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can someone explain what this is without me needing to watch some gay faggot video
And im not familliar with cata onward enough to know what is the funny part from the picture
thank you
what the..
OP is a faggot
Healers and healer apologists need to be gassed.
the game is a joke and the devs are washed up incompetent clowns and people dont die by default
I dont understand. Why cant the enemy team kill him?
Healers are bad because they get focused :((((
The answer to this gigantic problem of people wanting to kill healers was to make them unkillable
didn't this guy get banned?
World of Warcraft PvP is a joke. Always kinda has been. Kinda sad how Blizzard thought making it an E-sport was a good idea because this is exactly what you get. A literal snoozefest where players just whack each other for ten minutes straight without anybody dying.
Back in MY day, Mortal Strike meant something.
this is why arenas are aids
The game has gotten worse with every single patch starting with patch 1.5
Really hate how much auto and self healing to all the classes they added, especially non-healing classes. Not sure if it was Cataclysm or Pandaria where they went full retard with that but it's been a plague ever since.
he's AFKing with 3 people focusing on killing him and he doesn't die. The game is trash and pvp is somehow fucked up worse than pve is.
die blizzard
just fucking die
stop wearing WoW's skin
stop making diablo mobage
unmake fucking overwatch
stop killing your one and only fun game
I hate you
I don't even want you to get better
we can't go back to the way things were
I just want you to fucking die
It was cataclysm and it got worse in every single expansion.
This is exactly why we need classic
That's worse than Korean MMO P2W gods. They can literally AFK for 10 seconds and not be at a disadvantage, but this takes it to a new level.
What happened to WoTLK where if you got hit by a sword a handful of times, you died? That system was perfect, why ruin it?
The longer the TTK is the easier it is to do things and feel useful, while also increasing how important equipment is.
what's healing him? azerite traits or something? seems like the lower he gets the more he heals like a berserker or something wtf
Because people complained about op paladins in paladins xpac and about pre-nerf dk
Now since arena ppv is an e-sport, because blizzard cant make a good competition without slaping e-sport to it, its a fucking boring trash at people bursting all dps cooldowns and waiting 5 min to refresh, then doing it again and again until dampening kicks in and healers heal for 5% of original value
And if you check arena videos, every arena fight instead of show of skill, is just a 10+minutes long slog with people pretending that they're fighting. They could just afk and wait for 10min mark and result would be the same
What is even going on? Are they all wotlk holy paladins trying to kill each others?
no they probably just fucked up an azerite trait, their ignorance and lack of testing has consistently been the driving force behind the pvp meta
it wasn't like this in WoTLK s5-s7 (pinnacle of arena pvp source: me)
All 3 shaman specs have an azerite trait called Pack Spirit that heals you ever second you are in Ghost Wolf (Or Ghost Raptor as he has glyphed)
He has stacked 3 of them on his Head, Shoulders, and Chest so that he heals a fuckton while doing absolutely nothing.
>seriously playing wow in 2019
I just feel bad for these people.
Blizz took assblasted clothies and healers seriously from watching swifty 1 shot compilations and decided the best way to balance pvp is to make every class passively heal 2% of their max hp each second and make actual healing classes require 4 people to dogpile them with CC to secure a kill
they never learned their lesson from the SL/SL + RDruid fuckery waaay waay back in season 2 TBC
>including season 5
>where if you got hit by a sword a handful of times, you died?
Arenas also nerfed fun in pve though. I miss my slsl buddy with my priest.
>unironically playing wow
Is this the double digit IQ life?
They should just make it FtP already and add more micros, subscriptions are down to 2mil now wont be long
Indeed fellow memer. Let's instead discuss how much better FFXIV is, including posting pictures of cats and lewd erping.
Fuck off Ivan/Pablo.
kys weeb scum
>if you don't play wow you must be a xiv fanboy
Thinking in extremes is a sign of autism
>implying this didnt exist 10 years ago
a rogue literally couldnt kill an AFK prot warrior who had damage reflecting if he wanted to
dude wotlk pvp was the peak and the best funnest pvp ever
>the truth is autistic
Projecting much?
Sorry you wasted half your life farming cheevos and mounts, sweatie
Just shut it down. End it's misery
if you played a DK
Fun fact:
There is less participation in rated arena than at any point in arena history. Never been this few players ever, period.
So good work blizz.
I don't play MMORPGs. Projecting much?
Alterac Valley when the teams would actually fight each other instead of run past each other was when WoW was the best
There was about 4k across both EU and NA last time I played and that includes russia.
