Why are Kirbyfags so autistic?

Why are Kirbyfags so autistic?

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Fuck that guy.
Don't diss my bro Whispywoods.

Sonic's issue is that almost all the levels are perpetual throwbacks, it's not just Green Hill Zone

Its fun because whispy woods fights change with almost every new game. Its cool to see how they manage to make his fights more challenging.

To be fair, Sonic is waning on the general public.

Whispy is based

Sonic fans I can respect because at least they don't like constant rehashing and nostalgia bait, unlike Nintendo fans.

Another reason why Planet Robobot is based.

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Autism is a superpower in the fight against mainstream appeal and casualisation.
God speed, you crazy bastards. I hope your tree never changes.

Kirby is as casual as it gets

Whispy is fucking cool. Literally an elder guardian tree.
Kracko is also cool, he's essentially so pissed off that he can't die

kirby fans are okay with reused bosses because they always have new bits of "lore" on the pause screen that are just some vaguely dark/creepy-sounding horseshit kumazaki shit onto a text file

Yeah and it's mainstream too.
Still, it could be worse, and I'm glad that it isn't as mainstream and casual as, say, The Last of Us.

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Kirby fags are literally autistic.

Eh, as long the other bosses are new and whisky has changed. I don’t mind him. Same goes for kracko, but that’s mainly because kracko just seems like he should become a final boss at this point with how much he hates Kirby. I unironically think whisky would be a cool Kirby rep for smash.

Fuck, I meant to say whispy

The difference is that Whispy Woods has been in almost every single Kirby game since the beginning, whereas Sega's been obsessed with putting either Green Hill or some visual clone with a different name in just about every Sonic game since Generations.

One's a series staple and the other is relying on shallow nostalgia bait. It wouldn't be an issue if Sega just came up with new "green" levels like they used to.

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That's how they think

>sonicfags using other ips to justify their dead shit

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give me green hill zone i know i'm playing a good sonic more than most of the time.

Once I saw what HWC did to Whispy, I wanted to fuck their shit up because how dare they do that to poor Whispy. He dindu nuffin and the worst Kirby can do to him is set him on fire.

Cyberization doesn't normally weird me out, but for whatever reason the idea of Meta Knight being defeated and forcibly mechanized against his will and Susie's appearant pride in her creation is disturbing to me.

Is this bait? Sonic's games for the past decade are filled with nostalgiabait bullshit, they literally have the Generations series, which is a throwback with remixed old levels.

I do really like that tree though

>Dream demons and otherworldly horrors invade Pop Star
>Kirby beats up on a tree before doing anything else

Why does Kirby always do this?

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>Meta Knight being defeated and forcibly mechanized against his will and Susie's appearant pride in her creation is disturbing to me.
No. That's fucking hot as fuck, I want Susie "Slam your ass on my face" Haltmann to do that to me.

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It's supposed to be a warm up. Sort of like stretching before doing some hard exercises

Kirbyfags don't have standards. They've played the same first world for god knows how long and they're completely ok with it for whatever reason. Kirby is a series that very VERY rarely leaves its own bubble to do something actually interesting.

>"please don't tread on my roots, it would not be wise"
>20 years later wispy has been cut down about a dozen times and kirby's murdering his children

>kirby's murdering his children

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>since Generations.
You could probably count on your hand the amount of a sonic games that didn't have a green hill expy for a first level even before Gens.

Kirby fans are the most passive agressive bunch of people I've seen on my life.

Are you implying that's a kirby fan?

Why is everyone that has a big issue with Kirby such a stupid cunt?
Every time, without fail.

>tranny cal-arts avatar

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I'm pretty sure every Kirby fan hates Green Greens and Whispy.

Oh no I just mean in general. Of course not everyone it's stupid to generalize.

I love Kirby games, Robobot is one of my fav games. It's Kirby fans I have issues with.

whispy woods acts as both the tutorial (as he's a very easy boss that explains the basic kirby mechanics very well) and a framing tool that sets up the theming of the game

you can't say that about green hill zone

This made me think what other series have a tradition on the beginning of the game?
Fire emblem usually begins with bandits that aren't important to the plot
Pokemon has the rout 1 rodent and bird
Can anyone else think of other examples?

