Why does he always portray religion so negatively?
Why does he always portray religion so negatively?
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He's Japanese.
Imagine being a brainlet.
Because religion is brainwashing, and nothing more.
Cause he's correct
The Dark Ages. Have you read about it?
Probably because he doesn't like the idea of unchecked institutions and their power.
Since when did this site give two shits about religion?
The Dark Ages never existed. It's just an anti-Christian myth.
3 religion threads at the same time.
Who's raiding us?
Because he read beserk when he was younger. Also he isn't retarded.
It's an easy way to give characters motivation to do terrible things.
Straying from Buddha is portrayed as a bad thing in Sekiro though
That sentiment doesn't really apply to any Souls villain.
2014 when hard politicization of the internet began in earnest. The right which would later become the alt-right used religion as a tool to distance themselves further from the left.
As Yea Forums had typically been a left-leaning site, when this campaign began the counter-culture posters began ironically espousing the benefits of Christian values. As the famous quote goes, the real believers thought they were in good company.
Because he hates the fact that the Bible teaches morality and condemns sin. All the while he masturbates to lolicon and justifies it to himself saying "they're just drawn pictures of naked children, no real child is being hurt"
atheists be like,,,, my ancestor :)
he watched EVA
The tips fedora meme really started it.
It pretty much all boils down to this.
How so?
You don't need to follow the bible to have good morals, unless you are actually a bad person and force yourself to be good because you are afraid of divine punishment
But he's one of the more respectful Japanese writers in terms of depicting religion in his stories
The only reason you'd ask this question is if you haven't played them, or you just weren't paying attention to anything at all while playing. Aldrich doesn't devour men because of the Way of White. He devours men because he likes to, and he corrupted the Way of White from within. Pontiff Sulyvahn wants to put an end to the cycle of death and rebirth, so goes along with Aldrich and usurps the old gods. Not because of religion, but because he came from the painted world which had a cycle of its own. Are you truly this stupid?
>Aldrich doesn't devour men because of the Way of White. He devours men because he likes to, and he corrupted the Way of White from within
Because he started worshiping the Deep*
>but because he came from the painted world which had a cycle of its own
Because he started worshiping the Profaned Flame*
Japan would have turned out better if they had converted to Christianity.
>Because he started worshiping the Deep*
Aldrich did not find the Deep until he was resurrected to link the First Flame.
>Because he started worshiping the Profaned Flame*
...Which was spurred on by his own witnessing of the painted world.
>Because he started worshiping the Profaned Flame*
given its the old chaos that was beneath eleum loyce, it's more accurate to say the flame corrupted him like it did the old ivory king than it is to say he started a new religion
This is bullshit. You draw the conclusion that religion isn't shown in a bad light because it shows the leaders of that religion in a bad light instead of the organisation as a whole? Clearly they're one and the same. You're shown corrupt leaders and blind followers. It condemns organised religion period.
>You draw the conclusion that religion isn't shown in a bad light
No. I am punching in the dick the assertion that:
>It's an easy way to give characters motivation to do terrible things.
In regards to the Souls games.
he read too much berserk
this is probably the answer
Why does Muira hate religion so much?
Some people who think they're right wing pretend to care about religion. They're not religious.
That's different from Abrahamic religion. Buddha want you to stay calm, throw all your worldly desires, and get the fuck out from your meatsuit asap (also known as ascended)
>monk skill tree
>makes you get more items and gold as "donations"
The types of games he writes are about appealing an audience that likes random plot twists, pointless character deaths, shallow love stories and conformity. Religion falls under the conforming category.
Fedora posting, thats literally the only reason
he read too much hellraiser
Those skill is not for worldly or materialistic desires though
>the dreaded alt right
Drowned out entirely by the conformist left. Who ironically think they're counter culture and non conformist.
Because religion is fucked up, there’s a reason why they had to be rewritten countless of times
which is why the consequence of modern academic textual criticism concludes that the Bible we have today is pretty much the same texts the existed nearly 2000 years ago.
Its been rewritten so many times that it keeps saying the same thing
That's like saying science is wrong because they keep having to change what they thought was truth.
