Is this the best DLC ever made?

Is this the best DLC ever made?

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whats so good about it without saying "muh harder bosses"

No. The Shivering Isles for Oblivion holds that title.

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not even close, fromdrone

hell yeah, brother

they weren't even harder, except for orphan - they were some of the best fights in the game however. They were all kino.

pretty excited for sekiro dlc, and I havent even beat it yet.

>hell yeah, brother
it's the last real 'expansion' and not just DLC that I can think of

You're forgetting Laurence and the Living Failures, user.
However I do think that Ludwig,
Maria, and Orphan make up for those two

No, it's Dead Money

>Living Failures
I'm actually quite glad that Yea Forums finally managed to make an appearance in one of Fromsoft's games.

Lost Crown's Trilogy > AoA + TRC > ToH > AotA

A good choice, but I raise you this

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The areas were pretty shit.

LF were fun. Reminded me of the ranch sequence in MM, and the presentation is great after the cramped research hall.

And Laurence has the best song in the game, so there's that at least.

Lol, yikes.

gotta admit I prefer Ringed City though nothing in the Souls trilogy comes close to how fucking good Ludwig is

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Living Failures was absolute Kino. Especially the meteor summons.

Here's the right answer.

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Fucking kek
Bethesda is such trash through and through.

>Play Sunken city
>Exactly like Lovecraft described Cthulu's Lair
>No reference to it

it basically wraps up the narrative completely in a single tight package, the new zones are great, it adds weapons and hunter tools the game sorely needed, it concluded the narratives for basically every character mentioned in the vanilla game... from Laurence, to Maria, to Kos, to Ludwig, etc. It basically completes the game.

What did it tell us about Laurence that we didn't already know?

We still don't know shit about the establishment of the Hunter's Dream, why Gehrman's being held there, and what he's waiting on Laurence to accomplish.

Bloodborne flowchart:
Does it stunlock?
Yes>spam r1
No>gun parry

I will never understand the circlejerk for this game.

It's because you're a brainlet with no taste whatsoever that will die alone, unloved, and with someone taking a shit on your grave every day until 200 years from now.

post any game and I can be just as reductive

I'm waiting..