Imagine being such a faggot contrarian that you would think garbage like God Hand is better then TLOU
Imagine being such a faggot contrarian that you would think garbage like God Hand is better then TLOU
God Hand is more fun, and if it's not fun, why bother?
God Hand's combat will have more depth than TLOU combat could ever achieve
Well, God Hand is an actual game
I know. You can't even compare the 2 considering just how much better God Hand is.
haha yeah wow man there were so many people comparing these two games yeah man you sure showed all of those people
Imagine being such a provincial rube that you found TLoU's story moving.
both are shit OP
> comparing games with different intended experience
why dont we compare xcom and hitman next time. im sure that'll be good
Jesus the absolute state of contrarians, willingly to defend such a horrible game simply to be different & to feel validated by not liking a objectively good game that everyone loves
>making a new thread just for this
M8 I wish God Hand was super popular and sold millions. Since it actually deserves it, unlike that shit movie.
op isn’t alexander
It's not popular because it's a horrible game that doesn't appeal to anyone, every single good game is popular & was a success
Imagine being soo butthurt that you start a new thread XD
When i wake up tommorow everyone will still be calling TLOU a masterpiece, in every corner of the internet. Whereas God Hand will remain a critical failure. The only people seething are Contrarians who are desperate to get people to hate popular & critically beloved games
>he ran out of the thread to make his own and bitch some more
fucking kek
Again why would i ever be upset about a game that everyone hates & was a massive commercial failure? The opinions of a vocal minority of contrarians is irrelevant, even Resetera has more of a impact on the gaming community then you faggots will ever have
You literally cannot prove me wrong. Name one critical failure that was still a major success & remains popular today. Truth Hurts faggots, it failed because it was terrible.
TLOU is literally the most boring game I have ever played in my entire life an that's not a joke.
Imagine thinking TLOU's generic 3rd person shooter gameplay with a plot straight of typical hollywood junk is anything special.
Wanna know how i can tell you work at ign?
I thought this was just some entry level shitposter at first, but I'm starting to think this clown is being serious
Better then your piece of shit game & obviously it is a good game if hundreds of millions of people all across the world love it & it makes Yea Forums seethe in desperation years later
What a pain in the bee-hind
God Hand is easily better than TLOU. What's your point?
>Again why would i ever be upset
then why are you trying so hard to get your opinion validated here? go to resetera then if you think it's a better gaming community.
If you think God Hand is good then by default you also have to defend Aliens Coloniel Marines & Duke Nukem Forever, since they were also considered shit when they came out
so like, do you think capeshit is the absolute peak of cinema?
> Niche piece of shit good
> Most iconic game of the decade bad
Typical Contrarianism
This might be next level autism
God Hand's story has aged horribly, I know it's intentionally cheesy but my god it's so unfunny and none of the characters or bosses are likable at all.
Game is still extremely fun to play though, more fun than DMC5 even.
You already mentioned it yourself. TLoU. From a gameplay point of view a massive failure, not having half the AI they promised at E3 at that, yet it sold like hot cakes because muh cinematics.
No one takes you seriously.
god hand wasn't perverted by virtue signaling
God Hand was never considered shit.
It's literally just one infamous IGN review with bad spelling and typos that has since been taken down and resented by the publishers.
God, you're so lost.
Agree, i can't imagine how autistic someone would have to be to defend such a piece of shit game like God Hand, simply because of one negative IGN Review over 10 years ago
>Name a failure that's a success.
Excuse me?
I guess the closest thing to that would be Drakengard, I guess.
Honestly what do you mean by this? Its aged because it has older references instead of ebin modern meems? This is just a lazy criticism if you dont substantiate it
> 73 on MetaCritic
> Which is 10 points lower then FF13
Are you going to tell me that Final Fantasy XIII isn't considered a bad game too?
I’m gonna be honest here, your funny. How about i give you a name like TLOU~kun?
God Hand was an incredibly fun game that's non-derivative. What it lacked in graphics, narrative, etc. it made up for in advanced gameplay, animation and charm.
Don't know what else to say other than it wasn't for you, user.
Which was your favorite boss?
I don't actually like TLOU, i'm just using it as a example to make you contrarians seethe
When did I say TLOU is bad? It's a well-crafted game. God Hand is just better. It's arguably the best action game ever,
I bet you were still in elementary school when the game came out.
M8. You are the one seething more than anyone else
Imagine a game telling you how great it is twelve times on the cover.
