It's time, Yea Forums, to discuss the greatest game ever made

It's time, Yea Forums, to discuss the greatest game ever made.

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Other urls found in this thread: Builds

The fundamental problem is it's too fast paced for 30fps, which it can't even achieve most of the time.

I disagree, the game felt just fine even when I was playing it with the 6 frame latency of remote play

With the Old Hunters: 10/10

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*blocks your path*

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Surprisingly accurate, although post Rom isn't THAT bad.

We need a PC version. 60fps, higher resolution, proper frame pacing. And an Xbox One controller.

Nah man.

Maybe I'll play the inevitable PS5 port if they can manage to get it running at 60FPS.

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bloodborne should spike to the top of the graph near the end because of the dlc and hunters dream fights desu

Nobody cares about your meme game

>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere

>Caring so much about an arbitrary number that it stops you from enjoying absolute peak ludonarrative kino.

PC gaming was a mistake.

It's not arbitrary.

Weak bait not even the giant fishmen would bite. Also cringe and no insightpilled

no one cares about your meme pasta

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Not really.

Lies and slander. DaS2 best souls confirmed.

Attached: das2isagoodgame.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

git gud.

Attached: das2isagoodgame3.webm (960x540, 2.64M)

>implying any From games were bug-free

I never had this problem.

>Kill an enemy
>Explodeds into a flash of light and partical effects
>FPS drops hard

Game runs like absolute shit but its fun

When does Dark Souls III get good? Currently in Undead village. I just beat the Vordt and I'm bored out of my mind. The blue knight who gives you the Lothric Knight Armor was harder than it.

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>When does Dark Souls III get good?
When you stop playing it and go back to DaS1/BB/Sekiro.

But I had the same problem in Bloodborne. After beating Gascoigne I just didn't care enough to keep playing.

Threaded cane and the church pick are the best weapons. If you don't agree youre either a retard or a NIGGER.


Not really in to the action game style fast-paced combat and lack of build variety. DaS3 was meh for this reason compared to DeS, DaS1 & DaS2. Just my personal preference though, obviously.

Perfect games are not open for discussion.

>lack of build variety.
Confirmed for not doing an Arcane run.

Poor frame pacing honestly makes me feel sick.

seems like the problem is that you're a dumb bitch.

How so?

It dosnt

>imagine looking at a videogame and feeling sick

weak fags the lot of you.


Imagine how good this would be, if it were real.

Not the guy who originally posted, but here's my edited version with DLC extension based off my personal experience with each DLC.

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>It's time, Yea Forums, to discuss the greatest game ever made.

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Couldn't play it cause it was too hard. Played some Mario galaxy.

Sucks for you. Borne bosses are way better than hatshit

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You're right. Games should run under 30fps with crap frame pacing and random flashing lights and buzzing noises. Because an enjoyable experience is for fags.

What is Yea Forums‘s obsession with the SoulBorne’s games? Most normies see these as pretentious try hard art crap

W-who is she

Jesus that Logarius fight was tense, took me a couple of hours.

I-im me, stupid. Uh, What's your favotite Borne Boss?

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That doesn't even make sense user.

I put down DaS and BB like three times each for months/years before they clicked, don't force yourself. That said I played through DaS3 once and never again, I don't think it's that good.

No, not even Yea Forums considers this game the best despite all of the rampant circlejerking

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Bloodborne picks up really well what are you talking about
I'm using this based girl

So, which one am I to believe?

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>Ocarina of time

Oh nonononono

Normies love the Souls game. Sekiro topped the charts in its debut weekend by a lot.

The first half (read: Central Yharnam to Byrgenwerth) is 10/10 and rivals the first half of Dark Souls. Then, after that, it sinks down to around a 6/10, in terms of gameplay. The levels become straight lines and the only good bosses are optional ones (Ebrietas and Gehrman).

The newer one since it's more recent & is getting updated monthly until the end of the year

Why are snoys so obnoxious over this game?

True. Bosses wise the chart is accurate as fuck

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It's the only game they have, it's like Switchfags with BOTW & Smash

Because it's the single greatest artistic achievement since Mulholland Dr.

Pick any. Both have bloodborne rated too high

I think it's certainly the best game of the decade, I'll go that far at least.


*rated too low

>Best game of the decade


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Why are switchfags obnoxious over BotW?

Don't bother, people who play exclusively on consoles are the equivalent to blind people pointing out how a bad sight isn't bad even though they can't see.
I had some guy on Yea Forums tell me that Monster Hunter World didn't have frame drops on the base PS4 pre-PC release, and that it I should upgrade my PS4's HDD because it was the reason I had frame drops.

The story might have been pretty good and it was certainly revolutionary for its time, and yeah I played it right when it came out. But if you play it today it pretty much has less variety than any of the MGS games and they always had a lot of backtracking in them. It's a hallmark title, but it isn't the best game in the series.

>nostalgia glasses, the list

Why was it so good, Yea Forumsros?

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What the fuck? Why did you faggots rate Metroid Fusion so highly?

It's not arbitrary, but you get used to it after some time

95% of Yea Forums hasn't even played Doom 1, you expect me to believe this list is anything but a massive circlejerk for games that people pretend to have played?

Because it's the second best Metroid.

