items
So no infusions, although infusions might boost the hp you get from it I havent tested


Anyone got the mod download

can somebody tell me where pic related originates?

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Why do most lunar items either suck cock or are OP as fuck in the right hands?
Like Glass and Brittle Crown early game make the game easy as fuck and it's no contest
Transcendence and Corpsebloom make you tanky as fuck and are great early - mid game items
Gesture, Effigy of Grief, and Meteor are just kind of meme items, with neat gimmicks but they actively also hinder you more then they help.
Plus, all lunar items (unless from a pod) cost 2 fucking coins, and you get about 2 coins a monsoon run so it's kind of not worth it, just to get an item that you'll either die immediately with, or that it'll hinder you in the late game.

reply to this post or your computer will be infected with aids

The whole marriage achievement kind of reminded me of this

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Yeah, he made an update.


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Just died right after completing my first loop!
Fuck huntress is fun, all of the characters (i've unlocked so far) are fun. This game puts me in "the zone" so fucking hard i basically don't even see what I'm doing. I just see fucking red and kill.

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Xenoblade Chronicles I think

Attached: 02d.png (465x546, 305K)

109775240999152373 US modded

Help im retarded. How to join?

The very beginning of xenoblade chronicles 1

thanks friend

It's great on Commando

Just found a Bustling Fungus item printer as Engineer. How many should I cap at? Only on stage 3.


I forgot about that music video.

Huntress too
It's not good on

It might be good on Artificer but I don't play her.
MUL-T meanwhile definitely abuses leech seed and scythe more for sustain better than other classes because he does more instances of damage.

Is it an unlocked item? I don't remember if I unlocked it or it was just base, but I fucking hate it, and if it is unlocked, I'm gonna fucking remove it from my save file. I've had it pop up like 4 runs in a row now.


Reminder that foreign fruits is the best active item

>get burned
>use fruit back to full health
>die anyway

Oh ok so just get all of them.

>Well he could work on enemies specifically made to counter builds
You mean like blazing enemies?

This is so utterly wrong but okay




>Improve Worm fight to be fun
Good,he's the only returning thing that didn't translate well into 3D

>He doesn't have ten fuel cells for maximum fruit saturation
Lmaoing at your low vitamin C

That's not the preon

>HP is full, no reason to use the fruit
>Get hit, instantly die with no chance to react and hit Q
>These are the only two states that exist after the 40 minute mark
Yeah, so useful.

It's a pretty great item if you got several fuel cells but not enough for a meme build. IMO worst is Backup but I guess it's ""viable"" if you're stacked in Fuel Cells

>no stopwatch
>no shield gen
>only item that adds defense is rose buckler
hopoo hates us

Why are so many of the unlockables shit? They just end up replacing things you'd want instead.

The official fun ranking:
Power gap
Power gap
Power gap
Power gap

desu I really like the current worm
when I first fought it I thought "holy shit this is amazing" because you had to keep looking up which really fits the 3D verticality of the game and the effects for it are 10/10
it's janky to fight for several classes but damn does worm look good

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.28 - (1920x1080, 2.5M)

Tougher Times?

Is this the worst red?

Attached: 1554769920847.png (479x680, 494K)

It's fun to fight as a Merc, but as anyone else it's sort of trivial since he doesn't actively seek you, or randomly does so.

made a thing

Attached: Risk of Rain 2.jpg (974x1362, 413K)


can i upload humorous fungus memes to it

Is there a shittier start? Resetting this shit.

Attached: 20190408213807_1.jpg (1920x1080, 294K)

why is it the worst

Rose Buckler


This is good

the original Tough Times added defense, Tougher Times just blocks damage on chance. it's just a gamble until you get one shotted through it.

Tough it out til the end pussy

16 players 109775240999136234

I can't get the Sacrifice Artifact to work. I have Steam Build ID ModAnon v1.4. The modifiers work fine and so do the extra chars. Am i misunderstanding what Sacrifice is supposed to be? Thought no chests were supposed to spawn. please send help i just wanna fuck shit up

Attached: rly.png (444x359, 74K)

>People have gotten far enough into the game that things just… stop spawning. For context, the game skips spawns that it deems is too easy for the number of “spawn credits” it has. If you’ve gotten to that point congrats, the game thinks Overloading Worms are a bit too easy for you. This will naturally be fixed once higher tier monsters and affixes are added to the game. For now… it means that you terrified the whole planet.
>the game thinks Overloading Worms are a bit too easy for you
>This will naturally be fixed once higher tier monsters and affixes are added to the game
>higher tier monsters and affixes
>Overloading Worms
Oh no

Attached: 1543010804158.gif (230x230, 1.54M)

stop dashing directly into blazing mobs

we need an infographic for this turd of an item. when you kill an elite, it gives you that elite's power. overloading elites have shields. if you kill and overloading elite it replaces half your health with shields. now the shitty part is that it lasts for like 5 seconds which isn't enough time for shields to recharge anyway but when it ends it just fucking removes the shields and leaves you with half health.

even when they fix this bug it will still be the worst red just for how short the effect lasts.

command turns chests into tri-select and printers, sacrifice makes enemies drop random items at a lowish chance

Someone post the Cube show and tell image please and thanks

They nailed it visually, but after the first couple of fights you come to realize how dull they are to fight. Worms need an extra move or two to make the fight less monotonous, all they do at the moment is jump up and fall back down. It's what they did in 1, but at least in that game they forced you to be on the move or get fucked, in a 3D environment you can just strafe around it endlessly.