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Every kirby fan loves whispy and green greens though.

>Eggman just likes causing trouble in Green Hill Zone, hence why it keeps appearing
>Whispy's grudge against Kirby leads him to Green Greens, Vegetable Valley, Cookie Country, etc. just to confront him

At least with Kirby they aren't reusing the stage/song from the first game while also completely neglecting the superior in every way sequel. I have no idea why they think people are nostalgic for Sonic 1, Sonic got popular with the second game.

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>New Sonic games are bad.
>Leaves fans in a bad mood so they bitch about shit

>New Kirby games are fun
>Leaves fans in a good mood so they compliment shit

Because Kirby's target audience is brandead retards.

No Kirby fans are either
>Extremely sheltered softies who constantly post 'lol so random, good boye memes"
>Egotistical cunts on tumblr who need to shove their shitty agenda in a childrens game
>Autistic Lore fags who need to reaffirm their game has a Cthulhu tier story and argue over powerlevels or some other stupid shit
>People who constantly argue about which person who made Kirby games is better [Shinyafags vs Sakuraifags]
>Cunts who bitch and moan about their game not being special or perfect or some other menial bullshit
>Sickfucks who need to remind
everyone and their mothers that they do in fact want to fuck the shit out of a circle with limbs and post shitty crops of r34 or egg each other on to post the fucking human abomination that is "Kirby 100 Sexual Preferences"
Who gives a shit.

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All the 3D games up to that point.
Advance 1 and 3
I'd argue Angel Island's differentiated enough, but Mushroom Hill sure as hell is.
Both Rush games.
Rivals 2.
So, since the Dreamcast, the number of GH expies as the first level until Generations, a ~10 year gap.
>Sonic Advance 2
>Sonic Rivals 1
>Sonic 4 episode 1.

Whispy = soul
Green Hill Zone = soulless

that post makes them sound more like chads

>Advance 1
Really user.

wtf im gay now

Sonicfags don't repeatedly take dickings from Sega compared to Kirbytards

>Neo Green Hill
>not a green hill clone

I loved the death-roulette playthrough.

How could you not be gay at the sight of sheer masculine sexual energy.

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>Sonicfags don't repeatedly take dickings from Sega
What? They get shitty games all the time.

hey its a good tree.

And they say they're shit games unlike Kirbyfags.

I'm a fan of A Kirby game. Ive only ever played Nightmare In Dreamland and loved it. Where does this place me?

hahaha i love this tree

Kirbyfags aren't a thing, Kirby is for kids who just started playing videogames. They get older and move on to other games, while still having some nostalgia for the series that started it all.
Re-using bosses is okay because those that played the game on SNES or Gameboy aren't the same ones that played it on 3DS or Switch.

Sonicfags just can't let go of a shitty franchise that was only relevant in the Genesis era. All of them are manchildren over the age of 30.

I completely forgot about act 2 ditching the beach aesthetic.
And what it was called.

Because Kirby fans don't get shit games?
Kirby hasn't really changed in gameplay over the years.

You...you're alright.You don't jerk off to the characters right?

Good point

>Kirby Battle Royale
>Kirby Finish the game after launch
>Kirby throwaway flash game tier 3DS games
>Good games
I'm laffin

>imagine getting this asshurt over Kirby fans of all things

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To be honest, you have to be autistic to hate on Green Hill Zone in the first place. It's a level that single-handedly sold consoles, so it's not autistic fans who are wrong here, it's autistic haters who look for things to make fun of.

No, that shit just ain't ballin.

I thought the mechanization in Robobot was pretty dark, especially for a Kirby game. It's just so weird to think about. Is that even Whispy at that point? Is he still alive? I suppose it's similar to Dedede being possessed and having his stomach torn open, but the mechanization isn't just borderline magic like Dark Matter can be. I know that I'm overthinking it. It just has some dark implications is all.

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My nigga.

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>act 2 ditching the beach aesthetic.
Yeah try act 1. The beach doesn't even cover half of the level.

Because they're all Nu-Kirbyfags.
Kirby hasn't been good since Sakurai stopped making them.

God, we need more lewd Susie

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>Battle Royale
Did you forget how that shit went down when the game was first released?

