When you see old posts of yours from 2005 in old forums

>when you see old posts of yours from 2005 in old forums

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Other urls found in this thread:


the joke's on you. i'm a zoomer. all my cringe was posted anonymously on Yea Forums

>those forums which were once teeming with activity now dead wastelands

>tfw I argued with this faggot for weeks about how the new Alien vs Predator game is gonna suck but he was gonna play the multiplayer for a decade or more on GameTrailers
Fuck you faggot, that shit didn’t even last 6 months.

>tfw that old forum I used to post on was Yea Forums

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>ywn be apart of Newgrounds again during its prime
O-Old Godzilla was hoppin around.... ;-;

>tfw haven't posted on normal forums since the 90s and there's no traces or archives left of any of them

remember all those amazing porn games on newgrounds? all those hentai dating ones/roleplay rpg games? that was probably 2004 or 2005. peak newgrounds. i was like 13.... great times... makes me sad i can never relive them.

>when the forums you used to post in are all deleted

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>that forum that's bigger than ever
>your faggy tweenposting is still somewhere buried deep in the archive

>seeing old posts of yours from Facebook
No fucking wonder I had no friends. Jesus Christ.

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>i had a signature
>i thought it was cool

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I'm actually almost physically hurting just from reading something I wrote in 2011. I was such a fucking girly faggot I can count myself lucky that the tranny era hadn't really begun back then. Gives me the shivers.

In a way I'm glad that site got nuked since my cringest 15 year old bullshit was there

Back in 1999 when I was 12, I emailed a guy asking him if I could help with Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight mod. At the time I thought abbreviating words like "you" to "u" and "are" to "r" was the perfect way to save time from typing out full words. His response was that I should learn to type a coherent sentence before I even think about making mods. I somehow mistook my original email for his reply and responded that I'd be happy to have him work on my mod, even though I wasn't actually making one. Probably the most embarrassing thing I've done online, besides leaving comments on a girl's myspace pictures telling her how cute she looked.

P-Post them right now.

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I wrote some pretty embarrassing stuff in 98-01 that I remember, and probably plenty more that I don't. My posts by 2005 were fine.

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Same, the evidence is gone, thank god. They were such faggots about Heavy Rain spoilers, and a couple weeks before it shut down I spoiled it all and took the permanent ban as a goodbye.

>I somehow mistook my original email for his reply and responded that I'd be happy to have him work on my mod, even though I wasn't actually making one.

Fucking lol.

Used to draw signatures in photoshop, even had a gallery in a forum but some faggot stole some of them and put his name with paint
That faggot ruined a lot of signatures that had my signature on it

>visit old forum you used to love
>url now redirects to gamecheats.com

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poor Mieruko

One time I thought clicking back got rid of the post I just made if I wanted to type it differently.
Somewhere there's a thread full of posts by one guy that all read slightly differently but say the same thing.

Everyone had signatures. There's nothing wrong with a signature unless it was annoying. I hated overly large or overwrought signatures from day one. Good job, me.

We all did, you shouldn’t feel bad about that user. I physically wince thinking about the shit I used as sigs.

>tfw remember Geocities

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>use the same username everywhere I go ever since I was a teen
>friends in group chat decide to Google my username for shits and giggles
>find a plethora of cringy posts from over a decade ago about minecraft and roleplay
>get spammed about it for weeks
Never use the same username, anons.

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>tfw eldritch boomer

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>my brother got banned from the Runescape forums
He's still banned to this day

>tfw used to have a shitty site (in french) but deleted it before people started to archive geocities

My cheeks literally blew up. I felt both your embarrassment and my own pleasure of having read such a thing.

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>forum is dead
>there's this one guy in my steam friendlist that remember all the cringy shit i used to say

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Geocities is like a fever dream I’m pretty sure isn’t real, but it must be.

>when you post pictures online of your willy and chest at the age of 14 and discover it's still cached and available to be viewed

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>be arrested for trafficking CP of yourself

>the page for the Halo 1 pc clan you were a part of no longer exists

Your willy is rubbish!

>when you see IRC quotes of yourself on bash.org

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How old are you?

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They deleted geocities and we lost our early history. Next everything we've written in the 2000s will get deleted. We're going to lose our culture in our own lifetime.

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>that one guy who exclusively posted like a psychotic retard, changing fonts halfway through sentences and using nonsense idioms and mixed metaphors to color what was only one step above stream of consciousness ranting about the topic
>he was a popular and respected member of the forum

Do I get to be the guy who says video games in this thread oh boy

>mfw I changed my main username for shit to something related to YGO 5Ds + a SC creature
>no one will know except my old friend who played on the same shit together with me

Nah, those faggots are in prison now.

This is why I've always used a different username for porn sites

>used to use same name everywhere
>have cringy phase on RP forums and deviant art
>everything is still there
>name is just a common nickname

its like i dodged a bullet to the heart and got it in the leg or something instead


>used to offer my services to make matrix-themed sigs after doing a tutorial in Paint.NET

Nostalgia is a sin and there is no (You) from 2005. There is only (You) now and only now.

I never had signatures because I thought they were fucking gay.

My stepmother wrote that way when she was off her medicine for bipolar disorder. So there's your explanation.

>his signature was "PROUD LOLICON"

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Gametrailers forums got nuked. I was moderator on free discussion and always had to clean up messes from /i/nvasions which is how I learned about Yea Forums in the first place.

>tfw eternal lurker

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give rare flash forums please

>remember the youtube roleplaying groups

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>had a Darkstalkers 'web shrine' on Geocities
>had tons of pictures and even a web ring

All gone.

It's actually depressing to think of how much of the early internet is just gone now. Nobody even makes fan pages or web shrines or even personal web sites now as everybody just fucking uses Twitter or Facebook 24/7

Oh man, can't believe I still remember my password.

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Same. A decade later I’m stuck here.

Holy shit, gaiafags still exist? I thought that ancient shitspot was all but lost to the sands of time after anons got bored of raiding and shitting on it.

Haf a slight kekle. Thanks Yea Forums

>everyone will have a homepage
>the internet never forgets
Things always turn out in a way far more idiotic than they are intended to.

>notice somebody else on the forum stole the joke from your signature
>PM them asking that if they stole your joke, they either need to change it or put your username in their signature
>they actually did steal inspiration from you and did as they were told
In retrospect I was an asshole

>those old forums don't even exist anymore
>I don't even remember what were they called

And I have almost nothing posted in social media. I'm clean.

The memories come flooding back.

The only forum I was ever part of as a kid was a spriting forum that no longer exists. I know I was an absolute embarrassment of a person but all the evidence from that time is gone. The evidence that is my current existence is still around, though.

But I got pretty good at recoloring Mega Man X sprites and that stays with you forever.

>and there's no traces or archives left of any of them
that's where you're wrong bucko

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Oh shit I wonder if I can recover my account.

>when Gaiafags are the oldfags
What the fuck is this.

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Yep, seems like it's still there. I don't even remember the last time I went there, must have been somewhere in 2009 or 2010. I wish those rare items were worth something, I'd gladly sell that junk for a few bucks.

>tfw pretended to be 16 but was 11
I think everyone knew

Same. We knew since 2007 that having a presence on facebook was a bad idea but most people did it anyway. Now people are finally starting to wise up.

>tfw get older
>tfw feel younger
Dont know why, I guess I finally know what it feels like to not care what others think.
Also came to the realization that every group I've ever been apart of I'm indirectly the leader without saying it, and once I leave the group disbands. Dont listen to too many faggots, do what you want Yea Forums

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I think you know where you are.

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>geocities.jp is gone now too

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>when I see my posts from 2005
Nothing has changed about my personality or the way I post and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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try 2016

This. Weirdly I used the IMDB forums back in the day, and it's weird to think how fucking ACTIVE a lot of that shit was back in 2008.
Course that's all gone now.

this was my signature on the Pokemon Denshou online forum. It was a Brazilian forum formed around the idea of a pokemon MMO made in game maker. Of course the gamer never came out, so we spent most of our time daydreaming about how cool the game would be. The owner of the forum and "chief game designer" was some guy called Utarefson
Nosferatu backwards.