Pretty sure Yea Forums has played every single popular mainstream console game at some point

Everything post DS2 From made is Garbo

>Sekiro is garabg-

Attached: Genichiro Fight 2.webm (900x488, 2.93M)

>b-b-b-but NINTENDO!!!!!!
rent free

BB > DaS1 ≥ DeS > Sekiro >>> DaS3 >>>>> DaS2

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>upgrade my PS4's HDD
Such a fucking meme.

>Putting BB at the top and DS2 at the bottom.

[Definition of pleb taste]

>doesn't Mikiri

All jokes aside, DaS2 is legitimately one of the worst games of all time. It's a Dark Souls game made by people who didn't understand what make Dark Souls so good.

Why is Twilight Princess rated so much lower then every other 3D Zelda?

Does fake Iosefka give me the umbilical cord before or after I kill Rom?

Lore made Dark Souls good, and they did that right IMO, unfinished NPC questlines aside.


Everything made Dark Souls good:
>World design
>Level design
>Art design
DaS2 drops the ball on at least half of these.


That's what I thought. Does me going to the clinic to get the Cainhurst summons before I kill Rom effect anything?

Cainhurst summons will be an invitation to Castle Cainhurst. Of course, get it. Just follow the instructions in the description.

Attached: cainhurst summons.jpg (800x838, 179K)

very good user. demons souls?

Not really possible to do, since it's so non-linear.

i like BB but its a fucking terrible rpg, theres literally like 2 builds and thats it.

>theres literally like 2 builds and thats it.
I'll take 'things that aren't true', for 500, Alex.

>I'll take 'things that aren't true', for 500, Alex.
what is post No.457847073

>DaS2 is legitimately one of the worst games of all time
That's taking it pretty far. It certainly has its faults but I wouldn't put it with Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde or Big Rigs or anything like that

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It's not "arbitrary" you consolefag giganigger, you should not be taking scraps when they should be feeding you steak for the $60 you're forking over.
And yeah, you get used to it. Then play any other game at 60fps and you need to get used to it again. Fuck. Still an amazing game.

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BB has a plethora of builds. Builds

Games don't exist in a vacuum, user. Given the pedigree of the series it belongs to, Dark Souls 2 is an eldritch abomination and should be judged as such.

A work ought to be considered on its own merits, the pedigree is irrelevant. A bad book by a good author does not suddenly become a godawful book. It is only what it is.

>It is only what it is.
And in this case, a pile of shit.

Attached: das2isagoodgame2.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

>but it isn't the best game in the series.
what a thrill...

you must be the biggest pussy that ever lived. does a videogame really make you sick? How do you watch TV which is usually like 20fps?

Are you implying that TV is interactive?

I'm implying you're getting motion-sick/sea-sick from a videogame.

Mad 'cause bad confirmed

my fucking god why is this game so fucking ugly?

I don't have a brainlet wojak image that is representative of how dumb you are.

That's because video games are interactive. You can't compare the two.

I will not deny that Dark Souls 2 has it the worst, but all of the games have bad moments

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Unironically, consoles. The game was massively downgraded. BB was downgraded, too, but at least it still looked good thanks to stellar art direction and being on better hardware.

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Explain this phenomena of """getting sick""" from a videogame. Seasick/motion sickness is caused by a disconnect from inner-ear and visual input by somatosensory. This is what I'm assuming you're describing is it not? Illustrate it further otherwise if not.

>actually legit graph
woah are you me

I don't get it, but some people do genuinely get motion sickness from playing vidya at 30 FPS.


I don't see how Sens Fortress/Anor Londo is that much better than anything from other games.

I just got the DLC after beating the game 3 times, and I can't defeat Ludwig. I've tried several times. What is the best weapon to defeat him? Or is all hope lost?

It's a meme. Nobody gets sick from looking at a screen unless it's VR, 3D, or some theatre-sized rollercoaster simulation — all of which reasonably give inner-ear vertigo. There's always "I get sick at 30 fps", but when you actually ask them "do you?", the answer is always "no, but it's a 100% real thing" even though nobody knows anyone this has ever happened to. Getting sick from playing a videogame would be cause for alarm as it would indicate sensory or cortical problems.

What NG and what BL?

Mash R1 with an untricked Saw Cleaver using Fire Paper.

I think we can all agree that The Old Hunters is the best DLC ever made by mankind. It took a 9.5/10 game and turned it into a 14/10.

Ng+4, and BL 241

Research Hall, Ludwig and Orphan are certified kino. The rest is merely good.
Night of the Raven will forever be the GOAT DLC.

>Night of the Raven
that's the hill you're going to die on? not even lord of destruction or shivering isles? You're on your own.

I think you're just fine, but wouldn't you be content in doing a regular NG instead. DLC is pretty hard in subsequent NG+s? Also, try using saw cleaver + fire paper, and go ham. It's the most effective weapon in the entire game, even though it's vanilla as fuck.

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I also really enjoyed the twisted version of Yharnam with the blood-drunk hunters, and the Fishing Hamlet is one of the most atmospheric locations in any game period (even if I really hate the enemies there). The only weak boss fight was Living Failures, and it's like they knew it and put Lady Maria right after it. It even has a reskinned boss that manages to be kino, adds tons of new weapons and gear. It manages to make a game that was already a masterpiece even better, which I think means more than making an average game good.