Forgor image

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There's a difference between "green hill expy" and "literally green hill" which is what fans complain about.

Generations had Green Hill.
Lost World had Windy Hill which looked exactly like Green Hill.
Mania had Green Hill.
Forces had Green Hill again, except with sand thrown everywhere.
People just want Sega to be more creative with their environments. Again, "green" levels aren't an issue, "green hill" levels are. Even Heroes mixed it up by throwing ancient ruins everywhere in its green hill-inspired stage.

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Kirby 64

you could be playing super star/super star ultra right now but for some reason you're not

Kirby had two good games: Adventure and Amazing Mirror

>Kirby had two good games: Adventure and the worst Kirby game this side of Canvas Curse
that's a weird thing to say but okay

>There's a difference between "green hill expy" and "literally green hill"
Dude, are you really trying to say that something like Green Grove isn't just Green Hill with a different name?
Basically when I say expy I mean a level that is just Green Hill with a different name.


Damn, missed it when I had a DS. Will play though

Does this person really not realize that fighting Wispy isn't the same as having a level on repeat? Every single first level of Kirby is different and even Wispy isn't the exact same boss.

Also there have been complaints about reusing Wispy a lot. Also the kind of games that Sonic and Kirby are makes this point even more moot. No one is going to complain about level design in Kirby, which is more based in puzzles and finding secrets in a more relaxed pace. Sonic is all about momentum and memorization of level layout to try to get better times and scores. But I guess that's to be expected from idiots that don't actually like games and just use them to fit in.

>implying its sonicfags

Just emulate it

>all sakurai games
>doesnt even mention Super Star
wtf sakurai this is some weak bait

Those are good games, but what does that have to do with Susie

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Uh, I mean to quote this faggot not you.Susie is shit waifu orbs all the way.

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>people really complain about sequels having the first stage first
Genuine autism.

The point is that SA1 > SA2 > Heroes > Shadow > 06 > Unleashed > Colors all had opening stages that weren't just "Hey remember when Green Hill was a thing?" (aside from Heroes, arguably), which is the route Sega has decided to take since Generations. People are just tired of seeing the same thing over and over again. Nothing inherently wrong with nostalgia, but maybe bring back some other stuff we haven't seen in a while instead.

I like Kirby too but don't call the damn tree challenging.


He was a bit in the star allies dlc, but barely

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In the case of Sonic it's that a lot of these places shouldn't have green hill aesthetics.

False. Sakurai Kirby fans don't start shit. They keep to themselves. Shimomura Kirby fans are the ones starting shit and was the prototype for the obnoxious lorefags and degenerates you see today with Kumazaki fans.

Back then from 2008-2012 Sakurai Kirby fans would make comfy threads once in a while and even have Yea Forums Air Ride threads. They were so fucking good, and of course this is by virtue of pre-2012 Yea Forums also being less worse than we are now. But then starting with Triple Deluxe it opened the floodgates of normalfag zoomers who grew up on 3DS and the Kirby threads haven't been the same since. You sound like someone who joined right when Planet Robobot was announced, and for that you have my deepest condolences.

Do you think Suzy's hover hole can be fucked?

Well it is Susie "Borbfucker Extraordinaire" Haltmann. She is the cutest.

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Getting no hits against Whispy in Mass Attack and getting those achievements at Whispy's boss stage in Team Kirby Clash Deluxe are pretty challenging for newcomers.

Why not, like, walk around the tree?

Susie even.
I'm always making that mistake nowadays.

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Kirby fans don't say shit because they actually have games to play

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>main character is a pink ball
>”why are its fans so autistic?”

this is now a Smash thread

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well sonic istrash and kirby is no so that's all you need to know

any hole's a goal

Yeah but what I'm wondering is does it just repel or can it suction cup her to things?


Doesn't even have a mouth. Susie is unfuckable

This little faggot is the best kirby character

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He's not a faggot, he's like totally straight...I think.