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I'm sure that most of that stuff is still sitting archived somewhere where the government or other organizations can peruse it anytime.
Just nobody ever bothered archiving things for the public to peruse at any time. You can still see Usenet posts from the early 80's as they were forward thinking enough to archive that shit and make it available to the public even back then.

Same user, feels good. Just means you never lost yourself.

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>in 2005 I was posting on sonic forums
>I had my own original character

I was 11

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like internet ghosts

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But is anyone archiving the internet archive in case it goes down?

>back when shitposting happened in guestbooks

>never did something so cringy under a username that I'd feel disgraced even if every account was linked to my real self

The worst thing I ever did in the pseudonymverse is a Naruto open RP forum, and my handle was some fake Japanese shit I never used before or since, so that will never get back to me.

But have I truly lived?

>put together my first homepage on there
>excitedly showed it to my dad
>"that looks stupid"
>never bothered trying to make another
Thanks jackass. You wonder why I never talk to you. Or maybe you don't, I wouldn't know.

>been posting on Yea Forums since 2005
its all gone, fortunately

>mfw all the archives that had my posts as a tripfag in 2007 are long gone and gogling my trip comes back with nothing

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Either that or I lost myself before I started posting at all. I'm fine with it either way.

Gamefaq.....oh God.....

I was only 8 in 2005

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>tfw I wrote a 7 chapter fanfic of me dating TP Zelda on gaiaonline.
>tfw I shared it with my friends unironically.
>tfw I forgot the password to my account and anyone who Googles my username will find it and witness my 2008 cringe.

Is it time for me to end it all Yea Forums?

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I was literally 5 years old.

>had generic "sonicfreak[numbers]" username on two tailed fox forums
>some other guy was also sonicfreak
>this joker says nigger
>I get in trouble
>no one believes me when I argue my innocence except my sister who was a popular user too
Tears of a clown

>posting on Yea Forums
Haha wow who would DO such a thing?

>I was 17

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just switch names

>tfw pretended to be 25 online when I was like 12 because I thought you became a fully grown man with awesome looking stubble when you hit 25
>get told by mean online people "you're probably just a dumb gay teenager"

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>have had a deep ass voice since 11
>playing with people on xbox live who are like 20 and 30 and getting along with them just fine
>they get confused every time I told them my age
good times

Thank god i don't stick with only one username.

>i was -8 in 2005

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Gamefaqs archives posts so your earliest cringe is likely still there. I got curious awhile back and it still has my early 2000s posts in my history.

>tfw used to troll the gamefaqs runescape forum relentlessly, shitposting all day about how trash the game was and that only poor people played it
>still feel that way and regret nothing
guild wars was the superior game

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I was actually talking about that with a real life friend just a few hours ago. We both used to visit a board that had 5,000 to 10,000 active users at any given moment every day. Now you go to it and you're lucky to see anyone online. I just went to it now and there are 4 users active.

>those threads I derailed trying to prove I was 16+ (the minimum age for the forum) after posting something only a 10 year old would find amusing and getting called out

I didn't know I could just say I was only pretending to be retarded, so it was obviously rough.

>tfw came here so young I never even got into actual forums

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>guild wars


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I've used the same username since I was 14 in 2004. I'm glad the only place I've said really really dumb shit was on Yea Forums.

thought i had a completely unique username, but when i googled it to check what i could find, i found some weird guy on a porn forum with the same. when i feel paranoid i assume several of my friends have found them and think it's me

>not using Angelfire
Ya pleb.

CowboyEvangelion136 (11198 Posts) (Online)


~ Dude, what if love was just like, the universe having a boner??

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I was 6 :)

See, newfags don't believe me when I tell them runescape was for poorfags and all the rich kids on the internet saw runescape as a haven of the invading unwashed masses.

>site goes down or blog gets deleted
>you never saved all of those images and videos thinking you didn't need to

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>shitposting on brazillian schrecknet
Jelly get back in the sewer

>the day Nsider went down back in 2007

I'll never forget it.
I remember crying. A lot. I was like, 10. I lost a lot of friends that day. Didn't make all of them back. Joined Nsider2 later. Found a link to here on there. Never looked back.

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>Used to draw signatures in photoshop
>Ended up stumbling upon my old photobucket account a few months ago where I would upload them all

Oh god I was such an angsty edgy weaboo faggot holy shit.

>11198 Posts

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just enjoy the plausible deniability when someone unearths your genuine cringe posts

When did forums die out anyway? The first and only forum I frequented died in 2015, along with the online flash games associated with it.

>We're going to lose our culture in our own lifetime.
Not if I have anything to say about it. And I do! I'm going to say ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US.

So what was it that killed message boards? Was it social media or was it shit like Reddit and Yea Forums?

i literally had a sig that was something like "99% of teenagers smoke weed put this in your sig if you're part of the 1% who doesn't smoke weed" and it was an anime forum

tbqh in hindsight that was pretty based

>adding funny messages from other forum posters to your signature
I wanna go back I wanna I wanna I wanna

I have gone through different usernames during the years until finally settling with the one I've been using for almost 10 years. I'm sure I can remember many of them and with those all the stupid shit I used to write.

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>tfw forums don't have a way to delete your profile manually
>have to jump through hoops and play waiting games with mods even though their fucking privacy policy states you have the right to be deleted without a trace
Goddamn you SSMB

Social media, definitely.

>tfw made a past-time of recoloring and splicing pokemon sprites with my best friend

I still have most of them saved somewhere and I continued to do this well into high school

>the fucking signature with an unfunny joke that no-one cares about

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You didn't miss out. Traditional forums are just funny to reminesce over, I wouldn't go back to them if you paid me.

>had an internet bf when I was 15
>he was 18
>play GTA4 online with him
>everyone thinks I'm 40 & he's a kid because he sounds like a fag & my voice was deep & bassy
>start talking in a higher voice cuz I got insecure
>22 now & now I sound nasally & gay & regret ever getting insecure because this is worse
That man voice is still in me somewhere, it occasionally comes out but I get scared of fully committing because it's been so long

internet: ogrish -> Yea Forums

wish i had a more normal time on it

they have enough energy to run for a full year without help so there are no need for backups

The shame you feel now, user. The fact that you became better. It was worth it.

Tried to find a ytmnd page me and a friend made in like 2005 or something a while back, I was surprised that site still existed at all

>sonic fans can't even grasp the difference between two similar usernames
were they just too lazy to find out who did it or is it the 'tism kicking in

Wow your stuff was actually on photobucket? I don't think I've EVER seen a photobucket link that wasn't broken, no matter how recently it was posted.

Both. It's called consolidation; strengthen governments and corporations, weaken individuals.

Similar things happen to me. People always think I'm 12 until they hear me speak.
I'm not actually 12 of course, I'm in my mid 30s, but everyone still thinks I'm 12 until they can hear me.

discord killed small communities pretty quickly when it got introduced, even game devs use discord instead of keeping a decent forum

>not enjoying both in their prime
You dun goofed son.

There was some faggot on the ScrewAttack forums that had the most points of anyone because he had the website up at all times and would leave comments on everything and kid me would remove my content then repost it hoping to deter him from commenting to rack up dumb faggot points that people on forums care about. It didn’t. He just always was there. His avatar was Norman Bates and it always bugged me.

Social media got very popular during the start of the 2010's, also a lot of videogame webpages that used to have forums changed them for Comment posting by login to Facebook. Eventually people just gave up doing their own free forums since stuff like tumblr gave people a more personal space where others could comment.

I don't miss forums, the only thing I miss were the sick ass signatures you could do with PS.


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The worst is that I was 11 in 2008, and every chapter was written with Zelda treating to sweets, driving me to McDonald's, playing my favorite video games, and letting me touch her giant boobs.