Really makes you wonder how many subs WoW actually has at this point.
ah yes, the age old "season 5 was the entirety of wotlk" meme
i tried rejoining in the summer and bought bfa on release date, didn't open it, and just looked at the gameplay and went back to return it since i didn't open it.
It's in the 500k range and dropping
>FinalFags are still hoping WoW will die so they can claim that they killed it
How embarrassing
its the same in Overwatch with Mercy healing
The low skill people who play "healers" in blizzard games hate dying, so blizzard makes them broken and unkillable.
WoW is already dead...
wow died with arthas and was resurrected briefly with pandas but died in soo
Must be way lower than 500k if you only 4k people were brave enough to play arenas.
It was people who had 1000k rating or more if I remember correctly and that's like 11 wins.
I'm guessing WoW has like 100k subs at most and 90% of those people just farm pets/mounts.
FF trannies don't have to do anything, WoW is already dead.
If that's anywhere near the truth will Shadowbringers be the first game to dethrone WoW from the most popular MMO spot? Would be quite an historic event.
>Steam numbers
>Not even a fraction of the players use Steam.
You can't be this retarded.
Probably more active accounts than wow at this point.
>slsl buddy
Hopefully he killed himself.
>14 MILLION characters
>Literally only 12K playing RIGHT NOW
Holy shit it died harder than I thought LMAO
>Source: My ass
Asmongold, an autistic fucking goblin of a human being whose only purpose on this earth was to eat, breathe, and shit wow, has stopped playing the game. That alone should be enough to indicate its state.
Daily reminder that the people defending this are the ones that screech that vanilla PVP was awful.
Has he come out of the closet yet?
no he didint stop playing
he fuckin got boosted to gladiator again look his aromry up he just took a break from streaming
Helaers will always be broken til the end of time, because they're the go to choice for gamer girls and other low skill and effort casuals who will complain the most (and who's complaints matter the most to soi devs). It's entirely political and has very little to do with design skill, or even money. Have you noticed how this issue is never a thing in foreign MMOs? All MMOs have broken shit, but WoW/Blizzard game's eternal struggle with healers is unique to them being the biggest in the Western world.
vanilla PvP was all about who can CC the most so, not great
As opposed to it now being whoever gets bored and gives up first?
nice false dichotomy retard
pvp in any mmo is a joke
More than that but may be true quite soon.
Last census has less than 1m across NA/EU, and census tracks CHARACTERS, not players. So it's going to be less than what census says, with the caveat that some servers don't display entirely accurate data (or data at all) due to addon inactivity/lack of reporting.
The pvp participation isn't a perfect metric either but is a good way to identify trends (similar to census) and that trends is, you guessed it: down fast.
Legion was celebrated as a great xpac but had very similar subs after the initial 30 days as far as that matters. I think the early good reviews and hype created a false impression.
neither bfa nor legion had a big of a spike was WoD experienced but it's still very severe since the number of people giving a fuck has dwindled.
As far as vs shadowbringers, it should be noted that other mmos have had more players already and no one talks about it, and that subs are NOT how blizz makes money now anyhow. It's merely part of the time-gating and to keep people around, but the real cash is from value added services (pets, cosmetics, mounts, and especially xfers, racechanges, etc). In that regard WoW is stil a special exception in that its sub based WITH a cash shop. Very rare that games get away with that garbage.
Anyhow, the point stands but it's an obvious one: Subs are in the absolute toilet. PVP participation is dead as fuck (also dogshit horrible when you thought it couldn't get worse), and its entirely due to them killing their own game.
We could argue about why forever and ever so oh well. It's very unfortunate.
Just anecdotally, even reddit and mmochampion hate the current game and those are the last defenders who want to pay for shit and eat it up. I don't include bnet forums as they are a containment zone and unironically blizzard doesn't use it for constructive feedback.
Man, at least druids used to actually cast hots then go back into bear form to be indestructible.
>AAA company so incredibly creatively bankrupt that their only successful game since 2004 will be... the re-release of the exact same game
funny how in 15 years they never managed to realize and learn from their mistakes, just progressively over the years fucking up more and more in ways you couldn't imagine until after the fact. i don't see how anyone can trust these people to not run classic into the ground. wouldn't be surprised if people get muted for typing anal [Backstab] in general/trade or suspended for harassment after ganking people 10 times in a row. i would actually be surprised if that didn't happen.
Yes, [twitch emote]
>healers literally so busted they can't be killed
>by extension, killing their partner is impossible
That hunter is literally flailing about angrily.
Though I'm going to attribute that to Nu-Survival being trash.
High TTK combined with strong healing is always a bad idea.
