Fuck it, I played it, I full cleared it (base game), and I'm going to complain about it. BOTW is barely a game...

Fuck it, I played it, I full cleared it (base game), and I'm going to complain about it. BOTW is barely a game. If I had to sum it up in one title, it'd be LoZ: Do Your Chores Edition.

The majority of this game is doing nothing while you collect materials you'll never have to use. Aside from the food, which you'll barely need for recovery once you learn how shallow the combat is, where combat even exists, everything you collect is pointless. There's a single consumable required to reach a town which sells equipment that makes the consumable obsolete; that's it.

For combat, every fight is free. Even the hardest end of enemies can be cheesed with the bullet time mechanics. On top of that, the special powers you get by progressing the main story further diminish any shred challenge you might find in combat. Everything is absolutely stress free and there are no stakes. It's boring to fight in this game; even if LoZ is a puzzle/adventure game first, there's no justification for combat being so pointless and effortless in this title.

Then we get to the shrines, or the puzzle portion of the game; which means that combat and puzzles are completely separate from one another (what the fuck were they thinking). There are 120 shrines, which means 120 puzzles. Eliminating the shrines that aren't puzzles at all, such blessings or tests of strength, there's less than 100 puzzle shines. With so many puzzles to make for game, none of them are complex. Some of them are very contrived, and it becomes obvious that the idea well was running dry. This portion of the game also lacks challenge. Shrine puzzles are established room by room within the shrine, and solutions are always obvious.


Attached: BOTW.jpg (1200x630, 238K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/ 1493149861295.jpg/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/ Rival_Devs_In_Awe_of_BotW.png/

The one decent bit of gameplay is the Divine Beast puzzles. The puzzle actually expands throughout a large structure and requires some semblance of thought and investigation. They're not necessarily difficult, but they are enjoyable to solve. The same issue of a complete divide between combat and puzzles still exists; and it leads me to believe that the devs knew they had left combat as something underdeveloped and tacked onto the game.

The overall lack of challenge makes the open world design fall flat on its face. There's this idea of setting out on a big exploration mission as Link, yet never once did I have to prepare for the expedition. You're not struggling to survive and become more powerful/well equipped as you explore the map; and exploring the map will be 90% of the playtime. In my mind, I keep drawing comparisons of BOTW exploration with goddamn Minecraft exploration; I think it's very telling how poorly constructed BOTW is when Minecraft exploration is infinitely more engaging and challenging than anything I did in BOTW. So it's not a matter of "oh, if the combat was better" or "oh, if the puzzles were more complex", because there's nothing complex about surviving in Minecraft, it's just inherently dangerous to explore, and that's why it works. At the end of the game, when I look back and ask myself "what was memorable", my mind draws up less than 10 moments. It's a quantity over quality style of game, and is frankly mediocre. I can't imagine ever wanting to do it all over again, because the bulk of the game was menial, easy tasks; it was doing chores.



Fuck off Eric.

Nice review. Completely agree, I'm so tired of people praising this game to death, it's tiring.

maybe you should go back to playing fortnite or mobile games since freedom and creativity is clearly something you're uncomfortable with

I love how he makes sure to say he played it when it's obvious he didnt, because he knows he'd get flack got not playing it

Fuck outta here leroy



Best review I've seen on this board in awhile.

My favorite part of BOTW was collecting food and cooking. Imagine if they put the kind of effort into Rune Factory games, it would be the greatest game ever, I want to farm and climb trees to get apples and grow wheat to make flour and herd cows to get milk and yada yada yada to make a pie that took all day to obtain materials for and watch the sunset on my house and eat my fucking pie

>LoZ: Do Your Chores Edition.


The Divine Beasts were difficult. I only had an easy time with one of them.

agreed. good review

BotW has one of the most varied and interesting open worlds as well as a fuckton more environmental interaction than games which are praised for that like Dark Messiah. That's all BotW needs to be an easy 9/10.

BOTW more like Chores of the Wild

haha good review dude

>it's bad because there is nothing. my evidence of this is the cooking mechanic, which is bad because it is solely used for combat (i will ignore stamina increasing, cold resistance, heat resistance and speed boosting food) which is bad
>the combat is bad because you can use the combat mechanics and abilities and items you obtain to win and is, according to me, easy
>shrines are bad because they don't have the combat that i hate and they are, according to me, easy
>the divine beasts are bad because they don't have the combat that i hate, i will ignore the bosses at the end of each and siege sequence before each one
>its bad because i am comparing it to minecraft
>minecraft is, according to me, hard
>the game is bad

Amazing review OP, really well put together.

Are you new here? Just leave

Considering that you think no one can tell that you're bumping your own thread by replying and samefagging to yourself with "based" like a deluded retard by looking at the fact that there are 17 replies and 10 unique IPs, you're the only new one here.

Is this pasta? Please tell me it's a pasta.


At least it isn't a shitpost and a competent critique. I can commend that.

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I love how clueless you are, it's sad

Ignore the haters here, this review is amazing. Good job!

People were always iffy on shrines

People always had a problem with weapon durability

Divine Beasts were always hit-or-miss with people

Remember these were widespread sentiments about the game from day 1 and people holding up a metascore and deflecting all criticism are far more likely to be the ones who didn't play it.

Someone's very salty.

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Braincells: 0

Op's braincells: 50

>do your chores
its more like the ultimate game of hide and seek

I might as well post this since you're pretty spot on and I just know somebody is going to post that stupid picture.

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You can do that in real life

here we go................

yeah, its what i thought....
one of THOSE reviews...

Excellent critical review

I will be saving this

Leave troll


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Agree 100%. BotW was incredibly underwhelming.

I disagree.

I wish I could like your comment

Is this the hourly COPE thread?

>disagreeing with no counterargument

nice troll. leave this thread now

boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/ 1493149861295.jpg/

Attached: [contained raughter].png (430x447, 128K)

someone's upset

not trolling when i didn't say anything trolling

I don't entirely agree and I quite like the game, but I can expect your well written and reasoned opinion. My complaints lie mostly with the lack of enemy variety, weapons break too goddamn fast, and the inconvenient rain. Overall though I had fun climbing shit, gliding, finding and doing shrines, and as you said, the story dungeons were good.


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My main problem with BotW is not the boring shrines or the awful combat, is the fact that the overworld is so boring.
Even the places that should be interesting to explorer such as the Colosseum, theTyplo Ruins, the jungle, Zora and Goron region, desert, labyrinths, Korok forest, etc are empty. Even the towns are boring.
Wasted potential.

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In a few years, once the switch library got a couple good games it'll be okay to dislike BotW. But for now, nope, can't have anyone aknowledge the fact there's still no reason to own a switch two years after release.

Holy cope

yeahno, leave RF alone.
The slice of life parts and the wacky townpeople are what makes it great, making the crafting a giant chore isnt a good idea at all.

So fucking based. I'm shaking with excitement

Have sex


While you're a little harsh in some areas I agree with almost everything you said. The game is beautiful and huge, but every single mechanic in the game has such a shallow amount of depth to it.

Holy shit he's been spamming it for 2 fucking years

I got to take a shit and come back to this. I'll clear it up for you.

>combat is boring because the bullet time mechanics nullify the challenge, turning combat into a chore instead of an accomplishment
>the crafting is bad because the various buffs you get through elixirs are never significant for anything in the game aside from the first time that you travel to the Goron town
>shrines are numerous and the lack of complexity shows in the puzzles
>the game distinctly separates puzzles and combat into separate portions of the game
>I compared it to Mincraft because Minecraft has no puzzle or combat complexity whatsoever, yet manages to be more engaging as an open world, exploration game completely dictated by the player
>I said the Divine Beast were enjoyable
Holy shit dude, the cope is real.

@mods ??

Reported for encouraging self harm.

you're correct.

You completely destroyed him LMAO



Where does he lie on the spectrum?

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>I've decided that your definition is invalid therefore you have no argument


eric? Terminal.

BotW would be improved a thousandfold if it scattered the runes instead of copping out and putting them all in the starting area. The lacking sense of character progression would be remedied, the player would have more direction and focus going from one part of the game to the next and remain open-ended since you woulddn't have to collect them in any particular order. It would have been a Zelda game.

You know the point of image macros is that multiple people can the same thing, right?

Damn, this thread's a shitfest. OP's review is garbage because it only adresses most aspects of the game with a couple of adjectives, while downplaying rather important stuff and including the subjective shittery of "muh motivation, muh fun". It's schlock.

Surely it is easy to find a game that surpasses it in every one of these things.
ps: being able to cheese enemies is a good thing and OP has no creativity.

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Wtf are you talking about, they literally did that with shrines and divine beasts lmao

Nobody cares. Bye troll!

Yes, it's a boring tech demo. That doesn't matter though because it's Zelda and open world, so people will automatically clamor it.

i agree . but nintendofags will insult you

autism much?

I got shivers reading this one. Based as fuck. I wish there was a way to gild you like how you can give someone gold on reddit... only better.

No, they don't. Having every ability from the start turns progression into an aimless hodgepodge that you can wander from one point to any other point and be guaranteed to check something off your list of things you do to fill your playtime. Completing a shrine doesn't carry any weight, nothing about completing it alters or elaborates on what you can do afterwards. You do it because it's there and then it's done.

more like

Attached: cortexkek.jpg (225x225, 6K)

You only don't care because it defies your narrative.
Keep crying.