It wasn't until some self reflection last year that I suspected I might have had a /ss/ fetish since I wrote her as more of a mother than a girlfriend most of the time.

I was a fucked up kid God damn.


Reddit killed small forums for single games, discord killed everything else.
Yea Forums doesn't really fit into all this, it's the square root of minus one of the internet.

>anime forum
>basedposts himself
Still as embarrassing as you were back then, I see.

i was 5

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Arguing about Metroid Prime vs. Halo on the G4TV forums back in 2004 . . . Was the most active forum I was ever apart of.

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I was calling out degeneracy as a 12 year old. Thats pretty based.

>I was a fucked up kid God damn.

Want me to tell you a secret? My first faps when I was 11 were to watersports because I found it very hot at that young age. That was around 2000-2001.

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>get into a show that peaked as a conversational topic years ago
>have to trudge through old archive threads for discussion and fanart

Man fuck this I feel like I'm in the post-apocalypse

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post them lads

>tfw got permamuted because of this from '08 to '13, and I still played the damn game

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Yeah, my stuff is all still there by some miracle.

Here's a picture I uploaded to it for some reason. I must have thought it was funny.

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I told you guys that getting a partner wouldn't fix your anxiety.

but do you guys remember....


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is yahoo exclusively used by actual Boomers or something? no idea how it's still relevant

>get encouraged to wear makeup at 14yo male by a nice online guy
>desperately wanted to express my inner beauty to him
>tells me I'm cute
>we talk and swap pics over skype
>he's in his 50s and has a wife
>I didn't see it as a problem

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The other guy was just too much of a nobody to notice I guess, I inherited some popularity from my sis & i was also a deviantart complaints forum regular (different username tho) who had a reputation for being a rabble-rouser so they just assumed it was me

It's surreal looking at this when you know you've lived through it.

I remember that guy
Craig implied he was a loser in an episode of side scrollers and he swore off the website but was back in a week

None of you guys can beat my cringe

>frequent Smogon, a competitive pokemon website
>make articles for the site, trade pokemons, shit is cool for a while
>turn 18 and go to college, still posting on this forum
>post some semi-embarrassing personal shit in the off topic area while buzzed
>cringe expected from a drunk teenager but the nukes have yet to be dropped
>parents are helicoptering hard, start ignoring their constant phone calls one day
>they POST ON SMOGON with my little brothers account being boomer as fuck asking how to reach me
>the entire discussion derails to mock my insane parents, immediately I become a pariah
>the entire forum is ablaze with howls of laughter, I quote "I have never seen in my entire life a family this fucking dysfunctional before, who posts asking about contacting their son on a pokemon forum"
>I become a literal meme for a while on Smogon
>change my username but it's still way too much, leave forever
>my Porygon2, Alakazam and Crawdaunt guides are removed from the site

Not ONE of you niggas can top this

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>tfw your autistic forum posts are forever stranded on an unarchived server that's rotting in an FBI basement because the admin was involved in an international piracy ring and got busted

Feels good man.

Here have another infographic that succinctly explains what replaced the old decentralized messageboard/homepage/webring culture.

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Yeah, there's still 2002 posts from me floating out there. I'm almost 30 and I was 12 then. It's not pretty.

>someone adds your shitty joke to their signature

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>have a shitty meme for my Youtube name
>it also becomes my Google username
>years later, do a group project w/ some classmates using Google Docs
>qt classmate asks, "Who the hell is Hugh Mungus?"
Nowadays, I just use my name + some numbers. I can't risk that happening again.

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>had account on forum for an MMORPG
>remembering all the wanking off of mods
>remembering thinking up a cartoon starring representative versions of all the big users
>that one faggot who got the whole forum into an uproar because he tried to kill himself fucking mystio or mystico or misto, something like that who became a mod after
>when the actually good gamemaster retired leaving only the scum sucking retard mods and lazy fuck gamemasters there
>wanking off some popular tranny user (who was "preparing" for almost a year, dunno if they ever went through with it) with a pikachu avatar
>getting a ban for posting some picture of one of the game characters in a tight shirt, only to get it lifted immediately upon messaging them because they had left the same image up for 3 days without touching it on another thread
>some big poster saying he's so incapable of cooking his own food that he can't even make toast and he orders out for everything
>all the scams in the marketplace
Fuck I'm glad I didn't use that username on much else, I was such a massive faggot and now the posts are all archived.

>Yea Forums doesn't really fit into all this
Yea Forums stopped being a secret club a decade ago, it's almost as much at fault for consolidation as reddit or youtube.

>he wasn't exposed to scat at a young age and now has a scat fetish

He was an ebin 4channler, hated niggers, & was very effeminate, you guys would like him.

But Moishe Greenberg says we should encourage sexuality and gender identity in young people! It helps them grow and be happy with themselves!
... Is Moishe actually running a child sex trafficking scheme?

>realizing that Discord faggotry is just Forum faggotry for zoomers

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Repent zoomer

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Somehow all of my posts are completely banal and tame. Like the most embarrassing post Ive found so far is I make fun of furries

You can see every youtube comment you've ever made with this link

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Yes, what's wrong with that?

Enjoy never knowing this feel because all you do is posting on Yea Forums

how many active users does Yea Forums have right now? Like 1k?

Jokes on you user I'm into nipple penetration as well as /ss/. Watersports is baby tier degeneracy.

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Yeah, Smogon's pretty embarassing.

>I have never seen in my entire life a family this fucking dysfunctional before, who posts asking about contacting their son on a pokemon forum
Fucking amazing

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>Newest first
>no way to see Oldest first
I'm not gonna scroll all night just to cringe at myself.

>never had a jewtube account
feels nice desu

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My photobucket account is a repository of ancient Yea Forums faggotry.

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>tfw you can never become an e-celeb or influencer because a google search of your real name would bring up decade old accounts for websites you were really autistic on
>cross searching your old username brings up even worse stuff

I may have a watersports, hypnosis, multitit, pregnancy, massive insertion and bestiality fetish between many others, but I have never gone that far.

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>He wasn't posting on forums when he was 8

I was still shitting myself by the time I was browsing Newgrounds. Kids today probably start even younger.

>Discordfags are repeated the same mistakes forum boomers made because Discord autologs all conversations and usually doesn't delete history unless the owner of the channel does it, meaning conversations are preserved forever.

I can't wait until 2030 when some presidential nominee has his furry futa inflation fetish ERP logs leaked

I was more of a lurker than a poster

>see old post of yours
>it has gay ass emoticons and shit like XD,

Post it.

Attached: f.png (291x313, 93K)

>Used to post all the time on the gamefaqs Final Fantasy X Social Board
>Knew all the regulars, was somewhat known myself
>Posted in threads that went for hundreds of pages
>LOLRANDOM shit like The Fromage War
>Go back to check
>a single dude posting over and over in one thread


>tfw newfags here will never again lurk until they understand how this place works before posting

Spent my first year on this place lurking, I wish we could go back to that being the norm

Surprised it hasn't happened already desu


user, you're smalltime.

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is this the internet nostalgia thread?

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>my AMVs from 10+ years ago are still there
>they're not even that bad
I miss the old youtube. It was smaller and comfier, and not yet polluted by bots and lets player wannabees.

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>Everyone had these things in their Signatures

Attached: software_userbars_9_by_anonymous_bot.jpg (350x171, 81K)

Yeah, it's basically what we're whining about not having here. A decentralized space for small communities to form and chat with each other. So why do we whine about discord again? Are we begrudging zoomers the fun we had?

just went back to look at my emiya x illya fanfiction.. yikes

>my latest comments are all jaded bitter shit
>as I keep scrolling I see my transformation from idealistic optimist teen to bitter spiteful adult

I feel empty.

>that one anime forum
>that one videogame forum

Feels good. Those forums taught me that it was all about the date you joined, your post count and how much you sucked everybody elses cocks. My posts rarely got any replies and nobody would PM.

>gaming forum from 2003 still around but completely revamped and different
>they fucking archived their old RP forum
>my posts are still preserved there and will probably remain forever

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I don't know how I didn't realize I was autistic sooner.