Well, no shit, the spam r1 with the saw blade worked like a charm. Thanks user, will keep exploring the world of the Old Hunters. Any useful advice for the road ahead?

Just enjoy the ride.

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R1 spam works even better on Maria; she has no hyper armor. Also, do Simon's quest for one of the most fun weapons in the game.

I, uh, I think I "accidentally" killed that guy, and got a shitty bow. Is he Simon? Or am I thinking of someone else?

Unpopular Opinion: I enjoyed the Beast storyline more than the Alien stuff.

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No, that's him and the Bowblade is GOAT.

I just don't understand why BB keeps being shilled now that Sekiro is released and shits all over almost everything BB did.

For lore brainlets, just read any lovecraft novel and you'll get exactly the same thing BB did, but even better with actual horror instead of alien masturbation fuel.

Sekiro just needed Kitamura on it to be better in every single field.

I love BB to death but Chalice Dungeons give me cancer

>ditching rpg elements
Sekiro was a mistake

Sekiro has the best combat mechanics of all the games.

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and 0 (zero) weapon/build variety. You just abuse fireworks and whistle.

They're also entirely optional and not required to progress.

>You just abuse fireworks and whistle.
Found the games journo.

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BB was already a mistake. RPG elements bring absolutely nothing in it and it uses hidden stats on top of the useless build variety. The BL hidden defense is some grade A bullshit. Also armors meant already nothing.
Sekiro did what BB didn't and got completely rid of what was useless.

Let the DaS series having build, let the spin off/side games out of the whole stat memery.

Not if I want to min/max. Also, the best gems being random drops is fucking retarded

bloodborne on pc came out OP?

Why would you want to min/max, unless you were doing PvP?

Attached: Vore.webm (700x500, 2.82M)

Only thing i hate is how most weapons are locked so far in the end game

accurate bloodborne picks up alot in the very end, even without counting the dlc

>Sekiro is released and shits all over almost everything BB did.
I liked Sekiro but this isn't true at all.

Aside from aesthetic and lore, it kind of is.

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RPG mechanics serve as a way to engage the player to their character

Do elaborate on what it shat over then.

>game's turning point is the blood moon/paleblood sky descending on Yharnam which radically alters the city as reality begins to completely unravel
>is present for only one brief section which is designed to be linear with respawning enemies to encourage you to just run through it before you get transported to the a boring nightmare rock area with a normal moon, 2 underwhelming gimmick bosses, and no npc interaction

>More vertical and involved level design
>Much more non-linear world design, closer to Dark Souls 1
>More options in combat
>More aggressive and punishing combat
>Combat feels better
>Runs at 60 FPS
>Emma is cute
Don't get me wrong, BB is good, but Sekiro is literally the best game ever made.

False depths fixed some of that at least with the base game weapons, and a lot of the DLC weapons can be rushed right after Amelia.

Who wouldn't want to be optimized? BB is the best game ever made. Three things hinder it though, the Chalice Dungeons (especially having to repeat the story chalices on new characters), the absolutely Korean gem grind, and the tacked on RPG stat system without even any respecs.

A counterpoint: The Plain Doll

Here's my take. The fact that you're funneled into what is essentially the exact same combat loop with one weapon and one weapon art at any given time, the novelty of the tight combat wears off quick. In BB you had a diverse set of weapons, almost every single one was wholly unique, save for the two saws in the game. You also had hunter tools, which mixes things up. As a result of the tight progression and the unchanging combat loop, NG and even NG+ becomes significantly easier, whereas in BB it made the game much more challenging. Build variety doesn't exist. Sekiro's art direction was great for a nippon setting, but that setting to me was unappealing, I like european settings much more. The OSTs were also a step down in quality from BB's. It's a mixed bag for me.

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it means nothing if all the weapons available are the equivalent of a dex build and if they completely break the difficulty. Sekiro has the best difficulty curve of any soulsborne, no dumb "did I level up too much? Why is mergo's nurse such a dumb boss?"
Logarius is the best boss of base BB but if you're not in the right range it becomes a complete joke. You don't have this problem with Sekiro.

A man of taste.

Attached: Martyr_Logarius_Concept_Art.jpg (736x521, 40K)

> In BB you had a diverse set of weapons, almost every single one was wholly unique
Compared to builds in DaS, it's not even close. They're all meant to be played with a fast paced close/mid range style, it's the equivalent of playing a dex build roll only.

BB has fancy weapons but that doesn't make up for the loss of build specificities. Even if a poise build was boring, it was at least possible.

>He's never done an Arcane build
>He's never done a Bloodtinge build
>He's never done a Bloodtinge/Skill hybrid build
>He's never done a Bloodtinge/Arcane hybrid build

Attached: MicolashLaughter.png (542x520, 168K)

This. I think they learned their lesson with the tacked on RPG stats in BB when they designed Sekiro. All it does is lock you out of weapons, and in some cases out of one of the two forms of a given weapon (see BT build and Chikage). Limiting the player's choices is almost never a good idea. Plus, you're already forced into the Hunter class in the same way Sekiro is a Shinobi. There is no real reason for stat allocation, and making it standard like Sekiro allows for a tighter tuned experience.