NO ONE finds it funny to PvP when no one even dies, even in battlegrounds no one dies because of the high TTK and how strong healing is.
yes it's the first instance of an unbalanced trait in the game, ever! plus that team completely wasted maledict
Reminder that even classic won't have this
only retards bought it on steam
Probably more than WoW still.
>people pvping in the thousands
>hard to find groups for mythic plus at this point
Either there's millions of players out collecting transmog, pets and mounts or it's just fucking dead like Overwatch where you have to play against the same people over and over because it can't find new ones.
>everyone shits on SAO because it's nothing like a real mmo (and because its shit)
>see this thread
How do you think it feels knowing wow is copying an anime that was supposed to be nothing like actual mmos
>Probably more than WoW still.
I know, that's why I posted it. That autistic jap does his own accurate census through lodestone quite often, which counts both launcher players and steam players unlike what that aspie posted.
I bought it on steam because I could pay the sub selling hats
>wow is copying an anime
Started long ago.
Also, what bothers me more, that nuWoW literally poisoned the genre, because if you try to find an other MMO you wll face with nuWoW clones.
Classic canot come soon enough
>he thinks classic will change anything other than the set of problems the game has
enjoy hitting training dummies for 6 hours when you wanna swap weapons
>Classic canot come soon enough
WoW has never been good and "classic" was the downfall of the MMO genre.
>>he thinks classic will change anything
It will be first actual MMO for the last decade.
Classic WoW is still made by nu-blizzard and you're not 12 anymore so it won't be exciting with all the information around.
I can’t wait until people who scoff at this shit experience Classic. The forums are gonna be an absolute shitflinging salted battleground.
>WoW has never been good and "classic" was the downfall of the MMO genre
Still better than nuWoW, ESO or FF
Also, wrong, Classic was pretty good
The only reason people think classic is good was because it was the first video game that acted as a social platform and nostalgia. It has nothing in it that was legitimately better than live except maybe MAYBE some classes' talent trees. There are better games and better social platforms out there now, classic brings nothing to the table
I don't even understand the point of the game anymore.
>every server will have a discord etc
Gonna be super bad, it's just another way to milk sub money while they fix retail wow.
why the fuck would anyone play FFXIV through steam
the only reason i play it on steam is so it shows hours played on my account. other than that it doesn't make a difference
You mean that mouthbreathing retard with no personality who only plays games to make money from losers who watch other people play games more than playing themselves?
>Also, wrong, Classic was pretty good
If you was a little kid, maybe. Most people have grown up now tho.
>Classic WoW is still made by nu-blizzard
And..? They allready proved t be more careful than other BlizzTeams
>and you're not 12 anymore
Not an argument
>There are better games and better social platforms out there now
Such as..?
Classic will be "dead" because people literally cannot socialize online anymore.
Every has this retarded faux sarcasm tone where they cant actually enjoy anything.
PUGs will be silent as shit and general chat will be shitty dank memes
>But barrens chat
Barrens chat was a shitshow because people would discuss fucking dogs and the most weird inane shit 24/7 because the people who were online over a decade ago were all weirdos instead of nothing but normalfags and 40 year old moms.
>Retard proof your specs and give players the absolute bear minimum of choices for character building
>These choices are still broken because you can't even balance that
>won't be exciting with all the information around.
Stop parroting this bullshit. It was still great fun in Nostalrius and all the other private servers. I just want to play a good MMO again without having it get deleted one year later.
>shifting the blame of WoW dying due to Blizzard's incompetence onto other unrelated MMO's
might as well blame fucking Maplestory for WoW's untimely demise.
>PUGs will be silent as shit and general chat will be shitty dank memes
Good luck finishing DM without communication
>needs me to spoonfeed him a list of literally every multiplayer game and social platform released in the last decade
mario party fucking netplay is better at both than classic will be
It won't be a social platform with discord around, retard.
Classic was good because you didn't have the information and tools you have today and it being based of 7.3 retail client means you can use a lot of addons that ruin the game.
>I just want to play a good MMO again
>mario party fucking netplay
I was asking about games.
I never played that gay shit so I have no frame of reference, do tell faggo
>mario party isnt a game
>retail sucks because of blizzard
>blizzard releases classic
>omg its gonna be so sick bros!!
>Classic was good because you didn't have the information and tools you have today
You dont need communications when everyone will have DBM and a million other quality of life addons to make even shit like tribute runs a joke.
brainlets not realizing the other team is doing shit damage, and shamans heal more passivly while in ghost wolf/raptor form
How exactly these addons supposed to help dealing with large stacks, considering both, tank and healer wouldn't have heirlooms?