Yeah, getting bored with mindless repetition makes me autistic. Are you self aware? Do you even own a mirror?

Eric is based, soiboi.

It's hilarious how triggered you are.

Why would Nintendo fans be angry over 97 GOTY?

Yes and I'm sure they all just happen to use the exact same filename. You've been exposed, BotW-kun, time to destroy your Switch as punishment

A games quality is not based on trying to find a game like it but better, because if it fundamentally doesn't work why would I look for that?

At any rate. Way of the Samurai has a more open world. I can choose to fuck dudes wives the entire game if I want or go save a European princess and bang her, literally whatever I want.

It has the same amount of enemy variety considering the game has like 5 enemies.

Not as many combat options but you also can't fuck dudes wives in Zelda so.

OP samefagging and the usual schoolchildren gloating how their favorite game is so much better than the Fornite and Minecraft their classmates are playing. This is the worst thread we've seen in a while and that's saying something.

I too think popular game is [buzzword]

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Point by point
>So you never once used an attack up or speed up elixir? Never upped your stealth and slowly took out a full camp of enemies?
>Fair enough, they're not complex, but that's made up for by having a shitload of them and the quests to find them are fun
>So you didn't play master trials

>a world as open
I mean, there's goddamn minecraft. Not that minecraft is beacon of genius design, but it is as open.

>as many options to use in and out of combat
You mean fighting, avoiding, sneaking? There's nothing to BOTW combat options. It's severely less developed than say MGS5. There's nothing that stands out about it.

>actually useful consumables
Useful? Yes. Ever necessary? No. At no point in the game will you miss having a buff, because you won't notice it. The only time a player has to consider consumables is when they drink a fireproof elixir to travel to the town where they can buy fireproof armor, making the elixir obsolete.

>weapon and enemy variety
1h, 2h, spears, and bow is variety? All 1h weapons are swords, and they all do the same thing when you press the attack button. Spears are all spears, and all 2h weapons, whether they're swords, axes, or hammers, all have the same combo chain as well. That's not variety. The bow is a bow; aim and shoot. It's goddamn vanilla.

Two years

>it's another "call the user Eric instead of attempting to address any of their criticisms" episode
I borrowed my friends switch to play this and got bored and dropped it after unlocking the camera feature and playing for a few more hours. There's a lot of shit you can do in the environments and with the tools you get, but it felt like 80% of my time was just running or riding to a destination with the occasional enemy encounter to break it up, and the combat by itself is not enjoyable at all. If they focus on improving the game and not making something wildly different for the next Zelda it could unironically be GOTYAY, but I'm half expecting nintendo to do a Todd and release the same shit again with little to no improvements.

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We will have this same thread on May 8th, 2020, and also on may 8th 2021, and every single dayin between, and you still won't understand why we are making fun of you

Oh yeah, just like all these results are from one guy, right?
4chanx saves the original filenames.
God, you're so lost.

Twilight princess is the most kino zelda game of all time.

>Having every ability from the start

But you don't...?

Tell me something Yea Forums, why can't you fags ever admit a game you like has faults? Why does it have to be either flawless or dog shit?

>posts the same thread 3times a day for 2 years straight.


It's dog shit

>n-no u!


Yes, I too like [acclaimed game]. What? You think it's overrated? [GENUINE CRITICISM] doesn't matter, everyone loves. It's highly acclaimed. Critics love it. No one cares. Fuck off Eric. You must love it. Is this pasta? Please conform. 97. 97. 97. Cope. Seethe, Cope. Cope. Seethe, Cope. Cope. Seethe, Cope. Cope. Seethe, Cope. Cope. Seethe, Cope. Cope. Seethe, Cope. Cope. Seethe, Cope.

Attached: npc.jpg (971x546, 56K)

>it's another don't disagree with my opinion or I will freak out episode

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Does parry mean that there aren't easily executed bullet time mechanics that cheese combat?

No. I used one buff elixir to travel to goron town, and only because I caught fire without it. Nothing I encountered in the game up that point or beyond that point motivated me to use a buff. I wasn't avoiding using them, but I never encountered a challenge that made me think of them. It's good and well that there's a variety of buffs, but the game itself doesn't motivate using them.

Hence, LoZ: Do Your Chores.

I only played the base game, which in fairness is what's been lauded all over any review site as a must play game.

I know it is, but you took the piss because I harped on a lack of combat in the divine beasts; so I clarified that I thought they were just fine anyway.

You know what I'm talking about or you're being belligerently daft.

Nice falsefag retard, bet you're mom's glad you found Yea Forums so other people have to put up with your faggotness while she can drink away all the memories of having you.

>fanboys coming in and REEEEEEEEEEEING about OP's opinion that the game is overrated as fuck isn't freaking out

I know what you're talking about and you are wrong. The game gives you all the shrine skills at the start but it does not give you all the skills by an objective measure

>someone makes well thought out and valid points to say botw is poopy
>someone does the same but to say botw maybe isn't as bad
What a fucking spastic.

97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97
BOTW does nothing wrong.
BOTW does nothing wrong.
BOTW does nothing wrong.
BOTW does nothing wrong.
BOTW does nothing wrong.

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I'm pretty sure he just said that to make you upset.
And it seems to have worked.

All me btw ;)

When the first word from your mouth is an invective it gives off the impression that you are indeed a little miffed

I specifically said runes. Thank god you're so smug or I don't know how you'd be able to live with functional illiteracy. Peace out thread, enjoy daycare.

Cope. Seethe. 97.

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>Go into shrine
>It is a stasis riddle
>Have to use up my weapon durability to solve a riddle
>Game basically wants to impress me with the epic physics at the cost of my resources
>Fool around with my weapon to try out some combos which involves slamming them into the ground
>"You are not allowed to fool around in a game where you are free to do everything. You have to be 100% efficient in everything you do because that is freedom and so your weapons will break because you try out combos with them."

I hope the next Zelda game won't include weapon durability the way it is. If you implement a feature that most of the players either want overhauled or removed entirely there is something seriously wrong with it.

Case in point.

How desperate are Zeldafags to praise their game that they have to praise fucking cooking?
Skyrim has it, as well as a crapload of other games, and nobody really gives a fuck in those games since that shit is a very minor element of games.
It's like overpraising games for having fishing minigames, is pathetic.

And beasts are functionally equivalent

Seething and triggered


Who hurt you?






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Please conform. 97. Critics. 97. BOTW does nothing wrong.

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>A games quality is not based on trying to find a game like it but better
It's called a standard. You normally use them when determining the quality of something.
You comparison with WotS doesn't make sense. Banging someone's wife is unrelated to the ways in which you can traverse the world. If you like it more, that's your thing and not a fault of the game.
It's got more than 5, look it up. Certainly more than the average AAA shooter.
Tons of combat options, see below.
You're only referring to games that have one aspect they do better than BotW, I'm talking about the game as a whole.
Weapon variety includes normal usage of weapons but also elemental interactions, using abilities, parrying, enviromental kills and stealth kills. It's a lot more than most games. I ain't gonna forget carpetbombing with a quintuple bow using thunder arrows in the rain, it's the coolest shit.
Movement options out of combat include climbing, fire+glider, sliding with you shield (snow and sand are literally designed for sliding), the super jump, the horse, flying with timefrozen rocks and some other stuff I forget.
>Useful? Yes. Ever necessary? No.
And you can beat E.Y.E using a Sulfatum, a BK and heavy armor. Doesn't make everything else in the game pointless. But there's also substantial boosts like stamina, absortion and speed, which I'd call more than useful.

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Maybe it's because Zelda just did it better?
Did that ever occur to you?

Fuck off NPC

>Getting triggered over obvious shitposting
I shiggy diggy

absolutely triggered

botw friends are truly npcs for using (((""""critic""""))) scores as a metric for quality


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>cooking is pointless!
>>actually cooking assists you in these ways:

The game drowns you in weapons, which turns durability into an inconvenience. It's ultimately annoying. I used the master sword for tree chopping and mining because it refreshes itself. That's what the durability system did for my game; it turned one of the most iconic weapons in video games into a manual labor tool.

>death save
>damage shield
>charge attack lightning
None of these are anywhere near the functional equivalent of the runes. You're not even trying.

Triggered babies are attempting to use the word 'triggered' but are unable to do so because they're already so triggered themselves

Lol we broke him

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BOTW just needs some more changes to its combat, enemy variety, and some dungeons. Where are the darknuts roaming the halls of Hyrule Castle, or Iron knuckles. Why wasn't Akkala citadel where you have to fight through the last stand of the Hylian knight, with the boss being the Royal Guard captain?

For the combat, there should be different inputs to do small moves like stabs, overhead strikes, and slashes. Like for example
>Tilt left stick up+Y for a stab
>Tilt left stick down+Y for an overhead hit
>Hit just Y for a slash
So then these moves for weapons have different purposes. Slashing with a spear is meant for whacking off low health enemies, or for a quick back off tool to get space. Basic stuff, but it could make the combat a bit more than just dodge for flurry rush or parry, then mash Y.

Healing does need a rework so then you can't just cook some hearty durians and be unkillable(even more-so with Mipha's grace), making food heal only over time instead of instantly would be a good start, along with getting hit doesn't ragdoll you and make enemies just stand around, but stagger you to leave you open for enemy attack.