>More vertical and involved level design
>Much more non-linear world design, closer to Dark Souls 1
Which don't matter much considering the exploration sucks ass and you're finding ceramic shards 90% of the time
>More options in combat
Stopped reading right here, you literally have one weapon and most skills/tools suck ass

Can't wait for the honeymoon phase for this game to pass, jesus christ

How cancer is pvp now that presumably a lot of people doing it are loaded up with 1% drop FRC heavy abyssals etc.?

Bloodborne PvP can be summed up in this one webm.

Attached: Average Bloodborne PvP Fight.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>Mikiri counter
>Combat arts
>Ninjitsu arts
>Three prosthetic tools at all times
>Grapple hook
>Double jumping to posture damage
Sekiro is From's most fleshed out combat system by a mile. Sounds like you got filtered by Chained Ogre.

My favorite build was Str/Blt

Pure chad

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This is fucking hilarious

Are you a fellow Chikage bro?

Yes, and I said most of those things are downright useless. All you need is to know how to deflect properly and mikiri counter/jump perilous attacks, if you're feeling cheesy you can whip out the firecrackers.
>Sounds like you got filtered by Chained Ogre
Nice try, but no.

Attached: seki.png (1166x93, 15K)

>>Mikiri counter
Essentially a parry, if it fill the posture fully into a critical.
>>Combat arts
1 at any given time though, doesn't feel nearly as distinct as having a 2nd weapon for example. You can't cycle through them during real time.
>>Ninjitsu arts
First few playthroughs, didn't find much use for them.
>>Three prosthetic tools at all times
Gimmicks that insert themselves into the combat, but provide brief firepower.
>>Grapple hook
>>Double jumping to posture damage
These are all nice.

But I feel having a roster of weapons to experiment on to be much more varied. It'll compel me to do more runs, and to test new dedicated builds.

Attached: amygdalan arm.png (1920x1080, 2.53M)

>tfw BLT/SKL with 20 ARC so I can shoot blood before unsheathing my blood

Also Rakuyo being pure SKL and not SKL/BLT with some special Marialike attacks with BLT scaling if you have the corruption rune equipped like with claws/ayy lmao made me disappointed tbqh.

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>didn't find much use for them.
You gotta be creative with them.

Attached: Snake Eyes Shirahagi 2.webm (1220x686, 2.96M)

It's not on pc so I don't give a fuck about it.

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>Combat arts
weapon arts
>Ninjitsu arts
literal shit and useless, needed to be free and not just backstab moves. Cooldown or limited charges would have been better.
>Three prosthetic tools at all times
magic/combat Items/trick weapons
>Grapple hook
press R2/LT when prompted, offers next to nothing in combat
in all of the games
in all of the games
in all of the games
in all of the games

I like the game, but the combat feels very limited at times as you are just a dude with a sword fight dudes with swords. They even gave the stupid Ape a sword for his second phase. DoH was my favorite fight, but Owl 2 and SS were pretty nice. Divine Dragon was neat as well and had the only standout track in the entire game. That is actually my biggest issue with Sekiro. The music is pretty lame and not rememberable, and I blame the Japanese themed music for that.

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stfu or put up retard

neither, they're both bad lists

*every single popular mainstream Sony or Nintendo console game
fixed that for you

Clearly these games aren't for you

Both lists are patrician.

I'm mainly a PC player, on my PS4 Slim it does have very noticeable frame drops.

>One more year until Bloodborne's 5th anniversary
>Sekiro's DLC developmen done, From is free
>tfw They release Bloodborne remastered and add a second DLC

>One more year until Bloodborne's 5th anniversary

Attached: Pepe_Clock.jpg (550x366, 60K)

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I like sekiro but you're overrating it horribly. The level design was mostly linear and the combat is pretty one dimensional once you get it down. It's easier and shorter than all the souls games too.

overrated soulshit

4 years felt like a few months ago

Attached: maria_cry.png (281x342, 117K)

>It's easier
Lmao, you wish.

it's probably a good game but i dropped it because i didn't have time to play it very often and it's not the kind of game you can pick up after long breaks

i wish i could just play video games and talk with my Yea Forums friends all day

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>too fast paced for 30fps
30 fps should've been a mark of shame and ineptitude by now, but it's still slower than most proper action games.

What are the main attack methods with those builds?

Brought a PS4 for it and borrowed a copy from a friend.
Amazing game, never finished it because of my crippling arachnophobia.

It is though. The only thing i died to on my last playthrough was getting knocked off a cliff by the stupid snake and o'rin fuckery.

honestly once I got past genichiro, who filtered the absolute fuck out of me, everything clicked
felt good downing bosses in under 8 tries

Pro tip: it isn't.

Did you do Owl 2?

Is that red peak for DS1 supposed to be sen's fortress? That was the last place I beat before my interest quickly declined. I got to anor londo or whatever the fuck that area is called but it was so baron to explore that I started playing ds3 instead.

better use that ps4 brag card to its fullest

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nice picture

30 FPS will always be inferior there is no denying that, but it's factually wrong that it's "too fast" for 30 FPS because no one has trouble finishing all content in the game with ease.

I want to ______ Maria!

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>nintegaf list
>appealing to masses
i know you are a nincel mutt

An Arcane build using Logarius' Wheel is fun.

Attached: Logarius' Wheel.webm (768x384, 2.89M)

I absolutely love this weapon.