I've played every version of wow except WoD and MoP
He plays it offstream retard. He just took a break from streaming
Nigger I raided BWL back then.
Like 15 of the 40 man group had literally any idea what they were doing.
Which in all fairness barring the first two fights and the final the raid was braindead as shit.
We had people going full retard with stats and enchantments and doing incorrect shit because no one had mandatory addons back then.
You had someone with damage meters MAYBE one out of every 5 UBURS.
>lying on the internet
>classic was hard because you didnt have heirlooms
are you fucking retarded
>I raided BWL back then.
>Actually following e-celebs and their life
>On top of it the biggest normalfag there is.
>bro classic leveling will be so fun not like that shit we have now!
>auto attacks a single raptor in the barrens for 45 minutes because you only have one move and do no damage
>doesnt drop its head
>common knowledge is """following ecelebs"""
nice damage control
>>classic was hard
[citation fucking needed]
Also, sort of yes, without heirlooms people usually walked into DM pretty uundergeared, that's they have to communicate because even thrash mobs were pretty strong
>common knowledge is knowing what e-celebs do in their free time.
yikes. Imagine thinking like this
Yeah, this is why vanilla PvP is something to look forward to. What a fucking joke pvp is in retail.
>>auto attacks a single raptor in the barrens for 45 minutes because you only have one move and do no damage
So better than retail.
Also, what class have one move after levell 10?
>imagine thinking the truth
What the fuck does tanks and healers need to communicate?
Warriors and healers had fuck all CD's to manage back then. Mana levels which people have retarded addons to auto communicate now?
The only thing you need to manage is what to sheep/sap/trap and threat.
>getting mad that people know what ecelebs do in their free time because they arent a neck beard and browse twitter
Please user, you making me hurt from laughing
I fail to understand how people find classic levelling fun, it's either that or cast a few spells hoping to not die in the process and then sit for 20 seconds after every single mob you kill
It's a rated "arena" which is like the big boy pvp area and even these players can't take down an AFK healer because the game is broken trash.
>common knowledge
what the fuck are you on about? I'm not even the dude you're lisping at but no one except deep blue buttlords even know who these e-celebs are.
I'd never even know who assmongold was until some other anime avatar's discord tranny posted about him in some WoW thread. No one cares about these people and anyone that does can be safely disregarded and ignored.
>wow ever being hard
The amount of MMO plebs who never touched a real mmo is cringe
I cannot believe people still play WOW in 2019. It's literally the same shit since 2007-8
b-but muh spell ranks!
doesnt take 45 mins to kill one thing user. That is far from the truth. also you have more than one spell to use.
>I fail to understand how people find classic levelling fun,
Simply, you can die
>when he actually stands up and leaves
Because they were like 12-15 when they did it.
As opposed to playing what?
the game is 15 years old
Actual video games?
Most people were even younger than that. WoW was the ultimate zoomer game when it came out.
I really like this picture.
>its another Yea Forums knows nothing of the game of the thread despite it being 15 years old
figures, glad I'm avoiding all you shitters on classic. That or you all will stop at level 20
WoW isn't a video game?
you're right, forgot it was only s6 s7 that were good
>enemies are actually threatening and can kill you, especially if you engage multiple
>food and water are necessary
>group quests actually exist and are not uncommon
>strong sense of progression, gaining new abilities and talent points regularly
>items actually make a difference, making finding gear and quest rewards exciting
gee I wonder why it's better than retail leveling
>enemies are threatening and can kill you
yeah man haha i love spending 2 hours on a single quest because i have to pull one raptor at a time with a sub 5% drop rate on quest items that i need 12 of haha based
>yeah man haha i love spending 2 hours on a single quest
Imagine being such a shitter
I still wondering who is seething more with Classic release, retailcucks, or FF-trannies
is hyperbole all you can offer?
I wouldn't really call wearing the biggest boots being skill.
>biggest boots
>I still wondering who is seething more with Classic release, retailcucks, or FF-trannies
Despite what it may seem like, the percentage of bfa players who give a shit is likely pretty small. And half of those want to try out classic anyhow.
However, FF trannies will never stop seething and the clue is in their name: if you've ever experienced the pure unfiltered seethe from an anime girl avatar discord FF tranny than you know what I'm talking about. They only view the world in two colors: other anime girl avatars who will jo in discord with them and other mean bullies who wont.
>he focuses on doing one quest at a time
look at this retard and laugh
Does Shadowbringers come out before classic?
And will Blizzard share WoW numbers when subs fall down to 100k?
both very important questions
best gear.
is it really that hard to understand?