It could also do with visual indicator on the ground as to where it's going to pop-up, similar to 1. I always groan when I'm Huntress/Engineer and the tp ends up in the rallypoint delta caves. You're just asking to have a worm spawn and annoy you endlessly.

Attached: 1432151336906.png (778x1173, 528K)

Okie doke. Cheers.

Cube is great
>see swarm of monsters and elites
>run in and fire the cube
>fire a single phase round
>all my procs go off
>a few monsters dying sets off a chain reaction of status effects that just gets worse and worse
>ball of monsters explodes into fountain of money bags and sends tons of daggers everywhere
fuckin love it

>===Stuff we are working on===
>• Content/Early Access roadmap
>• Improving the way we save data to further prevent save file corruption or the game not saving at all
>• Players falling through the floor on entering a new stage
>• Wake of Vultures taking half your health
>• Improve MUL-T equipment swapping logic
>• Changing burning calculation
>• Improve the other elites (Ice, Lightning) to be threatening as well
>• Improve Worm fight to be fun
>• Changing the way some languages handle specific characters and fonts to make sure they are consistent
>• Some inconsistent proc coefficients for certain survivor abilities (Artificer is very very low for no reason)
>• Lots of bug fixes and quality of life improvements
>• Adding in some Community Suggestions we have gathered from tweets, emails, and the official Discord
Neat, seem like sensible changes all along

Attached: 1541522375660.png (316x232, 193K)

>Having a nice chill monsoon run
>Blast through level no problem
>Go to activate teleporter to move to next level
>Die out of nowhere to nothing, literally it's just a white square

Attached: 20190409024721_1.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

>Gold portal spawns on Stage 2

please enlighten me, what are else are you suppose to do?

>pop cube
>boomerang AND rain of arrows

Attached: (psychotic laughter).jpg (960x960, 68K)

vultures would be top tier if the effect lasted longer. killing a blazing elite gives you fire immunity.

>We do have concerns that the fire affix is artifically gating the difficulty and the game will be much easier once it’s been normalized, but we will have to address that as it comes.
i would rather runs be easier than just dying randomly due to being clipped by a blazing crab

It was probably those exploding barrels

Not bad, still wish charge abilities wouldn't break sprint though. That's my #1 most wanted change.

A non-diegetic visual indicator would be awkward in a 3D environment; you'd be more looking out for the indicator than anything present in the game's world. It would become a situation where whenever you see the symbol for worm coming, just Blink, roll, roll, dash, etc. away instead of actively looking for signs of the worm. Problem is a visual indicator like the earth becoming red would be unfair because you don't have a 360 degree view of your surroundings.

I was far away from exploding barrels, teleporter was in the little cave system bit

>tfw run so fast you trip on reality and stop existing

Modded, join.

>they add a move where the worm spirals around really fast and shoots flames out

DOn't dash directly into the trail of fire they leave so you wont die instantly after the omnislash ends

Chances for succeeding?

Attached: Commando.png (1619x1009, 1.43M)

hope you are engie because there is no place to hide in that fucking map except the underwater cove

Where exactly do I edit in order to change the character list? I want to be a drone

if you break the game it shouldn't matter if nothing can kill you, it's not like you get those runs all the time. also you could break the game much worse in the original.

Attached: invincible.webm (1600x900, 2.99M)


>no shield gen
There's a Personal Shield Generator though.
It can be quite powerful if you stack enough and pick Glass.

vanilla server when

>Using Loader to demonstrate RoR1 being broken
Nah. All the veteran RoR1 players know Chef and Loader are bullshit characters.

>Is there a shittier start?
Nigger, I literally had starts with 3 items + equipment (the healing root), one of the items being a boss drop.

someone put me on fucking suicide watch
yes I know it's my own fucking fault for being obstinate and taking wake of vultures
clover is the only non-lunar achievement I have left to get and I'm not doing it on fucking drizzle

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trans is even stronger to stack. nothing compares to 8 seconds of total invincibility though.

Attached: Clipboard01.png (75x75, 7K)

>tfw you find a sticky bomb 3D printer.

Attached: 1554775139155.png (489x336, 83K)

threat of precipitation

>using eviscerate right in an elder's face
>being surprised that you get fireballed the second you're out of i-frames
this is why I keep telling other mercs to only approach those things from behind

Attached: 125 times.png (1553x1717, 610K)

nice nothing, faggot

archive user or drawfriend user
if you see this post, please get this user's series of queen's gland arti images onto the booru when he's done making them
if i miss these posts, my mother will die in her sleep
thank you very much

Attached: wew.png (560x392, 64K)

>25 tougher times + 2 clovers
yup, I think I won the game forever

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Amen to that.

Well even if you do succeed you'll have spent so much time in there you'll be fucked when you get out

>trans is even stronger to stack
Not if you pick glass.

US West Monsoon 3/4
Get in here

>50 hours in
>still no broken run where you're literally invincible and just end the run by suicidal boredom

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Just make sure you build up enough cash to light the beacons multiple times. Because my mistake was only getting enough to do it once and being forced to farm gold mid fight because you need to activate them again.

you know the teddy is the only thing that clovers don't affect right? it's because hopoo hates us.

Actually, you can still die by a blazing vagrant even with this item.


post a link to the full version

remade lobby

Found a new modifier.
Only wisps spawn with this shit. They basically instantly fucked me and I couldn't do shit.