They were pretty good before 2016 came by since the threads were pretty rare until Robobot dropped by. It was during 2017 that there was definitely more anons participating in those threads and Kirby threads were a bit more rampant which coincided with more shitposting. Also there was never a severe division among Kirby fans over which director they prefer until recently for who knows why.

this is always a moot point because Sakurai doesn't even oversee the music, he just lets the composers go ham as long as they have the rights/ money for the rights
This is like saying the Zelda remix composes hate modern Zelda because the overworld them has been remixed a bunch; it's THE most iconic them from the series, of course a bunch of composers would want to do it

This is why I couldn't sink my teeth into Mania.

I wanted a new Sonic game in the old style, but I've already played through Green Hill, Chemical Plant, Oil Ocean, etc. a million times. 2D Sonic is basically just an endless series of bad games followed by a few that are a greatest hits collection of old stages and mechanics people actually liked and then the cycle continues. Kirby games all start basically the same way but end up very different by the time the game ends.

He's Bi

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>it just repels until you make contact with her g-spot where it sucks you together until she's successfully inseminated

kirby characters were made for lewd

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>Tranza is into big tiddy wasp queen
>Taranza is also into big dick penguin king
He just likes big dominating people with big o'l assets
You have to thrust as hard as you can or not let go or you'll be flung across the room

>Autistic Lore fags who need to reaffirm their game has a Cthulhu tier story and argue over powerlevels
This is my main gripe with the current state of the fanbase. I made the connection that Kirby games have sort of dark overarching themes when I was younger and thought it was cool, but hearing every single person talk about how Kirby's the strongest and how the series is "so dark" has been getting on my nerves for a while now. It's not as funny as people are making it out to be and gives me the feeling that most of those people haven't played many games in the series. I feel like a lifelong fan who's suddenly being surrounded by people who just watched a video online and now won't stop telling the same joke over and over again.

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most kirby fans are just normal people who enjoy good games. stop judging an entire fanbase by redditors, who are always the worst part of every fanbase they join.

If you complain about them doing Green Hill Zone or any zone that plays off Green Hill, then you're not a real Sonic fan. You're just another memer.

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>He just likes big dominating people with big o'l assets
A man of culture I see

Fucking finally somebody says it.

i actually like the lore and the shonen power level shit because it adds to the charm of the franchise. i'd also argue that the way hal handles it in the games is skillfully done, since they work in some darker themes but don't overdo it to the point where it becomes cringeworthy like sonic has done.
i'd never want kirby to become as boring and safe as the recent yoshi games, and the lore is one of the bulwarks against that.

It feels like they just regurgitate whatever what popular Youtube video says or take everything way too serious. Also, and this is a personal nitpick, I hate how much of a soiboi people made Dedede out to be and saying that he's through being a villain because their first game is Kirby's Adventure Wii yet ignore the other times he acted like one, including some of the games that came out after it.

Kirby fans in general seem to skew younger, more female, and more autistic. I assume it's the cute and friendly visuals.

And just for the record, Kirby isn't nearly as strong as people make him out to be. He always has some 3rd party to help him with the big threats (Star Rod, Ribbon and the crystal, Ultranova seed things, etc). Hell, he absolutely met his match in Triple Deluxe.

Unrelated to what I just posted, but - I miss how cozy older Kirby games used to be. They had cute animations that just oozed with personality. You'd get to see Kirby interacting with his friends or doing something as mundane as fishing. The newer games really don't have that same charm, but are still enjoyable. Kirby really changed after Sakurai left for good. Personally, I'm really glad that we narrowly avoided the games being merged with the anime.

Kirby 3 cutscenes - youtube.com/watch?v=OkDMY96KasE

Nightmare in Dreamland cutscenes - youtube.com/watch?v=dysoS7O9hFE

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Not really sure what his point is, unless the Kirby and Sonic fans are the same people.

This literally didn't bother me at all. The level layouts were all new, who gives a shit what coat of paint they slap on top? It has zero effect on the gameplay.

>game ends with Kirby using the Giga Drill Breaker on the main villain

What a crazy ride.

I'm actually totally fine with the lore. I just don't like how some people act as though it's more than it really is. It's easy to tell when someone is memeing about Kirby rather than being an actual fan.

I feel this too. Dedede is Kirby's rival. He doesn't like him and only teams up when necessary. It's what gives him character and makes him likable. It's what made him teaming up with Kirby in Triple Deluxe such a cool moment. It feels as though Dedede is mostly liked for the smash memes at the moment.