Yeah shut the fuck up retard and go rape your goats
He’s obviously right you know
culture and counter culture don't exist anymore
>the Bible teaches morality
Not really, no.
one is made from repeatable observations
the other was revealed to man through a burning bush 3000 years ago
since op was born
i for one don't care about it everyone has their own stress relief they pray to god for comfort i beat up prostitutes. apples and oranges.
He's a contrarian. Why do you think he made Patches, who is literally Judas, the best guy in the series?
You are a retard.
that's a shitpost
that's a pretty loud shitpost
he's being true to life
>one is made from repeatable observations
just like how some animals can only see in black and white, and it would be impossible to make them understand the concept of red, blue, or any other color, so too are there colors that exist but we can never ever see them with our eyes. By the same logic, there are things and beings that are out there right now, existing and even affecting us that we will never be able to observe.
kill yourself you fucking brainwashed dead kike lover stay away from japan
Japan is based because they don’t give a shit about religion.
That's it, I'm moving to Japan to preach the gospel in the name of Israel
>one is made from repeatable observations
Some religions are based on observations as well. It doesn't make them scientifically true. But for thousands of years, the idea of science didn't exist. Religion was their science.
>the other was revealed to man through a burning bush 3000 years ago
So you don't even know the facts about the religion you're mocking. While claiming facts make science more concrete. Good to know.
Yes they do. They just flipped. The "right" has become what the left was in the 1980s and 1990s. The left has become the new puritans and censors. This is actually a repeated pattern we've had for hundreds of years.
A few years ago it became cool to act like an old boomer man obsessed with traditional right wing christian values.
>Miyazaki decided he wanted to make video games after a friend of his gave him a copy of Ico. He then quit his job and joined From
Why can't Miyazaki make a better world than Team Ico?
40% of Japan considers themselves active followers of a religion. And almost the entire country considers themselves religion through tradition. Christianity is also growing there, unlike most of the world where it's shrinking.
As usual, wanna be contrarians don't even understand what they're railing against. A common sign of the virtue signaler.
There is a distinction though. "Puritans" of old simply took traditional values to extremes. The modern day progressive has no compass. They adopt virtue for virtue's sake. There is no ultimate restraint on application of virtue.
You don't see this except in the death of societies that have overturned their mores and is desperately attempting to find something to stand on.
religion dosent lead to anything good, it always ends in war. although it does help alot of people cope with death and stuff like that so its a necessary evil. im ready for the tipping reaction images
>So you don't even know the facts about the religion you're mocking. While claiming facts make science more concrete. Good to know.
Oh right, it was just a metaphor.
He's a sickdark edgelord into sickdark nasty shit. He's like his father, the Devil. Its why all his games are dark and fucked up, promoting the Luciferian agenda.
Berserk came before Hellraiser. Also hellraiser sucks, and is sickdark shit.
what? the church is always the good guy in his games, it just has corrupt and assholes among the good guys like any other realistic organization, unlike the stereotypical "god is evil" type of churches in every fucking jrpg ever
Abrahamic religion is a mess. There are so many conflicting scriptures on God that he is pretty much whoever you want him to be. You can justify great sins by saying "god is on my side" and justify small ones with "god always forgives." Monotheism was a mistake.
>some faggot electionfag tries to make another Christianity propaganda circlejerk XD REDPIILL thread
>gets dunked on by everyone
Is Yea Forums finally recovering from the cancer?
Have you not seen the gorillion "le christianity bad XDDDD" threads we've had for the past few years?
It's an easy (you) getter, especially for a board as active as Yea Forums
Also we're never recovering from cancer with shit like this around
1) crusades, inquisition, priests abusing acolytes aren't things appreciated by the lord, they are son.
2) religion & science aren't natural ennemies like the usual atheist might suggest. You can combine both (don't forget about Lemaitre & Newton, brilliant brains who came up with scientific theories we still use today)
Wrong : shintoism.
Whatever retard. I never seen japs get offended because people poked fun at their traditional god’s like mutts and sandniggers
How tf are the Way of White or Healing Church good guys?