Attached: modifier.png (269x28, 21K)

bears are "unaffected by luck"

give me some thicc lemurian ideas to draw

Attached: 1490999589087.jpg (817x818, 358K)

drawfriend hasn't finished drawing it though
i just want them to put it on the booru in case i sleep through it / miss the constant threads is all

>took you 4:30 to get 4 items
>on rainstorm
lol yeah its the game's luck, that's the problem here

put one in yoga pants

>Enemies who die in your path fuel your rage

Attached: KR-24Kb7_400x400.jpg (400x400, 19K)

female elder lemurian on a smol commando. Amazonness position

>Invalid lobby ID

For Modanon: pastebin.com/e6a98t6e
For those interested; pic related for build before I sequence. Will post results

Attached: raqYvzj.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

well I'm asking if what you posted thus far was a crop

Attached: acrid shitpost.png (800x450, 494K)

>tesla coil+ 10 hooves and syringes, and 2 afterburners
>then alien heads

Attached: 1551321119889.gif (500x276, 1.95M)

please just draw one spreading its ass, dripping from its pussy. blushing like they want it really hard. inviting you to come fuck it

>Acrid's ending is him wanting to be left alone
>expecting him to come back
Let him rest in peace



Isn't Acrid's main color way more pink than that.

>doing decide
>get to second loop
>hit mountain shrine
>still no elites
>get shit on trying to kill like 5 vagrants while hoards of blazing golems crawl up my asshole

Attached: 1528745064386.jpg (381x722, 43K)

Any vanilla rooms?

>Crisis Vanguard
>The Reminder

It's such a small thing but the boss subtitles add so much to the style factor of this game.

Commando: Still a human
Bandit: Doesnt have any plunder
Engineer: No steel or circuit, still a man
Sniper: Doesnt have an active ringing when playing him
Huntress: Soul is still inside of her
Mercenary: Still a human
Han-D: still the same, no servos pulsing with life

Obviously the endings didnt mean shit.

I wanted a full nelson one but I really like 's

Just wanted to say i have a lot of fun drawing for you guys, thank you for all of your positive feedback

Attached: yee.png (120x120, 2K)

is sticky bomb that good or is it just a meme?
how is it better than something like gasoline or will of the wisp?

Lemurian stuck between Elder lemurian's giant tits

Attached: Here comes the D.gif (415x233, 2.99M)

Sticky bomb has 100% stackability and commando shits item procs so they're really good on him.

It looks like an OC.

Look at its page user. It stacks exponentially.

Whatever it is, make her a blazing Lemurian.

NA Northeast Monsoon

Drawfags are the strongest race on Earth

Attached: 1554569363824.jpg (326x326, 65K)

>Couple holding hands aren't risk of rain characters

Does the long road unlock after beating stage 20 or at the end of the run? I want to obliterate myself ffs


I... I don't know.

>• Some inconsistent proc coefficients for certain survivor abilities (Artificer is very very low for no reason)
Where are the artificerfags defending their character vehemently as useful at now

Had to remake accidentally left

I'm rationalizing it as a new cast of characters, otherwise it will ruin much of the poignancy behind the endings of RoR1.

Attached: 1449502668118.png (1736x1346, 2.13M)

Portal spawned so fuck it.

Attached: R4kjoSm.jpg (1920x1080, 147K)

drawfriends are the reason the game is so popular with Yea Forums

Attached: 1554615374479.png (1285x1017, 119K)

5% (+2.5% per stack) chance on hit to attach a bomb to an enemy, detonating for 250% damage (+125% per stack)

it unlocks as soon as you hit level 20. you will get the achievement notification when it happens.

Seeing your drawings and stuff get used as reaction images feels nice
Shame I can hardly put that in a resume though

If Providence isn't playable, I fucking hope you niggers mod him in as a skin to Mercenary

yeah it was a crop

it does

I mean.
Why not?

Attached: 1554668641690.png (518x501, 203K)

Well, it can't be as bad as that fallout 76 stream right?

Stickybombs shit out damage like crazy. They laugh at your crit glasses going up to a measly 2x damage. Their damage scaling is insane.

vanilla us east/south

Attached: 1548658730182.jpg (500x625, 32K)

I'll be on the look out user. Don't worry.

Is that Clint Steven's friend, T-Pain?

Why do we hate this item again?


Attached: 1554736213394.png (1346x1125, 573K)

It takes 50% of your health whenever you kill a lightning enemy.

can randomly cut your health in half

Commando spying on lewd lemurian orgy rituals as he takes notes in the monster log

>want to have fun drawing oc
>open draw program
>draw lines for a few minutes then give up because i can't imagine anything i do will turn out decent

Attached: 1543624490038.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

6+ lobby when?

Could just draw shitty things and post them anyway and pass it off as ironic

More stacks not only increase the damage but also the chance it applies the sticky making it one of the best scaling items.

this is good, only if he has a boner/is jerking off tho

>getting hit once is death, it doesnt matter how much health you have late game!
>Wake of vultures is bad because it sometimes halves your HP!


Attached: steel feathers.png (540x277, 129K)

you do good work for good content
thank you watchful archive friend

Attached: I'M.jpg (584x622, 118K)

Even without the half hp issue, Wake is still shit compared to other reds.
>remove skill cooldowns
>explode on all hits
>shock everything around you
>wake just gives you a fire dot or a shield for 5 seconds
it's shit

where all the west coast lobbies at?

I was going to draw some Artificer porn, but of course all the Zentai fags would REEE like they did with this.

Great choice for a face though, 10/10.