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Most consolewar cucks do that to try and say their game is better then yours.

triggered indeed

>None of these are anywhere near the functional equivalent of the runes
They're all unlockable abilities. user in the chain said you get all "abilities" at the start, how is a divine beast power not an ability?

>everything you collect is pointless

This how I know you're a fucking idiot who doesn't understand basic game design. The rest of the utter shite you wrote is just as warped logically.

Listening to whining morons like you is like listening to a child trying to convince me that The Godfather is a bad movie.

>it-its shit!
>its so boring! The first 4p minutes are all about a wedding!
>There's no car chases or 'splosions or tits!
>the special affects are shit! REEEEEEE!

Its been more than two years. Let it go.

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No shut the fuck up, the game is perfect. Only a SEETHING snoyboi would say otherwise.


Autistics can't understand survival mechanics

Uh oh user, you just defended BotW.
They're already coming for you.

Nobody says it's perfect, but the irony here is the autistic anti Nintendo whining blocks out actually interesting discussion

I can admit there are neat ways to move around the world, but the combat is ultimately shallow. You hit Y and the game does the rest. I'd call the elemental interactions within combat a bog standard for RPG games in the current era. The multishot bows with bullet time shooting are fun, but not mind blowing or fresh.

I definitely think BOTW shit the bed with the buff elixirs because they're neat and fleshed out. The game itself does not motivate using them because there's a lack of challenge. I point out the first trip to Goron town not because I thought it was annoying that I needed a buff, but because I liked that I caught fire trying to travel there and I had to discover that fireproof elixirs are a thing. Out of all the buffs in this game, exactly one of them is ever highlighted. That's shitty.

t. NPC

>no fishing
RDR2 is superior for that alone. Fishing minigames are maximum comfy for these needlessly large open worlds that serve no purpose but to waste your time as you go from point A to B with maybe one or two things happening along the way.

Is this mentally ill loser now trying a new tactic where he pretends to be a fanboi? lmao holy shit how can anyone still be so obsessively hateful of a video game YEARS later?

Cooking also assist you in many ways in Skyrim.
Is still pretty much a pointless gimmick, and according to OP the same is true in BOTW.

>autistic anti Nintendo
Don't act like there aren't autistic fanboys who unironically think the game is perfect and it's all one sided.

But the combat is fun because of all the possibilities that are handed to you, not on the particular strengths of any particular approach

Does that make the master sword and extra hearts/stamina the equivalent of runes because you "unlock them"? Fuck off with this nonsense.

Can we all just shut the fuck up and accept that op's review is pretty fucking based?

Y'all need jesus.

>The Master Sword, the sword that seals the darkness and has surivived for over 10,000 years
>last as long as some shitty bluetooth headphones from walmart
>If you want to make it actually last and keep the uber damage, you gotta buy the dlc.

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100% Agree, I didnt finish it yet, but I got three beasts in before getting bored. I did upload a few videos of the combat for a friend for fun onto youtube and he was surprised how easy I made the game look, I wasnt even doing well. Game is baby easy too, and you accidentally get overpowered.

The tears are real. Cry more little baby.

Nope it's pretty much just been 2 years of ericposting

>THIS is how I know your argument is trash
>if I replace what you wrote with this caricature of someone shitting on the Godfather, it's immediately obvious that your argument is invalid
This surpasses even my wildest dreams of what a delusional fanboy would post.

Nah fuck you, I shouldn't have to be forced to think with combat to come up with creative ways to kill a enemy stylishly, that's what trash like dmc5 does when I can just mash the button to win.

Leave this website forever, troll

Nintendies confirmed just as bad as FROMcucks, jesus christ.

Yeah they do. There are tons of korok seeds, but that is precisely so that after 300 hours you still have something to do.


Then play another game, but that doesn't make it poor design

The combat is shallow if you're looking for a serious action game. In terms of the action adventure genre, it's leaps and bounds above most. Nobody ever mentions combat in Arx Fatalis because it's fucking dogshit, but people still love the game for what it is.
Enviromental interactions are particularly relevant because like in Dark Messiah it gives you many situations where you can snipe a platform, roll boulders over enemies, push them around with the leaf or bombs. I used this stuff to cheese the colesseum right after getting off the plateau and it rewarded me with knight equipment.

The resistance buffs are perfectly okay, they give you the option to choose between using suboptimal gear and using up resources when you're in extreme weather. It's as good as it needs to be. Combat's difficulty is also irrelevant, it's not supposed to be challenging. It's a sandbox.

Again, there aren't that many possibilities, and in terms of games overall, there isn't anything fresh about it. You can tackle it head on. You can stealth kill, you can outright avoid it. There's three elements are you disposal to utilize in "traditional" ways, and bad guys hanging out with exploding barrels is a thing. There's novelty to the combat, but not depth.

I'd rather nothing then busywork to pad out game time.

Kiss my dick eric

This isn't an opinion piece, this is fact. Poor design is not subjective, and BOTW combat is objectively poorly designed.

Don't answer my obvious bait seriously you fuck, at least pretend to get mad.

The depth comes from exploiting the novelty.

Thankfully moving around in Zelda is fun in itself

Everyday you have to wake up in a world where BotW is considered one of the greatest video games every made - a game drowing in praise an awards from every corner of the industry.

Whats that feel like? What's it like obsessively hating a video game for years on end, desperately trying to find some pathetic way 'criticising' the game while secretly knowing nothing you do matters and you're just wasting your sad life?

Whats that feel like? Please tell me.

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yikes, NPCtendies are whipping up a frenzy here

decided to replay it on master mode recently. Hol fuck how did i not realize how many chores you have to do in this game. Its all so fucking annoying

My name is Eric and I'm playing botw. Except I really enjoy it

No it isn't its just casual. Few other games mesh combat with open ended exploration as well


Here's to another two years of delicious BotW tears.

>praising botw because MOVING THE CHARACTER IS FUN

nintendies are genuinely insane. Holy shit.

>moving around in Zelda is fun in itself
How easily entertained are you?
Skyrim is also considered one of the greatest games ever* made, does that make it good?

Imagine if the game had good combat, more interesting things to discover instead of koroks and shrines, good writing and actual graphics. It would be GOAT. BotW is the definition of wasted potential

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People in this thread

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More than 2 years ( TWO fucking years ) of traumatised schizo losers crying about BotW. No game will ever measure up to the amout of ass-sting this game caused.

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No. The novelty wears off because even among the environmental interactions, the selection is limited. After you've sunk 50+ hours into the game, you start to think about the quickest approach to an enemy camp vs the fun approach; and by that time a lot of novelty from setting up a Rube Goldberg machine has worn off. This is the where the simplicity and ease of just running in head first to cheese fights with dodge bullet time or carpet bombing with multishot bows is a detriment to the wider options available within the game.

There are lots of complex options, but there's a never a need to do anything complex. The game needed to be brutally more difficult so that using buffs and creating elaborate plans to wipe out enemies becomes the obvious choice.

Spoken like a true NPCtendie.

>one of the most varied and interesting open worlds


>Skyrim is also considered one of the greatest games ever* made, does that make it good?

Why don't you ask Todd?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-16-11-00-00-1.png (1080x1080, 832K)

>normalfags say its good so it's good
This is your brain on fanboys.

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That's just fanwank

lmao keep crying. Its hilarious. You're trapped in a prison you've created for yourself. But please keep going, I'm sure BotW will suddenly stop being one of the most acclaimed games ever made if you shed enough tears. You have to believe lmao!


Uh yeah, it's called criticism, idiot.

Hence why 8.5, the user review, is the more accurate score. People were so starved for a zelda game after it missed the Wii U boat that people just excuse all its flaws. It's not that bad for me, but 90% of the game is undeniably pointless. Can post all the webms and neat physics skips you want, doesn't change the fact that the game at its core is shallow.

>normalfags say its good

The vast majority of Planet Earth said its good. I guess you're a special little snowflake. Have you managed to work out how completely irrelevant you are yet?

>2 years
Some people are playing it for the first time even if it came out 2 years later. The autism surrounding BOTW comes from people viciously casting aside any criticisms to hail it as a 10/10 best game of 20xx title. It's as if saying something like "I like this part but this part was bad" would trigger an explosive implant in their necks.

>The novelty wears off
Wow just like any game lol

>traumatized schizo losers crying about botw

I hope you're referring to the nintendo fans and not the criticism

rune factory games are already better than far cry: hyrule edition.

Attached: ubisoftbotw2.png (1000x679, 215K)

>Zelda does it so much better
>better than we, Bethesda did it
>but our customers fixed the game for us
>and continue to fix it
>give me more money

This reads off like a post made by a bot, jesus. Are you NPCtendies even human at this point?

2 years, highly rated goty, millions sold. People are still getting mad. It's sad at this point. Give it up bro, your agenda lost

>go back to playing fortnite or mobile games
Where in the did you get that from his post?
I played it and I honestly agree with him, while I didn't hate the game it was mostly tedious. There is fun to be had in fucking about, but when I accidentally beat the fucking game because I fell off a ledge I had no desire at all to go back to it. The final boss does everything wrong. You should be using everything you've learned throughout the game to beat the boss with your creativity, but instead you get the ultimate lazy shit. They give you a weapon that must be and can only be used now and a horse that is necessary to finish Ganon. I didn't have a horse throughout the whole game. I rode around a a skeleton horse for a while, but you can't stable them, and I didn't really want the others. The game has some really cool things in it but it is a sure "your mileage may vary" situation.

