Can't decide on class in an RPG

>can't decide on class in an RPG
>swords and magic BOTH sound cool......
>uuuhhhhhhhhhhh.......... muhfuggin....... battlemage!
I sure hope you guys don't do this.

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only estrogents use magic

Do what? Pick a class made available in the game?

Yeah so what?

Necromancer is the real man's class.

>I play video games

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Do paladins count as battlemages?

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battlemage was pretty fun in titan quest even if your physical to magic damage ratio was like 90%/10%

>melee classes do not-magic anyway because just swinging a sword at something is boring

africans have no neanderthal dna bruh that's straight homo erectus


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melee classes with utility magic are the shit
witchers, jedi, ciphers, those kind of things

remind me again how are niggers people

Duskblade or bust.

that's not a nigger, it's a pre-historic hominid

Healing spells only, bitchass. Real street niggas don't worry about beating someone down, just patching themselves up after

I always go paladin, if not that then a fighter/warrior usually.

>why yes I only use strength+dex builds
>how could you tell?

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Magic Knight > battle mage

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Now you're just showing off.

using your sword to shoot magic is the coolest shit though

>caring about how other people play the game
wanna know how I know OP is a faggot?

>pick fighter class
only get to auto attack all game
dont get to see magic side of game which more often than not always better than a fighters early game
>pick mage class
your weapons and armor looks and is bad
get bullied early on by assasins

hybid is always more fun unless you gimped by having a mix of stats

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Only tranny play battlemage

Paladin chad master race

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>otherwise decked out in armor
>except your head, the most vulnerable part

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Fuck off retarded frogposter.

Agree, his picture has gotta be a cleric instead.

>people accept the theory of evolution as fact
>people also think all races evolved to be equal

>picking "I hit with stick" over all the potential in controlling the elements

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Is this DD?


wait wtf
you can sneak attack with spells in Pathfinder?

Why not both?
Then you can have ELEMENT STICK

>tfw always go with faith builds in Dark Souls
>mfw plebs who don't heal
Enjoy dying in a battle of attrition.
>implying you will even touch me

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Battlemage is dumb, but magic knight is good. Y'know, the ones that enchant their weapons for elemental damage.

I love regen builds in dark souls 3, stupidly easy and fun

that's all well and good but how does it related to the thread?

Man who runs while playing guitar is shit at both

What are some good games where you can play a necromancer?

how would you know he's the hero if you can't see his face

>not being a useless jack of all trades hybrid guy who your party hates for being dead weight

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Rule of cool>functionality
Man who is running while playing with guitar will be the best build

fine geez

thats a negroid aints it?

>always play healer class
>always play a girl with twin tails because i find them cute
>constantly get hit on and free stuff
i hate this

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Except you're competing with Satriani and Bolt

Everyone knows the game makes the custom player character stronger than the npcs

> aints
Is this how niggers speak?

t. fag that went all in on physical or magic and got wrecked by a tank that counters him.

>He doesn’t put his skills into melee and weapon enchanting
Literally a brainlet

mhmm sure

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Projecting user. You are.

If you don't pick lightning bruisers then we can't be friends.

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>triggered by a cartoon frog
lmao at your life

Hold up are you seriously denying it after making that post?
I would bet my GPU that you were the biggest user slut of team peanut butter

You mean team creme. Those nigs cucked so hard