Out for 2 months

>out for 2 months
>literally NO ONE talking about it anymore

what went wrong

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didnt really add anything, any game gets boring doing the same thing for a month

No waifu

>Spent moneypandering to viral nerd campaign sources on Twitch
>Spent nothing on normie shit like billboards and Capeshit movie trailers
Little kids neither play games or have money to spend outside of streamer donations. What a shitty ad campaign that was.

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Titanfall 2 is just straight up better

Shit cosmetics, one map, one game mode, cheaters all over the place, broken as shit characters, broken as shit weapons, and a network that crashes and lags all the time.
This is after multiple updates and the battle pass.

BRs are gay

>cheaters all over the place
Not since S1. They hardware ban now. Everyone who stuck around though was good enough to beat the cheaters, so everyone else sucks shit comparatively.

Battle royales were a fad and are dying out. I played that one where you jump from the plane because my normie friend was really into it but it gets boring real quick. It’s not like a good rpg with a branching story that you can discuss or play over and over again and those types of games don’t foster silly fun community like tf2 does.

battlepass was shit
sense of progression died
no new items
shit new character
no idea on how to balance any of the existing guns or characters

they were hardware banning since the start
except its the cheapest hardware ban possible, a simple registry edit circumvents it.

>40k on twitch
>literally no one
why is 4chin disconnected from reality

how are weapons broken

>try to go back to pubg today
>shit frame rate
>shit netcode
>complete lack of ease of life features
>shit loot
>majority of guns are useless/pointlessly hard to control
>still doesn't even textchat

Personally I think the exact opposite OP, eat shit

Pandering to SocJus.

pretty much this, Apex kinda shits itself at the beginning of some games, but its overall stable and reliable.

Its not on switch. Boom.

Twitch views never translate into hard numbers over long term it will take the industry another few massive sale bombs to figure this out

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>game has exciting and innovative mechanics
>play for a bit, enjoy it, decide that I will stick with it if the Season Pass indicates that the game will have a future
>the season pass comes out and is terrible

the thing is the weapon skins in the battle pass are so fuckin ugly and are all "rare" except for one "epic" skin for the prowler which looks okay and the legendary for the havoc. I wish you unlocked more epic or legendary skins or atleast got crafting materials instead of fucking stat trackers and level banner. what the fuck were they even thinking

You should not mess with your MAC adress

>apex will kill fortnite

at this point fortnite is the new wow, it can only kill itself

wait, so the so-called "hardware ban" is just a mac address filter?

Do single player games like RDR 2 ever get talked about for long periods of time?

Apex doesn't patch issues nearly as fast as Fortnite and it still have a huge hacking/crashing problem.

No, the ones that does always have some semblance of multiplayer, like souls, GTAV and RDR2.

Explain overwatch

They aren't talking about it because they're playing it

Same, uninstalled as soon as I saw the season pass.
>Muh facepaint
Yeah no

Boring for almost 3 years now with the exception of the weeks when there is a new hero or the archives event

I was just about to say, more people are transitioning to titanfall since is just like 6 bucks

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No one over 16 watches twitch get real

>hardly any content added since launch
That's why.

Wake me when they add a new map, some more interesting characters, or a new mode.

no solo so its dying
being forced to play with 2 retards is not fun

Why do people, especially girls from my experience, still play it then? Did all the guys leave and give them a safe space

people will talk about it again when it gets a second map or when they add ranked solo mode or when it has some sort of esports event or whatever, any changes really.

Do people still play that

cringe. Nothing in apex is SJW in the slightest.
>but it has wimin and minorities!
Literally doesn't matter at all since no one cares. The game is good and there's nothing you can do about that.

I don't talk about it because I'm busy playing it desu (I play 2-3 hours every single day)

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>Battle royales were a fad and are dying out

This. Any "ah bloo bloo game is designed for squads" is just shitty excuses.

octane is like top 3 arguably number 2 tho, fuck you mean shit new character

Only play it now and then with friends on week ends.
I expected to grind it daily now but that season pass is the biggest disappointment since their inception.

pubg on ultra runs at 90+ fps constant on my 1080 @ 2560x1080 with a 4770k @ 4.4ghz, 32gb ddr3. if i drop the non essential stuff it easioy holds 120+ fps the entire match now. used to never do that. also the netcode is better in solos than parties.