No, Moses was many generations descendant of Abraham, who was the one God chose. I was pointing out you're ignorant of the specifics of the religion. You don't have to believe in a religion. But you still need to research it and know WHY you don't believe in it. Otherwise, the only way you would hate it is based on someone else telling you not to like it. That makes you a sheep.
This goes for religion, science or anything else. And why our society is crumbling. Even when they didn't believe in it, scientists of the past still learned about religion so they would know WHY they don't want to believe in it. Today, people like you just go "lol its all made up because my college professor told me. I don't need to know the specifics." And if you're that much of a sheep, there's also probably a lot of science you blindly ignore because you weren't told to like it by someone else. Or worse, your college professor is bias and doesn't believe in certain proven principles. And you're just blindly listening to them.
and real people, lol
actually, the more religious a society is, the more morally degenerate becomes.
But that's not them being agnostic. That's them just not caring about raging against other people. Which is the best thing about Japan. They are the last bastion of true freedom of speech in a world where everyone else is rushing to censor and virtue signal.
>That's them just not caring about raging against other people
So they don’t truly care about their god’s ?
Someone can insult whatever you believe in and you can take it in stride
Is OP the same one who made the isaac thread?
Can’t he just stick to one thread only instead of making new ones every 2 hours
>way of white
completely misguided by gwyn and allfather Lloyd, if you look at rhea and anastacia you can see valid examples of good people that don't try to fuck you at all, they are sent to their death to seek kindling when it's literally the art of throwing humanity into the flames to feed the first flame better, the nobles of astora are taught that all undead must go to lordran to ring some bells when in reality it's just another ploy to get them to maybe become more fuel for the first flame, it's 99% gwyn fucking people over not the people themselves
>healing church
just wanted to do that, heal people, but instead of researching the potential side effects of the blood they just fed it to everyone miraculosly curing them but causing the plague as well, that is literally what happened in the real world when vaccines were being invented, the fact that the leaders of the church were power hungry faggots that wanted to cure people just to pull the strings on the whole city has nothing to do with the church as a whole
If you truly believed in a divine being, you wouldn't need to protect them from the insults of others. Also, some of their religions don't actually have gods. Like Buddhism. Shinto has gods, literally millions of them. But they don't need humans to go out and jihad people to protect and venerate them. They believe that they exist regardless if humans venerate them or not. And when it comes to Christianity, it's the same thing. Christians don't go around forcing people to convert to their religion or be killed. Only Islam does that.
And before you cite the crusades, actually read up on them. All the crusades were about human greed and conquest, not venerating god.
>says I'm ignorant of the specifics of the religion
>is actually the one that's ignorant
Moses was the one who the Torah was revealed to.
>Christians don't go around forcing people to convert to their religion or be killed.
You do realize that that's what the catholic church did, crusades or no crusades, right? They stamped out "heathen" religions and its why the concept of "heresy" existed-- if you didn't believe 100% what they stated was true they'd take you in for torture (or execution if you were LUCKY)
>"religion dosent lead to anything good"
>"it does help alot of people cope with death"
>"imagine being a brainlet"
*tips fedora
>two examples from a history of two-thousand years
>uniformly condemned
Even where catholics are not want to concede wrong doing, First Crusades were a defensive war in response to literally hundreds of years of war with Muslim invaders, and lasted a couple of decades. The Inquisition was similarly a consequence of Muslim interference by a nation that had struggled to eventually reclaim much of its territory and identity from Muslim invaders.
The latter was genuinely a shit, but also overblown by Protestants picking at what few points beyond indulgences to take issue with the Catholic church.
But even attempting to compare Christian expansion with Islamic conquest illustrates am infantile understanding of both. They're not even in the same league. The overwhelming majority of Christian expansionism has come by word. The overwhelming majority of Islamic expansion has come by sword.
Which was the Pope and kings exerting their power through the excuse of religion. Despite Jesus specifically saying it was evil and God punishing people in the Old Testament for doing the same thing. It's not a tenant of the religion.
But back in the medieval period, only the aristocracy and people in the church had access to the bible. And they told the people what to believe.
