>Game punishes you hard for dying because difficulty in Souls Games became a meme
>You can't take your time learning the mechanics and experimenting with them
Dark Souls was way more fun.
Game punishes you hard for dying because difficulty in Souls Games became a meme
Yeah you can, if you want to just learn don't attack and just focus on defense. Most people die in this game because they try to commit to an offensive action at the wrong time and aren't paying attention to what the enemies are doing
>Game punishes you hard for dying
In what way
Guessing dragonrot?
If you're referring to Dragonrot, its nothing. It can't kill NPCs and you can heal everyone with it in one go at any time. Just ignore it.
The problem with that is the way combat works, if you don't maintain pressure, they just regain posture and you never get anywhere. Personally I'm enjoying this game (I'm not OP), but it does seem like a slight flaw in the system, to be a lot less forgiving than similar games as far as combat goes, but also have higher penalties for death.
I'm stuck at chained ogre dude or whatever, the second(?) boss in the game. My attacks seem to do very little, and the only way I've been able to get a stab at him is to use the fire weapon over and over, but by the time he's stunned enough I'm nearly out of spirit thingies.
Did anyone try to kill the immortal training guy after getting the mortal blade?
Maybe 50% cut to your resources?
The thing is with mobility being so high in this game they probably removed the blood pools because retrieving them would be trivial.
Dragonrot just stops progress of quests for that NPC. Literally nothing.
There's a training dummy and you can potentially have multiple revives
You just get an item that lets you kill yourself as many times as you want
You can, he'll ask you to. The reward was kinda weak iirc though.
Yes, it's part of his quest dumb dumb
Skill experience loss is also negligible and easily grinded in more than 50% of the game, only becoming a bit annoying in the late areas of the game as the EXP gain is adaptive.
Money loss is easily solved by purchasing coin purses whenever possible if you have nothing to spend money on at the time, because the 10% markup is also negligible, and some merchants have an infinite stock of them.
Posture recovers a lot more slowly the more their vitality is damaged, to a point where they cant recover. Pretty much every boss youre gonna have to damage vit before you can build enough posture meter on them, even if youre constantly aggressive.
The game wants you to explore more, there are prosthetics that help you during these ventures.
Trying to find a window to use the homeward idol is a skill in itself.
There is no punishment for dying.
You do not lose acquired skillpoints. Turn your gold into gold sacks. Dragonrot does nothing
Did you even read the tutorial popup for Butterfly?
Also people say "lol just stand there and parry everything dude" which is not always the best way to approach a fight
Also you're not far enough in the game to be expressing any opinions to begin with
But that doesn't really matter if the point is to learn a boss, you shouldn't care about beating it if all you want is to to take the time to learn it's moves.
I've only been interrupted it one or two times, I even used it in the water when I was getting lightning spammed in fountainhead
For all other occasions where you might be fucked, just exit to title screen and continue. Ain't worth it to lose that sweet sweet exp.
The reward for every quest is weak, it completely deflates dragonrot's threat after you realize that.
>you waste your time learning mechanics and experimenting with them
>deflect/dodge, hit, hit, repeat is the most efficient play style until a boss is under 50% HP which is where hit, hit, hit, deflect, deflect, hit, hit, hit, jump stun or mikiri is the most effect play style
>shinobi firecrackers and shield are the only useful tools across the game
>only three good combat arts
>divine confetti is the only useful item
>the lightning reversal is cool but used so infrequently you have to go out of your way to get hit by lightning just to use it
Do I smell a journo?
Hold the run button.
Run circles around the ogre.
Whenever the ogre misses you, step in and hold the attack button for a charged attack. Then run off and keep running circles until the ogre misses again.
You don't need to worry about the ogre's posture. You don't need to be up on his ass 100% of the time. Just be careful.
Theres an npc you can train with near your home shrine.
Losing half your skill points is pretty lame. Some minibosses you can run away from after a resurrection but others lock you in and leave you no way out. The homeward idol has such a long cast time that it's basically useless in a boss or mini boss battle.
Prayer beads are basically the equivalent of leveling vit/stamina in a souls game, and memories are the equivalent of leveling strength or dex.
Most NPC sidequests have nice upgrade materials, and some of them hand out carp scales, which are needed to buy lazulite from the barrel bro. The game is balanced well.
You're probably the same type of person that says BotW is "pointless" to explore and has no rewards just because it doesn't have a leveling system
You dont lose skillpoints. If you for example have 2,5 bars of skillpoints you can only lose the 0,5 of it.
Once you have a full skillpoint you can not ever lose it even if you dont spend it
Quit to title screen if you've already used your first resurrection during a mini-boss. I actually "died" maybe 15 times in this game and that was fighting the really hard bosses where I was determined to keep going despite not having an extra res.
It's literally not even a thing. It sucks a little bit early on, though. The EXP loss is only from your bar and not from the levels you've gained. Gold is almost useless, so don't worry about it. You can sell all the crap you pick up and get more than enough for any purchase.
There's a prosthetic skill that allows you to make a follow up attack on that flame thrower with your sword, which also ignites your sword and gives you a massive flame boner.
The flame boner kills the ogre very quickly.
you literally have 2 lives or more
if you play safe you can only loose exp and gold on bosses
Fuck that's a good idea. Thanks for the tip, I can't believe I never thought of it.
