Anyone else wish that this becomes a real game?

Anyone else wish that this becomes a real game?

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I just really want to fuck Pearl

Gremlin chaser.

Why? That looks like shitty idle game.

Poor child.

You know they can put more stuff in it, right?

Name one good phone exclusive that is not shitty idler. Another Eden does not count.

Who said it had to be for the phone?

Why did the porn guy make this?

Having bumped into this thread, I did not expect I would need to maturbate. But here we are.

>DoAX with Inklings and Octolings

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>girl cephalopods in various bikini styles
>boy cephalopods in speedos
>even on vacation still competing in minigames and events with their youthful energy

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I wish squids were real..

Wasn't there supposed to be a an anime?

Marie > Pearl > Callie > Shit >>> Marina

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Based but I don't think Marina is that bad.

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Why do people despise Marina so much?

I dont. I think her and pearl are equally good. I prefer Callie and Marie but Pearl and Marina arent bad.

Callie > don't care

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People have different opinions
Though she's probably my least favorite as well. Not for any particular reason.

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did Mike Inel release the goodies?

>dance nights on the beach with the Squid Sisters and Off The Hook alternating music
>relaxing with your favorite squid/octopus on the roof of your boat out in the bay watching the stars

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Sky Force

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Is this the Splatoon thread?
What the fuck has been going on with /ink/ these past few days

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Never been there, have they all gone insane?

Marina > Marie = Callie > Shit >>> Pearl

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It was mostly fine up until April Fools and now there's more shitposting than ever, it's like we're getting raided or some shit

Why isn't there a mobile splatoon game? I thought it was popular in nipland


I think trying to make a mobile version would be too difficult unless they really gutted it.

>why, yes, i DO main the dynamo roller; why do you ask?

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It is a real game
Mike posted it somewhere
Good luck finding it tho :^)

Who is this and why are they so cute
It's literally on his Patreon

One of the band members
Because everyone is cute in Splatoon

Why can't we get outfits like this in the actual games.

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MArie is so hot

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Mods are fucking retarded, that's what's happening

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cute couple

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I figured it was fake, but it was really impressively well done. The games look fluid enough to be real, the modelling is on point, the characters look great, it's fascinating.

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