What the fuck is her problem?
Space Nan told her to quit being a rebellious little slut and get back with the nice Orokin boy she picked for him so they can go resurrect Space Dad
Not enough ass pics.
Directive memory override from home to rip her from pretending to be a mommy for queer space wizards
She's Canadian
She shouldn't have been trusted to begin with
Would make sense why they'd send lanky boy Ballas over to woo her.
My queer space wizard is a cutie pie tho
More like what is warframes problem?
To me its lack of content. While the have some variety its essentially all the same and there's 0 motivation to grind your collection. Especially since you will never catch up
So does the Chimera Prologue deactivate "Hey Kiddo"? I've been checking for him for a while and he hasn't popped up to spook me since that quest.
I was thinking the same thing. I haven't seen Wally in months.
Nah, that's just you.
She's a triple agent playing all sides, she was never our ally to begin with. Ballas was right, she's directed us to destroy the corpus war machine, cull the infestation's numbers, and the grineer's hopes of genetic restoration to ensure the sentients can arrive and curbstomp the origin system with little effort.
Does that mean she's gonna backstab the sentients too
He still pops up, I saw him but he disappeared almost immediately for me
Probably. It's in her nature, she's the mimic queen. The better question is what does she actually gets out of betraying her own kind a second time? Is it just a power grab or is she just out to destroy everything?
I cannot keep up with Warframe lore
Bitter that she can't have children of her own. Can't say I blame her
She trapped in a shitty game and voiced by a tone-deaf Canadian retard.
Never got this Sentients can't have children shit, I mean they seem to duplicate just fine.
>that abomination
At least you tried.
Warframe setting is a 6 powerscramble to control the System and I still have no idea why anyone wants anything
it's cool as fuck
Getting with Ballas probably gave her an identity crisis since he thinks she's Margulis but she's only mimicking her from the Tenno memories when they were having void seizures, and doesn't even know what she was truly like. She has either ran away to the edge of the Origin System where the rest of the sentients lay dormant/rebuilding the bridge, or simply reconnected with the rest of her sentient aspects and is now even more dissasociated that she already was, and is simply talking to her sentient whole.
Those are just an extension of themselves. All of the sentient drones you fight on the moon are technically Hunhow. The sentients cannot create new sentients.
I see no reason why the ooga boogas on the plains or SU would want to be major players in the story, rather free to go do their own thing
In Tau the can multiply infinitely by assimilating matter and energy, spawning new independent consciousness, more sentients. After travelling the void, something about their assimilation is destroyed, and they cannot make more of themselves, just grow larger but remaining individuals. Hunhow seems like he can multiply at infinity just because he's the size of a continent and most of that is spread on lua and Uranus.
Just scramble the code and shit out a new one
Grineer, Corpus, Infested, Sentients, Wally, and the Tenno.
I usually just throw the rando human factions in with the Tenno, but those factions all want pretty different things with the system
Baller space dad when?
Ballas trying to backstab everyone again?
The Stalker?
Alad V barely being Corpus anymore?
Fuck Ballas, I want Ordan Karris to come back together and become BONE DADDY
I want him to use his bone plug on me you get me
inb4 Ballas being turned into a "thing" pisses him off so much he starts supporting the spacekids just to stick it to mom
I trust Ballas because he creates weapons with fat juicy asses. He is clearly a man of great intelligence and honor
Isn't that literally what happens in Chimera?
He's already pissed of at being revived and having his dramatic death be a nothing.
I know what you're talking about but, listen up for a second:
Paracesis swordgirl
I thought it was him being scared shitless at what the sentients actually were and running back to the tenno with the paracesis as a peace offering to bail him out
I'm to tired to write it all out now and will just go to sleep in hope somebody does that in the meantime but Ballas backstab timeline is saturday morning kino.
Long term plans for Railjack is to have the players besiege the Void Bridge ruins from Outer Terminus in Pluto, where a massive Sentient battle station will form. Missions involving Corpus and Grineer fleets fighting back hordes of sentient fighters will happen, with both factions trying (and failing) to crack the Sentients for weakness or harnessing their power. Lots of Archwing (DE wants to salvage it no matter what) lots of capital ship combat (Think of Battlefront II) and eventually a new tileset for regular missions of exterminate, capture and interception. Culminating in killing the Lotus.
