Played, expected, got

Post 'em

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Alternate template

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What i played: Rimworld
What I expected: picture of a dwarf and a photo of lava pouring on him, picture of a space alien and a rimjob
What I got: SS13 clown meme image but with a fat colonist head on him and a cut of the pyromaniac trait from the game

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Pretty gud/10

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I still have nightmares about Weremonzaemon.

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Fuck waiting 2 hours for that secret platform to move to get the star. I mean I've done it but it's just terrible. Did you look the secret ending up?

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Nah, I earned it, and I'm with ya.
Jonathan Blow is such a cunt.
Talented one, yet still a cunt.
Pretty much does the same with the "art" and some puzzle dickery in The Witness.

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I love these threads, please don't die on me.

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Looks about right

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I'm Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned after 21 years - you never know what is gonna come through that door.

Is Ace Combat really that kino?

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Pretty good.

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I've never been so pleasantly surprised from a humble bundle game. God I love it.

if only

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fuckign every time
>oh dude we have this really powerful unit with long range capabilities to lob shots at the enemy with relative impunity?
>wtf why did we lose

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Wanna know a secret? Its the least kino out of the ps2 games


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I don't know what hurts more, the fact that this was so shittily incomplete, or the fact that Silent Hills is never going to be made at all.

Fucking underrated as fuck



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god it hurts

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i enjoyed this game So much
i feel like its not as appreciated as it should be

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>Trains: Drive somewhere and get pelted and run over land-mines
>Dreadnaughts: Trop'd/Cannon'd to death
>Zeppelin: Just fuckign stay where it spawned and it'll get shot by AA, or you be a gunner and get shot by a cheeky asshole standing on the Zeppelin.

I mean I get it's fun and epic when a big scary unit comes on the scene, and playing as that unit CAN be fun.

But I have never seen a game won by a Behemoth.


How quickly the tide turns.

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Fucking Geodude and the God damned raptor.

I literally went into those tunnels and came upon it, shit fucking freaked me out. The worst part is that the level isn't laid out in a way that forces you towards it, but I still ended up taking that turn and getting spooked.

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fuck you

My nigga.

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I expected a shitshow like 3 but got a great game like ultimate.

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I guarantee you've never played ultimate doom

Literally the only cluttered one that makes a good deal of sense.

It's one of my favorite games, faggot. Go fuck yourself.

Does Yea Forums ever have threads like this ? I have one that I made for that just in case

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Best form of combat ever seen in Calradia.


and you enjoyed nu-doom? sure buddy, sure


every board about story mediums has these threads.

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You could start a thread there and see how that results

Moar templates

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Or I could not

What's wrong with nu-doom?

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Nothing. user won't understand that things have to change to be continuously marketable. It's either nu-doom or no doom.

I'd rather take no doom you stupid faggot

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/vr/ is leaking again

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I doubt it. The doom guys in /vr/ are pretty chill.

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Have fun sex.

its a shitty version of painkiller. door locks, clean room, move to next room, rinse, repeat. nothing like ultimate doom.

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Is fun, but not that good.

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Extended edition

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it's easier to recount everything that happens in a game than it is to formulate and execute a setup and punchline.

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already done

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I didn't make this but I definitely applies to me.

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You forgot to put "I hate tombs" in big red bold text across the bottom picture.

Why can I hear the image in "What I Got"?

Holy shit I'm not the only person to have played this game

The setup the second image builds absolutely makes me lose my side's to the third image

I'm still bitter

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My fucking favorite


>I hate fun

god you people are worse than Gen 1ers


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this one is good

These are good


Fuck sake I just started playing this.
This is too real

Anyone have a Nier Gestalt/Replicant one?

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I gazed upon thine post, and knew that you were mah nigga

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God i've never seen such a trash opinion


Fucking accurate lmao

It's just boomers and contrarians.

I've never been disappointed so much from a sequel.
Infinite was utter trash

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Another kinonance bro

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The suffering will never end.

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Not that user, but I'm still mad.

Andromeda was like watching Bioware's executives rape Mass Effect's corpse

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Still impresses me its by a bunch of slavs who made stupid arcade fps.

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Is it any fun? Tempted to get it


>not including the entirety of the mile long list of graphics settings
this is just 1 page of 6

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