Attached: SBLogoFinalSBSH13BOG.png (300x120, 15K)

>theres porn on my old computer and i gave it to my dad
>its horse show porn

>Old art in my Deviant art
>Nothing bad, just badly drawn shit
I nuked that fucking account so hard before I made a new one for my sprites

Attached: Zelgius holding helmet.png (180x185, 57K)

Nah that's hilarious you have a bitch voice.

IMDB forums would still be super active if they hadnt purposefully removed them from the website because they were "too toxic".

There's nowhere good to discuss movies on the internet now.

>used to be involved with autistic roleplaying on Myspace
>it's all been swept from the face of the earth

Attached: 1544393879323.jpg (204x384, 69K)

wtf user.

>be minor youtuber let's player
>make the stupid mistake of using the username I use for everything for my channel
>my old and undeletable GaiaOnline sex RP posts are fully visible, and my terrible fanfiction is viewable via any website archive service.
>trolls find my old posts
>now on fucking KiwiFarms

>Used to use Gaia Online years after I came to Yea Forums in 06
>Swapped risque photos because I was an edgy fuck
>Links somehow still work in my Inbox

Oh fug.

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Attached: 1553558130170.png (907x1202, 66K)

as long as you arent using the same name or posted anything that can be traced back to you today, you're the only one that knows it was you

>remember when trolololo went viral
>showed it to my parents

Attached: 1251629028066.jpg (544x404, 44K)

That last update is from 2013. I'm pretty sure Facebook and Google (including sites they own like youtube) account for like 70% of web traffic now.

Literally the only reason I moved to Yea Forums in 2013 and never looked back was because I became tired of forum drama and having a screen name that people could associate my posts with. I've been insulted because of some stuff I said.
Fuck any of that, give me anonymosity for the rest of my life.

That's why I changed what name I went by when I started streaming on twitch. No connection to my old shit, none of that will ever be traced back to me


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>My account still works.

It's like a goddamn time capsule.

He probably thought you were a dementia ridden autist.

Attached: B103CB82-9664-4632-A96F-9907E41A66E2.jpg (211x244, 10K)

>found Yea Forums through one of those forums
>mfw another one of those forums are still active
>at any time people can see my old cringe posts if they look hard enough for my username

Attached: beecat.jpg (720x825, 30K)

Attached: oldv2.png (602x817, 71K)

>all those people that had this as their avatar
i wonder where they are right now

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>gaiafag unironically posting here

Attached: b.jpg (249x203, 11K)

Is woodusvstill active? eDuke?

this is why i never did public or forum RP

>The further you scroll down your youtube favorites, the more shame you feel, and the more deleted videos you see

If he used a different name no one would have found it . Who the fuck starts a YouTube career with the same username they post smut on.

>tfw boomer
>realizing all those """girls"" you roleplayed with were dudes

look at this doofus

holy fuck when?

r u me

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There’s a special place in hell for people who take pleasure in revealing spoilers.

>You have no comments or replies on videos or discussions

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I'm surprised they actually keep those archived

>and the more deleted videos you see

Attached: 1551476258291.gif (309x313, 1.47M)

How far back does your username go? Mine goes all the way back to when I first signed up for GameFAQs using it in 2001

Too stupid to get online when it's good, too stupid to get off when it turns bad. I wonder what it's like to be a moron?

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I took a sadistic pleasure in making characters names KylokillsHan in The Old Republic after TFA came out, I got squelched HARD and actually suspended


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It's entirely possible they are lurking before posting but just learning all the wrong lessons, because everything that ever sucked about this place has been amplified more and more has time has gone on.

what about this one?

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>tfw gave my picture to what is certainly some weird dude from runescape

feels bad, almost took a train to meet them since they said they were 45 minutes away from me, but glad I didnt. I think I would have been raped had I gone

Ah the Flood Forum


Yep, those were the days

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youre pretty stupid if you keep using the same username. database leaks happen, using the same login credenitals long term mean youre gonna have important shit compromised

>Anything by Machinima, like the old Sark videos, have been purged in their autism
I miss Radio Respawn

That's originally what drew me to Yea Forums. At least in those old forums you had real discussion about stuff, even if it was tainted by drama. Boards here move too quick and it's easier to just call everyone a nigger than hold a real opinion about something.

This picture hurts.

At least we know what the internet was like once, for better or for worse.

How was the ERP? Was it good?

literally me

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>tfw looking at older liked videos and seeing all that Yea Forums shit like chanology and habbo videos

Uhhh, so what? I don't use the same password for every site.

>tfw I was shitposting wildly on Smash 4's gamefaqs in 2013.
>Eventually the mods had enough and banned my ass sitewide so I can't even log back in.
>Tfw my cringy ass posts are still viewable.

Would you guys care if posted them?

modern life is a fucking nightmare and everything good is being extinguished

Old as hell.
Just like me.

What a power move.

Oh shit i remember getting paid making a signature with it. The sad part is my photoshop skills are likely worse now cause i don't shop all day sigs & webdev.

>Tfw scrolling through favorites and remember that at one point I liked MLP
That was a nasty bit of memory that I would rather didn't come back to me

This is why people in discord servers post on Yea Forums at the same time. They get the best of both worlds.

How did you guys get to Yea Forums?

>2004 joined a "Clan Website" for a Ratchet and Clank Ps2 game
>Found my way to the Insomniac Forums
>Heard about some edgy forum called "Teh Vestibule" on IGN in 2005 and went there
>Came to Yea Forums Yea Forums in 2006 when the Habbo shit started.

Attached: 090528-07-space-monkey-ham_big.jpg (414x461, 63K)

Do it.

I must have been the smartest fucking pre-teen. I swear I never posted on anything online until I was probably 15. I just remember thinking to myself “I’ll probably regret whatever I say by talking to strangers online at such a young age.”

I never even considered the idea of “cringe” stuff. I just remember thinking it was a bad idea for a young dude to post shit online.

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>tfw looking through older shit and can pinpoint the exact moment I graduated high school 7 years ago

I used Alex Grey's art for my avatars because it was in Lateralus so it was the best shit ever as far as I was concerned.

>keep hearing that the cartoon is similar to PPG in that anyone can enjoy it
>give the first couple episodes a try
>actually pretty fun but don't bother to keep track
>one month later, the fanbase happens

I dodge more than a bullet there.

My first fap was when I was 10 to the novel "The Day My Bum Went Psycho". Specifically, the scene where the person's face got swapped with their bum and then they were suffocating when their underpants got pulled up over their face.

I had no idea what I was doing it just felt good. Not soon later I showed my cousins how to masturbate, and on a different occasion we all took it in turns sitting on each others face like Sophitia in Souls Calibur. Didn't even know there was anything inherently sexual about it at the time, but looking back I cringe pretty hard.

Fuck off back to your discord tranny


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I saw people whispering about it on the megatokyo message board and started coming here in 2004.

>that one porn video you think will last forever
>it was amateur so might as well be lost media

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It was a cute show, but once the second coming of Furfags started popping up everywhere I knew it was time to hide that shit from other people

I use my first WoW character name still as my primary. So about 14 years or so.

>was an edgy kid looking for gore/shock sites
>stumbled on a forum called uselessjunk.net
>lurked there for a while
>saw that they lifted some of their stuff from Yea Forums
>visit one day
>read some shit about the old Yea Forums culture, like how you need to lurk and shit
>lurk for about a year
>end up liking the anonymous nature of this place, and stay

Jesus fuck that was over 11 years ago, feels bad

It is pretty damn funny.

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well yes but how is that relevant to your cringey old gaia posts

Alright, here it comes.








I heavily regret making those threads, and I moreso regret not being able to delete them.

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This is kind of depressing desu

So what was the last good/"soul" era here?

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Hey, remember me?