Attached: logarius_executioner_2_by_timofeystepanov_dbow42c-fullview.jpg (1023x755, 63K)

I enjoyed the Alien stuff more because the Beast stuff wasn't as developed in terms of designs. When we got Ludwig-horse beast, I was pumped to shit cause it was new and interesting, then we got fish beast stuff and it was wicked but the Alien stuff is more varied with it's designs for bosses.

>sekiro babbies still forcing this narrative

Nice try PClards

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Attached: Bullying Maria.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

I think the image is extremely accurate except maybe bloodborne being a bit low, especially if you count the DLC which puts it above all fromsoft games in my opinion.

I'm hoping for a Blood and Bones game set in the Americas, a spiritual successor of Bloodborne. The game would be fucking sick lads.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-08 at 5.39.40 PM.png (852x844, 215K)

>yfw the rumors of a George RR martin collab ends up being true

I literally have no idea how I'd feel. Unlike most of chan I don't hate RR Martin, I think the novels are significantly better than the TV show and I enjoy a lot of his other work. However it still gives me a weird feeling imagining him collab with FROM on a game, part of me just wants them to do their own thing like usual.

>hides the userscore
>still lower than Bloodborne
>sekiro still BTFO

Cope PClard

Is this weapon fun to use?

Attached: Bloodletter_Thorned_&_Sticky.jpg (1920x1080, 435K)

That rumor can't be true. It just can't. From isn't that stupid.

>t. filtered by Chained Ogre

Completed the game along with every Soulsborne game. Cope PClard

Bloodborne > powergap > DS1 > Demon Souls > DS3 >= Sekiro > DS2

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>part of me just wants them to do their own thing like usual.
They honestly should. It's a pre-established setting. We know too much about it, and part of what makes the world building in soulsborne great is the mystery and intrigue.

Attached: 367116 bloodborne dress heels joshua_jin lady_maria_of_the_astral_clocktower pantyhose plai (3508x2480, 2.23M)

>They honestly should. It's a pre-established setting.

The rumor is their collab is a completely new IP and has no relation to previous franchises.

But i'm not a seething PClard who's still suicidal over missing out on Miyazaki's magnum opus

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Let's be honest, you have to have double digit IQ to believe that rumor for a second.

I don't "believe" it but I also wouldn't rule it out. Anything is possible in this current climate for video games, and Miyazaki and RR Martin do share a lot of the same interests so I think it's vaguely plausible.

I'm not believing shit until I see it though.

>Miyazaki's magnum opus
You called?

Attached: Sekiro Gank Squad.webm (960x538, 2.95M)

That's like 30 seconds into the game, mang.


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Yeah, it is a shame that they will never get Demon's Souls

Why are console war shitposting? Stop ruining the thread.

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For me, it's the wheel.

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Attached: The Champ.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

It's still funny seeing people SEETH 4 years later.

Enemies should not have HP in Sekiro and just have posture instead. If there ever is a Sekiro 2 or a Fromsoft game that uses this combat system I hope they ditch enemy health and only have the posture meter. HP only mattered in bosses like DoH and Ape. Corrupted Monk can be an HP boss, but it works either way.

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I love the fuck out of souls, but so far I'm disappointed by bloodborne. I'm not very far, I just beat gascoigne. Died like 30 times because I was still playing like souls. I got fed up so I just ran in and mashed and I honestly couldn't believe how effective it was. Is this what I can expect from the rest of the game? Just mash r1 and let rally do the rest?

>died 30 times to gascoigne

How does it feel to be worse than DSP (who also played that boss like a Dark Souls boss)? Nice try PClard

Still the best game ever made.

Attached: DSP Souls Difficulty Metric.png (1153x3787, 3.88M)

>getting meme'd into buying Dark Souls 3 on PC (already played it on PS4) because MUH FPS
>it's still shit even at highest settings 60fps
>go back to playing Bloodborne
And this is when I learned my lesson. Graphics and fps doesn't make a game good.

He afk farmed in Bloodborne after he got filtered by Amelia. Try watching the playthrough, he never had to do that for any of the other Souls games.

Also, he literally rage quitted Ludwig for 2 years straight, never happened to him with any other game. Also, by your own image, I take it Sekiro is easier than Dark Souls 3 etc because so far, he's at the final boss with 180 deaths

I was just too stubborn to get out of the habit of trying to read the enemy movements and look for openings. Turns out, his move set is irrelevant. Mash r1, dash when his arm twitches. Nothing more to it.

This is just me but I think Sekiro is definitely harder to learn the mechanics and ins and outs than souls games, but once you do it becomes easier than any souls game.

>I got fed up so I just ran in and mashed and I honestly couldn't believe how effective it was.
That is how I played all the games since DeS. Even used the same type of weapon, the Halberd. Instead of Rally, I'd just chug if I got hit. Sekiro made me hit R1/LB, but that is the only difference.

Mirdan Hammer
Hunter Axe but switch to Ludwig's Holy Blade part way thru
Well, I had to use a sword.

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>Is this what I can expect from the rest of the game? Just mash r1 and let rally do the rest?

No, it absolutely won't work on some bosses. Especially DLC.


