OK, so I kinda want to play Borderlands 3 because I love Borderlands 1

OK, so I kinda want to play Borderlands 3 because I love Borderlands 1.
The problem is that it's an Epic exclusive and I need to install Epic Game Launcher to play it but I heard the launcher is a spyware, is there any truth to that?

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no it's debunked shilling nonsense, it doesn't spy on you anymore than steam does. Just get the stupid game you retard

Doesn't matter, Gearbox is terrible, you shouldn't give them money even if it was on steam.

>I'm a dumb bitch who wanted to make another thread about a topic we have several threads about
suck my dick, faggot.

[Spoiler]__________________________________________Tiananmen square________________________ [/spoiler]

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Gay store wars aside, don't buy it on release. Randy Faggandy released DLC for Borderlands 2 that weren't included in the GOTY just because he's a greedy idiot, and you can bet your ass that he'll do the same with BL3.

>liking Borderlands
Yikes and cringepilled

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>is there any truth to that?
Yeah, it collects lots of Steam info.

Just wait to buy it.
If you're feeling impatient, just remember how gearbox released a fuckton of dlc outside of their season pass. That was some bullshit, still mad.


play it for free 0-3 days after release, DRM-launcher free.

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Is it okay to get 1 on PC if I got the handsome collection on Xbox one?

>I love Borderlands 1
What If I told you there is a Borderlands 2 and a Borderlands: The Presequal?

You pass randy the boof, does he accept?

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>thinking there will even be a GOTY edition

>failing to spoiler
The absolute state of phonefags and valve shills

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Yes, it spies on you. If it bothers you that much just wait for the crack and pirate it like the rest of us.

>but I heard the launcher is a spyware
Yeah, same as steam, and pretty much every application.

Is there any reason to buy the remade Borderlands 1 vs a cheaper Hansome Jack pack with both games? I’ve neber played them.

It does have a ton of spyware.
Fortunately, it's also coming out on a launcher free of that, not to mention this launcher gives developers a well deserved 0% cut.

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The handsome collection, for both 1, 2, and pre-sequal I think.

Nvm, apparently they don't include BL1.

I use bittorrent

>Can't play online
Nothing personnel kid

Its co-op, which means you'll be able to play it through Hamachi and Tunngle.
Not like i'm going to bother, co-op in Borderlands trivializes the game.

I rather not have co-op than giving money to

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You pirate to not have to play, you don't pirate to make sure the makers don't get money.

But is that one game better than the rest of them?

That's one of the cringiest cover I have ever seen, holy fuck, you have to be extra edgy to like it.

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And multiplayer free :)

See for yourself.

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>I kinda want to play Borderlands 3 because I love Borderlands 1.
That is like saying you kinda want to eat an apple because you love oranges.

qbittorent you mean, or the "official" client that has long since turned to shit?

the launcher like the competitors is a dedicated web page application browser. Of course it will long info from request on ur computer, because that is how it works.

I like the aesthetic a bit more and is easier to use

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Got bad news for you...

Post the dick one.