Stop shilling for Valve. They have done nothing for you since 2011

Stop shilling for Valve. They have done nothing for you since 2011.

>No new games.
>Hardly any updates to the actual Steam app (besides tweaking the friends list ui like a year ago)
>Little to no communication with the public
>releasing fucking ARTIFACT
and they do 70/30 split for game devs.

Why is it again you want Epic to fail?

Attached: mcvicker.jpg (900x1200, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>if you're not X then you must be Y
I hate Valve and Epic. Suck my ass.

>Why is it again you want Epic to fail?
Because they are also a fucking terrible company.
We've gotten to the point where we're defending the has been devs who brought us Gears of War and are only relevant because their game that otherwise would have been dead on release stole its BR mode.

based centrist

Based and false dichotomy-pilled

>They have done nothing for you since 2011.
They sell games, that's all I need them to do. I don't need steam to get a facelift every year so zoomers can say 'wow this UI is ugly, I want the old UI which I also thought was ugly', I don't care about devs begging for a better split and I don't need them to get on twitter and act like they're my friend like every single soulless company these days.

Besides valve has changed more about steam than origin, uplay and EGS have changed combined.

dios mio

I don't want Epic to fail, I want them to compete fairly and not use underhanded tactics like bribing third party developers for exclusivity, especially not mere weeks before release

Criticizing Epic is not defending Valve. This has nothing to do with Steam. Do not bump shill threads.

>They have done nothing for you since 2011.
Thousands of games supported on the operating system of my choice.
Thousands more work thanks to work Valve has funded.
No more having to put up with Microsoft's malware.
All this accomplished since 2012.

>all the epic threads are finally getting 404'd
thanks mods

is this that Valve news guy? post his gf in bikini. she hot


>Why is it again you want Epic to fail?
I like video games.

Attached: 1558913947124.jpg (817x545, 188K)

Stop shilling for epic . They have done nothing for you since ever

>No new games.
>Hardly any updates to the actual epic app
>Little to no communication with the public
>releasing fucking FORTNITE

Attached: electra.png (417x719, 736K)

classic vid

hot body tho

stop shilling for epic

she looks extremely dumb and hot
probably the best kind of women you can have if you are at least semi inteligent, so you can easily intimidate and belittle her, which will lead to insecurity and you having the upper hand in the relationship
this ugly nigga won

and im sitting here, hopeless, fapping to jav all day
fuck this

Attached: 1552936545769.png (480x480, 220K)

Fortnite alone is enough for me to hate them, fortnite ruined shooters completely. God knows when we'll get another shooter that's not a BR and not filled with microtransactions.

valve are fucking cucks fuck gabe for bending over to campo santo sjws

>buy cheap games from gog
>realize I can't use the steam workshop now
>buy cheap games from indie
>realize I can't use the steam workshop now
>buy cheap games from humble
>realize I can't use the steam workshop now
>forced to buy game from Origin
>realize it will have no mods since not on steam
>forced to buy game on Epic
>realize it will have no mods since not on steam
Nigger mods MAKE PC gaming. Every famous valve game today is based off a mod.

Ok, stop shilling for Epic then

Attached: 1542910996239.png (746x512, 105K)

>no new games
>releasing fucking ARTIFACT
Brainfart OP?

thanks apu
w-w-we will make it, r-right?

valve drones zzzzz

They're not owned by Tencent though.

yellow man bad

we will all make it fren

>Fortnight ruined this genre that's been overwhelmingly shit since 2008.
What a monumental loss. However will we recover from this nightmarish turn of events.

Attached: 1251782113210jf.jpg (590x523, 20K)

epic drones zzzzz

>being an Epic fanboy

>stop doing what you are paid to do
PR companies are going to wage war on here no matter what OP.

shooters were serviceable before the BR trend

>Why is it again you want Epic to fail?
Why wouldn't you want them to fail when they dropped the ball on a new Unreal just to milk little kids with Fortnite?

If you're a shiteating zoomer that doesn't know any better.


i don't have a love for epic but why should i defend valve when they dont care about the consumer whatsover? ill gladly support epic if that means it kicks valve into gear and gets them designing video games again. hell, the biggest team at valve is working on vr tech and games. who the FUCK wants valve to make a vr game????


is it possible you're alone because you've convinced yourself that this is how you build relationships?


have sex, incel

Guess, my post really struck close to home, you retarded zoomer.


>and im sitting here, hopeless, fapping to jav all day
I'm sure that has nothing to do with all that shit in your post before this.

Attached: 1421771707781.png (297x345, 109K)

no, lol, its always like this
on lower level of human psyche, there is always this master-slave relation going on
its alwys better to be master, especially in romantic relationship

i would love to, but too late for me
i cannot into intimacy

tyler mcnigger
i know you're reading this thread

Valve's not paying companies for exclusives

Attached: 4912093188.jpg (500x371, 27K)

40% owned with 2 people on the board of directors. If you think Sweeney is any match for a 110 Billion dollar corporate giant because Fortnite made 2 Billion in 2018 you're a dumbdumb or more likely, an Epic shill.

I'm sorry you let Yea Forums melt your brain with memes user, I hope you get better, but I'm not optimistic.

>fortnite ruined shooters completely
yeah... fortnite ruined shooters... it was fortnight that lead to the last decade of mediocre trash...



Attached: happyjesus.jpg (400x334, 39K)

>Why is it again you want Epic to fail?
Because they have an inferior storefront and they are buying exclusives for it.
The fortnite money will run out soon though and the articles will stop. And your bait threads will quickly lose relevancy and you'll be forgotten just like discords storefront.
Tick tock.


> Weebs games
> User Review so you could troll the developer
> Refund system
> Have Weebs porn games, when the other not
It's shilling. Because it's pandering to Yea Forums

and how is epic consumer friendly Mr.Shill?