Middle is eldar blazing lemurian
surrounding im is smaller thicker ones

Attached: 1547244865877.jpg (728x760, 146K)

>tfw know I can't draw for shit
>fuck it, post a retarded thing anyway
>some people save and/or like it
Do it faggot, you miss every shot you don't take.

Let's put it this way. A crit glasses or syringe printer will carry you through the first loop. A sticky bomb printer will be your primary source of damage even at endgame.

Attached: Lensmaker_printer.gif (262x200, 47K)

40 hours in and i just found out about the guaranteed hidden red chest in the hell map

Thanks it happened mere moments later

>now instead of getting one-shot late game, there's a possibility i could get one-shot mid-game too

I know bandit is supposed to be unreleased but can I give a change
Can you make his right click release when you take your hand off that button holy fuck is it fucked with any attack speed item

Attached: 1548110040412.png (720x540, 309K)

OP here, do it anyways, fuck em.

Friend is the one who drew this but I am also thinking of taking their design and doing something with it.

Attached: mygod.png (541x330, 36K)

literally put lens makers glasses on whatever you make and im obligated to save it

Fighting wisps as the mercenary is annoying.

>take wake of vultures hoping for a red printer eventually
>it can't be that bad right
>have full hp
>kill an overloading jelly a moment before a regular golem shoots me
>lose my Dio's best friend
Never again

Attached: 3f2.jpg (584x530, 216K)

How the fuck do you figure time of screenshot = time of item acquisition? Don't try that hard to look clever, you look like a fucking idiot.

ofc course he is

not new, been in the game since day 1. ive seen it for imps and jellyfish

How the fuck would they even look like without their helmets

Attached: 1543346845154.jpg (320x311, 17K)

Attached: 1485062689767.png (1052x622, 96K)

Anyone ever blinding assault a boss and send em across the map?

Attached: hegone.png (2559x1437, 2.62M)

Attached: riskyrain low effort pic.jpg (636x452, 155K)

However you want them to. Since you can pick multiples of the same character, it's not a stretch to believe user A's Artificer would look different from user B's.

You can just block him on stream right? I doubt he uses the same name though

I think hopoo could fix so many problems with enemy interactions against merc by simply giving his whirlwind a small vertical boost affect on the 2nd hit if it connects on a target. a big problem with his kit against wisps is that you're unable to really remain airborne without rare loadouts, and it locks you to playing around cooldowns

are you scared of it being shit, or scared that noone will save it?

>oh shit they attacked me
>guess I'll genocide them all
Is that what we are doing?

Attached: 1541213723026.jpg (569x661, 66K)

Steel is generally heavier than feathers.

What the fuck did he do most of the time playing with Yea Forums has always been pure fun
>That merc that always get meteor

Attached: ````````````````````.jpg (913x1024, 84K)

it's more like
>i'm here to get rich
>oh shit everything's attacking me, better defend myself

Well, the second jump helps, and the third slash is almost a ranged attack, but its annoyign to have to go all the way for them unlike every other class.

Huntress can be a ton of fun, and yes, getting lost in the sauce happens a lot in this game. It's not even complete, and it's already a great game.

Just draw a bunch of shit and post everything. People will like something and you could then make proper versions of the ideas people liked.

Why do people call commando weak when he has the best lategame by far? Nobody else procs as often as he does, and he can do it from relative safety.

Attached: inside_view.png (2380x2000, 326K)

He specifically always goes for meteor to kill everyone, and in ROR1 he always used infusion because he's a shitter. Never reply to him and block him if he ever tries to join.

it he the guy who got ban by dev for deleting all the lunar coin of anyone he playing with, then unban himself?

>fourth loop
>stickybomb AND syringe printers on titanic plains.

trash meme not even the right color nor are those ppl faggot the married lizard couple

you had one job

late game doesn't exist when you get blaze'd

What are some changes you want Yea Forums?
I want commander's R to be changed from what it is to scale off attack speed so he shoots more shots.

Attached: 1554510192009.png (1024x695, 36K)

because he has the worst early-game out there. A stone titan fight should not be more than 5 minutes

You forgot picking bandit and using his smoke ability to steal everyone's items

A Lemurian spreading her legs open kinda like

Low base damage.
Really it doesn't matter because you don't get to endgame without lucky printers or godlike drops anyway.

nice sticky omg lol

Because they're still learning how to play the game, and don't know what the good items are so they don't take full advantage of printers, and struggle to make it to the late game where he becomes so good. Same reason people think Artificier is good in the late game.

there's is no ban system lol

You can easily do a 3 minute stone titan without items, but it's not pleasant.

That would be good, seeing you can't stun as many targets with a higher attack speed.

He just shits any game up. Even Maplestory 2 and that game was already bad, besides the beta that was fun.

you forgot using amethyst glitch on bandit to achieve superspeed and steal everything on the map

This image:

but with a thick mommy (Elder?) Lemurian in the center and Artificer and Huntress to her left and right. Bonus points for Blazing.

First game it's
>Ow, my fucking head. Who took down our ship?
>Oh shit, they're attacking me.
>Oh shit, there's hundreds of them!
>I just wanted to leave!
Second game, not sure yet.

the only change i want aside from fixing fire is to get old missiles back

Attached: 248820_screenshots_2014-06-26_00004.jpg (1366x768, 212K)

get in

i didn't realize this faggot played RoR
i already had him filtered because he was an attention seeking namefag and a complete shitter at another game

Make his shift have an ammo based system
Make her Rain of arrows a pillar rather than a circle. Air enemies are a pain in the ass.
Make his roll an actual I-frame and give him a passive
Where to begin
>Remove ammo
>Make flamethrower scale better
>Turn her Ice wall to a fucking wall that blocks projectiles holy fuck
>Make her Right click charge matter
>Give her a passive

Are you a goddamn idiot user

who is marielx?