Shitch is finished

You were referring to how normalfags think its one of the greatest games ever made (and that's a good thing), not what Todd thinks of the game. My point is normalfags think trash like skyrim is the one of the greatest, so trying to use that as a bragging point isn't exactly a good thing, neither is metacritic when trash like God of soi gets anything above a 7/10 from journos.


To be fair, OP is the only reasonable one in this entire thread.
The rest of you guys hiding behind his back are just fueling the fire he caused by viciously prodding botw fans to get a reaction out of them.
You don't get a free pass for being a faggot just because you're on OP's side, you people are just as bad as the "mindless nintendies" you're arguing with. You don't care about the fine details in OP's critique, you're just happy that somebody called BotW shit, that's the truth of it and you can deny it all you want, but deep down you know that's the only reason you're in this thread.

Attached: superthumb.gif (300x250, 51K)

Your threads are shit

If you care more about what normalfags think then you should check out this site called reddit, I think you'd fit in there. Majority of people liking something doesn't make it good you dumb cuck.

eh, Minish Cap but thats a close second

Attached: flotsam.jpg (1920x1080, 330K)

Yeah and it only took two years to do it

botw drones are WAY worse than from drones. i'll take "git gud" over "97, ERIC, COPE, repeat" any day of the week.

retorts from botwfags are literally npc tier lmfao

Mario Odyssey was objectively a much better game then Breath of the bore and the fact normalfag zoomers won't shut up about botw only confirms that.

People call this game shit but honestly I think it's just a painfully average game, which makes it feel like shit.

The mechanics aren't inherently bad, but there is noting particularly interesting about them either. Every open world has already done the same thing (and better), so it's not as innovative as Zelda fans claimed it was.

The story you can hardly even call a story because it's not even there. It makes the whole experience bland and average and gives me no good reason to want to embark the adventure other than "you're the chosen one" crap even the older Zeldas didn't throw on you right away.

The puzzles are bland. Not bad, just bland. The shrines are not at all memorable.

You can't even really bag on the ost because it's supposed to be "atmospheric" but at the same time you can't really praise it either because there is, again, nothing memorable about it.

Literally everything about this game is just average. It's boring to criticize and it's boring to praise. There is no passion to it. Even though Skyward Sword was just shit at least there was passion in criticizing all its shortcomings.

This game is just boring and bland as shit.

Aonuma: People keep asking us to make an 'open world Zelda'. What the fuck does that mean?

Miyamoto: 'Open World' is a genre which sprung up in the west. Its pretty popular.

Aonuma: Oh really? Maybe I should take a look at some of these games then to see what the fuss is about.

>ends up making an absolute mockery of every open world dev and schooling the entire industry on open world game design.

Based as fuck.

>Thankfully moving around in Zelda is fun in itself
i thought Yea Forums hated walking simulators? guess it's okay when nintendo does it.

Huge based guy right here

And you not liking something doesn't make it bad you histrionic woman

BotW is an adventure game, the entire Zelda series as a whole is adventure, with little focus or need for "combat". The elimination of enemies revolves around using creative ways to one shot every enemy you encountered or avoid them entirely. This has been true for theentire series. Criticizing a Zelda game for combat is like criticizing baseball for not having enough hole-in-ones


Not at all. Mario Moons = Korok sends in how low effort the majority of them were. Mario has nothing else besides that.

i see botw-kun is back to spam his same old talking points again.

Attached: botwhilarious.png (1100x976, 734K)

Obvious troll is obvious


Who are you trying to convince here? Yourself? LOL

Attached: Rival_Devs_In_Awe_of_BotW.png (1861x1080, 420K)

Thats all these trash threads are whenever it comes to consoles or console exclusives, people rambling on about metacritic scores, reviews and telling everyone who disagrees with them to cope harder.

Walking simulators don't have all the other elements like combat that BOTW as, try harder.

Its not even the same pasta you schizo loser lmao

Imagine unironically sharing that image and thinking it proves anything

I think you may want to rethink that.

Attached: fromcuck.jpg (2119x508, 195K)

I guess bloodborne is only fun for so long lmao

So fallout 3 is one of the greatest games as well then, better then 1, 2 or even Nu Vegas? Is Last of Us one of the best games ever made with the best writing in vidya?

NPCtendies just can't break free from their conditioning can they?
boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/ Rival_Devs_In_Awe_of_BotW.png/

Attached: 1550925150771.jpg (300x316, 30K)

Imagine crying about BotW everyday for more than two fucking years and achieving NOTHING.

lol you're so pathetic

>give jumping its own button since AoL
>don't bother bringing back the upstab and downstab
This game has heaps of disappointment on all fronts.

Now this is cope

who are *you* trying to convince by spamming the same shit for almost a year?

Attached: botwrival.png (1568x1374, 526K)

>3 pages
That's cute.

Nice try eric

>53 results found
Every botw thread is usually just a few same diehard defenders responding to a revolving door of people coming to criticize the game. Honestly, every thread is literally the same and you can expect the same NPC responses in each one.

OP is right and there's nothing anyone can do. Thread should've been a sticky.
I tried really hard to like this game, mostly because I had nothing else on the Switch for a while and the premise was so great.
I ended up gethering a bunch of shit for 6 or so hours, threw them all in a cooking pot and never dealt with cooking again.
When I noticed there was just a few weapon types, no enemies anywhere and no rewards for exploration I just gave up. The game is a massive pile of nothing. Felt like a poor tech demo.

The Phantom Pain.

Oh, I've achieved plenty. I moved out of my parents house to live with my grandparents, I got a girlfriend, lost my virginity to her (twice), broke up with her because I could do better, and I just got 4 new job offers from places you couldn't even dream of.

Achieving nothing? Son, I pity you.

>generic console war wojak used by tons of shitposters vs. botw image spammed by one autist

>When I noticed there was just a few weapon types
And your bait was going so well too.

Zero argument.

And you'll never have one.

I'll say it again; every day when you wake up, BotW is sitting there mocking you. Its one of the most acclaimed video games of all time and you just cannot stand it. It enrages you, infuriates you, more than two years after release you're still utterly obsessed by it and yet there's absolutely NOTHING you can do.

Whats it like being you? What's it like being mentally ill and never being able to escape?

Attached: 1534272182136.jpg (165x191, 13K)

user... you may want to look at the filenames....


Well shit, I guess Last of Us really is one of the best games made then, after all normalfags love it and you spouted off your default npc line when you can't process a actual argument.

Still no argument. lmao time for suicide, its your only escape.

I'm glad the board is finally waking up to how fucking autistic BotW drones are

autismus maximus

>that's all just accumulated from consolwars! it all can't be one guy... right?
I have some terrible news for you, user.

Attached: 1538640963722.png (331x352, 211K)

Dead serious. Not only is "combat" a bottom of the barrel facet in game design, if you are discussing it in a genre outside of fighting games I have to assume you are some massive self inserting fedora wearing faggot.

These threads are so fucking boring. BotW is just another Zelda game in the long line of Zelda games to ""split"" the fanbase, even those it doesn't really because more people love each entry than hate them (except maybe the DS games and SS). It's been that way since after OoT, and will continue until the end of time. You either love an entry while the next guy thinks it's the worst thing ever.


Attached: ww.jpg (800x450, 66K)

I liked the game mostly but none of this is untrue.

>one guy makes a critique
The way you people take advantage of this situation just shows how desperate and childish you are.
I don't even like BotW.

It's more that people think all the repetitive and tired shitposting is a joke now and is treated as such.

Nah this board is just continuing to laugh at seething BotW shitters. I'll be collecting my pension one day and there will still be cry babies foaming at the mouth on here desperately trying to convince anyone that BotW's success was all a mistake!

It's about the same as the fromfags in Sekiro threads, I saw one claiming how FROM had essentially created a entirely new combat system with Sekiro.

How is this bait? What's the difference between any heavy weapon? Same moveset, same usage, same shit.
If they wanted to have 3 melee weapon types (One handed, two handed, polearm), they should've at least included some diablo-style stat mods on them so at least there would be a random factor to spice things up, but nah. Just boring sticks that break in 10 hits.

The criticism is boring because the game is boring.


Okay, I'm coming clean guys. Most of the NPCtendies posts here were from me. Truthfully, I do believe BOTW is utter shit. Thanks for the laughs while I was trolling though!

Drown in your tears lol

I'm surprised that there isn't any form of teachable combat moves you can do. You can do a spin attack with one handed by doing a circle with the left stick but nothing for the other weapon classes.

Durability just needs to be vastly reworked. Actual blades and non monster made shit should be much harder to break,but harder to find and obtain. In addition, should a weapon break, you can go to one of the blacksmiths and repair it with materials and rupees. Encourage weapon variety by making various armor types that require different weapon uses (armor needs crushing weapons, hordes and lightly armored needs blades, and etc.). Champion weapons should have hylian shield-tier durability, but in term make the divine beasts much harder combat wise. The master sword shouldn't have some stupid energy durability shit. If that's too much, then make obtaining the master sword a tougher ordeal.