>literally got filtered so hard by an early boss that he grinded off screen for hours
Bloodborne confirmed hardest Soulsborne game

Attached: 637.png (580x600, 500K)

Works on Maria.

DSP confirmed as /ourguy/.

Attached: DSP Dark Souls Backstabs.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

I disagree, Sekiro felt easier to me than Bloodborne. The fact that if you fuck up Deflects still doesn't really do anything but take your posture up abit (with thanks to the infinite stamina allows you to just run away and then hold blocks to quickly bring it back down) made it way to abusable for me. Never mind how broken firecrackers are or the fact that stealth + grappling hook triviliases every section of the game due to how easy you can just sprint through every area.

Not a single boss in Sekiro came close to filtering me except for maybe Owl 2 (even Ishiin took me under 5 tries). Contrast that to Bloodborne where I got filtered numerous times (especially by Ludwig).

Anyway, I don't see why this matters. Since when did Difficulty make a Soulsborne game the best. I unironically found Dark Souls 2 harder than Dark Souls 1 and I think DS2 is fucking trash. Bloodborne had the best balance of Enemies/Bosses/OST/Lore/Atmosphere/Weapons/Gameplay out of all the Soulsborne games.

Sekiro was decent to me but not memorable at all.

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>I think DS2 is fucking trash.

Attached: Based and redpilled.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)

>he's level 42 before the 3rd boss

Holy shit, lmfao.

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Bloodborne has damn near infinite stamina. Just removing it altogether was the logical next step.

>Bloodborne has damn near infinite stamina.
Doesn't though, so try again PClard

the DLC

>BL42 before the BSB

Attached: kek.jpg (800x533, 225K)

I don't get how souls 1 and 2 were hard. There’s just a methodical movement to everything, attacks are highly telegraphed, that makes things easily predictable. If anything, DaS3 and BB are the hardest games to date. But I guess, considering everyone becomes acclimatized to Souls and BB's aggression, DaS3 becomes much easier to deal with.

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unironically based and nearly perfect taste, i would just personally inverse your thoughts on the DS2 DLCs. Sunken>Ivory>Old Iron
but DS2 is so low anyway i dont care how anyone ranks the DLCs

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Not technically, but you can still manage like 10 attacks and still have enough to dodge even without upgrading. Compare that to souls where base stamina is like 4 attacks max if you don't dodge. Not to mention the recovery rates.

There is never not a Bloodborne thread on Yea Forums.
Feels good to be part of the masterpiece master race.

Respectable I like you user

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>Not to mention the recovery rates.

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>The fundamental problem is it's too fast paced for 30fps, which it can't even achieve most of the time.
Not a problem when you are poor and used to console garbage.

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There's a reason no one levels endurance in Bloodborne

>proving my point
Bloodborne effectively puts that on your back for free.

Reminds me of how he blatantly used the dupe glitch in Demon's Souls to reach over sl 90 just to beat Armor Spider and insisted that he leveled of without glitching even after getting called out and proven that it's literally impossible for him to level up that much without the glitch (keep in mind that he only beat 1-1 and 1-2 at that point so he didn't even have access to 4-2).
The fucking Armor Spider filtered DSP. Just let that sink in.

30 fps is legitimately this games only serious flaw.

Am I the only one who really liked most of the base game of Bloodborne?

I come back to this game every month since TOH released. Initially thought it was overhyped garbage, now it's my favorite game of this decade by far.

Attached: Bloodborne.webm (800x450, 2.93M)

Nope. I enjoyed the fuck out of the base game. The dips in quality was nowhere near as apparent as DaS1's latter half or DaS3's initial half.

this graph is fucken retarded


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So, mein gutten jaegers, I'm just about to start a Gratia cosplay run, without guns and tricky items (fire papers and shit). Going to pick only Kirkhammer and Fist and only health upgrades (ofc strength too, until I can equip kirk)

How fun will it be?

No guns just sounds tedious. Why do chip damage when you can cutscene attack?

Sounds based user. Gratia would be proud.

Attached: simple gratia.jpg (705x523, 30K)

>cutscene attack
so a parry/riposte like in any souls game?

Personally, if I was going to nitpick I would've used backstab as an example, but sure. At least shield/bare hand parry takes a little skill whereas gun parry is free.

Good luck with daddy Gasco.

>At least shield/bare hand parry takes a little skill whereas gun parry is free.
>this is what soulsfags believe
kekking in your direction
it requires 0 mastery, this isn't DMC
all it takes is to identifying the timings
a brainlet could figure it out
parries are unironically easy mode

Attached: EZ parries.webm (800x500, 2.86M)

Guns unironically ruins a solid part of fun in bb.

meant for you

Then don't use them?

never forget

>all it takes is to identify the timings
That's more than it takes in bloodborne. They flinch, you shoot. Repeatedly.

It takes awhile, things didn't really get interesting until fighting the abyss watchers. Before that is debatably the dullest beginning to any From game.

Moon scented Hunter

The moon presence name is flora

So the hunter smells like flora or has her blood

>They flinch, you shoot. Repeatedly.
Some enemies utilize delayed attacks that come out fast, like the kinappers and the sharkmen. So that's not really true.

extremely accurate aside from Sekiro being this high. whole line should be shifted down to above DS2

otherwise good job user

Reminder that DS2 is actually the spiritual successor to King's Field and is better than deep snooze 3
King's Field 2 is also better than the entire Souls series besides Demon's

I didn't on my recent run. I've got to forbidden woods and yeah, it was more funny to fight Gas and some werewolf fuckers without cutscene strikes.