Is the stupid fake lotus gone yet or do I still have to wait for Ordis to man up and talk like himself?
Also how long is equinigs prime going for because I just want Atlas prime already.
God I want to kill the Lotus so bad lads.
she's autistic
>incel detected
Corpus and Grineer putting their shit aside to push back the sentients would be pretty kino
Maybe the infested can even get in on it too.
Dev stream confirmed that the "fake Lotus" effect goes away after New War
This guy walks up to you and your girlfriend and smacks her ass? What do?
Jesus fucking Harriot Christ that face is awful
In super early warframe the corpus and grineer were actually trade partners, but the gradivus war and vay hek being a massive faggot with the fomorians ruined it
And when's new war, like 2022?
Also Alad V being the worst diplomat ever
Probably summer or fall 2020, seeing as railjack is the next major gameplay update
>Sun - Kill the Lotus
>Eclipse - Imprison the Lotus
>Moon - Spare the Lotus
calling it
>have to wait until this summer to get a prime for my favorite frame
>have to wait until next summer to get rid of the retarded fake lotus
The Jews.
Thrown into.... The sun!
at least use the correct name, goy
>Void - Fuck the Lotus
Warframe's 10 year plan involves having every world have a hub with multiple open areas that will replace planetary missions. Travel within a planet's gravity well is done through Railjacks and interplanetary with Orbiters, using the Outer Terminus Solar Rail to travel Tau which will be the endgame area, slowly being expanded as more people get there.
Move aside white gurl
>fucking lotus when almost every female frame (and some males) are much hotter than her
All the Sentients we've met are fragments of their predecessors who evolve to meet needs of the collective. The original Sentients are the minds in control of the legion and are the strongest.
The species isn't one hivemind, but many. All working together.
Natah is special twice over. First, "she" is the offspring of Hunhow who is essentially the defacto leader of the offensive force of the Sentient faction.
Natah is also the first mimic and the originator of the mimics. All mimics are fragments of her just as she is a fragment of Hunhow. It is also important that while she is an individual and has independent thought from Hunhow, her parent, she is still just a fragment of him. Her essence is Hunhow.
When she was taken away by Ballas she met the 'Mother'. An unnamed Sentient who is probably ALSO a Hivemind. Something more like Hunhow than like herself.
We don't know how many of the original Sentients there are to act as hiveminds. We know plenty died.
We don't know what the 'Mother' does but it almost certainly has something to do with some sort of Mass Effect rip off indoctrination.
We don't know what Natah experienced while acting as a handmaiden under Margulis that allowed her to break away from Hunhow enough to betray her own existence.
We've seen concept art of the Mother and she is a massive terraformer/fleet killer. She sucks entire warships into her gravity well and eats them. It's pure kino.
The sentients who became the eidolons are radically different from the children of Hunhow because they come from a different 'Original' Sentient.
The significance of the 'Original' Sentients is no more complex then the fact that they were all of them different individual living terraforming machines each fired at a different part of the Tau system. Something they encountered there freed them from their Orokin shackles and they came back to punish the Orokin for the number of worlds they have dominated and destroyed in their self-worship.
That is just what she looks like. Sentients also have a range of abilities of their own. The children of each Originator are simplified concepts of the unique abilities of their parent.
Hunhows spawn are soldiers and saboteurs.
The Mother might end up having her own small cavalcade.
She turned traitor after experiencing human cock and also motherhood
wanna rp?
Can't beat the cock man. No way no how. Not the cock.
>The whole takes off his mask and reveals those luscious lips
god i fucking hate the new hair tech . Its just so fucking ugly. Idk how DE always manages to fuck up the translation from concept
Please keep all taterposting in /wfg// Thank you.
I miss spacemom I want her big spacetits in my spaceface
Calling it now. The Mother's purpose in the Sentient lineup is the ability to repurpose massive amounts of material into more Sentient.
It'll turn out she is the one to make Ballas into such a creature. Ballas might not have had any clue what he was going into when Hunhow told him taking Natah (Who he'd been tricked into believe was a Sentient reincarnation of Margulis) to the Mother.
The Mother then 'recycled' both of them.