The only (existing) religion which actively has in their written word to go out and kill anyone who won't convert is Islam. The Bible doesn't have that anywhere in the scripture. The closest it gets is when God tells the Israelites to kill certain groups in Canaan and take over the land for themselves. But God only told them to do that to those specific people. And never since them has there ever been anything in the Bible or Torah about killing whole groups of people, let alone converting them. In fact, Jesus went on to double down on the ten commandments, saying its wrong to kill anyone. Even murderers and people trying to kill you. Which isn't really practical in wartime. But war is something humans start, not God. Which leads back to the root of the crusades.
tl;dr Humans started the crusades specifically going against the tenants of their own religion. Nothing in the Christian faith called for them to do it.
Have you considered not being a faggot?
Too many video games
he condemns allowing the worship of other gods by force and threatens punishment on nations that allow the worship of idols (I.E. other religions) in one's nation.
Well, yes and no. Again, God called for the eradication of some groups in Canaan, who rejected Abraham's teachings. But he didn't call for war on any other groups. After the Israelites took over Canaan, all future attempts at conversion came from them sending missionaries. Which is why the Abrahamic faith spread so successfully while war based religions eventually fell. Even when Israel was a fully conquered nation, they were still successful at converting other nations to their faith. It's quite an enigma and I'm not really sure I'd say it was divine intervention. But it does prove that people are more open to conversion from peace than from war. Same way Buddhism spread in Asia.
Now, God threatening punishment on other nations coming from HIM is another story. But he didn't direct his followers to wage war on others outside of the conquest of Canaan. Which you might even chalk up to humans writing the Torah to favor their deeds. In other words, humans claiming their God told them to do something and writing it down themselves. But hey, Jews/Christians would consider that blasphemy.
Yea Forums- religion
(You) - Faggot
He portrays everything negatively
He's right
It's simple. God create Adam and Eve. Adam and Eva behave like Angels (Drones), obeying God and shit. Satan doesn't like that. Satan lure them to eat the Forbidden Fruit aka Free Will or Self-realization. God is pissed because they became independent. Satan think it's good because he's sick of God creating puppets. God put them on earth to prove that they are nothing without Him. Satan want to prove that they can improve and develop without God. A bet is made between them whether human will rise into glorious being trough their struggle or fall into ruin of their own decadent flaw until God decide to format and reinstall the universe (aka Doomsday)
>play one of his games
>watch one of his movies
Well which is it then?
Christianity is the new punk rock.
nature is different from God.
Because nips are godless MUH KAMIS, MUH YOKAI heathens.
Since r/atheism became popular
This might blow your mind, but not everyone writes their personal beliefs into their works. Sometimes they write what would work best for the characters and story. Really shocking in this age of killing stories for virtue signal points, I know. But it used to be the norm. People wouldn't write stories just to push an agenda. Rather, they'd write stories to explore a topic from both sides.
Like clockwork
Not in Shinto.
Whatever Nigger
since the /pol/tard faggots took over and acted like christian conservatism is the gold standard that everybody should strive for
k brainlet
Why do you faggots keep larping as religious fags on 4channel of all places?
Has your brain rotted to the point that you need to be contrarian in everything you do?
No one gives a shit about your beliefs, either get over it or kys.
Sekiro couldn't portray Buddhism more positively.
It's the good thing that bad people stray from when they become corrupt
I mean, the monks you fight in Sekiro are considered "corrupt" who turned away from Buddha. And Buddha is the one responsible for Unseen Aid.
imagine if he portray nu-politics
Since Jordan Memerson started talking to sub 90 IQ conservatives and incels about how sick nasty it is to be religious to stick it to the post modernists epic style.
Fucking sheep, I keep hearing this argument for 10 years now. You do realize that some animals wage war on each other, right?
Just say you want to fuck, do drugs, and that you are a lazy faggot.
>Fucking sheep
Assuming you're a Christian, Jesus himself calls you a sheep
This. The whole point is that the monks and priests stray from the path and become obsessed with immortality when death is supposed to be accepted in Buddhism.
Their god-child begins to despise them for it.
>Yea Forums
>left leaning
>not just contrarian
it would also help if you weren't a lone wolf in all of his games. technically sekiro is still religious. he still does pray to the buddha and use buddhist candy eating techniques. its just that near everyone else in the game is a bad guy and everyone else also happens to be buddhist because ancient japan.
more like the squad making doujinshi about him
all human endeavors lead to war.