Yes, the combat was much more simplistic. However it was so much more of a time sink to level than current, and harder to do. You had much more success teaming up with people for such and such quest, and the folks you just picked up for this quest might wanna stick around for the next, and the next, and suddenly you're making friends.
That's right, it wasn't the combat or the mechanics that were amazing in WoW, it was the MULTIPLAYER experience compounded with the world Blizzard built. The vast majority of people who look fondly back at vanilla wow remember the interactions with people; people who together ran across this huge map doing things, whether it was questing, or farming rep, getting ganked and calling on your guildies or local chat for help, or smashing heads in PvP so hard you became server reknown for it.
It really shouldn't be so difficult to understand this, but there's a lot of people on here who are socially inept and thinks a multiplayer game needs a super good single-player driven experience to be worth playing. Guess what, when they tried that, WoW went to shit.
Nobody is seething but Classicfags. They know their servers are gonna crash and burn a month after they release so they project their anger to cope.
>best gear.
>durring the leveling
>in Classic
top kek
>And will Blizzard share WoW numbers when subs fall down to 100k?
They haven't disclosed subs since the last third of WoD. Why would they change that now?
Note: announcing box sales is not the same as reporting subs.
They make more off of non-sub purchases but that's an entirely separate issue.
>They know their servers are gonna crash and burn
Yeah just like all private servers.
Do people seriously believe this game ever involved skill? It's a fucking MMO.
why not? I like steam
>That's right, it wasn't the combat or the mechanics that were amazing in WoW, it was the MULTIPLAYER experience compounded with the world Blizzard built.
>It’s fun with friends!
Might as well go to the local pub, you’ll have a better and more rewarding social experience than playing that shitpile of a game.
You mean the private server that barely had thousand of players playing and most of them were chinks and Russians?
>That text all boils down to it being fun with friends
ANYTHING is fun with friends.
I regretted it buying it on steam until i realized this.
I mean there isnt a lot of pservers who died out because "none actually likes vanilla wow"
>it's real
The absolute state..
>reading comprehension
>there are actual people who go around defending wow
nothin personell kid.
at least its not ff14 lmao
also kys tumblr tranny
I miss when WoW threads were banned on Yea Forums.
>Any reference to "Active" characters, refers to characters that have claimed the "Dress-up Raubahn" mount from the 4.1 story
Wait, so literally anyone that got a story achievement from over a year ago is counted as an active sub by that census? What kind of sense does that make? It's literally a number that can only go up and doesn't reflect anything.
all the census data posted is either used by retards or faggots desperate for attention.
>that one time hotted drove Swifty'd dads ATV and wiped out
yeah they recognized that making sub numbers available was very bad from a company perspective, no way in hell they'll start releasing them even if subs magically went back to 5 millions or something (maybe 10 million but never ever so a moot point)
They really should merge servers too but no way in hell they actually will because that would be admitting subs have plummeted.
they're an endangered species anymore.
BFA has managed to piss people off more than Warlords, which is a massive feat
>the game will be good because it will be tedious
go back to your general sthenoposter!
Do FF live rent free in WoWfag heads?
as opposed to defending tranny simulator?
don't you have some gender locked classes to cry about? lmao
you will never be a girl
>its good because it's like a job
remove healers and the game would be playable
late wotlk seasons were the most balance and fun seasons ever. you had shadowmourne niggas raping people, wizard cleaves raping people, wheelchair cleave memeing on people, shadowcleave, beast cleave. there were so many viable comps you could do.
it was the only time wow pvp was truly balanced
Wrath PVP was "instant cast garbage and procs: the video game" you delusional fuckboy. PVP has gotten progressively worse with every expansion.
Mate I don't think anyone here will defend retail (except dungeons and raids)
Not him but most players I've talked to don't use the steam version cause it becomes more of a pain to manage your account cause you gotta go through both steam AND mog station so most just choose to go straight through mog station.
The steam player numbers are legit just a fraction of the player base
Not him but you're right.
However on the other hand, wrath pvp was at least fun which doesn't exist currently.
I'd say MoP arena was the last time i enjoyed it but i don't mean to imply MoP was the peak of arena by any stretch.
The only time wow pvp was balanced was early vanilla with mc gear
>game is good because you can stop playing it sooner
fuck off zoomer
Most census uses the current patch, so the one that retard posted isn't even all that valid. Plus most people will agree that the census is still a shitty unreliable way to gauge how many active players there are.
I remember arena in WOTLK. You could focus and nuke a healer easily.
I miss Guild Wars 1 bros...
I've been saying this for years but PvP got absolutely destroyed in Cataclysm when blizzard decided to make healers unkillable gods and PvP has never recovered since then.