I want a night mode, it would be cool
>barely any view in open field
>only cities and buildings illuminated
>noise intensified

They are out playing the game and not posting on this shitty nazi website ;_;

when the game dev starts censoring community to be "less toxic" it only swings harder back at them

They fucked up HARD. The Battle pass was absolute garbage and there's been basically no content since it came out. That's inexcusable if they ever hoped to overtake Fortnite which pumps out content every 4 fucking days.

They simply weren't ready to compete even though that's what they tried, pathetic.

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>new game thinks it can compete with 2+ year old games that have more content and get updates more frequently
>claim you want your updates to be "quality not quantity ;)"
>release a shitty battle pass literally everyone in the world has panned
>somehow surprised your game has 1/5th of the viewers it did a month ago

Connection to server lost: the game

What's there to explain? Overwatch still follows his logic. The only people playing Overwatch are people doing it for money, people who are trying to do it for money, blizz cock suckers, and friends who just want to hang out with their blizz cock sucking friends. Note only one of those types of players might enjoy the game.

the porn

>no solo mode

If he means the balance is broken I agree, there's literally never a reason not to carry a Wingman.


I got tired of the annoying characters. Bloodhound is the only tolerable one.

Gameplay gets old. It feels exactly like it is, watered down Titanfall.

They kind of got screwed by how popular the sudden release was. Fortnite had several months to plan out how they were going to approach cosmetics once they saw the BR blow up, Respawn had people screaming for a battle pass within two weeks. Combine that with them being majorly limited on how unique they can make different character skins and still retain visual clarity and they were screwed.

Why are you surprised that a fotm game has gone down after a couple months?

This. I bought Titanfall and i am having a fucking blast.

Pubg runs at 90+ fps for me also with my vega 64, i5 2500k and 8gb ram. Regardless of this, there's are still major stuttering issues on ultra, which doesn't look nearly as good as apex (imo). Apex runs at 120+ on ultra. I'll try dumping some settings in pubg and see if my opinion changes.

>out for 2 years
>no threads on Yea Forums
damn... what a dead game...

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no one who plays fortnite is old enough to post here

They will be, we have COD MW2 nostalgia threads now.

Not region banning China will kill the game. The amount of hackers with Chinese names is getting out of control, played 5 games last night and 3 of them had a speed hacker or aimbot.

Based Xbro

I am 25 and play fortnite

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Make some threads then

There's nothing to discuss. It would be like making a sports thread on Yea Forums and discussing the mechanics of a sport. Multiplayer games that don't have deep balance issues shouldn't really be discussed in the same way single player games with storylines, gameplay, atmosphere should be discussed because there isn't a whole lot to talk about besides balance issues or strategy.

Reminder that Titanfall 3 died for this shit game.

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year 2025 Yea Forums top threads
>I miss fortnite bros
>respawns first game, Apex legends, is still their best
>you can only post if your old enough to remember steam

That's not just a BR but a game that merges pretty much every multiplayer genre known to man to appeal to 200 million people, BR is just a gamemode on an open-world arene co-op team-based crafting third-person cover shooter builder. Saying it's BR is as meaningless as saying Quake and UT were CTF.

Yea Forums only makes threads about meme games they don't play play

>Absolutely refuse to balance anything

Yeah nah.

there are now halodads and quakedads have become quakegrandpas

you will live to see quakeskeletons make videogames good again

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you can always just post fanart of the girl characters, that always gets long threads

>massive crashing problem
>massive cheaters problem
>lots of glitches that go unpatched

gee I wonder why people stopped playing it

>playing fps with a controller

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there's too much shit on the screen. we need more games like destiny, limited hud, straightforward. less of this autism-pandering ADD nonsense

>Apex Legends
Nah bro, Even during this mediocre season Fortnite is still crushin' it with all the content beimg pumped out.
Most of Yea Forums probably doesn't even know that Creative mode and Save The World exist.

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because it was artificially propped up

>dropping a game because you don’t like the cosmetics
>buying a cosmetic season pass

Zoomers need to be executed

No big content updates big surprise

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Apex made me buy titan fall 2 and I literally never once looked back once I realized what I was missing out on

Nothing went wrong, they probably made a decent profit.

People pissed it replaced titanfall were right all along, and the hype for the game was only a result of its shadowdrop and marketing from twitch streamers. It may be a mechanically fine game, but its designed to not stand out in any way. The safest game made in years. Class based, no skill, battle royale. Of course its forgotten and everyones moved back to the game they're actually invested in, fortnite. Both are shitty games

why the fuck would titanfall 3 happen when titanfall 2 flopped

When are you fuckers going to learn that people and playerbases can "Just play the game without autistically shilling it online". This is how fighting games and the original Titanfall playerbase survived.