>there are still, STILL people who think evolution means that gorilla's are humans ancestors
Holy shit it isn't a hard concept
OH SHIT it's time for battletoads
nice thinly veiled /pol/ thread, don't know what are the mods doing but threads like this shouldn't stay up this long. threads like this brings out all the epic /pol/ memers out of the woodwork
Isn't there a new one coming out?
Mods love anti-religion and especially anti christian shitpost threads. as soon as you start having productive discussion about religion though the mods delete it, presumably for straying off topic, even though all the shitposting is off topic too.
because religion is negative
Yeah people don't write stories to push an agenda
Women write stories to push an agenda
Yes! call gamestop and ask them for a copy
tell me how my love for cunny will lead to war
/pol/tard complaining about miyazaki hurting his feefees
somehow an anti relgion thread
It's more like that it's just an tool to easily rile people up for war
>looks at the Middle East
miyazaki did not hurt my feelings at all. he doesn't have anti-religion messages in his games.
They do, you idiot. It's just that they are called the Dark Ages because we know/knew so little about it
>hurr you're mad because miyazaki said you're religion is dumb
>but also miyazaki didn't say that and this isn't even an anti-religion thread
trying to cover all your bases there kid?
why do japanese look white
Just because having good intentions doesn't make you good.
Kind of. As you said you have the corrupted but also the twisted ones. But it's not exclusive to the religious NPCs, there are many NPC that go mad on their quest like Solaire or some of the sage-like NPCs on their quest for knowledge
I think some people are more mature now and open to more philosophical/theological discussions. You don't have to agree with another viewpoint, opinion or whatever to learn about it and talk with people who do.
They might be onto something after all.
>Just because having good intentions doesn't make you good.
Giant fucking faggot with no actual response to his post.
>2) religion & science aren't natural ennemies like the usual atheist might suggest. You can combine both (don't forget about Lemaitre & Newton, brilliant brains who came up with scientific theories we still use today)
Yeah, it's pretty common in many cultures. The church also sponsored many researchers.
Galileo was bullied because he released the sickest disstrack of human history against the pope after he asked Galileo "were is proofs?". The church was so buttblasted that even after Galileos whole thing got proven to be actually true, they were still collectively bleeding out of their asses
Or the more likely candidate is that right-wing electionfags want to spam their shit to try and "redpill' the board because MUH CULTURE WAR.
But no, I'm sure something mature, understandable, level-headed, and neutral is going on here in a thread on Yea Forums.
This. For decades, liberals were the cool counter culture. But in the last decade, they became the establishment and started censoring everyone they dislike. So all the contrarian hipsters are leaning right to get back into the counter culture. They don't actually believe in either side. They just want to look cool.
Why does he look like that nigga from Heroes?
I think it's more the easy (You)s and also the threads getting a lot of posts.
Sure, there are probably electionfags in these sometimes but so are fedoratipping fags
imagine the smell
Because hes a fat pretentious retard who made a few alright games and otherwise makes hit or miss crap?
Then the appropriate term for you would be a goat. Or chaff, whichever you prefer.
user there are no anti religion messages in his games. Sekiro is religious ffs. So is sculptor.
I wasn't aware that Rhea murdered children in her offtime while she wasn't on a pilgrimage.
There's a difference between religion and a religious cult. Anti-cult is not anti-religion. Seethe harder Catocucks.
where is that picture from? it's from an artist but i can't remember who he was
Chanology is when left leaning translucent government and anarchist niggers showed up
Revisionary bullshit, typical of the left
You want to know the hardest pill to swallow? As people drift away from religion they don't become less dogmatic, they just fill the void with something else. There will always be an in group and an out group. We will always other one another. People are tribalistic shitheads.
Yup. And Star Trek is a good example of that. I love Star Trek, but some people literally treat it as their religion. They're just replacing obsessive faith in a god with obsessive faith in a TV show. Others do it with Reality TV or games or social politics or those bastardized versions of Indian faith, etc.
mc escher
THANK YOU, have this as a reward user have a great day.