Yeah, but the original didn't make the squeak, so how can it compete?


I don't think he plays 2, user.

How about making it so that Artificer's m2 doesn't make you stop sprinting

she only needs the ice wall change

Testing 6 man modded


not completely ban him from playing the game, but Hoppo prevent him from match make online with other

1 more

Give a reason why engine has mines and not rockets

Attached: D3GKmI-X4AIhKDO.jpg (1200x900, 142K)

That sounds faggy what the fuck

Enemies have better pathing in 2 and don't get stuck on high ledges.

Maybe his shots from R should have the pierce effect and he gets a new M2 skill. I haven't the slightest idea what you would reasonably add to his kit but between the lack of i-frames on his dodge and the overall meh of his current M2 it would be nice if he had something to play around and break the monotony of hold M1 and hit other stuff on cooldown to shoot more bullets hes got right now. The pierce shot was more important in the first game because it took advantage of the 2d environment very well but the transition to 3d and having a sort of slow projectile kind of kills it right now.

2nd game so far is "The allure of all that LOOT has brought me back." and now we're rampaging through the planet looking for goodies.

You can already start charging M2, then press the sprint button and sprint while still charging. That still doesn't make it good late game.

i already never reply to tripniggers on principle anyway

Because fun isn't allowed.

I want Commando's R to be able to shoot a secondary target along with what you're aiming at (perhaps via an auto-target?) so he can do the thing from RoR1 where he shoots in two directions at once again.

This art screams broken family,

A very annoying spic that always tries to be the autist of a fandom. Report, ignore, and filter him.

Attached: 14773606811216.png (1992x2776, 2.08M)

let me shoot two different ways like ror1

Attached: suppressing fire.png (698x555, 92K)

>actually touching a blazing enemy as swordsman
You have only yourself to blame.

Honestly, I think he should just rip off Volvagia's flight from OoT a bit. He still does his up and down bullshit, but add some flying around to his attacks.

Attached: volvagia.jpg (740x1080, 207K)

God there better be a really good twist if that's really what they're going for.

Attached: Contemptuous_Operatives.jpg (500x269, 36K)

Most of the time that's how my runs end when playing as her
Mistimed m2 that cancels your sprinting

What does the Clover even do in RoR2?
From my understanding, it gives you +1 stack on every item that has a chance to proc, meaning that you'll get the effect of 6 sticky bombs when you actually have 5.
If that's it, it's pretty lame.

Attached: 1554660801482.png (634x752, 960K)

Yeah, it's kinda hilarious to pull off
-Make artificer's icewall taller, closer together, only break and apply shatter on player attacks, and block lazers and so on.
-Give merc's whirlwind more vertical lift
-Give merc's blinding assault Iframes on its start animation to prevent unavoidable damage
-Give huntress' blink more leniency against tracking attacks
-When huntress has no target in range, her bow fires straight with damage dropoff similar to commando (or worse)
-Huntress' ultimate is far too vulnerable to tracking attacks, it grants no forms of immunity, needs a buff
-Prevent engineer targets from glitching and remaining stationary until they are hit on occasion
-prevent engineer's shield from being penetrated by enemy projectile explosions

t. Only plays monsoon

Attached: bullying a jellyfish.webm (580x326, 2.94M)

We need a Merc with a blazing jellyfish out the window

If you have fun that's all that matters. Hope all 8 had a nice time.


What's the difference between 200 minutes on Drizzle vs Monsoon?

>Why do people call commando weak when he has the best lategame by far?
What an arbitrary statement. Every character can last forever, much of your success is luck based, but no character is doomed to fail at any stage of the game.

US West Monsoon 3/4
Get in here

It rerolls the chance of any item activating every time it's used and picks the best outcome. On every enemy.

Attached: Drizzle.png (400x725, 21K)

it isn't +1 stack, it's a reroll on every roll that occurs.

i accidentally hit the stupid fucking shrine while trying to pick up an item, what the actual fuck

Attached: Screenshot_20.png (1919x1199, 2.63M)

drizzle armor item and more items due to price difference


People would rather get insta gibben by firewalkers than take it. Anons bitch about the HP loss, but the lava immunity more than makes up for it.

>eats steak well done with ketchup and chili powder
Holy fuck what a disgusting individual, I hope he disappears

>Yeah, let's get back to that 100% hostile planet in an escape pod, with no way to bail out in any way

Attached: 1554661238862.jpg (960x1448, 280K)

The twist is You're the asshole this time.

Attached: MONSOON.gif (557x605, 656K)

I think 2 is more of a retelling of 1 rather than a sequel.

Any US lobbies up? No modded shit, thats for retards.

For every action that has luck involved, it essentially rolls two dice instead of one, and selects the better roll.

How to max dps as Merc? Do I just hold M1 while weaving M2 and R in between dashes?

They should rip off some moves from the Bionic Commando 3D sequel.

Attached: its-magic-i-aint-gotta-explain-shit2.jpg (800x450, 84K)

If Snapfreeze is to actually block projectiles, maybe it should be thrown out from her and travel a fixed distance to make it less cumbersome for personal defense, although the way you can place it down currently could have some supportive opportunities in multiplayer. Artificer should benefit off more kinds of items as well.