Jokes on him, her ass is glass and so is his after getting 1mil+ dmg per tick for a few seconds.
I'm calling it, the mother is just the rest of Lotus sentient fragments and body, and the Lotus we see in the trailer is just the fragment that Mimicked Margullis and became the Lotus, talking to the rest of herself that's just waking up after the "centerpiece" of her consciousness came back.
I see your call and like it better then my own.
Unfortunately DE tends to suck at being surprising. One of the community moderator shills managed to guess the plot of the Second Dream quest in a joke thread almost a year and a half before DE finished it.
The Sentients did nothing wrong!
>get sent to another galaxy to terraform its planets
>the people that sent you there are greedy. uppity, selfish and narcissistic
>they've even fucked up their home planet and even its moon
>decide to take care of your new galaxy and kill off the cancer race so they don't infect more planets with their greed
You'll break and become my wife someday.
Okay this is good
Don't reply to me with your abomination. Taters were a mistake just like the rest of their "content"
>DE: "oh boy let's add more shit to grind for before fixing our glaring flaws"
>"lol why is everyone getting burnt out and why is it hard for new players to get into the game"
Don't get me started either on how the tater is so hypocritical and makes zero sense to the original story.
Contrary to popular understanding, Orokin aren't human. They turned up and jacked humans for all their shit.
Tenno are human. Orokin are not. Orokin would typically use humans as replacement bodies to cheat death though.
>Orokin are filthy xenos scum who use bodysnatching and genetic alteration to lounge around in a culture of self-worship.
>They literally create entire species for labor jobs and space exploration.
>Sentient and the Tenno, who are both their own creation, both independently rebel right at the height of a war the Orokin made them fight each other in.
>You are the most special of a whole line of special snowflakes.
>Warframe is a "FUCK YEAH HUMANITY" story in disguise.
Shut up, french fry.
>Taters were a mistake
You're a mistake. We need operator only missions so hardheaded autists like you will finally give them a chance.
Source, your ass.
I hope when the Infested get their plains update, they'd add more variety to their models. Even if the 'types' remain the same, leapers and runners made from different races or pure biomass would be nice to see. Maybe even make them contextual, so you'd only see Grineer mutants on a Grineer tileset.
Orokin is the name of the civilization and the upper echelons of their society. The people around are no longer humans; humans have been gone for centuries, extinct and replaced. Cetus are weird otter abhumans, Grineer are an artificial slave race made for labor, human in aspet purely for functional purposes (tool handling, communication, modification). Fortuna and the corpus are the closer to Orokin, having descended from the migrant fleets of space traders, pirates, nomads and the destitute (Hunhow refers to Alad V as an Orokin, A corpus designed the first sentients and was promoted to archimidean). The Orokin civilization was a post human stage where humanity basically became the Dark Eldar from Warhammer 40K.
Warframe has a lot of parallels with w40k.
DE loves cliches. I'll humor you though. If I'm missing an important scrap from some item text feel free to hit me with it and I'll change my tune.
>Humans are all either slaves for continuity, Corpus, or Dax.
>Orokin couldn't become Tenno.
>The Operator is very obviously human.
>Humans could become Tenno.
>The Orokin can't be human.
Hey buddy the gay bar is that way >>>>>>>>>>>/wfg/
Me ever having any faith in a group of Canadians was a mistake. Tater missions would be a nice fix for the shit that is focus farming. In fact the best missions were always the stealth ones which I assume the little tards would be doing mostly. Except I still stand with gassing all taters, the game was at its peak playing with Yea Forums at the beginning trying to go FAST.
Now everytime I reinstall the game it's some new shitfest or drama.
>This dude got banned
>That tranny over there somehow made global chat worse
>DE does shit behind the curtains and shits the bed when they get called our on it
>/wfg/ managed to get worse, like seriously how? lol
You make a good case. Though I don't trust DE to be that interesting. I see it as simple as Warframe is literally built of chunks of random anime and sci-fi game ideas.
Warframes? They're Guyver.
Tennokids? Evangelion wanking.
Sentient horde looming as a someday threat? Mass Effect Reaper flashbacks.
You can map a likely plot on the back of the influences you know DE pulls from. They're not trying to be original. Just 'cool'.
"There's no such thing as an original idea."