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Also there was some shock site/gore thing that had a watermark to somewhere called "snuffx" that had this picture on it. Set the whole damn stage of me going to this place

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>tfw used to lurk online erp groups when I was a teen, begging guys to roleplay as my Dad because my real dad wasn't around very often
>no-one wanted to do it

Attached: linkyboy.png (1160x1025, 432K)

>made 1 yt comment in my entire life a decade ago
>don't even remember what it was on
fuck yt comments honestly, wasn't worth using then and it isn't now

late millennial

Joke's on you, I've been bitter spiteful and jaded ever since I was 4 years old!
Imagine, having hope for humanity and the future. Weren't your mother, father, siblings, teachers, and other students humans? That should've taught you that humans weren't all that great.

>I listened to my boomer parents and basically missed out


Stumbled on it after looking at image recaps of Gundam Wing episodes and went down a rabbit hole.

People used to talk about Yea Forums in one old vidya forum I frequented so I went and gave it a try. Found it fun, lurked on Yea Forums and Yea Forums for a while since I was in my weeb phase. That was around 2006 but it was until 2007 when entering Yea Forums became something daily. It's 2019 now, it has been fun.

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even if thats true why the fuck would you post about something that can get you federally imprisoned anywhere?

>Pretend to be older when I was posting as a 13yo
>People called me out as a 13yo
>Furiously denied it, but was mystified how they knew

It's so obvious in retrospect

Late millennial. Things started to go downhill around 2005 and 2007 was the point of no return.

An answer to one of those weird quiz game things was "lesbian bondage" and that ruined my porn taste before I even had a chance at having normal tastes. So glad I found that game for that reason alone

>joined GTAForums in 2007 to make textures and because friends from SA:MP were there
>now it's full of underage brazilians who have never played anything except for GTA Online

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I've long since abandoned by old alias but god damn the fucking forum is still up
only when it goes defunct will I finally be free

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I always thought non sexual, family themed RPs were weird. Like where people roleplay as normal siblings doing normal stuff. Then sometime around my late teens it clicked that these people probably had really dysfunctional personal lives.

>when you can't read the shitstorm in the comment section for an awful review on a defunct site


>Used to talk to all the girls I liked on MSN
>Never said a word to them IRL

>tfw I uploaded all my AMVs to animemusicvideos.org so I can't delete them

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>me shitting on something for being trash x2000
God I fucking love me.

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I've got various videos I saved from Yea Forums over the years that are almost certainly not available for download.

it will. Flash is being killed off in 2020. Say goodbye to old flash games

2005 is when I found Yea Forums, but I didn't even start posting until 5 years later. Which was also around the time I actually started posting on GameFaqs despite the fact I was there before Yea Forums.

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i remember people always saying this place was super illegal and how you would get v& and only came here in 2015
i think i opened Yea Forums and browsed for like 20 seconds in 2009 before being scared that the FBI was going to fuck me
i at least lurked like a good little newfag for 2 years but i dont think that matters anymore
old Yea Forums looked like a lot of fun

user stop making me feel emotions, we're trying to have fun here.

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I remember that you were able to set a wallpaper to the messenger and customize the font. I always used some weeb wallpaper and icon, good thing all my friends were just as bad.

>bad engrish
>see my comment how cringe it was
>still stuck fanfiction review and can't remove

bloody hell user i havent seen a greentext this good too good to be true in years.

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Man, zoomers grew up with absolutely trash tier entertainment. It's no wonder they're so messed up.

>cringy posts are all gone since the forum died
Best feeling

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There are archival efforts underway to preserve flash games and animations. The better part of them should survive for the foreseeable future.

Be excrement to each otter.

>missed out
I really just delayed the inevitable. I mean yeah, I wound up here. But I could have turned out a lot more fucked up if I played around more on the internet when I was younger.

The idea of talking to strangers online was seen as a LOT more odd/scary in those days than now. Honestly good luck to anyone raising a kid in this day and age. A 9 year old could be an expert on odd fetishes and seen several live stream suicides with just a little curiosity. Shit’s dangerous for a kid.

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atleast around here whit really some luck some anons might remember and upload it, my case is worst a mexican teen in a car getting fucked and then using a dildo and a milf whit a guy on his 20s last one isnt amateur but i cant find the name of the acthress.

Attached: 1458083262221.jpg (680x680, 39K)

>google your name
>it's so obscure that you're the only person in the world who has it
>first page results are old forum posts where you used your real name

Attached: 1554614378326.png (186x174, 44K)

>No capitals
>No punctuation
>Acting like an "intellectual"
If not for acting like a mute I'd be an insufferable prick with no friends.

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>Say goodbye to old flash games
will shit thats already been uploaded not work?

>"hey want to work on a mod with me?"
>"nah dude"
>"alright cool when can you start?"
absolute madman

You're right I can't.
We don't get funny greentexts on Yea Forums anymore. I refuse to believe that nothing funny ever happens.

>caring about capitalization and punctuation in anything but an official capacity like a resume or business
imagine being this insecure, you're probably still a prick

Fucking legendary

Remember when r9k was the greentext story board? I fucking miss that. When did they weird incel/neet crowd take it over? I want my shit/retard/workplace/school stories board back again damn it

>remember seeing a guy talking about Yea Forums in a youtube comment in like 2009 or something
>send him a message telling him not to break rule 1, fagget
>he tells me to stop taking Yea Forums so seriously
>send him a cool kid epic reply about how he's gonna regret his actions forever

Attached: 1336341830841.jpg (500x314, 58K)

I used to call people niggers a lot. Then I grew up.

>all those fansites
>all the time I spent on various Tenchi Muyo fansites
>this is still up to this day

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>a decade ago

I saw it discussed on message boards and people would post greentext screencaps. For some reason I was convinced that Yea Forums was full of CP and people who would track you down and ruin your life if you slightly upset them.

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That will only happen to presidents who are A Threat To Our Democracy™ and not to good people who understand what it means to be on the right side of history. You have nothing to worry about, citizen. Your private conversations will be safe as long as you don't be an asshole bigot.

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I was exposed to literal horse porn over a decade ago when I first started shitposting here at 12.

I've been stuck on this shithole for over 11 years now. I used Tumblr for the porn, obviously gave up and deleted my account. I used Reddit, hated the upvote/downvote system so I fucked off back here.

All in all I just kinda learned to hate life and hated being social. I don't even play video games anymore.

So how many of you fags were that subhuman with the page long sig?

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>used to be too paranoid to use my email to sign up for forums
>all my retarded posts are guestposts with random names

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>a milf with a guy
Let me see what I can find.

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>tfw I was the admin of a fortunecity Quake 1 clan webpage
good memories, wonder where they all are now

Attached: goodluck.jpg (120x120, 6K)

>Used to visit a forum made by a friend of mine around 2009
>Used to be pretty fucking big, mostly just people from my city because the word was spread but we had around 5k active users
>Mostly played shit like MW, MW2, GTA and some other random games
>About a year latter the forum crashes and burns for no apparent reason
>My friend just kinda lets it go and never talks about it again

Feels fucking bad. I remember pulling all nighters playing games with random people from the forum and having a blast, but now it's all gone. I probably made some really cringe inducing posts there but I honestly wouldn't mind going back and keeping everything the same. At least I have Yea Forums right? Fuck

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remember that time that one famous whore i dont remember his name posted a pepe meme and went viral? that was the start.

Same. Still only comment every couple of days.

I swear to god it wasn't me.

the internet used to be so much more fun. it still can be, but it's not what it used to be like.
I miss all the """""cringy""""" youtube videos and animation shorts for instance

>find Yea Forums in 2008, lurk on and off
>go on omegle when the site first came out and was linked to on Yea Forums
>start talking with a guy about Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general
>he quickly realizes i dont know much about otaku/chan culture and says "obvious newfag is fucking obvious"
>i am extremely upset for several weeks afterward

>not doing lesbian roleplay with other dudes
I didn't even start beating off until a couple years later.