Other than that, I feel that items are carrying much more weight than they ever did in RoR1.

Attached: 20190408195301_1.jpg (1920x1080, 272K)

What's the point of Effigy of Grief if it fucks you over too

so why exactly are the survivors back on the planet

i got u
USE no mods

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

Nah, it's confirmed to have taken place after 1, Prov is dead and was killed by some glasses stacking lunatic.

>Enemies have better pathing in 2 and don't get stuck on high ledges.

Attached: 1554676294305.gif (500x506, 149K)

But that's not GOOD. Yes, I'm upset. 1's story, however little there is, is GOOD because of Providence's last words, and the epilogue. It really hammers it in that anybody who can survive Lemuria will never be normal, ever. They are post-human monstrosities...and then they go back? Fuck that's stupid.
Hopoo confirmed Providence is dead for 2 in a blogpost a while back.

I thought that UES was making them go back to get the cargo that wasn't salvaged in RoR1?
it's confirmed a sequel by some item logs and some interviews Hopoo did


We left sure but there's plenty saying that people came back for all that shit on the ship that's just left on the planet now, maybe our shuttle got shot down on approach? Or maybe we didn't get very far on the original ship.

Artfags, I need you now in my hour of wallpaper need.

PLEASE recreate this with the new RoR2 cast and have merc pointing to a fire golem saying this line. This is what I need in life.

Attached: 1483577586428.png (1920x1080, 2.42M)

Maybe they forgot some super important cargo and have to get it back for the bigshots on Earth?

Oh ho I am laffin
That's at least usable, I did it on a lark and got 100 warbanners and died before I leveled and dropped one

Assuming the rockets would work like they did in 1 they would be sort of boring to use since you just stand still and have a budget disposable rocket launcher in your kit. The mines have the upside of being able to stick to everything including enemies and allies. So you can nuke things as you keep moving and be able to put down a bit of a defensive buffer in front of your turrets for when the shield is down or stuff like imps and worms don't care about the shield in the first place. The way his kit is set up now everything has some sort of timing or spatial management strategy behind its use and the rockets would be some huntress tier auto lock. I could certainly see hotpoo adding mechanics to the rockets to make them more interesting than the ror1 version but as it is now engie has a very well designed skillset.

it's a good starting active, and dropping it near the teleporter basically lets you create a safe area.
you should replace it as soon as you get one of the good ones though

Toes Go In First!
Feet First Into Hell!

Attached: odst drop.png (1218x701, 1.46M)

So you can build your broken build faster on Drizzle but what about the monsters scaling?

Rockets are a concession to the level design and AI of RoR1. These design choices are not present in 2; ergo, no rockets for engineer.

I think the twist is that you don't play as the original survivors. "Commando" and "Engineer", etc. are just class titles, and you play as the newer generation. Bonus points if you fight the original survivors, now mutated beyond looking humanoid and feral.

Let him shoot in 2 different directions with his R Hell make suppressing auto aim and just let him do the thing it was tight as hell in RoR1
Give his roll an Iframe
Make his gun sound like a gun and not a nerf gun
Nope it's a sequel you're the monsters this time.
Check the logs for the head piece and the ceremonial dagger

Attached: 1539519160564.jpg (2560x1920, 1.98M)

And make that thing a Clay Dunstrider.

I think it was the "UES gives a mission to get the missing cargo" thing, but the survivors all have their personal reasons for going. Some of them are only in it for the money, but others might want to get back what they lost in RoR1.

I definitely remember there being an interview about this though

the items i had before were much better, killing mobs so quickly with electro ball. i was aiming to kill an elite boss on monsoon too and would have done so if it wasnt for the stupid fucking shrine being in the way.

Attached: Screenshot_21.png (1919x1199, 1.53M)

Because Hopoo thought that mines would be a great idea so you could block passages and stop enemies from coming that direction. It failed miserably because mines deal no damage, barely proc anything and take FOREVER to recharge. You might stop at best 2 or 3 enemies, then you never get to use that ability again until the next stage. Additionally because engi m1 is so bad people just resort to bombing bosses up close with mines rather than using them by placing them on the ground.

I think a middle ground can be found here, why not have it that you launch all your mines into an area like huntress fires her arrow rain then reduce its cooldown significantly and let them stack infinitely. Let players create entire minefields with them in an area of the map, such as around the portal. Suddenly the ability is fun and you can actually do something cool with them.

>Check the logs for the head piece and the ceremonial dagger
oh I did not know there was lore to this

Attached: Cute.png (1548x831, 561K)

The teleport noise in the ending of RoR1 could explain why we end up back at the planet.
Also, I wish the character select screen was back inside an escape pod rather than a calm-looking hangar of sorts.

Someone made this a while back, its not a fire golem but its still pretty good.

Attached: 1554583282730.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)

Has the drawfriend who said he might work on this with Enforcer come back with anything?

Attached: 1516493611770.png (421x282, 114K)

vultures is bad if you get it any time before CRAZY mode

it might actually be okay in absolute endgame since it can give you fire resist for a bit

but no item is good if it's only useful at the very end. A red should help turn the tide from the moment you get it

hey anyone have that lewd mod mega?