>the story
Stopped reading.

nice blog

We just come here to laugh at you

>The story is good

You lost all credibility in this thread mate.

What tears friend? I'll just be enjoying all my normalcore games journalists and my fellow normalfags love, like rdr2, God of war, last of us, fallout 4 and most of all, BOTW! Maybe I'll get in some time to watch all the MCU movies, after all all my friends tell me it's they're some of the best movies made.

NPCtendies on full damage control ROFLMAO.

Attached: 1543611893183.png (341x340, 169K)

>lost my virginity to her (twice)
what do you mean twice

Attached: ARTYOM.jpg (240x240, 8K)

The game is fine. Much better than anything that came after MM. Better than WW, TP, ALBW, PH, ST, and SS. It's the best Zelda game since MM. Sorry you didn't enjoy it.

All those games are fun to play my pretentious friend

How pretentious and sad. Why are those games bad again? They're popular and you're a teenager? Is that what determines their low quality?

I don't agree with that, I thought Wind Waker way outdid Breath of the Wild as far as open world features go but thanks for the honesty.

Attached: e7a.jpg (1916x945, 238K)

>waa it's too easy
OK, but it's the hardest Zelda game in over two decades by far? If Flurry Rush "nullifies" the challenge of the combat so much, let's see you go kill Ganon or clear the Master Trials straight off the Great Plateau on 3 hearts. Most players die plenty in BotW before reaching that turning point at which you're grossly overpowered forever (which is itself a great design flaw). If combat was broken easy that wouldn't be true. Flurry Rush is not trivial to pull off against the harder monsters and it's virtually useless against groups of enemies.

nintendo fans have now come full-circle and started defending sony movie games rather than admit that botw is flawed.

Whats pretentious about enjoying the next big sony® blockbuster with my friends fellow 4channelers?

it's shit game with cool mechanics

There's more than 1 hole in the pussy retard

I feel like all the people siding with OP in this thread haven't even taken in anything that he said or related to it at all and are just happy that he called the game shit and are thriving off that alone so that they can "dab" on nintendies.
All the replies in this thread are less "Yes OP, I agree, a lot of people glance over this flaw." and more just "NPCTENDIES ABSOLUTELY BTFO!!!!"
Which is actually kind of disappointing because you can never quite get a civil discussion out of these threads. It's either people who just spam "97" and never want to see any improvement or obsessed snoyfags who want to see nintendo crash and burn with every employee who works there getting inflicted with the black plague.

Attached: 1549527384426.jpg (429x410, 67K)

So no argument as to why those games are bad?
Bauman is saying that in a satirical video mocking low effort brand recognition reboots, not just saying it as sheepishly as you try to imply.
You are pathetic and you can't even get the pics you're using.
Elaborate on your claims or go.
Also I am not a "nintendie", I'm an idort, and I can enjoy whatever I want.

Last I checked GoW isn't tlou

>with cool mechanics

let's just stick with "shit game" and we'll be good

Keep fighting the good fight with your voice on Yea Forums.com!

Who are you quoting?

Welcome to consolewar threads newfag.

>BotW thread
>OP makes some decent points
>devolves into smug zelda, 97, COPE, and SEETHING
lather, rinse, repeat for the rest of time

Attached: AD Michael.gif (500x288, 972K)


I played BotW for about an hour and a half. I never bothered to continue, and I only tried it after a friend wanted me to give it a shot. I didn't get very far, but I knew that the big open world that was just a collect-a-thon with bad weapon durability was not a game I was going to enjoy. I didn't need to play it to tell people that.

It's like when FFXIII came out. I looked it up, read reviews, watched things, and came to the conclusion it was a pretty bad Final Fantasy. My friends complained that I didn't know, since I hadn't played it. So I did. I played it, and I beat the hell out of it. I slogged through the first 20 or so hours without even being able to change my class at will, with the game focusing the story mostly on the worst characters. Even when I got to "the good part", the game was crap. It was missing the things I knew it was missing. It had all the problems I knew it missed. But some people are idiots and think if you haven't personally hit yourself in the dick with a hammer, you can't tell someone else it hurts.

GoW is just as much a movie game.

>Do Your Chores Edition
Basically every open world game summed up

Or more the autistic manchild has his life ruled by Nintendo thread

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An arbitrary definition.

Combat should have been blended into the puzzles. That one shrine where you had play survivor on an island was legitimately fun because I was fighting off enemies while trying to put balls in the notches. I actually utilized more than dodging and spamming Y because I had no weapons, and incapacitating the enemies was the winning strategy. Out of this whole game, that's all I got as far as solving puzzles while coordinating a combat encounter. Why is there so little of this?

The other side isn't exactly innocent either.
They haven't taken anything OP said and worked with it, they've just gone with the typical "BASED! NINTENDIES BTFO!" shtick and incite reactions.


I'm playing through Botw currently. Is it just me or does the Rito village and Vah Mehdo feel kinda of half assed? The only other divine beast I've stopped is the one in the Zora domain.

There are no chores in BotW, the entire game is optional.

>OP makes some decent points
Did he shove them up your ass or something?

Debatable, still pretentious

That portion of the game is definitely more bare bones than the 3 others.

>decent points
>it's shit
>just trust me
>would an autist lie to you?
>just trust me, it's shit
>decent points

Endgame chores are best chores in rdr2

I had. Similar experience, though I pushed on to the point you unlock the rest of your shit for Links tablet thing like the camera and did about two shrines near that village. I tried but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe I'm just burnt out on these type of open worlds where the map feels massive and mostly empty save random enemies or the games shit, I don't know, but I've no desire to go back to it.

You have shortwords
two handed swords
bows (with several ammunition types)
korok leafs
if you want to get creative, you can even count all the other sheikah slate tools

That's not even to mention how you can use those weapons in different creative ways that no other game offers.

Nope, just typical consolewar/console exclusive threads.

I didn't read all that, but I probably agree

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>Replies 294
>Posters 71


>Rockstars meta game is so on point they let you do literal chores in their open world game
It felt like they wanted to make the game the biggest autism simulator known to man but remembered they needed normalfags to buy the game, so they streamlined some of it leaving it a unsatisfying mix that doesn't please either.

I can't imagine having a personal vendetta against one of the most praised games of this decade.
Just imagine that, posting the same shit for TWO YEARS in hopes that the consensus around this game changes and everyone suddenly admits the game is shit.
Such a pathetic, unrealistic outlook on life must come from an autistic person.

You can keep playing the dindu act all you want.

What are you talking about RDR2 Was great

>they let you do literal chores in their open world game

>he says in the zillionth eric thread


Attached: 1545756962999.png (540x270, 52K)

>still 71 posters


>i am not invested in this genre at all
>so that means this game is bad and empty

97, cope, seethe, repeat.

>The majority of this game is doing nothing while you collect materials you'll never have to use
I disagree. Between the various armour upgrades, giving monster parts to the specific merchant and the weapon degradation system, I'd say that materials are pretty useful throughout.

This thread probably has more sony poster than people who actually played BotW and can relate to what OP has said.

Attached: 1554768100734.jpg (540x540, 22K)

That's some impressive reaching. You have 1h, 2h, and polearms, and wands. If your boomerang actually hits something, it just falls to the ground, like any other thrown weapon, and you can throw every weapon; so boomerang is just another 2h weapon. Your several ammo types are bland as shit. You have fire, sets things on fire; shock, stuns things and interacts with water; frost, freezes things; bomb, explodes; and ancient, which free kills guardians. None of this changes that you fire all of them the exact same way, from your bow and at the enemy; most of the time, there's nothing for your elemental arrows to interact with, so just use bomb arrows.

>That's not even to mention how you can use those weapons in different creative ways that no other game offers
Have you only ever played this one game in your whole life?

Fuck off xbox drone

sony, 97, cope, seethe, repeat.

That's some impressive cope

>Fuck it, I played it, I full cleared it (base game)

Attached: 146958052854.png (1007x720, 812K)


>If your boomerang actually hits something, it just falls to the ground, like any other thrown weapon,

Attached: play the game.gif (321x310, 1.2M)

t. NPC

>purchasing every DLC season pass just because there's a DLC season pass to purchase

>it only has a few weapons!
>"no it doesn't, here's a list of the weapons"

>still pretending you bought the game

Attached: 165456418.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

It's because the scripted sequence to get on the beast is so disconnected from everything but it shares the same structure
Arrival video->village elder->detour activity->scripted entry sequence
In the Gerudo you have the thunder helm
In the Goron you have finding one of them iirc
In the Zora you have the lynel/shock arrow segment
In the Rito you have the shooting range
It takes significantly less time so it makes sense that it feels half assed but there is nothing "missing" per se.

>Have you only ever played this one game in your whole life?
Show me one other game where you can do this.