>edited all my old posts to just a period to spare myself the cringe of them all even though quotes show the original post and no ones gonna go back and look at these old posts anyway

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>that guy who signed his post


Attached: 1552712258922.gif (200x121, 700K)

moot took down r9k for like a year or so right? isnt that when the board changed?

>they're based in San Francisco
>1 earthquake could wipe it all out
Are there really no backups?

dont waste your time, this one in particular was not the tipical bimbo, she was old like in his 60 and the guy was a literal zoomer but i still got the link of the mexican one xvideos.com/video35378629/esta_misma_morrita_de_secu_le_hago_un_oral_me_la_cojo_usa_un_dildo_y_me_vengo_adentro_de_ella#_tabComments

Someone in 2004 accused me of being from "Yea Forums" because I was edgy.
I asked what a Yea Forums was.
Rest is history.
I'm still edgy.

Why are Boomers called Millennial and Gen X?

For about an hour until I realized how obnoxious it was.
Then from there on my sig just had a link to my Sprite comics.

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What do you live for man? I at least still love vidya. Haven’t been laid in over a year but I’m still young and feel there’s a solid chance at finding a decent girl.

I only shitpost when I’m procrastinating, which is fairly often I suppose, but I don’t even enjoy it much.

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Why does it have a phallus shaped tumor on its back?

>lurking around an erp group one day
>some guy asks if I want to tiff
>have no idea what that is so he proceeds to explain it to me like an autism

And that's how I learned what furries were.

Boomer is a forced meme

I think it was Niki Minaj or however it’s spelled. The world had spiralled into complete oddness ever since desu.

>tried visiting Yea Forums around 2009
>range ban even though I only posted a few tame comments as test
>thought that someone hacked my computer and used it for evil Yea Forums things just because I browsed Yea Forums for a while
>avoid the site until 2013

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I'm so glad gamefaqs didn't archive posts before like 2008

>tfw fucked around with html in highschool for a little bit
>made a website on freewebs for my jedi outcast clan with barely a couple weeks practice
>it ended up being unmaintainable and filled with random off-topic stuff hotlinked into the pages that I liked at the time
>remember it from time to time
>i used to direct tons of people to it

Attached: a8e.png (404x399, 9K)

everyone likes to blame /pol/ or reddit or resettera or even facebook when in reality it was a mix of all the shit going down, at the time, the elections, gamergate, boomers starting to get the hold of facebook and megacorps discovering the hidden pottential of the internet, we weere doomed from the start.

I was looking for weird porn & heard this was the place to be

If you didnt engage in gay furry cybersex in the mid 2000s inside internet chatrooms, you're not a real person as far as I'm concerned

That's me looking back old Steam chat logs and OLD Discord chats....

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I joined an anime fansub IRC channel and we would exchange links to Yea Forums images all the time around 2006.

Friend introduced me to /f/ in 2005. First flashes I saved were those final fantasy but with consoles movies. The rest is history.

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>all of those game modding communities that are dead now
>the few still left are dying slow, miserable deaths

Attached: my instincts tell me life shouldn't be so horrible.jpg (1024x942, 194K)

God I can’t fucking believe the boomer zoomer shit caught on. It was a solid month and a half of one faggot shitposting boomer memes on every fucking board. Everyone told him to fuck off, but eventually fags took it in, and now it’s all retards on this site can ever say.


I live for the sole purpose of doing nothing. I'm honestly contemplating going full neet since I'm mediocre at any job I work.

Out of 7 kids I'm the only one without a drug addiction, and my family consists of mostly doctors and medical workers like nurses.

None of my aunts or uncles got married or even had kids, so I'm in several inheritances from them and my parents since my siblings are untrustworthy.

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>just found my folder full of GIFs from Yea Forums circa 2008
Some still relevent

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Well yeah. Why make a game moddable for free, when the people are perfectly willing to pay $5 for your own in-house versions of (for example) gungame and fast travel?

Same to you.

>There's nowhere good to discuss movies on the internet now

hell, no one even remembers the SOPA shitshow from 2012,worst of all is that it feels just like it happened yesterday....

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Personally I just do it because it triggers the newfags.

>look up old forum posts
>they're all well written, polite and respectful
>but I have absolutely no fucking idea what I'm talking about in any of them, just wall to wall misunderstood teenage bullshit with a complete lack of understanding about anything
Presumably me from 10 years from now will feel the same about the posts i make now but good luck finding them in the archive you old faggot

Same shit happened with the NPC trash
You can force anything you want now as long as you know how to ban evade, and you don't even have to do that anymore as the mods are more absent than an orphan's parents

>I did a presentation in Highschool on SOPA.

At least I got an A.

there's nowhere left on the internet to go to discuss anything anymore. it's all poz'd and cucked.

>that one forum you used to shitpost on is still alive
What the fuck
GunZ died twelve years ago you faggots, let it go.

I saw a banner in someone's signature with Pedobear on it (who I didn't know what it was back then) that linked straight to Yea Forums. That set me straight for a good number of years.

>used my real name on old forums
>googling my name brings them up
>everyone can see my tween posts

Attached: 1494113498646.gif (480x324, 3.91M)


Remember this shit? youtube.com/watch?v=Ar4WzQ7KHak
>12 years ago

>tfw fapped to that gif of the girl snacks fucking the girl moot soo many times before I knew who both were

At this point I instinctively either hide or report whoever posts with wojaks, frog edits or these forced buzzwords that had absolutely no reason to become popular. I can't believe Yea Forums, of all places, has become so easily manipulable but I guess we just have way too many newfags who probably aren't even one or two years old.

Yeah. It's amazing how fast people forget everything now.

L u l

Never use your real name senpai. I use a different alias for every single website/game.

Sickdark didnt catch on when the bloodborne shitshow was going on here though. I wish it did.

>never posted real name, location, character names etc anywhere online
>still doxxed
Well that's worrying

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>find an old YouTube you used to watch in 2007-8
>see a comment you left

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Remember imageshack and photobucket? Do you still remember your usernames? Do you still have pictures saved?

Because I totally do.

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This is actually a great post user. Thanks. It's what a lot of us need to hear to be honest, nostalgiaposting isn't healthy, but then again here we are

Something similar happened to me... actually I just fell for someone calling a giraffe a horse or something retarded like that in 2007, came back in 2009. Fuck you guys I have anxiety issues.

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>old forum still exists
>completely taken over by bots perpetually posting spam for penis enlarging pills
>will probably continue to exist after I die

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People like the latest Wojak/Pepe edit because they know it's safe. If you laugh at OC, you might inadvertently associate with reddit memes.


The darkest timeline.

>googling my name brings up a bunch of articles from where the only other guy in the world with the same name as me leaked a bunch of nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and other famous women

Thanks fappening guy. Now no one will ever find my angsty teenage forum posts and anime faggotry.

good, fuck ff warcry. That whole network was shit.

lol thats afunny one user

>mfw none of my anime forums posts as a teenager are sexual in nature because if i got horny i was fapping to degenerate threads on Yea Forums

outplayed, normies

>You remember role playing as naruto characters on MySpace chat rooms

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He pushed the boomer meme while trying to make fun of them, but it turns out being a 30 year old boomer is actually based as fuck and little zoomers are the actual faggots. So the entire meme has essentially been reversed. Anyways one faggot forcing an unfunny meme for long enough will usually result in it catching on, see "Sneed" on Yea Forums

mfw first fap was to boku no pico i was 9

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time to change your name

We don't like net neutrality now, I guess. Which is insanity because no one loses harder than Yea Forums.

Every time I see one of these threads I call out the word "Zantive" and see if anyone from there is here.

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Unironically it sort of was both of those things. Until jewmoot took over, it wasn't uncommon to go midnight fishing on Yea Forums or /h/ and find some extremely seedy link with no details and find a brightweb cp hub in russian.

And to the other point, Yea Forums sort of had a history of bullying women into either social suicide or actual suicide. Yea Forums bullied an educated virgin until she left social media forever, and never forget "too soon."