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I'd normally agree with this sort of sentiment, but I do think a boss is a different beast to a level.

Whispy Woods is a solid boss design in and of himself, but he gets mixed up on a regular basis, with different variations on his attacks and his battle. Compare that to Green Hill Zone's gameplay - and a lot of Sonic games have problems with having unique setpieces in their levels - and you can see the issue.

>I miss how cozy older Kirby games used to be.
they're still just as cozy now. extra planet δ in star allies was peak comfy.

You probably already knew this, but act 2 of every zone is actually unique-ish. It reuses gimmicks from other games while adding it's own spin on things. As someone who's only played CD and up the recycled levels didn't bother me too much. My friend is a hardcore Sonic fan though and he LOVED Mania. That probably doesn't help, but I think you owe it to yourself to buy the game if you can find it for practically nothing.

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i'd argue that the anime has more to do with why dedede is so popular than smash.

>since Generations

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>just as cozy

I'm not talking about levels though. I'm talking about the cutscenes that would play and how you got to see Kirby's character shine through them. The modern games don't do this. You don't get to see him having fun with his friends anymore, like in 64 - youtube.com/watch?v=u66VPTzjyds (sorry for that opening)

The levels are still plenty comfy at times, but even then it's still different from what it used to be. Mainly because the game made the jump into 3d when it wasn't necessary.

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i miss the cutscenes too. hopefully they come back in the next game.

Good point. He really stole the show in that.

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New reaction pic fellow Waddlin' Dees.

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I know that's the pilot, but the actual anime wasn't very good. I blame Sakurai and his autism for Kirby not speaking, even though Kirby actually used to speak.

>Kirby actually used to speak.
Wasn't he a bit more cheeky than he is now? I know that he'd speak from time to time, but I honestly can't recall anything outside of that Tetris type game.

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>Someone is currently writing a fanfic about sonic
think about how autistic sonicfags are for a second.

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Apparently woolie doesn't like wispy woods

Made a gift for you all!

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He spoke in a few commercials, promotional animations, and a in-game references to him saying things. Sakurai didn't come up with the whole non-speaking thing until around the time of the anime, which is why it suffered. I still don't get it.


If a Kirby game ever has voice acting, and it needs to be dubbed, who exactly would you get to do the dub voice (provided the current VA doesn't know how to speak english or at least engrish)?

>That yarn segment
That looks exactly like Epic Yarn, I wonder if the art-style was changed to match this when they decided to change it to a Kirby game.

I don't think it matters as long as it's something close to his games. I wouldn't mind Kirby being portrayed a little differently though. Maybe a bit more easy going yet mischievous at times.

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kirby somewhat innovates on each release even if it is just a new gimmick each time
even through lack of innovation each kirby game feels refined while most sonic games feel like a step back

Fuck those threads were great.

He just has a oneitis for Sectonia and still can't get over how it's all his fault for everything.

How do you compare a boss you can kill in 10 seconds to an entire fucking 3-7 minute(depending which Sonic game) level?

Who’s the artist?

Leaf forest seems different enough

I didn't play many Sonic games before, but I see that Sonic did at least got it right with Generations and Mania. Kinda sucks to hear that Lost World wasn't well received even though I kinda liked the game, but I still don't understand why many consider it bad.

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Why would you want him to play a game that's worse in every way?

You're forgetting Adeline posters.

I’m just going to say that I want bandana dee and gooey to have bigger roles in the future, also for void to come back.

Every kind of "character" posters ends up being shitty if they only talk about the character and nothing else. e.g. borb, b. dee, susie.

>post the human abomination that is "Kirby 100 Sexual Preferences"
What the fuck is that user?

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>he doesn't know about the Chart
Look at this newfag to Kirby threads

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I haven't been to a Kirby thread in a while and I haven't seen that many, what did I miss?

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>actually bringing it up constantly when it wasn't back then

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Magolor has the best feats out of any kirby villan and he didnt need any special bull shit to kill him

Agreed. I'm that Taranzafag that's been popping in lately and I kinda try to not make the thread any shittier than it already is unless it's a lost cause because the OP did something retarded like make a thread asking who has the sexiest feet or whatever.