Attached: 1488897852278.webm (854x480, 2.98M)

>If your boomerang actually hits something, it just falls to the ground
>boomerang is 2h weapon
>there's nothing for your elemental arrows to interact with

Attached: Play_the_Game_(song)_Queen.jpg (210x195, 10K)

You forgot Katana which have different charge attacks and optional ranged attack

Shit like the camp management felt like it was more in depth but they didn't want normalfags worrying too much about it, so they gutted it. All the actually useful upgrades can be brought, and money is ridiculously easy to come across, while the cosmetic ones and satchels require a lot of grinding for pelts. The dialogue system is incredibly barebones, there's annoying shit like lawmen always finding you when you start to rob a train, low honor gives fuck all in terms of rewards compared to high.
You can unironically do Chores around your camp/Ranch in the endgame, dropping sacks of Maize to the cook, chopping firewood, refilling the water barrel and dropping off hay to the horses. It would give you expierence towards your "cores" (health, stamina, dead eye). At the Ranch you could do that plus shit like milking cows, feeding chickens and cleaning the shit in the barn, and you'd make about 15 bucks if you did them all.

Oh, so you were just another nintendie thinking everyone who disagrees with you is Eric then, k.

Shoot something from horseback with an environmental interaction? Yeah my dude, totally unique.

I can honestly ignore every other problem of the game, except for two major issues.

>the game's promises of freedom which it will back out on for no reason at times
>the absurd and stupid lack of difficulty

Those ruin what could've otherwise been a better game. And don't give me crap about "well it's comfy and challenge isn't important." ANY GAME WITHOUT CHALLENGE IS PURE GARBAGE. Be it Stardew Valley, Assassin's Creed, Animal Crossing, Kirby, Yoshi, you name it. Games do not exist to be comfy. If you want the game to play itself, go watch a movie or jerk off to some pretentious story heavy indie game.

Attached: 200% italian.png (221x354, 69K)

Mention the games.

Yeah, because I got burnt out on open world games from playing games that aren't open world you fucking troglodyte.

I shot a flaming arrow from horseback and lit a giant forest on fire while playing Minecraft.

>with an environmental interaction?

Attached: card crusher.jpg (414x425, 23K)

Name a game where you CAN'T do this. That would be a tougher challenge.

t. acfag

Every open world game prior to BotW.

low honor gives discount at the fence which sells tons of shit, along with all the robbing and fun you have. The game has a rather extensive crafting system that's mostly optional which puts up a barrier to some

Puyo Puyo
Jackie Chan

Yeah and it's nowhere near as fluid

The fuck are you talking about.

>no argument

Attached: ffq55j9v84w11.jpg (720x734, 42K)

Name me one other game where you can use a metal coated boomerang to attract lightening and hit an enemy with it at the right timing to inflict major damage.

So one cool detail makes it GOTYAY?

Wrong - Block physics falling through environmental space riding other blocks

Wrong - Same as the first one

and Wrong - Fighting is an environmental force

Try again...

That's your opinion and I disagree

>it did something with the environment
Why does every BOTW fanboy think that this is so goddamn unique? Are we back in 2000?

I don't believe you really played it. BOTW gives you the freedom to do what you want. If you want to sit there and collect materials for hours the game isn't going to stop you but you don't have to. You could literally beat the entire game without collecting ANY materials. Just do some shrines. Beat all the devine beasts and the mini bosses and beat ganon. Even without collecting ANY materials you'll still get 40+ hours out of that.

lol I literally never said that, you're shoving words into my mouth in hopes of changing the subject
now, as I've already said, name me 1 (ONE) game where you can do the same thing as in that webm

Still can't name a game

I dunno, maybe D:OS. Lightning hitting metal and killing an enemy because you threw it at them isn't new.

A flaming arrow or an arrow shot from a bow enchanted with fire aspect?

Neither of which, when shot, have any effect on the blocks, only the entities - and they can't spread fire to blocks either.

So you're a blatant liar.

What are those amazing early 2000 games you are implying exist?
>inb4 eurojank with nothing near in production values, QoL, smooth controls and actual interactivity

>have to hold the button as Arthur puts a X on every single bullet
>Can't just bring up a menu, select how much you want and then have a animation of Arthur starting and fading to black.

name one game where metal weapons attract lightening and you can throw them at enemies feet to electrocute them
you still haven't done it

Game is great, but not perfect.

Attached: matthewmatosis.jpg (512x512, 24K)

Not even 3d control, lol

Quit looking for others to help you faggot. Answer their damn question, or fuck off with your shitty threads already.

Because its all I see people praise this game for. Neat little things like that in a overall mediocre game.

That's the point

I strongly disagree with your opinions.

>discuss aspects of the game that make BotW good
why do BotW haters all use this same argument?

So you can't name a game?

>name one game where lightning is attracted to metal and can be used to kill enemies

Name the game bitch.


Attached: bb9.png (800x733, 431K)

Because faggots like you dismiss the glaring problems with BOTW by showing a 10s highlight of something flashy.

I did, you said "not uh".

Name the games already fag.

>omg you guys it doesn't count!!!

lol cope

I honestly think botw haters just haven't played it. They never seem to understand what makes this world special, that being the world design and side characters. Because of the interesting and likeable characters and the cleverly crafted and well constructed environment it's just fun to explore every single area. People don't play this game for the combat or the shrines or whatever dumb shit you whine about.

What game? I haven't responded to any post like that.

People don't ignore faults. People have already discussed them to death when the game was out while also balancing it with positives, and actually having y'know civil discussion. People are tired of excessive shitposting after it won GotY because some people couldn't get over that people liked it more than their favorite game that year, hence why no one takes these threads seriously anymore.

Nobody has even gotten into the verticality of traversal and world design that uses clear landmarks to render the map useless, or the chemistry engine that gives elemental properties to every material and will become a staple in open world games to come.
Nobody has even gotten into just how fun it is to explore because of the care and attention to detail put into every corner of its world and how it is actually the first true non-linear open world game designed around experimentation and player choice.
Nobody has even gotten into that, your mind is so warped by shitposting and putting nitpicks in a vacuum and pretending they're gigantic game breaking flaws that you actually believe you have a case against this game.

I say it's easy in the case of once you have some hearty durians and some food, you're unkillable and you don't get punished at all. You get hit once and fall to the ground where enemies just mill around waiting for you to get up, then you eat some food and are instanlty healed.

BotW has 9/10 gameplay but everything else is more like 6/10

People who don't like games don't like BotW

i have played it. I just have a searing hatred for anything story related. I want games to stop having story, period. Games should just go back to the really simple plots like "Mario saves princess" or "space ship shoots bad guys". I'm sick of games trying to garner sympathy with useless 1 dimensional NPCs. That's why I felt absolutely nothing from the characters in BOTW. I didn't care about Pura's magical experiment that gave her immortality in a young body. I didn't care about the champions being weaklings who died to piss easy blights. By the time I went through half the memories, I wanted to murder Zelda myself for being a whiny whore.

The game made me sympathize with Ganon for crying out loud. If THESE were the people who infested Hyrule, I'd destroy it myself.

W-would any of you be interested in smelling my The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Nintendo Switch feet? heehee~

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You don't get durians in the trial of the sword. You barely get ANY food in the trial of the sword.

Of course they haven't played it. Read through the bait OP and notice how vague he's being.

Even by abusing yellow hearts, you still can only take as many hits as yellow heart meals you have. Yes, the game can be made very easy with preparation, that's not a terrible thing, though I do wish you would heal and use items in real time ala Souls.
By the way, Master Mode fixes that by making it so yellow hearts don't guarantee you'll survive a hit.

Name the games already Eric.

Get over yourself acfag

I'm not talking about the champions. I'm talking about all of the side characters you meet in the game. The gerudo town is full of likeable characters, as is the zora town. Kakariko has Paya who is adorable and the cute little girl learning to cook to replace her dead mother. Hateno village has the weird dye guy and the scientist loli. There's the guy in the woods obsessed with being called a doctor. There are so many friendly and likeable characters in this game, meeting all of them is fun.

I completed it, with my final playtime clocking in at 60 or so hours. It's an average at best game with a lot of good but also a lot of issues. What level of delusion do you have to be to believe that your game is SO good that anyone who doesn't suck it's cock means they haven't played it?

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You turned the game of the decade into an exercise in tedium out of spite for the people who enjoyed it.
What a sad, pathetic existence.

Genuinely don't understand how you finished this game in 60 hours. Were you speedrunning it? I am over 150 hours and still have a ton of stuff to do.

How can a series so esteemed with so many loved games have people that can think that the same game someone love is absolute trash?

Sounds like the series shouldn't be held in high regard. As Yea Forums shits on everything that isn't ALttP or OoT.

So can you not explain how I'm wrong? I mean, literally every thread that talked about the story was solely based on waifu fags and their pathetic fetishes. Nobody even cared about the plot and just wanted to jerk off. Now you imply that suddenly I should care for these flat-as-cardboard retards.

I've met all of them. They were all useless. They barely even functioned as shop keepers or quest givers, since they were incredibly slow when it came to getting to the point. Half the time I was button mashing through needless and elongated dialogue just to get to the meat of the conversation. You think I care about some stupid girl learning to cook meals when I'm already cooking ten times above her level? Oh boy, she offered me some salt seared steak. Joy. too bad I already have 30+ durians and can go through hyrule with 20+ hearts at any given time. And mind you, this is before I hit the ten hour mark. Being able to farm durians south of faron tower will trivialize the game for you. The rest I completely ignored because half of them either did nothing but offer me a shrine quest, or useless garbage. I actually remember the guy who wanted to be called a doctor. I saw nothing of use from him, because I couldn't be asked to finish his quest. What reward could he offer me?