>referring to /pol/, /new/, stormfront, or whatever fucking designation they are this time as "we"
There's your problem


the fuck ever happened to waha anyway? I still see this pic every year but that's it

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I never made an imageshack account, but I'd uploaded tons and tons of images to it. Eventually Imgur came out and imageshack started trying to charge to access direct links so I switched.

>stumble upon an RP forum
>literally had no idea people did this before that moment
>decide to get involved anyway
>by some bizarre turn of events end up getting the attention of two of the only girls on the forum
>can only guess it's because being an aspie with a strict attitude made me seem more mature than I actually was
>between the two there was a clear right choice and wrong choice
>right choice was a talented artist with a sharp tongue
>wrong choice was a clingy fujo
>retard that I was, pick the wrong one
>right choice gets noticeably mopey and indirectly alludes to me in passing
>blew right over my head
>contine long distance relationship with wrong choice, another concept that was alien to me
>one thing leads to another and wrong choice sends me pictures of her in her underwear
>suddenly realize I may have had a small lapse of judgement
>suddenly realize a few days later that I got way in over my head and have made multiple mistakes
>delete everything I can, get new username and email and make out like a phantom

>years pass
>log in to AIM for some ungodly reason
>immediately get messaged by an ecstatic wrong choice asking where I was
>S H I T.jpg
>in a panic lie and say this is a close friend clearing out old accounts after I killed myself
>log off before she gets any chance to reply and uninstall

>a year or so back from now
>decide out of morbid curiosity to check on right choice
>she's still operating off of deviantart surprisingly
>sifting through gallery and seeing how she's improved
>the consequences of my forgotten actions start bearing down on me
>imagine the amount of gall I'd need to try to strike a conversation
>get nauseous from how many emotions start boiling up
>close out of the tab and try my best to forget

I still think about it. not every day or every other day, but enough to constantly remind myself about how I'll never know how things could have been. I want desperately to let go.

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I wrote some cringy shit on this forum in my pubescence

post count is turned off but I hit 10k here

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Was just about to ask this


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you gona post some nigga?

I got you beat on that
>dox yourself on Yea Forums
>nothing comes up on google at all
My name is a mystery wrapped in an enigma

It's probably your email. I use a separate personal/gaming/porn email. If a place looks especially sketchy I just use a 10 minute mail.

Hey Harlow, I hope that slut took you for everything you had and left you.

t. You know who :)

>have a couple dozen pirated website templates
>occasionally get the urge to learn HTML/CSS and start a classic anime shrine website
>then branch out with the different website templates to copy/adapt into a fake top100 listing full of these early 2000 designs and shrines

I'd take all that anontalk kimmospam over the wojak/boomershit we have today.

>made embarrassing posts on highimpacthalo
>owner shuts it down but keeps it up as an archive
its not fucking fair

Came here in 2008 solely because it was one of the few sites that wasn't blocked in UAE just to get my porn fix. Started using it for browsing posts around 2010 mainly /ck/, Yea Forums and Yea Forums

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>tfw the forums you went on all 404d, deleting all your posts and the good times you had with your friends

It's a weird feeling.

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I followed a link to /tg/ from the Dwarf Fortress forums around 2009 or so, and the rest was history. I was only 11 at the time, and I lurked for a good year and a half before posting.
God, I wish I could go back.

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this place its always on the opposite side of everithing, if a big group of people like X thing because its good for everyone and Y thing will only be bad, this place will go full pro Y just to spite them or rarely for an actual good reason, or atleast thats what i have seen all these years.

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Are you an expat or an oil sheikh money trustee?

Pretty much this. I was usually trying to hide my underage power level, so I was generally on good behavior, even if the content was still completely insipid 98% of the time.

>imagining that SZS comic edit for modern Yea Forums let alone modern Yea Forums
fucking hell

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its like book burning but instead of books its burning the last remnants of your good times

You are like children. Look and weep

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I remember when Jojo memes were ok. I remember when Yea Forums were hackers on steroids. I remember Sageman. I remember all of them.

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>play ss13 with vg
>some autist leaks everyone's user profile names, a good number of which are real names
Roleplayers are such shitty, mentally ill people. The stories of people doing horrible things we have, this thread only has a tiny sample of.

did we get some newfag mods

what was doxxed

Dug up an old youtube comment from when I was 14.

This was the least cringy thing I could find.

Attached: 14 year old me had taste.png (435x96, 6K)

>look at forum posts from when I was 12
>far better grammar and more cohesion than what i normally shitpost now

Actually came here in 2008 when I was like 14 because a friend told me I could grow a spine and learn how to deal with trolls. I made a fool of myself for like two years in the Pokemon generals, but I don't regret coming here at all.

Attached: K64 Final.jpg (1200x882, 161K)

Thank god. The main forum I used to post on cleared all their old shit at some point, so all of my posts are lost in the sands of time.

Attached: sweat wipe hot.gif (500x281, 1000K)

>google my old username
>it brings up my fucking Spore profile
Jesus christ it's been a while.

>try to download some media that can't be found anywhere but in old forums
>links are still rapidshare or megaupload

I sort of know that feel bro. I'm not gonna go into the details but I also started an e-relationship with some girl online and eventually felt overwhelmed and decided to ghost her and I still feel bad about it, this was like thirteen years ago and sometimes I still e-stalk her online to see how she's doing.

Name + state

Yeah. I'm reaching the point where I understand why old people thought the world sucked and everything used to be so much better. Because time takes everything away from you and the world is no longer the one you grew up in.

I've only ever posted on Yea Forums all my life

14 year old (You) had taste

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>i only read the filename after posting

Just an iraqi

>people died before they had the chance to complete the Seven Year Killer joke

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theres an actual animal scat board on cripplechan dont ask how i know these things

>i sort of pity people who don't have what i have

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Interesting how it all turned out.

Making a post like this I can't believe you're not still 12.

forums are so fucking awful, once people begin recognizing user names it becomes a drama filled cesspool. I remember frequenting a korean mmo's forum to do fan art and stuff and the entire place became some sort of "signature" trading ground where people made these cringey banners with tons of lightning and fire with their in game character in it

>tfw remembering all of my autistic posts on the bungie forums
thanks user I needed this

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>Never heard about Yea Forums until after high school
>Only know of Yea Forums because of anonymous on the news years later
>Yea Forums isn’t as hardcore as old school MySpace
>old my space Ben 10 groups were probably far more dangerous than old Yea Forums
>MySpace help inspired Chris-Chan too catch a Predator for a reason
How did I not get molested as a kid?

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I wonder how people would handle it if Yea Forums suddenly disappeared. Maybe anons would visit the archives from time to time and look back to the shitposting like this thread is looking back to dead forums and communities. Of course there'd be new alternatives popping up immediately, and many would just go to infinitychan, but this place has history that those don't.

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I wonder how many newfags even know about sage these days.

is it so absurd? Yea Forumsnons and gaia fags have way more in common with each other than they do normies

>downloads are split in 25 different parts
>there's a cooldown timer each time you download unless you sign up for premium
good times

>made an account on a forum one of my friends used to post on religiously
>make a couple posts then get bored
>log in every once in a while to avoid the 3-monthly account purges
>this goes on for 6 years
>eventually decide it's time for the payoff
>log in and post in the most populated forum that I'm back, as if I an old regular who used to be known
>pages upon pages of confusion ensues about this account nobody knows with a join date 6 years prior and 8 posts, on a forum that does quarterly account purges

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>I've only ever posted on Yea Forums all my life
That’s pretty sad

I remember stumbling across a few threads on Yea Forums when people would legit murder someone and just post about it.

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pot heads are eternally butt hurt, arent they?

>all cringy stuff was under my old username
>Yea Forums user gave me his Steam account for free and I basically inhetired the nickname it had
>never EVER refer or tell anyone my old username except for the 3-4 friends that knew me then
>basically had a fresh start from my highschool years
Thank you based user for saving my life

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Remember when weaboo meant wapanese and not "person who likes something japanese"?

>instead of sorry I'd say sorreh, sometimes with an xD
Kill me

Anyone remember how fucking active the Alaplaya forums used to be?