PvP is just a dead meme and the people who try to take it seriously and brag about getting glad at any point since then just make me laugh.
It's just all so retarded, healers should not be this strong they have literally ruined everything. Even battlegrounds are ruined because of how strong they are and the winning team 90% of the time is just whatever side lucked out and got queued with more healers. It's also a double whammy because not only are healers retard strong but mortal strike effects are so pathetic they might as well not exist.
All healing should be reduced by 50% minimum in PvP combat just to make it even remotely better.
Classic is even more like a job.
People don't play it anymore because they don't want to. It's still live and got a great update some months back by the tiny team still maintening it
Why did they have to mess up GW2?
It's the only mmo that ever had good pvp and also fun.
Some nice looking feet for a man, actually.
Man I remember GW2. The entire guild stopped playing after 3-4 months.
>autist doesn't understand hyperbole
Healers have been literally doing this shit in every fucking game since EQ1. Incompetent fucks playing a game to feel wanted.
Tell me about the appeal of vanilla wow because i haven't played vanilla or modern wow
hey thanks for posting my wife
das rite
She's CUTE.
Haha this reminds me of that sao scene where 10 people tries to kill Kirito but he just outheal their damage
It’s an old game so you can brag about playing it on forums and imageboards. That’s pretty much the only appeal if you’re not a nostalgiafag.
>UDK can't outdamage 3xwolf pack + talent
DK made this clip to shift attention, I counted 3 necros+1 maledict, they should kill themselves
gw1 still has servers
you people never played it because if you did you would know this
Internet was new in 2005 and meeting people online was exciting.
>trying to defend healers post Wotlk
You can complain about the dps being mediocre all you want but that does not excuse how bullshit healers are.
People talk to you, form friendships and groups, and work together for a common goal while observing social norms and such.
Unlike Modern WoW where no one talks and everyone is playing a single player game where if everyone else was a bot no one would notice. Vanilla feels like a living world with real people.
people don't play anymore because eotn is shit
People did in 2004
Classic will just be the same discord circlejerks as modern wow.
Goldshire is a well known meme in WoW, your general on /vg/ has been plagued with literal trannies for the better half of a fucking decade. Half the posts there right now are dedicated to horse cock futa. You lost.
>post Wotlk
sorry you missed bc druids
Also imagine defending a DK, the only class with healing absorb, that can't kill afk shaman
Babbys first mmo
Healers shouldn't be able to heal themselves or other healers. Simple as
You have 10 seconds to tell me which class is the best for griefing gold farming chinks, and how that class can do it effectively.
Idk, I've found people who think like me on private servers. I'm hoping I can find that in classic.
Wait, wasnt everyone complaining shamans sucked
it wouldn't be the same
be careful fucking with chinks before they curse you for life
cant FUCKING WAIT for classic pvp
It has a fail state.
not really. BfA is that bad
you fail to level because the game is braindead and you quit?
It's about as bad as Legion. But people speak fondly of legion.
It's all the bad parts of legion with none of the good things.Also, Legion was also overall bad too.
>training dummies in classic
The good parts of Legion didn't come until later patches.
launch legion did many things right. but obviously they also had to shit their diaper with the legendaries and ap grind.
haha yea getting 1-shot by players more geared than you sure is fun and enjoyable!
wow is already dead and has been for years, legion was its dying breath
ffxiv is a shit game but i honestly can't believe that anyone who has played both games in earnest would say that it's worse than current wow
bfa is literal korean chinkshit tier quality
shut up you pussy it supposed to be an rpg, better gear means better player, if you want communism you can play bfa as shown in the op
git gud
if wow was as bad as ff14 people wouldve quit it a decade ago.
Reminder that Legion alone sold more than twice the copies of ARR, HW and SB combined.
he got the pvp talent that heals him for 3 percent passively doesnt he
Wouldn't have known from all the /.v/ threads shitting on it.
wow has been as bad as ffxiv since cata
mop and legion were almost decent but put in a lot of the systems that made the current game as trash as it is
the whole genre has gone to shit and classic is probably too little too late to save it
>Kim kardassians are super popular that means it's the superior entertainment!
How does it feel like being a normalfag?
>retailfags want the game to be so simple and boring they can afk while pulling the entire dungeon.
>if you want communism you can play bfa as shown in the op
lmao have you played bfa? the reason that vid happened is due to him farming an OP gear, just like vanilla
funny because skill doesn't matter in vanilla, only class and gear does.
haven't you pretty much been able to do that outside of mythics for years now?
Pretty sure people don’t mind the game being hard, they just mind it being garbage.