Sounded good till you added the shitty weird non symmetrical conteoller into the mix

>The moon presence name is flora


Didn't you forget "and easy mode", my PC bro?;)

And souls has delayed attacks so we're right where we started.

still doesn't make it any less shallow than parrying in souls
though I think it's a neat mechanic, if you look at it as a means of giving extra dimensions in how you approach enemies

Attached: pontiff parry.webm (800x447, 1016K)

360 controller is better

Shut up, retard. The King's Field games are complete garbage.

Bloodborne has flaws but man are yours shit

Almost feel like a list from someone who didn't play the game

A special piece of dialogue, where she prays for your well-being.

Attached: o flora, of the moon, of the dream.webm (854x480, 2.84M)

>Almost feel like a list from someone who didn't play the game
because it's pasta from months prior
how new are you to BB threads?

There is some dialogue where the doll says "flora of the moon"

When she says Flora of the Moon it's a little unclear in English, but the Japanese version makes it quite clear that Flora is a name. Most likely Flora is the true name of the Moon Presence. The Doll is praying to it to try and let the Hunter be released and live happily ever after

>one of the most kino fights in the game
>devs nerf the shit out of the boss

What's garbage about them, not hardcore enough for you?

The 2D spiritual successor looks pretty good, too. They even got the Secret of Mana composer on board.

Attached: hunt the night.png (680x565, 328K)

Been lurking for a while but I'm not up to date with all the shitposting.

nigger, imagine being have to watch a movie in 320p when it could've been 1080p instead.

She reminds me of Gwyn a lot, both are parry dolls. Best way to experience her fight is to just dodge. It feels like a dance.
On low BL runs though, she's a pain.

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If by "extra dimension" you mean as opposed to stunlocking 90% of the game, then I agree. Also, fuck ds3, it reeks of bloodborne roll spam.

what a scrub kek

what is this

It's in the file name. Hunt the Night.

Speaking of him, i had some (i.e a lot) trouble fighting him, am i totally worthless? Should i drop BB?

>top 10

Attached: 12b.png (1199x630, 1.19M)

Now, this is pretty interesting stuff. What if next time I choose my name as Flora? Will I got the secret ending?

Was Flora the name of previous huntress that has became a squid after defeating previous MP?

Fuck no. Keep going.

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They're all basically janky Ultima Underworld rip-offs

oh, indie pixelshit. nevermind.

>still farming those stupid arcane gems
it's not worth it to minmax kos parasite isn't it?

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Makes me laugh every time. Along with the retarded fags who always reply. I love bloodborne but you guys are fucking easy to bait.

Flora is the name of the Moon Presence.

Attached: Sailor Moon Presence.png (500x1000, 279K)

Ahh, have you finally awaken?

Attached: Shrouded-in-Sanity-4.jpg (1920x1080, 136K)

Try to get parries, when he drops his sword on the ground, destroy it asap

Holy shit, what's this.

Shrouded in Sanity
there's also Usurper, but it's total shit

But no one has ever seethed over it

I need a bit of that BB fix.

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The kin and the darkbeasts are the ultimate forms of evolution without ascending. The kin are the final result of pursuing insight to the exclusion of everything. While the darkbeasts are the final result of pursuing blood to the exclusion of everything. The hunter has both the blood to reinforce the body, and the insight to elevate the mind. Without one or the other failure will happen. Either there will be too much physical power without sufficient insight to control it, or too much knowledge without a physical form sturdy enough to contain it, resulting in the victim melting into the gelatinous form of the kin. The hunter has both, as well as the blessing of a great one. (The moon presence) that is why we can ascend where all others failed.

COPE, The Last of Us & other Sony games were on the list, people simply didn't vote for them because they suck. Also Shadow of the Colossus is in the top 30 so you fucking faggots have no right to complain

Don't be expecting too much, it's goddamn short. Although, it have top atmosphere. Sad that dev went full retard and turned good potential into shitty and clunky metroidvania and even worst top-down shooter.

Hunt the night won't be out until 2020, unless it does well enough on KS.

I did kill him after an hour or so and what's funny is that i barely used any vials. Was around lvl 62, was i overleveled? Also i really love BoM, so fun to use.

You were a bit over the level range people usually do him but nothing to be ashamed about

>sell all the insight
>still haven't become a spooky boi
>still haven't started to shit thunder and lightnings

Wtf bro?

Attached: 1554632878858-v.jpg (1023x669, 335K)

>pathetically stole everything from the west as always
>newfags think it's "kino"

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>was i overleveled?
Kinda. Also, yea BoM is fun as hell.

Attached: BoM.webm (640x360, 2.5M)

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The whole framework of these transformations as "ascension" or evolution is misguided, that's kind of the point. They are both symptoms of stagnation of one form or another, sicknesses resulting from something inherently wrong. A Shinto/Buddhist reading of the metaphysics is central, while the Lovecraftian trappings inform the aesthetic.

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>what is inspiration?

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>Botherhood of the wolf invented tricornes
Not to mention what a garbage movie holy shit.