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I would probably have to go to "that" chan to get my lurking fix.

>spending multiple days downloading a 500mb game mod at 24 kb/s
I don't miss it

I do too man. Nobody cared.

faggotry the post

I HAVE to know, how long did this last? It couldn't have lasted more than half a year.


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I may or may not have spent three years acting like a girl on the bungie.net forums. It was such a power rush to have people worship me for no good reason.

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I don't really miss those, but god knows it was things like that that kept me coming back.

>first time ever on a forum
>scroll all the way to the last page and start reading from there
>start responding to posts
>entire first page is me necroing 8 year old threads
>get multiple admin warnings

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We're getting old. It happens.

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Bitch please. I was fapping to bestiality when I was 11.

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>mfw I scroll through old face book chat logs I had with 3 different girls

I was too much of a pussy to get pussy. At least I’m not kissless or hug less. I need to spot being a neet it sucks. Makes you go crazy.

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What’s the odds the socom navy seals and black hawk down forums still around or at least active? PS2 online games tend to have tight communities. People still able to play Everquest online adventure on PS2 emulators.

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Now you have it being livestreamed. What a world.

>that first time when you went to register on a site and start to scroll down the "year of birth" dropbox to pick some really old shit like 1970 and you realize that your actual birth year will work because you're 23 and you just realized you're over 18.

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I was smarter in 2005 than I am now. Fug.

It was more of a gradual shift, but I feel like the widespread unironic use of the term to refer to anything anime related started around 2012 or so? I blame Filthy Frank for making the term mainstream outside of Yea Forums.



I actually think that might've been the reason it happened. I was on /tg/station and an0n3 hated my guts. Dude was a real narcissist.

>all the old forums I went on are down now
>my shitty posts i made as a teenager are lost forever and i can finally get over them
thank god

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there's Yea Forums haha

this is a stupid rule anyway and any forum enforcing it is gay
they should be happy they're getting activity

how can they know if you never tell them your old screen name?

This is standard for most insults, they start of describing a pretty extreme demographic of people and then people use it exaggeratedly against people who aren't at that extreme but could be, until eventually it loses its extreme connotations and just becomes a standard insult
"retard" is another example of this

>tfw attractive personality but ogreish looks
I lost count of how many girls I've accidentally gotten involved with in online communities up until picture swapping was on the table
Fortunately for me I became a social recluse around 2012 and haven't had made any new friends since then

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Don't call it that, the server cut ties with /tg/ and became TG like a decade ago after reddit and the furfags took over. And yes, I'm still mad.

This never made any sense. Why make a new thread that's about the same topic?

if it makes you feel any better, there's a good chance society collapses well before you have grand children

I used to go on YouThink in the late 2000s
I also frequented Quiztron and other quiz and test sites around then

Wow, epic bro. Maybe you should go back.


mine was worse

>look back to my old flashflashrevolution forum account

A word being misused until the meaning has changed is one of the worst things to happen.

Everything is a shitpost.

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>posted this on my 9th birthday

Attached: 2006.png (968x215, 18K)

Don't get my hopes up user


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I miss Cuban Pete. He really knew how to make things exciting.

Cherry on the top was, the guy who made those videos was one of the first channels I ever followed, and I watched a lot of his Dark messiah and VtMB clips. After reading my comment my nostalgia triggered and I checked his profile, Only to find in his about me section a Redtube account where he fucks his Realdoll, by kissing it too hard, squeezing the life out of it's tits and eating out his giant glorified fleshlight for 20 minutes before becoming a two pump chump in it.

I'm still in shock.

I came for Yea Forums and /mlp/ back in 2012. I wonder how'd I'd have turned out had I not come here 7 years ago. Probably not too different, people tend to know they belong in a place like Yea Forums.

I laughed if it makes you feel any better.

my username is just my 2nd name first and 1st name second

drink bottled water and you'll never have to worry about your grandchildren finding out anything

you'll end up with a Boomer boyfriend named Terry that does not know how to surf the internet

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internet forum admins are the sole reason why im convinced communism will never works because if you give the average dumb fuck authority they become a maniac.

someone in my anime club used it once in 2010 (give or take a year), so I can only assume that the meaning there was "wapanese" or "excessively japanophile"

My posts from 2005 were unironically better than my posts from 2018. I used to be witty and mostly non-cringy, now I'm just a fucking nobody without any creativity or hope. I should just fucking die.

1000 free hours!
>not counting long distance charges

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wait till you see this one lmfao

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are you still that funny user?

zoomer humor

in 2006 i was writing reviews of furry comics and showing them to my friends


Pete was a genuine fucking legend, and not even just for the famous server-crashing bombs. Dude was the best Head of Security I've ever seen. He was robust as fuck, but not a blatant validhunter or anything, just a chill guy.

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>tfw totse went down
The day I stumbled upon that website as an edgy 11 year old is the day I lost my innocence.

It's a long pathway filled with naivete and trying to find a site where you didn't have to use an email to make an account.
>as a lad, mostly use computer for games, if not discs then flash games
>only past 2004 or so did I look at other sites, namely suspicious origami websites because I was obsessed with origami, and lego fansites
>for this time, I only rarely used the internet because computer time was limited (it was before too, but now I wanted to use it to play games)
>During this time, I mostly used it for Nitrome, Bionicle sites, miniclip, neopets (no account), and several suspicious sites that I only went on because they didn't have email verification (my mom refused to let me use the email because we got a "virus" from when I tried to make a neopets account), like a very shitty virtual "frog pet simulator"
>when I got to play onlne at my gran's place, I played demos for stuff like Virtual Villagers or Fish Tycoon and got obsessed, printing them out
>timeskip here, there's nothing of note between the previous period and 5 years later, except forum autism for an MMO
>the family abandons desktop PCs and gets a shitty overheating laptop
>here is my first interaction with Yea Forums
>me and my little sister enter the site, ignoring the 18+ warning
>click a single thread on /o/ (from the sample threads upon entering the site) with an image of the Eva-01 from Evangelion as a ball shaped chibi
>it has no replies
>don't understand why the image is unrelated
>close thread, don't go back to Yea Forums at this time

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There are 9 year olds posting on Yea Forums on this very day and someone in this thread took something they said seriously.

Attached: 1542943702436.jpg (310x451, 83K)

My nigga.

>Admin Warning: Please search the forum for similar threads before posting a new one
>Admin Warning: Please do not necro old threads

as an adult, you can finally indulge in all the dumb shit you wanted to do as a kid
when you finish highschool, you can offload all of your shackles. though it's expected by society that you keep some of them

>sit down for hours and make zany youtube poops with emulated OOT/MM, decently well edited AMVs in windows movie maker, sprite comics, would write lengthy forum posts /blogs

>literally just stare at youtube videos in bed with alaptop for 10 hours straight

it's still archived in'nit?
I looked at stuff mid this decade

my dnd buddies linked me /tg/ to ask for gm advice

>tfw reading through all my cringy RP on the motherfucking Battlefield Heroes forum
>I got introduced to Yea Forums there circa 2009
>it's been 10 fucking years
When does the pain stop?

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>go to high school
>friends I make educate me about the internet
>basically tell me Yea Forums's for pedophiles, criminals, and getting defrauded, they guide me to make a reddit account
>use that for a couple years, barely post anything because I'm terrified of getting voted into being unable to post
>obviously shit fucking sucks, stop using it and lurk for a while there on gory sectors
>eventually give up on it, there's just no point
>browse clickbait videogame article garbage at school for a while
>eventually decide to give Yea Forums another chance
>go to Yea Forums in late 2014-early 2015
>stop because no one replies to me
>ignore any board sites and just use Knowyourmeme until GG is over, still have no fucking clue what it was about because I deliberately avoided anything mentioning it as I despise politics and it always just makes me mad
>come back after that and have remained since
I always wondered if that chibi Eva pic still exists. Could never find it. Fish Tycoon is free now also.

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