RS is a good game but it doesn't let me play as a slutty elf
That's basically Classic tho, just make a 1 button macro and afk in raids.
how is 3 pack spirit 400 azerite op you mongo? 29 pieces with pack spirit exist
Yea Forums also thinks that mop was bad even though its the best part of wow.
It's just Americans seething against anything close to Chinese stuff.
running heroics in wotlk as a prot pally with 4 dps was pretty fun desu
Yeah. Anything below mythic 10 or heroic raid (current tier only, no prior tiers) is essentially the same as running around Goldshire naked. Mythic raid and Mythic dungeon +11 and up are actually difficult enough to warrant some effort, but anything below is a fucking joke.
mop was arguably the last decent expansion, but it still pushed the game further down the misguided path it's been on since cataclysm
>skill doesn't matter in vanilla
lawl what an absolute shitter
>Guardian Druids had the perfect kit last expansion
>Now they're worse tanks than Holy Priests
It isn't fair
>playing wow
>looking forward to classic
>giving blizzard money
>posting wow threads
>replying to wow threads
>defending wow (for free)
Seriously hope none of you do this unironically
>ffxiv is a shit game but i honestly can't believe that anyone who has played both games in earnest would say that it's worse than current wow
I don't play either anymore but WoW doesn't have nearly as many trannies/weebs as XIV, which is all the more mindblowing when you consider the differences in player size. It still sucks for its own reasons, but there is a higher chance I could find some group of people I could tolerate playing with if I had a gun to my head.
Vanilla is one of the most casual and skillless games there is.
That's because zoomers play WoW, and they hate anime.
The WoW/XIV trade-off is trannies or furries, pick your poison.
As far as weebs go, see image.
and still you're absolute trash at it
I'm looking forward to the DSP-tier reactions I'm going to see all over the internet when people pull too many mobs, don't CC properly, and eat shit because of it
It sucks that if I want to play WoW classic, the money is going to the people who ruined WoW to this degree in the first place.
The trannies are a good source of entertainment when you watch from the sidelines as their mental illness blows up everything around them.
>ESO was free to play last week
>tried it out
>every duel was like this
in combat healing was a mistake in every video game ever
>zoomers play WoW
I have literally not encountered a single WoWfag not at least in college since I quit in Legion. The ex-guildes that still play I keep in touch with to haven't met any since then either as far as I know.
Zoomers are all playing the fotm Battle royale or crafting/survival game. Zoomers that play MMOs are unicorns.
This is true, but the alternative is playing on private servers with the entirety of the people's republic of china and where the server owners are blatantly engaging in RMT
MMO pvp is hot garbage.
>The trannies are a good source of entertainment when you watch from the sidelines as their mental illness blows up everything around them.
I can do that on twitch or Yea Forums without paying Square 15 dollars a month.
That's because kids don't go out and say they're 10years old on the Internet, just like how you didn't do that when you played vanilla as a kid.
nah, you had to surgically think about every pull
ffxiv jumped the shark with heavensward
it was fun before that
Reminder to patrol every high level obscure cave and farm spot to kill Peco.
Arena was a mistake.
Prove me wrong.
people taking minigame called pvp seriously was a mistake
Arena was more skill intensive than BGs and therefore based
PvP(not arena) is the only thing that made WoW fun. When they started to balance all PvP around Arena it's when WoW died.
OS Runescape*
RS3 only makes up like 1/5 of the total playerbase for both, which is sad because I actually liked the gods and shit from RS3, but the grinding combined with all the shit aimed at whale milking just doesn't make it seem worth it.
>uhhh i want to kill all of them with no effort because i'm the hero of the story pls cater to me blizz pls i don't have time for this
Not same guy but you are wrong kids of today grew up playing angry birds, minecraft and now just follow fotm streamer shit.
I forgot what a game for ants WoW is. It's just tiny models zoomed out and you just play with the aid of UI mods.
I quit the game before WotLK because of resilience
Try 0. Even high end raiding lol dps paladins basically auto attack shit and hope for multihits.
Far more challenging and complex than current WoW, extremely well designed in most regards, smooth enough to be casual-friendly but deep enough to burn your life into. A shitfuckton of stuff to do. Wanted to be a raider? Sure. Wanted to grind materials and control markets? Go ahead. Wanted to supply people with materials and operate a fucking taxi service for money? Integral part of the economy. Wanted to PvP or gank noobs? A billion different ways to do it. More than anything the entire game held massive amounts of potential, like you were genuinely stepping into something huge that would carry you to shit you'd never even imagined. And it did, but where we are now is definitely not where most WoW players wanted to be back then.
oh shut you retarded nigger you actually think that tbc and wotlk didnt cause the most harm to the game
>did arena with resto druid/rogue comp in WotLK
>same sort of bullshit but less extreme
If only I could have been able to listen to the crying and see the tears
Look, forcing young fags to communicate in order to run dungeons and such will not make them communicate and have fun they'll just quit immediately.