>what is lack of ideas, lack of imagination and willing to follow the west trends instead of creating your own

That's why Sekiro is leagues ahead of all their previous works. Because it's actual true Japanese Kino.

Attached: Monica-Belluci_Reel-Honey.jpg (1280x720, 192K)

Crap, i hate doing that thought i was ok since the wiki's recommended level was 60-80. Oh well, i guess i just have to git gud.

>Le pacte des loups
fucking kino

>Because it's actual true Japanese Kino.
wow, because wooden pagodas are truly kino and unique

>i like BB but its a fucking terrible rpg, theres literally like 2 builds and thats it.

If you cap yourself at BL142 so you can still invade BL120's, then there are like six effective builds

Strength + Arcane
Strength + Bloodtinge
Strength + Skill
Skill + Arcane
Skill + Bloodtinge

if you cap yourself at 120, then it's mostly skill builds that dominate.

Western faggots won't understand the beauty of Japan, beauty of ten thousand folded katana, beauty of shinobi and samurai.

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That's not DMCV but good try OP

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>Some of the costumes are based on real clothing
Holy shit that's some serious infringement. I guess everyone should stop saying what makes Souls great is how none of the costumes were inspired by anything

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I've been wanting to ask, if i don't care about online (at all, no PvP and no Co-op) should i cap my level? Or are there other reasons for it?

*Throw a pizza outside the thread*

>>what is lack of ideas, lack of imagination and willing to follow the west trends instead of creating your own
>That's why Sekiro is leagues ahead of all their previous works. Because it's actual true Japanese Kino.
The irony in this post.

>Steel is harder than lead
Holy shit, since when?

I want a cute choir gf.

Attached: Choir.girl.jpg (800x1457, 274K)

>Not using tungsten bullets.

She'll suck your blood dry

If you only care about PVE and chalice dungeons, then go crazy. Most people cap their level simply because of diminishing returns past 50 in most stats (40 for Endurance). Arcane is the only stat that gets better after 50 because the hunter's tools have crazy scaling. Vitality is also worth pumping to 99, but all the other stats may as well be capped.

>still clinging on to this game
and i thought melee community was cancer

Why do people keep calling BB the greatest game ever made? It's just another souls game. It's very good don't get me wrong, but almost every critic you can make regarding DS you can also make regarding BB. And before someone starts yes I played it, I finished it and the DLC multiple times.

What are you talking about? Who's "clinging" onto anything? We've had multiple BB threads that have went past the bump limit in these few days. People clearly still care about this game.

Attached: ..Plain-Doll.jpg (750x800, 537K)

it still amazes me people find gothic as "new" and "innovative" art-style
i think zoomers never played castlevania
god i feel old as fuck

>makes a thread about it
idk you tell me

rehash of a rehash that's not even good enough to get a direct sequel. Baby's first troll game and nothing more.


why don't you go and shitpost the autistic dmc thread you mongoloid turd eater?

Worked for nintendo.

Oh ok great, thanks user.

Attached: Blacksky eye.jpg (1000x601, 389K)

>absolutely seething that people want to talk about videogames on Yea Forums

I wonder if you could put your dick in there

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>30 fps is legitimately this games only serious flaw.
>Can't mass delete shit runes
>Bloodtinge doesn't raise QS bullet limit or the number of blood bullets you get
>Arcane builds highly reliant on runes and hunter's tools, but you don't get any good ones until endgame
>Weapon Durability shouldn't exist
>Quicksilver bullets and blood vials aren't automatically added to your inventory (Thank god Sekiro lets you vacuum consumables)
>Farming for chalice dungeon materials is tedious.

I forgot the biggest flaw
>Can't punish gunspam

>>Can't mass delete shit runes
>>Bloodtinge doesn't raise QS bullet limit or the number of blood bullets you get
runes exist for it
>>Arcane builds highly reliant on runes and hunter's tools, but you don't get any good ones until endgame
>>Weapon Durability shouldn't exist
not even a problem
>>Quicksilver bullets and blood vials aren't automatically added to your inventory (Thank god Sekiro lets you vacuum consumables)
>>Farming for chalice dungeon materials is tedious.
>>Can't punish gunspam
shields and lead elixir exist


>Why do people keep calling BB the greatest game ever made? It's just another souls game. It's very good don't get me wrong, but almost every critic you can make regarding DS you can also make regarding BB. And before someone starts yes I played it, I finished it and the DLC multiple times.
It's the only game on PS4.
But no one cares about it anyway, the most popular games on PS4 are multiplats and dudebro sports games.

shields can negate gun spam
lead elixir too

>But no one cares about it anyway, the most popular games on PS4 are multiplats and dudebro sports games.

>1. Nier: Automata
>2. Mass Effect: Andromeda
>3. Overwatch
>4. Sniper Elite 4
>5. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
>6. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
>8. Torment: Tides of Numenera
>9. Grand Theft Auto V
>10. Outlast 2

There's only 1 game in that list that isn't multiplat.


PC was never holding any games, retard.
The only "exclusives" are strategic games because brainlet console kiddies can't play with with their toy sticks anyway.

That's the whole point, exclusive games are the only reason you could possibly want a console, without them a pc is objectively superior

7 was DOTA 2.

Is it? Can I, using Linux, run NieR Automat as easily as I can on PS4?