Attached: 1554736498722.png (550x369, 160K)


Us east, looking for experienced Monsoon players

>Buffing the other affixes for mobs
I'm scared bros the fuck could that mean

Attached: 1533133331291.png (193x193, 77K)


FUCK YES thank you

there is literally no way they can be worse than blazing enemies now

Why do people quit lobbies over 1 item?

forgot to mention, it's vanilla

Red Whip should only stop working on taking damage.
Huntress' R should be 20 times taller and have i-frames on startup.
Burning aura of blazing elites shouldn't scale.
Merc's Shift should have i-frames and a faster startup.
Commando's roll should have i-frames.
Merc should deal much more damage on sword swings (M1 and M2)
Artificer should have higher base movement speed (possibly scaling).
Artificer Shift can get away with not being able to block attacks given its the character's theme, but Titans and Vagrants exist. At very least, it should have much bigger AoE.
Monster Tooth should be buffed dramatically.
Energy Drink should be buffed marginally.
The wax pigeon thing should be buffed dramatically and should work with Feathers.
Bugs should be fixed.
Corpsebloom should have a much higher threshold for the healing limitation and should triple/quadruple the healing instead of doubling it.
Rose Buckler should be buffed.
Ukelele should have proc chance scaling even if marginal. Same with Missile Launcher.
Bazaar portal shrine should cost gold instead of coins.
Lunar Equipment shouldn't share the pool with passive items - both from the plants and in the Bazaar.
The prototype drone should have its HP buffed tenfold.
Layered crits (or any over 100% effect) should be a thing.
Transcendence should be buffed. In fact, all Lunar items except for Glass and Shell should be buffed.
Chance Shrines should have a limit to how shit their RNG can be.
There should be a bare minimum of at least 4 chests per level that can't be replaced during the map generation by fucking turrets and drones.
The very first level shouldn't have utterly shit drop layout.
Brass Contraption should have visual telegraph similarly to the Golems.
Titans should allow you to *consistently* outrun their laser and to disjoin it with movement abilities/running under them
Multishot attacks should have a limit on how many simultaneous hits can deal damage to you. They also should trigger one-shot protection.


So I was in a game earlier and one of the commandos got some kind of method where he could infinitely spam missiles and gun drones, and I mean a fucking swarm of them, like 200, at once. The entire list showing all your turrets and ui was just a glitched blur.

Anyone explain?

It means we will all be reminded

I wanted to jump in on this OC train.

I'll take some simple requests since I'm not very good lol

Attached: riskofrainhowhorrifying.png (1600x1200, 303K)

Gesture of the drowned.

Thank you for your hard work user

Attached: 1503957808346.png (400x273, 153K)

Can't sprint and disables all your movement speed items or disables your shift for the debuff duration
Gesture of the drowned+Fuel cells
If you wanna fuck your friends or teammates go meteor

Because if you're going to steal shit and activate the teleporter before everyone says they're ready I might as well play in quickplay.

Gesture of the Drowned reduces item cooldown by 50%, but casts it instantly. Fuel Cells also reduce cooldown, and give an extra stack of the active item. Both items stack infinitely.

Put those two things together and you get the ability to fire your active item 24/7

Why is there no passive for these fucking blazing enemies? Get hit once and the run is over

Yea Forums has been doing this for half a decade, it's nothing new.

Attached: 1452877444599.png (447x458, 256K)

Nice lol

Oh god damn it I posted the uncropped version

Attached: unknown.png (2328x1637, 668K)

nigga you think anybody is gonna read all that shit

Attached: 1554676045335.gif (900x466, 355K)

In addition there's the bug where if you pick up gesture before getting an item it casts it without cooldown

Pivked up Gesture of the Drowned first, and then Backup, which gets triggered infinitely and instantly due to a bug IIRC.
If you pick Gesture before your useable item, it will trigger forever.

>That neck
Copy that
This with artificer and energy drinks

Attached: 1540478907637.png (607x463, 481K)

>The wax pigeon thing should be buffed dramatically

You can read any of the points. The point is to read the points and tell if a point is wrong.

Isn't that just gamebreaking? I think I was about 120 mins in, I wasn't even playing just standing on a rock watching everything around me burn and die. Commando didn't even sniff, I wished him good luck on his quest to kill God and left.

It's a green item, user. Getting 20 of them does about nothing.



Thanks for introducing me to this

>The wax pigeon thing should be buffed dramatically and should work with Feathers.
It already makes the game unplayable if you have too many.


This is why I hate that theres 20 different modded versions
which mod do you have?

This with commander with the giant jellyfish with no cover

Attached: 1541534703801.jpg (572x640, 64K)

I don't believe you've ever had more than one of them. That or you don't know where the sprint button is.

Remember to share items with the unfortunate slower players!

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monster scaling is the same pretty sure, just slightly slower


activating teles before r calls and blatant stealing never happens in Yea Forums lobbies though

need 3 pls

This with Mul-T please

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>Allows for aimless but quick hopping when outside of combat and targeted dashes in combat because why would you not be sprinting as much as possible
>One or two allow you to outpace a Golem laser
>Increases the range of Merc's Shift if used while sprinting
Wax Quail is a very good mobility item

>Getting 20 of them does nothing.
You are off your fucking rocker

It just did and someone was surprised I left.

Only in the case of bouncing off a slope.
There was a webm of user getting like 20-25 of them and doing a simple sprint jump. The push distance was mediocre at best.

Attached: 1534173271072.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

Getting 20 of them lets you leap 200 meters forward with a single jump. Having just one gives you a commando roll with no real cooldown.

I mean yes but who wants to play a game which you cant break

Dont forget we only have early and mid game, blighted enemies don't even exist yet and the game isnt close to finished. All of the 'end' game content isnt in.