Maybe it's for the better, fact is classic will not be popular, maybe that's for the better too. Maybe blizzard will not sustain an unpopular product.
>fact is classic will not be popular,
>Anything like Nostalrious
One word, sharding.
You're right, it will be better because almost no chinks.
>his neck piece is 47
Nah this guy still plays daily. Hardcore at that.
My neck is only 46 and I play a lot still
I mean yeah. Just saying they don't 100% bother me because they're going to kill/remove themselves eventually.
at that point just play ffxiv
Damn that's like 200 players INSANE!
I want to get better perspective on this.
Keep hearing from people that private server boss values are incorrect, bugged,0 armor, you get the point.
Give me more examples of this. Its easy to talk trash but there has to be informed discussion. In addition Im curious to see how a guild like method would compete in the race to clear the content vs private server poopsockers.
If people could give you detailed examples, they wouldn't need to guess. The developers themselves admit they just guess most values. The way weapon skill works is one example.
Who cares about racing to first? MMOs are about fun
No one is likely able to provide with concrete proof, you'll just have to listen to the folks who actually create, and run pservers. They themselves mention that they have to guess on a lot of values and behaviors for mobs/bosses.
pservers cant be accurate because the server makers never had the full scripts, just the clientside.
only a few mmos truly leaked their serverside, like ragnarok.
and method is a well oiled machine some pserver chinese and spics wont stand a chance.
We could compare dps from old screenshots and videos to private server shit, they do on ragnaros what people did on patchwerk, but private server people put the difference on the difference in skill and knowledge.
I kinda feel like playing Wow again, Any classic servers still good?
I was looking at Elysium and Kronos.
blizz agrees, so no one can prove you wrong
No one can compete with method since they are streamers. During BoD progression Sco said "looks like we need more gear boys" and retards swept boes off the ah to gift them to method players on stream.
Bless those retards, that's 2 years of game time for me.
Can't speak on Kronos, but Elysium is dogshit filled with chinks and RMT
>Most regions have to start DAYS after some
>They still call it a race
I will never understand this.
eu always wins despite being last.
chinks start on thursday
Kronos is great and has no chinks.
Whats the diff between kronos 1 and kronos 3
the chinese dont matter I remember them having like two resets a week
you people spew this so much even Ion had to say it's no longer a thing
If Ion said so it must be true!
>how a guild like method would compete in the race to clear the content vs private server poopsockers.
I can answer this for you. Method wins.
Pserver tryhard guilds are already at several disadvantages - yes they've been playing for years but Method has their own server already up and running so that negates a big chunk. Method has sponsores, pserver neets do not. Method has consolidated players in one region, pserver neets do not (separating na/eu kills most poopsocker pserver guilds instantly), and the big one: pserver top level stuff is quite incestuous - the same people are on every server and there's a ton of corruption. Admins look the other way because they're part of the ones doing the cheating. They won't have that luxury in classic.
Overall, the most important thing to note is that regional servers is what kills the pserver neet guilds. You can analyze it from there.
Also obviously world first in classic means jack fucking shit but i'm leaving that out.
Show me literally any other mmorpg with that many people in a single screenshot.
It's not even just bosses. Chinkdale the fucking level 11 kobolds were resisting like 1/3 of my spells. All kinds of shit is fucked on pservers. The amount of effort and critical thinking blizzard is putting into classic should be proof enough that tons of stuff is bugged and it was just a competition of which pserver could make up a better copy of what feels right.
Any single MMO that has an event. Have you actually never played anything but WoW?
Kronos is your best option but it's also in full raidlogging mode.
Northdale is corrupt and full of chinese.
Elysum is corrupt and full of russians.
I can't stress this strongly enough, user. Do not waste time right now on a vanilla private server. Wait for classic.
If you absolutely fucking need to try out classes or see animations or whatever the stupid fuck, there are instant 60 servers. Retrowow is one but im sure there are better ones that are less about getting cash from you, and kronos ptr is free and you can generate items/levels/whatever to test shit out.
Again, it's not only stupid because you'll just migrate to classic anyhow, but even if you think you hate nu-blizz or can't afford the sub, rest assured vanilla pservers will be dead as fuck this summer due to the classic launch and the only ones left playing will be russians and chinese. If that's something you're into, then good luck.
thanks for reminding me of that
>no picture