Criticizing botw is fine, because criticizing anything is fine. But if your criticism does not have anything to do with exploration then it isn't good criticism. This is a game where it was designed from the ground up for exploration. No one played this game for the combat or the puzzles.

So you skipped the dialogue and have the gall to say the characters aren't good? Are you fucking with me?

fine, then I'll criticize how broken the exploration is, and how it was made trivial to just climb everywhere and shove food in your face. Don't you think it's retarded to be able to eat stamina restoring food WHILE CLIMBING? You shouldn't be able to do anything but climb, and if you run out, tough luck! And then we get into Revali's Gale, which made the problem 100 times worse.

Should have played on Hero mode.

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Which one is it, you raging autists? At least make up your mind before you try to defend your boring open world.

I don't play video games to read hours of text and dialogue. I play them for the actual GAMEPLAY. If your NPC isn't useful to me and exists solely for muh backstory, it's trash and should be discarded as such.

>Hero mode
you didnt play the game either

>Don't you think it's retarded to be able to eat stamina restoring food WHILE CLIMBING?
I mean, when you think about it logically, it's not that strange and out of the realm of reality.
But yes, mechanically it's implemented pretty poorly as it can be abused to hell and back.

Is he smarter and more knowledgable about what makes a good game than Yea Forums? He likes Souls and likes BotW

Yes. He isn't a raging autist so he's already 10 levels above Yea Forums.

I can't have a conversation with you. Our perspective is too different. The fact that you don't care whatsoever about characters in an adventure game is simply something I can not comprehend.

because botw drones insist on pretending that their generic open-world game is actually "revolutionary."

Most of the points u make arent even valid if u play master mode. Which is the mode to play. Although i might agree with u on normal mode.... But it doesnt matter because master mode is the better mode which means u should just play that.

>People don't play this game for the combat or the shrines or whatever dumb shit you whine about.
you mean the gameplay? good point, if you guys cared about gameplay, you wouldn't be slurping this game so much.

>So can you not explain how I'm wrong
Because that's your opinion, retard.

Did I need massive amounts of backstory for the original Zelda? Isn't BOTW pining to recapture that magic? Then why did it go full retard and try and have an "epic" cinematic story?

>that's your opinion
Yes, and it's arguing against your opinion. So why is yours somehow magically fact?

But it's fun to play :)

>Most of the points u make arent even valid if u PLAY master mode
"Play" is the key word here, for you see, OP did not play the game. It's actually concerning that he likely has been in hundreds of discussions about his hatred for a game he hasn't even played. Notice how he started the thread? How defensive he was?
A normal thread would open with: "I finished this game and I have to say..."

It is by definition revolutionary because of the use of vertical design in an open world game. By creating the climb anywhere system it allowed them to design the game world heavily around vertically when other open world's are design primarily around horizonticality. The distance from the top of the map to the bottom of the map in botw is enormous and it doesn't feel unnatural to get there. That is a revolutionary design which other games will surely copy. However that's not the only reason why people like it of course. It also does many other things that have been done before but in higher quality.

>almost 400 posts in and only 80 ips
This whole thread is just OP samefagging while retards take the bait, isn't it?

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>went and farmed HP enhancing items right off the bat
>complain it's too easy
I mean, you can do the same thing in most western RPGs, which BotW is emulating.

>So why is yours somehow magically fact?
I never said that. I don't go into threads of games I don't like just to whine that it doesn't pander to my taste because I'm not an autistic sperg like you

Hey man, name the games already.

Yup. The guy is obsessed. The only reason I clicked on this thread is because he shits them out daily.

Fuck off troll

If that was the only game breaker, it would be easy to ignore. But should I list off the hundred other problems the game has?

>spears being spammable, which lets you beat most enemies without thinking
>timestop affecting every single enemy in the game, including the blights and ganon himself
>flurry rushing which literally rewards you for doing nothing
>being able to stun any enemy with an arrow to the face, including lynels
>food bonuses that make most fights end in seconds
>armor bonuses which make fights impossible to lose
>the ability to instantly eat food during battle, without consequence, which freezes all enemies in place

I could go on and on and on.

Imagine spending two years of your life making limp dick shitposts and thinking you've accomplishing anything

Pretty much correct.
BotW has the same issue that Wind Waker does. The vast majority of your playtime will be spent exploring, but you have almost no incentive to actually explore. Both in terms of rewards and setting.

Take the original Legend of Zelda. Exploration is ESSENTIAL in that game. You have to explore to find the dungeons. You have to explore to find the items/NPCs that will help you complete those dungeons. The game is challenging enough that even the "optional" upgrades are practically mandatory, and unlike BotW you can't just skip to the final boss, you have to earn your ending by completing all nine dungeons.

You can also point to BotW's contemporaries that do a far better job of encouraging exploration. Don't Starve, Prey, Subnautica, Soulsborne, Hollow Knight, Resident Evil 2 remake, etc etc. All of those games make rewards satisfying but also have worlds that are compelling to explore. BotW has a few things of interest here and there, but for the most part it feels like a Zelda theme park stuffed full of boilerplate filler content. It's clear that Nintendo understood that 3D Zelda was going in the wrong direction (by becoming increasingly restrictive), but they threw the baby out with the bathwater.

>getting the correct timing to trigger bullet time is doing nothing

Your critique makes no sense my dude

play on master mode faggot

Yes. Also saying shit like 'I full cleared the base game' make it even more obvious. Quite pathetic at this point

>Only works on single enemies
>Stasis works for two seconds
>Using a frame window is doing nothing
>Stunning works for two seconds, longer if you time it to their attacks
>Optional and every fight ends in seconds
>Optional and requires farming items
>Legitimate flaw

>how are smart phones evolutionary? Internet and OSs existed long before smart phones!

Yep, it's an unfinished sandbox, but because Nintendies have been so deprived of real gaming since the start of the Wii era, that they think it's revolutionary.

>Isn't BOTW pining to recapture that magic?

He'll say it won't matter because all the hype is about the base game.

This faggot is literally mentally ill, PoE/DOS kun mentally ill who just irrationally hates Nintendo games for some personal reason. Though you already know this.

Or just salty BOTWfags who are going full damage control over a reasonable critique post.

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>muh cheevos

Not him but play Bayonetta.
BotW's flurry rush is a shallow copycat of witch time that totally lacks its tight design. And in a game like BotW that supposedly values "freedom", it's totally bizarre that flurry rush only allows you to mash attack, while witch time gives you the freedom to perform any action (there's even accessories that allow you to activate witch time manually at the cost of magic).

And the other half just going "NINTENDY BTFO! NINTENDY BTFO!"

>he bought a Wiiu

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>reasonable critique post
Keep telling yourself that Eric.

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Bayo is a totally different genre dood

>getting the correct timing to trigger bullet time is doing nothing
You mean the gigantic window of opportunity that you couldn't screw up unless you purposely wanted to get hit? I was regularly getting them off against silver lynels and ganon himself, so how do you think the rest of the game felt?

>pay 20 dollars to fix the game's major issues
Sod off. I fell for that meme and it did nothing but give everyone regenerating health. Still had the same braindead AI.

>funny since I was using them against entire groups. Guess they were too stupid to gang up on me when they were being bodyblocked by the guy getting spear'd
>incorrect. Only lynels get stopped for 2 seconds. Everyone else can be killed before it even runs out
>yes, it IS doing nothing. If you think it takes skill to abuse enemy AI opening windows, then you're a lose cause
>only true for lynels, but you can infinitely spam them, and they get caught in a loop.
>doesn't matter if it's optional
>doesn't matter if it's optional

There should not be options to destroy the game's difficulty, especially when I have to pay money just to fix them. Riddle me this, why wasn't master mode free? Why was there paid DLC to begin with? Does Nintendo not make enough money from the game being 60 bucks, having pay2play online, and countless other revenue streams? Did Miyamoto have to sell one of his diamond yachts for the game to happen, and they had to recoup losses? Tell me user.

the fuckin irony, nincels are the laughing stock of any videogame forum, doesnt matter how you appeal to authority with your 97, you play shit games a brag about, your threads make worst this place


>smug posting with an animu girl
>muh Eric boogeyman

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>no u

>You mean the gigantic window of opportunity that you couldn't screw up unless you purposely wanted to get hit? I was regularly getting them off against silver lynels and ganon himself, so how do you think the rest of the game felt?
It's not Dark Souls but that does not make it a bad game.

Eric, your eternal butthurt is showing, hide it before they realize it's you!

Don't forget the shittiest control scheme ever.


good thread

I mean it is revolutionary open world game design... Idk why every is so hard to please these days. If u try and pick it apart, u can find flaws in ocarina of time from here to oblivion. The idea is that it was good for ITS time against games of ITS type.

People dont know the basics of critiscism yet they proceed to criticize.

>people cant have a discussion
why are you like this? Playing nincel shit reduce your pain or some shit?

Now this is irony

Best thread in ages. Love seeing all these bots of the wild get redpilled

>Dark Souls

Attached: Untitled.png (576x428, 428K)

Your autistic obsessive shitpost crying is not discussion sweaty

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Keep denying it faggot. Your seething rage will not erase that 97 score.