>cheating outside of speedruns
Big guys you usually don't want to be THAT aggressive with (wait until you get to RApe or Dragon, for instance). Play defensively with these guys, with an emphasis on avoidance if they're particularly grab happy like Ogre.
I only knew about it because I watched vaati's video on beginner tips, I normally hate the guy but it was a really helpful video t b h
>wanting to lose exp and be forced to do monotonous grinding
>turn your gold into gold sacks
How do I avoid Isshin's fucking lighting attack. It's the only thing keeping me from beating this game
Mid-air deflect.
jump, block, attack and shoot the lightning back at him.
Jump and RB
Throw it back at him.
Buy the gold purses at vendors.
Thanks, lads. For some reason when Genichiro did it, just jumping at him and attacking did the trick.
None of the quests affected by dragonrot give those rewards though. NPC quests exclusively give garbage consumable items like the all-in-one mibu balloon or the pink jizo statue. Getting dragon rot and being prevented from progressing quests does not affect any ability to get upgrade mats or carp scales.
Lightning reversal basically exists to make that fight go by faster since it's free damage. The most dangerous part of his fight is the second phase if you fail to prevent him from pulling out the spear.
>if you don't maintain pressure, they just regain posture
Depends on the boss. There are bosses who don't recover it, so guarding and deflecting everything they got is the easy way to beat them. There are 3 types of bosses in the game:
A)Tenchu boss, where you guard most everything they got, then look for an opening to exploit. Usually its either after their combo, or by you triggering some kind of ability by hitting them 2 times. You have to whittle down their hp so their posture stops regenerating. (example: Genichiro, Lady Butterfly, Isshin)
B)Posture boss, boss where you only care about posture, either because they take no health damage or because they're way too fast for you to retaliate (giant centipede dude, Jinzuke Saze).
C) Souls boss, where you primarily run around the boss in circles, avoiding everything they got, then to rush them down when they present an opening (example: Chained Ogre, Guardian Ape)
Some bosses are a mix of these archetypes, for example Bull is type-C but you can deflect its bull-rush as an additional tactic. Also for 98% of the bosses in the game, your tools are like megaman abilities with each boss having a weakness to one of them.
Correction, I forgot that Doujun can get dragonrot and that can prevent you from getting lumps of grave wax, but that's a non-unique non-limited upgrade material anyway.
Guardian Ape isn't really a souls boss. You can deflect all his attacks except grabs and do posture damage. The jump stomp works on him too.
When he goes headless and starts using the sword deflection is even better since when he does the super hop you can use the spear to pull out the centipede from his neck and do tons of posture damage.
>>You can't take your time learning the mechanics and experimenting with them
There's a dude in the starting area who you can train with
Yea but his attacks are so chaotic with grabs mixed in that its much easier to just Souls it. You fight Fury Demon and first form of Ape pretty much the same way you fought something like the poison dragon boss in DS2. You're right about 2nd form though, then it turns into type A.
>every finishing move is the same fucking stabbing animation
>Doesn't know about other stealth kills than behind an enemy.
His attacks really aren't chaotic. Guardian Ape has the biggest tells and animation loops in the game for main bosses. It isn't until like NG+4 that you have to start just running around him because he does too much damage to your posture to deflect.
Also, in Ape mode he's ruined by the flame tool, especially if you have the prosthetic skill that lets you follow up by coating your sword in the weapon element.
every finishing animation is a stab you fag
>he didn't get the chop slash finisher
fufufuing at your dishonor
I only saw one chop slash finisher vs Isshin (and dogs), how the fuck do you get other finishers?
I think you get a throat slit on wall hug finishers, but there's only opportunities to get like three of those in the whole game.
>not quitting the game and restarting when you die so you can just revive back at the Buddha statue
Shadows Never Die, bitch,
This dude reminds me of fighting laurence in BB. Not fun, no deflecting. Massive health pool. Might actually just cheat engine this.
Also I'm short one lapis lazuli for the flame vent which would help a lot, but the demon drops the last two lapis I haven't gotten yet :/
Lazuli flame vent isn't really worth it, even if it is stylish as hell.
If you've been paying attention, you should know who the Demon of Hatred really is, which hints at the prosthetic tool that's really effective. Not to mention the fire umbrella if you want a defensive option.
Purple vent doesn't do bonus damage to him, the best tool for the fight is the flame umbrella.
Who gives a shit you pissy little tit.
I agree. I don't like Sekiro but I appreciate it.
I just have no drive to finish it and I only just beat Lady Butterfly.
Its just not as good as Soulsborne
Everyone who has half a bit of soul left in him.
>You can't take your time learning the mechanics and experimenting with them
-rest at a shrine
-attack nearby enemies
-if you die, revive and run back to the shrine
-if successful, run back to the shrine
It's called grinding, I know you zoomies are new to this whole thing and want your entire game spoonfed to you through achievements or microtransactions, but this is how we learned shit back in our day.
>no deflecting
just stand at his feet manually dodging his stomps, then deflect when he swings his arms. you won't be lit on fire. his grab can be jumped over and the timing is really forgiving. when he jumps high run and then grapple asap when he hits the ground. when he jumps/charges away from you then immediately start chasing after him and you won't get hit by his fireballs. if you're close enough you can easily sidestep his big overhand swing and if you're too far you can jump over the flames.
I posture break him every time. idk why fags keep saying durrrr its dark souls boss bc I fought him like every other boss and I beat it on my 4th try. be aggressive. he'll let you hit him 10 times in a row sometimes.