Technically its the Ostron, with Cetus being an important colony if them and implied they gave other colonies on Earth, and trade partners across the Origin system.
I'd really like to see more of the civilian, non aligned populations of the system.
Absolutely. A good artist borrows. A great on steals. I think Gandalf said that in Assassin's creed or something.
Point is, even back in the day DE never once hid the fact that they like to plug their favorite parts of other shit into Warframe where possible.
I want to see more of the Triuna. They're probably gonna be fleshed out more when the obligatory Infested themed Open world is released Unless DE of course has forgotten about Nidus' quest like they did with Iron Wake on planet earth when they made the Plains of Eidolon.
Sedna exterminate lets you cap in 5-10 minutes and ESO lets you cap in 5-20 minutes. Ignore the artificial drama, the game's better than ever, the community is worse though, I won't argue about that.
I liked it better when the Warframes were these silent sentient robot things and you as the player determined their behavior. Adding the "tenno" just made things sour
>"Grineer are barbaric"
>Kill and melt everything in most painful way possible
>"Corpus are greedy"
>Jew some sucker out of a riven or plat.
>"I will learn from this encounter"
>It's the same violent encounter you've had since day 1
Also that "thing" that tries and pass as a human is so annoying in the stories
>"Waahh space mom is gone I can't go potty without her"
>"This man take mommy he must be bad"
>This man speaks against mommy he must be bad"
She has a sever lack of tenno dick in her. that's what.
>Orokin couldn't become Tenno.
The Tenno are the product of a specific event, it's not a club you join. You're basically saying that Bruce Banner is clearly a human and can turn into the Hulk, so everyone who can't turn into the Hulk isn't a human.
I started playing right when they opened the vault for Mag Prime and I still have like 20 of all except one (I think it was a Neo).
Didn't want to farm relics for Frost/Ember and by that time some good games released so I haven't played since then. I don't want to go to Fortuna and grind the dumb bounties, I don't have an archwing launcher and I don't want to join some gay clan
This. Tenno survived the warp when it just flat-out kills everyone else. Maybe Wally intervened. Maybe they were all just special. But it's not something you can just do at will.
Then quit bitching. Start a solo clan and do the fucking work. or just shut up and go back to whatever you were playing before this.
if you need parts but don't want to farm Warframe.market is your source
If you don't want to spend money, grind. If you don't want to grind, then Warframe isn't for you.
I forgot this game existed. How much did I miss if the last time I played was before they gave everyone a space ship?
It's been turned into a different game at least twice over.
They ain't Becca
Is it worth getting into then? I think I only have one of the original three warframes.
Can't beat it.
warframes only problem is too much content though
im still mad warframes are kids
Mah ninja.
Always worth getting into, but they are planning a redo of the starting experience in the game since they realize how much of a hurdle it is now.
I'm just mad there's no proper sliders
I think most of us are. It was hillarious at the same time disgusting when the Goblinos got released, everyone from here to the official forums were complaining.
>friend plays warframe
>tell him that one of the workers there does the VA for her
>Accidently slip up and say "Becca Linares"
>This guy doesn't show up at all despite an invitation to slap your girl's ass. What do?
what is the best way to farm meso relics and does anyone want to be my friend
Honestly my only problem with coming back to it was that I originally unlocked a lot of levels and quests, so my progression was a bit jumbled in the new system. I wish there an option to reset them or something without losing your items.
Only other annoyance is there's apparently a lot of reference to characters from timed events that later players won't see.
Jesus, kill it!
I stopped playing for a year I came back and becca looks busted megan is definitely a dime idk why i havent noticed how beautiful she is.
>a Risk of Rain 2 thread died for this
go back to your disgusting containment general, you faggots.
Say I wanted to get back into this. What's the best frame for solo'ing content. Last I played was when I could make Trinity immune to all damage, and kill everything by hitting myself with a rocket. The new movement system wasn't in yet.
Get Rhino and become unstoppable. Jat Kittag to murder everything that gets close, and an Opticor to blast apart anything too far away to melee.
You forgot that Megan is a fujo
Please don't bring that cancer here. Thank you.
A Rhino built for ability strength would be very straightforward, just press 2 and tank everything while you shoot. Mesa would be great too but obviously would take more work to get (her Prime is probably easier to get than her non-Prime) since she can CC, tank and nuke all at once.