TLOU literally wouldn't have existed if God Hand's creator never existed or wasn't dev. And God Hand is a masterpiece that's still being talked about today, while no one gives an actual fuck about some lame commie pedo pandering movie.
>entire argument for hours has been that the good reviews make it a good game
>I don't actually like TLOU
Both gsmes are shit lmaoo
> Bbbut Zoomer
That's an immediate sign of contrarianism, when you can only cry about buzzwords to defend your garbage game
> God Hand being anything other then complete shit
> Inb4, but what normies, critics & consensus gamers think is irrelevant
> Yea Forums thinks it's good, so that means everyone else will acknowledge it as good too
But if your being contrarian to own other contrarians what does that make you? Super contrarian? Anti contrarian?
Yeah, it aged like fine wine.
It's entirely possible to criticize a game for reasons unrelated to the opinions of a population.
You're just saying "It's shit because I don't like it and I think everyone else doesn't like it."
>when you can only cry about buzzwords
I didn't use a single buzzword retard. meanwhile
>stutter posting
>can't stop saying contrarianism in every post
So what brought this topic up?
Youre right op TLOU is an amazing movie
user got mad in another thread that people said they liked a game he hasn't played that got an average rating on metacritic
> God Hand is a masterpiece that is still being talked about today & nobody cares about TLOU
> Highest Rated Games of the 21st Century
> 1. Zelda: Breath of The Wild (2017, Nintendo) (302)
> 2. Resident Evil 4 (2005, Capcom (256)
> 3. Metroid Prime (2002, Nintendo) (246)
> 4. Half-Life 2 (2004, Valve Corporation) (246)
> 5. Super Smash Bros Melee (2001, Nintendo) (241)
> 6. Shadow Of The Colossus (2005, Team Ico) (237)
> 7. Bioshock (2007, Irrational Games) (236)
> 7. Zelda: Majora's Mask (2000, Nintendo) (234)
> 8. Zelda: The Wind Waker (2003, Nintendo) (232)
> 9. Super Mario Galaxy (2007, Nintendo) (232)
> 10. Resident Evil (2002, Capcom) (231)
> 11. Metal Gear Solid 3 (2004, Konami) (230)
> 12. Metal Gear Solid 2 (2001 Konami) (228)
> 13. Halo: Combat Evolved (2001, Bungie (226)
> 14. Mass Effect 2 (2010, Bioware) (224)
> 15. The Last of Us (2013, Naughty Dog) (223)
lol please tlou is above average at best and is only praised cause muh lesbos
Nobody ever said it was amazing, but it's still infinitely better then any meme garbage that Yea Forums tries to convince people is good
>10/10 -ign
>take away cutscenes and its literally just a shitty generic cover shooter
God Hand was a fun game, but it's objectively inferior to TLOU.
>name a failure that was sill a success
are you retarded?
they're both high 7 or low 8 out of 10
I base this entirely subjective score on how much enjoyment I derived from each in comparison to rest of the games I've played
Are you ever going to argue a point that isn't argumentum ad populum or "it's shit because I say so?"
Armond White
> Takeaway the game's strongest aspect which is storytelling, music, cinematics & characters and it sucks
No shit retard, if you take Dungeons & Music away from Zelda then it would also become a piece of shit game
>letting other people dictate your opinions instead of forming them yourself
>attempting to cite reviewers to demonstrate quality, here of all places
go play Imagine: Party Babyz. It got a good score on IGN so it should be perfect for an impressionable child like you.
Most likely. user keeps trying to push his mindset of "I don't like this so nobody should like it too."
> Still obsessing over that one IGN review from over 12 years ago
Jesus christ
Speaking of TLOU, what made it so popular again? The only reason I remember caring about it was because I was really interested in the clickers and the idea of the cordyceps fungus. I honestly can't remember anything else about the game besides the scene of that one black kid getting shot
Amazing Graphics, Great Storytelling, Only worthwile game on a console that sold over 80 Million units
It was a functional movie game with good graphics for the time. It was also easy enough for journalists to beat because the AI sucked and the girl was a damage-immune crutch.
i actually bought myself tlou a week ago, whats the diference from any other 3r perso shooter?
im stealthing through horde of mobs, sneak killing them, and for the rest of the game im climbing.
feels exactly like tomb raider
The game itself is trash, watch the story version of Youtube like everyone else does
man, i payed 10 dollars for it. i gonna atleast "play" it myself, though the story seems pretty shit so far.
>game's strongest aspect
>nothing videogame related
> Storytelling, Cutscenes, Soundtrack & Characters aren't video game related
Confirmed Retard