Usually the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the Adeleine posters is "TONIGHTS THE NIGHT" when the dlc wasn't out yet. I'd rather have that than... other things.

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You don’t want to know

Are you the guy who hasn’t been here sine 2016, I saw a thread like that a few days ago.

Were you here for the Star Allies threads? Shit was bad enough when launch Star Allies was found to be a very rushed game, but then shit got fucking insane when Dream Friends got revealed, what with the constant "TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT" threads, the speculation on the next Dream Friends that almost became like Smash rosterfagging, and in fact some Smash rosterfagging indeed did happen, exacerbated by Sakurai's ignorance of anything Kirby that's not his own. A certain chart was posted many times over, and that's not even getting into Slutsie, the Borbfuckers, file.png user, etc. Kirby threads are actually fucking cursed now. At least the hype threads for the Void reveal were on par with the Star Dream reveal in Robobot.

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dont you dare compare my homeslice whispy woods to that green hill zone shit!

Not the same guy, but I’m a newfag who never got to see planet robobot threads, I wish that I had been there.

Fuck you Green Hill Zone is kino

stop giving (You)s to the falseflagger.

Well that settles it, I must have missed a shit ton of stuff because I'm drawing a fuck ton of blanks. Can someone please explain the whole situation and deal of why Kirby Threads are now cursed, I've always considered them to be the pure comfy threads of Yea Forums what the hell happened?

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Yeah I never got this, green hill shows up a couple times in a mainline sonic game for the first time in like 20 years and people flip their shit, meanwhile you're listening to the 30th rendition of green greens while fighting wispy for the 20th time in 20 years.

Hmmm, well, why don't you go take a look at the archive and see just how much people love Meta Knight nowadays?

Maybe because Green Hill and levels with Green Hill aesthetics appear more than any Green Greens and Wispy?

>gives names to shitposters
>can't let go of the past
>still giving relevancy to any of it
If you had any brain cells left, you'd know it's best to move on from that shit and forget about it.

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Thanks, my dick broke and I can make an insurance claim now.

Gave up on Kirby threads for the most part when things turned from "haha kirbys so doing the enemies take damage from touching you" into literal dbz shounenbabby tier power level wanking.
So sometime after robobot. I still was in them a bit because I remember star allies and everything, but everyone was so negative about Star Allies all the time

If I had drawing and animation skills, I'd make porn of the new DLC.
>Start off with Bandanna Dee, Kirby, Adeleine, and Susie after fighting Flamberge
>Both Adeleine and Susie have aged since their last appearance and Kirby is a bara with denim jeans and shirtless
>Bandanna Dee is tiny shota
>Adeleine: "Wow Kirby! It's been so long since our last adventure. You've gotten so much stronger. I was just a little girl back then."
>Susie: "I have noticed how much stronger you have gotten kirby too. However, this opponent was tough and we do need to heal"
>Adeleine picks up food, then kisses Susie, catching her off guard
>Susie turns away for a second, blushing, then french kisses Adeleine back
>Lasts for a few moments, then they grab each other's asses and tits while making out
>Both get hungry, then turn to Kirby
>Being in a hot place, everyone sweats, and adeleine+susie approach Kirby as they remove their heavy clothes
>Bandanna Dee starts acting up annoys the trio
>They all decide to put a penis cage around Bandanna Dee's penis and chain him up so he'll be forced to watch
>Kirby now unzips his denim jeans to reveal his giant penis, the kirby series sized version of an 11 inch penis
>Both Adeleine and Susie are amazed by the size of it. The lengths, the diameter, the girth
>both girls start going to work on it. Penis kisses, licka, gentle touches, begging for Kirby's semen to land on their faces
>Bandanna Dee gets an erection while watching, but his penis starts bleeding as it bends
>Now they get serious. Adeleine and Susie take turns with Kirby's cock, who will take it (Anal, vaginal, small tit paizuri, ect.), who supports (ball licking, shaft rubbing, taint tickling, ect), and when to do doubles. Both getting hit with Kirby's jizz and the sweat being more intense
>Flamberge eventually comes back to ruin the fun