At some point (I would say an hour in) you're going to be scaling far harder than the AI can scale, because the AI stops scaling.

Same mod, you just change one config file to scale up/down the maxplayers.

How do you mod lobby? It keeps all my friends on the screen before picking.

I don't know if its different from RoR1 people usually rush tele kill the boss and stuff and get the gold to get the chests.

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O̶͇̼̹͍̪͔̳̝͢͠H̛̤̪̮͉̬̩̮͚̫̠͙͔̮͝ ̨̻̳̗̫̦̫̺̱́͡Ń̴͓͓̰͓̼̦̞̝̫̻̙͕̠͎͉̩̩̣͜O̶̧̙̺̮͍͍̝̠͚̪͚͎̻̝͝ͅͅ ̸̷̡͙̜̫͉͎̦̹̳̱̣͚͕̟͞H̢̛̩͕̘͖̪̙͎̪͓̬͕E̢̟̫̩̭̞̳̬̬͈̥̟̝̦̠̱̙͘͡͠Ļ̦̻̙̙͙̥̘̜̺͜P̵̠̭͓͚̤̮̫̥̜̕ ̵̙͔̳̣̹̹̰̮̝͕̘͙̖̹͘͜͠ͅM̸̸̵̸͇̩̱̪̜̳̻̟̣͙̤͇͢ͅE̞̱̗̪͍͚̞͢͡E̢̳̙̥̞̱̰͚̺͙͙̕͢E̡̧͍̗̖̬͎͔͚̻̯͖̘E̢̛̖̼̫̫̼͡ͅͅĘ̴̛͚̹̦̞Ę̵̧̼̗̪͖̣̼̥͉̬͡ͅĘ̷͙͇͕E̵̟͇̗̬̭͉̦̥̖̬͓̟̙͔̫̮E̶̵͕̱̜̫͇̜̭̰̼̬̖͖̜͍͎̣̕͘͢

Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_KkglMpLfvY.jpg (1920x1080, 316K)

Cover commando in sticky bombs and replace artificer with a stone golem

You all need to be on the same version.

Now name one thing it does better than Goat Hoof.

Also, you can "outpace a Golem laser" with base movement speed, user.

All you have to do is sv_maxplayers x before going to multiplayer.

Same version? wdym

It should, except it doesn't.
I would probably have no complaints about it were it really to push you forward 10 meters. It, however, pushes you like 2.

>Bugs should be fixed.
You don't say
I'm 99% sure that was a bug
I remember getting the jump-slam red item from a Shrine of Order and they didn't work properly until I picked up another item


>Having a quick sprint jump is jump
>Having a scaling sprint jump is bad
That shit is auto get on artificer

Attached: 1533344132118.jpg (474x474, 28K)

I appreciate your work but I regtrefully inform you that this is hotter




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Movie poster user, with another new one

Attached: stremors of rain.jpg (2470x3149, 1.09M)

Get to cover from a titan laser/vagrant explosion. Explore the map faster for chests. Wax quail gives you more overall speed when you spam sprint jumps, and much faster burst speed for avoiding shit. Goat hoof's advantages are that you can shoot while moving, and you don't have to press buttons to use it which is good for shitters like you.

Any mobility item is auto-get on artificer, that isn't an argument.
Having it is better than not having it, but as it is, it's a white item material at best. Its effect is absurdly weak.

Not wanting to look them in the eyes is a sign of weakness.


Do you just enjoy coming into threads and saying things you know are completely wrong to get everyone to call you out on it, or what?

Gesture of the drowned and meteors is the real risk of rain mode applied and man did that suck dick.

Commander Lemurian feeding wisp

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I'm going to have to repeat what that other user said and say that you probably haven't had more than one or two at once. Having just 4 or 5 can shove you from one side of a teleporter zone to the other with room to spare and allows you to fire off skills while moving.

Goat Hoof also makes your jumps faster, user. Wax becomes decent when it's stacked with a bunch of Hooves/Drinks, but on its own, it is a worse speed boost (including momentary) than a Goat Hoof.

>kill boss
>6 quails drop
>take 2
>dude starts bitching about how i'm stealing HIS drops
>literally wont shut up
>decide to be nice and ping him a backup mag since he was playing huntress
>''oh so NOW you're being nice''

Fuck any of you fags that are like that

Yeah, you definitely haven't had more than 1.

That's a retarded statement.
Wax is objectively underpowered for a green item.

god Fucking damn it which mod you have

generally you should do exactly that and buy chests after
the only problem is that retards misinterpret "rush" as "hit the teleporter, then enter the teleporter after the boss right away"

there are exceptions of course
>pinging the tele instead of popping it immediately, especially lategame, so that way everyone is at least somewhat close to the tele. It also gives engifriens a chance to set up
>1st stage should wait a minute or two so that people can get at least an item or two. this is mainly because a lot of people are shitters
>any stages where expensive but worthwhile shit appears
>any stages where we decide that we want to go to the lunar shop; the teleporter will be activated after the newt altar is popped

Are you saying mobility items are no auto get on artificer


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Shit, how many blazing_elite_ends.webms have been posted? Mix them up and play this over it youtu.be/RLG1ys2CGcI

You are retarded.
I repeat, there was user with over 20 of them. He didn't get pushed half a kilometer from a single sprint jump.
It's pretty hard to play the game for 50 hours and not get 5+ Wax stacks once.
It becomes alright after a few stacks, but not "50 meters" alright nor "5 fucking green items" alright.