Trinity got nerfed but still reduces like 75% damage I think.
Or just pick Volt and go fast
Neat, I already have both of these. Thanks, brehs. I didn't remember Mesa being all that impressive outside of using her 4 in defensive missions. Did they rework her?
Umbral inaros with his 4 and an Arcane grace is unkillable.
I didn't get Mesa until really fucking late but she's great now. If you build for ability duration and range her 2 is CC because it disarms enemies. If you build for duration and strength her 3 gives her up to 95% damage reduction. You don't even have to build for strength to make her 4 powerful since exalted weapons are a thing now, meaning you mod her special guns as if they were a separate weapon.
As far as I know her 1 is still useless. The only frustrating thing about using Mesa is that there are a lot of things her 4 won't target, like many of the newer bosses and nullifiers but you have guns for that.
the cancer is already here, Warframe is a shit, dead game.
She looks like she just took a whiff of my musky taint
No, Nezha players aren't here yet
Risk of Rain 2 isn't a real game yet, it shouldn't be discussed on Yea Forums until it actually gets released.
>Risk of Rain 2 isn't a real game yet
it's more of a game than Warframe in 6 fucking years.
are you into ERP?
> it shouldn't be discussed on Yea Forums until it actually gets released.
by that logic Warframe shouldn't be discussed either, but here you are trying to push your shitshow of a game.
>thread is fucking dead
Based RoR poster.
The big nerf was on Blessing. It used to be scaled based on whoever was the lowest health, and had infinite. You could get 99% damage resistance, and a full heal out of it. So, you build with Quick Thinking, which doesn't let you go below 2 health, and a bunch of duration mods, and you could get 99% damage resistance for quite a while. Hit yourself with a rocket, though, and Link would still send full damage to everything you were linked with.
When I quit, they nerfed it so it was based on an average of the entire party, including pets/sentinels, instead of just the lowest person. So, it became useless for anything except lone runs. Looking at it now, it was nerfed even more since then.
*infinite range
Looks like the cancer is here. Pack up and leave everyone. It was a fun little thread while it lasted.
The quality of DE's updates is always good, you're retarded
It's ththe painfully slow release schedule that's throttling this game
Grinding in warframe is so easy. I wish other games had such laid back grinds.
>load defense mission
>nuke everything intermittently
>accuse other matchmades of being fat or gay
>cash in your chips after everyone gets tired
plus the fishing is pretty relaxing.
She looks like loli big boss
Wow, so operators weren't the breaking point for you, the Nezha was?
very surprising, yes indeed
>he quality of DE's updates is always good
stopped reading right there, you just started playing the game a month ago, didn't you?
Wow, this actually looks really cute. Congrats.
>Grinding in warframe is so easy. I wish other games had such laid back grinds.
Gatcha is for you then, Warframe is a shitty cookie clicker game without the actual rewards.
what about this one?
*breaths in*
I also like this one, but a bit less.
I have a think for the goth aesthetic.
>buying plat
No one actually does this, right?
>goth aesthetic
Hmm. Really hard to do the goth look with operators. The reason managed it so well was proper lighting and a good use of the captura filters. I'm not a big fan of the lighting on this operator, but the aesthetic is kind of there.
>fixed the hairline on the newer kid hairstyles
Took them long enough. I have no idea how this shit got an okay to go live.
Oh, this is nice. Makes me wanna hop in and fix up my potato.
He's pissed he's no longer blue and fabulous and his waifu is just a machine.
Yeah, operators are actually kind of workable now. Give it another year and DE will increase their bust size again and maybe add better face morphs.
>increase their bust size
No thanks. I don't want to play grandmas.
Steal his hammer and fuck his corpse.
Thats pretty homosexual user.
>Rhino main for a long time
>Complete 'Second Dream'
>"What the fuck, I'm a loli?"
Sounds like a fun plot.
nigga you stupid? every update has been downhill since specters of the rail
Warframe's lore makes no sense. It feels very convoluted and contrived.
What about it doesn't make sense? It's pretty straight forward.
Its all about space moms and shit, at first you think its ninjas and cool underdog redemption archs with a sideplot of space jew, but really, its just space mom
Why do they look so asian