Like or dislike DK64, You can deny the game had a lot of charm

Like or dislike DK64, You can deny the game had a lot of charm.

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Nah, even back then I thought that it was severely lacking in charm compared to the DKC games. I really hated how cartoony they made everything while the DKC games were grounded in a more realistic world.

>beavers in a jungle
>bees, beavers and vultures twice the size of a fucking gorilla

I fucking love the sound design in this game. It really made the experience. There's a reason everyone remembers several parts of the audio so fondly.

I wish we had that render of Lanky


I actually love the game. Sure it's got a lot of flaws, but it's got that B side Banjo feel.

I have never finished it and I have been trying to since its release. There's just too much shit to get through and I always give up. Rare went too far with this game.

only dkc1 had a more realistic tone in regards to the levels, 2 and 3 were more fantastic in regards to the atmosphere.
Besides, DK64's worlds aren't that cartoony-looking.

Not just charm, SOUL.


Its a bad game though.

I really want to like the game because of all the charm, but the gameplay just breaks me.

Places like Creepy Castle had tons of awesome atmosphere and well made visuals and charm, yet it wasn't enough to offset the gameplay slog.

Attached: Donkey Kong 64.jpg (955x699, 121K)

No it's not

the fuck is dk doing there lol, he should only focus on the lighthouse from that zone.

It was neither good, nor did it have charm.

I have to admit though, it did have soul.

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It had no style.

>it's got that B side Banjo feel
That's why I love it. It feels like a fuckton of unused Banjo concepts and ideas mashed into one massive game. Hell, you could even Fungi Forest art in Banjo's house in the original BK

This game had a lot of issues but it also had some really nice touches. Including the original Donkey Kong arcade game was a cool inclusion. Also the final boss is five phases and great.

I don’t know how to fungi forest the Art, user