No it's not. They're both action games. BotW isn't a shmup or a platformer. The fundamentals are still the same, Bayonetta is just a far more focused competently designed (for the most part, the QTEs and vehicle sections exist) game. BotW gives you a much larger world to play around with but you're still fighting enemies in a 3D space using mostly melee weapons. Flurry rush is a shameless inferior copy of witch time, and would be objectively better if it actually copied everything competently instead of doing a half-hearted attempt. Alternatively they could have not included flurry rush at all.

Why samefag with your phone to pretend anyone agrees with you?

>You mean the gigantic window of opportunity that you couldn't screw up unless you purposely wanted to get hit?
No need for hyperbole


Like I said, he didn't play the game. He's just parroting shit he's read from hundreds of arguments he's had since the game launched. This guy is legit autistic.

And you will never break your NPC programming.

NPC spotted

Who are you quoting?

>no u the argument
come on, i know you must defend your toddlers games but at least try it

Maybe if you had actually played the game, you would know they're different genres.

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>open world casual exploration game is the same genre as linear arcade beat em up

Dude, stop. Thankfully I can play it on the same console as BOTW which is part of the charm

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He's such a pathetic fag, holy shit.

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user, you don't seem to understand. These hundreds of thousands of broken mechanics shouldn't work on enemies that aren't trash mobs. Enemies Lynels should savagely murder you if you even try and heal during their battle. They should be 100% immune to timestop, getting shot in the face, getting flurry rushed, getting trivialized by champion abilities, and etcetera. GANON should savagely murder you if you try any of that in his battle. Holy crap, why is the final boss, aka the big evil blight of hyrule, susceptible to such broken mechanics?

>crys about a game for 2 while years straight.
>no you're butthurt

There's just no reasoning with you is there lmoa

>agrees about his raging asshole
>spouts out a meme word in retaliation

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This. Once he admitted to having watched 10 minutes of gameplay on youtube and building his case against the game from shitposting.

>point it out your fallacious 'arguments'
>objectively nintendo fans are mocked everywhere besides nintendo forums
>stills thinks is a no u argument
are you for real? holy shit you people are something else

its a skyrim clone, what did you expect?

Play on master mode

>Hurr it's called standard
>It has nothing in common with X
>It has more enemies than a AAA shooter

You just write random shit.

"Nintendofags" is quite a wide term.
Meanwhile this board directly addresses and mocks you, Doug Harris AKA ACfag.
It's nowhere near the same thing.

>nincel thinks is the rational
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit, have you ever look at this place? People talk about games from 15 years ago.

Riddle me this user: when does master mode restrict every single thing that I mentioned? Last I recall it doesn't even prevent you from healing mid-combat. and this is worth 20 bucks?

When the abomination skyward sword gets a critic score above 90+ no one cares what they think, everyone want a fun zelda but breath of the wasteland is going in the wrong direction

user, you are the one who lacks understanding

like i said, play on master mode, you fag
youll find that your precious flurry rush breaks your weapons too often to be reliable, and have to use other ways of taking down monsters
hell, master mode gives you the hardest challenge in the form of the master mode trial of the sword, the master mode dreamblights, the one-hit obliterator segment, and master mode maz koshia

Yeah but people haven't made threads crying about them daily for the years they've been out.

>Doug Harris AKA ACfag
do you have persecussion complex or something? Get help

>objectively nintendo fans are mocked everywhere besides nintendo forums


It's too late now, faggot, you can't weasel your way out of this thread.

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OP is crying? I know is hard to read for you but at least give a try buddy

Absolutely based

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>games shouldn't have challenge or combat, they should just be exploring mountains and hallways


>the challenge is in your weapons breaking, and features absolutely no change to enemy combat AI aside from them maybe spotting you from further away

Yikes, talk about 20 bucks wasted.

Better luck on the thread you'll make tomorrow fag.

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It makes it much easier to die given yellow hearts don't make it impossible to die in one hit and enemies can chain attacks quickly, particularly when fighting more than one. Also can't always reach into your bag like when you're tumbling lmao

There is no political cause that surrounded this game from what i can tell, unless u can name it. Review sites that favor all types of games and consoles came together in droves to highly praise this game. I think their thoughts were pure and they genuinly loved this title. Its very difficult to get such high scores in metacritic (ofcourse unless everyone is just a nintendo shill or its surrounded in some kind of political controversy, which again, it most lolely wasent)

when are they gonna mod this into a good game instead of making this shit:
youtube.com/watch?v=aVWNaFRYjTI is what i wanna know. heck i might do it my self, ill turn this 4/10 into a 7/10! just watch.

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>y-you haven't played them!
I've played both. I own Bayonetta on three different platforms (PS3, Wii U, Steam).

user, mechanics matter. When two games both have something in common, comparing and contrasting them is more than fair. You'd have to be legitimately fucking retarded to think flurry rush wasn't copied from witch time. Nintendo even bankrolled Bayonetta 2 for god's sake. Knowing that, it's perfectly legitimate to criticize BotW for implementing another game's mechanic in a worse way.

And frankly, genre is a construct that exists pretty much for marketing purposes. It ignores nuance in favor of catch-all terms. BotW has more in common with Bayonetta than it does Subnautica or Minecraft, when you get right down to it. BotW and Bayonetta both have OoT as a common ancestor in terms of controls and mechanics.

Okay Doug Harris aka ACFAG

Different games can have different design philosophies.

I provided you with two posts yet you put quotation marks on words I didn't write.

Why is ACfag such a raging autist?

>It makes it much easier to die given yellow hearts don't make it impossible to die in one hit
does it fix their AI though? Because from what I see, your claim of them chaining attacks is a big fat lie. I barely got comboed throughout the entire game, and master mode enemies were pretty hesitant about following up attacks. Where is this amazing combat AI that everyone jerks off to? Do I have to buy yet another DLC pack for it?

>bloodborne threads
>dark souls threads
>halo threads
>silent hill threads
>Persona/SMT threads
fuckin retard subhuman, no wonder why you like nincel shit

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>user, mechanics matter.
Which is why they're considered different genres, I know. Flurry time is just as much bullet time as witch time your argument still makes no sense

>Different games can have different design philosophies.
And if your design philosophy is "not being challenging" then it's a shit design. Again, take your movies back to Yea Forums if you just want a "comfy" game that plays itself.

>I provided you with two posts yet you put quotation marks on words I didn't write.
You specifically linked to posts that said combat is bad and that Zelda should be about the "cinematic experience" . How else am I supposed to respond to that other than a hearty chortle towards the casuals behind said posts?

They think it's amazing that enemies can kick spherical bombs back even though that interaction has zero relevance to 99.99% of your time with hte game.

The basic enemies can't even fucking climb, in a game all about climbing.

>I barely got comboed throughout the entire game
So you're telling me you never fought more than one enemy at a time okay bud

Then life simulators would not exist, not a single idle game would exist, not a single JRPG would exist.
And yet they exist. So different design philosophies can exist.

That was easy

>You specifically linked to posts that said combat is bad and that Zelda should be about the "cinematic experience"
I said neither, Doug

Holy shit imagine being this mad

>wojak reaction image
>muh genre
Why do I even try when the counter"arguments" you idiots put forth are shockingly bad?
And you will now use the fact that I insulted you as "proof" that you won the argument despite the fact that you put forward no arguments.

>no daily crying thread
Yup. Just BotW has this one dedicated autist.

That's pretty accurate user. I met groups of bokoblins and moblins, but those idiots blew themselves up by not calculating their attacks properly. They're always conveniently next to exploding barrels or other hazards, and they don't quite think about what'll happen if they shoot a fire arrow near one, or swing their clubs near one. Half the time they killed themselves before I killed them. So much for that "revolutionary AI".

>Then life simulators would not exist, not a single idle game would exist, not a single JRPG would exist
And nothing of value would be lost.

500 posts, great job everybody see you next thread

>BotW is an adventure game, the entire Zelda series as a whole is adventure, with little focus or need for "combat".
> Not only is "combat" a bottom of the barrel facet in game design,
>Zelda is best played with cheats so you can skip that evil problematic gameplay and experience the story

Sound familiar?

Wow so the easiest enemies in the game are trivial to deal with, amazing observation, moron.

Holy shit niggers you really see ghosts everywhere, kek.The sad part is that you actually think that is a statement againts trends in gaming playing n-toddler shit or that you have good taste, lmao.

>i don't like it so it shouldn't exist
Not gonna happen, sorry. You have two choices: caring about what others like or not.

Another amazing strawman you pulled out of your ass there, Doug

Can someone please close this thread?

>everyone is as autistic as me!


Every enemy is the "easiest" except maybe Lynels. This basic crap was working on bokoblins, moblins, lizalfos, you name it. Even the Yiga clan members couldn't help but get screwed over whenever they conveniently teleported to a random area near me, and got killed by an enemy attack, or got stuck on the terrain.

See, can't even disprove what I've said. Imagine wanting games to be walking simulators because combat is "evil and problematic".

hey fag, if you think youre hot shit go start a new master mode save and go kill the lynel on the great plateau. you're not allowed to use amiibo or enter any shrines.

You know discusing a game (what Op did) =/= shitposting about such game? I hope you get paid by defending your kiddie shit, lmao.

Not as easy as bobokins, which you tried to pass of as representative of average difficulty of the game, which it ain't.

I never said that though, no need to argue for a point I never made. I'm not condemning difficulty or combat. I'm merely stating that different games can have different design philosophies.