>Flamberge being weak, gets overpowered by the trio and they start undressing her
>She cries out, begging not to take her virginity that she was saving for Francisca
>Kirby violently inserts his dick into Flamberge's virgin pussy. Blood from both the hymn break and the violence cover Kirby's dick.
>Flamberge starts crying and continues to beg Kirby to stop
>Kirby ignores the request as Susie and Adeleine kiss Flamberge
>Kirby eventually cums inside her pussy and pulls out, then slaps all three girls's faces with his dick.
>Adeleine and Susie both enjoy that dick slap, but Flamberge stays in shock after being raped and humiliated.
>Ends with Kirby, Adeleine, and Susie doing the victory dance after beating a boss, Bandanna Dee still complaining, and Flamberge crying behind them
>One last shot shows Adeleine and Susie with mixed race babies of them and Kirby with Flamberge having a messed up rape baby

The last decent Sonic game was literally nostalgia bait

Why would you conceive such a terrifying idea?

The Planet Robobot threads were still fine when it was about figuring the whole deal about Haltmann and Susie's past and those nice, crisp screenshots that were taken in Citra. Also the fact that they brought back Dark Matter and the remixes that came out from the game, so it wasn't entirely about powerlevel wanking. Hell I barely remember any of that other than Kirby's drill piercing through the heaven's shit that got everyone hype about.

reminder to not give (You)s to obvious retards and shitposters. Have a good thread, bye!

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They originally wanted more original Zones, but SEGA pissed on their plans.

I’m just going to leave this here

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don't click

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Attached: sweaddy.jpg (274x396, 67K)

Click it.


Attached: 1539541569339.png (429x456, 4K)

It’s just gum balls with voids color scheme.

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>post the fucking human abomination that is "Kirby 100 Sexual Preferences"
Are you new? People posting shock images on Yea Forums is not new by any means, especially sexual shock images. That is not a Kirby fanbase issue, that's an issue with people trying to get attention on Yea Forums.

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I'm a Kirby fan
I play Kirby games
I have fun with them

That's about it

>he doesn't like whispy woods
YIKES pilled

Look at the lad go.

Attached: Corrupted-Needle-Kirby.gif (2100x1500, 64K)

>Th-there is no such thing as a bad Kirby gaem hehe

Attached: B1BC4AB5-37E7-47B4-8382-4A5045D3F412.jpg (640x480, 18K)

She's (?) right though. Whispy is the Death Egg Robot of Kirby.

He'd have a case if he used RtDL, Triple Deluxe, Planet Robobot and Star Allies, all of which use the same engine and visuals. The games aren't bad, but stagnation exists for a reason.

Attached: Small%2DKirby%2DTP.gif (64x48, 65K)

It's about to have a billion dollar film, bro

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i enjoy kirby games and dont really care much about reuse of green hill in sonic
i only ever play the 2d ones anyways

That everyone already hates.

Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot's Whispy Wood's battles are done differently, but you can make the case for RtDL and Star Allies as they do nothing really special and are almost identical to one another.



>Whispy Woods is always the sa-

What the fuck did Whispy do to you?

oh, I forgot one

This, sonic 1 is clunky and they didnt really get what made the gameplay fun. Too many roadblocks, not enough branching paths. Sonic 2 kicks ass.

Kirby is based you stupid jew

The moment you need to shit on another game's fanbase to justify yours, you should really be worrying.

I wish that it wasn’t just dedede’s theme.

I didn't mean Whispy, I meant those games as a whole. Visually, there's very little difference from them from a distance.

People like to shit on Kirby for the lack of the variety on bosses but it has plenty of good bosses in there
>Skullord (Mass Attack)
>Paintra (Triple Deluxe)
>Grand Doomer (Return to Dream Land)
>Computer Virus (Super Star)
>Fatty Whale (Super Star)
>Goriath (Return to Dream Land)
>Mecha Kracko (Squeak Squad)
>Mega Titan (Amazing Mirror)
>Morpho Knight EX (Star Allies)

The same could be said about the games as triple deluxe and planet robobot did innovate some

that's not autism... it's just acceptance. autism is something they can never accept.

What do you mean by this

>twitter screencap
>reddit website hosting filename

Attached: 1396458101656.gif (390x293, 2.95M)